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mo engleză

Clasa a V-a
Sandy Zervas, Catherine Bright, Jayne Croxford, Graham Fruen
Acest manual este proprietatea Ministerului Educației.
Acest proiect de manual școlar este realizat în conformitate cu
Programa școlară aprobată prin Ordinul ministrului educației
naționale nr. 3393 / 28.02.2017.

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Lim rnă 1
d e
mo engleză

Clasa a V-a
Sandy Zervas, Catherine Bright, Jayne Croxford, Graham Fruen
Manualul școlar a fost aprobat de Ministerul Educației prin ordinul de ministru nr.
Manualul este distribuit elevilor în mod gratuit, atât în format tipărit, cât și în format digital, și este transmisibil timp de patru ani
școlari, începând din anul școlar 2022–2023.
Inspectoratul Școlar


Anul Numele elevului Clasa Anul școlar Aspectul manualului*
format tipărit format digital
la primire la predare la primire la predare

* Pentru precizarea aspectului manualului se va folosi unul dintre următorii termeni: nou, bun, îngrijit, neîngrijit, deteriorat.
* Cadrele didactice vor verifica dacă informațiile înscrise în tabelul de mai sus sunt corecte.
* Elevii nu vor face niciun fel de însemnări pe manual.

Profesor universitar doctor Teodora Iordăchescu – Departamentul de filologie, Facultatea de Istorie și Filologie,
Universitatea „1 Decembrie 1918”, Alba-Iulia
Profesor gradul I Laura Larisa Popa – Școala gimnazială „Axente Sever”, Aiud

Limba modernă 1 – Limba engleză

Clasa a V-a

Autori: Sandy Zervas, Catherine Bright, Jayne Croxford, Graham Fruen

Coordonator editorial: Mariela Spasova
Redactori: Elena Stareva, Ioana Adam
Tehnoredactor: Svetlana Koeva
Ilustrații: Joanna Berna, Anna Hancock, Stuart Holmes, Adam Linley, Keri Green, Jim Peacock, Alan Rowe, Dardenelle Studios

ISBN 978-619-7073-56-0

Manualul este rezultatul colaborării dintre Pearson și Excellent English Education.

Prelucrare după: Wider World Starter Student’s Book, Wider World Starter Workbook,
GoGetter 2 Student’s Book © Pearson Education 2019

Ediție publicată sub licență. Ediția originală a fost publicată pentru prima dată în 2019 de Pearson Education Limited.
Ediție originală © Pearson Education Limited 2019
Ediție românească © Excellent English Education 2022
Distribuit exclusiv de Excellent English Education, un imprint al S.A.N.-PRO

Toate drepturile asupra acestei lucrări sunt rezervate editurii Pearson Education Limited. Nicio parte a acestei lucrări nu poate
fi reprodusă, stocată ori transmisă, sub nicio formă (electronic, mecanic, fotocopiere, înregistrare sau altfel), fără acordul
prealabil scris al editurii Pearson Education Limited si S.A.N.-PRO.
Limba modernă 1
Limba engleză
Clasa a V-a

Printed Student’s Book + Digital Student’s Book (consistent with the printed version)
Manualul în varianta tipărită + Manualul în varianta digitală (conformă cu varianta tipărită)
• Eight units plus a Starter unit • Opt unități plus o unitate introductivă
• Clear lesson objectives (I can…) • Obiective clare pentru fiecare lecție (I can…)
• Thorough vocabulary learning programme with • Abordare detaliată a vocabularului, însoțită de prezentări
motivating presentations and helpful vocabulary sets motivante și seturi de cuvinte pentru facilitare
• Three types of grammar modelling (video drama, • Trei tipuri de încorporare a elementelor de gramatică
grammar animation and comic strip) providing (dramatizare video, animații și benzi desenate) care
meaningful context in grammar lessons furnizează contexte relevante pentru lecțiile de gramatică
• Separate skills lessons that also provide a step-by-step • Lecții separate dedicate fiecărei abilități, care propun o
approach abordare de tip pas-cu-pas
• Communication lessons using video or audio modelled • Lecții de comunicare care utilizează dialoguri audio sau
dialogues video dedicate
• Reading and Speaking lessons with engaging and age- • Lecții de Reading and Speaking cu texte antrenante și
appropriate texts in different genres adecvate vârstei, din diverse genuri
• Listening and Writing lessons with listening • Lecții de Listening and Writing care cuprind activități de
comprehension activities and clear writing models înțelegere și modele clare de redactare
• Revision/Self-Check with Self-Assessment tool after • Secțiuni de Recapitulare și Autoevaluare după fiecare
every unit unitate
• Culture lessons with videos plus related projects • Lecții care ilustrează elemente de specific cultural însoțite
• Mid-Year and End-of-Year Tests for cumulative de suport video plus proiecte relevante
assessment • Evaluare intermediară și sumativă
• Additional CLIL lesson for every unit at the back of the • Lecții CLIL pentru fiecare unitate, adăugate la finalul
Student’s Book manualului
• Wordlist • Listă de cuvinte

The digital book contains the following types of activities /

Manualul digital conţine următoarele tipuri de activităţi:

Animated activity / Static activity / Activitate statică

Activitate animată Listening and studying a significant image
Video/animation / / ascultarea și observarea a unei imagini
Table of contents / Cuprins film/animație semnificative
Help section /
Secțiunea Ajutor or you



Having a guest


I can ask for something and ask where something is. FO
3 Circle the correct answer.

Full screen display mode /

0 There isn’t / aren’t a cat in the garden.
Where’s the bathroom? 1 Look at the pictures and the letters. Label the 1 There is / are three books on the desk.
3 2 There isn’t a pen / any pens in my bag.

Mod de ecran complet 1

2 3 There isn’t / aren’t any chairs in the
4 There is / are a book on the desk.
5 There are / aren’t any plants in the living
A /5

Automatic switching display m

p l a

0 lamp 1
m i r
a h a
4 Complete the dialogues with one word in
each gap.
1 A: 0Is there a television in the kitchen?

mode / Mod de afișare Jen: Hi! Here are your books.

Jen: This is yummy!
Lucas: Erm … Jen? There’s
Lucas: Is your T-shirt OK?
B: No, there 1
2 A: 2

the wall?
there 3 posters on
Jen: Not really. But

comutare automată
Lucas: Thanks, Jen. Please, come in. ketchup on your T-shirt.
I’d like another B: No, there 4 .
Would you like a sandwich? Jen: Oh, no! Where’s the
sandwich, please! 3 A: Is there 5 computer in your
Jen: Yes, please. I’m really hungry. bathroom, please? u c n
Lucas: It’s upstairs. Let me r a g bedroom?
h s i o f s a o g B: Yes, there is.
show you. a e
A /5
3 4 5

Digital responsive display 1 Watch or listen, then read the video

extract. Whose house is it? Circle the
correct answer.
4 Circle the best answer.
1 A: Hello, Maria. Please come in. Grammar
A /5

Put the sentences in the dialogue in

mode / Mod de afișare digital

B: a Yes, please. the correct order.
a Jen’s b Lian’s c Lucas’ b Thank you. 2 Look at the pictures. Circle the correct word. a It’s in the living room. Let me show you.
c Let me show you. b No, thank you. Where’s your new
2 Listen and repeat.
2 A: Would you like an ice cream?

responsive Communication Having a guest

A: Hello. Please, come in.

B: a Come in.
b It’s in the fridge.
c Yes, please.
Oh wow! Cool!
Hi! Please come in.
B: Thank you. 3 A: Where’s the bathroom? f Would you like a drink?
A: Would you like a sandwich? B: a Please come in. A /5

Book (2 pages) display

B: Yes, please. / No, thank you. b Let me show you.
Your total score A /25
A: Where’s the bathroom, please? c It’s next to the bed.
B: It’s next to the living room. The mouse is 0 in / on the 1bathroom / bedroom. SELF-ASSESSMENT Think about this unit.
Let me show you. 5 Write dialogues. Then act them out in pairs. What did you learn? What do you need

mode / Mod de afișare 2 pagini

It’s 2under / on the desk.
1 A: Hi/come in B: thank help with?
Hi. Please, come in. Thank you. 2.1 I can talk about my house.
3 Match 1–3 to a–c. Then act out the
2 A: like/a cupcake? B: no/thank 2.2 I can use there is / there are and
dialogues in pairs.

(tip carte) 1
A: Would you like a biscuit?
A: Where’s the kitchen, please?
A: Where’s my jacket, please?
3 A: like/an apple?
4 A: where/the bathroom?
B: yes
B: let me show
prepositions of place.
2.3 I can use the negative and question
forms of there is / there are.
2.4 I can ask for something and ask
where something is.
a B: Let me show you.
6 You have a guest from another And 2.5 I can understand a text about a
b B: It’s on the chair, next to the sofa.

Wide page display mode (page c B: Yes, please.

planet. In pairs, write dialogues.
Make them funny or crazy! Then
act them out in class.
YOU This is the 3kitchen / living room. The mouse is
4in / next to the 5fridge / door.
house and talk about household
2.6 I can understand and write short
A: Hello, Zizzy! Please, come in.

by page) / Mod de afișare

A /5 texts about rooms is a house.
Would you like a chair?
34 B: Yes, please. I’m really hungry! 37

pagină lată (pagină sub

pagină) Interactive activity / Activitate
Notes button / Butonul Notițe previous page / next page / interactivă
pagina pagina Exercise with immediate feedback /
precedentă următoare exercițiu cu feedback imediat
Coursebook tour / Instrucțiuni de utilizare a manualului

Clear summary of language Clear objectives Key vocabulary is organised in boxes for easy Varied practice activities,
and video content for the at the beginning reference and memorisation and recorded for including listening, help students
unit. / Sumarizare clară a of each lesson. / students to listen and repeat. / Vocabularul cheie remember new vocabulary. /
elementelor de limbă și a Obiective clare la este organizat în segmente separate pentru Activități de exersare variate,
conținutului video pentru începutul fiecărei identificare facilă și memorizare și înregistrat care includ exerciții de ascultare
fiecare unitate. lecții. pentru ca elevii să poată asculta și repeta. și care îi ajută pe elevi să-și
amintească vocabularul nou.

4 4.1 VOCABULARY Action verbs

I can understand and use action verbs.
2 Listen and repeat. Then find the items
in the Vocabulary box which are NOT in the
photos on page 50.

Vocabulary Action verbs

5 Which actions are in the picture? Tick (✓) for
yes or put a cross (✗) for no.
Group and pairwork
1 Find these actions in the photos.
THINGS I dance draw fix jump ride run swim
act cook dance draw fix fly jump
read ride run sing swim write
exchange of
CAN DO real information
3 Label the illustrations with words from the
TOPICS Vocabulary box. and opinions.
• Spare time

/ Activitățile pe
• Action verbs
• Collocations with make, play and ride
grupe sau în
• Language

perechi încurajează
• Can affirmative, negative, questions,
short answers
1 cook 2
schimbul de
Grammar: I can fix it!
informații autentice
și de opinii.
1 ✓ swim 5 draw
3 4 2 dance 6 fix
Grammar animation: 3 read 7 ride
Can affirmative, negative 4 jump 8 fly
Can questions, short answers
6 Work in pairs. Look at the picture in Exercise 5.
Mime actions for your partner to guess!

7 In pairs, complete the groups of words.

5 6 1 Things we do at school: read, write, draw Vocabulary
2 Things actors do:
Can I borrow your trainers? 3 Things we do at home: consolidation based
4 Listen and circle the correct word. 4 Things we do for sport:
1 write / read 5 Things birds do: on personalised
2 swim / cook
3 draw / ride memory activities.
4 write / fly And
Culture: Free time
run / fix
act / sing
8 Make two lists that are true for
you. Use the Vocabulary box to YOU / Consolidarea
help you.
I think it’s easy to: cook,
I think it’s difficult to:
bazată pe activități
personalizate de
exersare a memoriei.
50 51

Grammar tables highlight Humorous video

target structures. / Tabelele animations bring
cu elemente de gramatică the grammar to
ilustrează structurile vizate. life. / Animațiile
4.2 GRAMMAR can affirmative and negative amuzante dau viață
I can use the verb can in affirmative and negative sentences.
elementelor de
Grammar can affirmative and negative Get Grammar!
I can fix it! gramatică.
Grammar is +
I can jump.
I can’t jump.
I can’t dance but
presented through 1
2 You can jump.
He/She/It can jump.
You can’t jump.
He/She/It can’t jump.
I can jump!

engaging drama We can jump.

You can jump.
We can’t jump.
You can’t jump.

video. The real-life They can jump. They can’t jump.

Fun pronunciation
dialogues provide activities focus on
a natural context Lian: Guys, this video is for my granny, in Shanghai.
Lian: Oh no, not again!
5 Write who can do these things. Then look at the
photos on page 52 and check.
8 Look at the Vocabulary box. Then complete
Lucas’s email with can and make, play or ride. different sounds
for new language. Granny Lin, this is my friend, Lucas.
Lucas: Hello!
What’s wrong?
It’s the camera. I can’t see a thing!
Lian (x2) Jen (x2)
1 Lian can skateboard.
Alex (x1) Lucas (x2) Vocabulary make, play, ride
and help students
The lesson can also Alex: Let me see … Hmm, I can fix it. make a poster / cupcakes
Lian: Lucas is very talented! He can play the guitar
and he can sing!
Lian: Thanks! Alex is a genius! He can fix
things! He can do very clever things
play computer games.
play computer games / football / the piano
ride a bike / a horse
improve their
be taught using Lucas: Well, I can’t sing very well but … with computers, too! 4
make cupcakes.
the audio track 3 4 6
play the guitar.
Here’s what my family can do: My dad 1can / Pronunția este
play football very well. My mum 2
only. / Elementele 6 Follow the lines and find out what they can’t do. Read a horse and she 3 exersată prin
the piano. My aunt, Melina, 4
de gramatică
the sentences.
1 Lian can’t fix things. draw
me, I 5
cupcakes. They’re yummy! As for
the guitar and I
activități amuzante
sunt introduse 2
Jen can’t
play the guitar
6 a bike.
care au în vedere
prin intermediul 4
fix things
skateboard 9 PRONUNCIATION
diferite sunete și
6 Alex sing Listen and repeat: /ae/, /a:/.
dramatizărilor video. Jen: Yes, very clever – he can play 7 Listen and circle can or can’t.
Mark’s Aunt Ann can play the guitar. care facilitează
Dialogurile autentice computer games all day! Cupcake?
Lian: Jen is a fantastic cook! These Alex: But what about Lian?
He can / can’t swim.
She can / can’t draw.
But she can’t sing or act so she isn’t a star!
oferă un context cupcakes are yummy! Lucas: Yes, what can she do?
They can / can’t act.
He can / can’t sing.
10 Work in pairs. Student A: Write
three true and three false
YOU pronunției.
natural pentru 1 Watch or listen, then read. Finish the 3 Find these expressions in the story.
She can / can’t run.
His brother can / can’t read.
sentences. Student B: Guess
which sentences are true. Then

elementele de limbă sentence.

There’s something wrong with Lian’s Not again! What’s wrong? OUT of Watch
swap roles.
A: My granny can skateboard.
noi. Lecția poate fi . Let me see… class play volleyball play the piano
B: No, she can’t!

consolidation based
2 Complete the sentences.
parcursă și folosind 1 The video is for Lian’s granny.
4 What can Lian do? Clue no 1: Look at
photo 3. Clue no 2: Look at the picture of the on personalised
numai pista audio. 2 Lian’s granny is in
3 is a genius.
. elephant in photo 4. Then watch or listen and
engaging context.
4 is a good cook. Lian can s d and
d w!
/ Consolidarea
52 53
elementelor de
Everyday expressions and phrases limbă se bazează
from the video are included in Watch out boxes
provide useful language pe contexte
Out of class boxes. / Expresiile antrenante
folosite în comunicarea uzuală și tips. / Segmentele
Watch out evidențiază personalizate.
cele din videoclipuri sunt incluse
în segmentele Out of class. particularități de limbă.
Grammar is presented through Step-by-step comprehension activities Humorous grammar
an exciting comic strip and varied practice exercises improve animations motivate
with amusing characters. / accuracy. / Activitățile de înțelegere students to focus
Elementele de gramtică sunt de tip pas-cu-pas și gama variată de on new structures
introduse prin benzi desenate exerciții îmbunătățesc acuratețea în and give them real
cu personaje amuzante. folosirea limbii. enthusiasm for
learning. / Animațiile
4.3 GRAMMAR can questions and short answers
amuzante care
I can ask and answer questions with the verb can. ilustrează noțiunile
Grammar can questions and short answers Get Grammar! de gramatică
The Terrific Two – Thank you, Superdug!
1 2
Can I swim?
Short answers
Yes, I can. / No, I can’t.
Can he
run fast?
motivează elevii și
Can you swim? Yes, you can. / No, you can’t.
Can he/she/it swim? Yes, he/she/it can. / No, he/she/it can’t.
No, he can’t.
stârnesc entuziasmul
Can we swim? Yes, we can. / No, we can’t. pentru învățare.
TOM! Can you swim? Yes, you can. / No, you can’t.
SUSAN! Can they swim? Yes, they can. / No, they can’t.
What can we do? We can help.
Who’s Tom and Susan?
Can you see the boat over there? Personalisation
activities allow
Dug: Yes, I can.
Dug: Ah, what a lovely day! Kit: I think they are in it. Look! 4 Complete the questions. Write short answers. 7 Copy the table. Add your idea for number 5.
Ask five of your classmates. How many of them
3 4 1 Q: Can Superdug fly? (fly)
A: Yes, he can.
can or can’t do these things? students to use the
2 Q:
A: No,
? (swim)
Can you
Yes, I can. /
No, I can’t. new grammar to talk
3 Q: you
the boat?
about themselves.
A: Yes, .
4 Q:
the little dog ? / Activitățile
Woman: Oh no! My son and daughter
can’t swim! Can you help? Kit: That’s Superdug!
A: Yes, . personalizate
What can we do? Dug?!
What? Oh, yes. We can help!
He can run fast!
Yes, he can. He’s a superhero!
5 Look at the cartoon. Ask and answer the
questions in pairs. permit elevilor să
One minute, please. Woman:
Can he swim?
Oh! No, he can’t …
1 Picture 2 Dug / see the children?
A: Can Dug see the children?
Can you … 1 2 3 4 5 folosească noile
B: Yes, he can.
Picture 3: Tom and Susan / swim?
1 swim?
2 fix a computer?
✓ ✗ ✓ ✗ ✗
structuri gramticale
Picture 3: What / Kit and Dug / do?
Picture 4: Superdug / run fast? 3 ride a horse? pentru a vorbi
5 Picture 4: Superdug / swim?

6 In pairs, ask and answer about Kit and Dug.

4 draw?
5 …?
despre ei înșiși.
Two people can swim and three people can’t swim.
Kit: He can’t swim
but he can fly! Woman: Thank you, Superdug!
Superdug: No problem! Regular songs and
swim? ✓ ✗ And chants are a fun
8 Listen and chant the
1 Look at the cartoon and answer the questions. 3 Read the cartoon again and complete the draw? ✗ ✓ Activities Rap.
1 What’s the title of Dug’s book?
2 Who can swim in the cartoon?
sentences with one word.
1 Dug can see the boat.
cook? ✓ ✗
I can act, I can sing, I can draw a cat.
way of consolidating
2 Listen and read. Finish the sentence.
Susan and Tom are in the
Susan and Tom can’t .
. A: Can Kit swim? B: Yes, she can. I can run, I can swim – Can you do all that?
new language. /
I can act, I can sing, I can draw a cat.
The woman is Tom and Susan’s . 4
Kit and Superdug help.
Superdug can’t swim but he can .
I can run, I can swim – I can do all that! Utilizarea constantă
54 a cântecelor ajută

la consolidarea
cunoștințelor nou

Key vocabulary
from the reading
4.4 COMMUNICATION Asking for and giving permission 4.5 READING and SPEAKING Sign language
I can ask for and give permission. I can understand a short article about sign language and try it myself.
text is collected in
boxes. / Elementele
Functional Can I borrow your trainers?
1 Listen and repeat. Then label the pictures with 4 Read the sentences. Circle T (true) or
words from the Vocabulary box. F (false).
cheie de vocabular
dialogues are Vocabulary Language
Lucas sometimes forgets things.
din texte sunt
presented through Lucas: Oh, no. I haven’t got my pencil case.
hear learn language sign language speak special

Can I borrow a pen, Tom? reluate în segmente

video. The real- Tom: Sure, Lucas, no problem.
Lucas: Thanks! individuale.
life dialogues Lucas: Oh no, I left my phone at home.

provide natural Is it OK if I use your mobile?

Tom: Oh Lucas! Not again. No, sorry … 1 learn 2 3
1 People who can’t hear have
got a special language. T/F

and memorable Lucas: Please Tom …

Tom: Oh, all right … just be quick!
2 There are special schools for
students who use sign

models. The Lucas: Where are my trainers? They aren’t in my

bag. Er … Can I borrow your trainers?
3 In sign language you draw

pictures. T/F
lesson can also be Tom: No, sorry, you can’t. I only have one pair
… and anyway, they’re too big for you!
4 People who can’t hear or
speak use sign language. T/F
4 5 6
taught by using 4 In pairs, ask for and give permission.
5 People use sign language
only at schools. T/F
2 Look at the photos in Exercise 1 and the title of the text
the audio track 1 Watch or listen and read. Answer the
questions. 1 You want to go to a party. Ask your mum. in Exercise 3. Do you know what sign language is? Do
you know anyone who uses it?
5 The pictures show a word in the British
A: Is it OK if I go to a party on Sunday evening?
only. / Dialogurile 1 Where are Tom and Lucas?
2 What three things does Lucas need? B: No, sorry. You’ve got school on Monday.
3 Read the text and match headings a–d to paragraphs
Sign Language alphabet. Can you
show it with your hands?
2 You want to use your sister's tablet. Ask her.
funcționale 2 Listen and repeat. 3 You want to leave the classroom and get some
a Learn sign language! c Where is sign language
1 2 3

water. Ask your teacher.

sunt prezentate Communication Asking for and giving
permission 4 You want to get an autograph from a famous
b A special language important?
d What is sign language?
actor. Ask him/her.
prin intermediul (informal: when you speak to your family or friends)
Can I borrow a pen, please?
5 What do the people want? Match speakers
Yes, you can. / No, sorry, you can’t. /
Sure, no problem.
Is it OK if I use your mobile?
1–4 to pictures A–F.
There are two extra pictures.
Sign language E



Dialogurile No, sorry, it isn’t OK. / Oh, all right. / Yes, that’s fine. 1 Isabel
2 Jude
B 3 Dan
4 Jenny 1 b At school you can learn different languages, like
autentice oferă (formal: when you speak to a teacher,
the headmaster, etc)
English, French or Spanish. But there are special
schools where teachers and students use sign

modele naturale și May I take a day off, sir? I don’t

feel well.
In sign language you make letters and words with L I
Yes, you may. / No, you may not.
memorabile. Lecția 3 Complete the dialogue. Then act out the dialogue 3
your hands. It’s for people who can’t hear.
Sign language is important in schools and at home.
6 7

poate fi parcursă in pairs.

Amy: Excuse me, miss, 1 may I use a
All the family can learn sign language. They can
speak to children who can’t hear.

și utilizând numai calculator for the test?

Teacher: Yes, you 2 .
D E F 4 Are there children at your school who use sign
language? Here’s an idea: you can learn sign
Amy: Er, Lucas. Is it 3 if I borrow your
pista audio. calculator?
Lucas: Not again, Amy! No, sorry it 4 OK.
language and speak to them.
6 Find out all the letters of the British
Sign Language on the Internet. Then
Amy: But Lucas. Can I use it, 5 ?
spell your name.
Lucas: I’m joking Amy! Sure, no 6 .
56 57

Key functional language from the presentation is included Manageable texts on up-to-date, engaging topics
in easy to find boxes and recorded for students to listen relevant to their age, motivate students to read. /
and repeat. / Elemente cheie de limbă sunt incluse în Textele de dificultate și tematică adecvată și
segmente individuale ușor de reperat, însoțite de piste relevantă pentru vârsta elevilor, îi motivează pe
audio pentru ca elevii să poată asculta și repeta. aceștia să citească cu plăcere.
Coursebook tour / Instrucțiuni de utilizare a manualului

Comprehensive writing tips Example texts provide models for

with examples help students students to follow in the free writing
develop writing skills. / Indicațiile task at the end of each lesson.
detaliate de redactare / Textele date ca exemple oferă Language Revision at
facilitează dezvoltarea modele utile pentru sarcinile de the end of each unit
competenței de scriere. scriere liberă la finalul fiecărei lecții. provides engaging
and effective revision
or you
of the vocabulary,


An ad for an after-school club • Linkers: and, but

grammar and

I can understand and write an ad for an after-school club. FO

1 Match the pictures 1–4 to after-school clubs 5 Read the ad for an after-school club. Who is
Vocabulary 4 Look at the picture. Write questions. Answer
yes (✓) or no (✗). Use short answers. communication
a–d. In pairs, say what you can do in these
the club for? Circle the correct answer.
It’s for students who like sports / computers.
1 What can they do? Write the action verbs.
language from the
Writing Time activities unit. / Secțiunea
with prompts and Come to Computer Club! Language Revision
You can write emails but you can’t write
examples provide computer programs? We can teach you!
You can make robots and you can play computer
0 fly 1 1 she / play the piano? de la finalul
step-by-step games too. How cool is that? A: 0Can she play the piano?
B: ✓ 1 fiecărei unități
Where: St Alban’s Secondary School 2 the dogs / sing
guidelines to help When: Monday, 4 o’clock A: 2
B: ✗ 3
oferă posibilitatea
students write their 1 2 See you there!
2 3
3 the boy / ride his bike
A: 4
recapitulării eficiente
own texts. / Activitățile B: ✓ 5
A /5
și antrenante a
de tip Writing Time Writing and, but Communication elementelor de
oferă ghidaj de You can make robots and you can play
computer games.
5 Complete the dialogues.
vocabular, gramatică
sorry problem that’s OK Can all right
tip pas-cu-pas și
You can write emails but you can’t write 4 5
computer programs.
A /5
1 A: Can I have a new pair of trainers? și comunicare
exemple pentru ca 3 4 6 Complete the sentences with and or but. 2 Circle the correct word.
2 A:
Sure, no 0problem.
Is it 1 if I do my homework parcurse în unitate.
0 draw / read a picture
elevii să redacteze a
4 swimming club
art club
drama club
football club
1 I can run and I can jump.
2 She can sing she can’t act. 1 play / ride the guitar
Yes, 2 fine.
3 They can play computer games 2 play / make a cake
propriile texte. make a robot they can’t write 3 sing / read a book
3 A: 3 I play a computer game?
2 Listen to four children. Match speakers
1–4 to clubs a–d in Exercise 1.
computer programs. 4
ride / act a bike
sing / play computer games
4 A:
No, 4 , you can’t.
Is it OK if I go to a party on Saturday?
Students are guided
Speaker 1 b
Speaker 2 Writing Time
A /5
B: Oh, 5 .
A /5 for a quick, effective
Speaker 3 Grammar Your total score A /25 self-assessment. /
Class vote activities Speaker 4 7 Write an ad for an after-school club.
1 ! Find ideas 3 Look at the table. Complete the sentences with SELF-ASSESSMENT Think about this unit.
Elevii sunt ghidați în
encourage curiosity 3 Listen again to the speakers in Exercise 2 and Make notes about what you can do at the can, can’t, and or but. What did you learn? What do you need
complete with a number or an action verb. club, and where and when the club is. help with?
autoevaluarea rapidă
and stimulate critical 1 At Art Club you can learn to draw. 2 Draft
swim run fast fix a bike
4.1 I can understand action verbs.

și eficientă.
2 The number of students in the Art Club is 1 Write the title. Come to … Club! Anna ✓ ✓ ✗
4.2 I can use the verb can in affirmative

thinking. / Activitățile .
3 In Drama Club you learn to .
2 Write a paragraph about what you can
do at the club.
Sam and Joe

and negative sentences.
4.3 I can ask and answer questions
4 Football Club is for boys and girls from twelve You can … and
de tip Class Vote to .
5 The number of kids in the swimming club is
You can … but you can’t …
3 Write where and when the club is.
Anna can swim 0and she 00can run fast.
Tom 1 run fast 2 he can fix a bike.
with the verb can.
4.4 I can ask for and give permission.

încurajează elevii să
4.5 I can understand a text about sign
. Where: … When: … o’clock Sam and Joe can swim 3 they 4 fix a bike. language.
4 Write the end. See you there! Tom and Anna 5 run fast.
4.6 I can understand and write an
se exprime și dezvoltă 4 CLASS VOTE
you prefer?
Which of the clubs in Exercise 2 do 3 ✓ Check and write
Check all the linkers (and, but) and write
A /5 ad for an after-school club.

gândirea critică. 58
the final version of your text.

There are three Culture lessons which appear after Units 2, 4 and 6. They include fascinating material which
helps students broaden their knowledge of the English-speaking countries. / Manualul conține trei lecții
de tip Culture, care apar după Unitățile 2, 4 și 6. Acestea includ materiale fascinate care vor contribui la
lărgirea orizontului cultural al elevilor și la acumularea de cunoștințe legate de spațiul anglo-saxon.
Culture videos
YOUNG LONDON EXPLORE MORE provide real world

information and
Free time activities inspire students
to explore the
topic further. /
Students explore a Videoclipurile
culture topic linked Culture furnizează
to the unit theme. /
Hyde Park Natural History Museum The London Eye and the Thames
informații din lumea
Elevii explorează o EXPLORE 3 Read the text in Exercise 2 again. reală și motivează
temă culturală legată 1 Do you know these places in London? What are
Circle the correct answer.
Where can you … elevii să exploreze
6 Watch the video and answer the presenter’s questions. Which of these activities is not in the

de conținutul unității.
they? What can you do there?
1 skateboard?
on the London Eye / in Hyde Park video? Circle the correct answer a, b, c or d. tematica în detaliu.
2 Listen and read. Match photos A–D to 2 make a comic? a boxing b skateboarding c swimming d ice-skating
paragraphs 1–4. at a workshop / on the Thames
3 sing?
7 Watch the video from exercise 6 again and circle T (true) or F (false). Use the information from the
Things to do at the weekend video, not what you know.
in the Natural History Museum /
London is a fun city. There are a lot of things in a musical 1 You can ride a BMX bike in Rom Park. T/F
young people can do. Here are some of them. 4 go on a boat? 2 You can’t skateboard in Rom Park. T/F
Authentic content A 1 D Go to a museum from the top of the London Eye /
on the Thames
There are special hats for climbing.
Boxing isn’t a sport.
How about the Natural History Museum? There
about real places are fun activities for teens: you can make
dinosaur T-shirts, see a puppet show or be a
5 make a T-shirt?
at the Natural History Museum /
5 Sports can help you make new friends. T/F

and events. / Conținut B 2

scientist for a day!
at the Cartoon Museum 8 Discuss in pairs. Which of the sports or activities in
the video can you do? Which would you like to do?

autentic despre locuri Some museums have workshops. You can draw
or make things with your friends. At the Cartoon
4 Listen and write where the
people are. Choose from the
or you
places listed below.
și evenimente reale.

