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Flash Yeoh Dmpoytaut uestions st Ye} Dmpotiaat ON sb aa 3 Laals © worse green 5 LL @ ® Sfae Nedtons TA Java of wotion+ Hence Aone Fomq Poona ab. D A vey ty moving alloug a ctvehor pot Such dot OY speed always remains Comspout should Tee be a dosce acHep om she body 2 @ @® siete and poole Daud of Conservation op eneagy ta he of Freeh fallmy body | © 4 mackime qui five 360 putlets per animate and each oullek Powel? with a velochy of Goo mgs THANE we OF each buble ty Sqm ima the paves of the machine gun { ® Develop the notations of work amd Kinetic energy and Shoo tak Sk deads to wore ert feces @ whet ore Coixionms | enplain the possible Type) of Gili Dwelop the sneosy of ane. Dimon Hone] elo§tic. CoMdinisn & @ pscillsion § ‘ a lum %3 simple hajmonte © she wotin & BF ple Bond) os eqpstion dor aly ume period « ama Wwence derive On t wher & Secon pe © Define Fromple hagaromic anol" « shod Hut dhe aotion of projection of A pastiche pesfovoning « Umi-forrm chr cules sustin on ory diame, 3 Fnple hosmon ic. @ wyewred, preperticn of metlss ® DY © ste awd Eaplain wootors Maw of Cooling Gkbe dhe Coipiio umdey which newton’ Loo ab Cooding V3 applicebte. ®A tbody Coody down from Coc to Soe im” Smiley ond do 40 fim auothy 8 minutes, find the Tempest we of he Quaroundiongs » Cid /onel/ me © @ caplain Theyms} Comductivity amd co-efficient of atrejrral Comduc tui hy - © A copes ba} of THEI ConducHuity 404 woot, hoy ome end at iog?c and he othes emd at 24c- the Length op aac bod Orlow ig and dhe oAney coro —SecHonal Area 3 Loxlo anh. whit iy the rote of Comduction Adoup the : ; ba 1 BD Thewedjnaia : @ — gtete Second Law of Ahorrmody nan + How 43 heat engine ty ditherewh forum a ose drtgeastoo ? Rewneble and ae eursble PreCeses: Eopilown of Carnot engina dkeiain Om Degewibe qe Worelng Enpresion Aug he efe ickency @ \ So o} @® motion im A Stawight Line O Donive the Sqpaio S=ut +d at ung qooplice} method ne : @ moti in pleut @ she qwrallleloysom Jaso ap Vestoas. Derive an oprentin Bor she magnitude ond Divection of Requljant Neck ? hod Jot the maninum hefght amd Range of- projectile ae vero g Uline 0 Define umib vector, nullll vector and poxlon vectss ? Shoo dsl Te Twafectosy of Gm okper theaen at Coxtaion ample calth the Hovigontal t3 a Prabola.® hod ot Por a poojectibe Daumched % an angle 45°. the mantarum height of a projectile t3 one Gurke of Range @ gh \axb| = jab yoove thet dhe ane bho a 2B % ae 8 @ Laws of motion Deline The Term momentum avd tompulse gate owl Explain me Dor of congervalian of Dimes momentum. give LMS ea@mps & 8G BC @ ushy oye Shock alosocbers used im motor oyches and @D — Enphain PAvomtages awd Digadvantjey op pric? — ® mention tke method) We do Decrease Seiction { ® wy &B pd pully the Doon wollez ¢3 Le 3% ay puyhing dhe Down wiley % Paefeyica ten | @ Enpdain she Torn Ltotting Resictlon, dyaiie Ddrmamic Paicton amd go Ming Friction’ @ shee Newton! 