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“A girl with her dog”

By: Jenel Rose Buenavista

When: June 12, 2023

Where: Cayus, Pilar, Capiz

Describe what you see.

I see a girl sitting on a bench with her dog beside her. The scene is set in
a quiet, serene atmosphere, with the moon and a starry sky in the background.
The girl seems to be looking up at the sky, while the dog is sitting down next to

Discuss how you use the principles of composition.

It creates a visually stunning composition through its combination of

balance, contrast, movement, and proportion. The serene atmosphere of the
image and the connection between the girl and her dog make for a captivating
and peaceful scene.

Balance: The painting's composition may be balanced by the central placement

of the girl and her dog, with the moon and the starry universe providing a
balanced backdrop. This central composition creates a sense of symmetry and
stability and may draw the viewer's focus to the girl and her dog, who are the
primary subjects of the painting.

Contrast: The composition may use contrast to create depth and interest. The
black tones of the girl and her dog may contrast with the cool tones of the
starry sky, creating a sense of depth and perspective. Additionally, the contrast
between the girl and her dog may highlight the girl's affection for her pet and
create a sense of companionship and warmth.

Movement: Although the painting shows a relatively static scene, it employs

movement through the diagonal placement of the bench and the diagonal angle
of the girl's body. This diagonal line creates a sense of energy and motion in
the painting.

Proportion: The painting utilizes different sizes of objects to create a sense of

depth and movement. The girl is depicted as larger and more detailed
compared to the dog, which helps to emphasize the girl's importance in the
composition. The sizes of the stars in the sky also effectively convey the sense
of depth in the painting.

What is the theme/Identify the purpose of your work.

The theme of the painting "A Girl and her Dog" is companionship, a
peaceful and playful night scene in which a girl is enjoying a moment of
companionship with her dog, while the purpose of this work is to express my
feelings and be dedicated to my dog, it is also to depict the beauty of the
simple joys of spending time in nature with a beloved pet, to convey a sense of
relaxation and contentment, and to portray a peaceful moment of bonding
between me and my dog, depicting the beauty of the natural world and the
special relationship between humans and animals.

Describe your own reaction with your work.

My own reaction to my painting is peacefulness because the girl in the

painting is depicted with her dog closed, giving a sense of inner peace and
relaxation. It is evident from her posture that she is taking in the quiet
surroundings and breathing in the fresh air. The dog next to her is relaxed,
enjoying his companion's presence without a care in the world. Overall, the
painting creates a feeling of calmness and peacefulness, making the viewer feel
at ease and relaxed. It also reminds me of a serene moment shared between me
and my furry friend, and I can easily imagine them in the same position,
enjoying the peace and quiet of nature with their loyal companion.

Decide whether you think your work is successful or not.

It can be considered a successful painting. It skillfully depicts the serene

and peaceful ambiance of a girl enjoying a quiet night with her loyal and loving
companion. The use of subtle colors and brush strokes adds to the calmness
and simplicity of the artwork. Moreover, the theme of the painting highlights
the significance of companionship, trust, and loyalty in a relationship.
Therefore, from an artistic point of view, the painting is effective in successfully
conveying its message.

Summarize why you think your work is successful or unsuccessful.

I believe it is successful because, based on its technical execution, theme,

and ability to convey a sense of relaxation and companionship between a girl
and her dog, one could argue that the painting is successful in achieving its
intended purpose. The painting effectively captures a peaceful and playful
moment between a girl and her dog in a nighttime setting, evoking a sense of
calmness and contentment. The use of brushstrokes, composition, and color to
create a sense of balance and harmony also contributes to the overall mood and
atmosphere of the painting and effectively supports the theme and purpose of
the work. Overall, the painting seems to convey its intended message
effectively, making it successful.

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