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On rectifying curves in Euclidean 3-space

Article in Turkish Journal of Mathematics · March 2018

DOI: 10.3906/mat-1701-52

47 2,738

3 authors:

Sharief Deshmukh Bang-Yen Chen

King Saud University Michigan State University


Sana Hamoud Alshammari Alshammari

University of Tabuk


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Turkish Journal of Mathematics Turk J Math
(2018) 42: 609 – 620
Research Article doi:10.3906/mat-1701-52

On rectifying curves in Euclidean 3-space

Sharief DESHMUKH1 , Bang-Yen CHEN2,∗, Sana Hamoud ALSHAMMARI1

Department of Mathematics, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Department of Mathematics, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, USA

Received: 17.01.2017 • Accepted/Published Online: 02.06.2017 • Final Version: 24.03.2018

Abstract: First, we study rectifying curves via the dilation of unit speed curves on the unit sphere S 2 in the Euclidean
space E3 . Then we obtain a necessary and sufficient condition for which the centrode d(s) of a unit speed curve α(s) in
E3 is a rectifying curve to improve a main result of [4]. Finally, we prove that if a unit speed curve α(s) in E3 is neither
a planar curve nor a helix, then its dilated centrode β(s) = ρ(s)d(s) , with dilation factor ρ , is always a rectifying curve,
where ρ is the radius of curvature of α .

Key words: Rectifying curve, centrode, spherical curve, dilated centrode

1. Introduction
Let α : I → E3 be a unit speed curve with curvature κ and torsion τ (cf. [10, 12]). In order that the curvature κ
and the torsion τ of α are at least twice differentiable, let us assume that the curve α is of class C 5 throughout
this paper.
Important types of curves in E3 are helices (characterized by τ = cκ, c constant), spherical curves
(characterized by ρ2 + (ρ′ σ)2 = constant, with ρ = κ−1 = radius of curvature, σ = τ −1 = radius of torsion),
and rectifying curves (characterized by τ /κ = as + b, a ̸= 0 , b are constants).
It has been observed in [2, 4] that for a given unit speed curve y(t) on the unit sphere S 2 centered at the
origin and a positive differentiable function f (t), the dilation α(t) = f (t)y(t) of y(t) with dilation factor f (t)
is a rectifying curve if and only if f (t) = a sec(t + t0 ), for some constants a > 0 and t0 . Moreover, it is known
that centrodes (i.e. angular velocity vectors) play some important roles in mechanics and joint kinematics (cf.
[1, 5, 11, 13, 14]). So far, rectifying curves are constructed via two main sources, namely dilations of unit speed
curves on S 2 (cf. [2]) and the centrodes of twisted curves (cf. [4]).
As rectifying curves are important, so is the relation between the Frenet–Serret apparatus {κ, τ, T, N, B}
of the rectifying curve α(t) = a sec(t + t0 )y(t) and that of the unit speed curve y(t). In this paper, we will
address this question and derive the Frenet–Serret apparatus of the rectifying curve α(t) in terms of that of
the unit speed curve y(t) .
Regarding the centrode d = τ T + κB of a unit speed twisted curve in E3 , it was shown in [4] that the
centrode of a unit speed curve α : I → E3 with nonzero constant curvature κ and nonconstant torsion τ is
2000 AMS Mathematics Subject Classification: 53A15, 53C40, 53C42

DESHMUKH et al./Turk J Math

a rectifying curve and vice versa. It is natural to seek a generalization of this result, or more precisely, seek
a necessary and sufficient condition for the centrode of a unit speed curve to be a rectifying curve. In this
respect, first we observe that the centrode of any helix cannot be a rectifying curve. Then we answer the above
mentioned question for nonhelical curves by showing that a necessary and sufficient for the centrode of a twisted
nonhelical curve to be a rectifying curve is that the curvature κ and torsion τ satisfy a nonhomogeneous linear
equation in κ, τ , namely aκ − bτ = c for constants a, b, c with a2 + b2 ̸= 0 and c ̸= 0 (cf. Theorem 4.1).
Finally, for a unit speed curve α : I → E3 with curvature κ > 0 , we consider the dilated centrode
β(s) = ρ(s)d(s) of α with dilation factor ρ = κ−1 . We prove that if α is neither a planar curve nor a helix,
then β is always a rectifying curve (cf. Theorem 5.1). The last result provides a new way to construct ample
examples of rectifying curves associated with unit speed twisted curves via their dilated centrodes.

