Project Soil Amendment Proposal

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Application of mining waste for soil amendment

นาย กฤติน เปรมพงศ์พันธ์ รหัสประจำตัว 6130902821
นาย วรเมธ ลีลาอดิศร รหัสประจำตัว 6130920021
นาย อารัญ หงษ์ทอง รหัสประจำตัว 6130926921

อาจารย์ รศ.ดร. เกรียงไกร มณีอินทร์

ภาควิชาวิศวกรรมเหมืองแร่และปิโตรเลียม หลักสูตรวิศกรรมทรัพยากรธรณี
คณะวิศวกรรมศาสตร์ จุฬาลงกรณ์มหาวิทยาลัย
ปีการศึกษา 2564
Table of contents

Chapter 1
1.1. Mining waste product
1.2. Degraded soil
1.3. Soil amendment
1.4. Research objectives
1.4.1. Scope of study
1.4.2. Contribution

Chapter 2
Theories and literatures reviews
2.1. Characteristics of mixture
2.1.1. Characteristics of feldspar
2.1.2. Characteristics of bottom ash
2.1.3. Characteristics of dolomite
2.2. Application in agriculture
2.2.1. Application of feldspar in agriculture
2.2.2. Application of bottom ash in agriculture
2.2.3. Application of dolomite in agriculture
2.3. Degraded soil
2.4. Soil properties
2.5. Literature reviews
Chapter 3
3.1. Materials
3.1.1. Compositions
3.1.2. Physical properties
3.2. Equipment and procedure
3.2.1. pH measurement
3.2.3. Electrical conductivity measurement
3.2.4. Bulk density measurement (ASTM D18595B)
3.2.5. Soil texture measurement

3.3 Methodology
3.3.1. Coffee planting review
3.3.2. Implementation plan
3.3.3. Operation flowchart
3.3.4. Operating conditions
Mining waste product
Nowadays, the soil resources are degraded to a higher level in many agricultural
countries caused by many factors including using soil for a long period of time without the
principles of soil and water conservation

2007). As a result, the quality of the crops from the soil has been decreased
From the granite mining products from Siam Cement Group (SCG’s Granite mining) at
Ban Bueng district, Chonburi province, by apart from the main product such as feldspar and
quartz. There are many other components found alongside such as mica (Nallusamy, 2021)
which can be extracted and reused as a supplementary product for ceramic or glass
Dolomite, Silicon Dolomite from Fooktien Group Co.,Ltd., which are used as an
ornamental stone, a concrete aggregate, or the ingredient of magnesium production due to
its ore deposits of base metals such as copper, lead, and zinc in the general industry and also
the smelting of iron and steel manufacturing (Al-Awadi, 2009).
The other material used for this study is bottom ash, a byproduct from Electricity
Generating Authority of Thailand (EGAT’s coal power plant) at Mae Moh coal mine, Lampang
province, which is commonly considered as a coal waste and usually being stockpiled or
disposed in landfill while the power plant heating generation system consumed the burning
coal. The ashes and residual materials such as bottom ash, fly ash, and FGD waste created
from the production which will be the waste if discharged directly into the environment
(Chindaprasirt, 2008).
In this study, the waste of feldspar, dolomite and bottom ash will also be applied as
the soil property improvers through their physical and chemical characteristics for the

particular crops. This research conducts the adaptation of these minerals in the agricultural
process. They will be introduced in the agricultural process as the soil conditioners instead of
their common usage in infrastructure material or chemical industry. Furthermore, the bottom
ash which is considered as the waste material from the coal-fired power plants will be reused
in the experiment to become the value-added material.

Degraded soil
High quality soil produces good agricultural products which provide food and habitat
for animals. A major concern of good soil management is to keep the soil in place and maintain
its fertility (Alam, Soil Degradation: A Challenge to Sustainable Agriculture, 2014). Soil erosion
and the loss of fertility due to the poor farming practices are serious problems globally
(Hartemink, 1995). The indigenous systems alone are insufficient to prevent the agricultural
lands from continuing the loss of productive soil, water and nutrient resources. The main
catastrophe of soil degradation comes from farmland and urban areas concentrates water
flows and nonagricultural areas are also subjected to erosion (Alam, Soil Degradation: A
Challenge to Sustainable Agriculture, 2014).