Museum, you can make your own comic! YOU EXPLORE


C 3 See a show A puppet show A drawing workshop


London is famous for its musicals. There are The London Eye A musical FO
many shows. You can sing and dance to the 9 CULTURE PROJECT In pairs, make a leaflet about
songs, too! 1 The London Eye the fun things visitors can do in your area. Fun things to do in …*
4 See the city 2 1 Take photos of the places or find them on the
D You can see London from the top of the London 3 Internet. This is …
Eye or from a boat on the Thames. You can run, 4 2 Write about places with fun activities for It’s in …
play football, skateboard or have a picnic in teenagers. Use these questions to help you. You can do fun activities
Hyde Park. /
5 Work in pairs. What can teenagers What kind of places are they? skateboard / see a film there.
do where you live? Make a list and Where are they?
compare with other students’ lists. What can people do there? *Add the name of the place
activity (n) something you do because you enjoy it Whose list is the longest?
3 Put the photos and text together on the leaflet. where you live.
workshop (n) a place where people meet to learn or improve a skill
comic (n) a magazine that tells a story with pictures 4 Share your leaflet with the class.

60 61

The project allows learners to follow their own interests using

the models of language provided in the unit. They also
develop team working and ICT skills. / Proiectul permite
elevilor să-și urmeze propriile interese utilizând modelele
de limbă parcurse în unitate, precum și dezvoltarea
competențelor de lucru în echipă și de utilizare a tehnologiei.
Additional CLIL A list of key
(Content and Language 4 CLIL: MUSIC Musical instruments Word list vocabulary and
extra words and
I can talk and write about musical instruments.
Integrated Learning) GET STARTED jacket /ˈdʒækət/ Countries and nationalities
jeans /dʒiːnz/ American /əˈmerəkən/
Numbers 1–20 shoes /ʃuːz/ British /ˈbrɪtɪʃ/
1 Label photos 1–6. 3 Look at the false sentences in the quiz. Correct
phrases taught in
1 one /wʌn/ skirt /skɜːt/

lessons are integrated

country /ˈkʌntri/
them using the words below. 2 two /tuː/ T-shirt /ˈtiː ʃɜːt/ China /ˈtʃaɪnə/
3 three /θriː/ top /tɒp/ Chinese /ˌtʃaɪˈniːz/
Vocabulary Musical instruments body China feet Spain wooden 4 four /fɔː/ trainers /ˈtreɪnəz/

each unit helps

France /frɑːns/

into the syllabus and acoustic guitar drums

keyboard violin
electric guitar 1 The acoustic guitar is from Spain.
2 When you play the guitar, its is on
5 five /faɪv/
6 six /sɪks/
7 seven /ˈsevən/
tracksuit /ˈtraksuːt/
trousers /ˈtraʊzəz/
French /frentʃ/
Romania /rəʊˈmeɪnɪə/
Romanian /ruˈmeɪniən/

tailored to the content your legs.

3 You play the drums with your hands and
8 heigt /eɪt/
9 nine /naɪn/
10 ten /ten/
big /bɪɡ/
boring /ˈbɔːrɪŋ/
Spain /speɪn/
Spanish /ˈspænɪʃ/
the UK /ðə juː ˈkeɪ /
students organise
their learning and
of each unit. / Lecțiile
11 eleven /ɪˈlevən/ cool /kuːl/
the USA /ðə ˌjuː es ˈeɪ/
4 The violin is a instrument. 12 twelve /twelv/ long /lɒŋ/
Turkey /ˈtɜːki/
13 thirteen /θ ɜːˈtiːn/ new /njuː/
5 The drums are from . Turkish /ˈtɜːkɪʃ/

prepare for tests./

old /əʊld/

de tip CLIL (Content and

14 fourteen /ˌfɔːˈtiːn/
15 fifteen /ˌfɪfˈtiːn/ short /ʃɔːt/ Places
4 What can Jane play? Look at the quiz again. 16 sixteen /ˌsɪksˈtiːn/ small /smɔːl/ (on) holiday /ˈhɒlədeɪ/
Read and complete the text.
Lista de cuvinte și
17 seventeen /ˌsev ənˈtiːn/ (at) home /ˈhəʊm/

Language Integrated Hi, I’m Jane. I love music!

18 eighteen /ˌeɪˈtiːn/
19 nineteen /ˌnaɪnˈtiːn/
20 twenty /ˈtwenti/
best friend /ˌbest ˈfrend/
clever /ˈklɛvə/
(in the) park /ˈpɑːk/
(at) school /ˈskuːl/

Learning) sunt integrate

1 electric guitar 2 3
Can you guess the instrument
I can play?
Numbers 10–100
10 ten /ten/
computer (game) /kəmˈpjuːtə ɡeɪm/
colour /ˈkʌlə/
cupcake /ˈkʌpkeɪk/
art /ɑːt/
artist /ˈɑːtɪst /
expresii parcurse în
în parcursul manualului It’s wooden and it’s big.
I play this instrument with my
20 twenty /ˈtwenti/
30 thirty /ˈθɜːti/
40 forty /ˈfɔːti/
double /ˈdʌb(ə)l/
elephant /ˈeləfənt/
flamingo /fləˈmɪŋɡəʊ/
children /ˈtʃɪldrən/
painting /ˈpeɪntɪŋ/
people /ˈpiːpəl/
unități ajută elevii
fingers. It’s brown and black.
să-și organizeze
50 fifty /ˈfɪfti/ flower /ˈflaʊə/

și legate de conținutul
picture /ˈpɪktʃə/
60 sixty /ˈsɪksti/ grass /ɡrɑːs/
70 seventy /ˈsevənti/ hobby /ˈhɒbi/ EXTRA
5 Imagine you can play one of the instruments lemon /ˈlɛmən/ Are you sure? /ɑː juː ʃʊə/

propriul proces
80 eighty /ˈeɪti/

fiecărei unități. 4 5
from the quiz and complete. Use Exercise 4
to help.
90 ninety /ˈnaɪnti/
100 a hundred /əˈhʌndrəd/
like /lʌɪk/
Maths /maθs/
music /ˈmjuːzɪk/
Be careful! /ˌbiˈkeəfəl/
birthday /ˈbɜːθdeɪ/
box /bɒks/

2 Read the quiz. Circle T (true) or F (false). Check

I can play the . It’s
. I play this instrument with my
and Colours
black /blæk/
blue /bluː/
number /ˈnʌmbə/
pond /pɒnd/
school /skuːl/
cake /keɪk/
card /kɑːd/
classmate /ˈklɑːsmeɪt/
de învățare și să
your answers. What’s your score? .

Opportunities are
brown /braʊn/
green /griːn/
grey /greɪ/
skateboarding /ˈskeɪtbɔːdɪŋ/
sky /skʌɪ/
sport /spɔːt/
fantastic /fænˈtæstɪk/
fat /fæt/
favourite /ˈfeɪv(ə)rɪt/
se pregătească
pentru evaluări.
orange /ˈɒrəndʒ/
QUIZ TIME! pink /pɪŋk/
superhero /ˈsuːpəhɪərəʊ/
tree /triː/
flag /flæɡ/

always provided for

Hang on! /ˌhæŋ ˈɒn/
purple /ˈpɜːpəl/ weekend /wiːkˈɛnd/ happy /ˈhæpi/
red /red/ zebra /ˈzɛbrə,ˈziːbrə/ Hold this, please! /ˈhəʊld ðɪs ˌpliːz/
white /waɪt/

learners to be creative in
I’ve got it! /ˌaɪv ɡɒt ɪt/
yellow /ˈjeləʊ/ 1 FAMILY AND FRIENDS
1 The acoustic guitar is from France. T/F Let’s have a break! /lets hæv ə breɪk/
In my bag Family mouse /maʊs/
2 The guitar has got a head, a neck and a body. T/F
neighbour /ˈneɪbə/

the medium of English. /

book /bʊk/ aunt /ɑːt/
3 When you play the guitar, its head is on your legs. T/F pencil /ˈpensəl/ Nice to meet you! /naɪs tuː miːt juː/
brother /ˈbrʌðə/
4 Two-year-old kids can learn to play the violin. T/F notebook /ˈnəʊtbʊk/ present /ˈprezənt/
cousin /ˈkʌzən/
pen /pen/ pet /pet/

Manualul oferă constant 5 You can only play the drums with your hands. T/F dad /dæd/
My score is __ / 10 ruler /ˈruːlə/ daughter /ˈdɔːtə/ photo /ˈfəʊtəʊ/
6 The violin is a glass instrument. T/F sandwich /ˈsan(d)wɪdʒ/ family /ˈfæməli/ size /saɪz/
father /ˈfɑːðə/ suit /sjuːt/

oportunități ca elevii să-

7 The keyboard is an electric instrument. T/F Classroom objects terrific /təˈrɪfɪk/
grandfather/grandad /ˈɡrændˌfɑːðə/
8 The body of the electric guitar is usually wooden. T/F bin /bɪn/ ˈɡrændæd/ Thank you. /ˈθaŋk juː/
board /bɔːd/ grandmother/granny /ˈɡrænˌmʌðə/ today /təˈdeɪ/
9 The violin and the acoustic guitar are in the same family of instruments. T/F
și exerseze creativitatea 10 The drums are from the USA. T/F
chair /tʃeə/
clock /klɒk/
desk /desk/
mother /ˈmʌðə/
mum /mʌm/
too (small) /tuː (smɔːl)/


prin intermediul limbii Key: 1 F 2 T 3 F 4 T 5 F 6 F 7 T 8 T 9 T 10 F

cap /kæp/
coat /kəʊt/
parents /ˈpeərənts/
sister /ˈsɪstə/
son /sʌn/
Parts of the house
bathroom /ˈbɑːθrʊm/
bedroom /ˈbedrʊm/

uncle /ˈʌŋkəl/
dress /dres/ door /dɔː/

111 116

or you
Two assessment tests for teachers to evaluate students’ progress. /




Vocabulary Grammar
Reading Listening
Două teste pentru evaluarea sumativă a progresului.
7 Listen and circle the correct words.
1 Find five body words and five personality 3 Complete the dialogue with the verb to be. Patty’s blog My new band!
Use an affirmative form (✓) or a negative 0 The children are at Charlie’s / Ann’s home.
words. Put them into two groups.
form (✗). I’m in a band with Jake and Mick from my class. 1 Ann has got / hasn’t got her skateboard.
A B C D In the photo, they’re in my garage! 2 Anne has got a computer game / bike.
Jake and Mick are very nice. Jake’s twelve. He’s or you
3 Charlie’s computer is in his bedroom /

1 HEL CLE G NDLY got short dark hair and big brown eyes. He’s tall. the kitchen. END-OF-YEAR TEST

He’s good at playing the guitar because he’s got

4 Charlie’s dad is in the garden / garage. RT
2 OT HA GER NI big hands and long fingers. Mick’s thirteen. He’s FO
got blond wavy hair and small brown eyes. He’s 5 Charlie’s brother has got short curly / 0 What is Jimmy’s pet?
Vocabulary Grammar Reading
3 FIN LE VER NNY short. He’s good at playing the guitar too. I’ve got spiky blonde hair. It’s a parrot.
a guitar but I’m the singer in our band. 1 What colour is it?
6 Charlie’s cousin has got short dark straight / at the pictures. Write what Daisy does on
1 Look 3 Look at the shopping list. Complete the
4 CE FU FO ND Bye! spiky hair. Saturdays. dialogue with the words in the box. My name is Justine. I’m twelve 2 What does it eat?
5 PFUL MO FRIE UTH 7 There’s a cat / box under the table. an any are aren’t is some (x2) there a and I’m a dancer. I’m sometimes
0 1 2
8 The cat is in / next to the box. on TV! 3 What can it do?

1A+5A 3A+2C 5B+5D A /8 1 litre milk butter chocolate

Kit: It 0 is (✓) you, Dug! You 1 (✓) 4 What type of personality has it got?
1B+3C 3B+1C 5C+1D with your granddad and granny, right? 6 eggs flour 4 bananas
2B+4D 4B+3D Dug: No, I 2 (✗). They 3 (✓) my 5 What does it like doing?
parents. My dad 4 (✓) British, but 8 The Smith family are at granny and grandad’s
3 4 5 Tom: What’s on the shopping list? Does mum
2D+4A 4C+2A
my mother 5 (✗) British. new house. Match pictures 0–4 to sentences want 0 any chocolate?
A /5
personality She (✓) Romanian. 5 Read the text. Circle T (True) or F (False). a–e. 1
body Matt: Yes! There are bananas too.
Kit: It 7 (✗) a new photo. Listening
0 helpful 0 There are four children in the band. T/F d Tom: And 2 there any eggs on My week
Dug: That’s right. The photo 8 (✓) 1 Jake is short. T/F the list?
2 very old. I always get up at half past six. I have breakfast 7 Julie is with her mum’s friend, Mrs Williams.
7 2 Jake hasn’t got blond hair. T/F 3
3 A /8 6 7 Matt: Yes, are. and then I go to school. My school is a special Mrs Williams has got some family photos. Listen
8 3 Mick’s got wavy hair and big brown eyes. T/F always and match names 0–4 to a–e to make sentences.
4 Tom: What about 4 orange? dancing school. We have dancing lessons after
9 4 Mick is good at playing the guitar. T/F usually
5 0 1 2 school on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. 0 Rob b a can cook cupcakes.
4 Put the words in the correct order to make 5 Patty hasn’t got a guitar. T/F Matt: No. There 5 any oranges.
sometimes We run, jump and dance! We often make videos. 1 Ann b can play basketball.
sentences. 6 Patty can’t sing. T/F Look! There 6 some butter
A /9 never That’s very cool. Then I go home and do my
on the list, 7 litre of milk and 2 Barney c goes swimming on Saturday.
0 sing well can I . A /6 8 homework. I have dinner and speak to my family. 3 Karen d is Barney’s friend.
flour. It’s a list for pancakes!
2 Label the pictures. What can you do? I can sing well. 0 Daisy sometimes tidies her room on Saturdays. I usually go to bed at half past nine.
4 May e is twelve.
Tick (✓). 6 Complete the text with the words below. A /8 At the weekend I usually hang out with my best A /4
1 fast run Sam can’t . 1
are house got kitchen next to our 3 4 friend, Madalena. We are classmates. We talk
2 4 Complete the questions with am, are, or is.
0 p _l a
_ _y f o
_o_ _t _
ba_ _l _l sister small a Let me show you. about our lessons and watch videos about our Communication
2 Can football Grandad play ? 3
b Would you like an ice cream? favourite dancers.
1 r_ _ We’ve got a new 0house! There 1 two 4 0 8 Complete the dialogue with one word in each
c I’m so sorry! Carla: Hi, Rocco. Are you
3 skateboard can’t Mum . bedrooms. One bedroom is for my parents and one d Please come in. 5 playing with Big Al? space.
5 Read the text. Circle T (true) or F (false).
2 s_ _ _ bedroom is for me and my 2 . In 3 e Look! There’s a big garden! 6 Rocco: No, I’m not. 1 Waitress: Hi! What 0 would you like?
bedroom we’ve got two beds, two desks and two chairs. A /4 0 Justine can dance. T/F Tom: A hot dog, 1 .
4 very Sally can’t well cook . 7 you playing with Big Al?
There’s a living room, a 4 and a bathroom. 1 Justine gets up early. T/F Waitress: 2 else?
3 r_ _ _ a h_ _ _ _ A /13 A /7 Carla: No, I’m not! Where is he? What 2 Justine has breakfast at home. T/F
There’s a 5 garden and there’s a garage too. Vocabulary Tom: Yes, can I 3 some chips?
2 Look and complete. 2 Big Al doing? 3 Her dancing lessons are on Thursdays. T/F
A /4 We’ve 6 a lot of things in the garage! There’s Grammar A /12 Waitress: OK, a hot dog with chips. 4 you
4 j_ _ _ A /4 My blog Rocco: I don’t know. 3 he 4 The students never make videos
an old bed 7 the wall. My new house is cool. A /13 are.
Reading answering his phone? in their dancing lessons. T/F Tom: Thanks. Oh, 5 I have some ketchup
Listening /8 are my all-time favourites for breakfast.
A These Carla: No, he isn’t! 5 Madalena isn’t Justine’s sister. T/F with that?
A /7 AFor/4something that is good for you, we’ve got yoghurt: 6 Justine and Madalena make videos Waitress: Sure. 6 you like a drink?
at the weekend. T/F Tom: No, 7 . How 8 is that?
Your total score A /50
apple or 0 lemon . You can put it on cereal.
Big Al: Hi, Carla. What 4 Waitress: 9 £2.95.
1 A /6
62 63 favourite is
Grandma’s , butter and
you doing? 5 we Tom: Here you 10 . Thanks.
2 . 3 and eggs are for a
6 Read the fact file about Jimmy’s pet and A /10
playing a game?
answer the questions.
hot breakfast. There are pancakes with sugar and cream Carla: No, Big Al. I’m looking for A /12
Pet a parrot Vocabulary
for something special. We’ve also got chocolate
you. I’m worried.
Colour yellow and blue Grammar A /13
4 – oh yeah! And to drink there’s
Food parrot food, bananas Reading A /11
5 A /5
, tea or orange juice.
Abilities can speak! Listening A /4
Personality clever, funny Communication A /10
A /5 Likes playing with a ball
A /50
Your total score
106 107

General and specific competences from the curriculum Competenţe generale și specifice din programa școlară
1. Understanding oral messages in everyday communication 1. Receptarea de mesaje orale în situaţii de comunicare uzuală
situations 1.1. Identificarea sensului global al unor mesaje și dialoguri uzuale,
1.1. Identifying the overall meaning of clearly articulated everyday clar articulate
messages and dialogues 1.2. Identificarea semnificaţiei unor schimburi verbale uzuale și clar
1.2. Identifying the meaning of clearly articulated everyday verbal articulate, în situaţia în care interlocutorul oferă ajutor pentru a
exchanges with clarification from the speaker facilita înţelegerea
1.3. Developing interest in specific aspects of the culture of the 1.3. Manifestarea curiozităţii faţă de unele elemente specifice spaţiului
language studied cultural al limbii studiate
2. Oral production in everyday communication situations 2. Exprimarea orală în situaţii de comunicare uzuală
2.1. Describing people / characters in a simple way 2.1. Prezentarea simplă a unei persoane/a unui personaj
2.2. Establishing social interaction based on simple conversational 2.2. Stabilirea de contacte sociale pe baza unor formule
formulas (greetings, introductions, thanks, instructions) conversaţionale simple (salut, bun rămas, prezentare, mulţumire,
2.3. Expressing preferences instrucţiuni)
2.4. Showing willingness to participate in a dialogue 2.3. Exprimarea preferinţelor
3. Understanding written messages in everyday 2.4. Manifestarea disponibilităţii pentru participarea la dialog
communication situations 3. Receptarea de mesaje scrise în situaţii de comunicare
3.1. Identifying information from panels and signs displayed in uzuală
public places for navigational purposes 3.1. Identificarea informaţiilor de pe panouri și indicatoare aflate în
3.2. Selecting information from a short text accompanied by locuri publice pentru facilitarea orientării
illustrations 3.2. Extragerea informaţiilor dintr-un text scurt, însoţit de ilustraţii
3.3. Identifying information in simple written messages from friends 3.3. Identificarea informaţiilor din mesaje scrise simple de la prieteni
or peers sau de la colegi
3.4. Showing curiosity for reading navigational texts 3.4. Manifestarea curiozităţii pentru lectura de orientare
4. Production of written messages in everyday 4. Redactarea de mesaje în situaţii de comunicare uzuală
communication situations 4.1. Redactarea de mesaje simple și scurte
4.1. Writing short, simple messages 4.2. Descrierea unor aspecte ale vieţii cotidiene (oameni, locuri,
4.2. Describing aspects of daily life (people, places, school, family, școală, familie, hobby-uri), folosind propoziţii scurte
hobbies), using short sentences 4.3. Manifestarea disponibilităţii pentru schimbul de mesaje scrise
4.3. Showing willingness to exchange simple written messages. simple
GET STARTED 0.1 HOW DO YOU SPELL THAT? The alphabet; spelling words/names; simple introductions Hello! pp. 10–11
0.2 NUMBERS AND COLOURS Numbers 0–100; articles a/an, the; colours pp. 12–13
1 FAMILY AND FRIENDS Family to be affirmative and negative to be questions and short answers
Personal profile Possessive ’s Get Grammar! Get Grammar!
Interpersonal relationships
1.1, 1.2, 1.3 / 2.1, 2.2, 2.4 It’s Granny’s birthday!
3.2, 3.3 / 4.1, 4.2, 4.3
pp. 18–19 pp. 20–21 pp. 22–23
2 IN THE HOUSE Rooms and things in there is / there are affirmative Get Grammar! there is / there are
My world the house Prepositions of place negative, questions and short answers
1.1, 1.2, 1.3 / 2.1, 2.2, 2.4 Pronunciation: /i/, /iː/ Get Grammar!
3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4 / 4.1, 4.2, 4.3 There’s a phone on the sofa!
pp. 28–29 pp. 30–31 pp. 32–33
CULTURE Houses in the UK Hampton Court Palace Project: A digital presentation Houses in my area pp. 38–39
3 ABOUT ME Face, eyes and hair have got affirmative and negative have got questions and short answers
People • Characters Possessive ’s Get Grammar! Get Grammar!
World and tales • Books Vocabulary: Parts of the body Possessive adjectives
1.1, 1.2, 1.3 / 2.1, 2.2, 2.4 I haven’t got big feet! Pronunciation: /h/
3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4 / 4.1, 4.2, 4.3
pp. 40–41 pp. 42–43 pp. 44–45
4 THINGS I CAN DO Action verbs can (ability) affirmative and negative can (ability) questions and short answers
Spare time Get Grammar! Get Grammar!
1.1, 1.2, 1.3 / 2.1, 2.2, 2.4 Vocabulary: Collocations with make, play, ride
3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4 / 4.1, 4.2, 4.3 Pronunciation: /ae/, /a:/
I can fix it!
pp. 50–51 pp. 52–53 pp. 54–55
CULTURE Young London Free time activities Project: A leaflet Fun things to do in… pp. 60–61
MID-YEAR TEST pp. 62–63
5 MY DAY Daily activities Present simple affirmative Adverbs of frequency
Daily life • Going places Get Grammar! Get Grammar!
1.1, 1.2 / 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4 Pronunciation: /s/, /z/, /iz/ Vocabulary: Days of the week
3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4 / 4.1, 4.2, 4.3
I listen to classical music.
pp. 64–65 pp. 66–67 pp. 68–69
6 ANIMALS Wild animals Present simple negative Present simple questions and short
The natural world • Animals Get Grammar! answers
Pets Vocabulary: Pets Get Grammar!
1.1, 1.2, 1.3 / 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4 Pronunciation: /s/
/ 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 / 4.1, 4.2, 4.3 I don’t like cats!
pp. 74–75 pp. 76–77 pp. 78–79
CULTURE Pets in the UK The London Zoo Project: A digital photo album My (ideal) pet pp. 84–85
7 FUN WITH FOOD Food and drink Countable/uncountable nouns with a/an, some/any Present continuous affirmative, negative,
Food and drink • Shopping Pronunciation: /g/, Get Grammar! questions and short answers
Festivals /dʒ/ Vocabulary: Food and drink Get Grammar!
1.1, 1.2 / 2.1, 2.2, 2.4 / 3.2, Are there any strawberries?
I’m taking a photo.
3.3 / 4.1, 4.2, 4.3
pp. 86–87 pp. 88–89 pp. 90–91
8 HAVING FUN Events Preferences love/like/don’t like/hate + verb-ing Wh-questions
Celebrations • Holidays Ordinal numbers Get Grammar! Get Grammar!
1.1, 1.2, 1.3 / 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, Object pronouns
2.4 / 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4 / 4.1, Vocabulary: Holiday activities
4.2, 4.3 Pronunciation: /r/
Let’s go to summer camp!
pp. 96–97 pp. 98–99 pp. 100–101
END-OF-YEAR TEST pp. 106–107
CLIL pp. 108–115
WORDLIST pp. 116–119
0.3 IN THE CLASSROOM In my bag; classroom objects; plural nouns; classroom language; imperatives pp. 14–15
0.4 MY THINGS Clothes; adjectives; this/that/these/those pp. 16–17 Get Grammar!


Making introductions Reading: A blog post Listening: A radio show CLIL: ART
Nice to meet you! My family photo album International Friendship Day! Families in art
Speaking: Talk about interpersonal Vocabulary: Countries and nationalities Vocabulary: Art
relationships Pronunciation: /v/, /b/
Vocabulary: Places Writing: A blog My best friend • Use capital letters
p. 24 p. 25 p. 26 p. 108

Asking for something and where Reading: A short article My dream Listening: A description My bedroom CLIL: SCIENCE
it is house Writing: A blog My bedroom Materials
Where’s the bathroom? Speaking: Talk about household • Use apostrophes Vocabulary: Materials
Vocabulary: Household objects
p. 34 p. 35 p. 36 p. 109

Apologising Reading: Personality quiz Listening: A dialogue CLIL: LITERATURE Books

Sorry about that! Speaking: Talk about personality Writing: A paragraph My favourite character from Vocabulary: Personality
Vocabulary: Personality adjectives a book or a cartoon adjectives
Project: A description
• Use paragraphs
A character from a book
p. 46 p. 47 p. 48 p. 110

Asking for and giving permission Reading: A short article Sign Listening: Descriptions After-school clubs CLIL: MUSIC
(can/can’t; may/may not) language Writing: An add An after-school club Musical instruments
Can I borrow your trainers? Speaking: Try sign language • Use and, but Vocabulary: Musical
Vocabulary: Language instruments

p. 56 p. 57 p. 58 p. 111

Asking for and giving directions Reading: A city map Around town Listening: Descriptions My typical weekend CLIL: GEOGRAPHY
Grammar: Prepositions of Speaking: Talk about places in town Writing: A blog My typical weekend Going places
movement Vocabulary: Places in town • Use before, after Vocabulary: Months
Is it far? Grammar: Prepositions of place
p. 70 p. 71 p. 72 p. 112

Buying a ticket Reading: A short article Amazing Listening: A radio interview Pets CLIL: SCIENCE
Vocabulary: Money animals! Writing: An email to a friend The natural world
One ticket, please. Speaking: Talk about animals • Starting and ending an email Vocabulary: Where animals live
Vocabulary: Adjectives

p. 80 p. 81 p. 82 p. 113

Ordering food Reading: A short article The Pancake Listening: Descriptions Breakfasts in my country CLIL: ART
Anything else? Day Writing: A blog My breakfast Still life
Speaking: Game What’s on your • Use so, because Project: A digital presentation
pancake? A gallery tour
p. 92 p. 93 p. 94 p. 114

Making suggestions Reading: A leaflet Top holiday tips Listening: Event photos CLIL: SOCIAL SCIENCE
Let’s do something fun! Speaking: Plan your holiday Writing: An invitation Please come to Amber’s Customs and traditions in the UK
Vocabulary: Holiday activities 13th birthday party Vocabulary: Celebrations
• Writing an invitation Project: A poster New Year’s
p. 102 p. 103 p. 104 p. 115

I can say and spell my name.

GET Hello!
STARTED! Hi! My name’s
Jen. I’m ten years
old and my
VOCABULARY hobby is making Hi! I’m Alex.
• The alphabet cupcakes. I’m twelve. My
• Spelling words / names hobbies are
• Numbers 1–100 computers
• Colours аnd computer
• Classroom objects games!
• Classroom language
• Clothes
• Adjectives

• It’s... / They’re...
• Plural nouns
• Articles a/an, the
• Imperatives
I’m Lian and
• this/that/these/those
I’m twelve.
My hobby is
Intro video
I love all sports,

Hello. My name’s
Lucas. I’m from Spain
but I’m in the UK now.
My hobbies are music
Grammar animations and Maths.
this, that, these, those

And I’m Larry Newman.

We’re Jen and Alex’s
I’m Miranda mum and dad!

1 Watch or listen, then read. Who is twelve?

2 Look at the photos and read. Complete the children’s hobbies.

1 Jen making cupcakes
2 Alex computers and
3 Lian all
4 Lucas and Maths

3 Game! Stand in a line. Ask and answer. 6 Listen and tick (✓) the letters you
A: Hi, I’m Mario. What’s your name? hear.
B: Hi, I’m Ella. What’s your name? 1 A ✓ E ✓ I
C: My name’s David. Hi, … 2 G J C
3 W U Y
4 Listen and do the Alphabet Rap.
4 B D P
5 M N F
6 I J Y

, , , D, 7 Work in pairs. Say the alphabet. Stop

when the teacher tells you. Your partner
E, F, G, says what comes next.

Say the alphabet, say it with me! A, B, C, D, … Stop! E!

H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P,
LL = double L
is funny as you can see. OUT!

R, S, T, U and V 8 Listen to the names. Complete the

missing letters. Check with your partner.
four more letters and we’re free. 1 HAILEY
2 B T Y
W, X, Y and – shh … 3 E AL
4 I L A

is sleepy, so are we! 9 Work in pairs. Ask your partner about

his/her name. Write it down.
A: What’s your name?
5 Complete the words with the letters below. Say the B: Vicky.
A: How do you spell that?
t f g x l s B: V-I-C-K-Y. Vicky.

10 Have a class spelling And

competition. YOU
1 g irl 2 bo 3 andwich
Music. M-U-S-I-C.

4 able 5 ion 6 ish

I can say numbers 0 –100 and name basic colours.

Meet Dug and Kit

This is Dug. Dug is also Superdug. This is Kit. Kit is very clever.
Superdug is a superhero. She is Dug’s best friend.

1 Listen and then read. Look at the 3 Complete the numbers.

picture. Circle the correct answer.
1 one 17 _ e _ e _
Dug / Kit is a superhero.
2 _w_ 18 e i _ _ t
2 Listen and repeat. 3 t_r_ _ 19 _ i n _
4 _o_r 10 t _ _
Vocabulary Numbers 1–20 5 f_ _e 11 _ l e _ _ n
1 one 11 eleven 6 _i_ 12 t _ e _ v _
2 two 12 twelve
3 three 13 thirteen 4 Write the answers in words.
4 four 14 fourteen 1 six + six = twelve
5 five 15 fifteen 2 eighteen – three =
6 six 16 sixteen 3 two + eleven =
7 seven 17 seventeen 4 twenty – nine =
8 eight 18 eighteen
5 seventeen – three =
9 nine 19 nineteen
6 two + seven =
10 ten 20 twenty
7 five + two =
8 sixteen – twelve =

5 Look at the words in the Vocabulary box. Then circle 7 Study the Grammar box. Then look at
the correct number. the picture below. Write a or an before
the words.
Vocabulary Numbers 10–100
60 sixty Grammar Articles
10 ten
20 twenty 70 seventy It’s a tree. The tree is green.
30 thirty 80 eighty
It’s an elephant. The elephant is grey.
40 forty 90 ninety
50 fifty 100 a hundred
1 a tree
1 forty 14 / 40 2 an elephant
2 fifteen 15 / 50 3 lemon
3 thirteen 13 / 30 4 orange
4 eighty 18 / 80 5 zebra
5 twenty 12 / 20 6 pond
6 sixteen 16 / 60 7 flower
6 Look at the words in the Vocabulary box. Then 8 sky
look at Exercise 3 and write numbers which are
this colour. There are two numbers for one of the 8 Look at the picture below. Match 1–8
colours. to a–h.
1 The elephant is a blue.
Vocabulary Colours
2 The flower is b black and white.
black blue brown green grey orange 3 The zebra is c red.
pink purple red white yellow 4 The sky is d grey.
5 The orange is e green.
red 9 green pink
6 The lemon is f pink.
grey white black
7 The tree is g orange.
blue purple brown
8 The flamingo is h yellow.
orange yellow



orange pond


I can talk about classroom objects and understand classroom instructions.



