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“yo we The Dot product & Frrice & DBplocement Called woah done WEES W = F-S cose 7 @& ~ # Wonk done f5 Saft to be done bua force. wthen the ie under (Goes diSplace ment fy the one of [as fe Fostce- UNur & nth - “ulus COs» = Eaxigs Another un - $7- Ney CaS - Kika aM Dimentonal Fosimula- mer-® Diam 0 THE ns = SPECIAL Cases ee J] Fosice § Displacement asie Sar mmovfag Some direction “the 9-0: - | oe 8-0 | W= Fs@so= Fsa) [We FS] Cve) — esse aa age eee Ss i " WOrK done by the Cintatp, Tt v4 . gla New pouon: i bay ly lp To i ‘ (h) ni done by ‘the Ext tena! Fooice % tet T the Fone’§ csplaement ae, vie dec te thee ong i ; ~ + hoe { nIA We Stasi's *FsGy= ~Fs WeFS) -Gyg § 0, pouon lit 0 boy en & ht iht is ii folkd by the “Bout Opal Fie b (ASE-3- Th faxce & ciseloean Ceement: ose: Ly by och Cher! then the mi fs ag? P We FS Cosa? _ FS@) = 9 Web etal Fowce t Uoder This = CondPon. tat done f5 3 200 “The Anale blw the 100 Vectoous ou Ly (o- a8) There te) no atsplacement (s= 9) ‘T{ There fs no Foace (f= 0) CASE-4~ SD” Gate Tl fs aate e4ay iN The WOK done & Gv | . We Fs Coser: 1s & | 6 | 2 7 (dse- 6-5] 0 fs Obtuse (Anz OZ (0). The dade blu’ Tpoe { pBplacement ts 120 . The LOos\k done, TS & ve) an | We FS Cosey } a i > FS (th) ¥ we. 2 IRs 2 POTENTIAL ENERGY a (yu) | STATEMENT- The Enesqu possesed by the bod by vintue of pos ma 4s Calted potentfal? Energy. Tt ts denoted. py u. Fg-"*wodey Stored -fh tanks ss VencPle ON the. stood” Explanosfon- @rsfde a boy! ‘nas Cry) 00 the qyiound . Tt ts’ Lifted Veticolly: up-’ Wakd toa height (AY rte The GuiavitodfdAol Fosce acted pn the bo weal Wook clone by the External: Mace agaist q | | the BuiaythodPonas Fouce: ae We fs@se We Fs oso° | | \ we Fs) A ae ay, We &s 4 ie “ We mah Ue mah TTT AT fo F097 eh | A This wWouk done & stosted os 0 potent sf Energy ef the bods 1 Ten] pa if&e pe ' Y Nofe- wWoeiKdone by the Grron%tg- 4fono\ Fostce J ott, We FS Cos\ev” We &ED Be ese 5 a -ES sodA g We = sgh = Me mah wld bay See The Energy possesed bythe body, b, 2 a 2 b t ib ry iS Glled : Kinet toed via EA Bullet Fare foram the Gun IY ~ Water flowfn along the sifver. 7 nen woth dong the stood. AKA ADV G iow Cea) toy? tth yororty tren) dacite en aay he oy Ree Ke Seve TeTAL ENERGY Cod MECHENICHL ENEERY. The Sum of the Wotentfol NEIQY.. AN Wnette entity fs Glled total eetoy. Fe= mgh+t my? Pe= Pé4 Re LINEA OMEN TH fs dettned . the pooduct of Mass and _ veloctty af, the bock y wi alae | . mv e Relation blw Pp The Relatfon blu the Tea Momentum and Knetfe ener fneaa momentum = 'n mv { kK: i amv> \ YW Pfs Constant ‘ RExL Oy URE) p mee ~ ENERGY THEOREM” = Watt done % equal 40 change th ener eneigy: We AE %) i W= k- Eg a ; i (o®) i We Sm Ley Cxrianetion- § at hence. ws stage i We & Cosy? We fy Constden a bods vas stm) movin 0g ssa intfol Velo? oy the applitasfan \ force ©) th veloc? Chg tov! nd Covers the Ats placement Foom af Em a Motfon Va ute ee: ae 2d Foon Newtons @* tow Fe ma Multiplfed with Displacement’ *s” on @-¢ f= Mas we Law? We mas —~ bru we m(veuy We REe- Wey we meray We Ake gM X K K LoBls_OF CONSERUATIDN. OF ENERGY in ase joF Feeriy FAUING Bopy- TATEMENT.