Soil amendment
The addition of soil amendments can simulate various measurable soil properties. For
example, the samples of soil that are amended with compost exhibited have higher EC values

also the changes of soil pH value. The application of soil amendment leads straight to the
agricultural model by the comparison between the cropped soil which was amended with
organic materials that showed higher soil organic matter contents than the un-cropped soil
(Khan, 2020).

Research objectives
In this study, feldspar, dolomite from the SCG mining industry and bottom ash from Mae Moh
will be mixed with the soil sample by the various ratios and combinations according to their
chemical composition. The main objectives are:
1. To improve soil properties from degraded soil by using soil conditioners such as
feldspar, dolomite and bottom ash.
2. To measure pH, electrical conductivity, bulk density and soil texture from the mixture
of soil and soil conditioners.
3. To analyze the soil mixing ratio to fit well the plant requirement.
Scope of study
This study is operated by the laboratory experiments in the Department of Mining and
Petroleum Engineering laboratory. Also, feldspar, dolomite and bottom ash are used. Coffee
is selected as the target plant to test for the soil properties.

Thailand, as an agricultural country, uses the huge amounts of coal for power generation and

other mining industries that create significant amounts of leftovers such as feldspar. Therefore,
this study is expected to show that the waste products can be applied in agriculture to
improve the soil quality, to manage the environmental impacts, and to make profit from the
sale of waste products, thus contributing to the economic and social development of Thailand

2.1. Characteristics of mixture

2.1.1. Characteristics of feldspar
Feldspar is present in virtually all sediments and soils in quantities that vary with the nature

of original material of soils and their degree of weathering. They play a substantial role in
overall dynamics of macronutrients, K and Ca, in soils (P.M.Huang, 2004). Feldspar represents
the solid solution between the K-feldspar, Albite, and Anorthite with composition of K, Na,
and Ca. For the Alkali feldspars type are the rich compositions of K and Ca which have a range
of chemical composition and the end members may be written as KAlSi3O8 or NaAlSi3O8
(P.M.Huang, 2004).
2.1.2. Characteristics of bottom ash
Physical characteristics of bottom ash
Fly ash and bottom ash from Mae Moh power plant in the north of Thailand were used in
the research. Bottom ash was ground to a similar particle size as fly ash. Table 2.1 shows
the significant chemical composition of coal ash using X-ray fluorescence (XRF). XRD patterns
of fly ash and bottom ash displayed in Figure 2.1 show that fly ash contained a higher content
of amorphous phase particles compared to the bottom ash. The crystalline phases are
predominantly quartz and mullite (Chindaprasirt, 2008).
Table 2.1 Chemical composition and physical properties of coal ash (Chindaprasirt, 2008)

Figure 2.1 XRD patterns of fly ash and bottom ash. Q = quartz, M = mullite (Chindaprasirt,

Chemical characteristics of bottom ash

From the EDX analyses of the fly ash and bottom ash geo-polymers are also shown in the
experiment. The major elements are Si and Al, with some Na and Ca also present. The
presence of Ca is from the source materials as the fly ash and bottom ash both contain large
amounts of CaO (Chindaprasirt, 2008).

2.1.3. Characteristics of dolomite

Dolomite is a complex mineral which precipitates directly from solutions containing
magnesium, calcium and carbonate ions to form cement or unlithified sediment. Most

dolomite forms through the chemical reformation of precursor carbonate rock or sediment
primarily limestone or calcareous muds. These carbonates tend to be unstable, composed
chiefly of calcite or its more thermodynamically unstable polymorph, aragonite. When these
precursor materials are exposed to magnesium-rich fluids, a portion of the calcium ions may
be replaced by magnesium ions to form a more stable magnesium calcium carbonate known
as dolomite (Al-Awadi, 2009)