1 Look at the words in the Vocabulary box. Then 3 Label the objects 1–5 in the picture. Use the
name the objects in Alex’s bag. Vocabulary box to help you.

Vocabulary In my bag Vocabulary Classroom objects

book notebook pen pencil ruler sandwich bin board chair clock desk

2 Study the Grammar box. Then look at the 1

pictures. How many of these things can you see? 5

Grammar Plural nouns

a pencil six pencils
a sandwich two sandwiches
4 3

1 Five notebooks. 2 1 board 4

2 5

3 4
4 Find the objects from the Vocabulary box in
your classroom and point at them.

It’s a board. Watch

They’re desks. OUT!
5 Complete the classroom rules for an English 7 Read the expressions in the Grammar box
class with the verbs below. again. Who usually says them: teacher or
talk watch write

Can you help me, please? Watch

Our rules Stand up, please! OUT!
• 1 in English – don’t
talk in your language! 8 Match 1–4 to a–d. Listen and check. Then
• 2 in your exercise book. act out the dialogues in pairs.
Don’t write in your coursebook!
1 d Can you repeat that, please?
• Learn English at home too. Read
2 Can you help me, miss?
websites in English. 3
3 How do we say this word in English?
YouTube videos in English.
4 What does “amazing” mean??
a We say elephant.
b It means really good.
c Yes, Maria. How can I help you?
d Yes, Thomas. Giraffe. Giraffe. OK?

9 Game! Be a teacher. Tell And

other students what to do. YOU
Use the expressions in the
Grammar box.

6 Study the Grammar box. In pairs, find

examples of imperatives in Exercise 5.
Grammar Imperatives
Open your books.
Close your books.
Listen (to the story).
Look (at the photo).
Read (the text).
Write your name.
Sit down.
Stand up.
Work in pairs.

Don’t eat in class!
Don’t talk!

I can talk about clothes. I can use adjectives and this/that/these/those.

1 Look at the words in the Vocabulary box. 3 Complete the table with the words in the
Then find the clothes in the picture. Vocabulary box.

Vocabulary Clothes Singular: is Plural: are

T-shirt, , jeans, ,
cap coat dress , , ,
jacket jeans shoes
, ,
skirt T-shirt top
tracksuit trainers trousers ,

4 Complete the sentences with is or are. Then look

2 Listen and circle the word you hear. at the picture. Add a tick (✓) for yes or put a
1 T-shirt / skirt cross (✗) for no.
2 jacket / jeans 1 ✓ The tracksuit is brown.
3 trainers / trousers 2 The trainers red.
4 shoes / dress 3 The dress yellow.
5 cap / coat 4 The trousers black.
6 top / tracksuit
5 Look at your clothes and tell a partner.
The T-shirt is blue. Watch My jeans are blue, my T-shirt is green and white
The shoes are black. OUT! and my trainers are red.
The jeans are blue.
6 Choose a student from your class and name his
or her clothes. Ask your partner to guess.
A: White T-shirt, blue skirt.
B: It’s Laura!
Grammar this, that, these, those Get Grammar!
This is a top. That is a T-shirt.
These aren’t
my trainers.

These are trainers. Those are trainers.

This isn’t my

7 Study the Grammar box. Circle the correct 9 In pairs, talk about the clothes. Use adjectives in the
answer. Vocabulary box and this, that, these or those.
1 This / These are your trainers.
2 This / These is my shirt.
3 This / These are my shoes.
4 That / Those T-shirts are new.
5 That / Those is my coat.
6 That / Those jeans are big.

8 Look at the words in the Vocabulary box.

Match them with their opposites.

Vocabulary Adjectives
big boring cool long new
old short small

A: How about the T-shirts?

big old
B: This T-shirt is cool. That T-shirt is boring.
boring short
new small
long cool
10 Make lists of clothes you wear YOU
at school and at the weekend.

at the weekend
at school

1 1.1 VOCABULARY Family

I can talk about the people in a family.

1 Read these words. What do they mean?

FAMILY AND brother dad daughter grandad granny mum sister son

John Agatha
• Personal profile
• Interpersonal relationships

• Family
• Countries and nationalities
• Places

• to be affirmative and negative
• to be questions and short answers
• possessive’s

Grammar: It’s Granny’s birthday!

Peter Julia Paul Rose

Grammar animations:
to be affirmative and negative
to be questions and short

Nice to meet you! Tom Anna Mark David Lucy

2 Listen and repeat. Complete the 6 Listen and circle T (true) or F (false). Then listen
family words. Use the Vocabulary box to again and check your answers.
help you.
John Anna
Vocabulary Family
mother mum father dad parents
grandfather grandad grandmother
granny son daughter brother sister
aunt uncle cousin

He She
father mother
son 1 T / F 2 T / F
Julia Agatha

3 Match 1–4 to a–d.

1 father a grandad
2 grandmother b dad
3 mother c granny
4 grandfather d mum

Paul = Mark’s father Watch 3 T / F 4 T / F

Lucy = Rose’s daughter OUT!
Paul Tom

4 Look at the family tree on page 18 and

write the names.
1 Mark’s grandfather John
2 Mark’s sister
3 Mark’s aunt
4 Mark’s cousins
5 Mark’s grandmother

5 Look at the family tree again. Complete 5 T / F 6 T / F

the sentences. Use the names below.

Mark’s Julia’s Rose’s

Tom’s Paul’s Peter’s And
7 Draw your family tree. Write the YOU
1 Peter is Mark’s uncle.
names of the people from your family.
2 Julia is sister.
3 David is son.
4 Anna is daughter. Grandad
Granny Emil
5 John and Agatha are Maria
6 Lucy is cousin. Dad Paul Aunt Ana
Mum Alice

1.2 GRAMMAR to be affirmative and negative
I can use the affirmative and negative form of the verb to be.

It’s Granny’s birthday!

Today is Sophie’s birthday. She is seventy years old. Sophie is Jen and Alex’s grandmother.
They are at her house.

1 2

Alex: It’s aunt Megan!

Megan: Hello, Alex! Hold this, please!
Be careful! It’s Granny’s
birthday cake.
Sophie: I’m so happy you’re here. Alex: It’s OK. I’ve got it!

3 4

Megan: Happy birthday, Mum! Here’s your present.

Dad: We’re ready for the cake!
Sophie: Thank you, my darling.
Mum: Oh, no!
Dad: Hello, sister!

1 Watch or listen, then read the extract from 3 Find these expressions in the story.
the video. Answer the question.
How old is Jen and Alex’s granny today? Hold this, please! OUT of
Be careful! I’ve got it! class
2 Read the sentences. Circle T (true) or F (false).
Correct the wrong sentences. 4 CLASS VOTE Jen and Alex’s mum says
1 Granny isn’t very happy. T / F ‘Oh, no!’ Why? Have a class vote.
2 Granny’s name is Sophie. T / F Choose: a, b or c. Then watch or listen and
3 There’s a present for Alex in the box. T / F check.
4 Dad is Megan’s brother. T / F a The cake is a mess.
b It’s not Granny’s cake.
c A mouse is in the box.

Grammar to be affirmative Get Grammar!
Long form Short form We’re friends!
I am eleven. I’m eleven.
You are eleven. You’re eleven.
He/She/It is eleven. He/She/It’s eleven.
We are eleven. We’re eleven.
You are eleven. You’re eleven. Hammy is my
pet hamster.
They are eleven. They’re eleven.

Grammar to be negative

Long form Short form Hammy isn’t orange.

I am not ten. I’m not ten. No, I’m not orange
You are not ten. You aren’t ten. and I’m not fat.
He/She/It is not ten. He/She/It isn’t ten.
We are not ten. We aren’t ten.
You are not ten. You aren’t ten.
They are not ten. They aren’t ten.

5 Find the sentences in the story. Write the 8 Write negative sentences. Use the long form of
missing word. the verb to be.
1 They are at her house. 1 Granny is 80. Granny is not 80.
2 ‘I so happy!’ 2 Granny’s name is Megan.
3 ‘You here!’ 3 Dad is Sophie’s brother.
4 Megan is Mum’s sister.
4 ‘It granny’s birthday cake.’
5 It is Dad’s cake.
5 ‘We ready for the cake!’
9 Rewrite the sentences in exercise 8. Use the
6 Circle the correct answer. short form of the verb to be. Then correct the
1 You are / is ready. false sentences.
2 I is / am here. 1 Granny isn’t 80. She’s 70.
3 We am / are happy!
4 It are / is a present for you.
5 Jen and Alex is / are at Granny’s house.
10 Read the poem. Make changes to
talk about a friend or classmate.
7 Read and complete with am, are or is.

My name 1is Lian and I 2 I’m twelve today,

twelve years old. Alex and I Hip, hip, hooray!
3 best friends and Let’s have a break
classmates. Jen 4 ten years And eat some cake!
old. We 5 friends, too.
Kelly’s thirteen
today …

1.3 GRAMMAR to be questions and short answers
I can ask and answer questions with the verb to be.

The Terrific Two – Dug’s Kit: Dug! Your suit

is too small!
new suit 2

Girl: Are they OK? Dug: This suit is cool! Size M? No. Size XL!
Superdug: Yes, they are. Kit: Are you sure, Dug?
Girl: Thank you! Dug: Yes, I am.
Boy: Is he a superhero? Kit: XL is too big for you.
Kit: Yes, he is. He’s Superdug! Dug: No, I’m a superhero! I’m big!

4 Two days later … 5 6

Kit: Thank you.

Dug: Is this box for me? Dug: Ready! Am I cool in this suit?
Dug: Fantastic. You’re
Kit: Yes, it is. What is it? Kit: No, you aren’t. The suit is too big!
a clever cat, Kit!
Dug: It’s my new suit! Hm … Hang on!

1 Look at the cartoon. Where is Dug’s superhero 2 Listen and read. What size is Dug’s new
suit from? suit?

The suit is too big!

Grammar to be questions and short answers Get Grammar!
? Short answers
Am I OK? Yes, I am. / No, I’m not.
Is this shirt OK?
Are you OK? Yes, you are. / No, you aren’t.
Is he/she/it OK? Yes, he/she/it is. / No, he/she/it isn’t.
Are we OK? Yes, we are. / No, we aren’t.
Are you OK? Yes, you are. / No, you aren’t. No, it isn’t.
Are they OK? Yes, they are. / No, they aren’t.
What is it? It’s my new suit.

3 Read the sentences. Circle T (true) or F (false). 7 Listen to the questions and circle the
1 The dogs are OK. T / F correct answer.
2 The girl is a superhero. T / F 1 Yes, it is. / No, they aren’t.
3 Dug’s new suit is in the box. T / F 2 Yes, you are. / No, they aren’t.
4 Dug’s new suit is cool. T / F 3 Yes, I am. / No, you aren’t.
4 Yes, they are. / No, he isn’t.
4 Find the questions in the cartoon. Write the 5 Yes, they are. / No, you aren’t.
missing word. 6 Yes, we are. / No, they aren’t.
1 Are they OK?
2 Is a superhero? 8 Write questions. Then ask the questions and
3 you sure? give true answers in pairs.
4 this box for me? 1 you / twelve years old?
5 What is ? Are you twelve years old?
6 Am cool? 2 you / happy?
3 we / friends?
5 Look at the cartoon. Answer the questions in 4 Superdug and Kit / cool?
Exercise 4. 5 you / clever?
1 Yes, they are. 6 I / a superhero?
A: Are you twelve years old?
6 Complete the questions and the short answers.
B: Yes, I am. / No, I’m not.
1 Boy: Are you a superhero?
Kit: No, I’m not.
2 Kit: we best friends?
9 Listen and chant Kit’s Rap.
Dug: Yes, we . YOU
3 Dug: my new suit cool?
Kit: No, it .
4 Kit: I clever?
Dug: Yes, you .
5 Girl: Superdug your brother?
Kit: No, he .
6 Kit: they your dogs? Is she clever? Yes, she is.
Girl: Yes, they . Is she fun? She’s all that!
Is she the best? Her name’s Kit
Is she the one? and she’s a cool cat!

1.4 COMMUNICATION Introductions
I can make introductions.

Nice to meet you!

Jen: Hi, Mum!
Mum: Hi, kids!
Jen: Mum, this is Lucas.
He’s our new
Lucas, this is my
Mum: Hello, Lucas. Nice to
meet you.
Lucas: Nice to meet you
too, Mrs Newman.
Mum: Jen, your bag!
Jen: Sorry, Mum. Let’s go,

1 Watch or listen and read. What’s Jen’s 5 Circle the best answer.
family name? 1 A: Hello, I’m George.
B: a Very well, thanks.
2 Listen and repeat.
b I’ve got it!
Communication Introductions c Nice to meet you, George.
2 A: Mum, this is Sam.
A: Mum, this is Lucas. B: a He’s my classmate.
He is my friend / classmate. b Hello, Sam.
Lucas, this is my mum.
c Hold this, please.
B: Hello, Lucas. Nice to meet you.
C: Nice to meet you, too.
3 A: Kate, this is my sister, Lisa.
B: a Be careful!
b Hi, Lisa. Nice to meet you.
3 Put the dialogue in the correct order. c She’s my friend.
1 b 2 3 4
a Desi: Nice to meet you, too, Lisa.
b Adam: Lisa, this is Desi. He’s my best 6 Write the names of three famous And
friend. people. Then introduce them to YOU
your friends!
c Lisa: Hello, Desi. Nice to meet you.
d Adam: Desi, this is my cousin, Lisa. Tom, this is my friend, Zac
Efron. He’s a film star!
4 In groups of three, act out the dialogue in
Exercise 3.

pop star
film star
sports star

1.5 READING and SPEAKING Family photo album
I can understand a blog post about family photos and talk about interpersonal relationships.

My family album
I’m Alice! I’m thirteen. I’m from London in the UK. This is my family album.


This is my favourite photo. I’m four and My cousin Tommy, Isabel and I are And this is my family: Mum, Dad,
my sister, Isabel, is six! In this photo, in this photo. I’m nine, Tommy’s ten Isabel and me. I’m eleven and Isabel’s
we are at my granny’s house in London. and Isabel’s eleven. thirteen. We’re on holiday in France.
Granny is Dad’s mum. She’s fun!

1 Read Alice’s blog. Find Alice in photos A, 5 Look at Queen Elizabeth II’s family tree. Write the names.
B and C.

2 Complete the sentences about the text George VI + Elizabeth

with one word.
1 Isabel is Alice’s sister .
2 Tommy is Isabel’s .
3 Granny is Alice’s dad’s . Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II + Philip Margaret + Anthony
4 Granny’s is in London.

3 Read the sentences. Circle T (true) or

F (false).
1 Alice is eleven in Photo C. T / F Charles Anne Andrew Edward David Sarah
2 They’re on holiday in France
in Photo A. T / F 1 Queen Elizabeth’s mother: Elizabeth
3 They’re in the park in Photo B. T / F 2 Edward and Andrew’s uncle:
4 Tommy is eleven in Photo B. T / F 3 Margaret’s father:
5 Photo A is Alice’s favourite. T / F 4 Andrew’s brothers: and
5 Sarah’s aunt:
4 Look at the photos in Alice’s family album 6 Margaret’s daughter:
and write the places. 7 Charles’ sister:
8 Anthony’s son:
Vocabulary Places 9 David and Sarah’s cousins: ,
at home at school , and
in the park on holiday 10 Sarah’s uncle:

6 In pairs, ask and answer about Queen Elizabeth II’s family.

A B C A: Who is Queen Elizabeth II’s father?
B: King George VI.

1.6 LISTENING and WRITING Best friends • Use capital letters
I can understand short spoken texts and write short texts about best friends.

6 Read Alex’s blog and complete the table.

Friendship Day! My best
We think about our friends on International
Friendship Day.
Call Radio 8’s International Friendship Day kids’
special on 005468976.

Tell us about your best friends! uq My name’s Alex. I’m thirteen and I’m from the
UK. I’m British. My best friend is Lian. She’s
1 Look at the website. What’s the radio show thirteen, too. Lian is from the UK. Lian’s dad is
about? British. Lian’s mum and granny are Chinese.
2 Look at the flags. Read the countries and

Vocabulary Countries and nationalities

Name Age Nationality Country
the UK / British Turkey / Turkish Me Alex the UK
Spain / Spanish France / French My best British
Romania / Romanian China / Chinese
The USA / American Writing Capital letters
Use a capital letter for names of people, countries
3 Listen to the radio show. Match callers 1–3 and nationalities. Use a capital letter for the pronoun I
to photos of their best friends A–C. and at the beginning of every sentence, too.
1 Tom 2 Maria 3 Juan My best friend is Jack.
I’m from France.
A B C Ayla and Yusuf are Turkish.

7 Find and circle capital letters in exercise 6 .

Writing Time
4 Read the questions. Then listen again to the 8 Write a blog post about you and your
speakers in exercise 3 and write a number or best friend.
1 How old is Monica? 11 1 ! Find ideas
2 Where is Monica now? Find a photo of you and your best friend.
3 How old is Jack? Make notes.
4 Where are Ayla and Yusuf from? 2 Draft
Write about your name, age, country and
5 PRONUNCIATION Listen and repeat: nationality.
/v/, /b/. My name’s … I’m (ten / eleven / twelve …) I’m
Viv’s best friends, from …
Write the same about your best friend.
Vincent and Brad,
are a bad brown dog 3 ✓ Check and write
Check all the capital letters and write the
and a very big cat!
final version of your text.
or you




Vocabulary 4 Circle the correct answer.

1 Complete the pairs.

0 mum and dad 3 and sister
1 and uncle 4 son and
2 mother and 5 and grandad
A /5
2 Look and complete the words. Jack: 0I/ You am Jack and this is 1my / your
cousin Ben. 2They / We are with Freddie.
Freddie is 3Ben / Ben’s dog.

0 She’s from R o m a n i a. 1 He’s in the p .

Jack: Clara, 4you are / are you with your friend

Nadia in this picture?
Clara: Yes. Mum and 5Nadia / Nadia’s mum
are in the picture too.
A /5


2 She’s A . 3 They’re at s . 5 Complete the dialogue with one word

in each gap.
A: Jack, 0this 1 my friend, Harry.
B: 2 , Harry. 3 to meet you.
C: Hi, Jack. Nice to 4 you
5 .
A /5
Your total score A /25

4 Paris is in F . 5 She’s at h . SELF-ASSESSMENT Think about this unit.

A /5 What did you learn? What do you need
help with?
Grammar 1.1 I can talk about people in a
family and use possessive ’s.
1.2 I can use the affirmative and
3 Complete the sentences with the verb to be. Use an
negative forms of the verb to be.
affirmative form (✓) or a negative form (✗).
1.3 I can ask and answer questions
0 This isn’t (✗) my garden. It’s a park! with the verb to be.
1 My best friends (✓) Yasemin and Jane. 1.4 I can make introductions.
2 Yasemin (✓) Turkish. 1.5 I can understand a blog post
3 Jane and I (✗) Turkish. about family photos and talk about
4 We (✓) from the UK. interpersonal relationships.
5 I (✗) in the UK in this photo! 1.6 I can understand short spoken
A /5 texts about best friends and
write a short description.

2 2.1 VOCABULARY In the house
I can talk about my house.

1 Label the objects in the photos (1–8) with these words.

IN THE bath bed chair desk door sofa table window

• My world

• In the house
• Household objects

• Prepositions of place
• there is / there are affirmative,
negative, questions and short answers
• a/an, some/any

Grammar: There’s a phone on

the sofa!

Grammar animations:
there is / there are affirmative
there is / there are negative
and questions
1 desk

Where’s the bathroom?

Culture: Hampton
Court Palace

2 Listen and repeat. Then find the items in 4 Complete the word. Read the sentence to
the Vocabulary box in the photos on page 28. help you.
1 bed
Vocabulary In the house It’s in the bedroom.
Parts of the house 2 f id e
bathroom bedroom door floor garage It’s in the kitchen.
garden kitchen living room wall window 3 a ch ir
Inside the house It’s in the living room.
armchair bath bed chair desk fridge 4 t b e
sofa table It’s in the kitchen.
5 d k
3 Which part of the house are the photos from? It’s in the bedroom.
Circle the correct word. 6 b t
It’s in the bathroom.
7 ch r
It’s in the kitchen.
8 s f
It’s in the living room.

5 Look at the photos on page 28.

Student A: Say a sentence about an object
1 living room / 2 bathroom / inside the house. It can be a correct sentence
bedroom kitchen or a false sentence.
Student B: Is student A’s sentence true? Correct
the false sentences.
Then swap roles.
A: The armchair is in the bathroom.
B: No, it isn’t. It’s in the living room!

6 Draw the things in your Crazy And

House. Then make lists and
3 garage / 4 bedroom / compare in pairs.
bathroom living room The kitchen: a sofa, …


5 living room / 6 floor / wall


bathroom kitchen

2.2 GRAMMAR there is / there are affirmative
I can use there is / there are and prepositions of place.

There’s a phone on the sofa!


Alex: Jen, where’s the orange juice?

Jen: It’s in the fridge. Alex: Where’s my phone?
Alex: Where? Lian: There’s a phone on the sofa.
Jen: Right there! There’s a carton Jen: No, that’s my phone.
next to the milk. Lian: Maybe it’s under the table.
Alex: Oh, there it is! Jen: No, it isn’t.

Lian: Is it behind the sofa? Alex: Wait! There are some sweets under the sofa!
Alex: No, it isn’t but there are two DVDs. Jen: Yuck! They’re old!
Jen: Hey! Those are my DVDs! Alex: But where’s my phone?
Lian: Hang on!

1 Watch or listen, then read the extract from 3 Find these expressions in the story.
the video. What is Alex looking for? Circle the
right word.
Right there! There it is! OUT of
a a book b his phone c a DVD Wait! Yuck! class
2 Answer the questions.
1 Photo 1: Where are the three friends? 4 Guess where Alex’s phone is. Use in, on
They’re in the kitchen. or under. Then watch or listen and check.
2 Photo 2: Where are they now?
3 Photo 2: Is it Jen’s phone?
4 Photo 3: Are they Alex’s DVDs?
5 Photo 4: What’s wrong with the sweets?

Grammar there is / there are affirmative Get Grammar!
+ There is (There’s) a phone on the sofa.
There are two rats There’s a rat
There are two DVDs under the sofa. under the table. under the sofa.
There are some sweets under the sofa.

5 Complete with There is or There are. Then look 8 Look at pictures A and B. Complete the
at the photos on page 30 and tick (✓) the true sentences.
1 ✓ There is a fridge.
2 four chairs.
3 a bed.
4 three phones.
5 two windows.
6 a sofa.

6 Look around you. Say how many of these things

there are in your classroom.
door window board desk boys and girls
teacher wall
There’s one door. There are two windows.

Grammar Prepositions of place

behind in in front of

1 There’s a chair …
next to on under A next to the desk. B on the bed.
2 a bag …
A the door. B the box.
3 There are some books …
7 Look at the photos on page 30. Circle the A the bag. B the table.
correct preposition. 4 some T-shirts …
1 Photo 1 There are two phones under / on the A the bed. B the bed.
kitchen table.
9 PRONUNCIATION Listen and repeat:
2 Photo 1 Alex is behind / in front of the fridge. /ɪ/ or /i:/.
3 Photo 1 There is orange juice in / on the There are sixteen TVs in the living room
And three big fridges in the kitchen!
4 Photo 1 Lian is on / next to Jen.
5 Photo 2 There are some books under / next to
the small table. 10 Play a drawing dictation game. And
Draw a room. Describe it to your YOU
partner to draw. Then compare
your drawings.
2.3 GRAMMAR there is / there are negative, questions and short answers
I can use the negative and question forms of there is / there are.

The Terrific Two – Dug and Coco


Dug: Kit, there isn’t a number on the house.

Kit: Is there a blue car in the garage?
Kit: Dug! It’s my granny! Go Dug: Yes, there is.
to 10 Paxton street! Kit: Are there two big trees in front of the house?
Dug: OK. Dug: Yes, there are.
Kit: That’s Granny’s house.
3 4


Dug: Kit, it’s the parrot, not your granny!
Kit: Coco? Oh, he’s naughty!
Dug: Where are the bad people? Granny: I’m very sorry, Dug. Coco is a silly
Granny: There aren’t any bad boy!
people, here, Dug. Parrot: Silly boy Coco! Sorry, Dug!
Parrot: Help! Kit! Help! Granny: Good boy, Coco!

1 Look at the cartoon. How do Kit and Superdug talk 3 Complete the sentences with words from
when he is in the air? Circle the correct picture. the cartoon.
1 Kit’s granny’s house is at 10, Paxton
a b c
2 Granny’s is blue.
3 There are two big in Granny’s
4 There aren’t any bad in Granny’s
2 Listen and read. Who says ‘Kit! Help!’ on the
phone? Circle the correct answer.
5 There’s only Granny and in the
a Kit’s granny. b Coco, the parrot. house.

Grammar there is / there are negative, Get Grammar!
questions and short answers
Are there any
There isn’t a red There aren’t any cupcakes?

car. people. Yes, there
? Is there a red car? Are there any are.
Yes, there is. / people?
No, there isn’t. Yes, there are. /
No, there aren’t.

4 Circle the correct answers. Then look 6 Look at the picture. Write Kit’s questions and Dug’s
at the cartoon on page 32 and tick (✓) answers. Then ask and answer the questions in pairs.
the true sentences.
1 ✓ There isn’t / There aren’t any
people in granny’s garden.
2 There isn’t / There aren’t any
cats in the story.
3 There isn’t / There aren’t a bike
in granny’s garage.
4 There isn’t / There aren’t any
dogs in granny’s garden.
5 There isn’t / There aren’t a
phone in granny’s house.
6 There isn’t / There aren’t a desk
in the living room.

There isn’t a tree. Watch

There aren’t any trees. OUT! 1 a small house next to the big houses?
Is there a tree?
Are there any trees? Kit: Is there a small house next to the big houses?
Dug: Yes, there is.
2 cars next to the houses?
5 Look at the cartoon pictures on page 3 dog under the tree?
32. What is missing? Choose from the 4 people in the street?
words below. 5 a table in the garden?
TV photos table window doors 6 armchairs in the garden?
1 Pic 1: Look at the wall.
There isn’t a window!
2 Pic 2: Look at granny’s house.
3 Pic 3: Look at the table. 7 Play a memory game. And
4 Pic 4: Look at the books. Student A: Choose one of the YOU
pictures on page 32.
5 Pic 5: Look at the wall.
Student B: Ask Student A questions.
Then swap roles.
A: Picture 1.
B: Are there any chairs?
A: No, there aren’t.

2.4 COMMUNICATION Having a guest
I can ask for something and ask where something is.

Where’s the bathroom?


Jen: This is yummy!

Hi! Here are your books. Lucas: Is your T-shirt OK?
Jen: Lucas: Erm … Jen? There’s
Lucas: Thanks, Jen. Please, come in. ketchup on your T-shirt. Jen: Not really. But
I’d like another
Would you like a sandwich? Jen: Oh, no! Where’s the
sandwich, please!
Jen: Yes, please. I’m really hungry. bathroom, please?
Lucas: It’s upstairs. Let me
show you.

1 Watch or listen, then read the video 4 Circle the best answer.
extract. Whose house is it? Circle the 1 A: Hello, Maria. Please come in.
correct answer.
B: a Yes, please.
a Jen’s b Lian’s c Lucas’ b Thank you.
c Let me show you.
2 Listen and repeat.
2 A: Would you like an ice cream?
Communication Having a guest B: a Come in.
b It’s in the fridge.
A: Hello. Please, come in. c Yes, please.
B: Thank you. 3 A: Where’s the bathroom?
A: Would you like a sandwich? B: a Please come in.
B: Yes, please. / No, thank you. b Let me show you.
A: Where’s the bathroom, please? c It’s next to the bed.
B: It’s next to the living room.
Let me show you. 5 Write dialogues. Then act them out in pairs.
1 A: Hi/come in B: thank
Hi. Please, come in. Thank you.
3 Match 1–3 to a–c. Then act out the
2 A: like/a cupcake? B: no/thank
dialogues in pairs.
3 A: like/an apple? B: yes
1 A: Would you like a biscuit?
4 A: where/the bathroom? B: let me show
2 A: Where’s the kitchen, please?
3 A: Where’s my jacket, please?
a B: Let me show you. And
6 You have a guest from another
b B: It’s on the chair, next to the sofa.
c B: Yes, please.
planet. In pairs, write dialogues. YOU
Make them funny or crazy! Then
act them out in class.
A: Hello, Zizzy! Please, come in.
Would you like a chair?
34 B: Yes, please. I’m really hungry!
2.5 READING and SPEAKING Household objects
I can understand a short article about a dream house and talk about household objects.

1 Listen and repeat. Then label the pictures 4 Read the text again and circle yes or no.
1–6 with the words in the Vocabulary box. 1 People skateboard inside the house.
yes / no
Vocabulary Household objects
2 There are posters on the walls.
carpet cushion lamp plant poster yes / no
television (TV) 3 There’s a table in the living room.
yes / no
4 There’s a sofa inside the house.
yes / no
5 There’s a carpet in the bedroom.
yes / no
6 There’s a a special room for skateboard
1 television 2 3
yes / no

5 Answer the questions about the text.

1 What rooms are there in the house?
2 What objects are there in the house?
3 What objects in Exercise 1 are NOT in the
4 5 6 house?

2 Which objects in Exercise 1 are in your 6 Imagine your dream house. Write five
classroom? Where are they? Tell a partner. sentences about it. Tell your partner.
There are … rooms. There’s a … and there
3 Look and read. What is the text about? Circle are … . In my … there’s a small/big ….
the correct answer.
a a sport b a person c a house

A skateboarder’s dream house

Normally people skateboard in the park or in the street. In this house, people skateboard inside! It is a perfect
house for skateboarders. There aren’t any carpets, plants, pictures or posters on the walls. People skateboard
in the living room, in the kitchen, in the bedroom and in the bathroom. They skateboard on the sofa, the table,
the chairs and on the walls, too!
There’s a big skateboard practice room too. People skateboard with friends and they have competitions there.
It’s really cool!

2.6 LISTENING and WRITING My bedroom • Use apostrophes
I can understand and write short texts describing a room.

1 Look at photos A–C. Find these objects in the 5 The bedroom in photo A is Lucas’s. Read his
photos. Which is your favourite bedroom? Why? blog post and finish the sentence: In Lucas’s
bedroom there isn’t a …
chair cushion desk plant

‘My bed is next to a
green wall. There
are two cushions
and a toy on my
bed. There’s a
big white desk
under the window.
There’s a black chair
next to it. There’s a
computer and a lamp on
the desk. My room is great!’

