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1. Pay attention to the audio as you read the dialogue and then complete the
dialogue with the words of the box.
Sustainability Protection Climate change Recycling Endangered species

Landfill waste Deforestation Conservation

The life in the earth has been extinc since 2023 for the careless of the human
being. Before the apocalypse happened, three scientist argue about the possible
causes and solutions to save the earth from its imminent end.
Scientific 1: I think that life on earth has been ending by de drastic
That change has affected everyone, even the
animals of that time.
Scientific 2: I share it with you too. I believe that the other cause has been the
in the sea by companies. Many marine species
have been extincting for that, like fishes and whales, they’re
right now.
Scientific 3: and people, of course. Are very few who have been
There is definitely no awareness on the subject.
Scientific 1: yeah, you’re right . Has been always disliking how is the subject
treated, as if it didn't matter.

Scientific 3: And don't forget Its practice only means the

damage of the ecosystem and spoils the ground.
Scientific 2: At this rate we will end up moving to Mars, like in the movies.
Scientific 3: Don't be ridiculous, we haven't even gone to the moon again and
we're going to live on Mars.
Scientific 1: calm down you two. A solution would be to promote
you know, as green companies that are careful with the
environment. Also the of animals.
Scientific 3: You are right, also the of nature is very
important. A world without trees would be horrible. We won't survive for much.
And so, the scientists kept arguing, but none of their ideas could stop the next

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