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Exercise 3


I love counting the rain, Mother. As
they patter and as I see Do not all
the great men like Rizal Count
rain, too, when still young like me?
See the numerous dropping rains
How hard it is for little brains.
And I recall the children’s riddle
About the old man’s countless canes
How I love the fast falling rain
Like a thousand pounding pestles
And the little rushing water
Down the stream to see it nestles.
Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. The child is talking to his
a. Father b. Mother c. Sister
2. The child loves to ________ the rain.
a. count b. drink c. catch
3. The child wants to know if counting the rain has also been a part time activity of
a. great men b. old men c. sickly men
4. The rain nestles in the
a. dream b. stream c. street
5. The old man’s countless canes is a
a. riddle b. fiddle c. peddler
6. The water rushes to the team
a. brook b. stream c. street
7. In the riddle, the countless canes refer to the
a. little brain b. dropping rains c. stream
8. The rain
a. withers b. patters c. gathers
9. The child loves the _______ rain.
a. fast b. slow c. tumbling
10. The fast falling rain is also like
a. rushing water b. big waves c. pounding pestles

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Exercise 4


Once there were two warring tribes whose kingdoms were

divided only by a wide river. The king on the land north of the river had
a beautiful daughter named Mayumi; while the king on the land south
of the river had a brave handsome son named Bayani.
Both kings hated each other so much thet they even wanted
their children to hate each other, too.
But fate played a trick on them. Mayumi and Bayani felt so
madly in love with each other that they defied their parents wish. They
often met secretly in the nearby forest.
One early morning, Mayumi went to meet Bayani in the forest. She had some
enchanted power so she changed herself into a deer. She did not want anybody to see her.
Bayani waited for her. When he saw the deer, he was attracted to it. He quickly shot an
arrow not knowing it was Mayumi.
The deer fell bleeding. Bayani ran to see his prize, but he saw Mayumi instead. He
wept and in his grief, he stabbed himself to death.
Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. The two kingdoms were divided by
a. mountains b. seas c. a river
2. Mayumi was the daughter of the king of the
a. South b. North c. East
3. Bayani was the son of the king of the
a. South b. North c. East
4. The kings were
a. good friends b. enemies c. very old
5. Mayumi and Bayani a. hated each other
b. love each other c. envied each other
6. Mayumi and Bayani met in the forest
a. openly b. secretly c. very often
7. Mayumi
a. possessed some enchanted power b. was a witch c. was a magician
8. She could change herself into a
a. dog b. horse c. deer
9. Bayani _________ the deer.
a. shot b. did not see c. ignored
10. The story ended
a. happily b. sadly c. foolishly
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Exercise 1


Eyebrows are part of the face which

serve two purposes—for beauty and protection.
Eyebrows make the face look more
beautiful by calling attention to the eyes. They
make the eyes look healthier and brighter.
Eyebrows not only beautify the face but
also protect the eyes from sweat. Without the
eyebrows, drops of sweat may run into the eyes
and blur the sight. Sweat in itself is poisonous
and should be rid-off.

Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. The part of the body mentioned in the selection is the

a. eyelashes b. eyelids c. eyebrows
2. This part makes the face look
a. beautiful b. sad c. sleepy
3. Aside from beauty, they also serve the purpose of
a. communication b. conservation c. protection
4. They call attention to the
a. nose b. eyes c. cheeks
5. They make them look
a. uglier b. healthier c. funnier
6. They protect the eyes from
a. sweat b. glare c. disease
7. Sweat is
a. sweet b. useful c. poisonous
8. Sweat can blur the sense of
a. sight b. smell c. hearing
9. Sweat should be
a. conserved b. rid-off c. licked
10. Eyebrows
a. are usefulb. should be shaved c. are useless

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Exercise 2


The stately flowers that are commonly used for decorating

the church during weddings are the calla lilies. Calla lilies are also
called Baguio lilies because they grow abundantly there.
Calla lilies grow singly on long slender stalks. They may
either be yellow or white. They are made into bridal bouquets
or even wreaths.

Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. Calla lilies are commonly used for :

a. corsages b. garlands c. church decoration
2. They are also called
a. water lily b. rose lily c. Baguio Lilies
3. In Baguio, these lilies grow
a. abundantly b. scarcely c. singly
4. Calla lilies grow
a. in clusters b. singly c. in pairs
5. The selection is about
a. gumamela b. calla lilies c. sampaguita
6. Their stalks are
a. slender b. stout c. wide
7. They may either be
a. white or red b. red or yellow c. yellow or white
8. Brides use Calla lilies in their
a. wreaths b. corsage c. bouquets
9. Calla lilies are also used for
a. corsage for the head b. corsage for the dress c. wreath for the dead
10. Calla lilies are:
a. stately b. fancy c. unattractive

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Exercise 5


Magnets have the power of attracting objects

made of steel, iron and other metals.
The discoveries of the magnet and the many
things that have been made out of it have brought
about many discoveries and useful things. The magnet
makes possible the compass that was used and still
being used by travellers- pilots, sailors, boy scouts,
soldiers, engineers and others. The magnet which
makes use of electricity has made all types of electric
and industrial motors.

Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. Magnets can attract almost all things made
of a. plastic b. metals c. wood
2. The discovery of the magnet led to many
a. inventions b. revolutions c. problems
3. Magnets made possible the inventions of the
a. compass b. computer c. camera
4. Pilots, sailors, boy scouts, soldiers and engineers depend much on
a. compass b. electricity c. motors
5. Magnets also make use of
a. electricity b. gas c. water power
6. Electric and industrial motor became possible after the discovery
of a. electricity b. magnets c. water power
7. Compass is most useful to
a. farmers b. teachers c. travellers
8. Motors make use of
a. magnets b. plastic c. wood
9. These days, magnets
a. are no longer used b. are still being used c. has been replaced
10. Compass, too
a. are no longer being used b. are still being used c. has been replaced.

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Exercise 6


We cook our food for three reasons—to make
food look more appetizing, to soften hard and tough
foods and to kill any microbe that may happen to be in
the food.
There are many ways of preparing food. Food
can be fried, boiled, broiled, roasted, baked, steamed,
stewed or sautéed. They can be well cooked or half
It is easier to digest food that is well cooked. But
there are foods that are easier to digest when half
cooked than when well cooked. Meat and liver for
example, are easier to digest when half cooked. But
certainly they taste better when well cooked.
Many vegetables are also easier to digest when
well- cooked but some are eaten raw. Lettuce is an
example of a vegetable which is eaten raw.
Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. We cook our food
a. for no reason at all b. for one main reason c. for three good reasons
2. Hard food when cooked becomes
a. harder b. soft c. indigestible
3. By cooking, the microbes in food
a. multiply b. are killed c. disappear
4. Cooked food looks
a. appetizing b. frozen c. rotten
5. Generally, cooked foods are more
a. digestible b. indigestible c. nutritious
6. Meat and liver are easier to digest when
a. not cooked b. half cooked c. thoroughly cooked
7. Meat and pork certainly taste better when
a. raw b. well-cooked c. overdone
8. Vegetables are usually easier to digest when
a. raw b. half cooked c. well cooked
9. Frying, boiling, broiling, roasting, baking, steaming, sauntering, and stewing are ways
of a. preparing food b. buying food c. eating
10. Lettuce is a vegetable that is eaten
a. raw b. well-cooked c. ripe

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Exercise 7


When the poinsettia begins to bloom, we are
reminded that Christmas is near. As such it has
become a Christmas symbol. Poinsettias begin to
bloom in November until March. The poinsettia is an
odorless flower with brilliant red color. Its flowers are
actually leaves. How the poinsettia came about is an
interesting legend. It happened during the time of
the Holy Wars or Crusades, when the Christians
knights were fighting the Mohammedans to regain
the Holy Land.
In one of the holy wars, a brave knight climeb the
wall surrounding the Holu City to open the gates so
that the other Christians soldiers could enter. A
Moorish soldier saw him and shot him with an arrow.
As he fell over the wall, his blood dropped on a shrub
which later bore red flowers.
Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. Poinsettias bloom during the
a. Christmas season b. dry season c. summer months
2. Poinsettias has become a
a. Christmas symbol b. bridal flower c. national flower
3. The poinsettia is
a. odorous b. odorless c. fragrant
4. It begins to bloom in
a. December b. March c. November
5. The brilliant red petals are actually
a. leaves b. seeds c. stems
6. The poinsettia came to have red color during
a. World War I b. the Holy War c. The Japanese-Filipino War
7. Another name for that war was the
a. Civil War b. World War c. Crusades
8. The Christians were fighting against the
a. pagans b. Mohammedans c. Protestants
9. A Moorish soldier shot the knight with a/an
a. dart b. arrow c. gun
10. Poinsettia is a
a. vine b. shrub c. tree

