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Assignment 1

1) The following LINK gives the list of 11 highest paid executives in India during the FY 2022-23.

Salary of Top CEOs in India: The Highest Paid CEOsSalary of Top CEOs in India: The Highest …

Prepare a report with a 5 number summary for the above data.

2) Given below is a frequency distribution of the sundry debtor status for a sample of 50 accounts
of a supplier of goods, before and after introduction of a an incentive scheme for prompt

Number of Days Number of Accounts

Outstanding Before After
31-40 8 10
41-50 26 22
51-60 20 15
61-70 10 8
71-80 6 5

Find out the extent to which the incentive scheme has been successful. Also, has the variability in
‘Number of Days Outstanding’ reduced? Hint: Use Coefficient of variation.

3) The following table gives income distribution of a residential colony on the basis of a sample
survey carried out in one of the suburbs in the city of Mumbai.

Income Group
(in Rs. Per month for No. of Families Earning Members* Non-Earning Members*
0-10000 32 35 40
10000-15000 50 60 143
15000-20000 70 80 179
20000-30000 25 52 136
30000-50000 15 43 85
50000-70000 8 30 17
Total 200 300 600
*Earning and Non-earning members belong to the number of families given in second column.

Calculate average monthly income

(i) Per family

(ii) Per earning member and

(iii) Per capita

4) EXCEL BASED ACTIVITY Go to or or or or any other trading portal.

i. Download daily closing price of Nifty Metal stock Historical Data for one Quarter. Draw
a BOXPLOT. Is there any outlier? Also find standard deviation of this sample.
ii. Download daily closing price of Nifty IT stock Historical Data for one Quarter. Draw a
BOXPLOT. Is there any outlier? Also find standard deviation of this sample.
iii. Calculate Coefficient of variation for (i) and (ii) above and compare. Give your

iv. Is there any relationship in stock behavour of Metal stocks and IT stocks? Hint : Use
scatter plot or Pearsons Correlation coefficient.

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