2. Preliminaries
Let α : I → E3 be a unit speed curve with curvature κ > 0 and let {κ, τ, T, N, B} be the Frenet–Serret
apparatus of α . Then α is said to be a rectifying curve if it satisfies ⟨α(s), N (s)⟩ = 0 , s ∈ I ; in other
words, the position vector of α(s) always lies in its rectifying plane spanned by its unit tangent vector T and
binormal B .
The distance function f (s) = ∥α(s)∥ of the rectifying curve satisfies

f (s) = s2 + c1 s + c2 , (2.1)

where c1 and c2 are constants and the converse is also true. Moreover, it is also known that the unit speed
curve α is a rectifying curve if and only if the ratio of torsion τ and curvature κ satisfies

= as + b, (2.2)

for some constants a ̸= 0 and b (see, for instance, [2, 4, 6, 8]).

The centrode of α : I → E3 is defined by

d = τ T + κB,

which is the angular velocity vector of the motion of a mass particle along the curve α and it obeys the laws of
T ′ = d × T, N ′ = d × N, B ′ = d × B.

The centrodes of unit speed curves were used in [4] to characterize rectifying curves (cf. [4, Theorem 1]).
Another major source of examples of rectifying curves is the dilation of a unit speed curve on the unit sphere
S 2 ⊂ E3 centered at the origin by a positive dilation factor (cf. [2, 4]). In fact, it was proved in [2] that if y(t)
is a unit speed curve on S 2 and f (t) is a differentiable function, then α(t) = f (t)y(t) is a rectifying curve if
and only if
f (t) = a sec(t + t0 ), (2.3)

where a > 0 and t0 are constants (cf. [2, Theorem 3]).

We shall find the curvature κy of the unit speed curve y(t), which will be used in the subsequent work
in this paper. Note that Ty = y ′ and that {y, y ′ , y × y ′ } is an orthonormal frame of E3 and thus using

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Frenet–Serret formulae for y(t), and

y ′′ = −y + h y × y ′ , (2.4)

with h = ⟨y ′′ , y × y ′ ⟩.
From (2.4) we have
1 h
Ty = y ′ , Ny = − y+ y × y′ (2.5)
κy κy

It follows from the second equation in (2.5) that

κy = 1 + h2 . (2.6)

3. Rectifying curves via dilation of curves on S 2

One major source of examples of rectifying curves is provided by the dilated curves α(t) = a sec(t + t0 )y(t) with
constants a > 0, t0 , where y(t) is a unit speed curve on S 2 ⊂ E3 centered at the origin (cf. [2]). However, if
we consider an arc of the great circle y(t) = (cos t, 0, sin t) and the curve

α(t) = a sec(t + t0 )y(t) = a (sec(t + t0 ) cos t, 0, sec(t + t0 ) sin t) ,

then we find the speed vα and the tangent vector filed Tα of α as

vα = a sec2 (t + t0 ), Tα = (sin t0 , 0, cos t0 ) ,

and consequently the curvature κα of α is zero. Hence α cannot be a rectifying curve, as the definition of
rectifying curve requires that its curvature is positive. Therefore, not all curves that are dilations of unit speed
curve y(t) on S 2 of the type α(t) = a sec(t + t0 )y(t) are rectifying curves. This suggests finding the Frenet–
Serret apparatus for the curve α(t) = a sec(t + t0 )y(t) , which will help us to exclude those unit speed curves on
S 2 , which do not allow α to be a rectifying curve (also pointed out independently in [3]).