2.2. Application in agriculture

2.2.1. Application of feldspar in agriculture
In the research of (Rowell, 1988), Finely ground feldspar from the Huila area of
Colombia and KCl were used as fertilizers in a pasture experiment at Carimagua. K taken up
from the KCl with a small though non-significant response to the feldspar. During 14 months
the crop took up between 25 and 68% of the KCI-K or about 10% of the feldspar-K. Much of
the applied KCI became non-exchangeable but was released as required by the crop: the soil
contained an AI chlorite-vermiculite which held the native K and fixed and released K during
the experiment.The feldspar may be valuable as a slow release fertilizer in low input
agricultural systems particularly on leached soils of low effective cation exchange capacity
(ECEC) (Rowell, 1988).
In the study of (Ciceri, 2019), The material obtained hydrothermal alteration of K-
feldspar rock in alkaline conditions is a potential source of soluble potassium. KCl and
unaltered K-feldspar rock powder also were tested for comparison. The fresh weight and K
composition of the plants increased as doses of KCl or hydrothermal material increased, but

not with increases in K-feldspar rock. A beneficial effect may occur due to calcium supplied
or with adjustment of soil acidity by the hydrothermal material. The hydrothermal material is
a K fertilizer at least as effective as KCl since it yields the same or better plant weight (Ciceri,

2.2.2. Application of bottom ash in agriculture

In the study of (Wearing, 2008), Bottom ash that produced by the Tarong Energy coal
fired power station in South West Queensland, The volume and unique properties of bottom
ash present a significant opportunity for agronomic use. Of particular interest is the ability of
bottom ash to improve the water-holding capacity of soils. This paper details physical and
chemical properties relevant to agronomic use, and water-holding capacity of ash/hoil blends,
along with experiences in its field use in crop production (Wearing, 2008).

Bottom ash from a coal-fired power plant and two composts were tested as
components of soil-free media and as soil amendments for growing highbush blueberry.
Combinations of ash and compost were compared to Berryland sand, and Manor clay loam,
and compost amended Manor clay loam. The pH of all treatment media was adjusted to 4.5
with sulfur at the beginning of the experiment. In 1997, plants were planted in 15-dm 3 pots
containing the pH-adjusted treatment media. The presence of coal ash or composted biosolids
in the media had no detrimental effect on leaf or fruit elemental content. Total growth and
yield of both cultivars was reduced in clay loam soil compared to Berryland sand, whereas
growth and yield of plants in coal ash-compost was similar to or exceeded that of plants in

Berryland sand (Black, 2002).

2.2.3 Application of dolomite in agriculture

Dolomite, a type of limestone, provides valuable nutrients to plants and helps change
the pH of the soil by raising it to match the plants' needs. It's sometimes called dolomitic lime
or dolomitic limestone, and provides more nutrients than straight limestone. It's often used in
addition to balanced fertilizers, particularly with seeding fruit.
Dolomite powder is a limestone compound that contains calcium and magnesium.
The best mixtures contain 8 to 12 percent magnesium and 18 to 22 percent calcium. These
elements help influence the pH of the soil and provide valuable nutrients to plants. Dolomite
can often contain sodium, but it should only be 0.2 percent sodium or less. More sodium can
change the salinity of your soil, which can kill many plants.
Dolomite limestone is best used to change the acidity, or pH, of the soil. Most plants
do best with a pH of 6.0 to 7.4. If your soil registers with a pH of 5.9 or below, dolomitic lime
can help raise the pH to make the soil more plant-friendly (Harris, 2019).
2.3. Degraded soil
Soil degradation includes physical, chemical and biological deterioration. Examples of soil
degradation are loss of organic matter, unfavorable changes in salinity, acidity or alkalinity,
and the effects of toxic chemicals, decreased soil fertility, decline in structural state, erosion,
pollutants or excessive flooding.

Figure 2.2 Types of Land degradation

Degradation possibly caused physically by taking away of top soil through water and wind
erosion, reduced capability to store water, augmented receptiveness to overflow and gradual
absorption of soluble salts in root zone (Figure. 2). Overgrazing, increase of canal irrigation,
unrestrained urbanization and surface mining etc. are some of the other actions that prop up
degradation of soil (Alam, Soil Degradation: A Challenge to Sustainable Agriculture, 2014).
2.4. Soil properties
Soil pH
Soil pH is the major variable in soils because it controls the chemical and biochemical
processes operating within the soil. The study of soil pH is very important in agriculture due
to plant nutrient availability that is regulated from soil pH value by controlling the chemical
forms of the various nutrients and also affects their chemical reactions (Oshunsanya, 2019).

