Aiming at The Sky Final Oral Exam

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Aiming at the sky - Final Oral Exam

Card A
Who is your best friend?
What does he/she look like?
How old is he/she?
Where did you meet?
Does he/she have a job?
What does he7she like to do in his/her free time?

Card B
Who is your oldest cousin?
How old is he/she?
What does he/she look like?
Is he/she married?
Where does he/she live?
How often do you see him/her?

Card C
What was the last movie you saw?
Where did you see it?
What kind of movie is it?
Did you like it?
What’s the story about?
What’s your favorite kind of movie?

Card D
Do you prefer (kind of movie) or (kind of movie)?
When was the last time you went to the movies?
What did you see?
What’s your opinion about it?
Did you have a snack after the movie?
Card E
Do you have a healthy diet?
What did you eat this morning?
How often do you eat vegetables?
Do you usually have lunch at home?
Do you prefer to eat at home or in a restaurant?
Who cooks in your house?

Card F
Do you like to play sports?
What sports do you play?
When do you play them?
What injuries can you have when you play sports?
When did you skin your knee or elbow?

Card G
Is it difficult to pass a driver’s license test in your country?
What tests do you have to pass?
How many hours of practice are necessary?
How old do you have to be?
Do you have to pay a driver’s license fee?

Card H
How many fairy tales do you know?
Which one is your favorite?
Who used to tell you fairy tales when you were a kid?
Do you read fairy tales to children?
What do you remember about (fairy tale)?
Card I
Do you like traveling by plane?
When was the last time you traveled by plane?
Have you ever arrived late to a flight?
How much luggage do you take with you when you travel?
How do you feel when traveling by plane?

Card J
Do you anyone who is scared to death when traveling by plane?
What’s the longest distance you have traveled?
Where did you go?
Where would you like to travel on your next vacation?
Who would you take with you?

Card K
Is it normal to organize garage sales in your country?
Have you ever been to a garage sale?
What can you sell at a garage sale?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of organizing one?
What would you buy at a garage sale?

Card L
Would you go to garage sale on your free time? Why?
What’s your opinions about garage sales?
What things at home could you sell at a garage sale?
What problems can you have when you organize a garage sale?
Do you believe that you can find interesting things at a garage sale?
Card M
What’s your favorite kind of weather? Why?
What can you do in winter?
When is the best time to travel?
What do you usually do on a rainy day?
Have you ever driven in foggy weather?

Card N
What’s your favorite season?
What can you do in summer?
Have you seen snow? When?
Do you always take an umbrella with you?
What do you do on a sunny and hot day?

Card O
Do you like extreme sports?
What would you like to practice? Why?
Which one causes you to be scared to death?
Do you know anyone who would do any of these extreme sports?
Do you prefer team or individual sports?

Card P
Would you like to practice (extreme sport)?
What’s your opinion about extreme sports?
Which is more dangerous, rock climbing or bungee jumping?
Is there any sport you wouldn’t practice?
Do you believe that extreme sports are healthy to practice? Why?
Card Q
Who is a couch potato in your opinion?
Would you rather be a mouse potato or a fitness freak?
How easily do you get irritated?
Do you usually get sick?
When do you usually get nervous?

Card R
Is it the same being a couch potato and getting tired?
Do you consider yourself a mouse potato?
When do you usually get sleepy?
Who gets stressed out frequently?
Do you know any party animal? Who?

Card S
What drives you crazy?
How do you react to them?
Talk about a time when you went through something similar.
Do you mind when people forget your name?
Have you ever forgotten anybody’s name? Explain.

Topics to discuss
 Playing sports is healthier than playing computer games
 Taking written tests is less stressful than taking oral tests.
 TV is not good for children
 Having a healthy diet is very important.
 Flying is the most dangerous way of travelling.
 When people lie one time they will always lie to you.
 Pedestrians should be fined too.
 Paying bills is stressing.
 Written tests are less difficult than oral tests.

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