Theorem 3.1 Let y(t) be a unit speed curve on the unit sphere S 2 centered at the origin o ∈ E3 and let
α(t) = a sec(t + t0 )y(t) be a dilation of α . Then we have

1 √ 1 √
κα = cos3 (t + t0 ) κ2y − 1, τα = cos2 (t + t0 ) sin(t + t0 ) κ2y − 1,
a a

Tα = sin(t + t0 )y + cos(t + t0 )y ′ , Nα = y × y ′ , Bα = cos(t + t0 )y − sin(t + t0 )y ′ ,

where κy is the curvature of the unit speed curve y(t) and {κα , τα , Tα , Nα , Bα } is the Frenet–Serret apparatus
of α .

Proof Under the hypothesis of the theorem, it is easy to verify that the speed of α is given by vα = a sec2 (t+t0 ),
and consequently we get
Tα = sin(t + t0 )y + cos(t + t0 )y ′ .

Recall that {y, y ′ , y × y ′ } is an orthonormal frame of E3 along y(s) . Let s be the arc-length parameter for α ;
then we have
= a sec2 (t + t0 ).

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By differentiating the expression for Tα and using equation (2.4) and Frenet–Serret formulae, we find

aκα sec2 (t + t0 )Nα = hy × y ′

with h = ⟨y ′′ , y × y ′ ⟩. Hence, by using equation (2.6), we derive

1 √
κα = cos3 (t + t0 ) κ2y − 1 and Nα = y × y ′ .

Now, using Bα = Tα × Nα , we get

Bα = cos(t + t0 )y − sin(t + t0 )y ′ .

After differentiating the equation above and using equation (2.4) and Frenet–Serret formulae we obtain

−aτα sec2 (t + t0 )Nα = − sin(t + t0 )hy × y ′ ,

and it leads to
1 √
τα = cos2 (t + t0 ) sin(t + t0 ) κ2y − 1.
This completes the proof of the theorem. 2

Remark 3.1 Since by Theorem A (cf. [4, page 80]) the curve α(t) = a sec(t + t0 )y(t) is a rectifying curve that
requires κα > 0 . Hence we have the following result according to Theorem 3.1.

Corollary 3.1 Let y(t) be a unit speed curve on the unit sphere S 2 that is not an arc of the great circle; then
α(t) = a sec(t + t0 )y(t) is a rectifying curve.

Since great circles need to be excluded in Theorem 3 of [2]. Consequently, Theorem 3 of [2] can be
restated as follows.

Theorem A Let y : I → S 2 be a unit speed curve on the unit sphere S 2 centered at the origin o ∈ E3 and
f (t) a positive differentiable function defined on open interval I . Then α(t) = f (t)y(t) is a rectifying curve if
and only if f (t) = a sec(t + t0 ) for some constants a > 0 and t0 such that there exists no subinterval J ⊂ I
with y(J) ⊂ S 2 ∩ E2 for any 2-plane E2 containing the origin of E3 .

4. Centrodes of unit speed curves

Let α : I → E3 be a unit speed curve with Frenet–Serret apparatus {κ, τ, T, N, B} and let d : I → E3 be the
centrode of α defined by
d(t) = τ (t)T (t) + κ(t)B(t). (4.1)

In view of Frenet–Serret formulae, equation (4.1) yields

d′ = τ ′ T + κ′ B.

Consequently, the speed vd of centrode d is given by

vd = τ ′2 + κ′2 . (4.2)

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Thus the unit tangent vector field Td of the centrode is given by

τ′ κ′
Td = T + B. (4.3)
vd vd

Let s be the arc-length parameter and let κd denote the curvature of the centrode. Then, by differentiating
equation (4.3), we find
( ′ )′ ( ′ ) ( ′ )′
τ τ κ − κ′ τ κ
κd vd Nd = T+ N+ B. (4.4)
vd vd vd

We give the following easy result, which provides a simple characterization of helices in terms of centrode.

Proposition 4.1 Let α : I → E3 be a unit speed curve whose curvature κ and torsion τ satisfy κ > 0 and
τ ′2 + κ′2 ̸= 0 . Then α is a helix if and only if its centrode is a line segment.

Proof If the centrode of α is a line segment, then equation (4.4) gives τ ′ κ = κ′ τ and this shows that τ /κ is
a constant. Hence α is a helix.
Conversely, if α is a helix, then we have τ = ck for some constant c ̸= 0 , and thus equation (4.4) gives
kd = 0 . Hence α is a line segment. 2
Next, we prove the following result, which can be regarded as a generalization of [4, Theorems 1 and 2].