Soil electrical conductivity

Soil electrical conductivity (EC) is among the most useful and easily obtained
properties of soil that influences crop productivity. As a result, soil EC has become one of the
most frequently used measurements to characterize field variability for application to
precision agriculture (Corwin, 2003).
Soil specific gravity
Organic matter presents the best type of soil for agriculture production containing a
generous amount of organic matter. Organic matter can be native to the soils or added through
the application of additives such as compost and manure. The study illustrated that the low
specific gravity soil sample has a high amount of organic matter but this is also concerned
about the type of soil sample (Chaudhary, 2017).
Soil bulk density
The bulk density, being one of the physical quantifying characteristics (that assessing
quantitatively the water and air in soil) represent an important key of soil fertility and strongly
influenced "maintenance of soil structure"ecosystem service, and consequently emphasized
the quality of the agriculture management (Gherghina, 2020).
Soil texture
Soil texture is the composition of the size of grains constituted of minerals for example
sand (2-0.05 mm), silt (0.05-0.002) and clay (below 0.002). Proportions of these soil particles
depend on mineralogical composition of parent material and the environment of soil genesis.
Soil texture is a controlling factor of soil chemical reaction, nutrient availability, water holding
capacity, soil porosity, air-water circulation and soil density (Chakraborty, 2015).

2.5. Literature reviews

Studies were performed at the Agricultural Experiment Station, Sultan Qaboos
University (23º 35’ N, 58º11’ E). The experiment was conducted under greenhouse conditions
(25±2°C) within a basic soil matrix obtained from two different sources; one from land that
has been managed and cropped as an organic farm for three or more years and the other
from the land which had never been cropped or received any organic or inorganic
amendments. In addition, biochar, and two commercially available composts
‘Growers’(compost-1), and ‘Agro-Top’ (compost-2) were used as soil amendments. The two
soils were obtained from adjacent fields on the same farm, near Sohar, Oman.
Biochar was made at the Agriculture Experiment Station, Sultan Qaboos University,
Oman; using dried mango shoot wood as feedstock and the apparatus was used as described
by Al-Busaidi et al., 2017. The maximum temperature recorded during the process was
approximately 550-650 C°.
Seeds of broccoli (Brassica oleracea var Broccoli) and okra (Abelmoschus esculentus
var. Bhindi) were grown in the seedling trays filled with potting media. Seedlings were kept
under greenhouse conditions until transplanting two weeks later.
The experiment was conducted over a period of 10 weeks.
The experiment was laid out as a randomized complete block (RCB) with five
replications of six treatments. Soil amendment treatments included T1 (control, cropped

or un-cropped soil), T2 (Biochar), T3 (Compost 1), T4 (Compost 1 + Biochar), T5 (Compost 2),

T6 (Compost 2 + Biochar). Each amendment treatment was applied to each of the two soils
with broccoli, okra or no crop for a total of 36 treatments. Crop response to amended growing
substrates was studied in both indicator crops over 10 weeks (al-busaidi, 2020).


In this study, bottom ash and FGD gypsum are provided from Mae-Moh coal-fired
power plant and degraded soil is from Nan Province, Thailand. Bottom ash and FGD gypsum
will be mixed with soil at the designed ratios to determine the appropriate rate for growing
corn. In addition, in the real field experiment, these combinations will be mixed with manure
of cow and sheep, which is collected in Nan province. The percentages of bottom ash and
FGD gypsum mixed with soil and manure are labelled and shown in the Table 2.2.
Table 2.2. The percentages of bottom ash and FGD gypsum mixed with soil and manure

Characteristics of the samples like pH, ECSE value, bulk density, soil texture as well as
its combinations are analyzed to determine the suitable ratio to grow corn in the real
field (Phan, 2018).
From the previous literature reviews, this study will conduct the soil amendment
due to the mining waste product and materials from mining industry. Using the feldspar,
dolomite, and bottom ash as the mixtures to create the varied conditions of soil mixture
and experiment by measurement their properties (Phan, 2018).
Chapter 3
3.1. Materials
3.1.1. Compositions
For this study, The main composition of soil, feldspar, dolomite and bottom ash are
analyzed by the XRF and XRD to find the chemical composition and selected for the suitable
combination and ratio for the crops Feldspar chemical composition
From the Figure 3.1, the main composition of feldspar samples are Quartz (SiO2) and
little of Microcline (KAlSi3O8). The sample contains different elements including Si, Al, and K
which have a concentration 56.343%, 18.069% and 12.116% by following orders.

