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Dr. Arun Sharma. Ankita Singh

Assistant Professor. Enrolment no: A61021520043
Amity Law School. Amity law School

“I have taken efforts in this project. However, it would not have been possible
without the kind support and help of many Individuals. I would like to extend my
sincere thanks to all of them”.

Under the internship opportunity, I did the internship under Arun Kumar Yadav
Kanpur, U.P. and it was a great chance for learning. It helped me for my personal
and professional development. I am very grateful to him for his constant guidance
and support. I would like to express my special gratitude and thanks to him for
giving me such attention and time.

I express my deepest thanks to all my teachers for helping me and guiding me

through all thick and thin. And for providing me all the necessary help and advice
whenever necessary.

I would like to express my gratitude towards my parents for their kind co-operation
and encouragement which help me in completion of this project.

My thanks and appreciations also go to my colleague in developing the project and

people who have willingly helped me out with their abilities.

I observe this as chance as huge objective in my career development. I will be able

to commit to use gained skills and data within the very best manner, and that I can
still so as to achieve desired career objectives. Hope to continue companies with all
of you within the future.

Ankita SINGH

1, Ankita Singh, hereby declare that the report entitled is my

original work and therefore the project has not shaped the premise
for the award of any degree, associateship, fellowship or any other
similar project. This is an outcome of my own effort which I have
submitted to the Amity Law School, Gwalior. The information
submitted here is true and original to the best of my knowledge. In
case the above found false, I shall be solely responsible.

Ankita Singh
During my internship I went through a lot of challenges as I knew nothing regarding
law related works as it was my first time interning in law chamber under a renowned
lawyer. However, I tried to work hard and learned a lot of things like various
provisions under certain laws. Since I was 1 year student during internship I mostly
got files to read and interpret. But by reading files I learned a lot of things and gained
a good experience.

During my internship I learned so many practical knowledge by case readings and
reading order sheet etc.
Thus, this internship helped me in gaining experience and practical knowledge.


This internship helps me to gain my degree and it will be help me in future to make
my future in the field of law. Before this internship I have only little bit practical
knowledge but after my internship I have more practical knowledge especially in the
civil field as I read a lot of cases related to land , eviction of tenant etc which helped
me in developing some basics.

S.NO. Contents Page no.

1) Acknowledgement 2

2) Declara on
3) Objec ves

5- 11
4) Diary Entry
12 - 15
5) Weekly Progress report

6) Internship cer cate 16


23 June 2023 :
I was nervous and anxious about my first internship experience. It started with a
formal introduction. Then we further moved to the discussion of what would I be
learning in upcoming days. Then I was taught hierarchy of courts and division of
courts between civil and criminal cases. I also learned about forums, tribunals and
special types of courts and their appellate authority. and after that continue with the
court hearing.

24 June 2023:
Today I learnt about types of cases filed in court and the abbreviations used for the
same. I got a brief idea about the working terminologies used by them regularly in the
courts and in office. After that I went to office and where i read some of the cases and
discuss about that with the sir and then sir tell me how to read the case and find the
relevant section in the bare acts.

26 June 2023:
Today, I had gone through another file for basic understanding. While going through
the file, I understood some concepts about Consumer Protection Act and Motor
Vehicle Act. I understood various concepts regarding insurance policy and consumer
27June 2023
Today, two different files were provided to me. The first file was related to
Consumer Protection Act under which plaintiff filed a case against insurance policy.
But the noteworthy fact about the case is that it was still not completed and the next
hearing date for the case would be in next month.
The second file of the case was related to Negotiable Instrument Act. I got to learn
many important facts in the file to be understand gradually.

28 June 2023:
Today, I have completely gone through the file of Negotiable Instrument Act and
found that section 138 of negotiable instrument act is about dishonour of cheque for
insufficiency etc.
Second case file was related to domestic violence of wife by her husband and his
family for dowry.
In this case, the husband and his family used to torture his wife for dowry and left her
and their children. The husband even got married again to another women without
getting divorce.
However I couldn’t complete this file today so I decided to complete this case file the
next day.
29 June 2023:
The first thing I did today was to complete the file regarding domestic violence of
plaintiff i.e. the wife by her husband and his family i.e. the defendants for dowry
which I couldn’t finish.
I learnt about the provisions related with Hindu marriage act and Indian succession act
and as regular read the case. and also sir tell me about how to read the order sheet in

30 June 2023:

Today,I witnessed real client discussing his case with sir and
telling him all the required details for the case, all the facts told by him were listened
carefully by sir and some of his juniors and me.
Then after the client left, discussion was done on the same. The day ended up with
clearing all my doubts regarding the new case came to sir.

1 July,2023:
Today I visit the family court related with a divorce case. I have gone thoroughly with
section 7 of HMA then after that back to the district court.

3 JULY 2023:
Today, we read legal news and updates. Then we were shown format in Court rules
which was format of cases filed in court. We were also given a task to read previous
orders of cases filed. We also read some case files and their annexure.

4 July 2023:
Today also we witnessed the proccedings of the court and met
other interns of other offices and lawyers. Many interns were seen today though we
interacted with very few.

5 JULY 2023:
Today, sir discussed about Right to Information Act, 2005. It's an act which provides
access to the citizen to get information from any public authority. It's a very interesting
act which has provided justice to many people and also helped to get justice quickly
and accurately.