Theorem 4.1 We have:

(a) Let α = α(t) be a unit speed curve in E3 whose curvature κ and torsion τ satisfy κ, τ ̸= 0 and
τ ′2 + κ′2 ̸= 0 . If α is not a helix, then the centrode d = τ T + κB of α is a rectifying curve if and
only if κ and τ satisfy a nonhomogeneous linear equation aκ − bτ = c , so that a, b, c are constants with
a2 + b2 ̸= 0 and c ̸= 0 .

(b) If κ′ ̸= 0 and if the centrode d(t) of α(t) is a rectifying curve, then the Frenet–Serret apparatus
{κd , τd , Td , Nd , Bd } of the centrode satisfies

ĉκ − τ κ + ĉτ ĉ 1
κd = , τd = ′ , Td = √ T+√ B
κ′ (1 + ĉ2 ) κ (1 + ĉ2 ) 1 + ĉ2 1 + ĉ2

1 ĉ
Nd = N, Bd = − √ T+√ B,
1 + ĉ2 1 + ĉ2
where ĉ = a/b and a, b are defined as in statement (a).

(c) If τ ′ ̸= 0 and if the centrode d(t) is a rectifying curve, then the Frenet–Serret apparatus {κd , τd , Td , Nd , Bd }
of the centrode satisfies

κ − c̄τ c̄κ + τ 1 c̄
κd = , τd = ′ , Td = √ T+√ B
τ ′ (1 + c̄2 ) τ (1 + c̄2 ) 1 + c̄2 1 + c̄2

c̄ 1
Nd = N, Bd = − √ T+√ B,
1 + c̄2 1 + c̄2
where c̄ = b/a and a, b are defined as in statement (a).

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Note that {κ, τ, T, N, B} in statements (b) and (c) denotes the Frenet–Serret apparatus of the unit speed
curve α .

Proof Let α = α(t) be a unit speed curve in E3 whose curvature κ and torsion τ satisfy κ, τ ̸= 0 and
τ ′2 + κ′2 ̸= 0 . Assume that α is not a helix.
Using equations (4.2) and (4.4), we find

√ ( )′ ( )′
τ′ κ′
κd τ ′2 + κ′2 ⟨Nd (t), d(t)⟩ = τ √ +κ √ . (4.5)
τ + κ′2
′2 τ + κ′2

Since α is not a helix, τ /κ is nonconstant. Thus, it follows from Proposition 4.1 that we have κd > 0 and as

τ ′2 + κ′2 ̸= 0. Hence equation (4.5) implies that
( )′ ( )′
τ′ κ′
τ √ +κ √ =0 (4.6)
τ ′2 + κ′2 τ ′2 + κ′2

holds identically if and only if ⟨Nd (t), d(t)⟩ = 0 holds identically. The latter condition means that the position
vector field of the centrode always lies in the rectifying plane of the centrode. Consequently, the centrode d(t)
of α(t) is a rectifying curve if and only if equation (4.6) holds.
Now we shall solve differential equation (4.6). Since τ ′2 + κ′2 ̸= 0 , we have either κ′ ̸= 0 or τ ′ ̸= 0 .

Case (1): κ′ ̸= 0. In this case we define a function g1 by

( )
g1 (t) = tan−1 . (4.7)

From (4.7) we get

τ′ κ′
sin g1 (t) = √ and cos g1 (t) = √ . (4.8)
τ ′2 + κ′2 τ ′2 + κ′2
It is direct to verify that equation (4.6) is equivalent to

(τ cos g1 (t) − κ sin g1 (t)) g1′ (t) = 0. (4.9)

If τ cos g1 (t) − κ sin g1 (t) = 0 holds, then

τ τ′
= tan g1 (t) = ′ ,
κ κ

which implies that τ /κ is a constant. However, this is impossible since the curve α is not a helix. Therefore,
we obtain g1′ (t) = 0 from (4.9), and thus g1 (t) is a constant. Consequently, τ ′ = c1 κ′ for some constant c1 . If
we put c1 = a/b for constants a, b , then we obtain aκ − bτ = c for some constant c . Since τ /κ is nonconstant,
we must have c ̸= 0 and hence a2 + b2 ̸= 0.

