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The Tyrant Of All Tyrants

Guayi Newmodia was a humble town on the outskirts of the Kingdom of Gradenshire, this
town had roughly 500 inhabitants and was ruled by a powerful queen, her name was Alicia
Von Garde. On the 30th of August in the 450th year people started to notice
A strange looking fog, coming closer and closer for every hours passed, the people didn't
think much of it since it was usually pretty humid around summer. But at approximately noon
they noticed something, something that would scare
anyone, something that made the people become panicked and make the guards wish they
were never born, something so terrifying that the queen would freeze in shock. Looking out
her window she saw an army, an army that was so massive
It covered the entire horizon, not only that, it was also the army of the west, the Terranian
army. This army was told to be defeated in the war for Alamain, but yet there they were
standing as strong as ever ready to conquer and destroy.
The war would be over before it had even begun. Alicia sent out 2 messengers, Mudae and
Meseeks, they took the message, saddled their horses and rode off into the fog of death. It
took them 4 hours to reach the army. And there they stood, 2 against
a nation. After some time a huge black hingst appeared, rumours say that it was darker than
the night sky, and mightier than the battle elephants of the east, on it sat a man at least 3
metres tall holding an atgear with a blade larger than
the banners. "What is your message" he said as his voice echoed along the barren plains,
shaking with fear Meseeks said "in the name of her majesty our message goes as followed.."
before he could continue the mighty Terranian slammed his atgear in
the ground and shouted "LE CRASELES'', the ground started to shake and the horison
moved in unison with it. The army drew closer and closer to the town, to show his might he
struck down Mudae with one foul move. Meseeks fell of his horse and ran as fast
as he could, he quickly dissapeared amongst the shaddows, and he ran and ran and ran
untill his legs couldnt keep up anymore, finally after what felt like an eternety he had arrived
at the town, he quicly made it through the overused pathways and in to the tiny
cobblestone castle. "Alicia!" he panthed, "THEY ARE COMMING" Alicia instantly ordered
every guard to move up an form a defensive possition even though she knew it would be
useless, she knew it would be their last stand and her last day as a ruler.
Hours past, and hours came, the sky getting darker and darker with time, atlast, at sunrise
the next morning the army had surrounded the town, slowly but shurley draining it of its
resourses. It was a waiting game, but the Terrainians had no more patience and decided to
infiltrate the walls. The guards stood no chance and were brutally slaughtered, their screams
could be heard throughout the entire kingdom, it was a one sided bloodbath. after meere
minutes they destroyed the gate and made their way in to the
town burning and killing everything an everyone in their way. Dead, all of them, slaughtered
by the Terranians. The mighty Terranian got of his hingst and entered the castle, he made it
to the queens room and bursted in. "Your kingdom is mine, and your
people are dead becuse of you, you disgusting excuse of a leader" he took the crown of
Alicias head and pushed her to the ground. This was it, the end of her reign. The Terrainian
stood mighty on the balcony and shouted, "I am the mighty Terrain himself, and i am your
new ruler! the one to bring you death and torture untill the sun goes down and doesen't
come up!". This was it, their story ended with a defeat. unless, the former queen had a plan.
It had been a singular day since the terrainian nation took over, Alicia von Garde was on a
humble carriage, she must escape the nation and come back stronger. She only brought two
people with her, Tristan von Garde her husband and the head knight of the kingdom and Lev
Captiosus Asinus the tactician, nobody knew why Lev is a tactician but every war where he
was the tactician always won, but this time it failed. They got on their horse and went beyond
the horizon, Alicia taking one final look at her once beautiful kingdom. They travel for days
without stopping, they encounter a town who was willing to help them stay. But then during a
night at the town one of the townsfolk confronted them near the centre of the town which had
a tavern and told them about a powerful wizard that lives in the swamp, his name is long.
Nigh impossible to pronounce without mistake, the mans name was
yCristeryTrickery. They were a bit taken aback from the long name, who the fuck decided
that was a good idea, nonetheless they decide to wander into the swamp. Instantly they felt
some magical presence emitting from the swamp, and they decided to wander deeper into
the swamp, they must save the kingdom at all costs and it doesn’t matter what will happen to
them. After reaching the supposed middle of the swamp they only see a rock that says
“Inhale” and then suddenly they fall down, they fall for what feels like hours before they
gentle land on a soft padding of moss, the group look beyond and see a hut with a sign
saying “Tinky” around it is a bright green liquid that looks like it is supposed to be swamp
water, the smell was both pleasant and unpleasant it is very confusing. Tristan readies his
sword since he isn’t sure on what to expect and Lev takes out a spatula, Tristan goes first
and before he knocks on the door to make sure it is safe, the door opens to see a man
around their age however he looks like he has been doing some magic leaves, he tells them
he has been waiting for them for days now, and that he is already ready. He has to finish off
the creature he accidentally created. Alicia hearing this questions what Tinky is implying, is it
that he created terrianians? Tristan upon hearing this puts his hand on the seath once again
ready to slice the wizard's head off. Tinky nods in disappointment, unfortunately it is true. He
made it in an attempt to save an old friend, he ended up creating a monster. He then faced
Lev and asked “Do you have any plan on what we shall do oh so great Tactician?” Lev taken
aback from the question answers that possibly killing the leader would be a great step, and
that he made sure to make a map of every place of the palace that was hidden incase
something like this happened, then Tinky faces Tristan explaining that his sword couldn’t
dream of facing Terrain’s enchanted armour and body, explaining before they go he must
enchant the sword however it will take a while, so that they should get comfortable since he
already prepared for them, Alicia getting annoyed by how calm Tinky is asks “If you knew we
were gonna come how come you haven’t stopped this from happening? My people are dying
because of your selfishness!” Tinky sighs and goes inside, refusing to answer. The party
following in since they have nowhere else to go, once they all enter they see a feast on a run
of the mill table has been prepared. It was as if this place was a poor wizard's hut, but Tinky
is a grandwizard so it is very surprising. What is more surprising is how the place looks both
old and new, they don’t see any vermin around, which is surprising due to the quality of the
place and the area, however the feast could not wait and they feasted and enjoyed the
amazing cooking. Tinky then pointed at Tristan's beautiful steel sword and said he should
put it in his enchanting room, Tristan looking behind him seeing a humid and broken door
that looks like it has been against the test of time. Before Tristan stands up Tinky smokes a
pipe that seems to have some of the magic leaves in it. Then he goes to take Tristan’s sword
and puts it on a table before telling Tristan to leave the room, a timeskip of 4 days happens
and the party seems to be more than ready to leave, Tinky tells them he will be joining them
too and that he knows a way to get there as fast as possible. Meanwhile they prepare the
teleportation spell, a boy. Only slightly younger than the main party, holding up his violin and
he stares into the crowd. He sighs and starts playing.

The war for liberation

In the empire of Guayi Newmodia all hope was lost, the people were forced to work hours
upon hours. Husbands are forced to become slaves for the Terrain, and the children are
being stripped from mothers and put into forced labor, over a tenth of the population has
already died from pure chaos. Nobody was willing to fight back because of the fact the
Terrainians seem to increase in army size as every second passes. All hope was lost, the
people of Newmodia cry out begging for a hero to save them, their once powerful queen ran
away with their greatest tactician and the empires only hope at defeating them. However,
some remained hopeful. And behind the scenes they decided to create an underground
rebellion, The Anti Terrain club. There were three main leaders, Freja. A tactician who is
close to Lev and Alicia, Lucid. A warrior who has fought battles alongside Tristan, and Cake.
He’s a femboy, that is all we know. They have been struggling to take out higher members of
the terranian army, so they plan on performing a stealth operation since they seem to lack
the ability to think at a higher level of a child. However they know they will be unable to fool
the king. The Terrain is a powerful and intelligent man, being able to conquer thousands of
acres of land. “We will have to try and have more members join beyond just this empire. We
need power from other places that the terrainian empire conquered.” Whilst the team were
speaking amongst themselves and some other civilians who are willing to be spies a little
toad hops towards them, in its mouth there is a small envelope. Freja takes notice and looks
at the frog before trying to gently pick it up. “Hello there little one, is that a message for us?”