Figure 3.1. XRD result of feldspar

Figure 3.2. XRF result of feldspar Dolomite chemical composition

As shown in the Figure 3.3, the main composition of dolomite samples are Dolomite,
Gypsum, Calcite, Ankenite and Gibbsite.The sample contains different elements including Ca,
Fe, S and Al which have a concentration 45.710%, 13.244%, 12.728% and 8.484%
Figure 3.3. XRD result of dolomite

Figure 3.4. XRF result of dolomite Bottom ash chemical composition

As shown in Figure 3.5, the main composition of dolomite samples are Akemanite,
Quartz and Pyracmonite. The sample contains different elements including Ca, Fe, Si and Al
which have a concentration 37.042%, 24.039%, 18.943%, and 9.958%
Figure 3.5. XRD result of bottom ash

Figure 3.6. XRF result of bottom ash Soil chemical composition

As shown in Figure 3.7, the main composition of dolomite samples are Quartz, Mica,
Muscovite, Biotite and Illite. The sample contains different elements including Si, Fe, Al and K
which have a concentration of 43.552%, 25.906%, 19.646% and 7.283%

Figure 3.7. XRD result of soil

Figure 3.8. XRF result of soil

3.1.2. Physical properties

Table 3.1. Physical properties of feldspar, dolomite, bottom ash, and soil
Samples pH EC Specific gravity Bulk density Soil porosity
(μS/cm) (g/cm3) (%)

Feldspar 4.574 16.767 2.56 1.205 52.868

Dolomite 8.329 7.197 2.73 0.987 63.826
Bottom ash 8.089 2.497 2.94 1.038 64.651

Soil 4.758 23 2.45 1.121 54.308

As shown in Table 3.1. the soil sample from Nan province is mostly acidic with pH at
4.76. Dolomite and bottom ash are alkalinity with pH at 8.33 and 8.09 respectively, but feldspar
is strongly acidic with pH at 4.57.

Figure 3.9. Size distribution of feldspar, dolomite, bottom ash, and soil

As shown in Figure 3.9, the texture of soil sample is clay (57% of clay, 23% of silt and
20% of sand), dolomite is sandy loam (20% of clay and 80% of sand), bottom ash is sand (6%
of clay and 94% of sand) and feldspar is sandy clay loam (35% of clay and 65% of sand)
Figure 3.10. Soil texture triangle analysis

3.2. Equipment and procedure

3.2.1. pH measurement
The materials used to measure pH value such as soil, feldspar, dolomite, and bottom
ash are measured by a pH/ION/COND meter as shown in Figure 3.11

Figure 3.11. A pH/ION/COND meter

Figure 3.12. A scale

As shown in Figure 3.12. the scale used to weigh the materials. It has the maximum
capacity of 200 g, and an accuracy of 0.0001 g.
Firstly, the samples are dried and passed sieve No.10 to remove coarse size of samples.
Weigh 10 g of sample and put into the beaker. Add distilled water approximately 25 ml into
the sample that is contained in the beaker. After that stir the sample and distill water for
about 5 minutes then allow the solid to settle for 10 minutes.
Before measuring the pH value of sample, calibrate pH meter by using buffer pH 4 and
buffer pH 7 as shown in Figure 3.13., and then measure pH value for 3 times by Benchtop
pH/Water Quality Analyzer LAQUA F-74
Figure 3.13. Calibrating pH meter