Writing Apostrophes
Remember to use apostrophes with contractions.
there is = there’s is not = isn’t
C are not = aren’t it is = it’s
they are = they’re that is = that’s

6 Add apostrophes to these sentences.

1 There isn’ t a desk in my bedroom.
2 Theres a plant.
3 Its under the bed.
4 There arent any books.

2 Listen and match the speakers to their

bedrooms. Write A, B or C. There is one extra Writing Time
7 Write a blog post about your bedroom.
Speaker 1 Speaker 2

3 Complete the sentences with a preposition

1 ! Find ideas
Make a list of objects in your bedroom.
of place. Then listen again to the speakers in
Write where they are.
exercise 2 and check.
Speaker 1
2 Draft
1 My bed is next to the window. Write about your bedroom. Give your
2 There are orange cushions the bed. text a title.

Speaker 2
My bed’s …
There’s/There isn’t a …
3 There are two beds my bedroom.
There are/There aren’t any …
4 There’s a chair the desk.
3 ✓ Check and write
4 In pairs, describe one of the photos in Check the apostrophes and write the
Exercise 1 for a partner to guess. final version of your text.

or you



Vocabulary 3 Circle the correct answer.
0 There isn’t / aren’t a cat in the garden.
1 Look at the pictures and the letters. Label the 1 There is / are three books on the desk.
2 There isn’t a pen / any pens in my bag.
3 There isn’t / aren’t any chairs in the
4 There is / are a book on the desk.
5 There are / aren’t any plants in the living
A /5
m m i r i w n
p l a d 4 Complete the dialogues with one word in
c o
a h a w
each gap.
0 lamp 1 2
1 A: 0Is there a television in the kitchen?
B: No, there 1 .
2 A: 2 there 3 posters on
the wall?
B: No, there 4 .
3 A: Is there 5 computer in your
u c n bedroom?
r a g
h s i o f s a o g B: Yes, there is.
a e
A /5
3 4 5
A /5 Communication

Grammar 5 Put the sentences in the dialogue in

the correct order.
2 Look at the pictures. Circle the correct word. a It’s in the living room. Let me show you.
b No, thank you. Where’s your new
c Oh wow! Cool!
d 0 Hi! Please come in.
e Thanks.
f Would you like a drink?
A /5
Your total score A /25

The mouse is 0 in / on the 1bathroom / bedroom. SELF-ASSESSMENT Think about this unit.
It’s 2under / on the desk. What did you learn? What do you need
help with?
2.1 I can talk about my house.
2.2 I can use there is / there are and
prepositions of place.
2.3 I can use the negative and question
forms of there is / there are.
2.4 I can ask for something and ask
where something is.
2.5 I can understand a text about a
This is the 3kitchen / living room. The mouse is house and talk about household
4in / next to the 5fridge / door.
2.6 I can understand and write short
A /5 texts about rooms is a house.

a detached house

semi-detached houses

terraced houses

a flat

a houseboat
a block of flats
a cottage

EXPLORE I live in the city, in a street with terraced

houses / cottages. They are all tall and
grey but the doors are different colours.
1 There are different types of houses in the The door of my house is yellow!
UK. In pairs, talk about where you can find Claire, 12
these types of houses.
a in the city 3 Listen and complete the text with
the words below.
b in the country
c in the city and in the country next to cottage country boring
houseboat small
2 Read the texts and circle the type of
house Ian, Lisa and Claire live in. Then listen I live in the 1country. My house is a
and check. 2 in Devon, South England.
There are lots of trees
3 it.
I live in a houseboat / semi-detached Martha, 12
house. I am friends with the boys next door.
There’s a big tree in their garden with a I live in a 4 on the River
tree-house. We play there all the time! Thames. It is very 5 but I like
Ian, 11
it. The view from my window is never
6 !
Matt, 13
I live in a block of flats / detached house
with twelve floors. The flat isn’t big. There
are two small bedrooms but the living room
is nice. The view is fantastic! fantastic (adj) very attractive
Lisa, 13 floor (n) one of the levels in a building
view (n) what you can see from somewhere


Hampton Court Palace

4 Watch the video and answer the presenter’s questions. Then circle the correct answer.
Hampton Court was the home of VIII.
a King Charles b Queen Elizabeth c King Henry

5 Watch the video from exercise 4 again. Complete the sentences with one word from the video.
1 Hampton Court Palace is in .
2 There are kings or queens in Hampton Court today.
3 There are over 1,000 in Hampton Court.
4 There is a maze in the of Hampton Court.

6 Discuss in pairs. Which part of Hampton Court Palace is your favourite? Why?





7 CULTURE PROJECT In groups, make a digital
presentation of an unusual or interesting house Houses in my area
in your area.
1 Take photos of the house or find them on • This house is in …
the Internet. • It’s a detached
2 Write a description of the house. Use these house …
questions to help you. • It’s big / small / nice
Where is the house? /grey …
What type of house is it?
• There is a tree …
Is it big/small?
What colour is it?
Is there a garden/garage?
3 Put the photos and text together.
4 Share your presentation with the class.
Which is your favourite house? Why?

3 3.1 VOCABULARY Face, eyes and hair
I can describe someone’s face, eyes and hair.

1 Say the words and point at the features of your face.

ears eyes hair mouth nose
• People
• Characters
• World and tales
• Books
• Face, eyes and hair
• Parts of the body 3
• Personality adjectives

• Have got affirmative and negative
• Regular and irregular plural
• Have got questions and short
• Possessive adjectives
Grammar: I haven’t got PARK HILL
big feet!

Grammar animations:
Have got affirmative
and negative 4
Have got questions and
short answers

Sorry about that!

2 Listen and repeat. Find the 6 Look at the children’s hair. Complete the words.
features in the Vocabulary box in the
photos on page 40.

Vocabulary Face, eyes and hair

ears eyes mouth nose
blue brown green a s t r ai g h t b w y
curly spiky straight wavy
blond brown dark grey red

3 Find the numbers (1–5) in the photos

on page 40. Write whose features
they are.
c u l d ik
1 They’re Sam’s ears.
2 It’s .
3 It’s .
4 They’re .
5 It’s .

4 In pairs, put the words in the correct

list. You can use them more than once. e 1 l g f h r

big blond blue brown curly

dark green grey long red 7 Listen and number the pictures in Exercise 6.
short small spiky straight wavy 1 Long straight red hair, green eyes.
2 Short curly brown hair, blue eyes.
1 eyes 3 Long wavy blond hair, brown eyes.
2 ears / nose /
4 Short curly red hair, blue eyes.
mouth 5 Short straight brown hair, green eyes.
6 Short spiky brown hair, brown eyes.
3 hair
long/short curly/straight
Watch blond/brown/dark/red hair
Maria’s hair is brown.
OUT! big/small blue/brown eyes OUT!

8 Which words in Exercise 4 describe your hair and eyes?

5 Look at the photos on page 40. Circle Write them down. Use the Watch Out! box for help. Tell a
the correct word.
1 Regan’s eyes are brown / green .
2 Sam’s hair is straight / curly.
3 Maria’s hair is long / short.
4 Andy’s hair is straight / wavy. 9 In pairs, describe someone in your class. Guess who it is.
5 Sam’s hair is blond / dark.
A: Long, straight brown hair, brown eyes.
6 Regan’s hair is blond / red.
B: It’s Alice!
7 Andy’s eyes are blue / brown.

10 Do you know a person with … And

a green eyes? My mum. b spiky hair?
c grey hair? d a small nose?

3.2 GRAMMAR have got affirmative and negative
I can use the affirmative and negative forms of the verb have got.

I haven’t got big feet!

1 At the bookshop.

Alex: Ouch, my foot! Be

Jen: It isn’t my fault!
You’ve got long
legs! And you’ve Jen: You’ve got long arms, too!
got big feet! Like this!
Alex: I haven’t got big Alex: Yeah, but I haven’t got a
feet! I’m tall! big head, like you!

3 4

Jen: My head is fine! Mum? Jen: Oh, they’ve got “Yummy

Mum: Stop it, you two! Jen, your brother hasn’t got Cupcakes”. Great!
big feet. Alex, your sister hasn’t got a big head! Oh, no! It’s too high!
Now, hurry up with the books! We haven’t got Alex? Help me, please!
a lot of time.

1 Watch or listen, then read. Jen needs Alex’s 3 Find these expressions in the story.
help. Why? Finish the sentence.
Because the book is too . It isn’t my fault! Stop it! OUT of
Help me, please! class
2 Circle the correct answer.
1 Alex / Jen is tall.
4 Will Alex help Jen?
2 Alex’s arms are long / short.
Watch or listen and check.
3 Jen’s head is / isn’t big.
4 Jen’s book is about cupcakes / big feet.

Grammar have got affirmative and negative Get Grammar!
+ Short and long form - Short and long form
I’ve (have) got long legs. I haven’t (have not) got long legs. I haven’t got
a hat.
You’ve (have) got long legs. You haven’t (have not) got long legs.
He / She / It’s (has) got long legs. He / She / It hasn’t (has not) got long legs.
We’ve (have) got long legs. We haven’t (have not) got long legs.
You’ve (have) got long legs. You haven’t (have not) got long legs.
They’ve (have) got long legs. They haven’t (have not) got long legs.

5 Complete the sentences with ’ve got or ’s got.

finger – fingers Watch
1 Jen: ‘Alex, you’ve got big feet!’
2 Jen: ‘Alex, long arms.’
foot – feet OUT!
3 Alex: ‘Jen, a big head.’
4 Mum: ‘We very little time.’ 8 Look at Ike and Mike. Complete the text with
6 Jen: ‘They ‘Yummy Cupcakes’! one word in each gap.

6 Label the parts of the body. Use the words from big got they has tall feet have
the Vocabulary box.

Vocabulary Parts of the body IKE MIKE

arm body fingers foot hand head leg

2 1 fingers

Ike and Mike1have got long spiky hair.
2 ’ve got big mouths but they haven’t
4 3
got noses. Mike is 4 . He
7 5 got green hair. He’s 6 very
6 long arms and very big 7 .

7 Write the correct sentences.

1 Jen’s got blond hair. (brown)
Jen hasn’t got blond hair. She’s got brown hair. 9 Create a friend for Ike and And
2 Alex’s got small feet. (big) Mike. Give her a name and YOU
3 Jen and Alex have got short legs. (long) describe her.
4 Jen and Alex’s mum’s got blue eyes. (brown) Ike and Mike have got a friend.
5 Jen and Alex have got big heads. (small) She’s got … and …
She’s got … but she hasn’t got …

3.3 GRAMMAR have got questions and short answers
I can ask questions with the verb have got and use possessive adjectives.

The Terrific Two – My favourite superhero!


Ricky: Wonder Will is my favourite Superdug: No, I haven’t.

superhero. He has got a Ricky: Have you got a friend?
super car. What have you Superdug: Yes, I have. Her
got, Superdug? Have you name’s Kit.
got a super car?

2 3

Ricky: Wonder Will’s got two friends. Their

names are X1 and X2. They’ve got
super ears. Has Kit got super ears?
Superdug: No, she hasn’t.
Ricky: They’ve got super eyes,
4 too. Have you and Kit
got super eyes?
Superdug: No, we haven’t. Our eyes
are like your eyes.

Ricky: X1 and X2 have got other super

powers, too!
Superdug: Yes, but have they got battery
Ricky: No, they haven’t!

1 Look at the cartoon carefully. 3 Read the sentences. Circle T (true) or F (false).
Someone looks like Superdug. 1 Superdug is at home. T/F
Point at him/her.
2 Superdug hasn’t got a super car. T/F
2 Listen and read. Who is 3 X1 and X2 have got super ears. T/F
Wonder Will? 4 Kit’s got super eyes. T/F
5 X1 and X2 haven’t got any battery power now. T/F

Grammar have got questions and short answers Get Grammar!
? Short answers
Have you got a
Have I got a friend? Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t. brother or a sister? Yes, I have!
Have you got a friend? Yes, you have. / No, you haven’t.
Has he/she/it got a friend? Yes, he/she/it has. / No, he/she/it hasn’t.
Have we got a friend? Yes, we have. / No, we haven’t.
Have you got a friend? Yes, you have. / No, you haven’t.
Have they got a friend? Yes, they have. / No, they haven’t.
What have you got? I’ve got super powers!

4 Complete the questions. Use have … got or Grammar Possessive adjectives

has … got.
1 Q: Has Wonder Will got a red suit? I ➞ my My favourite superhero is Wonder Will.
2 Q: Ricky brown hair? you ➞ your Who’s your superhero?
3 Q: X1 and X2 big heads? he ➞ his His superhero costume is green.
4 Q: Kit brown eyes? she ➞ her Her eyes are green.
5 Q: X1 and X2 long legs? it ➞ its Its eyes are blue.
6 Q: Superdug long ears? we ➞ our ‘Wonder Will is our friend!’
you ➞ your ‘Your hair is blond and spiky!’
5 Look at the cartoon. Answer the questions in they ➞ their Their noses are red.
Exercise 4.
1 No, he hasn’t. 7 Complete the sentences. Use his, her, its, our, your
or their.
6 In pairs, ask and answer about the 1 They’ve got green suits.
These are their suits.
super super super 2 We’ve got a super car!
eyes ears arms This is super car!
3 He’s got a new robot.
This is new robot.
4 Has she got a super friend?
Is this super friend?
✓ ✓ ✗
5 Has it got a battery?
Is this battery?

Wondercat 8 PRONUNCIATION Listen and repeat: /h/.

Her name’s Helpful Helen. Her horse’s name is
Her home is in Hastings. She’s got dark hair!
✓ ✗ ✓
9 Work in pairs. Ask your partner what And
he/she has got. Answer your partner’s
Iron Girls questions. Use the words in the box. Tell
the class about your partner.
1 A: Has Wondercat got super eyes?
B: Yes, she has. a brother or a sister? a pet? a TV in your room?
a friend? a bike? a robot? a cousin?
3.4 COMMUNICATION Apologising
I can say sorry and respond to an apology.

Sorry about that!


Dad: Where are my house keys?

Jen: I’m so sorry, Dad. I’ve got them.
Dad: It’s OK. Now where’s my phone? Oops!
Sorry, Jen!
Jen: That’s all right. Dad! You’ve got the
phone! It’s right there! Jen: Dad, wait! Your house keys!
Dad: Sorry, my mistake! Dad: Oh, dear! Sorry about that!
Jen: No problem. Thanks, sweetie! Bye! Jen: Come on!
Dad: Oh, it’s late! Bye, Jen! Jen: Bye, dad! Really?
Erm … dad?

1 Watch or listen. Then read. Who has got 4 Write dialogues for the pictures. Then act out the
Dad’s phone? Circle the right answer. dialogues in pairs.
a Jen b Dad
1 A: Ouch!
2 Listen and repeat. B:
Communication Apologising

A: I’m so sorry. B: It’s OK.

Sorry about that! That’s all right. 2
Sorry, my mistake. No problem. 2 A: This isn’t my bag.
3 Complete the dialogues. Then act out the A:
dialogues in pairs.
1 A: Oops! Sorry about that, Pete!
B: No problem.
2 A: Where’s my phone?
B: , I’ve got it!
5 Make real dialogues in pairs. Use And
A: That’s .
expressions from the Communication YOU
3 A: This isn’t my jacket.
box. Then act them out in class.
B: Sorry, my . Here you are.
A: Where’s my pen?
A: OK. Thanks.
B: I’m so sorry. I’ve got it.
A: No problem.

3.5 READING and SPEAKING Personality adjectives
I can understand and do a personality quiz and talk about personality.

1 Complete the sentences with the words in the 3 Count how many a, b and c answers you
Vocabulary box. have got and read the key. Do you agree?
Tell a friend or the class!
Vocabulary Personality adjectives
clever friendly funny helpful nice 4 Listen to two friends. Are they friendly,
funny and clever? Tick (✓) for yes and put a
cross (✗) for no.
1 I speak to everyone.
I’m friendly. friendly funny clever
2 My teacher helps me every day. Sam ✓
She’s . Sue
3 You’ve got flowers for your mum.
You’re very . 5 Write about a student from your class.
4 My friend’s jokes are great! Read the text out. Can the class guess who
He’s . it is?
5 I’ve got good marks at school. A: She is very friendly and she’s funny.
I’m . She’s very helpful, too.
B: Is it Maria?
2 Do the personality quiz! Circle a, b or c. A: Yes! You’re right!

kind of a person are
you? Are you friendly? Are
you funny?


Do our personality quiz to find out! A lot of your answers are a.

1 How many good friends have you got? GOOD FRIEND!

a 3–6 b 7–10 c 1 or 2 You are a good friend. You are very nice! You
are helpful and you are a good student.
2 Are your jokes funny?
a Sometimes. b Yes! c No. My jokes are bad! A lot of your answers are b.
3 What’s your favourite place? PARTY ANIMAL!
a School. b A party! c My room. You are very funny and friendly but you
aren’t always very helpful. Jokes, parties and
4 Are you good at school? dancing are your favourite things but you are
a I’m ok. b Yes, I am! also a good student.
c I’m good at my favourite subjects.
A lot of your answers are c.
5 Your best friend has got a problem. You …
a help your friend. b just say ‘I’m sorry’. HOME LOVER!
c say ‘Speak to your mum.’ You are friendly … sometimes! You don’t like
groups and you aren’t very helpful. You are
6 Your neighbour has got a big bag. You say:
usually a good student.
a ‘Let me help you!’ b ‘That’s big!’
c ‘I’m sorry, I’ve got homework’

3.6 LISTENING and WRITING My favourite cartoon character • Paragraphs
I can understand and write short texts about cartoon characters.

1 2 6 Read Lian’s text about her favourite cartoon

character. Do you know him/her?

Kung Fu Panda’s name is Po. He’s got a big body

Paragraph 1
and head. He’s got big blue eyes and small black
ears. They’re cool. His legs are short and his
arms are long. He’s got yellow and red shorts.
3 4

Paragraph 2
I think Po is nice. He’s funny and he’s friendly.
He’s got lots of friends. He’s clever and he’s very
good at Kung fu!

Writing Paragraphs
1 Look at the photos. Can you name the cartoons? A paragraph is a part of a text. It’s about one
main idea. Remember to divide your text into
2 Find the characters in the photos. Write the paragraphs!
correct number. There is one extra photo. Then
listen and check.
7 Read Lian’s text in Exercise 6 again. Write
the paragraph numbers. Add examples
Kevin from Lian’s text to each paragraph.
SpongeBob SquarePants
Face and body big body, big head, …
3 Listen to the dialogue and tick (✓) the Personality nice, …
children’s opinion.

SpongeBob Kevin Skipper

SquarePants Writing Time
funny ✓ ✓
8 Write about your favourite character from
a book or cartoon.
clever 1 ! Find ideas
Find a photo of your character. Make
4 Complete the sentences with the a list of words describing his/her face,
words below. body and personality.

Skipper clever Kevin cool friendly 2 Draft

Write a paragraph describing his/her
1 SpongeBob SquarePants isn’t very clever.
face and body.
2 All Minions are .
(Your character’s name) has got a
3 loves bananas and apples.
really friendly face …
4 has got good ideas.
Write a paragraph about his/her
5 Sometimes Skipper isn’t nice or .
5 Who is your favourite cartoon character? Describe He/She isn’t very clever but …
him/her to a friend. 3 ✓ Check and write
Check the paragraphs and write the
final version of your text.

or you



4 Complete the sentences with his, her, its, your,
1 Match the words to the categories. our or their.
0 Hello. What are your names, please?
big blond helpful legs nose wavy 1 I’ve got two cousins. names are Clare
Hair: 0 blond, 1 and Joe.
Eyes: 2 2 Grandad’s hair is grey and eyes are
Face: 3 blue.
Body: 4 3 I’ve got one sister. name is Paula.
Personality: 5 4 We’re best friends. names are Katie
A /5 and Dee.
5 That dog is big and ears are very long!
2 Look at the pictures. Complete the
expressions with the words below.
A /5
clever curly friendly funny long straight

5 Complete the dialogues with the words and

phrases below.

all right It’s mistake problem so sorry sure

A: Hello, Danny.
0 very funny hair 1 very legs B: My name isn’t Danny. It’s Tom.
A: Oh, I’m 0so sorry!
B: No 1 !
A: Hey! You’ve got my bag!
B: Oops! My 2 ! Sorry.
A: That’s 3 .
A: Ouch! Your bag is on my foot!
B: Sorry!
2 hair 3 red hair
A: 4 OK.
A: Are you 5 ?

A /5

Your total score A /25

SELF-ASSESSMENT Think about this unit. What

4 nice and 5 very
did you learn? What do you need help with?
A /5
3.1 I can describe someone’s face and hair.
Grammar 3.2 I can use the affirmative and negative
3 Complete the dialogues with have, haven’t, forms of the verb have got.
has, hasn’t or got. 3.3 I can ask and answer questions with
the verb have got and use possessive
1 A: Mark 0has got brown eyes.
1 adjectives.
he got brown hair too?
3.4 I can say sorry and respond to
B: No. His hair is black. His parents and all
an apology.
his brothers have 2 black hair.
3 3.5 I can understand and do a personality
2 A: you got a new bike?
quiz and talk about personality.
B: No, I 4 . It’s my old bike.
3.6 I can understand and write a short text
3 Ann got any sisters, but she’s got
about a favourite character from a
one brother.
A /5 book or a cartoon.

4 4.1 VOCABULARY Action verbs
I can understand and use action verbs.

1 Find these actions in the photos.

THINGS I dance draw fix jump ride run swim

• Spare time

• Action verbs
• Collocations with make, play and ride
• Language

• Can affirmative, negative, questions,
short answers

Grammar: I can fix it!

Grammar animation:
Can affirmative, negative
Can questions, short answers

Can I borrow your trainers?

Culture: Free time


2 Listen and repeat. Then find the items 5 Which actions are in the picture? Tick (✓) for
in the Vocabulary box which are NOT in the yes or put a cross (✗) for no.
photos on page 50.

Vocabulary Action verbs

act cook dance draw fix fly jump
read ride run sing swim write

3 Label the illustrations with words from the

Vocabulary box.

1 cook 2

1 ✓ swim 5 draw
3 4 2 dance 6 fix
3 read 7 ride
4 jump 8 fly

6 Work in pairs. Look at the picture in Exercise 5.

Mime actions for your partner to guess!

7 In pairs, complete the groups of words.

5 6 1 Things we do at school: read, write, draw
2 Things actors do:
3 Things we do at home:
4 Listen and circle the correct word. 4 Things we do for sport:
1 write / read 5 Things birds do:
2 swim / cook
3 draw / ride
4 write / fly
8 Make two lists that are true for And
5 run / fix YOU
you. Use the Vocabulary box to
6 act / sing
help you.
I think it’s easy to: cook,
I think it’s difficult to:

4.2 GRAMMAR can affirmative and negative
I can use the verb can in affirmative and negative sentences.

I can fix it!


Lian: Oh no, not again!

Lian: Guys, this video is for my granny, in Shanghai.
Alex: What’s wrong?
Granny Lin, this is my friend, Lucas.
Lian: It’s the camera. I can’t see a thing!
Lucas: Hello!
Alex: Let me see … Hmm, I can fix it.
Lian: Lucas is very talented! He can play the guitar
Lian: Thanks! Alex is a genius! He can fix
and he can sing!
things! He can do very clever things
Lucas: Well, I can’t sing very well but … with computers, too!

3 4

Jen: Yes, very clever – he can play

computer games all day! Cupcake?
Lian: Jen is a fantastic cook! These Alex: But what about Lian?
cupcakes are yummy! Lucas: Yes, what can she do?

1 Watch or listen, then read. Finish the 3 Find these expressions in the story.
There’s something wrong with Lian’s Not again! What’s wrong? OUT of
. Let me see… class
2 Complete the sentences.
4 What can Lian do? Clue no 1: Look at
1 The video is for Lian’s granny. photo 3. Clue no 2: Look at the picture of the
2 Lian’s granny is in . elephant in photo 4. Then watch or listen and
3 is a genius. check.
4 is a good cook. Lian can s d and
d w!

Grammar can affirmative and negative Get Grammar!
+ -
I can jump. I can’t jump.
I can’t dance but
You can jump. You can’t jump. I can jump!
He/She/It can jump. He/She/It can’t jump.
We can jump. We can’t jump.
You can jump. You can’t jump.
They can jump. They can’t jump.

5 Write who can do these things. Then look at the 8 Look at the Vocabulary box. Then complete
photos on page 52 and check. Lucas’s email with can and make, play or ride.

Lian (x2) Jen (x2) Alex (x1) Lucas (x2) Vocabulary make, play, ride
1 Lian can skateboard. make a poster / cupcakes
2 sing. play computer games / football / the piano
3 play computer games. ride a bike / a horse
4 make cupcakes.
5 draw.
6 cook.
7 play the guitar.
Here’s what my family can do: My dad 1can
play football very well. My mum 2
6 Follow the lines and find out what they can’t do. Read a horse and she 3
the sentences. the piano. My aunt, Melina, 4
1 Lian can’t fix things. draw cupcakes. They’re yummy! As for
2 Jen can’t cook me, I 5 the guitar and I
6 a bike.
3 Alex play the guitar
4 Lucas fix things
5 Lian skateboard 9 PRONUNCIATION

6 Alex sing Listen and repeat: /ae/, /a:/.

Mark’s Aunt Ann can play the guitar.
7 Listen and circle can or can’t.
But she can’t sing or act so she isn’t a star!
1 He can / can’t swim.
2 She can / can’t draw.
3 They can / can’t act. 10 Work in pairs. Student A: Write And
4 He can / can’t sing. three true and three false YOU
5 She can / can’t run. sentences. Student B: Guess
6 His brother can / can’t read. which sentences are true. Then
swap roles.
A: My granny can skateboard.
play volleyball play the piano
Watch B: No, she can’t!

4.3 GRAMMAR can questions and short answers
I can ask and answer questions with the verb can.

The Terrific Two – Thank you, Superdug!

1 2


Dug: Who’s Tom and Susan?

Kit: Can you see the boat over there?
Dug: Yes, I can.
Dug: Ah, what a lovely day! Kit: I think they are in it. Look!

3 4

Woman: Oh no! My son and daughter

can’t swim! Can you help? Kit: That’s Superdug!
Kit: What can we do? Dug?! Woman: He can run fast!
Dug: What? Oh, yes. We can help! Kit: Yes, he can. He’s a superhero!
One minute, please. Woman: Can he swim?
Kit: Oh! No, he can’t …

Kit: He can’t swim

but he can fly! Woman: Thank you, Superdug!
Superdug: No problem!

1 Look at the cartoon and answer the questions. 3 Read the cartoon again and complete the
1 What’s the title of Dug’s book? sentences with one word.
2 Who can swim in the cartoon? 1 Dug can see the boat.
2 Susan and Tom are in the .
2 Listen and read. Finish the sentence. 3 Susan and Tom can’t .
The woman is Tom and Susan’s . 4 Kit and Superdug help.
5 Superdug can’t swim but he can .

Grammar can questions and short answers Get Grammar!
? Short answers Can he
Can I swim? Yes, I can. / No, I can’t. run fast?
No, he can’t.
Can you swim? Yes, you can. / No, you can’t.
Can he/she/it swim? Yes, he/she/it can. / No, he/she/it can’t.
Can we swim? Yes, we can. / No, we can’t.
Can you swim? Yes, you can. / No, you can’t.
Can they swim? Yes, they can. / No, they can’t.
What can we do? We can help.

4 Complete the questions. Write short answers. 7 Copy the table. Add your idea for number 5.
Ask five of your classmates. How many of them
1 Q: Can Superdug fly? (fly)
can or can’t do these things?
A: Yes, he can.
2 Q: Dug ? (swim) Yes, I can. /
Can you
A: No, . No, I can’t.
3 Q: you the boat?
A: Yes, .
4 Q: the little dog ?
A: Yes, .

5 Look at the cartoon. Ask and answer the

questions in pairs.
1 Picture 2 Dug / see the children?
Can you … 1 2 3 4 5
A: Can Dug see the children?
B: Yes, he can. 1 swim? ✓ ✗ ✓ ✗ ✗
2 Picture 3: Tom and Susan / swim?
2 fix a computer?
3 Picture 3: What / Kit and Dug / do?
4 Picture 4: Superdug / run fast? 3 ride a horse?
5 Picture 4: Superdug / swim? 4 draw?
5 …?
6 In pairs, ask and answer about Kit and Dug.

Two people can swim and three people can’t swim.

swim? ✓ ✗ And
8 Listen and chant the
draw? ✗ ✓ Activities Rap.
cook? ✓ ✗
I can act, I can sing, I can draw a cat.
A: Can Kit swim? B: Yes, she can. I can run, I can swim – Can you do all that?

I can act, I can sing, I can draw a cat.

I can run, I can swim – I can do all that!

4.4 COMMUNICATION Asking for and giving permission
I can ask for and give permission.

Can I borrow your trainers?

Lucas sometimes forgets things.

Lucas: Oh, no. I haven’t got my pencil case.

Can I borrow a pen, Tom?
Tom: Sure, Lucas, no problem.
Lucas: Thanks!

Lucas: Oh no, I left my phone at home.

Is it OK if I use your mobile?
Tom: Oh Lucas! Not again. No, sorry …
Lucas: Please Tom …
Tom: Oh, all right … just be quick!

Lucas: Where are my trainers? They aren’t in my

bag. Er … Can I borrow your trainers?
Tom: No, sorry, you can’t. I only have one pair
… and anyway, they’re too big for you!

4 In pairs, ask for and give permission.

1 Watch or listen and read. Answer the
questions. 1 You want to go to a party. Ask your mum.
A: Is it OK if I go to a party on Sunday evening?
1 Where are Tom and Lucas?
2 What three things does Lucas need? B: No, sorry. You’ve got school on Monday.
2 You want to use your sister's tablet. Ask her.
2 Listen and repeat. 3 You want to leave the classroom and get some
Communication Asking for and giving water. Ask your teacher.
permission 4 You want to get an autograph from a famous
(informal: when you speak to your family or friends) actor. Ask him/her.
Can I borrow a pen, please?
Yes, you can. / No, sorry, you can’t. / 5 What do the people want? Match speakers
Sure, no problem. 1–4 to pictures A–F.
There are two extra pictures.
Is it OK if I use your mobile?
No, sorry, it isn’t OK. / Oh, all right. / Yes, that’s fine. 1 Isabel B 3 Dan
2 Jude 4 Jenny
(formal: when you speak to a teacher, Watch
the headmaster, etc)
May I take a day off, sir? I don’t
feel well.
Yes, you may. / No, you may not.

3 Complete the dialogue. Then act out the dialogue

in pairs.
Amy: Excuse me, miss, 1 may I use a
calculator for the test? D E F
Teacher: Yes, you 2 .
Amy: Er, Lucas. Is it 3 if I borrow your
Lucas: Not again, Amy! No, sorry it 4 OK.
Amy: But Lucas. Can I use it, 5 ?
Lucas: I’m joking Amy! Sure, no 6 .
4.5 READING and SPEAKING Sign language
I can understand a short article about sign language and try it myself.

1 Listen and repeat. Then label the pictures with 4 Read the sentences. Circle T (true) or
words from the Vocabulary box. F (false).