Freja graciously takes the envelope and opens it. “Follow the toad.” The moment Freja stops
reading the toad hops away, “Quick! Let’s follow it. Cake and Lucid come with me, the rest of
you stay!” Lucid stands up with his claymore and slowly follows the toad, and Cake follows in
pursuit. The toad leads them towards a town the party where seen last gone. “Can you hurry
up already?” Tristan said annoyed at Tinky. “Man you gotta know this stuff takes time
yaknow? Oh! I thinkz I found it'' Tristan, annoyed by Tinky’s comment, decides to slap him,
however because of this the teleportation spell failed and they teleported somewhere else. It
was a town, not an empire that is for sure but it seems to be a well off town, “Mann why didja
do that, I don’t even know we even are man” Tinky says before taking out his pipe and
smoking it again. “Hello there travelers!” a voice behind them says, “Wait… Tinky? How has
it been man!” The man behind them says in a happy voice, Tinky instantly sobering up
hearing the voice “Wilkask wassup man! How’s it been? Aye I got a bunch o’ magic leaves,
specially produced by yours truly man.” The party looked confused seeing Wilkask and Tinky
being so friendly. Whilst Lucid and Freja were following the frog, Cake decided to take a
quick break to catch his breath, he looked into the pond. And he see’s his reflection but he
swore for a second he saw Terrain. He shook his head and ran after the party. “So you guys
this is my friend Wilsask, me and the dude went on some adventures together. Shit was wild,
we even invented magic leaves together.” Tinky says relaxed “Wait… Magic leaves are
illegal? You are telling me you are the cause for my kingdom's drug business?” Alicia replies
a bit confused and annoyed. “Oh no no it wasn’t originally used for fun but now it is.” Alicia
looks at Tinky with a stoic expression realizing he is too delusional to be understood.
“Eitherway, we have to find a way to Newmodia'' She turns and only sees Tristan, Tristan
looks beside him and sees that Lev isn’t there anymore. “Wait where did he go?” Tristan
asked, Tristan and Alicia panic slightly but meanwhile Wilkask has been catching up with
Tinky. They were all on a road, there were a few huts and then a town centre, they decided
to all go there and there they saw Lev fawning over a wombat in a pet store. Alicia quickly
approaches Lev and Lev like a little child begging for toy asks “Can we pleaseeeee have this
wombat it’s sooo cuteeee, I promise to take good care of it” Alicia scoffs at how childish her
good friend can be, but everyone needs to be in their best state of mind before the fight so
they must hurry up. Lev enters the store with some gold and Alicia looks into the store, the
shopkeeper starts laughing when Lev points at the wombat and just grabs it and throws it at
him and kicks Lev out. “He seems to hate this cute lil fell-” “CAN YA JUST SHOT UP YA
FUKIN CANT?” The wombat says. “Wait, you can talk?” Lev replies surprised “No shit ya
fukin idiot. I can talk” The rude wombat says, “Name’s Terrence and don’t you dare get that
wrong or else I’ll bite that ugly nose of ya’s off” The wombat says before instantly sleeping
on Lev’s arm as if he was innocent, “Do you still want… That thing?” Alicia whispers looking
at the wombat with disgust, “Of course! He is probably a soft little baby on the inside!” Alicia
gives a neutral expression as if to say, it’s your problem not mine. As the drama is
happening Wilkask and Tinky are trying to persuade Tristan into just having a single blow on
a pipe, and that he will love it. Tristan, annoyed, tells them to screw off. After a while of just
spending the day in the town Alicia decides to call it a day and looks for a tavern to spend
the night, she finds one, orders the finest booze they have and goes to her room. She goes
to her room and opens the window to breathe, she looks out and ponders on what the
empire’s condition is right now. Then she hears a door opening, Tristan comes in and goes
to her. He gently holds her shoulder and looks at her in her eyes and softly says “Don’t
worry, it’s gonna be ok…” Alicia hearing this sheds a tear and hugs Tristan before she starts
sobbing. The queen’s cries could be heard for miles, and her husband was the only one
holding her. As the queen cries the second party seems to have reached a town, the frog
stops and starts hopping to freja before climbing onto her shoulder. Cake groaning from all
the walking and Lucid catching a breath “Holy shit how far have we walked for?” He says
annoyed, “Oh come on this is our best chance at finding someone to help us save the
kingdom” Cake says pushing him lightly with a hand, “Y’know I could really go for a glass of
water” Then a hand in the shadow hands out a bottle of water and Cake takes it and drinks
the water. “Thanks for tha- wait a minute.” Freja, Lucid and Cake look at the shadowed
figure slightly intimidated. “So the old toad wants me to help you lot… Happy to make your

Act II

Alicia sees many things. The end of times, him opening a box that unleashes chaos upon
the world. The Terrainian king slashing someone and her screaming out for the person. For
then to see in the sunrise clouds a silhouette of someone turning to the empire. She appears
before a crowd of people with the boy who played the violin. Looking at the grand piano she
inherited from her grandmother. She then flashes to a maniacal man who takes over the
kingdom, a man who clones himself to millions to create an army raiding the palace, then
finally HIM opening the box one more time before it starts flashing over and over, the dream
seems to never end. But she hears someone yell out her name… so familiar, yet so distant.
She opens her eyes slowly and turns, it seems Tristan has already risen. This is the week
they finally fight back, she puts on her metal plated armour and long tactical skirt. She also
takes her sword and is planning on meeting the party. She goes down the stairs and into the
bar of the tavern to see not only Lev, Terrence, Tristan, Tinky and Wilkask but also Freja,
Lucid, and Cake. “Wait, what are you guys doing here?” Asks the queen in surprise. “We
came here to find recruits for the rebellion, someone told us you are here, we were skeptical
but he seemed to know some stuff so it was our best bet.” Replies Cake. The team looked at
each other, seeming to wait for someone to speak. “Here is your order, enjoy.” Says the
bartender handing them breakfast, everyone except for Alicia starts eating. Tristan offers
Alicia some of his food but she rejects it, she seems to be dissociated from the world,
wondering what her dream was about. “Oi cuntface, wake up. If ya are gonna be this lazy
whilst we are organizing a raid on a kingdom you might as well give up.” Says Terrence
trying to slap Alicia to wake up before he is grabbed. “What. Did. You. Say?” Says Tristan
giving the wombat a stare that sends shivers down its small little spine. The room went cold
before Tristan tossed the wombat quickly at Lev, hurting both Lev and the wombat “Keep
that bastard in check I won’t tolerate such disrespect towards Alicia.” Tinky stares at this in a
corner of the large table they are in, smoking from his pipe before closing his eyes.
Meanwhile this happens a toad bounces on someone's shoulder. “So I should start the raid?
Aye but remember you guys better save me, I’m not a fighter you know?” Tinky hundreds of
kilometers away smirks slightly at that comment, but knows if everything goes perfectly.
Everything will go according to plan, he murmurs something in a language nobody seems to
understand. “⚍ᓭᒷ ℸ ̣ ⍑ᒷ ℸ ̣ ᔑ⊣ ╎ ⊣ᔑ⍊ᒷ ||𝙹⚍, ∷ᒷℸ ̣ ∷╎ᒷ⍊ᒷ ℸ ̣ ⍑ᒷ ʖ𝙹 ̇/.” Cake looking
at Tinky uncomfortably wondering what he just said. “Understood…” Then the cloaked figure
jumps towards the darkened kingdom. A fog similar from the day of the raid looms over the
kingdom, the kingdom seemed to have been trapped in a bubble that is in a never ending
calamity. The cloaked figure looked at the Terranian army guarding the kingdom. “So I have
to get past all of these people?” “Yes. But don’t worry…” The cloaked figure feels a sharp
sensation around him. “I lended you an ability to help with this, it will help you get around
faster. Call it wind mode.” Said Tinky, “Now go because this form will drain you, go get 'em.