3 Secomd 20 Of quotion Heme equcho of motion Fama fom Ske @a tbody 23 mule olory x Cir) noth euch oat BAS Greed olworps ccomakms Consort ehodd mere be a Pesce acting OM whe body wore, pases ond SNH an e aenwe the © — distaguish kyo Consevetive and nom—canBeAvedive Fercey with one Ce e each whi B potential energy 2 Derive an expremion fer the qooutteton} popentiol COTY 2 ekno dh fm the Gie of Ome Aim ensforal Aosta collixion , gre cedative velocity of apptoach of Two Collinge odies bekere collision Caypol to The Rebative velloclry ok gepasetion agtey co MDiaion- ghad tht two eqpal mod undergo obste eMoStic Caliber paul rove adh eight amg@les odtes, collision , &f dhe gecand boly twitinly off oh: @ spier_ of patil & Roletional auction a ee atebe amd poole porablel ax 8 fheoren Beye and pave p23 pondt cules anes theorem me vectot product eenploine Ame properties of Veoter product widh Two enample - oig Hoga fea Contre. of oS cond Contre of aeosilty ® @ @ ®@8 © CB, Vedine pngutes vetorlly (9). 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Oebtle| volodly 4 objoim an engremio few tr. gete 23 uses. ph B GreasitfororG satellite | due +o qouity @) ob dhe ® 2 pave de pebchion lbfr cecelerotion suyice of * plamet and qioouttetion) Conte). @ ceive am experi for the Variation op acc eladstion due @ nie to Yoou'thy ecoth- © below de guyface of the aviceh yeopestioy of SolikS @) Desegibe dhe Rehwiowl of & wise unde, Graduellly ancrensing : Load { (65) Define Steaken nergy amd Ac&ive the equetion eee she Same, 6 Define Stevia and explain the Typef af Stadio - Deen 2 shares and explain dhe TyPea of STC Degine modus af eboatictty gtvo¥ pn ae @ poiston' 3 Ratio : : ® veeroicl ore en Dyna pag wits enol ples. dn Gus face TERM q & © repel star seen wo Tdemtical Rectougal> givips one oF copre) aud ge oh of steel ane Rvetted togatha ‘$a: -Loreolg a Vinetaltc die: ohet alk happen om nesting - @® pepdobow clos quar qo fat i aierbey Onn dow Son umm”) * hy 8 en condu cio" conve Ki ® om amd Rodiation wlth enamel, @ «4 tte % hoot notes Oo” poiphe point of © ho. @® Eryoin cebrius amd Fahseheit Scales of Top & obs the Releton blo Cebf03 aa caheronnall ele) @ oh Tempers e: gay whet wary 13 The pmormalous erator) of O42) padvoutage 3 Ao aqaokic amir % © noes | @® x ond explain ‘Bigak Om of snetmo dyno? 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Same eM of ' quantity | pro, mo3S im eq - DM ented nirfiod EE @ moon in a Stvoight Lime we ° THE Stot2} of motion and Rett are Relative erpLoiin ° (D How ty qhe Average velocthy o% rea % 2 Aveaag oN Dif oHemb Prom Torgtombaneouy iG) Give amy exaunplle where the Velocy of am object ty 20 but the accelerotio %, not Zero. : @O pv vekt cle pravels held dhe aigtance L’” caith peed Vy amd me. othe} habe with epeed Va tole 03 THE AVaage speed. @ motion in a plone © Re vertical Component OF a vyectss 83 eayral to it's Yorrigoantal Component wheb the amgle made by the Vectsy with yeonds, two Forces of magnitudes 3 uml and S umtly ach at GS wlth each othe. chet 3 the smagitude of rote geseltant 2 Reksf, wher es the who Two Righh oughed vectors Of magatde A umlly Po whol ts dhe Magnthde of at rowltoms 9 @ Bertrad ree ond QE magmitade of Ba: @ coma vel of wogmihde 208 Components & @ angle Yofea He Vectss and yon 2 > J AP ee GlOk + find the oO howe a non ZO @ whey 13 the acceleration of a poajesthe of the top op aus Torgectooy 7 © 103 of yetier @® @ whet & Genta 7 whe qs ghe moose of Tmextia @ E) ba Boub of webb exproded Yento TWO Pleces, me pieces cmuyt Travel i oppoite pivechiog Explain. 