- Enetqy -Can Nether be Gieated ie be cdesbin doe Gan be Converted from One fooien y th Energy to anothes fom.’ But toto energy, vlemofs” “Constant. | EXPLANATION ~ Consfdet a bod: Ptom a het hi ch body becornes | Onsider 3 points on this path let AS @, AC ane the’ 3 pofnts on this. poth.. et eXbe | the displacement fiom AtOB. Bits a potat ako height of (4-x) fa he Mars Cm) #5 alffa yeaa veo glee Zeto- a ‘TIAL ENERGY ar POINT A ~ U=D, as BEy= b mur L mlo% &-E_ <0 Pea = moh Ven = Went Pep e O*« ™gh Bh 9 Weds a4, Sexy the h-x! PE= ne rage -X) = (th - Gey FSi = v= te 208 : Ve- Us= 208. Vg = O= 29% a KE = 5 Og = Lenlaga)=, pS “eg = mgx lg = KE +P ep - VEpe MBX + Mah - Dope eer MALO" - POINT C UO, o= $> Shy he =0 RF ragh = BD =o PE =0 folom- vere 20s Ve- We = 208 vE-0 = 29h YT Es) ta edgone = bagh KE, © b reve KEc= 41 (49h) ag TEs Kiet Pe = Moh +o Tenge TA ra a ier "Foto 0) G)§ @ we Gan, Say thot totat Le Foeigy, oremnatns Constant §G& A Machthe qun Fites 260 bullets per mfp. anhi| hi qn ball Ba ane 0 veloc booms, r mous @ fach bullet fs som. FPnd power the Gun? J a PS Solusfons pe 2 = 2m > fox 4 bullet | for“n” bullet li P= .dnmv? "€ P- LXZ60XSH 10 (Goo)? 2 eae i ED piled Wiig ¥ =a ; 0: ott: P= FAZEOR EXO OOORGR B® D \BOXSXIWFK600x iD = WORESK NPR Gx D3 Pe \80xXB0. | P= SUOW OY Syw.: AVA pump 8 otequitied 2 lit 660 Ke iol ngakon P& minute From o Wal. 24 m i anol 1” 2 AGALK With a Speed o coms. Catowate the PUY HKeyrrtred to pepo, to above bs Soluston ses e = eee : igh my? P= 600X498 Kbe Ly 6G x o> : > ee ‘ REO + 300% 2500 co T ASDOXe + 460 Pia * The Strong, teraction among the bodes. Saudi "eckanne. ef tomer at srl Rte dine" uled CoUUsto Bae "| Eq- The Caltistan alpha, peotfeal’ Wt | “Nudes | Depends on the dfnectfon @, the folie & bodies Coltaronss Cote Clamsifed fnto top 4- One Dimensfonah Cottoston & Two Dimenafonal colttefon. Yobliquue ‘colli | = ONE Dimensionat Couusion > A\T this Gtisfon the calle bodfes betosie and oft®1 Collésfon they onte moving aloha the Some. Une: Thee we My ilo f fs calle One Dimensfona) Eg- hem tn bly e ie ancl Funclarnen- an i i 7 fauy in i GollisPon the: Col ie bod?és ‘b ole and ole! Col\iaton they one not moving) e Some ne jolt led Two arenuns Hee a male Ee tittng Aball with o bot Depends Onthe law 9 Corseny, — EoeIgy fa aifbn of Kineste \ (ollistons one Clays fed {nto Two type (oe Collisfon.— , he Colltstin. fh heh loath Monegam(e “woetfe Energy THES ‘s Gnsewed 5 Called | Elastic Gattistur 9; a. ae M e (alttaton fh, wl Ms only Momenturn (A, bi pot Kfnedic Ener ergy fs t Cori vedi 1S uni, Cu To elon tie Colltatyn. eg : A) TINT TPT IT tT ye TTT || BEFORE. OURING THE ... AFTER CF oe COLUSION COLUSION Conafclen Two bodes th Mays Mums oole moving Ukin Fttal Velodties va» ves -T) Une Vo. Alter Some me Colston stake place. Alter. Coltisfon ney ‘ane moving with Final Velocities Viv2 olespectfvelyy clang the: Same line. _ | Accosietfng to Law of ConsertVorton. of” tinec i mera (tee a ; & lotol