Aracki” "Understood, I’ll see you soon Tinky.” Aracki says before dashing off, due to the fact
the fog was occupying a bit of the outer land Aracki did have a hard time smoothly getting
past. He encountered a Terranian soldier and it seemed it was only gonna be settled with a
fight, Aracki is not very skilled but due to the sheer speed he was given, he was able to use
his punches shockwaves to disrupt the enemies hearing before kicking them away. Aracki
then ran away into the city. He decided to go into one of the buildings which seemed to be a
hideout, and suddenly the layer of wind around him faded away, the entry part was a
success. As Aracki was settling down to take a quick break the rest of the team have finally
gotten ready, and Wilkask and Tinky teleport them all to the far outskirts of the kingdom, far
enough away they would not be noticed. Alicia stares out into the distance shedding a tear of
how destroyed the empire she ruled for looked. Tristan put on his helmet, Tinky tightened his
robe and took a puff of the magic leaf. Wilkask put on a mask with a cloak like suit, Freja and
Lev put on their armor and took out a spatula and spear respectively. And Cake looked into
the city in disgust, as if he felt shame like a brother would do to a sibling embarrassing them
extremely in public. Before taking out a knife. Lucid pulled out his claymore and got ready.
Then they all looked out at the kingdom, one final sight. One final push. One final battle, they
want to reclaim what was stolen from them, they NEED to reclaim it. After a moment of
silence, they all start running towards the kingdom. The terrainian soldiers saw them all run
at the kingdom and got ready, the stompers decided to obsecure their view to have the
advantage. Tristan decides to go for the offensive whilst everyone else went for the
defensive, Tristan slashes at the soldiers realizing how some of them survived but didn’t
even move. If anything they became immobile, they easily got past. But it took around a
minute, the stompers made sure they went the wrong way. But eventually none of them were
alive, as this was happening Aracki who just fully regained his energy reactivated wind
mode. He dashed to the palace, he knew where the box was, he had seen it many times
before. He managed to slide right past the guards with the speed, but he was already tired.
He has to find the secret room quickly or else he will be drained. He runs across the palace
and finds a portrait of the Von Gardian family, he pulls the painting and it reveals a hole, he
is gonna rest for a bit in his mini cave, it was dirty and vermin were in the place. nobody will
find him. Hopefully… Alicia and the gang quickly secure the outer parts of the kingdom,
some citizens seeing their heroes returning gain hope and decide to help out, soon the entire
kingdom went into mayhem, everyone was fighting each other. Blood painted the walls,
children were crying, and the parents were fighting for a final chance at liberation.
Unfortunately the citizens fought in vain, they underestimated the Terrainian army and one
by one were slaughtered. The horror Alicia felt seeing people being murdered in ways that is
not even a shred of humane. She felt rage, sadness and hopelessness. But it’s too late to
give up now, she had to fight on, she didn’t just come back to watch her people be
slaughtered, Alicia felt something being swung at her, but Tristan blocked it. “GO NOW! I’LL
HOLD THEM OFF FOR NOW, I’LL CATCH UP.” Alicia for a moment froze but she ran, Lev
was smacking the terrainians out the groups way, Lucid swung at the Terranians and they
were pushed away, tinky used magic to surf on land and shoot spells at the terrainians,
Wilkask used his magic to make his bo staff extend and cave in the Terrainians skulls.
Meanwhile Aracki was fully charged up. “Alright, all juiced up.” He reactivated wind mode
and started running again. It took a while but he found the secret corridor, and opened one
of the paintings to another corridor that scanned the person entering. It allowed him in “Heh,
seems like that idiot forgot about this place.” Aracki went in and placed a tag on it, and it
disappeared. He looked around and decided to just let chaos happen, “Oi boss, I did it.” He
told the frog that was still on his shoulder. Then the frog decayed and disappeared, he was
gonna have fun. As this happened Tinky felt a sensation, but didn’t speak, they finally
reached the palace. They entered the palace, the Terrainian king sensed the presence of the
group entering. He smirked devilishly, and ordered his stompers to make a fog where
nobody could see, he wished to make them experience hell trying to get to him. He will then
discard them himself if they manage, the once beautifully coloured throne room of the queen
now being a soulless husk of a room upon which two soldiers stood, and the king sat upon
the once beautifully red throne. The room felt moist, as if it was tropical. This was the world
he wanted everyone to see… This. Was Terrain's heaven.


Aracki jumped around the palace, stompers see him and try to ambush him but he seems to
be too fast. He keeps running, the team are in the bottom floor of the palace and are rising
up to the throne room at the top. Tristan is fighting around 4 Terranian soldiers and is
surrounded by them, he can’t keep fighting forever, his movement gets sloppy and slower as
time moves on, but he must push on. For him, for the people of the kingdom he protects, and
for his dear Alicia. He somehow manages to push even when his body feels destroyed, but
something snapped. It was his rib, one of the soldiers snapped one of his ribs, he felt the
pain, the rain the sweat, then he was beaten. He didn’t even fight back, his body was too
tired. He just wanted to give up, but no, he can't. Why can’t he just lay down and admit
defeat. He felt a moment of realization. He realized that the sword doesn’t only have magical
effects, it doesn’t only get rid of willpower. It steals willpower, his bloody body was broken
but he slowly got up. He will win, because he has the rage of a thousand hellfires, and the
willpower of an army of kings. He started fighting, his sword slashed through every one of
the terranians, after a moment he was left standing. The rain dropping heavily on his body,
his blood diluted from the rain. And as thunder struck he screamed out in the air in triumph.
He then collapsed, as this was happening Alicia and the gang were running down the halls,
the fog slowly appearing. Aracki was bouncing around during wind mode and kicking around
stompers and soldiers, but due to the fact Aracki was far from the party nothing really
changed, Tinky waved his staff and everyone had a bright mask, it seemed to allow them to
breathe properly and they all ran as fast as possible, slashing away any stompers. Lucid saw
a soldier coming behind Freja and then slashed its head off. Alicia then sped up putting her
sword infront of her ready to use it as a spear, as this was happening Tristan woke up from
him passing out. His vision was blurry, “Calm down. Just stay there and I’ll patch you up.”
Said a figure that looked blurry. “Their anatomy is very interesting. Their blood seems to
have a very minor healing factor. I put a drop of their blood in your body, you will heal faster.
Don’t worry.” Tristan feels as if his conciousness is slowly losing again. But before he goes
unconscious he mutters “Al..i..” But he falls unconscious. The Terrainian king sitting upon his
stolen throne stops grinning and seems irritated. Must he dispose of these vermin himself?
Surely his men can defeat them, wait… The king drops a sweat. Tinky? Surely its his eyes
deceiving him. No… It’s him, he realizes what is going on. He takes his Atgeirr and closes
his emerald eyes. He sees them, using the vision of one of his men. He knows where they
are, wait… There’s another one. This will be annoying, he must dispose of them, he decides
to go for the single one. He slowly walks out into the hall, then he starts running and crashes
through the walls, Aracki feels like there is something approaching him. But due to his
overconfidence of his speed he doesn’t feel too intimidated, the others hear a distant crash,
they get distracted and a Terranian soldier creeps up behind them, then it tries to stab Lev’s
back aiming for the heart but Terrence notices it and tips Lev over. Everyone looks in horror.
Lev looks down, and sees a spear right below his right collarbone… Lucid, seeing this, starts
screaming in rage and slashes the soldier's head up from the upper jaw only leaving its
lower jaw attached to its body. Then he starts repeatedly stomping its body. Lev drops to his
knees, tears forming. The foggy and dusty environment makes breathing even harder. He
starts coughing, and then he coughs up blood. His blood staining Wilkask’s robes, Cakes
metal armor. Everyone looks in horror, except for Tinky who was looking around. Alicia gets
down to Lev’s level and hugs him. Crying. She will make them pay, she looks at Freja and
then gets up. Freja holds Lev and Terrence seems to be stressed “Ah fack why didn’t the
bloke pay attention, shit shit shit. Quick ya fackin idiot get the hell out of here and get the
bastard a medic.” He says before hopping onto Freja’s shoulder, Freja runs away with Lev’s
wounded body and Terrence on her shoulder, Aracki looks above him and realizes the
enemy is coming from ontop. He bounces away and only narrowly dodges. The tall
monstrous beast rising. He opens his mouth emitting gas, “So… You must be the queens
brother… And it seems that you aren’t on best terms with her. How about I strike you a
deal… You team up with me, I will give you power to rule a thousand kingdoms with an iron
grip. You will be able to be a powerful king. Nobody will stand up to you, and all you have to
do is join me. What do you say?” Aracki looks at the beast, truly considering the options.