Vocabulary Language
hear learn language sign language speak special

1 People who can’t hear have

1 learn 2 3 got a special language. T/F
2 There are special schools for
students who use sign
language. T/F
3 In sign language you draw
pictures. T/F
4 People who can’t hear or
4 5 6 speak use sign language. T/F
5 People use sign language
only at schools. T/F
2 Look at the pictures in Exercise 1 and the title of the text
in Exercise 3. Do you know what sign language is? Do
5 The pictures show a word in the British
you know anyone who uses it?
Sign Language alphabet. Can you
show it with your hands?
3 Read the text and match headings a–d to paragraphs
1–4. 1 2 3
a Learn sign language! c Where is sign language
b A special language important?
d What is sign language?

Sign language E



1 b At school you can learn different languages, like

English, French or Spanish. But there are special
schools where teachers and students use sign
2 In sign language you make letters and words with L I
your hands. It’s for people who can’t hear. 6 7
3 Sign language is important in schools and at home.
All the family can learn sign language. They can
speak to children who can’t hear.
4 Are there children at your school who use sign
language? Here’s an idea: you can learn sign
language and speak to them.
6 Find out all the letters of the British
Sign Language on the Internet. Then
spell your name.
4.6 LISTENING and WRITING An ad for an after-school club • Linkers: and, but
I can understand and write an ad for an after-school club.

1 Match the pictures 1–4 to after-school clubs 5 Read the ad for an after-school club. Who is
a–d. In pairs, say what you can do in these the club for? Circle the correct answer.
It’s for students who like sports / computers.

Come to Computer Club!

You can write emails but you can’t write
computer programs? We can teach you!
You can make robots and you can play computer
games too. How cool is that?
Where: St Alban’s Secondary School
When: Monday, 4 o’clock
1 2 See you there!


Writing and, but

You can make robots and you can play
computer games.
You can write emails but you can’t write
computer programs.

3 4 6 Complete the sentences with and or but.

1 I can run and I can jump.
a 4 swimming club c drama club 2 She can sing she can’t act.
b art club d football club 3 They can play computer games
make a robot they can’t write
2 Listen to four children. Match speakers computer programs.
1–4 to clubs a–d in Exercise 1.
Speaker 1 b
Speaker 2 Writing Time
Speaker 3
Speaker 4 7 Write an ad for an after-school club.

3 Listen again to the speakers in Exercise 2 and

1 ! Find ideas
Make notes about what you can do at the
complete with a number or an action verb. club, and where and when the club is.
1 At Art Club you can learn to draw. 2 Draft
2 The number of students in the Art Club is 1 Write the title. Come to … Club!
. 2 Write a paragraph about what you can
3 In Drama Club you learn to . do at the club.
4 Football Club is for boys and girls from twelve You can … and
to . You can … but you can’t …
5 The number of kids in the swimming club is 3 Write where and when the club is.
. Where: … When: … o’clock
4 Write the end. See you there!
4 CLASS VOTE Which of the clubs in Exercise 2 do 3 ✓ Check and write
you prefer? Check all the linkers (and, but) and write
the final version of your text.
or you



Vocabulary 4 Look at the picture. Write questions. Answer
yes (✓) or no (✗). Use short answers.
1 What can they do? Write the action verbs.

0 fly 1 1 she / play the piano?

A: 0Can she play the piano?
B: ✓ 1
2 the dogs / sing
A: 2
B: ✗ 3
3 the boy / ride his bike
2 3 A: 4
B: ✓ 5
A /5

5 Complete the dialogues.

4 5 sorry problem that’s OK Can all right

1 A: Can I have a new pair of trainers?
A /5
B: Sure, no 0problem.
2 Circle the correct word. 2 A: Is it 1 if I do my homework
0 draw / read a picture tomorrow?
1 play / ride the guitar
B: Yes, 2 fine.
2 play / make a cake 3
3 A: I play a computer game?
3 sing / read a book
B: No, 4 , you can’t.
4 ride / act a bike
4 A: Is it OK if I go to a party on Saturday?
5 sing / play computer games
B: Oh, 5 .
A /5 A /5

Grammar Your total score A /25

3 Look at the table. Complete the sentences with SELF-ASSESSMENT Think about this unit.
can, can’t, and or but. What did you learn? What do you need
help with?
swim run fast fix a bike
4.1 I can understand action verbs.
Anna ✓ ✓ ✗
4.2 I can use the verb can in affirmative
Tom ✗ ✓ ✓ and negative sentences.
Sam and Joe ✓ ✓ ✗ 4.3 I can ask and answer questions
with the verb can.
Anna can swim 0and she 00can run fast. 4.4 I can ask for and give permission.
Tom 1 run fast 2 he can fix a bike. 4.5 I can understand a text about sign
Sam and Joe can swim 3 they 4 fix a bike. language.
Tom and Anna 5 run fast.
4.6 I can understand and write an
A /5 ad for an after-school club.


Hyde Park Natural History Museum The London Eye and the Thames

EXPLORE 3 Read the text in Exercise 2 again.

Circle the correct answer.
Where can you …
1 Do you know these places in London? What are
1 skateboard?
they? What can you do there?
on the London Eye / in Hyde Park
2 Listen and read. Match photos A–D to 2 make a comic?
paragraphs 1–4. at a workshop / on the Thames
3 sing?
Things to do at the weekend in the Natural History Museum /
London is a fun city. There are a lot of things in a musical
young people can do. Here are some of them. 4 go on a boat?
A 1 D Go to a museum from the top of the London Eye /
How about the Natural History Museum? There on the Thames
are fun activities for teens: you can make 5 make a T-shirt?
dinosaur T-shirts, see a puppet show or be a at the Natural History Museum /
scientist for a day! at the Cartoon Museum
B 2 Workshops
Some museums have workshops. You can draw 4 Listen and write where the
or make things with your friends. At the Cartoon people are. Choose from the
Museum, you can make your own comic! places listed below.

C 3 See a show A puppet show A drawing workshop

London is famous for its musicals. There are The London Eye A musical
many shows. You can sing and dance to the
songs, too! 1 The London Eye

4 See the city 2

D You can see London from the top of the London 3
Eye or from a boat on the Thames. You can run, 4
play football, skateboard or have a picnic in
Hyde Park. 5 Work in pairs. What can teenagers
do where you live? Make a list and
compare with other students’ lists.
activity (n) something you do because you enjoy it Whose list is the longest?
workshop (n) a place where people meet to learn or improve a skill
comic (n) a magazine that tells a story with pictures


Free time activities

6 Watch the video and answer the presenter’s questions. Which of these activities is not in the
video? Circle the correct answer a, b, c or d.
a boxing b skateboarding c swimming d ice-skating

7 Watch the video from exercise 6 again and circle T (true) or F (false). Use the information from the
video, not what you know.
1 You can ride a BMX bike in Rom Park. T/F
2 You can’t skateboard in Rom Park. T/F
3 There are special hats for climbing. T/F
4 Boxing isn’t a sport. T/F
5 Sports can help you make new friends. T/F

8 Discuss in pairs. Which of the sports or activities in

the video can you do? Which would you like to do?

or you



9 CULTURE PROJECT In pairs, make a leaflet about
the fun things visitors can do in your area. Fun things to do in …*
1 Take photos of the places or find them on the
Internet. This is …
2 Write about places with fun activities for It’s in …
teenagers. Use these questions to help you. You can do fun activities
What kind of places are they? skateboard / see a film th
Where are they?
What can people do there? *Add the name of the pla
3 Put the photos and text together on the leaflet. where you live.
4 Share your leaflet with the class.


Vocabulary Grammar

1 Find five body words and five personality 3 Complete the dialogue with the verb to be.
words. Put them into two groups. Use an affirmative form (✓) or a negative
form (✗).






1A+5A 3A+2C 5B+5D Kit: It 0 is (✓) you, Dug! You 1 (✓)

1B+3C 3B+1C 5C+1D with your granddad and granny, right?
2B+4D 4B+3D Dug: No, I 2 (✗). They 3 (✓) my
parents. My dad 4 (✓) British, but
2D+4A 4C+2A
my mother 5 (✗) British.
personality She 6 (✓) Romanian.
Kit: It 7 (✗) a new photo.
0 helpful
Dug: That’s right. The photo 8 (✓)
very old.
A /8
4 Put the words in the correct order to make
A /9 sentences.
0 sing well can I .
2 Label the pictures. What can you do? I can sing well.
Tick (✓).
1 fast run Sam can’t .

0 p _l a
_ _y f o
_o_ _t _
ba_ _l _l
2 Can football Grandad play ?
1 r_ _
3 skateboard can’t Mum .
2 s_ _ _
4 very Sally can’t well cook .
3 r_ _ _ a h_ _ _ _

4 j_ _ _ A /4
A /4

or you


Reading Listening

7 Listen and circle the correct words.

Patty’s blog My new band!
0 The children are at Charlie’s / Ann’s home.
I’m in a band with Jake and Mick from my class. 1 Ann has got / hasn’t got her skateboard.
In the photo, they’re in my garage! 2 Anne has got a computer game / bike.
Jake and Mick are very nice. Jake’s twelve. He’s 3 Charlie’s computer is in his bedroom /
got short dark hair and big brown eyes. He’s tall. the kitchen.
He’s good at playing the guitar because he’s got
4 Charlie’s dad is in the garden / garage.
big hands and long fingers. Mick’s thirteen. He’s
got blond wavy hair and small brown eyes. He’s 5 Charlie’s brother has got short curly /
short. He’s good at playing the guitar too. I’ve got spiky blonde hair.
a guitar but I’m the singer in our band.
6 Charlie’s cousin has got short dark straight /
Bye! spiky hair.
7 There’s a cat / box under the table.

8 The cat is in / next to the box.

A /8


8 The Smith family are at granny and grandad’s

new house. Match pictures 0–4 to sentences
5 Read the text. Circle T (True) or F (False). a–e.

0 There are four children in the band. T/F d

1 Jake is short. T/F
2 Jake hasn’t got blond hair. T/F
3 Mick’s got wavy hair and big brown eyes. T/F
4 Mick is good at playing the guitar. T/F
0 1 2
5 Patty hasn’t got a guitar. T/F
6 Patty can’t sing. T/F

A /6

6 Complete the text with the words below.

are house got kitchen next to our 3 4
sister small a Let me show you.
b Would you like an ice cream?
We’ve got a new 0house! There 1 two c I’m so sorry!
bedrooms. One bedroom is for my parents and one d Please come in.
bedroom is for me and my 2 . In 3 e Look! There’s a big garden!
bedroom we’ve got two beds, two desks and two chairs. A /4
There’s a living room, a 4 and a bathroom.
There’s a 5 garden and there’s a garage too. Vocabulary A /13

We’ve 6 a lot of things in the garage! There’s Grammar A /12

an old bed 7 the wall. My new house is cool. Reading A /13
Listening A /8
A /7 A /4
Your total score A /50
5 5.1 VOCABULARY Daily activities
I can talk about daily activities.

1 Which of these activities do you do every day?

go to school have lunch do (my) homework watch TV go to bed
• Daily life
• Going places

• Daily activities
• Days of the week
• Places in town

• Present Simple affirmative
• Adverbs of frequency
• Prepositions of place
• Prepositions of movement

Grammar: I listen to classical


Grammar animations:
Present Simple affirmative
Adverbs of frequency

Is it far?

2 Listen and repeat. Which expressions can you 6 Number the activities in the order you do
find in the pictures on page 64? them on a typical day. Read your lists in
pairs. Are they the same?
Vocabulary Daily activities have dinner 1 get up
have lessons have breakfast
do my homework get up go to bed
go to school hang out with my friends go to school go to bed
have a shower have breakfast have dinner do my homework have lunch
have lessons have lunch listen to music
tidy my room watch TV 7 Look at the pictures. Write the activity.

3 Circle the correct answer.

1 get / go to bed
2 have / get up
3 tidy / listen to my room
4 have / go lessons
5 watch / listen to music
6 take / watch TV 1 hang out with
7 do / have my homework my friends
8 take / hang out with my friends

4 Complete the expressions with a word from

the list below.

lessons dinner a shower breakfast lunch

3 4

5 6
1 lunch 3 8 In pairs, play the board game on page 64.

1 Throw the dice.

2 Go forward.
3 If there’s a picture on the square, name
the activity.
Correct answer: stay there.
4 5 Wrong answer: go back two squares.
4 Get to the FINISH square first in order
to win!
have breakfast / lunch / dinner
have a shower
have lessons
9 Put the daily activities in the YOU
5 Listen and write the activities in your Vocabulary box into groups.
notebook. Use the Vocabulary box to help you.
Activities I like: …
1 watch TV
Activities I don’t like: …

5.2 GRAMMAR Present Simple affirmative
I can use the Present Simple in affirmative sentences.

I listen to classical music.

1 Lucas asks Jen and Alex about their
daily routine for a school survey.

Jen I get up early. I get ready for school and I have breakfast.
Alex Me, too. Breakfast is very important. Jen makes pancakes!
3 Jen Then we walk to school.
Alex We’re never late for school.

Jen After school we do our homework. In the Lucas Come on, guys! Alex listens to classical
evening, ... music! Jen plays the piano! Seriously?
Alex I listen to classical music and Jen plays the Jen Oh, Alex! Lucas, let me tell you what
piano. Alex really does!

1 Watch or listen, then read. Who makes 3 Find these expressions in the story.
breakfast? Circle the correct answer.
a Lucas b Alex c Jen Me, too. Come on, guys! OUT of
2 Write A (Alex), J (Jen) or A and J (Alex and Jen).
1 get up early J 4 Guess what Alex really does. Circle your
2 make pancakes choice. Then watch or listen and check.
3 walk to school
1 gets up early / late
4 do homework
2 has breakfast at home / at school
5 listen to classical music
3 plays computer games / football
6 play the piano

Grammar Present Simple affirmative Get Grammar!
+ I go to bed early. Hammy
I listen to music. goes to bed early, too.
You listen to music.
He/She/It listens to music.
We listen to music.
You listen to music.
They listen to music.

5 Circle the correct answer. 7 Tick (✓) the things that you do. Tell your
partner. Then listen to your partner and tick
I 1get / gets up early. Alex 2get (✓) the things he/she does.
/ gets up late. Alex 3have / has Me Partner:
breakfast at school. I 4have /
has breakfast at home. 1 I get up early.
2 I get up late.
3 I have breakfast at home.
Jen and I 5walk / walks to school.
4 I have breakfast at school.
After school, we 6do / does our
homework. In the evening, I 7play / 5 I do my homework after school.
plays computer games. 6 I hang out with my friends after
7 I watch TV after dinner.
8 I play computer games after
get ➞ gets make ➞ makes Watch dinner.
watch ➞ watches go ➞ goes
tidy ➞ tidies have ➞ has
Listen and repeat: /s/, /z/ or /ɪz/.
6 Read Lucas’ blog. Complete the sentences with a Kate gets up late and has breakfast fast,
verb from the list below in the correct form. She watches a film and runs for the bus!
go hang watch play have have get get

Lucas’ blog
My brother and I are very different.
Victor 1gets up early. I 2
up late. I 3 breakfast at
home but Victor 4 to the
swimming pool so he 5 breakfast
at school. Before dinner, I 6 computer
9 Look at Exercise 7. Write what And
games and Victor 7
But we 8
out with his friends.
the football on TV together!
you and you partner do. YOU
I get up early. Nicola gets up
early, too.
After school, I …

5.3 GRAMMAR Adverbs of frequency
I can use adverbs of frequency.

The Terrific Two – Dug’s busy week


Kit: Dug, your garage is a mess!

Can you tidy it, please?
Dug: Sorry, Kit. Today’s Monday.
On Mondays I always go to
the superhero gym.
Kit: How about Tuesday?
Dug: Tuesday isn’t a good day. I
have swimming lessons on 2
Kit: OK. Wednesday.
Dug: I usually have dinner
with uncle Roberto on
Kit: Thursday? Friday?
Dug: I’m often busy on these
days. On Thursday I visit my
parents. On Friday I play
football for the superhero
team. And on Saturday we
always hang out with our

Kit: How about Sunday?

Dug: But Sunday is my only free day!
Kit: Not this Sunday!

1 Listen and read. Which is Dug’s 3 Correct the sentences.

free day? 1 Dug’s kitchen is a mess. garage
2 Dug has singing lessons.
2 You can’t see three activities from
3 Dug has lunch with his uncle Roberto.
Dug’s busy week in the cartoon. Which
activities are they? 4 Dug visits his granny and grandad.
5 Dug plays basketball for the superhero team.

Grammar Adverbs of frequency Get Grammar!
●●●●● We always hang out with our friends. We often And we always
●●●● ● He usually goes to the gym. watch DVDs. eat popcorn.
●●● ●● I often visit my granny.
●● ●●● She sometimes has dinner with us.
●●●●● They never get up late.
Adverb + verb Adverb + to be
I always have breakfast. I am always happy.
They never get up late. They are never late.

4 Draw arrows and put the adverb in the correct 7 Complete the words. Tell your partner when Kit
place in the sentence. does these activities. Which day is missing?

1 Dug has dinner with Kit. usually 1 watch a film F r i day

2 He plays computer games. sometimes 2 get up late S day
3 He is at home on Tuesday. never 3 cook dinner W day
4 He listens to music. often 4 tidy her house S day
5 He is late for breakfast. always 5 have a tennis lesson M day
6 go to the gym T day
5 Write about Kit’s sisters, Lulu and Flo. Find the Kit watches films on Friday.
correct adverb in the grammar table.

8 Write sentences that are true
for you. When is your free day?
1 always / Monday
I always watch TV on Monday.
1 Lulu and Flo / go to the cinema
on Friday. ●●●●●
●●● ●● 2 sometimes / Tuesday
Lulu and Flo often go to the cinema on Friday. 3 often / Thursday
2 Lulu and Flo / hang out with Kit 4 usually / Friday
and Dug. ●●●●●
●● ●●● 5 never / Saturday
3 Lulu / go to bed early. ●●●●●
●●●● ● 6 always / Sunday
4 Flo / play computer games. ●●●●●
5 They / be late for school. ●●●●●
●● ●●●
9 Work in pairs. Say one true and one false
activity. Can your partner spot the false
6 They / do their homework before
dinner. ●●●●●
A: I never get up late. I often cook.
6 Listen and repeat. B: True, false!
A: Correct!
Vocabulary Days of the week

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday

Friday Saturday Sunday

5.4 COMMUNICATION Asking for and giving directions
I can ask for and give directions.

Is it far ? Tourist: Er … Excuse me … I’m looking for the Science

Amy: The Science Museum? Yes, it’s …
Tom: Hey, I know where it is, it’s in Green Street.
Tourist: Where’s Green Street? Is it far?
Tom: No, it isn’t. Go straight on, then turn right …
Amy: You mean turn left, Tom.
Tom: Oh yes, turn left. Go past the cinema and the
museum is on the left. It’s opposite the park.
Amy: But it’s on the right, Tom.
Tom: What’s on the right?
Amy: The museum, Tom. You don’t know your left from
your right!

1 Watch or listen and read. Where does the 4 Circle the correct answer. Then show the library
tourist want to go? on the map in Exercise 5. Is it A, B or C?
Boy: Excuse me. I’m looking 1 for / to the library.
2 Listen and repeat.
Girl: There’s a library 2 in / at North Street.
Communication Directions
Boy: Where’s North Street? Is it far?
Asking for directions Giving directions 3 on
Girl: No, it isn’t. Go straight / in, past the hotel.
Excuse me. Where’s It’s in/on Green Street. 4 go
Then / turn right. The library is
North Street? Go straight on. 5 in / on the left, opposite the bank.
I’m looking for a library. Go past the cinema.
How can I get to the Turn left. / Turn right. Boy: Thanks!
Science Museum? It’s on the left. /
Is it far? It’s on the right. 5 Listen, follow the directions and write A, B or
C next to the places.

3 Look at the pictures and give directions. Use the stadium the supermarket
the Communication box to help you.
1 Turn right. 4 A B

2 5


Prepositions of movement

across along down up 6 In pairs, ask for and give directions.

into out of past

5.5 READING and SPEAKING Around town
I can understand a city map and talk about places in town.

1 Listen and repeat. Which places in the 3 Find the dogs in the picture in Exercise 1.
Vocabulary box can you see in the picture? Then ask and answer in pairs.
A: Where is Fido?
Vocabulary Places in town B: Fido is in front of the cinema.
bank café cinema hospital hotel
library museum park restaurant 1 2 3
shop stadium supermarket theatre

Fido Max Roxy

4 5

Bella Harley

4 Game! Play ‘Treasure hunt’. In pairs, choose

a place in the picture in Exercise 1 to hide a
treasure. Write clues for your partner to
find it.

5 Complete the sentences so And

2 Look at the Grammar box. Then look at they are true for you. Then ask
the picture in Exercise 1 and complete the and answer about your town. YOU
A: Is there a hospital in your
Grammar Prepositions of place town?
B: Yes, there is. / No, there isn’t

behind between

In my town …
there is ,
in front of next to opposite there are ,
there isn't .
1 The museum is between the cinema and
the theatre.
2 The ambulance is the hospital.
3 The stadium is the supermarket.
4 The cinema is the museum.
5 The hospital is the café.

5.6 LISTENING and WRITING A typical weekend • Use before, after
I can understand and write short texts about a typical weekend.

1 Tick [✓] the activities you do at the weekend. 5 Read Lian’s blog. Which is her favourite day?
Compare with your partner. Circle the correct answer.
1 tidy my room 6 sing a Saturday b Sunday
2 play football 7 play computer games
3 ride my bike 8 do my homework
4 listen to music 9 have lunch with my
5 watch TV family
My weekend
I usually get up at 8 o’clock
2 What is their typical Saturday? Listen and
on Saturdays. After
match the names to the pictures. There is one
breakfast I skateboard
extra picture.
with my friends. I love
my skateboard and I love Saturdays! Before
dinner I watch TV or play computer games.
I get up at 9 o’clock on Sundays. Before
lunch I tidy my room and I do my homework.
I always have lunch with my family! After
lunch I often draw or listen to music.

Writing before, after

Anna tidy my lunch play computer

Brian Ben
room games
Before lunch I tidy my room.
I tidy my room before lunch.
After lunch I play computer games.
I play computer games after lunch.

6 Underline before and after in Lian’s blog.

Writing Time

7 Write about your typical weekend. Use

before and after.
3 Listen to Ben talking about his weekend.
Complete the sentences with a word you hear.
1 ! Find ideas
Make a list of what you do.
1 Ben usually gets up at 7 o’clock on Saturdays.
Saturday: get up late, help Mum, …
2 Ben tidies his room after .
Sunday: do my homework, …
3 Ben goes to bed at o’clock on
Saturdays. 2 Draft
4 Ben does his homework after Write a paragraph about Saturday.
breakfast on Sundays. I usually get up at … o’clock on Saturday.
5 Ben and his best friend play the on I have a shower and I have breakfast.
Sundays. After breakfast I …
Write a paragraph about Sunday.
4 Work in groups. Talk about what you usually do I always …. on Sunday. Before lunch I …
at the weekend. Then tell your class about a
student in your group. Can they guess who it is? 3 ✓ Check and write
Check all before and after and write the
final version of your text.
or you



Vocabulary 3 Complete the sentences. Put the verbs
in the correct form.
1 Complete the sentences with one word in
0 Tom gets up (get up) early.
each gap.
1 We (go) to a big school.
2 Sally (like) chocolate ice cream.
3 Tim (tidy) his room every day.
4 They (live) in London.
5 I (have) lunch in the park.
A /5

0 In the morning, I get 1 We 4 Rewrite the sentences. Add the word in brackets.
up at seven o’clock. lessons all day. 0 They walk to school. (always)
They always walk to school.
1 I am busy in the afternoon. (usually)

2 We play tennis. (never)

3 Mum watches TV. (sometimes)

2 After school, I 3 We
out with computer games
4 He is late for school. (always)
friends. on Saturdays.

5 My cat sleeps on my bed. (often)

A /5

4 Before bed, 5 At night, I 5 Complete the dialogue with the words in the box.
I TV. to bed at 9.
straight looking me on turn far
A /5
Boy: Excuse 0 me , I’m 1 for the
Grammar cinema. Is it 2 ?
Girl: No, it isn’t. Go 3 on, past the
2 Look at the picture. Complete the bank. Then 4 right. The cinema is
sentences with the correct prepositions of 5 the left, opposite the café.
A /5

Your total score A /25

SELF-ASSESSMENT Think about this unit. What

did you learn? What do you need help with?
5.1 I can talk about daily activities.
5.2 I can use the Present Simple in
0 The café is between the cinema and the affirmative sentences.
restaurant. 5.3 I can use adverbs of frequency.
1 The hospital is the café. 5.4 I can ask for and give directions
2 The theatre is the hospital. and use prepositions of movement.
3 The park is the restaurant. 5.5 I can understand a city map and talk
4 There is a car the restaurant. about places in town.
5 The cinema is the theatre. 5.6 I can understand and write a short
text about a typical weekend.
A /5

I can talk about animals.
Wild animals

1 Find the animals in the photos. There is one extra photo.

elephant monkey tiger giraffe lion crocodile kangaroo
• The natural world
• Animals
• Pets

• Wild animals
• Pets
• Money
• Adjectives

• Present Simple negative
• Present Simple questions and short
answers 3
Grammar: I don’t like cats!

Grammar animations:
Present Simple negative
Present Simple questions
and short answers

6 8
One ticket, please.

The London Zoo

2 Listen and repeat. What is the name of the 5 Read the sentences and circle the correct
animal in the extra photo on page 74? answer.

Vocabulary Wild animals

1 I can fly!

bird butterfly crocodile elephant fish spider / bird

fly frog giraffe kangaroo lion monkey
snake spider tiger whale 2 I can swim!

whale / butterfly
3 Look at the pictures and complete the words.
Use the Vocabulary box for help. 3 I’m very tall!

frog / giraffe

4 I can’t jump!

kangaroo / elephant

5 I’ve got big teeth!

1 butterfly 2 b r crocodile / fly

6 I haven’t got arms and legs.

snake / monkey

6 The names of the animals got mixed up. Write

the correct names.
1 ti on 4 croco roo
3 ly 4 s ak
2 kanga fly 5 li key

3 butter dile 6 mon ger

1 tiger 4
2 5
3 6
5 pid 6 f g

7 Work in pairs. Draw three fantasy And

animals. Show them to your
partner and give them a name.
A: It’s a giraffe and a bird.
B: It’s a ‘giraffird’!
A: Or a biraffe!
7 is

4 Listen to the animal sounds. Number the

words. Then check your answers in pairs.
a bird
b elephant
c frog
d 1 lion
e monkey
f snake

6.2 GRAMMAR Present Simple negative
I can use the negative form of the Present Simple and talk about pets.

I don’t like cats!


Alex: Mum? I want a dog like this! Please?

Mum: Aww … I like dogs but they are hard work, Alex.
Alex: I don’t mind!

2 3

Mum: Can you get up early and take it for a walk? Every day?
Jen: Poor dog! Alex doesn’t get up before twelve o’clock at Jen: How about a cat? People don’t
the weekend. take cats for a walk.
Dad: Big dogs eat a lot. Alex: I don’t like cats! And I’m allergic!
Alex: But it’s small! It doesn’t eat a lot. Dad: Look, these are perfect for you!
Dad: Because it’s a puppy! These dogs are usually very big! They don’t eat a lot and you are
Alex: Oh, all right. not allergic to them.

1 Watch or listen. Then read. Find a word 3 Find these expressions in the story. How do you say
that means ‘baby dog’. them in your language?

2 Read the sentences. Circle T (true) or F I don’t mind! Poor (dog)! OUT of
(false). Oh, all right! class
1 Alex wants a pet cat. T/F
2 Dad thinks small dogs eat a lot. T/F
4 CLASS VOTE Guess what kind of pet is good
3 Alex gets up late at the weekend. T/F
for Alex in Dad’s opinion? Then watch or listen and
4 The puppy in Alex’s photo is very big. T/F
5 A cat is not a good pet for Alex. T/F
a hamster b goldfish c frog

Grammar Present Simple negative Get Grammar!
I don’t (do not) get up early.
You don’t (do not) get up early. I don’t go
He/She/It doesn’t (does not) get up early. to school.
We don’t (do not) get up early.
You don’t (do not) get up early.
They don’t (do not) get up early.

5 Circle the correct answer. Then check with the 8 Listen and repeat. Then label the pictures
story on page 76. with the words in the Vocabulary box.
1 Alex wants / doesn’t want a cat. Vocabulary Pets
2 Small dogs eat / don’t eat a lot.
3 Alex’s mum likes / doesn’t like the puppy in the cat dog goldfish hamster
photo. iguana parrot rabbit tortoise
4 Alex gets up / doesn’t get up before 12 o’clock
at the weekend.
5 People take / don’t take cats for a morning
6 Alex wants / doesn’t want a goldfish.
1 cat 2 3 4
6 Complete what Alex says with
don’t or doesn’t.

1 On weekdays, Jen and

I go to school but we
don’t go to school at the 5 6 7 8
9 Which animal is good for these people?
2 At the weekend Lucas plays computer
Student A: Listen to Student B and decide
games but he play computer
which pet is good for them.
games on weekdays.
Student B: Read the prompts to help Student A.
Then swap roles.
3 On weekdays Jen gets up early but she
Student A
get up early at the weekend.
1 Alex: goldfish / dog ?
2 Lucas: parrot / hamster?
4 I hang out with my friends at the weekend 3 Lian: iguana / rabbit?
but I hang out with them on Student B
weekdays. 1 Alex wants to play with his pet.
2 Lucas doesn’t like birds.
3 Lian’s mum is allergic to cats and rabbits.
5 On weekdays Lian does homework but she
B: Alex wants to play with his pet.
do homework at the weekend.
A: A dog is a good pet for Alex, then.
Student B
6 At the weekend we watch films on TV but 4 Granny: dog / hamster?
we watch TV on weekdays. 5 Aunt Megan: tortoise / parrot?
6 Jen’s friend, Emma: goldfish / big dog?
7 In pairs, talk about what you do and don’t do at Student A
the weekend. 4 Granny wants to go for walks with her pet.
I don’t go to school at the weekend. 5 Aunt Megan loves birds.
6 Emma doesn’t want a big pet.
6.3 GRAMMAR Present Simple questions and short answers
I can ask and answer questions in the Present Simple.

The Terrific Two – Superdug’s interview

1 A reporter from Superhero magazine is at Dug’s house. 2

Reporter: Superdug, what do you do to relax?

Superdug: I play computer games with Kit. Reporter: That’s interesting! Do you speak any
Reporter: Does Superdug always win, Kit? foreign languages, Superdug?
Kit: No, he doesn’t. Superdug: No, I don’t but Kit speaks five
Superdug: Kit is a very good player. I’m not. languages. She can speak Chinese!
Kit: But Superdug plays the piano!

Reporter: Do you and Kit work together?

Superdug: Yes, we do. She helps me with
my work.
5 Reporter: OK. Thank you.

Reporter: Does he have piano lessons?

Kit: Yes, he does.
Superdug: Kit is my piano teacher.
Reporter: Do you sing, Superdug?
Superdug: Oh, no, I don’t! I can’t sing at A week later…
all! Kit is a very good singer! Superdug: Eh? Superdug? No. Here’s Superkit!
Kit: Oh…

1 Listen and read. Who is 2 Read the sentences. Circle the correct answer.
Superdug’s piano teacher?
1 Superdug watches TV / plays computer games to relax.
2 Superdug sometimes / always wins a computer game.
3 Kit speaks / doesn’t speak foreign languages.
4 Superdug is / isn’t a good piano player.
5 Kit sings / doesn’t sing well.