Case (2): τ ′ ̸= 0 . In this case we define a function g2 (t) by

( ′)
g2 (t) = tan−1 ′ . (4.10)

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From (4.10) we get

κ′ τ′
sin g2 (t) = √ and cos g2 (t) = √ . (4.11)
τ ′2 + κ′2 τ ′2 + κ′2
Similarly, we know that equation (4.6) is equivalent to

(τ cos g2 (t) − κ sin g2 (t)) g2′ (t) = 0. (4.12)

Now, by applying a similar argument as Case (1), we obtain aκ − bτ = c for some constants a, b, c with
a2 + b2 ̸= 0 and c ̸= 0.
Conversely, it is easy to verify that if κ and τ satisfy aκ − bτ = c for some constants a, b, c satisfying
a + b ̸= 0 and c ̸= 0, then κ and τ satisfy the differential equation (4.6). This proves statement (a).
2 2

To prove statement (b) and statement (c), let us assume that the centrode d(t) is a rectifying curve.
Then statement (a) implies that the curvature and torsion of α(t) satisfy a nonhomogeneous linear equation

aκ − bτ = c (4.13)

for some constants a, b, c satisfying a2 + b2 ̸= 0 and c ̸= 0 . In particular, we have either (i) b ̸= 0 or (ii) a ̸= 0 .

Case (i): b ̸= 0. We find from (4.13) that

τ ′ = ĉκ′ , ĉ = . (4.14)
Therefore we find from (4.2) and (4.3) that
√ ĉ 1
vd = κ′ 1 + ĉ2 , Td = √ T+√ B. (4.15)
1 + ĉ2 1 + ĉ2

Consequently, equation (4.4) reduces to

√ ĉκ − τ
κd κ′ 1 + ĉ2 Nd = √ N,
1 + ĉ2

which gives
ĉκ − τ
κd = and Nd = N . (4.16)
κ′ (1 + ĉ2 )

By using equations (4.15), (4.16) and Bd = Td × Nd , we get

1 c
Bd = − √ T+√ B,
1+c2 1 + c2

which on differentiation and using Frenet–Serret formulae gives

√ ĉτ + κ
−τd κ′d 1 + ĉ2 Nd = − √ N.
1 + ĉ2

This proves statement (b).

Case (ii): a ̸= 0. From (4.13) we have κ′ = c̄τ ′ , c̄ = b/a. Thus we may apply a method similar to Case (i) to
obtain statement (c). 2

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Remark 4.1 The condition aκ − bτ = c with a2 + b2 ̸= 0 and c ̸= 0 given in Theorem 4.1(a) has been used
by Lucas and Ortega-Yagües in [9] for their study of Betrand curves in the Euclidean 3-space E3 or Lorentz–
Minkowski 3-space L3 .

Remark 4.2 Let α(t) be the unit speed curve of Theorem 4.1 with κ′ ̸= 0 such that the centrode d(t) of α is
a rectifying curve. Then as ĉκ′ = τ ′ , we get ĉκ = τ + c1 for a constant c1 ̸= 0 (as τ /κ is nonconstant), that

is, ĉκ − τ = c1 . Moreover, the arc-length parameter s of the rectifying curve d(t) satisfies ds dt = κ 1 + ĉ2 ,
which gives

s = κ 1 + ĉ2 + b

for a constant b. Thus, after using the expressions of curvature and torsion of d(t), we obtain

τd ĉτ + κ ĉτ + κ ĉ κ
= = = (ĉκ − c1 ) +
κd ĉκ − τ c1 c1 c1
( 2 ) ( )
ĉ + 1 ĉ2 + 1 s−b
= κ − ĉ = √ − ĉ
c1 c1 1 + ĉ2
= As + B,

where A ̸= 0 , B are constants. Thus, the ratio τd /κd is a linear function of the arc-length s as required by a
rectifying curve (cf. [2, Theorem 2]).