Before grinning and saying “Nah, not the type of person to do that. I won’t be your slave just
to get petty revenge on the moron I call sister. I do things MY way.” The king frowns and
growls. Before muttering “Then your blood will coat this hall.” He then goes to slash Aracki
who dodges due to his speed. Aracki jumps and tries to do a midair spin kick, and it lands a
solid blow on the king leaving a crack noise. He smirks confidently before seeing the king
seeming to have healed from the damage. He Pounces to Aracki trying to punch him, he
lands a blow but Aracki blocks it with major damage. He is sent flying back and crashes into
a wall, “shit… this won’t be fun…” He says before speeding to the king, he takes out a sickel
and sees the king get ready to slash, he holds it up blocking the king and being pushed to
the wall before jumping to it to bounce quickly at it, he tries to go for the eye but the king
slightly tilts his head making Aracki miss and crash onto the floor. Aracki then sees an
opening and bounces to the king's legs and slashes one of his quads, blood starts flowing,
then Aracki bounces again. He slashes the king repeatedly from different angles, but then
before he can go for the final slash. He felt all his speed drop. Wind mode… has
deactivated. The terrainian king grabs Aracki’s face and crushes it, mutilating his nose and
face, before dropping aracki, grabbing him by the leg and starts slamming him around the
hall. Aracki being crushed from the damage, his ribs snap and puncture his lungs. He starts
spewing out blood, the terrainian king then drops him, before grabbing him by the hair. He
stabs aracki with his Atgeirr, having his intestines being penetrated and exitting his body with
the atgeirr, the king then grabs a vase in the hall, Aracki looking at him with pure fear, he
can’t move. He tries to crawl away but then the king slams the vase on Aracki’s skull denting
it, and having shards of glass all over his body, before snapping his legs in half like a twig,
Aracki keeps screaming but it only makes it worse. Then the king slams Aracki’s face,
shattering his teeth. Before then walking away, Aracki is left to bleed, if only… if only he
could’ve lived, but he looks at the bloodied portrait of the royal family, tearing up before
closing his eyes, silently crying “I’m so sorry…” Before the life leaves his eyes. Tinky heard
all of it from the toad, he sweats. He knew he should’ve told Aracki to go… It’s his fault, he
caused all of this. So he must finish this too himself. He walks into a portal that he just
created and hops in, going face to face to the king instantly. “So… You must’ve seen what I
have made out of that pitiful excuse of a friend. We both know you can’t defeat me. So why
do you come?” Tinky grits his teeth. “Because I have to buy time, and hopefully I won’t have
to use my last resort.” Tinky instantly shoots a fireball at Terrain, the king deflected it with the
magical atgeirr but Tinky creates a wall of condensed air that absorbs the fireball and
creates a fiery wall, before shooting it at the king, burning him. The king runs to the mage at
lightning speeds. And he tries to cut him in half, but the mage creates a magical barrier that
shoots a beautiful beam. The king pushes through and a small explosion is created pushing
them both away, the mage clones him into 3 more mages and they all shoot something from
their own staff. One creates magicial spears, the other a bolt of fire. And another one
shooting a vortex of air to keep the king in place and absorb the fire to create more. The
king’s right arm that only healed from his last encounter got stabbed, he feels a crushing
weight on him and a burning fire. He feels the pain, but he breaks through with his will. He
throws his atgeirr at the middle clone, sending it to poof out of existence, and uses his power
to have it return to him. Before slashing away the next set of magical spears. And then
barely exiting the wind vortex and throwing the clone at the real Tinky. Tinky is sent flying out
of the wind but then creates a portal that just has him fall back into the hall, he turns around
and sees splatters of blood, he knows what lies on the other side. But then he sees Alicia
and the others come but before they notice the king is prepared to stab Cake’s skull, but in
the heat of the moment Tinky teleports and pushes Alicia away, His skull having a hole,
before he falls onto the floor and rots away, leaving a swamp like growth to spread on his
body. Alicia screams out his name, “This is what happens to traitors. Cake you betrayed me
and now you and your friends will die with you.” “Wait what?” Wilkask asks, before turning to
Cake who looks away in shame. “I’m… a direct descendant of the Terranian… I felt like his
methods were wrong. I’m sorry…” “You know what? I will let you guys reconsider fighting
me. I will be waiting for you in my throneroom.” He walks off into the distance. All hope is
lost, “Hey hey hey, don’t worry. We still have a chance.” says a voice from afar. Everyone
turns to see Tristan smirking. “I got a little upgrade, sorry for keeping you lot waiting.” Alicia
tears up and runs to hug Tristan, “I thought you died. Don’t ever scare me like that again.”
She says sobbing, Tristan then patting her back, comforting her. Before leaving the hug and
saying “Well we don’t have all the time on the earth on us do we?” He says before walking
away from the others and towards the throne room. Everyone else was following in pursuit,
they just saw Tinky get killed. They need to be ready to save Tristan in case he gets in
trouble. The dark halls, the decaying flowers. The ravaged walls, it was as if animalistic
beasts were given a playground. The air was thick due to the stompers effect. But it isn’t as
potent as it was earlier. Tristan finally enters the throne room, it felt like a swamp, the carpet
looked wet. And the king stood waiting on top of his stolen throne. The pillars near the throne
seem to have grown moss due to the humidity, the smell making Tristan gag, portraits of the
previous king and queen being destroyed. And the colour seemed drained. The king starts
speaking in his dark raspy voice “So. You have chosen death.” Tristan looked at the king
saying “No. YOU chose death.” Tristan says before unsheathing his sword and pointing it at
the king, the sword was glowing and it was as if life was coming back into the part of the
room Tristan was in. The king stood up, and then he towered over Tristan, he looked down
upon Tristan literally and metaphorically. Before quickly taking out his Atgeirr and going for a
stab, Tristan noticed what he was trying to do and managed to block it so it would only graze
his armor, somehow it was able to cause a mark. “It was forged in the newmount volcano,
only enchanted items could possibly be protected.” Tristan ignores it and slashes up, he got
grazed but the armor seems to have only get a white mark. Then it tried to punch Tristan
who ducked and tried to stab the knee, the armor was creating a spark before the sword
penetrated the knee. The king roared in pain before dropping his atgeirr and slamming
Tristan, it creates a small crater and Tristan feels as if his spine was destroyed. But he still
gets up, before ripping out the sword from the king's knee. Alicia, Wilkask, Lucid and Cake
finally see them fighting, they look at Tristan with worry, He is their only hope now. Tristan
then looks at the king. The king then picks his atgeirr from the floor before pointing it at
Tristan, he felt intimidated by the fact the king is so much larger than him. But he isn’t too
worried about that. Tristan then swiftly manuvers around the atgeirr and tries to slices the
kings side. But the king swats him away, Tristan is sent flying to a wall and the rubble falls
on him. The pain is unbearable, Cake tries to run up behind the king and stabs the king’s
shoulder with his knife, it went through just like butter. “CAKE WATCH OUT!” Wilkask
screams before the king slaps Cake out of him and Cake is sent flying out of the throne room
and out the balcony, Wilkask in a panic runs out the balcony and using his staff he flies down
and catches Cake moments before he was about to crash, he then flies back in the
throneroom, but it seems to be too late. Alicia was on the floor with a broken leg and the king
was approaching Tristan. He then chuckled before saying “Impressive, Tristan Von Garde.