Momentum Be Le Colliah Th \ Momentum After Colliston pm Mine oP t MMi o,U5 Ld FHV MeVe., Par wn CCUG) ce ee PW Myvy ee ULV = Walle | My L= Vv) = Ee | teeee as paconaty (axo a Consevadtfon Of Kfoetf. | iy - The Total Kenko Enon os Bebosie Coltigton = The Total K-E Alter Bliision. ? Lew? + tm,uz = Erne k may Limit + mess = Eww ase MUA + muss tM? “x Mave SMT = NURS Wave) eo ue MCU Va) = om, Cut ut) ™) (vy +) Curvy) = Ma(WV2—U2) Cv2~ YU >@ a Mute) CUA) 0a +2) (V2 ~us) meee ye Mav Ve * Us 5 =P@ ses The’ RelaiVve web oth ds: OppnoURero the a he on ui eens Gute) “couse - SeparoiFon Fon ela ca) : No = Vit Cy 5 : The above Vole Sub ep EH, SUCMEND = ole (ye OU) uaz Re WS OL eo, Mes Uf + OU = MWY, = Me TV sur wUay i: TMU = NUM Ooi muy 2M2Us. 12M) + ONY, = Muu, — Meadjy-+ 2M2U2 Wailea my = Wo en- my + -Bm.u, TWO Collfe bodfex, ae Collesfon “ahh te AVG e 7 vy= UCM) + amu, "Eker Seer ee M+, Vy = (Mist yg (oem wat) wt (ey Fotom Eqn (3) Vue Vb~ Ut Me The above Value sub ey E40) [ur -Wa- WAU] = ome Cus wy My Mir Vat Uj) uLy £m, (v2~u,) wm) Guy -V2-e) = my, (V2~U2) DMV) — MW = M\U, = MLV + MU, Me 4 MW, = May + 2M) ~ MY V2 Lokal = Us (m,- my « WM, Vo = (Mam) +2my ; | ghd (Seem ues (Bm U2 | Cootiquve Collision) | | NO - JIMENSIDNA ELASTIC. COLLISON aA? aie / | Ap Confdes ‘ion boaes tf ee ; | The HfL Velocity 1st body “Ps W- dime can | body fathfanty sSiest- Aften “Some : be ane fon | okts place “Aten Colliston the bodfes one Al moving withe elvdtlfes Vig V2 , Apply the (CLM alona. the HOsnpzontor Dele _ sia Yew ce Totol ’ Beloute Collisfon.= Total p’ p MU+0= Mylo fle Covi 1% Vadose, ’ PU= APY dose, 4 WalesQ,7. w= a Cose, *Voles8, 5 @ Apely ‘the loa of’ Condeniaifon’ Leas Momentum along the Voitide DdiectFon. ‘Total ep Betore’ Golliafon = Tota tpt tod . re tof ont} 1 Ui 0 = emusto, - musth, taltiaton | we eA CUO «Ha sf), att al “De Wstabe Vo stings > 1 | __ Samonttng, § Adding Eyns wr ¢ gy U= Weep + Pade Ose.y' Csthewstney ja VX UPshree + urea Gey SB )-Sfyg, | Ort u= wy (Sin n> (og D+ ve ‘eho, 2 Gos®,~ Sin, stno,T Gein. 8.) + Dus [65s 2 ee = WO AMOS ayy, & S (8,40, UW = VP EVE + BUMS. tosCove 6 ee) Apply LO RE WP) @ FOU © Lovey dw, ee Pate a(t) We Wt ves» & Sub Ey Cad fo Eqncsy Wz bt 2M Ve(08 (B42) O= 2Ve (se \+02) @s(8\+8.) > 2. Cos 148.) =D COslB+,) & Qos ag? — C848.) = ay “RE NCE” TE YS Aelfred as the viatio o wielalive veloctly qt Sega on to stelastve ay et oar oe. MacMi . Retodive velocity q sepa | ~ Un ve Rok & Velocttty of, appatoas >| Fon perfec: dostte GWiefon- Cay 5 Fox perfect Ta elostte colLisfon- >for Telos collision (09 Semi Rnetastic Coultsior | Cea : | @ | O4ecr ry B ne italic dy of the ball oe | | be the height || ‘en Clone (olliston and offer Colbisfon the | | hn ea Velocity ef the bal| Cphere 7 = Ftnol vs 4 | * = ia wl the Fen f The ‘ii Veloily ef the ball (u)= age After Galkiston the: ft = wet ba. ia F 4 a "tT obad for a Rebounce hs = Gh eh for n Rebounce ‘The Rote power a change cat ana is Called” p- Wo | + i 2] tetaq gl UNITS - st 3 ea wath sec CaS = a g

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