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One Compartment Open Model

1. If a drug is distributed in the one-compartment model, does it mean that there is no drug in the tissue?
(2) book 92

2. Why does k always have the unit 1/time (eg, hr–1), regardless of what concentration unit is plotted?

3. Describe briefly, how you can calculate elimination rate constant for intravenous bolus administration
of a drug following one compartment open model. (5)
4. Describe the trapezoidal rule for measuring AUC. (4)
Ch2(2)_PK_IV_OneComp p-39-44
5. If the amount of drug in the body declines from 100% of the dose (IV bolus injection) to 25% of the
dose in 8 hours, what is elimination half life for this drug? (Assume 1st order kinetics) (3)

6. A 70kg volunteer is given an intravenous dose of antibiotics, and serum drug concentrations were
determinate at 2 hours and 5 hours after administration. The drug concentrations were 1.2 and 0.3
µg/ml, respectively. What is the biologic half life for this drug, assuming 1 st order elimination
kinetics?(3) book 90
7. What is apparent volume of distribution? Briefly write the significance of apparent volume of
distribution. (2+2)

Apparent volume of distribution is a ratio of the total amount of drug in the body to
the plasma concentration of the drugs such that V d = amount of drug in body/plasma
drug concentration. Volume of distribution is not a physical, anatomical space; rather
it is a calculated volume that helps determine the relative distribution of a drug within
the body. Apparent volume of distribution is important for determining the dose
required to produce a desired plasma concentration of the drug.
Vd value of a drug is indicative of its distribution pattern in the body between plasma and other body tissues.

Vd values Indication Reasons

Large Large fraction distributed in various 1. High lipid

parts of the body, small fraction
(30 to 45 L or more ) solubility
remains in plasma
2. Low plasma

protein binding
Small Small fraction distributed in various 1. High water
parts of the body, large fraction
( 6 to 20 L ) solubility
remains in plasma.
2. High plasma

protein binding

 Used to calculate the amount of drug in the body at any time ( t ) if the
plasma concentration is determined at that time. ( DBt = Vd X CPt ). Therefore, Vd is a useful parameter
that relates plasma drug concentration to the amount of drug in the body

 Comparisons of distribution characteristics of various drugs

8. Math Example 1, 2, and 3 of pptx file Ch4_430_1com_El

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