You seem to have surpassed my expectations, the previous two vermin I fought needed to
use elemental abilities or magic to stand a chance against me. However your luck seems to
have run out.” The king then raises his Atgeirr planning on penetrating Tristan’s heart. But
then the beat up Tristan smirks. “Just enough time…” The king then feels a sudden loss to
do anything. “W-what is this?...” He says terrified. “I took all your willpower… Was worried I
would have stolen it when it was too late.” Tristan then rises from the rubble, he was limping
but he was still up. “But I bought enough time” He then cuts off the legs of the king. The king
screamed in pain. “Tell me, do you have any last words?” Tristan tells the king in a low pitch
voice. “You fool…” Terrain chuckles. Before a blinding light emits from him, and before they
see anything the glowing figure has flown out the window at blinding speeds. They all stand
there, and then Tristan screams in rage. He started crying as he was screaming in anger.
They were so close… They would have won if he just didn’t let him speak. It had been 2
weeks since. The city was being repaired for all the damages, the Terranian army fled to the
same direction the king went, and there was a funeral held out for Tinky and the soldiers that
had died during the war. The entire kingdom gathered to thank Tinky for his contribution and
he was titled “The Grand Mage of Newmodia.” Most of the kingdom has attended the funeral
in honor of the warriors who have died. However Tristan was unable to attend, he was in a
bar drinking. “Aye barkeep, another mug.” The bartender sighed before passing down
another pint of beer. “You have drunk over 12 pints, you’re gonna pass out if you continue.”
The bartender says cleaning the empty mugs. “I don’t care man, just put it on my tab, I can
always rely on you for alcohol. Thanks Rosa.” Tristan says, the empty bar was cold and
Tristan smelled terrible, however Rosa has dealt with many drunkards so he doesn’t really
care. “Yeah yeah don’t mention it. By the way you plannin’ on visiting Lev? That poor bloke
might be unable to ever use his right arm properly again.” “Oh come on, he isn’t even a
fighter, he is the brains and I’m the brawns. What use does he even have, he’s the queen's
best friend, he probably can get some assistant or sum.” Rosa sighs and passes another
pint of beer. “You really are letting yourself go, man what happened to your overconfident
self? Y'know what, this ones on the house.” “Thanks Ros” Tristan starts drinking the final pint
but then passes out before he could finish it. “Poor guy, really blamin’ himself for having
honour.” Rosa then goes around the counter and picks Tristan up and brings him to his
home. Lev woke up and saw Terrence sleeping next to him, the little wombat was being very
quiet, but the moment Lev tried to move his hand to pet Terrence he could feel a sharp pain,
it hurted extremely terribly, so he just rested it. He stared into the ceiling, he felt empty.
Something was growing, a toad was jumping to a veil of blood in Tinky’s hut and consumes
it, the toad then was glowing and grew in size, and Tinky came out of it, however he was
naked and slimy, he went to a swampy body of water near his home and cleaned himself.
He then put on some fine robes and went to the box, “Alright. Hopefully you will do what I
need you to do… but first.” Tinky goes to a ritual room, he then opens a portal. And a familiar
figure comes out from the portal. “Who might you be?” Ask the figure. “Tinky, you will learn
later. But I need you to replace you, you would make a good asset.” He then smirks before
giving his hand out to shake it. But far away, a crawling figure was bleeding. It was Aracki,
he didn’t know he lived. But something must’ve happened to save him. He doesn’t know
what to do, but he has to somehow find shelter, and heal. He was angry at Tinky for not
saving him, so he knows what he will do once he fully heals. Far away in Newmodia Alicia
got off her throne, the funeral had just ended and she walked to the balcony. Looking out
into the kingdom and further, the war had not ended. But merely stopped, she sighs and
goes back to her throne, and she thinks to herself. Looking from the throne. The queen
ponders, into the night. But far far away, a giant cocoon was throbbing, Terranian soldiers
and stompers came closer and were absorbed by it. Something was growing…

Part 2.5
“Get some fairy seal.” Tinky says with a comedic set of goggles with multiple magnifying
glasses. “Yes sir.” Says the figure, before handing the Mage the small veil of fairy seaal. The
mage then gently puts the tweezers on his hands and slides it through the box but doesn’t
fully open it. Then he pulls something out then quickly seals it back, “YES! My guesses were
correct. I will make dinner now. Then we can test it out.” Tinky says excited. “Yes sir.” Says
the figure in the shadow. Tinky then stands up and goes out of his lab. The figure walks out
of the shadow and it is Aracki, he takes the item and gently places it in a different box.
Before leaving the room, giving the item a glance before closing the door. Alicia was walking
around her palace distressed, she sent guards out to find Tristan. She is worried sick,
however she isn’t too worried since he sent her a message proclaiming that he is safe and
that he just needs some time. She is gonna need to recruit old friends, and foes. Tristan
woke up, his head was aching, “Oh gosh, how long have I been out?” He says hungover, “4
days, I’m surprised you didn’t die. The amount of alcohol you drank should have killed you.
Oh well.” Rosa says before ripping Tristan off the bed. “You overstayed your welcome on my
bed, breakfasts ready, it’s four days cold.” Tristan, annoyed by this begrudgingly, goes down
the small wooden steps that creak, leading to the main room, kitchen and dining room. He
sees a plate of eggs and ham. He eats the cold plate, surprisingly it still tastes delicious. He
quickly finishes it before washing it all down with a cup of cold water. He then thanks Rosa
who was waiting impatiently and leaves his home. Tristan decides to go back to the training
fields and start training for the next encounter. Alicia was stressed due to all the
consideration of what she just saw that day. But if she wants a moment to take a break she
has to forget about her own problems and focus on the problems everyone else has. She
goes down to the training ground and sees a quiet Tristan attacking dummies, he usually
would make time to greet Alicia and offer to spar with her, but he is just attacking the
dummy. He seems to be very fixated on the idea of killing the false king. However he doesn’t
seem willing to work with anyone, “Tristan?” Alicia says trying to get his attention, however
Tristan does not react. He just keeps attacking the dummy, eventually the time has started
where Tristan usually trains the guards, he simply walks in front of the knights and coldly
says “You will most likely die. None of you guys are trained enough to fight the soldiers of
the Terranian empire, so to defeat them, you need to learn a new martial art. It's obvious a
single martial art isn’t gonna help you too much, which means you guys are gonna have to
learn to be more versatile, be unique. They won’t be able to adapt to the fighting styles and
make a counter.” Meanwhile, Aracki and Tinky have been testing out enchantments and
potions. And whilst Aracki was polishing the item Tinky took out the box “Hey Aracki, do you
have any abilities?” Tinky asks.
“What do you mean?” He replies, “Well the previous Aracki didn’t have any abilities so I
gifted him wind mode.” “Oh, that? I have something similar I guess.” And before Tinky could
ask what Aracki is engulfed in flames, causing a beautiful scene and all Tinky could see is
his Outline. “Amazing… AMAZING! BRAVO!” He claps his hands in excitement. This is
something he has never seen or tried before. He knew that this isn’t supposed to happen,
the laws of the universe just won’t allow it. Is this what Aracki was meant to do if he didn’t
help him? Intriguing. “Impressive… May I test your capabilities?” Aracki smirks but during
this Lev is on his hospital bed. The air feels heavy, he smells hospital, the room is bright. He
stares into the ceiling, Terrence notices Lev finally woke up and tries to talk to him. But it’s all
white noise. He could still feel the spear stab through his shoulder. It just won’t stop. His
eyes get irritated by the blinding light. So he slowly closes his eye, but the last thing he sees
is Terrence looking at him with worry. And then hearing “I’m sorry.” Far far away, Aracki
crawls before collapsing. He sees a town and before passing out from exhaustion he sees
someone approaching him. Cake, Freja and Lucid are together discussing on what they
know “Apparently the bastard escaped. How? It couldn’t be possible.” “Well for all we know,
the end might be near. Let’s just get ready for any fights from now on.” Cake looking at Lucid
and Freja, clenching his pants his chest it feels heavy.