Grammar Present Simple questions and short answers Get Grammar!
? Short answers Does Max watch
Do I sing? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. DVDs to relax?
Do you sing? Yes, you do. / No, you don’t.
Yes, he
Does he/she/it sing? Yes, he/she/it does. / No, he/she/it doesn’t. does.
Do we sing? Yes, we do. / No, we don’t.
Do you sing? Yes, you do. / No, you don’t.
Do they sing? Yes, they do. / No, they don’t.
What do you do to relax? I play computer games.

3 Complete the reporter’s other questions 6 Game! Complete the questions. In pairs, ask
to Superdug with Do or Does. Then write the questions and mime the answers. You get
Superdug’s answers to the questions. one point for each correct guess.
1 Do you know Superman? ✗ 1 What do you do (do) to relax?
2 you hang out with friends? ✓ 2 What (have) for breakfast?
3 Kit help you? ✓ 3 Where (do) your homework?
4 you go to the gym? ✓ 4 What (do) after school?
5 you and Kit go ice skating? ✗ 5 What (do) on Friday after dinner?
6 Kit visit you at the weekend? ✗ 6 Where (hang out) with your friends?

1 ✗ No, I don’t. A: What do you do to relax?

B: (mimes the answer)
4 In pairs, role play the questions and answers in A: I know! You play the guitar!
Exercise 3.
A: Do you know Superman?
B: No, I don’t. 7 Listen and sing the And
Questions song. YOU
5 Write the questions to Kit. Then listen and
write Kit’s answers to the questions. Do you play computer games?
Do you watch TV?
1 you / play the guitar?
Do you hang out with your friends?
Do you play the guitar?
2 you / listen to pop music? Then you’re just like me!
3 Superdug / eat superhero food? Yes, you’re just like me!
4 Superdug / watch TV? Does your mum say ‘Get up now!’?
5 you / and Superdug hang out every day?
Does she count to three?
6 Superdug / have swimming lessons?
Do you say ‘Oh, it’s not fair!’?
1 No, I don’t. Then you’re just like me!
Yes, you’re just like me!

Do you have your breakfast?

Do you go to school?
Do you like your English class?
Then you’re really cool!
Yes, you’re really cool!
6.4 COMMUNICATION Buying a ticket
I can buy a ticket.

One ticket, please.

Dad: Get a ticket, Lucas. Jen and I
have got passes.
Attendant: Can I help you?
Lucas: Can I have a ticket to the zoo,
Attendant: That’s eighteen pounds fifty,
Lucas: Here you are.
Attendant: Thank you. Here’s your ticket.
Would you like a guide?
Lucas: No, thank you. Just the
ticket, please. I’ve got all the
information on my phone.
Lucas: Where do we start?
Jen: At the café. I’m so hungry I
could eat a horse!
Lucas: Shh! We are at the zoo.

1 Watch or listen, then read. Why don’t 5 Put the sentences in the dialogue in the correct
they need a guide? order.
a Thanks.
2 Why does Lucas say ‘Shh! We are at the
zoo.‘? b Here are your tickets.
c Can I have three tickets to the aquarium,
3 Can you match these signs for safety rules please?
at the zoo with their meaning? d Here you are.
a Caution! Danger! e That’s twelve pounds sixty, please.
b No smoking! f 1 Can I help you?
c Do not feed the animals!
£ = pound Watch
1 2 3 £4.20 = four (pounds) twenty OUT!

6 In pairs, role play buying tickets to the museum.

Use the prompts.
4 Listen and repeat. A: help / you? B: three tickets
Can I help you?
Communication Buying a ticket
A: £13.20 B: here
A: Can I help you? A: your tickets B: thanks
B: Can I have one ticket / two tickets to the zoo,
A: That’s eighteen pounds fifty.
B: Here you are.
A: Here’s your ticket. / Here are your tickets.
B: Thanks.

6.5 READING and SPEAKING Amazing animals • Adjectives
I can understand a short article about amazing animals and talk about animals.

1 Do you know the names of animals which … 4 Listen and repeat. Label
a swim very well? b eat a lot? c can sing? pictures 1–6 with the adjectives in
the Vocabulary box.
2 Read the texts from a web page about amazing animals.
Match texts 1–3 to photos A–C. Vocabulary Adjectives
cute dangerous fast slow
strong ugly

1 dangerous 2
an elephant

3 4

a humpback whale a giraffe

1 These animals are very fast. They can run at 55 kilometres

an hour! They only sleep one or two hours every night.
They’ve got cute faces. They don’t drink much water but
they like eating. They can eat leaves from tall trees. They 5 6
eat 45 kilos of food every day!
5 Read the text again. Find and
2 These animals are big but they can run very fast. They underline adjectives used to
love water and they can swim, too. They love their describe each animal.
families. They are very clever and friendly but sometimes
they can be dangerous! They eat plants. They eat up to 6 Listen to the two children.
270 kilos of food and they drink about 75 litres of water Write the animals they speak
every day! about.
Speaker 1:
3 These animals eat a lot of very small fish and are very
Speaker 2:
strong. They can jump out of the water. They like having
fun! We can’t hear them but they sing and they ‘write’
songs! Some people think they are ugly but in fact they
are cute.
7 Game! Work in teams of And
four. Your teacher says
3 Read the text again and complete the table.
an adjective. Write as YOU
giraffes elephants humpback many animals with that
whales quality as you can in one minute.
What do they eat/drink? leaves, … Compare your animals with other
What can they do? jump, … teams.
What do they like/love? Teacher: fast
Group: giraffe, elephant, …

6.6 LISTENING and WRITING Writing an email
I can understand and write a short email about pets.

1 In pairs, make a list of animals that you can 6 Read Martin’s email to Jen. Is it about …
find in pet shops. Then underline animals that a his weekend? b his puppy?
are easy to look after in your opinion.
Cats – easy. You don’t take cats for a walk!

2 Listen to a radio interview with Jo. She’s Hi Jen,

got a pet shop. Tick (✓) the names of the Can you look after my puppy for the weekend?
animals on your list that you hear. His name’s Rex.
He eats dog food and he drinks water. He likes
3 Listen to the interview from Exercise 2 again. milk too. I take him for a walk after his breakfast
Look and tick (✓) a, b or c. and dinner. He sleeps a lot. He’s very friendly and
1 Which animal is dangerous? very cute!
a b c Is this OK? Let me know.

Writing Starting and ending an email

Begin with Hi / Hello.
Write a comma after the name, e.g. Hi Jen, …
2 What do dogs like?
Write your name at the end, e.g. Martin
a b c

7 Put the sentences in order to make an e-mail.

a She eats cat food and chicken.
She drinks water.
b Helena
c Is this OK? Let me know.
3 Which pet is easy to look after? d 1 Hi Ben,
a b c e Can you look after my cat for the

Writing Time

8 Write an email to a friend asking him/her to

4 Listen to George talking about his new look after your pet.
pet. Circle the correct answers.
1 George’s rabbit is
1 ! Find ideas
Make notes about your pet.
clever / boring.
Decide which friend you’re writing to.
2 His favourite place is
his rabbit house / the 2 Draft
garden. Write Hi/Hello and your friend’s name.
3 He eats green / red and Explain why you are writing.
green vegetables. Can you look after my … for the weekend?
4 He drinks water / milk. Give helpful information.
5 George has got one / two rabbits. He/She eats/drinks/likes/sleeps …
End your note.
5 PRONUNCIATION Listen and repeat: /s/. Is this OK? Let me know.
Write your name.
Sue’s snake, Simon, just eats, eats and eats.
He sits on the sofa and steals all the sweets!
3 ✓ Check and write
Check the beginning and ending of your
email. Write the final version of your text.

or you



Vocabulary Grammar

1 Match the word fragments to make pet 3 Complete the sentences. Put the verbs in the
words. correct form.
0 I don’t get up (not get up) early at weekends.
0 d
1 My friend (not sing) in a band.
2 We (not live) in a big house.
1 hamst na 3 Ella (not like) vegetables.
og 4 I (not speak) French very well.
2 igua 5 Mum and dad (not want) a pet
sh A /5
3 parr 4 Write questions. Answer yes (✓) or no (✗).
Use short answers.
4 goldfi ot 1 I / speak good English?
A: 0Do I speak good English?

B: ✓ 00Yes, you do.
A /5 2 Tom / wear jeans to school?
A: 1

B: ✗2
2 Complete the phrases.
3 your friends / like football?
A: 3

B: ✓4
4 your granny / visit you every week?
A: 5

B: ✗6
A /5
0 a cute cat 1 a f t b d
5 Complete the dialogue with one word
in each gap.
A: Hello, 0can I help 1 ?
B: Can I 2 two tickets, 3 ?
A: Yes, 4 fifteen pounds fifty.
B: Here you are.
A: Here 5 your tickets.
A /5
2 ad ge us 3 a s w
l n t to e Your total score A /25

SELF-ASSESSMENT Think about this unit.

What did you learn? What do you need help with?

6.1 I can talk about animals.

6.2 I can use the negative form of
the Present Simple to talk about pets.
6.3 I can ask and answer questions
in the Present Simple.
4 an u y f g 5 a st g
6.4 I can buy a ticket.
e ph t
6.5 I can understand a short article about
amazing animals and talk about animals.
A /5
6.6 I can understand and write a short email
about pets.


EXPLORE 3 Read the texts again and answer the

1 Discuss these questions in class. 1 Which pet eats a lot?
The pygmy hedgehog.
1 Which pets are popular in your country?
2 Which pet can make new body parts?
2 Do you know any unusual pets? What
are they? 3 Which pet needs a lot of space?
3 Would you like to have an exotic animal 4 Which pet doesn’t need a lot of food?
as a pet? 5 Which pet can be different colours?
6 Which pet can be scary?
2 Listen and read. Match photos A–D to
texts 1–3. There is one extra photo. 4 Listen and circle the correct answer.
Pets in the UK 1 Which is the number one pet in the UK?
Some people in the UK want an unusual pet. a Cat b Dog
This is why they choose exotic animals. Here 2 Which animal is number 3 in the list?
are three unusual pets that you can have in a Rabbit b Fish
the UK. 3 Which are two top names for pets in
1 Tarantulas the UK?
Spiders are scary but some people think a Alfie and b Cookie and
tarantulas are pretty. They are quiet Bella Dolly
animals and they don’t need a lot of 4 What’s their dog’s name?
space or food so they aren’t hard work. a George b Mrs C
2 Pygmy hedgehogs
People like pygmy hedgehogs because 5 Work in pairs. Imagine you can have one
they are small and cute. They eat cat of the animals in photos A–D.
food and they eat a lot! They need a lot 1 Which of the animals do you choose?
of space to run and play. Why?
3 Axolotls 2 Think of a name for your animal.
They’ve got a funny name and they look
funny, too. They live in the water. They
can be brown, black, yellow, white or
other colours. And here’s an amazing exotic (adj) interesting and unusual because it’s from a
fact: if they lose a part of their body, foreign place
they can make a new one! popular (adj) something a lot of people like or do
unusual (adj) different from what we usually do or know


The London Zoo

6 Watch the video and answer the presenter’s questions. What do the animals do
after breakfast?

7 Watch the video from Exercise 6 again. Write the animals below next to the correct sentence.
Use the information from the video, not what you know.
penguins stick insects tigers monkeys tortoises lions
1 They’re fast. 4 They eat fish.
2 They’re slow. 5 They eat meat.
3 They’re green. 6 They love toys.

8 Discuss in groups. Which animals in London Zoo would you like to see? Why?

or you



9 CULTURE PROJECT Make a class digital photo
album of the class pets and/or your ideal pets.
• This is my pet rabbit.
1 Create a digital poster about your pet and/or
your ideal pet. Write short descriptions. • His/Her name’s …
Use these questions for help. • He/She’s cute/clever.
What are they? • He/She eats …
What are their names? • He/She can …
What do they look like? • Here’s a fun fact about
What do they eat? rabbits: …
What can they do?
What is a fun fact about them?
2 Add photos to your descriptions.
3 Collect all the posters to make a digital
class album.

7 7.1 VOCABULARY Food and drink
I can talk about food and drink.

1 Do you know these words? Which is your favourite food?

FUN WITH apples cheese chicken fish potatoes
sandwiches tomatoes

• Food and drink
• Shopping
• Festivals

• Food and drink

• Countable and uncountable nouns
with a, an, some, any
How much...? How many...? Naomi Brad
• Present Continuous affirmative,
negative, questions and
short answers a

Grammar: Are there any


Grammar animations:
Countable and uncountable
nouns with a, an, some, any
Present Continuous

Anything else?

2 Listen and repeat. Which items of food 6 Look at the pictures of Brad’s meals. Complete
in the Vocabulary box can you see on each his food diary.
plate on page 86?

Brad’s food diary

Vocabulary Food and drink (1)
apples biscuits bread cereal cheese
chicken chips fish fruit ham meat
orange juice pancakes pasta potatoes
rice salad sandwiches sausages

tomatoes tuna vegetables water yoghurt
3 Listen and repeat: /dʒ/ or /g/?

Sausages and sugar

Juice and jam
Oranges and yoghurt
7 Complete your food diary. Do you eat similar
things to Brad or Naomi?
Eggs and ham!

H My food diary
4 Listen to the interview with Naomi Breakfast
and Brad. Which meals a–f on page 86 do
they eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner?
Complete the table. Lunch

Naomi Brad
breakfast c

5 Complete the text about Naomi. Look at the 8 In pairs, ask and answer questions about the
pictures of her meals on page 86. Use the food you eat. Use the words in My food diary.
words in the Vocabulary box to help you.
A: What do you have for breakfast?
B: Cereal and orange juice.
Naomi has a yoghurt,
1cereal and orange A: What about lunch?
2 for breakfast. B: I have chicken and chips. I love chips!
For lunch, she has
a 3 sandwich with
4 and some biscuits. 9 Complete the table with And
She has 5 with the words in the Vocabulary box. YOU
6 Compare your answers in pairs.
and a cake for dinner.

I never I sometimes I often

eat … eat … eat …

7.2 GRAMMAR Countable and uncountable nouns with a, an, some, any
I can talk about quantity.

Are there any strawberries?

Lucas: It’s Elena’s birthday today. Let’s 1
make a chocolate cake for her!
Tom: Good idea!
Amy: Here’s a recipe. Is there any
flour in the cupboard, Lucas?
Lucas: Yes, there is.
Amy: We need some butter and some
sugar too.
Lucas: No problem.
Amy: Are there any eggs?
Lucas: Yes, there are and there’s some
milk in the fridge … but there
isn’t any chocolate.

30 minutes later …

Amy: Oh, no chocolate. Are there any Tom: That’s not a cake, it’s a
strawberries? pancake!
Lucas: No, there aren’t any strawberries, Amy: But we can decorate it. Let’s use
but I’ve got some sausages! these biscuits!
Tom: A sausage cake, cool! Lucas: Wait, Amy!
Lucas: And two lemons. What about a Tom: That’s Elena!
lemon cake? Lucas: What a disaster!
Amy: Hmm, a lemon cake. First turn on
the oven …

1 Watch or listen and read. What cake do 3 Find these expressions in the story.
the children make in the end?
Good idea!
2 Complete the sentences with Tom, Lucas or Cool!
Amy. What a disaster!
1 Amy finds a recipe.
2 likes sausages. 4 CLASS VOTE Guess why Lucas says
‘What a disaster!’ and have a class vote. Then
3 thinks of a lemon cake.
watch or listen and check.
4 puts biscuits on the cake. a Because the cake looks horrible.
b Because there’s a problem with the biscuits.

Grammar Countable and uncountable nouns, Get Grammar!
Are there
Countable nouns Uncountable nouns
any eggs?
an egg, a strawberry sugar, milk
two lemons — Yes, there
some sugar, milk are.
some sausages
+ There are some sausages. There is some milk.
– There aren’t any sausages. There isn’t any milk.
? Are there any sausages? Is there any milk?
Yes, there are. / Yes, there is. /
No, there aren’t. No, there isn’t.

5 Complete the shopping bags with How many sausages are there? Watch
the words in the Vocabulary box. How much milk is there? OUT!
Vocabulary Food and drink (2)
7 Circle some or any. Then look at the photos on
butter chocolate egg flour page 88 and circle T (true) or F (false).
lemon milk strawberry sugar 1 There are some / any school books on the table. T/F
2 There isn’t some / any flour on the table. T/F
3 There are some / any plants in the kitchen. T/F
4 There aren’t some / any eggs in the fridge. T/F
5 There isn’t some / any milk on the table. T/F
6 There are some / any pictures on the wall. T/F
egg butter
8 You organise a birthday party and you want to buy
some food from the supermarket. Write prices for the
products in the basket. What do you buy?
Student A: You are the customer.
Student B: You are the shop assistant.

countable uncountable A: Is there any bread?

B: Yes, there is.
A: How much is it?
6 Complete the sentences with a/an or (–). B: It’s 2 pounds.
1 Lucas often has an egg for
2 Tom always has milk on his
3 Amy eats apple a day.
4 Tom likes bread with butter.
5 Lucas usually has banana with
his lunch.

7.3 GRAMMAR Present Continuous
I can say what is happening now.

I’m taking a photo.

Elena, Amy: Hi, Tom.
Tom: Hi, Amy, Hi, Elena … Er, can you 1
sit down? I’m taking a photo …
Elena: A photo of who?
Tom: Harry Evans, the famous
football player. He’s sitting over
there. Look – the waitress is
asking for his autograph!
Elena: She isn’t asking for his
autograph! She’s taking his
Amy: Wow! Let’s text Lucas. We’re
having lunch with Harry Evans!
Why don’t you ask for his
Tom: But I haven’t got any paper!
Elena: Go on, Tom! You’ve got
your football.

Amy: Hey Elena – look at Tom! Tom: I’ve got Harry Evans’s autograph!
Elena: Wait a minute. I’m looking it up. … Harry Amy: Great! Let’s see!
Evans … Tom: Oh no! That’s a surprise!

1 Watch or listen and read. Match activities 3 Find these expressions in the story.
1–3 to the children (a–c).
1 surf the Internet a Tom That’s a surprise!
Wait a minute. OUT of
2 text a friend b Elena
Go on! class
3 take a photo c Amy

2 Read the sentences. Circle T (true) or F (false).

Correct the false sentences. 4 CLASS VOTE Guess why Tom says ‘That’s
1 The children are at school. T/F a surprise!’. Have a class vote. Then watch or
listen and check.
The children are at a café.
a Because Harry Evans spells Tom’s name
2 Amy is interested in Harry Evans. T/F
3 Elena doesn't know about Harry Evans. T/F
b Because it isn’t Harry Evans.
4 Tom has got some paper. T/F
5 Tom has got an autograph. T/F

Grammar Present Continuous affirmative, Get Grammar!
negative, questions and short answers

+ –
I’m talking. I’m not talking.
I can’t give you
You’re talking. You aren’t talking. lunch now. I’m painting
He/She/It’s talking. He/She/It isn’t talking. a picture.
We’re talking. We aren’t talking.
You’re talking. You aren’t talking. Anna isn’t painting.
They’re talking. They aren’t talking. She’s texting a friend.
And I’m hungry!
? Short answers
Am I talking? Yes, I am. / No, I’m not.
Are you talking? Yes, you are. / No, you aren’t.
Is he/she/it talking? Yes, he/she/it is. / No, he/she/it isn’t.
Are we talking? Yes, we are. / No, we aren’t.
Are you talking? Yes, you are. / No, you aren’t.
Are they talking? Yes, they are. / No, they aren’t.

What are you doing? Where’s it going? Why are they running?

’m = am look + ing = looking

’s = is isn’t = is not take + ing = taking
’re = are aren’t = are not sit + t + ing = sitting

5 Complete the sentences with the verb in the 7 Look at the photos on page 90. Ask and
Present Continuous affirmative. answer questions in pairs.
1 Tom is taking (take) a photo. 1 Tom / eat a hamburger
2 The children (wear) school A: Is Tom eating a hamburger.
uniforms. B: No, he isn’t.
3 Elena (sit) at a table. 2 Elena / take a photo
4 Tom and Amy (look) at the 3 The man / wear a blue T-shirt
autograph. 4 The waitress / ask the man for his autograph
5 You (listen) to your teacher. 5 Amy / surf the Internet
6 I (learn) English now! 6 Elena and Amy / talk to the man
7 We (do) exercises.

6 Complete the text with the correct forms of 8 Game! Choose a verb from the box And
the Present Continuous. below. Mime actions for your partner YOU
to guess!
Lucas is at home today. At the moment,
dance eat a pizza
he 1 is sitting (sit) in his bedroom.
play computer games
He 2 (not listen) to music.
play football read a book
He 3 (not play) computer games! sleep swim take a photo
He 4 (surf) the Internet for his talk on the phone
Science project. He’s bored. Lucas’s parents text a friend your ideas!
5 (watch) a film on TV downstairs.
A: Are you playing football?
His friends 6 (not do) homework.
They 7 (chat) and laughing at the B: Yes, I am.
café! Poor Lucas!

7.4 COMMUNICATION Ordering food
I can order food in a café or restaurant.

Anything else?
Margherita £
Hawaiian £8
Pepperoni £9
Vegetarian £
Chips £3.00
Cola / Lemon
ade / Ice Tea
Milkshake (str £1.50
awberry) £2

Waitress: What would you like?

Amy: Can I have a Margherita pizza,
Tom: And I’d like a Pepperoni pizza.
Waitress: Anything else?
Tom: Yes, can I have some chips, please?
Amy: Tom! The pizzas here are big.
Tom: No problem. I’m really hungry!
Waitress: Would you like anything to drink?
Waitress: Here are your pizzas …
Amy: Can I have a lemonade, please? Tom: Wow, you’re right Amy. They’re really big!
Tom: And I’d like a strawberry milkshake, Waitress: … and your chips. And here’s a
please. lemonade for you and … a strawberry
Waitress: Great, thanks. milkshake for you.
Amy: Told you!

1 Watch or listen and read. Answer the 3 Put the dialogue in the correct order.
questions. Can I have orange juice, please?
1 Where are Amy and Tom? 1 What would you like?
2 What can you eat there? I’d like a burger and chips, please.
8 Great, thanks.
2 Listen and repeat. And what would you like to drink?
Communication Ordering food No, thanks. How much is that?
That’s ten pounds fifty.
Waiter/Waitress Anything else?
What would you like?
Would you like anything to drink? 4 Work in groups of three. Act out a dialogue.
Anything else? Student A: You’re a waiter/waitress at Dino’s Pizzeria.
Customer Take an order from Students B and C, who are the
Can I have a vegetarian pizza, please? customers.
I’d like a lemonade, please. Students B and C: You’re customers at Dino’s Pizzeria.
Look at the Menu and decide what to order.

7.5 READING and SPEAKING Food festivals
I can understand a short article about a food festival and talk about food.

Pancake Day
Pancakes are popular all over the world,
1 and different countries use different
ingredients. They are often sweet and
D usually round. In France, pancakes come
with chocolate. In Asia, they have fish
on top. But in the UK, we have
pancakes with lemons and sugar.

Every year there is a day when

2 people in the UK eat a lot of pancakes.
It’s called Pancake Day and it’s always on
a Tuesday, in February or March. We use
52 million eggs on this day – that’s a lot!

People do lots of things with pancakes. 4 Read the text again. Answer the questions.
3 In the UK, there are pancake competitions.
People run with pancakes and throw them
1 Which country has pancakes with
into the air. In the USA, pancake art is very
popular. People make pictures of their 2 Where can you eat pancakes with fish?
favourite celebrity, like Jennifer Lawrence! 3 When is Pancake Day?
4 How many eggs do people in the UK use

4 It’s easy to make pancakes: you need milk,

water, flour and eggs. Cook the ingredients
in a pan, then throw the pancakes in the air!
on Pancake Day?
5 Which pancake activity is popular in the
6 What ingredients do you need to make
Good luck! pancakes?

1 Do you like pancakes? What do you eat them with?

5 Game! Throw a dice twice. And
Tick (✔) your favourite fillings. Add your own ideas.
What is on your pancake? YOU
sausages cream fish Write a sentence about your
pancake. Read it to the class.
vegetables jam ham
chocolate fruit
cottage cheese meat

2 Read the text. Match headings A–D to 1 jam 1 sausages

paragraphs 1–4. 2 cream 2 tomatoes
A The perfect pancake 3 chocolate 3 vegetables
B Let’s have fun! 4 fish 4 biscuits
C A special day 5 chicken 5 chips
D A popular food 6 yoghurt 6 strawberries

3 Find the meaning of these words in a dictionary. My pancake has got some chocolate and
a lot of tomatoes on top!
1 ingredients 3 competitions 5 easy
2 popular 4 throw 6 cook

7.6 LISTENING and WRITING A blog about food • Linkers so, because
I can understand and write short texts about food.

1 Match the breakfasts (1–3) to the 4 Read Adam’s blog. When and why does he have
countries. Then listen and check. a big breakfast?
Italy Japan Turkey

Adam’s blog
Hi, I’m Adam and I live in
3 Edinburgh, in Scotland. On
a school day, I have a quick
breakfast because I leave the
house quite early. I usually just have cereal with milk, and
2 a glass of orange juice. On Saturday, my brother and I
play a lot of sport so we always have a big breakfast. We
usually have sausages with eggs and tomatoes and we
have toast and jam too.

Writing so, because

I play a lot of sport so I’m always hungry.
I’m always hungry because I play a lot of sport.
5 Complete the sentences with so or because.
1 I always have fruit for breakfast because I like it.
2 Cola’s got a lot of sugar in it I drink water.
3 Classes finish at one o’clock I have lunch
at home.
4 My dad often cooks eggs he loves them.
5 My brother loves pizza he often goes to
the pizzeria.
2 Listen to the speakers in Exercise 1 again and 6 We don’t eat chips they are unhealthy.
complete the table.

Breakfast on Breakfast at
a school day the weekend Writing Time
fish with
Hiroko 1 rice and 2 6 Write about your breakfast.
vegetables 1 ! Find ideas
bread with Think what you usually have for
toast and 4 , breakfast. How is it different on a school
Zeynep 3 eggs and day and at the weekend? Make notes.
2 Draft
cake with Write about your breakfast.
Emilio with hot 6
chocolate On a school day I always/usually …
because …
3 Answer the questions. At the weekend I … so I have …
1 Which of the three breakfasts do you like
most? Why?
3 ✓ Check and write
Check the use of so and because and
2 What’s a typical breakfast in your country?
write the final version of your text.

or you



Vocabulary 4 Write sentences in the Present Continuous.
0 we / play / a computer game.
1 Match the word halves to find five food words.
We are playing a computer game.
chick 0 1 I / have / lunch.
2 my best friend / not take / a selfie.
sand 1 cakes 3 my parents / work.
ice 2 toes 4 I / not sit / next to my friend.
5 my teacher / chat / online?
en A /5
pota 3
pan 4
cream Communication
choc 5
5 Complete the dialogue with the following
A /5 words.
2 Find and circle five food and drink words in can great I’d like would please
the wordsnake.
Waiter: What 0 would you like?
Elena: 1 I have a chicken sandwich,
egg arn 2
g ?


Waiter: Would you 3 anything to drink?

Elena: 4 like a chocolate milkshake,

re 5 . Thanks.


A /5
A /5
Your total score A /25
Grammar SELF-ASSESSMENT Think about this unit.
What did you learn? What do you need help with?
3 Complete with some, a/an or any.
7.1 I can talk about food and drink.
0 ‘I’ve got some sweets. Do you want one?’
7.2 I can talk about quantity.
1 Tom usually has ham sandwich for
7.3 I can say what is happening now.
7.4 I can order food in a café.
2 A: ‘Here’s milk for your cereal.’
7.5 I can understand a short article
B: ‘Thanks!’ about a food festival and talk
3 ‘Is there ice cream in the fridge?’ about food.
4 Jess has egg for breakfast. 7.6 I can understand and write a short
5 We haven’t got cream for the cake! blog post about food.

A /5

8 8.1 VOCABULARY Events
I can talk about events and dates.

1 Look at these words. Which is your favourite activity?

barbecue birthday party concert football match picnic
• Celebrations Please come
• Holidays
• Events
• Ordinal numbers
• Dates
On Saturday
11th June a
Wear a funn t 5 p.m.
y costume!
• Holiday activities
Thursday 2nd June
GRAMMAR at 2 p.m.
• Preferences: love/like/don’t like/hate +
Can you sing or play an
verb -ing
• Object pronouns
• Wh- questions Hartwell School Drama Club Can you dance or tell
PRESENTS funny stories?

Grammar: Let’s go to summer Great Prizes!

Contact: Mrs Harris

17th June, 7.00 p.m.

Grammar animations:
In the School Hall
love/like/don’t like/hate + verb -ing To: Megan
Question words TICKETS: £5.00 When: 28th M !
h o u se
Where: My
From: Han n ah
ur pyjamas
RIVER DANCE CLUB Don’t forget yo bag!
and a sleepin
presents STREET DANC
Friday 30th September
Communication: From 5–7 p.m.
Let’s do something fun! At the River Centre

Saturday 1st O
Date: A
ICE £25.00


2 Listen and repeat. Find six of the events 5 Look at the Vocabulary box. Then write the
on Megan’s pinboard on page 96. dates.

Vocabulary Events Vocabulary Ordinal numbers

barbecue birthday party concert the first the second the third the fourth
dance show football match the fifth the sixth the seventh the eighth
fancy dress party picnic play the ninth the tenth the eleventh
sleepover talent competition the twelfth the thirteenth … the twentieth
the twenty-first … the thirtieth …

3 Complete the sentences with the events on

page 96. Dates
1st May = the first of May
1 The sleepover is at Hannah’s house. OUT!
23rd June = the twenty-third
2 The starts at 2 o’clock. of June
3 The and are
on a Saturday. 1 3rd October the third of October
4 The tickets for the are £5.00. 2 14th May
5 The finishes at 7 o’clock. 3 9th June
4 25th April
4 Describe the pictures. Use the following
expressions. What’s the event? 5 12th March

cook food get presents 6 30th August

sing “Happy Birthday” sleep on the floor
take part in a competition 6 Look at the dates of the events on
wear a costume Megan’s pinboard. Listen and name the event.
1 the sleepover

1 2

7 You are very busy next month. And

3 4
Write your diary. Then tell the

Thu 1
Fri 2 Rihanna
Sat 3
5 6
Sun 4 Fancy Dr
ess Party at Lena’s house
Mon 5

Tue 6

On the second of July, I’ve got a Rihanna

1 Some children are singing “Happy Birthday”. concert.
It’s a birthday party. On the fourth of July, …

8.2 GRAMMAR love / like / don’t like / hate + verb -ing • Object pronouns
I can use verbs love / like / don’t like / hate + verb -ing and object pronouns.

Let’s go to summer camp!

Can’t choose
an activity?
No problem!
We’ve got everything!


