Lesson Plan Advertising

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Lesson Plan: Introduction and Overview of Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC)

Duration: 1 hour

Target Audience: University students studying marketing or related disciplines.

Learning Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

1. Define Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) and explain its significance.

2. Understand the components and elements of IMC.
3. Recognize the benefits of implementing IMC in marketing campaigns.
4. Identify real-world examples of successful IMC strategies.

 Projector or whiteboard
 PowerPoint presentation
 Handouts with key concepts and examples

Introduction (5 minutes):

 Greet students and briefly introduce the topic of the day: Integrated Marketing
Communication (IMC).
 Highlight the importance of effective communication in marketing.
 Share a relatable anecdote that emphasizes the impact of IMC on consumer perceptions and
brand consistency.

Definition and Importance of IMC (10 minutes):

 Define Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) as a strategic approach that coordinates

various promotional tools and communication channels to deliver a unified and consistent
message to the target audience.
 Discuss the significance of IMC in creating a seamless brand experience and enhancing
customer engagement.
 Use examples to illustrate how disjointed marketing efforts can lead to confusion and diluted

Components of IMC (15 minutes):

 Break down the key components of IMC

o Advertising: Explain how paid promotional messages are delivered through various
media channels, such as television, radio, print, and digital platforms.
o Public Relations (PR): Describe the role of PR in managing a company's public image,
handling crises, and building relationships with stakeholders.
o Sales Promotion: Discuss the use of short-term incentives to encourage immediate
purchase, such as discounts, coupons, contests, and loyalty programs.
o Direct Marketing: Explain personalized communication directly with individual
customers through channels like email, direct mail, and telemarketing.
o Personal Selling: Describe the process of one-on-one interactions between sales
representatives and potential customers.
 Explain how these components work together to create a cohesive marketing strategy
 Use real world examples to illustrate the integration of these components
Elements of IMC (10 minutes):

Discuss key elements that contribute to successful IMC:

o Consistency: Emphasize the importance of delivering a consistent message across all

communication channels to reinforce brand identity.
o Coordination: Explain how different marketing activities should work together
seamlessly to enhance the overall impact.
o Customer-Centric Approach: Highlight the need to tailor messages to the
preferences and needs of the target audience.

Benefits of IMC (10 minutes):

 Outline the advantages of implementing IMC in marketing campaigns:

o Improved brand recognition and recall.
o Enhanced customer trust and loyalty.
o Increased marketing ROI through synergistic efforts.
o Clearer and more impactful messaging.

Real-World Examples (10 minutes):

 Share case studies of companies that have successfully utilized IMC strategies to achieve their
marketing goals. These examples could include brands like Apple, Coca-Cola, or Nike.
 Analyze how these companies integrated different communication channels to create a
cohesive and memorable brand experience.

Q&A and Discussion (5 minutes):

 Encourage students to ask questions or share their thoughts on IMC and its relevance.
 Facilitate a brief discussion on potential challenges and considerations when implementing

Conclusion (5 minutes):

 Summarize the main points covered during the lesson.

 Emphasize the role of IMC in modern marketing strategies and its impact on building strong
brand identities and customer relationships.


Dissertation: Define integrated marketing communication & explain what IMC contributes to
brand communication

- Define advertising and its role in marketing.
- Discuss the objectives of advertising
- provide examples of various types of advertising (print, digital, broadcast, outdoor, etc.).
- Highlight the historical evolution of advertising.
Research: Ask students to research and identify a recent example of a company that has
effectively used integrated marketing communication. They should provide a brief analysis of the
strategies employed and the outcomes achieved.

 Evaluate students' understanding through participation in discussions, questions asked, and
completion of the homework assignment.

Target audience
- Unique Selling Proposition (USP)
- Branding
- Creative execution
- Media planning and buying
- Explain the importance of identifying and appealing to a target audience.
- Discuss the role of creativity in advertising

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