Also observe that

τ 2 + κ2 = (ĉκ − c1 ) + κ2 = (1 + ĉ2 )κ2 − 2ĉc1 κ + c21
(s − b) s−b
= (1 + ĉ2 ) − 2ĉc1 √ + c21
(1 + ĉ2 ) 1 + ĉ2
= s2 + λ1 s + λ2 ,

where λ1 , λ2 are constants. Therefore the distance function f (s) = ||d(s)|| of the rectifying curve d satisfies

f (s) = s2 + λ1 s + λ2 , as required by a rectifying curve (cf. [2, Theorem 1]).
Note that similar arguments hold for a unit speed curve α(t) with τ ′ ̸= 0 (instead of κ′ ̸= 0 ) and with
a rectifying centrode.
Finally, in this section we present the following corollaries of Theorem 4.1, which could be used to
construct ample examples of rectifying curves.

Corollary 4.1 Let α : I → E3 be a unit speed curve whose curvature κ and torsion τ satisfy κ′ ̸= 0 , τ /κ
nonconstant, and τ ′ = ĉκ′ , ĉ being a constant. Then the centrode d(t) of α is a rectifying curve with curvature
κd = ±a/κ′ and torsion τd = (b1 s + c1 )/κ′ for some constants a ̸= 0 , b1 ̸= 0 , and c1 .

Proof Under the hypothesis of the theorem, it follows from statement (a) of Theorem 4.1 that the centrode
d(t) of α is a rectifying curve satisfying
τd ĉτ + κ
= ,
κd ĉκ − τ

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which implies
( )2
τd 1 + ĉ2 ( 2 )
1+ = 2 τ + κ2 . (4.17)
κd (ĉκ − τ )
Now, as τ ′ = ĉκ′ , we have ĉκ − τ = c0 , where c0 is nonzero constant (as τ /κ is nonconstant), and equation
(4.17) leads to
τd2 + κ2d 1 + ĉ2 2
= κd . (4.18)
τ 2 + κ2 c20
Furthermore, the expressions for κd and τd give

(1 + ĉ2 )
τd2 + κ2d = (τ 2 + κ2 ),
κ′2 (1 + ĉ2 )2

that is,
τd2 + κ2d 1
= ′2 .
τ 2 + κ2 κ (1 + ĉ2 )
After combining this equation with equation (4.18), we find

c20 c22
κ2d = = ′2 .
κ′2 (1 2
+ ĉ )2 κ

where c2 is a nonzero constant. Therefore we obtain the required expression for the curvature κd of the
rectifying curve d(t).

The arc-length function s of the rectifying curve is given by s = κ 1 + ĉ2 + c3 for a constant c3 and
consequently, using the expression for torsion τd in statement (b) of Theorem 4.1, we derive that

ĉτ + κ ĉ(ĉκ − c0 ) + κ
τd = =
κ′ (1 + ĉ2 ) κ′ (1 + ĉ2 )
[ ]
(1 + ĉ2 )κ − ĉc0 1 s − c3 ĉc0
= = ′ √ −
κ′ (1 + ĉ2 ) κ (1 + ĉ2 ) (1 + ĉ2 )
c4 s + c5
= ,
where c4 ̸= 0 and c5 are constants. 2

Remark 4.3 A result similar to Corollary 4.1 holds for a unit speed curve satisfying τ ′ ̸= 0 , τ /κ nonconstant,
and κ′ = c̄τ ′ with constant c̄ .

5. Dilated centrodes as rectifying curves

In this last section, we study the dilated centrode of a unit speed twisted curve α : I → E3 with κ > 0 and
τ ̸= 0 . The dilated centrode of α(t) is defined by

τ (t)
β(t) = ρ(t)d(t) = T + B, (5.1)

where d = τ T + κB is the centrode and ρ = κ−1 is the radius of curvature of α .

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Theorem 5.1 Let α : I → E3 be a unit speed curve with curvature κ > 0 . If α is neither a planar curve nor
a helix, then the dilated centrode β(t) = ρ(t)d(t) of α is a rectifying curve.