He then opens his mouth “The calamity will soon happen. And we lost our strongest
members, our chances of success are low.” Freja looks confused at Cake. “I know because I
was once apart of the Terranian army, I betrayed them because I realised how immoral their
actions are. And for the calamity to begin, the box needs to be tampered with.” Lucid looks
confused at Cake but seems ready to draw his greatsword. Freja’s face goes white. “D-did
you just say box?” In a few moments Freja and Cake are running at high speeds to the
palace, the soldiers seeing the two heroes from a distance seem worried and quickly get
ready for anything. “QUICK OPEN THE DOOR NOW WE NEED TO FIND ALICIA.” One of
the guard asks “Wait why do you wish to see her majesty Von Garde?” As the other quickly
opens the door. It takes a moment but Freja and Cake run to the throne room. And they see
Alicia pondering. “ALICIA THE BOX. IT HAS BEEN TAMPERED WITH” Freja screams on
the other side of the newly refurbished throne room. The environment became cold. Alicia
dropped her wine glass and wine poured near the throne. After 10 minutes Alicia finally got
to the Box room with Freja and Cake. They see that the box has gone missing, they see a
sticky note on the place the box should have been. And it says “Haha bet ya won’t be
missing this sucka ;p -A” Alicia instantly knew and was pissed. She left the room and went to
her bedroom, she is gonna hunt him down. She takes her sword and orders that Tristan
should take charge until further notice. Mudae nods in agreement and runs off to find Tristan,
his little scrawny blue body running off into another compartment of the palace. Far far away,
the cocoon has started taking the life force of the trees, something terrible will soon happen.
And soon. The end will rise.

Part III

The End.

Lev woke up again. Everything felt cloudy, this time everything was muffled, he saw the
injections on his body. His mouth felt dry, and he mumbled “Water.” Terrence instantly woke
up, the curled up midget fatass wombat. Nobody seemed to ask why he can talk, like. I get
you guys see this as a magical world and such, but talking animals? What you? A disney
princess? Like gosh what?? Anyway enough 4th wall breaking. Terrence quickly ran on the
smooth floor, barely making any progress. Trying to notify a doctor that Lev wanted water. A
doctor saw this and picked the wombat up and went to pour a glass of water before bringing
it to Lev. Lev tried to reach out with his right hand, but he realised he felt numb. He looked
down seeing his arm still there, but he remembered what happened. He could see a mark of
crimson on the hand, he quickly got out of the state of trance and quickly used his left hand
to take the cold clear glass of water. He drank it slowly, the water going through his dry
mouth. He felt refreshed, he then slowly turned to the doctor and asked. “When will I be
discharged?” Alicia far away is on her horse and has went to the last place she remembered
seeing Aracki, the village was small and not many people lived there. She groaned seeing
one of the people, Kaelean. She was once a bodyguard for the queen however their beliefs
did not line up with one another. So Kaelean left the kingdom. She felt as if her entire ego
was being shattered but she approached the ex bodyguard whilst she was sweeping a
porch, seeming to be hers. “Hello Kaelean.” The lady sweeping somewhat twitched when
hearing the voice of the queen. Before turning around, she sighed angrily and responded
with “I am not interested in whatever you are gonna ask. Unless you give me a good
reason.” The queen holds her tongue as it is disrespectful to insult someone right outside
their home in the village they wish to live in. After taking a deep breath she then continues.
“Do you happen to know the whereabouts of Aracki?” Kae hearing Aracki becomes
surprised. She raises an eyebrow and asks “Why are you looking for him? What use does he
even have? He was just the prince… or jester depending.” Alicia responds with “He stole a
very important possession of the kingdom and I need to find him to retrieve it. This isn’t a
matter of a few lives, or kingdoms, or even countries! The whole universe is at his mercy
because god knows what!” Kae looks at her broom, wonders and sighs before going into her
home. Alicia couldn’t see what she was doing since the blinds where closed. And then after
what felt like forever she sees the door open and it reveals Kae in her old bodyguard armour
and sword. “Alright, I’ll settle my differences for now, a grudge isn’t worth killing everyone
over.” Kae says, Alicia sighs in relief and feels at ease that nothing went wrong. Kae hops on
the horse with Alicia and they go east. In the swampy terrain the hut of the toad, Tinky and
Aracki are talking. Tinky is smoking from his pipe and Aracki is just sitting there
contemplating something. “What’s wrong?” Tinky asks with bloodshot eyes from the magic
leaves. “Nothing really, I’m just wondering about that artefact. What does it even do?” Tinky
widens his eyes in surprise because he didn’t expect Aracki to ask such a thing, “Well. It
grants the user chronokinesis. It is a very dangerous item but nobody will need to use it. I
mean maybe later on but ehh. You can give it a test around, just like don’t screw up reality
y'know?” Aracki then quickly stands up and goes to the artefact, it’s a pendant necklace with
a watch. He lifts it up observing the silver pendant, and he looks at the time, he brings it
closer to himself and he hears ticks. Tick… Tick… Tick… Tick… His eyes dilate. He wants
this. He presses the button on the watch and the area around him gets a greyish tone. The
time has stopped ticking in the watch, but he heard ticks. And only ticks. He walked out and
saw that Tinky was frozen in place. He moved swiftly, before realising. This power… It was
addicting, the rush of adrenaline coursing through his veins. He was holding the flow of time
with an iron grip. He then ponders for a moment, before going back to grab things, and then
leaving the now grey hut. He has other plans… Time has been let go from his grip, and
Tinky looks around to see that the door is open. “You still are the same Aracki…” He goes
back to smoking his pipe. “I didn’t know how you guys would react… I was worried and I
just… Never told you guys the truth.” Cake says holding back tears whilst laying on a sofa in
Freja’s home whilst Freja is making food and Lucid is sitting down listening to Cake ramble.
Lucid is resting himself on the sofa chair, it’s been a while since he was this laid back. Cake
then sighs in relief. Everything is getting better at least… Not too far away Rosa is serving
cocktails to people. He seems to be in a flow state swiftly moving around and just doing
things easily. 2 glasses there 5 glasses here. He is enjoying it as if he is playing a game. At
the north of the kingdom, where the empire rests, Tristan is sitting on Alicia’s throne with her
crown on his head. Mudae is shivering slightly since Tristan is one to speak and he is simply
sitting there. Tristan then asks “What do you believe happened to the bastard?” Mudae gulps
as Tristan is awaiting a response. It had been the third time during the marriage of Tristan
and Alicia that Tristan was promoted to king to substitute Alicia when she was busy. Mudae
gulps and whilst stuttering replies “I don’t know my king.” Tristan sighs in disappointment and
decides to train. He goes to the training field and sees some guard members sparring. He
turns to a dummy and decides to release his anger on it. Far away Alicia is on a horse with
Kaelean behind her. She seems annoyed at the fact she has to be with her but holds her
words. It is quite awkward. They look at each other before looking away. They are on their
way to pass by a forest. Hopefully there won’t be any bears or such. They both are tired and
are planning on stopping the next village they see. The sun is slowly descending and the
moon is slowly ascending on the other side. By the time they have exited the forest the
moon had taken the sun’s place. Not far away they see a small village. Far away on the east
of Newmodia. Aracki opens his eyes to see he is in a void. It’s dark and cold. He looks
around and sees a glowing figure. It was sitting on a park bench. Before he could do
anything the glowing figure spoke “So. You managed to come here. It’s surprising. I bet that
you have many questions. Well too bad. All you have to know is, you are soon gonna die. So
now we are speaking in the attoseconds you are still alive, you could say hypersensing.
Here’s all you need to know, you have something that can save your life. So it’s best you use
it now.” Then the glowing figure slowly forms into a ball and shoots into Aracki’s chest and
he starts glowing. Before he wakes up in a forest. He looks down at his stomach and it
slowly closes the hole. Lev is eating a crepe with strawberry jam, his stomach is quite weak
so he only eats a portion before going back to bed, Terrence is eating a bowl of carrots like
maniac. At the same time Wilkask was meditating. He was wearing his robe covering his
eyes. He could hear every leaf falling. He sensed life all over. He felt an unusual presence
far away. It is the exact same as a different presence, yet it’s different. He opens his eyes,
because he knows there is something out there that doesn’t belong. A drop of sweat rolls
down his face, and he takes his bo staff, and he gets ready to hunt the person down. Aracki
is holding the pendant in his pocket tightly. As if he is worried to let it go. Then he finds
something that peaks his interest. He was wandering around, he killed some animals to eat.