3.2.2. Electrical conductivity (EC) measurement

Soil, feldspar, dolomite, and bottom ash are the materials that used to measure EC
value by the pH/ION/COND meter with model LAQUA F-74
Firstly, the samples are dried and passed sieve No. 10 to remove coarse size of samples and
weighed 10 g of sample and put into a 100 ml beaker. Then add 50 ml of distilled water into
the sample that is contained in the beaker. Stir the sample and distilled water for 30 minutes,
and then allow the soil to settle for 30 minutes.
The next step, pour the solution in the top of beaker to another beaker. After taking
the solution to measure the electrical conductivity (EC value) for 3 times using the Benchtop
pH/Water Quality Analyzer LAQUA F-74
Before measuring the electrical conductivity, calibrate Benchtop pH/Water Quality
Analyzer LAQUA F-74 by std. 0.01 N KCl.
Figure 3.14. EC measuring

3.2.3. Specific gravity measurement

The result of specific gravity provides the data for the calculation process of the
pycnometer experiment, and specific gravity was determined by the water replacement.
In this experiment, the pycnometer, scales, water and ores. Firstly, weigh the
pycnometer. Next step, filled the pycnometer with ores then added water into the
pycnometer and weight the water-filled pycnometer.
Then take the water and ore out of the pycnometer and fill the water into the
pycnometer until full.
Lastly, calculate the specific gravity (S.G) of the ore specific gravity (S0) = (weight of
pycnometer+ore) - (weight of pycnometer) / (weight of pycnometer+full-filled with water) -
(weight of pycnometer) - (weight of pycnometer+ore+water) + (weight of pycnometer+ore)
Figure 3.15. A pycnometer

Figure 3.16. The sample measure in pycnometer

3.2.4. Bulk density measurement

A cylinder as shown in Figure 3.17. that is used to measure bulk density of soil.
Figure 3.17. A cylinder for core sample

The cylinder is weighed by using a balance and recorded. In the next step, cylinder is
filled that passed a 2 mm sieve.
Compact the first addition of soil by scraping off with a straight edge as shown in Figure
3.18. Keep adding soil and tapping the cylinder until the cylinder is full as in Figure 3.19. Weigh
the cylinder containing the soil and record.
Figure 3.18. Compact the sample in cylinder

After that, dry out the soil for 16 hours in a conventional oven at 105 oC. Bulk density
is calculated by using formula below
Bulk density (g/cm3)=(oven dry weight of soil in cylinder (g) / Volume of cylinder (cm3)
Soil porosity (%) = 1-Bulk density/sample’s particle density

Figure 3.19. Bulk density ring with intact soil core inside

3.2.5. Soil texture measurement

ASTM 151H soil hydrometer is used to read specific gravity as shown in Figure 3.20
Figure 3.20. Soil hydrometer 151H and thermometer

A thermometer is used to measure the temperature of distilled water in the cylinder.

It is readable up to 0.5 C as shown in Figure. 3.20

Figure. 3.21. Cylinder (1000 ml)

The cylinder is used for the soil suspension, and it has a stable base and is made of
heavy-wall clear glass scribed at the 1,000 ml as shown in Figure. 3.21
Figure. 3.22 is the set of sieves. For sieve No.10 is used to remove the coarse size of
soil, and sieve No. 40, No. 80, No. 120 and No. 200 are used to do wet sieve.

Figure. 3.22. Sieve No. 10, No. 40, No. 80, No. 120 and No. 200

Figure 3.23. A balance

Sodium hexametaphosphate 68% extra pure as shown in Figure 3.24, it is produced
from LOBA CHEMIE PVT Limited. It is selected as the dispersion agent in this experiment to
prevent the fine particles in suspension from coalescing or flocculating.

Figure 3.24. Sodium hexametaphosphate

All of the water in this experiment, distilled water is used to do the experiment.
Firstly, Prepare the solution of sodium hexametaphosphate at the rate 40 g of sodium
hexametaphosphate per 1000 ml of distilled water.
Next, weigh 100 g air-dried soil sample passing sieve No.10 (less than 2 mm). Place the
sample in a 500 ml beaker. Then add 125 ml of sodium hexametaphosphate solution (40 g/l)
and 125 ml distilled water into the beaker that contained the sample. Stir until the soil is
thoroughly wetted. Allow soaking for at least 16 hours.
Figure 3.25. Cover the cylinder by parafilm

Transfer the sample from the beaker to the 1000 ml cylinder, and add the distilled
water until the total volume is 1000 ml. Then use parafilm to cover the mouth of the cylinder
as shown in Figure 3.25. Then shake the cylinder about 1 minute as shown in Figure 3.26.
Figure 3.26. shaking the cylinder

After that take the hydrometer into the cylinder. Then read the hydrometer and
measure the temperature at the time 0, 1, 2, 5, 10, 15, 30, 60, 120, 250, 420, and 1440 minutes.

