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Title: Prey

- Clown
- Assassin
- Weird snail headed church dude

Plot: The assassin is a part of some cult where they have to perform various trials to
transform into a god. Upon entry she finds some weird snail headed dude who tells
her about the final trail. She is told that she will have to find the last prey (the last
clown) and to bring back its blood. He preaches about their religious text telling her
that in order to bring peace to their ancestor – who has been killed by the grand
trickster (the prey’s ancestor) – is to paint the walls of their elder one’s (leader's)
office with the clown’s blood. However, there will be a few other life forms remaining
which have to be killed as well before the 5 minute timer ends. She is given a rifle
along with a bag where the clown’s body should be placed.

When she arrives on land she notices how red the environment is. Blood is splattered
everywhere and the trees never seem to grow leaves despite the season. There are
skyscraper sized pillars which are tilted to make a circle right in the middle where a
strange statue is placed. The statue is the grand trickster holding an opened jack in
the box toy, attached onto the spring is the head of their ancestor. This angers the
assassin just a little bit but she keeps calm, searching for the clown.

A few minutes have passed but she has not found the clown anywhere. She has only
found the other beings that roamed this place. They had a similar shadowy figure to
the weird snail guy she talked to earlier. No features visible on their body no matter
how close she got, only a white head with no facial features plastered onto them.
Before giving up and failing the trail she stumbles across a cave. After walking
aimlessly, hoping she’ll find the clown her hopes became true. The clown was wearing
some form of loose short sleeved dress with a ribbon hugging its waist. It was also
wearing another shirt underneath considering the longer sleeve that was coming out
from under the shorter one. The clown’s hair was short yet it was as messy as a lion’s

In the clown’s hands was a small kitten, drinking from the bottle the clown was
holding. The assassin held their gun down, tiptoeing closer to the clown. When the
prey noticed the assassin is when it started speaking. After a while the assassin felt bad
about needing to kill the clown and expressed how she does not wish to harm the prey. The
clown then explains that they are capable of bringing their wishes to life but they will have to
be quick. However, the clown cannot step outside of the cave since if they are seen together
they will both be killed. She then explains that she has a bag where the clown’s dead body
was supposed to be in and how it could be of use.

After the clown explains what the assassin is supposed to do, it gets inside of the bag
leaving a little hole for air. The assassin puts the bag onto their shoulder and then proceeds
to look for the other being's body. When she finds one she places her hand in the flesh
where the gunshot wound was inflicted, covering her hand in their blood. Afterwards she was
supposed to touch the trees 1 by 1. Each time they turned from a desaturated red-ish brown
to pure black. When she finished touching all the trees with the blood a huge white beam
started to expand on the land. Sucking them into the blinding void.

Status; Work in progress

Word count;

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