Design your own
app or computer one
Lian: Hey guys, do you want to go to summer camp
with me? There’s a spor
for ever yo ne !
Alex: Maybe. What do you do there?
Lian: Horse-riding, rock climbing … I like rock climbing.
Jen: I don’t like it!
Lian: How about water sports? There’s sailing,
windsurfing …
Alex: No, thanks. I don’t like getting wet.
Jen: That’s true. Lian, you like sports. We like them,
but we want to do other things, too. Cooking, for
There’s a cooking camp in …
Alex: No, thanks. I love eating but I hate cooking! CAMP k
o or
si fo
in in
Lo r m
Lian: Let’s find a camp we all like. fo

1 Watch or listen and read. Find the holiday activities 3 Find these expressions in the
in the dialogue that you can practice at summer camps. dialogue.

Vocabulary Holiday activities (1)

Maybe. That’s true. OUT of
cooking drawing horse-riding class
playing football/volleyball/computer games rock climbing
sailing skateboarding swimming windsurfing
4 CLASS VOTE Look at the
summer camp brochures. Which
2 Read the dialogue again. Complete the sentences with
camp is good for all three of them?
one word.
Circle a, b or c. Then watch or listen
1 Lian wants to go to summer camp. and check.
2 doesn’t like rock climbing.
a tech camp
3 Sailing and windsurfing are sports.
b fun camp
4 Windsurfing is not a good sport for .
5 Jen wants to go to a camp but Alex doesn’t. c sports camp

Grammar love / like / don’t like / hate + verb -ing Get Grammar!
I love eating.
Hammy hates
I don’t like getting wet. getting wet!
I hate cooking.
Do you like cycling? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.
What do you like doing? I like cooking.

5 PRONUNCIATION Listen and repeat: /r/. 8 What do these people like or don’t like
doing? Write T (true) or F (false).
Rosemary and Jane
Love running in the rain! 1 She doesn’t like playing volleyball. T/F
2 Brian likes swimming. T/F
6 Read the dialogue on page 98 again. Complete 3 She hates getting up early. T/F
the sentences with likes, doesn’t like, loves or hates. 4 They love skateboarding. T/F
1 Jen doesn’t like rock climbing. 5 Jake doesn’t like playing football. T/F
2 Lian rock climbing.
Grammar Object pronouns
3 Alex getting wet.
4 Alex eating but he cooking. I ➞ me he ➞ him we ➞ us
you ➞ you she ➞ her you ➞ you
7 Look at the photos. Write true sentences. Use love, it ➞ it they ➞ them
like, don’t like or hate + -ing. She is a good friend. I like her.
get up draw play swim cook do homework You don’t like sports. We love them.

1 2
9 Read Lian’s email and circle the correct

My friend, Alex, loves fixing

computers. 1 He / Him knows a
lot of things about 2they / them.
3 4 I don’t, so I usually ask 3he / him
for help. 4We / Us often hang out
with his sister, Jen. I like 5she / her
a lot. Jen loves making cupcakes. 6They / Them
are amazing! Alex and I love chocolate so 7she /
her often makes chocolate cupcakes for 8we / us.

5 6

10 Write about your friends or family. And

What do they love/like/don’t like/
hate doing? Use Lian’s email in
exercise 9 for help.
My friend, …, likes … . He/She knows a lot
1 I like playing computer games. of things about …

8.3 GRAMMAR Wh-questions
I can ask detailed questions.

The Terrific Two – Dug’s sports hero


Dug: Excuse me, are you Irina Peters, the tennis player?
Irina: Yes, I am.
Dug: Can I have your autograph, please? I’m a great fan!
Irina: Sure. Hold my phone, please. What is your name?
Dug: Dug erm … no … Superdug. Superdug: Yes. Look! Selfie?
Irina: Are you THE Superdug? Irina: Wow, yes! I’m your fan, too!

3 5

Superdug: Here’s your phone.

Superdug: And here’s a photo of us. Oh, no! This isn’t my

Kit: Whose phone is it?
Superdug: It’s Irina’s phone. We’ve got the same phone!
Kit: What have you got there? Kit: Where can you find her? Where does she live?
Superdug: It’s Irina Peters’ autograph. Superdug: I don’t know.
Kit: She’s a tennis champion! Kit: I’m sure you’re not her favourite superhero right
Well done, Dug! now!

1 Listen and read. Who is Irina Peters? 2 Read the sentences. Circle T (true) or F (false).
1 Irina wants Dug’s autograph. T/F
2 Irina is Superdug’s fan. T/F
3 Kit doesn’t know who Irina Peters is. T/F
4 Dug’s got the wrong phone. T/F
5 Dug doesn’t know where his phone is. T/F
Grammar Question words Get Grammar!
Who is Dug’s sports hero? It’s Irina Peters. She lives in
What have you got there? I’ve got Irina’s autograph. Hong Kong.
When is the game? It’s on Tuesday.
Where does
Where does she live? She lives in London.
she live?
Whose phone is it? It’s Irina’s phone.
How many photos have you got? I’ve got 80 photos.

3 Match the questions to the answers. 5 Write questions about the

underlined words.
1 d Where do Superdug and Kit live? a Two.
1 A: What is your favourite
2 Who is a tennis champion? b Fish and chips. sport?
3 How many sisters has Kit got? c Irina. B: My favourite sport is rock
4 When is Dug’s birthday? d In the UK.
2 A: ?
5 What is Kit’s favourite dinner? e Superdug’s. B: My favourite sportsperson
6 Whose bike is red and white? f On 5th July. is Andy Murray.
3 A: ?
4 Listen to Superdug’s questions. Then circle Kit’s answers. B: I live at 6 Rose Street.
4 A: ?
B: My birthday is on August
1 On Wednesdays. / At her house.
5 A: ?
2 Two cars. / I’ve got them. B: I’ve got one brother and
one sister.

3 In Spain. / You are.

6 In pairs, ask questions YOU
4 It’s my sister’s. / Two sisters. from Exercise 5 and
give true answers.
They’re Wonder Will’s. / A: What is your favourite sport?
5 I think there are four. B: It’s …

7 Game! Make questions with the

6 It’s in your room. / It’s nice. words in the box! You have three
where Jack swim is
does can when what
whose who he like
Where is Jack?
Where can Jack swim?

8.4 COMMUNICATION Suggestions
I can make suggestions about what to do.

Let’s do something fun!


Lucas: Hey, guys, let’s do something fun.

Jen: I agree. Any ideas?
Alex: We can go to the park.
Jen: Again? It’s not a good idea. Alex: Hey, Lucas? You can
Lian: Let’s go ice-skating. wear these!
Jen: Great idea! Lucas: Ha, ha! You’re so funny!
Lucas: I’m not sure … I can’t skate very well.
Lian: No problem. I can teach you.
Lucas: OK, cool! Let’s do that!

1 Watch or listen and read. What do they 4 Circle the best answer.
agree to do? Tick (✓) the correct picture. 1 A: Let’s do something fun.
B: a Let me see …
b I agree. Any ideas?
c What’s wrong?
2 A: Let’s go to the swimming pool!
B: a We can go to the park.
b Let’s do something fun.
1 2 3
c I’m not sure … I can’t swim very well.
2 Listen and repeat. 3 A: No problem. I can teach you.
B: a Yes, we can.
Communication Suggestions b OK. Let’s do that!
c I can’t do that.
A: Let’s do something fun! / Let’s go ice-skating ! /
We can go to the park ! 5 Read and answer. Use expressions in the
B: I agree! / Let’s do that! / Great idea! Communication box.
I’m not sure. 1 A: We can make cupcakes! B: Great idea!
2 A: Let’s do something fun! B:
It’s not a good idea.
3 A: We can go to the park. B:
4 A: Let’s play volleyball. B:
3 Complete the sentences with one word.
6 In pairs, make dialogues like those in Exercise 5.
1 We can go to the cinema!
Use the following ideas and add your own.
2 ’s go to the swimming pool!
3 Let’s something fun! go to the cinema go to the swimming pool
4 can play football! make a video play computer games
5 We ride our bikes! play volleyball ride our bikes
A: Let’s ride our bikes!
B: I agree!
8.5 READING and SPEAKING Holidays
I can understand a holiday leaflet and plan a holiday.

1 CLASS VOTE Where do you prefer to spend your

This week’s
• in the mountains • on the beach top holiday tips
• in a quiet village • by a lake
• visiting a city • at home
2 Read the descriptions of people looking for a holiday.
What do they like?

Kirsty, fourteen, and her brother Evan, thirteen, like trying
new things. This year their parents don’t have time to take A Go hiking through the beautiful mountains of the
them on holiday, so Kirsty and Evan are looking for other Mercantour National Park in the south of France –
options. with a donkey! A family holiday to remember! Don’t
worry, we can teach you how to make friends with
your donkey!
Damon and his girlfriend Julia are eighteen and from
London. They love the sea but Julia doesn’t like flying.

The Darlings are a couple with two teenage children. They
love nature but don’t like staying in one place on holiday.
B Intensive three-week Esperanto courses in beautiful
Switzerland. Learn a new language and make friends
with people your own age from across the world.
3 Read the holiday adverts (A–D) and match them There is also lots of time to go skiing or sailing on Lake
with the people in Exercise 2 (1–3). There is one extra
Geneva! The price includes accommodation and all
advert. In pairs, say which holiday sounds most
meals. Our next course for teens is starting on 19 June.
interesting to you.

4 Study the Vocabulary box. In pairs, find the words in

the adverts. How do you say them in your language?
In your opinion, which holiday activities are most fun?

Vocabulary Holiday activities (2)

hiking shopping sightseeing skiing C Rockaway Beach is great for sunbathing,

sunbathing surfing walking swimming and surfing. At the same time, you’re only
forty-five minutes away from central New York – just
take the A train to go shopping or sightseeing in
5 In groups, suggest a city, town or region in your Manhattan. We recommend the fun, inexpensive
country for people who want to try the activities in Freeland Hotel near the beach.
the Vocabulary box. D Are you looking
Naples is a good place for sightseeing. for an unusual
The Alps are good for skiing. place to stay? The
180-year-old West
Usk Lighthouse has
6 Work in groups. You’re going on holiday And dramatic views of
together for four days. Choose your location YOU the Bristol Channel
and plan your holiday. Tell the class. Decide: but is only two

• where you are going. hours by car from

London. Great for walking – the sunsets over the
• how you are getting there. sea are spectacular. Ideal for families or perhaps a
• which activities you are doing each day. special weekend for two?

8.6 LISTENING and WRITING An invitation
I can understand and write an invitation to a birthday party.

1 Listen and match names 1–4 to pictures 3 Read the invitation and answer the questions.
a–f. There are two extra pictures.
1 e Beatrice Please come to …

2 Charlie Amber’s 13th

3 Mel
birthday party
4 Jeff On: Saturday, 2nd June, at 5 p.m.
At: Ice Planet
We can go ice-skating,
then walk to a restaurant for a pizza.
Please bring warm clothes and gloves for the ice-skating.
Your parents can collect you from
Toni’s Pizzeria at 10 o’clock.
Please reply to
or call 8657 52340

b 1 Whose party is it?

2 How old is she?
3 When is the party?
4 Where is the party?
5 What does she suggest to do?

c 4 Look at the Writing box. Does Amber include all

of these things in her invitation?
Writing An invitation
Inviting people: Please come to … /
I’d like to invite you to …
Date and time: On Sunday, 14th July,
d at 7 p.m.
The place: At Ice Planet /
At 14 Milton Road
Asking for a reply: Please reply to …
Other information: Please bring …,
Your parents can collect
you from …

Writing Time

5 Write an invitation to a birthday party.

1 ! Find ideas
Think when and where the party is and
how you suggest to celebrate.
Make notes.
2 How do you and your friends celebrate
2 Draft
birthdays? Tell a partner. Use the expressions
in the box or your own ideas. Write your invitation. Use the Writing box
to help you.
have a party at your house 3 ✓ Check and write
go bowling/ice-skating
Check you have all the information and
go to the cinema / to a restaurant
write the final version of your text.
or you



Vocabulary 4 Complete the sentences with one word
in each gap.
1 Where are they? Write the events.
0 A: Who is she?
0 I’ve got a sleeping bag and my pyjamas.
B: She’s my aunt.
At a sleepover.
1 are you? Are you at school?
1 Gina’s dad is cooking burgers and chicken.
2 A: many cakes are there?
2 It’s an exciting game. B: Six.
3 We’ve got some food and we’re sitting in the park. 3 Your parents are nice. I like .
4 My friend is wearing an elephant costume. 4 Where’s Emma? I can’t see .
5 The actors аre amazing. 5 Look at that picture! Do you like
A /5 ?
2 Write the dates. A /5

31 4
MARCH JUNE 5 Complete the dialogue with one word
in each gap.
0 The thirty-first 1
Amy: 0Let’sdo something.
of March.
Jack: OK. We ¹ make a chocolate

Amy: I’m not ²
very well.
.I³ cook

Jack: No ⁴ . I can teach you.

Amy: OK, cool. ⁵ idea!
2 3
A /5

Your total score A /25


4 5

A /5
SELF-ASSESSMENT Think about this
Grammar unit. What did you learn? What do you
need help with?
3 Write sentences.
8.1 I can talk about events and dates.
0 Jack / hate / play / tennis
Jack hates playing tennis. 8.2 I can talk about preferences
1 my sister / not like / skate using verbs love / like / don’t like /
hate + verb -ing. I can use
object pronouns.
2 you / like / swim?
8.3 I can ask detailed questions.
3 I / love / sing 8.4 I can make suggestions.
8.5 I can understand a holiday leaflet
4 we / not like / get up / early and plan a holiday.
8.6 I can understand and write an
5 your friends / like / eat / pizza? invitation.

A /5

Vocabulary Grammar

1 Look at the pictures. Write what Daisy does on 3 Look at the shopping list. Complete the
Saturdays. dialogue with the words in the box.

an any are aren’t is some (x2) there a

0 1 2

1 litre milk butter chocolate

6 eggs flour 4 bananas

3 4 5 Tom: What’s on the shopping list? Does mum

want 0 any chocolate?
Matt: Yes! There are 1 bananas too.
Tom: And 2 there any eggs on
the list?
Matt: Yes, 3 are.
6 7
always 4
Tom: What about orange?
Matt: No. There 5 any oranges.
sometimes 6
Look! There some butter
never on the list, 7 litre of milk and
8 flour. It’s a list for pancakes!
0 Daisy sometimes tidies her room on Saturdays.
A /8
2 4 Complete the questions with am, are, or is.
4 0
Carla: Hi, Rocco. Are you
5 playing with Big Al?
6 Rocco: No, I’m not. 1
7 you playing with Big Al?
A /7 Carla: No, I’m not! Where is he? What
2 Look and complete. 2 Big Al doing?
Rocco: I don’t know. 3 he
My blog
answering his phone?
These are my all-time favourites for breakfast. Carla: No, he isn’t!
For something that is good for you, we’ve got yoghurt:
apple or 0 lemon . You can put it on cereal.
Big Al: Hi, Carla. What 4
Grandma’s favourite is 1 , butter and
you doing? 5 we
2 . 3 and eggs are for a playing a game?
hot breakfast. There are pancakes with sugar and cream Carla: No, Big Al. I’m looking for
for something special. We’ve also got chocolate
you. I’m worried.
4 – oh yeah! And to drink there’s
5 A /5
, tea or orange juice.

A /5

or you


0 What is Jimmy’s pet?
It’s a parrot.
1 What colour is it?

My name is Justine. I’m twelve 2 What does it eat?

and I’m a dancer. I’m sometimes
on TV! 3 What can it do?

4 What type of personality has it got?

5 What does it like doing?

A /5
My week
I always get up at half past six. I have breakfast 7 Julie is with her mum’s friend, Mrs Williams.
and then I go to school. My school is a special Mrs Williams has got some family photos. Listen
dancing school. We have dancing lessons after and match names 0–4 to a–e to make sentences.
school on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. 0 Rob b a can cook cupcakes.
We run, jump and dance! We often make videos. 1 Ann b can play basketball.
That’s very cool. Then I go home and do my 2 Barney c goes swimming on Saturday.
homework. I have dinner and speak to my family. 3 Karen d is Barney’s friend.
I usually go to bed at half past nine.
4 May e is twelve.
At the weekend I usually hang out with my best A /4
friend, Madalena. We are classmates. We talk
about our lessons and watch videos about our Communication
favourite dancers.
8 Complete the dialogue with one word in each
5 Read the text. Circle T (true) or F (false).
Waitress: Hi! What 0 would you like?
0 Justine can dance. T/F Tom: A hot dog, 1 .
1 Justine gets up early. T/F Waitress: 2 else?
2 Justine has breakfast at home. T/F Tom: Yes, can I 3 some chips?
3 Her dancing lessons are on Thursdays. T/F Waitress: OK, a hot dog with chips. 4 you
4 The students never make videos are.
in their dancing lessons. T/F Tom: Thanks. Oh, 5 I have some ketchup
5 Madalena isn’t Justine’s sister. T/F with that?
6 Justine and Madalena make videos Waitress: Sure. 6 you like a drink?
at the weekend. T/F Tom: No, 7 . How 8 is that?
Waitress: 9 £2.95.
A /6
Tom: Here you 10 . Thanks.
6 Read the fact file about Jimmy’s pet and A /10
answer the questions.
Pet a parrot Vocabulary A /12
Colour yellow and blue Grammar A /13
Food parrot food, bananas Reading A /11
Abilities can speak! Listening A /4
Personality clever, funny Communication A /10
Likes playing with a ball
Your total score A /50

1 CLIL: ART Families in art
I can understand a short text about families in art.

4 Look at the three paintings. Answer the

What is the nationality of the artists?

by Edgar Degas
Vocabulary Art
artist by children painting people picture

1 Have you got a family photo? Who is in it?

2 Look at the painting and read the text. Write
the names of the people in the line drawing.

The Copley family

By John Singleton Copley (1738 – 1815). by John Everett by Paul
This is a painting of the artist’s family. The people Millais Cezanne
in the picture are John Singleton Copley; Mrs
Copley; Mrs Copley’s father, Richard Clarke; the
Match the paintings A–C with their titles 1–3.
Copleys’ three daughters, Betsy (6yrs), Mary (3yrs) 1 The artist’s father.
Susanna (baby), and son, John Junior (4yrs). 2 Portrait of the artist’s uncle
Henri and his cousin, Lucie.
3 Portrait of Mrs William Evamy
1 3 (the artist’s aunt).

5 In pairs, test your memory. Look at the

paintings and information in exercise 4.
4 Cover the page. Ask and answer.
1 John Everett Millais / American?
2 Edgar Degas / British?
3 Paul Cezanne / French?
6 4 Mrs Evamy / Millais’ mother?
7 Mary 5 Lucie / Degas’ cousin?
6 Henri / Degas’ father?
3 Read the text again. Complete the sentences A: Is John Everett Millais American?
with one word. B: No, he isn’t. He’s British.
1 John Singleton Copley is the children’s father. B: Is Mrs Evamy Millais’ mother?
2 Richard Clarke is the children’s . A: No, she isn’t. She’s Millais’ aunt.
3 Mrs Copley is the children’s .
4 Betsy is Mary and Susanna’s . 6 CLASS VOTE Have a class vote about the

5 John Junior is the girls’ . paintings in this lesson. Which one do you like
2 CLIL: SCIENCE Materials
I can talk and write about different materials.

1 Find the materials in photos 1–6. 4 Read the text and look at the photos. Which
household object is missing from the text?
Vocabulary Materials
cardboard glass metal paper wood/wooden
5 Read the text again. Circle Yes or No.
1 Is the house nice? Yes / No
2 Is the table recycled? Yes / No
2 Look at the picture. What is ‘recycled’?
3 Is the lamp metal? Yes / No
4 Is the bath old? Yes / No
5 Is the window recycled? Yes / No
6 Is the sofa in the kitchen? Yes / No

6 Think of three materials for each object.

Bed Lamp Door Desk

Recycled = a new thing from an old thing.

3 Look at the photos below again. Which

household objects are recycled? Match 1–6 7 What is there in your house? Complete the
with a–f. sentences.
a 2 paper lamp b cardboard armchair There’s a / an cardboard / glass / metal / paper /
c metal bath d wooden table wooden in .
e glass window f metal sofa There are some / two cardboard / glass / metal /
paper / wooden in .
They’re great / nice / OK / not nice.

1 2 3 4

Is your house eco-friendly?

My house is very nice. There are many recycled
household objects in it. This wooden coffee table is
in the living room and it’s recycled. This paper lamp 6
is in my bedroom. In the bathroom there’s this metal
bath. It’s very old. This beautiful glass window is in
the kitchen. The glass is recycled but it is very old,
too. My favourite object is the metal sofa in the
living room. It’s really cool!

I can talk and write about a character from a book.

3 Read again. Match the personality

Lewis Carroll is famous adjectives (1–4) with the characters in the
photos (a–e).
English writer. His stories
are for children but are also 1 polite and friendly
popular with adults. His 2 very nervous
book Alice in Wonderland
3 not very polite (x2) a
is a story about a girl’s
4 clever and relaxed
adventures in a strange
land – Wonderland.
When Alice is in Wonderland,
there are many strange a
characters and she has a lot
of problems…

adult (n) a grown-up person
adventure (n) an unusual and exciting experience
famous (adj) many people know about him b
land (n) a country
strange (adj) difficult to understand

1 Read about Lewis Carroll and match the answers
(a–d) with the questions (1–4).
1 Who are Lewis Carroll’s stories for? d
2 Who are the stories also popular with?
3 What is the book Alice in Wonderland about?
4 What is Wonderland?
a a strange land c children
b a girl’s adventures d adults e
Character list:
a March Hare
Vocabulary Personality adjectives (2)
b Mad Hatter
angry kind nervous polite relaxed sad talkative c Alice
d The White Rabbit
e Cheshire Cat
2 Read the descriptions of five characters from
Wonderland (1–5). Match them with the photos
a–e. 4 PROJECT Choose a character from your
1 He’s got a big head and long red hair. He’s got a country’s literature.
jacket and a very big hat. He is very talkative but 1 Write notes about these things:

he is often angry and not very polite.
She is pretty with long, blond hair and blue eyes
• appearance:
physical appearance/

and she’s got a blue dress. She is very polite and

friendly. • personality
3 He’s got very big ears. He hasn’t got a hat. He is • what is the story about
very strange and not very polite. 2 Work in groups. Tell your partners about
4 He is white and has got long ears and sad, your character.
pink eyes. He’s got a jacket and a tie. He’s very
nervous and not very kind.
5 He has got a big smile, a big head and big blue
eyes. He is clever and relaxed.

4 CLIL: MUSIC Musical instruments
I can talk and write about musical instruments.

1 Label photos 1–6. 3 Look at the false sentences in the quiz. Correct
them using the words below.
Vocabulary Musical instruments body China feet Spain wooden
acoustic guitar drums electric guitar 1 The acoustic guitar is from Spain.
keyboard violin 2 When you play the guitar, its is on
your legs.
3 You play the drums with your hands and
4 The violin is a instrument.
5 The drums are from .

4 What can Jane play? Look at the quiz again.

Read and complete the text.

Hi, I’m Jane. I love music!

1 electric guitar 2 3
Can you guess the instrument
I can play?
It’s wooden and it’s big.
I play this instrument with my
fingers. It’s brown and black.

5 Imagine you can play one of the instruments

from the quiz and complete. Use Exercise 4
4 5 to help.
I can play the . It’s and
2 Read the quiz. Circle T (true) or F (false). Check . I play this instrument with my
your answers. What’s your score? .


1 The acoustic guitar is from France. T/F

2 The guitar has got a head, a neck and a body. T/F
3 When you play the guitar, its head is on your legs. T/F
4 Two-year-old kids can learn to play the violin. T/F
5 You can only play the drums with your hands. T/F
My score is __ / 10
6 The violin is a glass instrument. T/F
7 The keyboard is an electric instrument. T/F
8 The body of the electric guitar is usually wooden. T/F
9 The violin and the acoustic guitar are in the same family of instruments. T/F
10 The drums are from the USA. T/F

Key: 1 F 2 T 3 F 4 T 5 F 6 F 7 T 8 T 9 T 10 F

5 CLIL: GEOGRAPHY Going places
I can understand a text about a teenage traveller.

1 Look at the photos and read the first part of the 4 What do you like most about Réka’s life? Tell a
text. Why is this family special? partner.

2 Read the rest of the text. Circle the correct 5 Find the months in the photos.
1 Réka lives in Australia / different countries. Vocabulary Months
2 Réka has got a brother / sister. January February March April May
3 Réka has got / hasn’t got a school. June July August September October
4 Réka hangs out with her friends in different November December
places / online.
5 ‘Dreamtime Traveler’ is Réka’s book / blog. 6 Imagine you travel to different countries like
6 Réka’s life is / isn’t boring. Réka. Plan your journey for a year. Tell the other
students about your plan.
3 Read the text again and answer the questions.
Month Country
1 Who is Lalika?
He’s Réka’s brother. January and February Australia
2 Who are Réka’s teachers? In January and in February I’m in Australia. In
3 Has Réka got a best friend? March, I’m in …
4 What are her two favourite activities?
5 Réka hasn’t got a pet. Why?
6 What does Réka watch?

A day with … Dreamtime Traveler!

Réka Kaponay is from Australia, but

she lives in different countries! She
travels with her parents and brother,
Lalika. Today she tells us about her life.

Where’s your school?

I haven’t got a school! My teachers are
my parents and the people we visit.
Australia – January 2016
Who are your friends?
2 3
I’ve got friends in a lot of countries.
We hang out online. I haven’t got a
best friend.

Have you got a pet?

No! I love animals but I can’t have a
pet. We are always in different places.
Machu Picchu, Peru – March 2013 Nazca, Peru – March 2013 What are your favourite hobbies?
Reading and writing! I read a lot and
4 5
I write my own books. I’ve got a blog
too – Dreamtime Traveler. But I also
watch TV and films like all teenagers
and I love walking and swimming.

Do you like your life?

Yes, I love every day! It’s never boring!

Cappadocia, Turkey – October 2014 Paris, France – August 2015

6 CLIL: SCIENCE The natural world
I can talk and write about where animals live.

1 Look at the pictures and number the words in 3 Read the text again. Circle T (true) of F (false).
the Vocabulary box. 1 All forests are the same. T/ F
2 Only birds live in trees. T/F
Vocabulary Where animals live
3 Rabbits live together with other rabbits. T / F
in the forest 6 in a hole in the ground 4 Fish don’t live on land. T/F
on land in a pond in the sea 5 Fish can be many different colours. T/F
in trees 6 Whales live in ponds. T/F

4 Complete the table about where animals live.

1 2 Use the information in the text.

1 In the forest butterfly,

2 In trees
3 In a hole in the ground
4 In a pond
3 4 5 In the sea

5 Look at the animals in the photo. In pairs, guess

where they live.
A: Where do dragonflies live?
B: I think they live …

5 6

2 Read the text. Label the paragraphs.

a Water animals b Land animals
A lot of animals, like tigers, elephants, giraffes
and butterflies, live in forests. There are many
different types of forests all over the world.
Some animals live in trees. They can do that
because they can climb or fly. Some of these
animals are monkeys, snakes, birds and groundhog
Rabbits make holes in the ground and they
make a lot of them! They live there with their
There’s a lot of life in ponds! Fish and frogs
have their home there. Frogs are different
from fish because they don’t live only in the
water. They can also live on land.
You can find a lot of different fish in the sea. octopus koala
They are big, small, cute, funny or ugly and
they are many different colours. Whales live in
the sea, too. 6 Add one more animal to each place in the
table in exerise 4.

7 CLIL: ART Still life
I can talk and write about famous artists and their pictures.

Still life
Still life is a popular kind of painting for
artists. Choose some objects – maybe
some food or some flowers. Put them
on a table and paint them! Easy? Oh no!
Good still life painters are talented and
Tjalf Sparnaay is a famous still life
painter today. He’s Dutch, like a lot of Tjalf has got four ideas:
famous still life painters from the past.
1 Paint pictures like very good photographs.
But his paintings are different. In his
2 Paint ordinary things.
pictures we can see ordinary objects
3 Make those things beautiful.
like bread, burgers, cola cans, fried eggs,
4 Paint very big pictures.
cheese and apples. His paintings are
very clever. They are like photographs. Tjalf’s paintings are called ‘Megarealism’. They’re very big
Here are two pictures of a fried egg. and very real. One painting, of a burger with salt, pepper
Which is the photo and which is Tjalf’s and ketchup is 823 x 550 cm! One look at Tjalf’s paintings
painting? and you’re very hungry!

1 Look at the still life paintings. Can you match 5 In pairs, follow the instructions below.
the paintings with the dates?
• Student A, choose one of these still life
1 eighteenth century paintings and describe it to your partner.
2 2014 Can your partner guess the painting?
3 fifteenth century • Student B, cover the pictures on this page.
How many items from the paintings can
A B C you remember in two minutes?


2 Read the article above about an artist. One of

the paintings in Exercise 1 is by Tjalf Sparnaay. 6 PROJECT A gallery tour
Which one? Work in groups. Make a digital tour around
an art gallery in your town or city.
3 Read the text again. Answer the questions.
What nationality is Tjalf Sparnaay?
• Choose a place and discuss your ideas.
2 Name three things in his paintings. • Plan your tour. Search the Internet for
interesting information, photos and
3 Why are his paintings clever? pictures.
4 What is his style of painting called?
How big is one of his paintings?
• Write the text of the presentation.
• Put your text and photos together.
4 Who is your favourite painter? Share your presentation with the class.

8 CLIL: SOCIAL SCIENCE Customs and traditions in the UK
I can understand a short text and talk about customs and traditions.

1 What holidays do you celebrate in your 2 Read the text. Which traditions in the UK are
country? similar to traditions in Romania?

New Year in the UK

New Year’s Resolutions
People make resolutions on 31st December. These are
promises that you make about how to make your life
better, like do more sport, eat healthy food or save money.

Traditional gifts
An old Scottish tradition says that the first dark-haired
person who enters your home on New Year’s Eve after
midnight brings the house good luck. People bring gifts New Year’s Eve
of fruit cake, coins or coal to bring food, money, luck and
happiness in the New Year. Celebrations
In Wales people give their friends and family an apple with People celebrate with their
three twigs, dried fruit, cloves and evergreen plants. friends and loved ones. They
have a party, play music, dance
twigs dried fruit cloves or watch fireworks. At midnight
people shout Happy New Year!,
hug each other, call friends or
relatives and wish each other
coal good luck.

Vocabulary Celebrations 4 Put the words in order to make questions.

1 celebrate/you/do/how/New Year’s Eve
resolution New Year’s Eve gift coal
twig dried fruit cloves evergreen How do you celebrate New Year’s Eve?
celebrate loved ones fireworks hug 2 you/with/celebrate/who/do
each other good luck 3 any/there/are/special traditions
4 food/what/you/eat/do

3 Complete the sentences with the words in 5 do/what/midnight/you/do/at

bold from Exercise 2. 6 NewYear’s/are/resolutions/what/your
1 The evening before the first day of the
year is called New Year’s 1Eve .
5 Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions
about your New Year’s Eve.
2 Some people like to watch 2 in
the sky at New Year’s parties. 6 PROJECT Make a poster about the New
3 Do you like my new watch? It’s a Year’s Celebrations in Romania. Write about:
3 from my brother. • the celebrations
4 A 4 is a custom from the past • the traditions
that we still do today.
• the gifts
5 A lot of people like to 5
Year with a party.
New • the food
6 The New Year starts after 6 of
31st December.