But he saw a train, Aracki smiled sadistically and stopped time. A loud boom was heard
before everything went grey, only ticks were heard, he quickly ran into the train and threw
everyone out. He didn’t care how badly they got hurt, he looked at the road and saw that it
was a special type of train. Seems like a mage made it be able to summon rails in front of it.
He was giggling like a child knowing what he is gonna do. He stole the train conductors hat
and resumed time, the grey shade got absorbed by the pendent. Before moving the train
again. The people got confused and upset, but their screams were silenced by the smoke
from the train. Not too far away Alicia and Kae were eating lunch. Well they were on
opposite sides of the pub because they still don’t want to be near one another. Wilkask was
running towards the unusual presence in panic since it seems to be near two familiar
presences. He jumped and transformed his bo staff into a surfboard and surfed on the air
increasing his speed. Alicia hears gossip about a Newmodia Express train being stolen. She
gets confused and gets up from her seat, Kae followed in pursuit. They got on the horse that
was waiting outside eat grass and it started moving, Alicia made it run towards the train
tracks before getting off. She didn’t see anything. They tie the horse to a tree. Kae looks to
the east whilst Alicia looks to the west. Suddenly they both hear a train whistle. Wilkask
panics far away realising that Alicia and Kae are in extreme danger. He doesn’t know what
this presence is doing but he knows he has to stop it from doing anything. Alicia and Kae
look at each other then at the train and see Aracki with a motherfucking conductors hat. The
train suddenly is right in front of them and it smashes into them. Luckily they both jumped
slightly to the sides so they were holding on to the back of the train. The air pushing them
was insane, Kae got up first and pulled Alicia up. The wind is pushing them both, but Alicia
quickly finds a hatchet and rips it out. The hatchet is sent flying and lightly hit Alicia in the
head nearly tripping her off. She holds on for dear life and crawls into the carriage, Kae
follows by jumping in. They are at the back of the train and realise the train isn’t stopping
anytime soon and is increasing speeds. Alicia quickly moves through the carts in anger.
“ARACKI YOU LITTLE” Then when she opens the door to the locomotive she sees Aracki
standing up and before she could slash at him he lands a blow to the face, she feels a slight
nosebleed but shrugs it off and sweeps him to the floor. She then takes out a sword and tries
to stab his head but he swiftly moves his head to the side, only grazing his ear. He gets up
and runs past Alicia but Kae is waiting and she punches him in the gut, he spits out some
blood and it marks the metallic waist part of Kae’s armour. Alicia then goes for a vertical cut
to get rid of Aracki’s head but suddenly he disappeared behind Kae. “You guys seem to be
pretty strong, but unfortunately… I’m stronger!” Then he gets engulfed in flames. It lights a
spark around the cart so they couldn’t run past him. He then lunged at them, Alicia in a panic
took out her sword and it slid through Aracki’s shoulder. The chaotic flames became still,
before Kae threw her spear at Aracki’s lower jaw with enough force to have him be sent
flying to the door of the Cart. He was stuck there, everyone stood still for a moment and only
the fire was heard. But then the flames started growing. And they heard a cackle, Aracki’s
flames seem to stop growing and decreased in size but now having a blue shade. Kae and
Alicia saw Aracki slowly pulling himself out of the spear and then ripping the sword out his
chest and throwing it at Kae. Luckily she dodged, but the suddenly everyone started rising,
nobody had seem to have taken account that the automatic rails wouldn’t take into
consideration cliffs. Aracki laughed before pushing himself towards Kae and Alicia who were
panicking due to the fact they knew death was imminent. Before he could grab either of them
Wilkask flew through one of the windows and grabbed both of them before Aracki could and
left out the other window. Wilkask, Kae and Alicia watched the train crash into the ground
and a giant explosion occurs. “What was that all about?” Wilkask asked as he held Alicia and
Kae by arms before gently landing. “Aracki somehow broke into the palace and stole the
box. Unfortunately it seems like we couldn’t save him to interrogate him, however something
was different with him…” Kae looks at Alicia with a weirded out face and replies with “You’re
implying that wasn’t Aracki? He looked exactly like him.” Alicia looks at Kae and says “Oh if
you think you know my brother so well why don’t you just take charge?” “Well atleast I didn’t
exile my brother from the place he grew up in not even offering support!” Kae replies with a
snarky voice. Wilkask looks at them bickering and sighs. This isn’t gonna go anywhere will it.
He closes his eyes and tries to sense if there is any similar energy source… Wait. How
come the energy source from the Aracki they just fought still remain, and how did it manage
to cover so much distance in such little time… “I don’t think he died.” Wilkask says walking
into the crater caused by the train. Looking down, and into the horizon. In the swamp Tinky
was frying some eggs. Humming, he then smokes a pipe of the magic leaves before setting
the eggs aside. He doesn’t have an oven since he never trusts them so he just uses fire to
make the bread. He then cuts the loaf and eats the eggs with it. He enjoys his meal. Cake,
Freja and Lucid have gotten a letter from Tristan telling them to immediately arrive at the
training field and to be ready. They all arrive to see an armoured Tristan holding a sword, his
helmet hiding his face. Lucid sees this as a challenge and gets ready to attack with his
claymore. Cake taking his knife out and Freja just taking out a rapier. Tristan simply walks
forward and then the group reacts by trying to attack Tristan. Cake aims for the knee, Lucid
goes for the side and Freja aims in the hole in the helmet. Tristan turns 90 degrees to avoid
Cake’s knife. Blocks Lucids side slash and Freja’s rapier just hits his helmet dealing no
damage. Then Tristan raises his sword and along with it Lucid’s Greatsword leaving his
chest wide open. He side kicks Cake in the face pushing him away and then turns his sword
90 degrees to swing at Freja, only at the last moment he turns the sword around so the
sharp part wouldn’t harm her. Lucid with his hands over his head holding the greatsword
slams it down on Tristan’s head, Tristan tries moving away but his elbow gets hit and he
feels a heavy pain before Cake quickly gets back on his feet and pounces on Tristan, they
wrestle on the ground before Tristan kicks Cake over him before rolling backwards and
getting back on his footing. Then him and Lucid clash swords, they would parry and block
one another and right before Tristan was about to parry Lucid a 3rd time he sees Freja next
to Lucid joining him and attacking Tristan, they slowly overpower him and Tristan's moves
back. Only to hear a clank on the back of his head, he turns around to see Cake holding a
knife at the back of his head. He looks quickly around and realises he has no options, he
drops his sword and admits defeat. Before taking off his helmet to show his head being
sweaty from all the moving in the hot weather. “So it seems like you guys have gotten better,
gotta hand it to ya haha. How about we now just do some simple training?” Freja shrugs as if
to say why not and the others seem to agree. And before long they are performing extreme
training. Very close to them Doga is restocking his bar, he is quite excited for the new
collections that have been imported from a town near Alamain. In the palace Meseeks and
Mudae have been moving things around due to Tristan's request to make more space for the
tacticians room. Only they were allowed to do it due to Tristan not wanting it to be known by
anyone else. In the hospital Lev gotten up from his hospital bed in his hospital gown and
started taking semi limping steps to outside of his hospital room and to the cafeteria since he
has healed enough to be able to walk properly. He was holding onto his IV machine as
support and Terrence walked by his side. He rubbed his fur against Lev’s exposed right calf
due to the hospital gown only reaching the knees, he entered the cafeteria and asked for
some pancakes with strawberry jam, because holy shit even though this isn’t is Sweden,
swedish pancakes with strawberry jam slaps frfr. Back to the story… Lev slowly eats his
pancakes, unable to use his right hand he simply uses his left. A bit farther away, Aracki fully
heals his wounds and seems to be in peak condition again, he does a simple stretch and
then picks up his sickle, he looks behind him to see the highest tower of Alamain, it is quite
large and he has visited the kingdom in his adolescence when his family was gonna meet