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Exercise 8

Today in most cities, smoke and
exhaust fumes fill the air and endanger
the health and well-being of the people.
Smoke and exhaust fumes contain
harmful by-products from gasoline
burned in cars and from factories.
Air pollution or smog is a serious
problem in some cities. Smog consists of
smoke and exhaust fumes mixed with
To control air pollution, smoke
ordinances have been passed. Smoke
belching vehicles are checked and
factories are required to reduce fumes
emanating from them.

Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. Smoke and exhaust fumes are usually abundant in
a. cities b. farms c. towns
2. Pollution is not good for our
a. health b. mind c. spirit
3. Smoke and exhaust fumes contain much
a. oxygen b. water vapor c. harmful gas
4. Air pollution can make us
a. active b. sleepy c. sick
5. When gasoline is burned, by-products are given off such as
a. oxygen and nitrogen b. carbon dioxide and water vapor c. smoke and exhaust
6. When smoke and exhaust fumes are mixed with the fog, we have what we call
a. clouds b. smog c. fog
7. The government is doing its best to
a. totally remove air pollution b. encourage air pollution c. control air pollution
8. To lessen air pollution, the government has passed
a. fishing ordinance b. logging ordinance c. smoke ordinance
9. Vehicles are banned from
a. plying the streets b. picking up passengers c. belching smoke
10. Exhaust fumes are by-products of
a. burning gasoline b. healthy people c. plants and trees
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Exercise 9


At fourteen, Joselito was one of the youngest boys
among the tricycle drivers operating near the Sta. Ana
Market in Manila. His mother died when he was ten. When
his father remarried and had other children of his own,
Joselito preferred to stay with an Aunt rather than join the
new family.
His aunt earned their living by washing clothes.
Joselito became a tricycle driver in the morning to help
earn some money. He went to school in the afternoon.
Joselito had many customers. He was always pleasant
and cheerful. He was very helpful, too. He carried the
customers’ bags. Sometimes he gave school children a free ride on his tricycle. Through
his efforts, Joselito not only helped his aunt, but made her happy, too.

Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. How old was Joselito
a. 12 b. 13 c. 14
2. How did he help his aunt?
a. by being a tricycle driver b. by shining shoes c. by selling newspaper
3. Where did he drive his tricycle?
a. in Sta. Ana b. in Quiapo c. in Makati
4. When did his mother die?
a. when he was still a baby b. when he was five c. when he was ten
5. What did his father do?
a. he ran away with another woman b. he married again c. he became cruel to
6. With whom did Joselito prefer to stay?
a. with his friend b. with his father c. with his aunt
7. How did his aunt earn a living?
a. by selling washing clothes c. by pickpocketing
8. Dis Joselito go to school? a.
yes b. no c. maybe
9. What kind of a boy is Joselito?
a. intelligent b. kind c. proud
10. What did he do with the school children?
a. he gave them free rides b. he did not let them ride in his tricycle
c. he ignored them

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Exercise 10


There are different ways of purifying water for drinking

purposes. Distillation is one. Distilled water is made by evaporating
water and then condensing the water vapour from the boiling water.
Bacteria are removed by passing water through a filter. Adding
chemicals to the water also makes it pure. But the best way of
purifying water at home is by boiling it. When water is boiled, the
bacteria in it are surely killed.

Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. The selection is about _______ water.
a. kinds of b. sources of c. ways of purifying
2. Purified water can be used for
a. washing b. drinking c. bathing
3. The paragraph is about
a. milk b. water c. bacteria
4. Distillation is one way to purify
a. air b. water c. milk
5. Distilling is done by making the water
a. bubble b. freeze c. evaporates
6. and then making it condense to
a. water b. ice c. gas
7. When water is purified, it is _______ to drink
a. safe b. dangerous c. not good
8. _______ in water are killed by boiling.
a. Bacteria b. Wastes c. Dust
9. Distilled water is used by ________ people.
a. rich b. healthy c. unhealthy
10. Water must be made _________ for drinking purposes.
a. clear b. sweet c. safe

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