6 JULY 2023:
Today I read a case regarding the leakage of class 10 SST paper by defendants. Two of
the defendants leaked the papers and sent to rest of the defendant students through
WhatsApp. However, one of the student got caught with phone in class by examiner
and the phone was confiscated by examiner. Later police complaint was filed against
all the defendants and subsequently, a case was filed against them.
7 JULY 2023:
I gone through a case regarding maintanence suit filed by plaintiff against her
husband as he used to torture her for dowry, physically as well as mentally.
I also gone through another case related divorce. In this case, both husband and wife
i.e. applicants mutually decided to end their marriage under section 13(b) of Hindu
marriage act. And a period of 6 months by court is provided to them for resolving their
problems or for reconciliation.
10 JULY 2023:
Today I read a case in which plaintiff demanded a permanent injunction against
defendant as defendant used to come and interrupt plaintiff’s work and also used to
threaten plaintiff.
Then I gone through order 39 rule 1 and 2 of Cpc and section 151 of Cpc.
11 July 2023:
Today I had a conversation with the sir about Interim order and
Jump which is commonly used in courts. An interim order is an order which is made
by the judge during the pendency of a case to provide justice to people and a jump is a
point where normal going on serial numbers stop and request matter is taken into
consideration by the judges though it's like for used by advocates only.

12 July 2023:

Today, firstly complete the file which I was not able to read yesterday.Then, I read
section 12 and 13 of Madhya Pradesh Accommodation act as it was related to the
above mentioned case.
13 July 2023:
Today, I read a case in which plaintiff filed a case against insurance company for
deficiency in service under section 2 (11) of consumer protection act in consumer
court . The court passed the order that defendant should give the insurance money to
plaintiff . However, defendant filed an appeal. The judgement of court under appeal is
yet to be decided.
14 July 2023:
Today, I observed the proceedings of the cases taken by the sir in the district court they
present a good argument. In other courts I also got to see the Final Hearing of the
cases which are too long and one person only by listening can figure out what is the
case about. I was only able to hear two final hearings which took many hours to
happen and on that same day one evidence was taken it takes 2.5 hours to complete his
evidence and cross questioning. It was a tiring day.

17 July 2023:
Today I read a case in which plaintiff filed a suit against the defendant as the
defendant along with some police officers sabotaged the tin shade of plaintiff’ house.
Also, another case which I read was regarding the cheating under 420 of ipc. In this
case, a couple i.e. defendants sold a land to plaintiff by dishonesty and cheating.
18 July 2023:
Today I have gone through section 125 of CRPC and I read a case regarding the same.
19 July 2023:
Today I have a case under section 13 of Hindu marriage act, 1955. In the said case the
plaintif was Rajiv Arora and defendant was Mrs Chhavi Arora.
In the case, mention Mr Rajeev Arora married to Mrs Chhavi Arora as per the Hindu
customs and ceremonies. The thing in above said matrimony were going smoothly and
cordial manner. Therefore a female child was born out of the said wedlockAfter a few
months, the entire scenario in the matrimony changed and the husband found her wife
chatting with an unknown person in having an affair with him.
20 July 2023:
Today I have learnt how to write an application for maintenance under section 24 of
Hindu marriage act, 1956.

21 July 2023:
This was the last day of our internship. So there was nothing much for us to do. A
general discussion regarding internship experience, as sir asked me to lay more
emphasis on the practical aspect rather than the theoretical knowledge as it was also
very important and discuss about the career, then sir gave best wishes to us for the
future and even said to remain in contact for future doubts and tell when you are free
from your college come to office and learn new things.


Weekly Progress Report (W.P.R.)- Week 1

• For the period commencing: 23/06/2023 to 01/07/2023

• Programme : BBA LLB Semester : 7th

• Student’s Name: Ankita Singh

• Enrollment Number: A61021520043


• Faculty/guide name: Asst. Professor Arun Sharma.

• Supervisor’s Name: Advocate Arun Kumar Yadav

• Name of team members (If working in groups): NO

Title of the NTCC Course: Internship Report

• Tasks Completed:

1. Reading case les which were newly led

2. Proceedings of Allahabad High Court
3. Proceedings of Family court
4. Filing of cases and loose document


Weekly Progress Report (W.P.R.)- Week 2

• For the period commencing: 03/07/2023 to 08/7/2023

• Programme : BBA LLB Semester : 7th

• Student’s Name: Ankita Singh

• Enrollment Number: A61021520043


• Faculty/ Guide’s Name: Ast. Professor Arun Sharma

• Supervisor’s Name: Advocate Arun Kumar Yadav

• Name of team members (If working in groups): NO

Title of the NTCC Course: Internship Report

• Tasks Completed:

Mewa Jain vs Yogesh Prasad
Arti Sharma vs Sonu Sharma
Aditya singh Rajawat & oth vs the State of UP & Oth


Weekly Progress Report (W.P.R.)- Week 3

• For the period commencing: 10/7/2023 to 15/07/2023

• Programme : BBA LLB Semester : 7TH

• Student’s Name: Ankita Singh

• Enrollment Number: A61021520043


• Faculty/ Guide’s Name: Asst Professor Arun Sharma

• Supervisor’s Name: Advocate Arun Kumar Yadav

• Name of team members (If working in groups): NO

Title of the NTCC Course: Internship Report

• Tasks Completed:

1.Proceedings of Distict court and visi to the Family court

2. Filing of cases

Weekly Progress Report (W.P.R.)- Week 4

• For the period commencing: 17/07/2023 to 21/07/2023

• Programme : BBA LLB Semester : 7TH

• Student’s Name: Ankita Singh

• Enrollment Number: A61021520043


• Faculty/ Guide’s Name: Asst Professor Arun Sharma

• Supervisor’s Name: Advocate Arun Kumar Yadav

• Name of team members (If working in groups): NO

Title of the NTCC Course: Internship Report

• Tasks Completed:

• Read-

• Case under section 125 of CRPC

• Case under section 13 of Hindu marriage act, 1955

• Written statement on behalf of defendant in a family court


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