the royal family of Alamain. He walks to the entrance gates a few hundred metres away and
recognizes one of the guards, “Hello. I am a traveller from Newmodia, may I be given entry
to this kingdom?” Both of the guards seems to be on guard but Aracki doesn’t seem to be
too bothered. He sighs and says, “I am Aracki Von Garde, the same child who got lost whilst
wandering off and I was found by you” He points at the elderly guard who now gets closer to
inspect him, then he sighs and nods and whispers something to the other guard who now
lets Aracki go past them. Aracki lowers his head slightly as to show respect to them before
entering the kingdom, walking into the kingdom he sees a flourishing city with noise all over,
he hears gossip from the town girls. People negotiating prices for fruits and such. The
fountain pouring clear water and children eating icecream together. Aracki thought about
Newmodia, realising that Guayi has been in ruins and still is because of the invasion. He
walks around just enjoying Alamain. Surprisingly close enough, Aracki is approaching
Alamain planning on using it as a place to hide, he remembers how Alicia never considered
to find him there when he ran away from Newmodia. He would go to the gates and the
guards look at him with surprise and ask “Did you not just come in?” Aracki looks at them
with confusion and shakes his head. Then the younger guard just sighs and opens the gate
to him and Aracki enters, he quickly looks around before going to a restaurant. The
restaurant seemed to be serving kebab native to the east, he orders a döner and pays
before leaving with it. In a bar Doga seems to be humming, he sees two guards who looked
tired and waves at them “Hey there! You seem to have finished training, first two mugs are
on the house!” The guards faces light up as they get to the counter and get ready for a mug,
Doga takes out some home made mead and slides it across the table to them, the men chug
it all down and both sigh at the same time seeming to be very happy costumers. Doga
smiles seeing the men being happy. In the palace Mudae slams the door down to the royal
bedroom to see Tristan, Lucid, Cake and Freja talking with each other. The quartet look at
Mudae with confusion and before speaking Mudae gasps for air and blurts “I know where the
Terranian army might be located and from intel from the scouts we will need to be ready for
another attack in possibly less than a fortnight.” Freja stares blankly, Lucid grits his teeth,
Cake sweats and Tristan seems to be experiencing terrible memories of his fight. Down
south Alicia, Wilkask and Kae are setting up camp near the cliff, the train was still burning
and it’s colour lit up the entirety of the crater. Alicia wrapped some bandages around her
wounds, Wilkask decided to smoke a bit, his eyes slowly became bloodshot, and Kae was
sleeping in one of the tents. Alicia was wondering what to do next, asking Wilkask “Do you
believe we should return to Guayi?” Wilkask puffs some of the smoke and then says “I think
it’s our safest option. Alicia nodded before finalising the patches, then she went to her tent
and looking at the greyish blue tent cover her eyes slowly blur as she closes them. Hearing
the crackling fire slowly muffle and she falls asleep on the soft tent. Wilkask stops puffing
and then lights out the flame with a swift wave, then he closes his eyes and starts meditating
being in a semi sleeping state. Nothing unusual. The sun rises as the orange sky and pink
toned clouds accompany it, Alicia yawns as she wakes up, her eyes squinting before leaving
the tent to see Wilkask and Kae gossiping about life. And when they see Alicia they simply
give a smile before continuing to make eggs and gossiping. Somewhere else Tinky has been
humming to himself, using a crystal ball to see what has been happening in the frogs
perspectives, in one of the visions he sees a frog hopping near some kind of wasteland, near
an inactive volcano. He becomes curious and had the frog bounce closer, the frog started
bouncing towards the mountain since it had extreme elemental energy radiating from it. The
frog approaches the mountain and what Tinky sees makes his heart drop… He sees a
gigantic cocoon that seemed to be acting like a heart, everytime it beats a red light shines
from it and he sees a gigantic creature inside in a foetal position. He sweats and decides to
have the frog retreat but before he could the frog started rotting and then. The glass ball
stopped showing the vision, he stares at the clear transparent ball for a good hour. He
doesn’t know what he saw but he knows it isn’t good. Back in Newmodia Tristan enters a
room and looks upon the map laid out on a giant table, and out of the shadows Freja, Lucid,
and Cake approach the map. Nobody utters a word. And Freja just points a stick at places of
the map. It is as if they are planning a raid towards a mountain. Then they leave the room
and to the dining hall. Aracki meanwhile is just walking down the streets of Alamain before
he bumps into someone. “Oh hey sor-” He looks at the person he bumped into, it was…
Aracki? (Alt universe Aracki will be dubbed Aracki AU until Aracki is no longer there) “Who
are you?” Aracki AU looks back and says, “The question should be. Who are YOU?” They
both slowly try to touch one another by poking them trying to see if the other is real, the
moment their fingers touch a zap shocks their fingers away. “Who are you anyway?” Aracki
asks. “I am Aracki Von Garde, I was once the prince of the fallen nation of Guayi Newmodia
and I was one of the only survivors of the purge. I was recently brought into this world…
Everything is the same but it is also different.” Aracki looks in disbelief, he tries to utter a
word but the realisation of how Tinky could replace him.

Doga’s Bizarre Adventure


Doga looked onto the mutilated battlefield. His friends have all died, the blood of everyone
covered the field into a crimson shade. It was raining a dark substance. He looks around and
then when looking at the mountain, he sees a giant beast. It was as if it was trying to reach
out for something. Or someone. Walking to it he sees the eyes of the creature, it doesn’t
seem dead, but as if it was frozen permanently. Fear strikes Doga, the eyes seem to dilate
and contract. But before he could do anything. A beam of light strikes down the earth, Doga
screams in pain. He felt as if his skin was burning, and then suddenly it stopped. Streaks of
smoke emit from Doga due to the burns. And then he saw the sky gaining a cut. Before long
a giant hole was created and it seemed to be a void. Every single body was lifted up into the
hole. “NO. NO WHAT’S GOING ON” Doga screams in panic. He tries to grab a hold of one
of the bodies but it still gets lifted up. He lets go before the fall becomes fatal. He feel
goosebumps from the land and starts grabbing anybody he sees trying desperately to save
them. He grabs onto the swamp-like body of Tinky. However another hole opens up under
the swampy body. He then runs to Aracki’s body and sees the same thing happening. He is
left hopeless as everyone’s corpses ascend. Once the final corpse. The giant beast is sent
to the sky. A powerful explosion erupts in the sky. It has the appearance of a supernova
however it didn’t destroy earth. The particles fell onto the crimson field and coloured the
crimson into many shades. It was beautiful. Doga would then walk looking for any remaining
survivors. He would go to the once mighty empire of Guayi Newmodia, it all felt ominous
since nothing even moved. There were no animals, at best there were trees and vegetation
but that’s all, he could only hear the winded noises. And the trees are rustling. It took what
felt like days for him to reach the place. He looked out into the grey kingdom. Seeing what
used to be a city filled with laughter and cries. Now but an empty husk of another empty
husk. He felt empty but he still approached the kingdom. Long ago there were many
guardsmen protecting the gate to make sure intruders didn't come. But now nobody is there.
Doga looks around to see the blacksmith purely empty, he didn’t understand how something
could feel so dead. He then looked around the market, the fruits and vegetables had spoiled
rotten. He feels disappointed, he realises and then runs into his bar. He saw that everything
seemed how he left it, he would go behind the counter and take out his most potent alcohol.
And started drinking away his sorrows, it all felt better when the alcohol got into his system.
His cheeks were now a pink shade and were far warmer than they usually would be. He just
enjoys himself by drinking and drinking. Praying that everything would be better. Praying that
this was all just a sick fucking dream. Praying… That he could join his friends, before he
passes out he mumbles “If only I was stronger…” Leaving the unconscious body left in the
candlelit bar. In the dark empty kingdom. In the dark empty world.

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