Word list
GET STARTED jacket /ˈdʒækət/ Countries and nationalities
jeans /dʒiːnz/ American /əˈmerəkən/
Numbers 1–20 shoes /ʃuːz/ British /ˈbrɪtɪʃ/
1 one /wʌn/ skirt /skɜːt/ country /ˈkʌntri/
2 two /tuː/ T-shirt /ˈtiː ʃɜːt/ China /ˈtʃaɪnə/
3 three /θriː/ top /tɒp/ Chinese /ˌtʃaɪˈniːz/
4 four /fɔː/ trainers /ˈtreɪnəz/ France /frɑːns/
5 five /faɪv/ tracksuit /ˈtraksuːt/ French /frentʃ/
6 six /sɪks/ trousers /ˈtraʊzəz/ Romania /rəʊˈmeɪnɪə/
7 seven /ˈsevən/ Romanian /ruˈmeɪniən/
8 heigt /eɪt/ Adjectives
Spain /speɪn/
9 nine /naɪn/ big /bɪɡ/
Spanish /ˈspænɪʃ/
10 ten /ten/ boring /ˈbɔːrɪŋ/
the UK /ðə juː ˈkeɪ /
11 eleven /ɪˈlevən/ cool /kuːl/
the USA /ðə ˌjuː es ˈeɪ/
12 twelve /twelv/ long /lɒŋ/
Turkey /ˈtɜːki/
13 thirteen /θ ɜːˈtiːn/ new /njuː/
Turkish /ˈtɜːkɪʃ/
14 fourteen /ˌfɔːˈtiːn/ old /əʊld/
15 fifteen /ˌfɪfˈtiːn/ short /ʃɔːt/ Places
16 sixteen /ˌsɪksˈtiːn/ small /smɔːl/ (on) holiday /ˈhɒlədeɪ/
17 seventeen /ˌsev ənˈtiːn/ (at) home /ˈhəʊm/
18 eighteen /ˌeɪˈtiːn/ (in the) park /ˈpɑːk/
19 nineteen /ˌnaɪnˈtiːn/ best friend /ˌbest ˈfrend/
(at) school /ˈskuːl/
20 twenty /ˈtwenti/ clever /ˈklɛvə/
computer (game) /kəmˈpjuːtə ɡeɪm/ CLIL: Art
Numbers 10–100 colour /ˈkʌlə/ art /ɑːt/
10 ten /ten/ cupcake /ˈkʌpkeɪk/ artist /ˈɑːtɪst /
20 twenty /ˈtwenti/ double /ˈdʌb(ə)l/ children /ˈtʃɪldrən/
30 thirty /ˈθɜːti/ elephant /ˈeləfənt/ painting /ˈpeɪntɪŋ/
40 forty /ˈfɔːti/ flamingo /fləˈmɪŋɡəʊ/ people /ˈpiːpəl/
50 fifty /ˈfɪfti/ flower /ˈflaʊə/ picture /ˈpɪktʃə/
60 sixty /ˈsɪksti/ grass /ɡrɑːs/
70 seventy /ˈsevənti/ hobby /ˈhɒbi/ EXTRA
80 eighty /ˈeɪti/ lemon /ˈlɛmən/ Are you sure? /ɑː juː ʃʊə/
90 ninety /ˈnaɪnti/ like /lʌɪk/ Be careful! /ˌbiˈkeəfəl/
100 a hundred /əˈhʌndrəd/ Maths /maθs/ birthday /ˈbɜːθdeɪ/
music /ˈmjuːzɪk/ box /bɒks/
Colours number /ˈnʌmbə/ cake /keɪk/
black /blæk/ pond /pɒnd/ card /kɑːd/
blue /bluː/ school /skuːl/ classmate /ˈklɑːsmeɪt/
brown /braʊn/ skateboarding /ˈskeɪtbɔːdɪŋ/ fantastic /fænˈtæstɪk/
green /griːn/ sky /skʌɪ/ fat /fæt/
grey /greɪ/ sport /spɔːt/ favourite /ˈfeɪv(ə)rɪt/
orange /ˈɒrəndʒ/ superhero /ˈsuːpəhɪərəʊ/ flag /flæɡ/
pink /pɪŋk/ tree /triː/ Hang on! /ˌhæŋ ˈɒn/
purple /ˈpɜːpəl/ weekend /wiːkˈɛnd/ happy /ˈhæpi/
red /red/ zebra /ˈzɛbrə,ˈziːbrə/ Hold this, please! /ˈhəʊld ðɪs ˌpliːz/
white /waɪt/
I’ve got it! /ˌaɪv ɡɒt ɪt/
yellow /ˈjeləʊ/ 1 FAMILY AND FRIENDS Let’s have a break! /lets hæv ə breɪk/
In my bag Family mouse /maʊs/
book /bʊk/ neighbour /ˈneɪbə/
aunt /ɑːt/
pencil /ˈpensəl/ Nice to meet you! /naɪs tuː miːt juː/
brother /ˈbrʌðə/
notebook /ˈnəʊtbʊk/ cousin /ˈkʌzən/ present /ˈprezənt/
pen /pen/ dad /dæd/ pet /pet/
ruler /ˈruːlə/ daughter /ˈdɔːtə/ photo /ˈfəʊtəʊ/
sandwich /ˈsan(d)wɪdʒ/ family /ˈfæməli/ size /saɪz/
father /ˈfɑːðə/ suit /sjuːt/
Classroom objects terrific /təˈrɪfɪk/
grandfather/grandad /ˈɡrændˌfɑːðə/
bin /bɪn/ ˈɡrændæd/ Thank you. /ˈθaŋk juː/
board /bɔːd/ grandmother/granny /ˈɡrænˌmʌðə/ today /təˈdeɪ/
chair /tʃeə/ ˈɡræni/ too (small) /tuː (smɔːl)/
clock /klɒk/ mother /ˈmʌðə/
desk /desk/ mum /mʌm/ 2 IN THE HOUSE
Clothes parents /ˈpeərənts/
sister /ˈsɪstə/ Parts of the house
cap /kæp/ bathroom /ˈbɑːθrʊm/
son /sʌn/
coat /kəʊt/ bedroom /ˈbedrʊm/
uncle /ˈʌŋkəl/
dress /dres/ door /dɔː/

Word list
floor /flɔː/ Yuck! /jʌk/ person /ˈpɜːsən/
garage /ˈɡærɪdʒ/ yummy /ˈjʌmi/ personality /ˌpɜːsəˈnæləti/
garden /ˈɡɑːdn/ robot /ˈrəʊbɒt/
kitchen /ˈkɪtʃən/ 3 ABOUT ME sometimes /ˈsʌmtaɪmz/
living room /ˈlɪvɪŋ ruːm/ Sorry about that! /ˈsɒri ə əˈbaʊt ðat/
wall /wɔːl/ Face
Sorry, my mistake! /ˈsɒri mʌɪ mɪˈsteɪk/
window /ˈwɪndəʊ/ ears /ɪəz/ speak to everyone /ˈspiːk tə ˈɛvrɪwʌn/
eyes /aɪz/ Stop it! /ˈstɒp ɪt/
In the house mouth /maʊθ/
subject /ˈsʌbdʒɪkt/
armchair /ˈɑːmtʃeə/ nose /nəʊz/
super power /ˈsuːpə ˌpaʊə/
bath /bɑːθ/
Hair sweetie /ˈswiːti/
bed /bed/
blond /blɒnd/ tall /tɔːl/
fridge /frɪdʒ/
curly /ˈkɜːli/ That's all right. /ðats ɔːl rʌɪt/
sofa /ˈsəʊfə/
dark /dɑːk/ time /taɪm/
table /ˈteɪbəl/
spiky /ˈspaɪki/ usually /ˈjuːʒuəli/
Household objects straight /streɪt/
carpet /ˈkɑːpət/ wavy /ˈweɪvi/ 4 THINGS I CAN DO
cushion /ˈkʊʃən/ Action verbs
lamp /læmp/ Parts of the body
arm /ɑːm/ act /ækt/
plant /plɑːnt/
body /ˈbɒdi/ cook /kʊk/
poster /ˈpəʊstə/
fingers /ˈfɪŋɡəz/ dance /dɑːns/
television (TV) /ˈteləˌvɪʒən (ˌtiː ˈviː)/
foot /fʊt/ draw /drɔː/
CLIL: Materials hand /hænd/ fix /fɪks/
cardboard /ˈkɑːdbɔːd/ head /hed/ fly /flaɪ/
glass /ɡlɑːs/ leg /leɡ/ jump /dʒʌmp/
metal /ˈmetl/ read /riːd/
paper /ˈpeɪpə/
Personality adjectives ride /raɪd/
wood /ˈwʊd/ clever /ˈklevə/ run /rʌn/
wooden /ˈwʊdn/ friendly /ˈfrendli/ sing /sɪŋ/
funny /ˈfʌni/ swim /swɪm/
EXTRA helpful /ˈhelpfəl/ write /raɪt/
another /əˈnʌðə(r)/ nice /naɪs/
bad people /ˌbæd ˈpiːpəl/ make, play, ride
car /kɑː/
CLIL: Personality adjectives make a poster /ˌmeɪk əˈpəʊstə/
carton of milk /ˈkɑːt(ə)n əf mɪlk/ angry /ˈæŋɡri/ make cupcakes /ˌmeɪkˈkʌpkeɪks/
competition /ˌkɒmpəˈtɪʃən/ kind /kaɪnd/ play computer games /ˌpleɪ
dream /driːm/ nervous /ˈnərvəs/ kəmˈpjuːtə ɡeɪmz/
DVD /ˌdiː viː ˈdiː/ polite /pəˈlaɪt/ play football /ˌpleɪ ˈfʊtbɔːl/
go /ɡəʊ/ relaxed /rəˈlakst/ play the piano /ˌpleɪ ðə piˈænəʊ/
good boy /ˈɡʊd bɔɪ/ sad /sad/ ride a bike /ˌraɪd ə ˈbaɪk/
guest /ɡɛst/ talkative /ˈtɔːkətɪv/ ride a horse /ˌraɪd ə ˈhɔːs/
Help! /ˈhelp/ EXTRA
hungry /ˈhʌŋɡri/
a lot of /ə ˈlɒt əv/ hear /hɪə/
I’d like … /ˌaɪd ˈlaɪk/
always /ˈɔːlwəz/ language /ˈlæŋɡwɪdʒ/
inside /ɪnˈsaɪd/
battery power /ˈbætəri ˌpaʊə/ learn /lɜːn/
ketchup /ˈkɛtʃəp/
dancing /ˈdɑːnsɪŋ/ sign language /ˈsaɪnˌlæŋɡwɪdʒ/
Let me show you. /ˈlɛt mi ˈʃəʊ juː/
do a quiz /ˌduː ə ˈkwɪz/ speak /spiːk/
maybe /ˈmeɪbi/
good at /ˈɡʊd ət/ special /ˈspeʃəl/
mess /mes/
good student /ˌɡʊdˈstjuːdənt/
naughty /ˈnɔːti/
group /ɡruːp/ CLIL: Musical instruments
really /ˈrɪəli/
Help me, please! /ˈhelp mi pliːz/ acoustic guitar /əˈkuːstɪk/ /ɡɪˈtɑː/
Not really. /ˌnɒt ˈrɪəli/
Here you are. /ˈhɪə juː ɑː/ drums /drʌmz/
juice /dʒuːs/
high /ˌhaɪ/ electric guitar /ɪˈlektrɪk/ /ɡɪˈtɑː/
perfect /ˈpɜːfɪkt/
home lover /ˈhəʊm ˌlʌvə/ keyboard /ˈkiːbɔːd/
phone /fəʊn/
homework /ˈhəʊmwɜːk/ violin /ˌvaɪəˈlɪn/
practice /ˈpraktɪs/
rat /rat/ house keys /haʊs kiːz/
Right there! /raɪt ˈðeə/ How many? /ˌhaʊ ˈmeni/
Hurry up! /ˌhʌri ˈʌp/ actor /ˈaktə/
silly /ˈsɪli/ after-school /ˌɑːftə ˈskuːl/
street /striːt/ It isn’t my fault! /ɪt ˌɪzənt maɪ ˈfɔːlt/
joke /dʒəʊk/ all day /ˌɔːl ˈdeɪ/
sweets /swiːts/ anyway /ˈɛnɪweɪ/
There it is! /ˈðeər ɪt ɪz/ like (this) /laɪk ðɪs/
No problem. /nəʊ ˈprɒbləm/ autograph /ˈɔːtəɡrɑːf/
toy /tɔɪ/ be quick /biː ˈkwɪk/
upstairs /ʌpˈstɛːz/ Oh, dear /əʊ dɪə/
Ouch! /aʊtʃ/ boat /bəʊt/
Wait! /weɪt/
party animal /ˌpɑːti ˈænəməl/ borrow /ˈbɒrəʊ/

Word list
calculator /ˈkalkjʊleɪtə/ hotel /həʊˈtɛl/ fly /flaɪ/
camera /ˈkæmərə/ library /ˈlʌɪbrəri/ frog /frɒɡ/
club /klʌb/ museum /mjuːˈzɪəm/ giraffe /dʒəˈrɑːf/
come /kʌm/ restaurant /ˈrɛst(ə)rɒnt/ kangaroo /ˌkæŋɡəˈruː/
drama /ˈdrɑːmə/ shop /ʃɒp/ lion /ˈlaɪən/
excuse me /ɪkˈskjuːz miː/ stadium /ˈsteɪdɪəm/ monkey /ˈmʌŋki/
famous /ˈfeɪməs/ supermarket /ˈsuːpəmɑːkɪt/ snake /sneɪk/
fast /fɑːst/ theatre /ˈθɪətə/ spider /ˈspaɪdə/
genius /ˈdʒiːnɪəs/ tiger /ˈtaɪɡə/
CLIL: Months whale /weɪl/
guys /ɡaɪz/
January /ˈdʒænjuəri/
I can’t see a thing. /aɪ ˌkɑːnt ˌsiː ə ˈθɪŋ/
February /ˈfebruəri/ Pets
I don't feel well. /aɪ ˈdəʊnt fiːl wel/
March /mɑːtʃ/ cat /kæt/
important /ɪmˈpɔːtənt/
April /ˈeɪprəl/ dog /dɒɡ/
just /dʒʌst/
May /meɪ/ goldfish /ˈɡəʊldˌfɪʃ/
Let me see … /ˌlet mi ˈsiː/
June /dʒuːn/ hamster /ˈhæmstə/
letter /ˈletə/
July /dʒʊˈlaɪ/ iguana /ɪˈɡwɑːnə/
lovely day /ˌlʌvli ˈdeɪ/
August /ˈɔːɡə st/ parrot /ˈpærət/
Not again! /ˌnɒt əˈɡen/
September /sepˈtembə/ rabbit /ˈræbət/
One minute, please. /ˌwʌn ˈmɪnət tortoise /ˈtɔːtəs/
October /ɒkˈtəʊbə/
November /nəʊˈvembə/
pencil case /ˈpensəl keɪs/ Adjectives
December /dɪˈsembə/
permission /pəˈmɪʃ(ə)n/ cute /kjuːt/
star /stɑː/ EXTRA dangerous /ˈdeɪndʒərəs/
tablet /ˈtablɪt/ busy week /ˌbɪzi ˈwiːk/ fast /fɑːst/
take a day off /ˈteɪk ə ˈdeɪ ɒf/ cartoons /kɑːˈtuːnz/ slow /sləʊ/
teach /tiːtʃ/ classical music /ˌklæsɪkəlˈmjuːzɪk/ strong /strɒŋ/
teacher /ˈtiːtʃə/ Come on, guys! /ˌkʌm ˈɒn ɡaɪz/ ugly /ˈʌɡli/
think /θɪŋk/ daily routine /ˈdeɪli ruːˈtiːn/
video /ˈvɪdiəʊ/ early /ˈɜːli/
CLIL: Where animals live
volleyball /ˈvɒlibɔːl/ every day /ˌevri ˈdeɪ/ in a hole in the ground /ɪn ə həʊl ɪn
What’s wrong? /ˌwɒts ˈrɒŋ/ ðə ɡraʊnd/
free day /ˌfriː ˈdeɪ/
who /huː/ in a pond /ɪn ə pɒnd/
get ready for school /ɡet ˌredi fə ˈskuːl/
word /wɜːd/ in the forest /ɪn ðə ˈfɒrɪst /
go straight on /ɡəʊ streɪt ɒn/
in the sea /ɪn ðə siː/
grandparents /ˈɡrændˌpeərənts/
in trees /ɪn triːz/
5 MY DAY gym /dʒɪm/
on land /ɒn lænd/
hours /aʊəz/
Daily activities How about Tuesday? /ˌhaʊ əˌbaʊt EXTRA
do my homework /ˌduː ˈtjuːzdi/
maɪˈhəʊmwɜːk/ amazing /əˈmeɪzɪŋ/
in the evening /ˌɪn ði ˈiːvnɪŋ/
get up /ˌɡet ˈʌp/ aquarium /əˈkwɛːrɪəm/
late for school /ˌleɪt fə ˈskuːl/
go to bed /ˌɡəʊ tə ˈbed/ at 55 kilometres an hour /ət ˌfɪfti ˌfaɪv
left /lɛft/ ˌkɪləmiːtəz ən ˈaʊə/
go to school /ˌɡəʊ tə ˈskuːl/ life /laɪf/
hang out with my friends /hæŋ ˌaʊt at all /ət ˈɔːl/
live /lɪv/ at the weekend /ət ðəˌwiːkˈend/
wɪð maɪˈfrendz/
look for /lʊk ˈfɔː/ because /bɪˈkɒz/
have a shower /ˌhæv ə ˈʃaʊə/
love /lʌv/ before /bɪˈfɔː/
have breakfast /ˌhæv ˈbrekfəst/
Me too. /ˌmi ˈtuː/ drink /drɪŋk/
have dinner /ˌhæv ˈdɪnə/
mean /miːn/ easy /ˈiːzi/
have lessons /ˌhæv ˈlesənz/
meet my friend /ˌmiːt maɪˈfrend/ food /fuːd/
have lunch /ˌhæv ˈlʌntʃ/
never /ˈnevə/ foreign language /ˌfɒrən ˈlæŋɡwɪdʒ/
listen to music /ˌlɪsən təˈmjuːzɪk/
often /ˈɒfən/ guide /ˈɡaɪd/
tidy my room /ˌtaɪdi maɪˈruːm/
pancakes /ˈpænkeɪks/ hard work /ˌhɑːd ˈwɜːk/
watch TV /ˌwɒtʃ ˌtiː ˈviː/
right /rʌɪt/ having fun /ˌhævɪŋ ˈfʌn/
Days of the week science /ˈsʌɪəns/ hour /aʊə/
Monday /ˈmʌndi/ Seriously? /ˈsɪəriəsli/ hungry /ˈhʌŋɡri/
Tuesday /ˈtjuːzdi/ survey /ˈsɜːveɪ/ I could eat a horse. /aɪ kəd iːt eɪ hɔːs/
Wednesday /ˈwenzdi/ team /tiːm/ I don’t mind! /aɪ ˌdəʊnt ˈmaɪnd/
Thursday /ˈθɜːzdi/ turn /təːn/ I’m allergic (to) /aɪm əˌlɜːdʒɪk (tə)/
Friday /ˈfraɪdi/ visit /ˈvɪzət/ information /ɪnfəˈmeɪʃ(ə)n/
Saturday /ˈsætədi/ interview /ˈɪntəvjuː/
Sunday /ˈsʌndi/ 6 ANIMALS jump out /ˌdʒʌmp ˈaʊt/
Wild animals kilo /ˈkiːləʊ/
Places in town
bird /bɜːd/ leaves /liːvz/
bank /baŋk/ litre /ˈliːtə/
café /ˈkafeɪ/ butterfly /ˈbʌtəflaɪ/
crocodile /ˈkrɒkədaɪl/ look after a pet /ˌlʊk ˌɑːftər ə ˈpet/
cinema /ˈsɪnɪmə/ magazine /ˌmæɡəˈziːn/
hospital /ˈhɒspɪt(ə)l/ fish /fɪʃ/
Oh, all right! /əʊ ˌɔːl ˈraɪt/

Word list
player /ˈpleɪə/ Let’s see! /ˈlets ˈsi:/ sightseeing /ˈsʌɪtsiːɪŋ/
pass /pɑːs/ look up /lʊk ʌp/ skiing /ˈskiːɪŋ/
Poor (dog)! /ˌpɔː (ˈdɒɡ)/ milk shake /ˈmɪlk ˈʃeɪk/ sunbathing /ˈsʌnˌbeɪðɪŋ/
pound /paʊnd/ on top /ɒn ˈtɒp/ surfing /ˈsəːfɪŋ/
puppy /ˈpʌpi/ over there /ˈəʊvə ðɛː/ walking /wɔːkɪŋ/
relax /rɪˈlæks/ pan /pæn/ windsurfing /ˈwɪn(d)səːfɪŋ/
reporter /rɪˈpɔːtə/ popular /ˈpɒpjʊlə/
sleep /sliːp/ put /pʊt/ CLIL: Celebrations
take the dog for a walk /ˌteɪk ðə ˌdɒɡ recipe /ˈrɛsɪpi/ celebrate /ˈsɛlɪbreɪt/
fər ə ˈwɔːk/ round /raʊnd/ clove /kləʊv/
ticket /ˈtɪkɪt/ special /ˈspɛʃ(ə)l/ coal /kəʊl/
together /təˈɡeðə/ surf the Internet /səːf ðiːˈɪntənɛt/ dried fruit /ˈdrʌɪd ˈfruːt/
win /wɪn/ take an order /ˈteɪk ən ˈɔːdə/ each other /ˈiːtʃ ˈʌðə/
zoo /zuː/ take a photo /teɪk ə ˈfəʊtəʊ/ evergreen /ˈɛvəɡriːn/
text a friend /tɛkst ə frɛnd/ firework /ˈfʌɪəwəːk/
7 FUN WITH FOOD That’s a surprise! /ˈðæts ə səˈprʌɪz/ gift /ɡɪft/
throw /θrəʊ/ good luck /ˈɡʊd lʌk /
Food and drink hug /hʌɡ/
turn on the oven /təːn ɒn ðiː ˈʌv(ə)n/
apple /ˈap(ə)l/ unhealthy /ʌnˈhɛlθi/ loved one /ˈlʌvd wʌn/
biscuit /ˈbɪskɪt/ uniform /ˈjuːnɪfɔːm/ New Year’s Eve /njuː ˈjɪəz iːv/
bread /brɛd/ use /ju:z/ resolution /rɛzəˈluːʃ(ə)n/
butter /ˈbʌtə/ vegetarian /vɛdʒɪˈtɛːrɪən/ twig /twɪɡ/
cereal /ˈsɪərɪəl / Wait a minute. /weɪt c ˈmɪnɪt/
cheese /tʃiːz/ EXTRA
waitress /ˈweɪtrəs/
chicken /ˈtʃɪkɪn/ accommodation /əkɒməˈdeɪʃ(ə)n/
What a disaster! /wɒt ə dɪˈzɑːstə/
chips /tʃɪps/ agree /əˈɡriː/
wrong /rɒŋ/
chocolate /ˈtʃɒk(ə)lət/ beach /biːtʃ/
egg /ɛɡ/ bowling /ˈbəʊlɪŋ/
flour /ˈflaʊə/
8 HAVING FUN brochure /ˈbrəʊʃə,brɒˈʃʊə/
fruit /fruːt/ Events camp /kamp/
ham /hæm/ barbecue /ˈbɑːbɪkjuː/ champion /ˈtʃampɪən/
meat /miːt/ concert /ˈkɒnsət/ channel /ˈtʃan(ə)l/
pasta /ˈpastə/ dance show /dɑːns ʃəʊ/ couple /ˈkʌp(ə)l/
potato /pəˈteɪtəʊ/ fancy dress party /ˈfænsi ˈdres ˈpɑːti/ Don’t worry. /dəʊnt ˈwʌri/
rice /rʌɪs/ football match /ˈfʊtbɔːl matʃ/ donkey /ˈdɒŋki/
salad /ˈsaləd/ picnic /ˈpɪknɪk/ dramatic view /drəˈmatɪk vjuː/
sausage /ˈsɒsɪdʒ/ play /pleɪ/ fan /fan/
strawberry /ˈstrɔːb(ə)ri/ sleepover /ˈsliːpəʊvə/ gloves /ɡlʌvs/
sugar /ˈʃʊɡə/ talent competition /ˈtalənt hiking /ˈhʌɪkɪŋ/
tomato /təˈmɑːtəʊ/ kɒmpɪˈtɪʃ(ə)n/ ideal /ʌɪˈdɪəl/
tuna /ˈtjuːnə/ inexpensive /ɪnɪkˈspɛnsɪv/
vegetable /ˈvɛdʒtəb(ə)l/
Ordinal numbers intensive /ɪnˈtɛnsɪv/
yoghurt /ˈjɒɡət/ first /fəːst/ invitation /ɪnvɪˈteɪʃ(ə)n/
second /sekənd/ invite /ɪnˈvʌɪt/
EXTRA third /θəːd/ lake /leɪk/
all over the world /ɔːl əʊvə ðə wəːld/ fourth /fɔːθ/ meal /miːl/
Anything else? /ˈɛnɪθɪŋ ɛls/ fifth /fɪfθ/ mountain /ˈmaʊntɪn/
ask for /ɑːsk ˈfɔː/ sixth /sɪksθ/ option /ˈɒpʃ(ə)n/
at the moment /ət ðə ˈməʊm(ə)nt/ seventh /ˈsɛv(ə)nθ/ perhaps /pəˈhaps/
banana /bəˈnɑːnə/ eighth /eɪtθ/ price /prʌɪs/
celebrity /sɪˈlɛbrɪti/ ninth /ˈnʌɪnθ/ prize /prʌɪz/
chat /ˈtʃæt/ tenth /tɛnθ/ pyjamas /pəˈdʒɑːməz/
cottage cheese /ˈkɒtɪdʒ tʃiːz/ eleventh /ɪˈlɛv(ə)nθ/ quiet village /ˈkwʌɪət ˈvɪlɪdʒ/
cream /kriːm/ twelfth /twɛlfθ/ recommend /rɛkəˈmɛnd/
decorate /ˈdɛkəreɪt/ thirteenth /ˌθəːˈtiːnθ/ something /ˈsʌmθɪŋ/
diary /ˈdʌɪəri/ twentieth /ˈtwɛntɪəθ/ spectacular /spɛkˈtakjʊlə/
downstairs /daʊnˈstɛːz/ twenty-first /ˈtwɛnti ˈfəːst/ suggest /səˈdʒɛst/
Good idea! /ɡʊd ʌɪˈdɪə/ thirtieth /ˌθəːˈtɪəθ/ summer /ˈsʌmə/
Go on! /ɡəʊ ɒn/ sunset /ˈsʌnsɛt/
hamburger /ˈhambəːɡə/
Holiday activities
swimming pool /ˈswɪmɪŋ puːl/
horrible /ˈhɒrɪb(ə)l/ cooking /ˈkʊkɪŋ/
tech /tɛk/
ice cream /ʌɪs kriːm/ drawing /ˈdrɔː(r)ɪŋ/
tennis player /ˈtɛnɪs ˈpleɪə/
ingredient /ɪnˈɡriːdɪənt/ hiking /ˈhʌɪkɪŋ/
That’s true. /dats truː/
interested in /ˈɪnt(ə)rɪstɪd ɪn/ horse-riding /hɔːs ˈrʌɪdɪŋ/
train /treɪn/
jam /dʒam/ rock climbing /rɒk ˈklʌɪmɪŋ/
unusual /ʌnˈjuːʒʊəl/
laugh /lɑːf/ sailing /ˈseɪlɪŋ/
wear a costume /ˈwɛː ə ˈkɒstjuːm/
lemonade /lɛməˈneɪd/ shopping /ˈʃɒpɪŋ/
wet /wɛt/


Fișă de observare a activității individuale a elevului

Numele elevului: Data activității:

Elementele de Interesul și atenția Atitudinea față de Atitudinea față Exprimarea socială în cadrul
limbă utilizate: manifestate în cadrul sarcina de lucru de colegi: grupului (activități de tip
activității: alocată group/pair-work)

Fișă de observare a activităților de tip group/pair-work

Membrii grupului:

Indicator Frecvent Rar Deloc

Fiecare din membrii grupului este implicat egal în rezolvarea sarcinii de lucru.

Fiecare din membrii grupului formulează idei clare referitoare la sarcina de


În cadrul grupului, atitudinea predominantă este cea de cooperare și nu cea

de competiție.

Limba utilizată în cadrul grupului și pentru rezolvarea sarcinii este

predominant engleza (grupul nu deviază spre uzul total al limbii materne).

Membrii grupului acordă feedback colegilor.

Membrii grupului urmăresc cu atenție prezentarea rezultatelor celorlalte


Membrii grupului nu au reticențe cu privire la unii din colegii de grup.

Original editions: Nata 65, Destina 35, Graletta 14, Jerome Romme 26, Karenkh
ISBN 9781292107455, Wider World Starter Student’s Book by 65, Kasto 26, Kav777 35, Kolesnikovserg 65, Lucky Dragon 65,
Sandy Zervas and Catherine Bright, published by Pearson Mat Hayward 25, 25, 25, 25, Monkey Business 58, Nikolai Sorokin
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74, 74, 85, 85; Bridgeman Art Library Ltd: Gooseberries on a Sparnaay: 114, 114.
Table, 1701 (oil on paper mounted on wood), Coorte, Adrian Cover Images: Front: Alamy Stock Photo: imageBROKER
(c.1660-1707) / Cleveland Museum of Art, OH, USA / Leonard
C. Hanna, Jr. Fund /Bridgeman Images 114, Pears and Grapes
on a Table; Poires et Raisins sur une Table, 1913 (oil on canvas), Joanna Berna (Pigeon) p. 51; Anna Hancock (Beehive
Gris, Juan (1887-1927) / Private Collection / Photo © Christie’s Illustration) p. 16, 17, 40, 43, 51, 65, 67, 72, 81, 97, 109; Stuart
Images / Bridgeman Images 114, Still life of flowers and plants, Holmes(Illustration Web) p. 11, 14, 31, 57, 65; Adam Linley(
by Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio (1571-1610), detail / Beehive Illustration) p. 57; Keri Green (Beehive illustration) p. 86,
De Agostini Picture Library / G. Nimatallah / Bridgeman Images 89; Jim Peacock (Beehive Illustration) p. 31, 64, 65, 75, 77, 104,
114, Still Life with Open Drawer, c.1879-1882 (oil on canvas), 108; Alan Rowe p. 12, 13, 22, 23, 32, 33, 44, 45, 54, 55, 68, 69, 78,
Cezanne, Paul (1839-1906) / Private Collection / Photo © 100, 101; Dardenelle Studios p. 10, 17, 21, 23, 31, 43, 45, 53, 55,
Christie’s Images / Bridgeman Images 114; Corbis: Sarah M. 67, 69, 77, 79, 89, 91, 99.
Golonka. Tetra Images 18, 11; Alexvav 14, Denis All other images © Pearson Education
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