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Universal Laws of

Galileo and Newton’s
Galileo’s Horizontal Motion
 In an experiment in which he let a
perfectly round ball an inclined surface,
Galileo was observed the following:
✓ As the ball rolls down the inclined plane,
it speeds up
✓ As the ball rolls up the inclined plane, it
slows down
✓ On perfectly completely horizontal plane,
the ball neither speed up
Galileo claimed that under
ideal conditions, that is in the
absence of friction or air
resistance, the ball would
continue rolling up to a height
above the base equal to the
height from which it had been
Galileo suggested that natural
horizontal motion is the
motion at a uniform speed in a
straight-line, and this is just as
natural as at-rest state of
Galileo developed the concept
of inertia which is the tendency
of an object to maintain its
initial state of motion, may it be
at rest or in motion.

The property of a body to resist

changes to its state of motion is called
Newton’s Law of Motion
 Newton’s notable discovery was to show
that the different kinds of motion can be
thought of as different aspects of the same
thing. He introduced the idea of motion
being affected by a force, then
transformed this idea in a quantitative
Newton claimed that things tend to keep
on doing what they are already doing.

Newton associated the concept of

inertia to mass.
✓ originally, he called mass as a
quantity of matter, but later
redefined it as a measure of inertia.
Newton first law of motion,
which is also known as the law of
inertia, states that, “an object
at rest will stay at rest, and an
object in motion will stay in
motion at constant velocity,
unless acted upon by an
unbalanced force”
Objects at Rest
Objects in a state of rest
tend to remain at rest.

Objects in Motion
Objects in motion tends to keep on
moving, unless acted upon by an
external force.
The law of inertia presents a different
way of viewing motion. From the
classical idea that continual forces
were needed to maintain motion, we
now know that objects continue to
move by themselves. To overcome the
presence of friction, as well as to set
objects in motion initially, forces are
needed. The object will in a straight
line indefinitely if it is moving in a
force-free movement.
Thankyou for watching!
I hope you learned
something. 😊

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