Figure 3.27. Do wet sieve experiment

Next step continue with wet sieve experiment, after taking the final hydrometer
reading, transfer the sample from the cylinder to the pan and do a wet sieve by using sieves
as No. 40 (0.425-mm), No. 80 (0.18-mm), No. 120 (0.125-mm) and No. 200 (0.075-mm) as shown
in Figure 3.27.
After finished to do wet sieve, dry the samples that retained sieves No. 40, No. 80, No.
120 and No. 200 in the oven at the temperature of 1105 C, and then weigh the dry samples.
This experiment results are shown in particle size distribution curve and plotted on
soil texture triangle to determine the texture of soil as shown in Figure 3.28.
Figure 3.28. Soil texture triangle

3.3. Methodology
3.3.1. Coffee planting review
The soil that is suitable for Coffee planting requires good air ventilation and drainage.
It should not be an area with flooding and should be the clay texture property with
composition of Potassium. The acidity level of the soil should be at pH 4.5-6.5 and 25-32°C
temperature. The rainfall level must be more than 1,500 mm/year
(, n.d.).

3.3.2. Implementation plan

Operation details January February March 2022 April 2022 May

2022 2022 2022
1. Study and review
2. Prepare the sample
3. Soil texture, specific
gravity. pH, EC, Bulk
4. Plant conditions
5. Measurement of soil
mixture properties
6. Analysis and
7. Report preparation

3.3.3. Operation flowchart

Study and review preliminary information

Prepare the sample XRF and XRD analysis

Soil hydrometer analysis Specific gravity Bulk density pH/EC measurement

measurement measurement (Benchtop pH/Water
Wet sieve analysis (Pycnometer) (ASTM D18595B) Quality Analyzer LAQUA

Plant conditions Operating conditions of mixture

reviews/Selecting plant
Measurement of soil mixture properties

Analysis and conclusion

Report preparation
3.3.4. Operating conditions
The operating conditions are condition by weight of bottom ash and dolomite mixed
with soil, bottom ash and feldspar mixed with soil (Soil + bottom ash +feldspar), and
dolomite and feldspar mixed with soil (Soil + dolomite +feldspar) as shown in Table 3.2

Table 3.2 The operating conditions of sample

No. Mixer Ratio (%)
1 Soil + bottom ash (90:10)

2 Soil + bottom ash (85:15)

3 Soil + bottom ash (80:20)

4 Soil + bottom ash + feldspar (88:10:2)

5 Soil + bottom ash + feldspar (86:10:4)

6 Soil + bottom ash + feldspar (84:10:6)

7 Soil + bottom ash + feldspar (83:15:2)

8 Soil + bottom ash + feldspar (81:15:4)

9 Soil + bottom ash + feldspar (79:15:6)

10 Soil + bottom ash + feldspar (78:20:2)

11 Soil + bottom ash + feldspar (76:20:4)

12 Soil + bottom ash + feldspar (74:20:6)

13 Soil + dolomite (90:10)

14 Soil + dolomite (85:15)

15 Soil + dolomite (80:20)

16 Soil + dolomite + feldspar (88:10:2)

17 Soil + dolomite + feldspar (86:10:4)

18 Soil + dolomite + feldspar (84:10:6)

19 Soil + dolomite + feldspar (83:15:2)

20 Soil + dolomite + feldspar (81:15:4)

21 Soil + dolomite + feldspar (79:15:6)

22 Soil + dolomite + feldspar (78:20:2)

23 Soil + dolomite + feldspar (76:20:4)

24 Soil + dolomite + feldspar (74:20:6)

The conditions are selected by the mixture’s chemical composition and physical
properties such as feldspar that has acidic properties as well as the soil sample but it is mainly
composed of Potassium which is plant nutrient, so the feldspar will be used in minor
percentages of the conditions.

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