Proof Let α : I → E3 be a unit speed curve of class C 5 with curvature κ > 0 . Assume that α is neither a
planar curve nor a helix. Consider the dilated centrode of α defined by (5.1). By differentiating equation (5.1)
and using Frenet–Serret formulae, we get
β ′ = (ρτ )′ T

and as α is not a helix we have (ρτ )′ ̸= 0. Thus the dilated centrode β(t) is a regular curve whose speed vβ
and unit tangent vector field Tβ are given respectively by

vβ = |(ρτ )′ | , Tβ = ±T . (5.2)

Let {κβ , τβ , Tβ , Nβ , Bβ } be the Frenet–Serret apparatus of β . Then after differentiating equation (5.2)
we find
κβ |(ρτ )′ | Nβ = ±κN ,

that is,
κβ = and Nβ = N . (5.3)
(ρτ )′

Using equations (5.1) and (5.3), we arrive at ⟨β(t), Nβ ⟩ = 0 , that is, the dilated centrode β is a rectifying curve.
This proves the theorem. 2
Note that if follows from (5.2) and (5.3) that Bβ = ±B and that

−τβ |(ρτ )′ | Nβ = ∓τ N.

Therefore we also have

τβ = . (5.4)
(ρτ )′

Remark 5.1 Let α : I → E3 be a unit speed curve with Frenet–Serret apparatus {κ, τ, T, N, B} , κ > 0 , τ ̸= 0 ,
and (ρτ )′ ̸= 0 . Then, according to Theorem 5.1, the curve β(t) = ρτ T + B is a rectifying curve whose Frenet–
Serret apparatus {κβ , τβ , Tβ , Nβ , Bβ } is given by equations (5.2) and (5.3). If s is the arc-length of β , then by
equation (5.2) we have s = ±ρτ + c , for a constant c . The distance function f (s) = ∥β(s)∥ in view of equation
(5.1) is given by
√ √ √
f (s) = 1 + ρ2 τ 2 = 1 + (s − c)2 = s2 + c1 s + c2 ,

where c1 = −2c , c2 = 1 + c2 . Hence, the distance function f (s) of the rectifying curve β has the form described
in [2].

Similarly, using equations (5.3) and (5.4), we find

τβ τ
= = ∓(s − c) = as + b,
κβ κ

where a ̸= 0 , b are constants. Therefore the ratio of torsion and curvature of the rectifying curve β is the
linear function of the arc-length (cf. e.g. [2]).

DESHMUKH et al./Turk J Math

Remark 5.2 Theorem 5.1 provides us a tool to construct many examples of rectifying curves. Indeed, if we
select a unit speed curve α : I → E3 with κ > 0 that is neither a planar curve nor a helix, then the dilated
centrode ρ(t)d(t) of α(t) is a rectifying curve. For example, if we consider the curve α : I → E3 defined by
( )
α(t) = cos t, sin t, ,

then it has speed, unit tangent vector field, and curvature given respectively by

√ 1 2 + t2
vα = 1 + t 2 , Tα = √ (− sin t, cos t, t) , κα = 3 ,
1 + t2 (1 + t2 ) 2

and with principal normal vector field

1 ( )
Nα = √ t sin t − (1 + t2 ) cos t, −(1 + t2 ) sin t − t cos t, 1 .
2 2
(1 + t )(2 + t )

The binormal vector field and torsion of α are

1 t
Bα = √ (cos t + t sin t, sin t − t cos t, 1) , τα = .
2 + t2 2 + t2

Clearly, we have κα > 0 and that α is neither a planar curve nor a helix. Hence, by Theorem 5.1, the dilated
( )
1 τα
β(t) = d(t) = Tα + Bα
kα κα

of α is a rectifying curve.

Similarly, by taking unit speed curve y(t) on the unit sphere S 2 with curvature κy and torsion τy ̸= 0
such that τy /κy is nonconstant, we could also show that the dilated centrode κ−1
y dy (t) of y(t) is a rectifying

Remark 5.3 The authors thank one of the referees, who points out to the authors that the dilated centrode of
a curve α has been studied in [7] under the name of modified Darboux vector field. Moreover, rectifying curves
are named conical geodesic curves in [7].

The authors extend their appreciations to the Deanship of Scientific Research at King Saud University for
supporting this work through research group no. RG-1437-019


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