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Give wo errample) of periodic motion Wek ae not chk - Reb. ® 8@ ® a gis Seated tm a Swing and Swinging - whet 23 the, eptecr on the freqmency Of osciidetion ab she stands? @ eoild x pendudum choc gan fo dhe TP of A mountoan 7 oy gose done When qaken + @ wheb hoppers to the mmAdy of A Biwple hoywowe @® Occibotos If L4'3 Arndt ede 73 dows led? @@) con a gionple pemduliny be ued fm am ort ficial Safed g pendent , woWwch dicks Seconds 2 shom of uusirjo3 Sel qyoonttctionel ED what ty the Lette of a stonphe @D Grreastiedion & ete the mil amd dimen Comsiannt (Or) @ ahde sho Vector form of emtomn!g aso of. yoautdetion © “\agdroqen wy fn aloundance aX cround G54" engahm - of Revolution ak mt aposiet ancog & cohol ts, He Tine pexiod rellite | Day dr wohte fron wast 40 ETT rs ror to wer % @ wht ore polo sof elites f ound dre Sam buf mot ecto) properties of SES OD wokine vook’s Lau of elosti cthy G he ame uals @ Dieronsiors op veg @ —qhke the umihs G mentions of modus af Hosticity @ aute he Treositich Deity of potssonls Ratio: @ athe the poackto| Diuihs of portsson's Radio: &) DeFime poasion's Ratio ED Acoppey wise af Ammer dtamete} ty Stretched by applying a force of on Findthe Srey tm dhe wire A Tungsion wise of Leth Doon ig Stvetched by od cm. find the Strain on the wise 1 & Te om Teo wite vs Stvetched &Y 1%, whet Ih the @ 6 SSGG SEQ 6e¢ea08 @6 | Shrain om dhe wire @ A Coppa wire of Lenett dom t§ Stretched by 1 cu Lind dhe Steam 0m dhe ® mecha prope of, $l what ane HS amides curd Diorensions % wire. Define viscosity: whe 13 omagnus effect why one Avops aud bubbies sphesicof } Glue the Capresvion tor tre excesS pregwe im a DiqpSa dvop eo Crue dhe enpeervion fox dhe encesZ presse qe OM ae bubble imate dhe Stqyuid- Give the enpresion doy the ence prenuie mn Soap lout in ot Define Surface TeMon: wthe iy w0lde aud Dimenssorel Foruula. Dette grroom Dine Aloo S qujbuhenr LNowd 7 thexmel prope el of othe} Distaguish bio het ond Toupee: thot are the Lowe fixed point cmd uppey fixed potats fen Cebyus amd Folsanheth Scales Cam a Substance comtyack on heoting 9 Give exomplles. wy Gaps shold be tet by : fd Two Suce egg? cohab WB Dato heat of v a epsive rails 9 what 13 Latent Nest of fusion % w whet ane Units and Dinewstows of Specifte gos Comghaut 7 why ubentims ae Coated bia? wlvy bodtom of the ubensily age wode of Coppey t glate wein's Aly poacemont fox. Vent oebors. ane provided im Foor TUit belad dhe oof. : vohy 9 Dees a body adlate est ok SKY Hoey th Tadiote FT wha ty gpreen have effect % expioin qdobed aornatns 2 Define Absorpdive por of a body. whet 13 dhe closoerpttie pe of a perfect bhack body t The Rook af buildings ane often polnted, white during Summey - woh % Comvaxh tho Nosma} Temperhre of a Human body 9Qeq'p lato celiws Scale- ConyaIt Pc into Falrson eth Scale. 7 ee Co-etticimh of Dinos, Expamsitont Ok micke) £3 13X10 7, and cubic) exporsion, @@e 889 @@ 7H Find 245 co-etticterd of Ave! are co-ehPiciend of cubic) enpausyion of goltd is 6x07, Berend Ae co-eahicleat of Aveal expansion of the Soatd- the co-efficient of Real expansion of MACH TY O.00018/2. « Pend dhe co-ePhtcteut of Appadeut Enperston of mereay im ghee « (oq 20-0008 4/2) whe t3 dhe Temporspite fay cokich dhe Readings om Kelvin ond Felreuhett Scales oe Same 2 | i ® @@ © @ gS @ @® 7) @® ®S60o@ ® Thejenosy anal eS. Dektne Hamel equilibstum. Ho doeg St Load -fo eebipth” Qowd of Thesprodynamics | Define spect HC hn ek capacthy op rhe gulogtance+ on whol footers does Ue depend Cam a Room be Coodod Abd Rey by Deoviong dre doo of am electotc RePyigorstor open (2 tlnetic Theory of GBS Define mean when doef a Real qo Rece paths pehave Ske am ided gos! skte poy de'3 Lao and choy tes abo Slate Dalto mis Joo of partial preguies -

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