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CHEM-E6100 Fundamentals of Chemical Thermodynamics

Exercise 2, Energy & entropy

One mole of N2 gas is contained at 273 K and a pressure of 1 atm. The addition of 3000 J of
heat to the gas at constant pressure causes 832 J of work to be done during the expansion.
a. The final state of the gas
b. The values of ΔU and ΔH for the change of state
c. The values of cv and cp for N2
Assume that nitrogen behaves as an ideal gas, and that the change of state is reversible.
(ANSWERS: Final state V2 = 30.61 dm3, T2 = 373 K, U = 2168 J, H = 3000 J,
cv = 21.7 J mol-1 K-1, cp = 30 J mol-1 K-1)

The heat capacity for iron oxide Fe2O3 is given by the Kelley equation

Cp(Fe2O3) = 98.28 + 77.82·10-3·T + -14.85·105·T-2 J mol-1 K-1

What is the value of the heat capacity at 900 K?

How much energy is required when 100 kg of iron oxide Fe2O3 is heated from 500 K to 900 K?
(ANSWERS: 166.48 J mol-1 K-1, 37.4 MJ)

A steel gear weighing 45 kg and at T = 450°C is quenched in 200 kg of oil at 20°C. Heat
capacity of steel is Cp,St = 0.49 kJ kg-1 K-1 and of oil Cp,oil = 2.5 kJ kg-1 K-1. If there are no heat
losses, what are the entropy changes of gear, oil, and both considered together?
(ANSWERS: gear -18.58 kJ/K, oil 30.06 kJ/K, together 11.47 kJ/K)

Some statistical thermodynamics: Calculate the molar configurational entropy of lead. The
isotopic composition in atomic percent is as follows:

Atomic Weight Atomic Percent

204 1.5
206 23.6
207 22.6
208 52.3

To calculate the number of states, use Stirlings approximation: ln(n!) = n * ln(n) and then use
Boltzmann equation.
(ANSWER: 8.97 J/K)

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