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We provide a convenient, flexible and interactive learning experience that helps you effectively improve your
English skills. With us, learning English is no longer limited by geography and time

Stage 1 : Situation analysis


− Our virtual English-speaking model allows learners to study at their own pace and convenience,
overcoming geographical limitations.
− By creating an interactive learning experience, learners can practice English in real-life scenarios,
enhancing their speaking and listening skills.
− Virtual learning eliminates the need for physical classrooms and associated costs, making it a more
affordable option for English learners.


− The success of our virtual English-speaking model relies on stable internet connections and access to
suitable technology, which may be hindered by limited internet infrastructure or technological
− Virtual learning may not fully replicate the benefits of in-person interaction, such as building social
connections or receiving immediate feedback from teachers.


− The increasing demand for English language learning in Vietnam due to globalization and expanding
international opportunities provides significant market potential.
− Vietnam's steady increase in internet penetration rates creates more opportunities for online
learning platforms.
− Collaborating with schools, colleges, and language centers can expand the reach of our virtual
English-speaking model and establish credibility.


− Existing language learning platforms and traditional language schools may pose a challenge in terms
of competition and brand recognition.
− Rapid advancements in technology may require constant updates to our virtual model to stay
competitive and up to date.
− Data security and privacy issues can impact customer trust and adoption of the virtual model.

The segments with the type of customer

Individual Adult Learners:

These are adult individuals (working professionals, university students, or individuals seeking personal
growth and international opportunities) who are motivated to improve their English language skills for
personal or professional reasons.

This segment includes school or university students who are studying English as part of their curriculum or
to enhance their future prospects.

They may require additional support in their English language studies and can benefit from an immersive
and interactive virtual learning experience.

The maketing mix (4P) strategy and the effectiveness:


− Learning Materials and Technologies: These can be distributed digitally through the virtual platform,
ensuring easy access for learners. Regular updates and enhancements based on customer feedback
can be communicated through in-platform notifications and email updates.
− Personalized Learning Experiences: Learners can access and customize their learning experience
through the virtual platform, with clear instructions and guidance provided within the system.


− Pricing plans and options can be communicated through the website, promotional materials, and
social media channels. The flexibility of subscription plans and discounted rates can be highlighted
to appeal to learners with different budgets


− Strategic partnerships with online platforms, such as educational portals, e-learning platforms, and
language learning websites, can be established to expand the distribution channels and reach a
wider audience.


− Digital Marketing Campaigns: Targeted digital marketing campaigns, including social media
advertising, content marketing, can effectively reach the target audience. Engaging and informative
content can be created and shared through blog posts, videos, and social media posts.
− Influencer Collaborations: Partnering with influencers, educational bloggers, and language learning
communities can promote the virtual English-speaking model through sponsored content, reviews,
and giveaways.

the appropriate channels for communication and distribution :

− Website: is crucial for providing information about the product, its features, pricing plans, and
enrollment process, customer support, FAQs, and access to learning materials.
− Social Media Platforms: Utilizing popular social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram,
YouTube allows us to reach a broader audience.
− Online Advertising: Utilizing online advertising channels like Google Ads, display ads can help
increase brand visibility and reach a wider audience.
− Influencer Marketing: Influencers can create sponsored content, reviews, tutorials, and
testimonials to promote the virtual English-speaking model.

Stage 2 : Objectives

Mission :
Our mission is to empower English learners in Vietnam by providing a virtual English-speaking model that
offers immersive, interactive, and personalized learning experience.

Business Objective :

The biggest goal is for learners to be able to learn with well-trained Grade A teachers - even though learners
don't live in big cities like Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City. Ho Chi Minh.

Marketing Objectives – Business Development

− Increase Market Share: Increase our market share in the virtual English learning sector in Vietnam by
15% within the next year.
− Acquire New Customers: Attract 1,000 new customers to our virtual English-speaking model within
the next six months.
− Increase Brand Awareness by 30%: Increase brand awareness among the target audience by 30%
within the next year.
− Customer Retention Rate: Achieve a customer retention rate of 20% by implementing personalized
support, and continuous improvement based on customer feedback.

Marketing Communication Objectives

− Increase Website Traffic: Increase website traffic by 25% within the next six months through
search engine optimization (SEO), content marketing, and online advertising efforts.
− Enhance Online Reputation: Aim for a 30% increase in positive reviews and a decrease in
negative reviews within the next year.

Stage 3: Strategy


Can divide the market into several segments based on demographic, geographic location, and behavioral

− Age: Divide the market into segments based on the age of the learners, e.g. high school students,
students, working people, seniors, etc.
− English proficiency: Divide the market into segments based on learners' current English level, from
beginner to advanced.
− Learning Objectives: Divide the market into segments based on learners' learning goals, e.g. prepare
for international exams, improve communication skills, improve technical skills, etc.
− Geolocation: Divide the market into segments based on the geographic location of the learners, e.g.
big city, countryside, mountains, etc.

Targeting :

By focusing on segments based on English proficiency, we can deliver courses and content tailored to each
learner's level and needs. This helps ensure that we best meet the needs of each customer group and
optimize their learning experience.

Positioning :

− Learning Quality and Effectiveness: Focusing on work provides diverse learning content, tailored to
each learning level and needs, as well as applying interactive and practical teaching methods.
− Quality teachers: Advertise the professionalism, enthusiasm and interactivity of the teaching staff to
create trust from customers.
− Provide an interactive learning experience: Position the virtual English model as a real and
interactive learning experience.
− Competitive pricing: Positioning the virtual English model as a competitively priced option in the
field of English learning.

Stage 4 : Tatics

Communication Tools

- Website: The website will showcase our offerings, features, and benefits to attract potential customers.

- Social Media: We will leverage popular social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram to build
brand awareness, engage with potential customers, and encourage word-of-mouth referrals.

- Online Advertising: We will use online advertising platforms such as Google Ads, social media ads, and
display advertising to reach a wider audience and drive traffic to our website.

Our key messages will revolve around the following aspects:

- The effectiveness and quality of our virtual English-speaking model in helping learners improve their
language skills.

- The personalized learning experience tailored to individual needs and proficiency levels.

- The expertise and guidance of our Grade A teachers who provide and support throughout the learning

- The affordability and cost-effectiveness of our virtual model compared to traditional language learning

Stage 5 : Action


- Marketing Team: The marketing team will be responsible for executing the marketing strategies and
implementing the communication tools. This includes managing the website, creating content, running
social media campaigns, designing and executing email marketing campaigns, planning and implementing
online advertising, and monitoring performance.

- Sales Team: The sales team will be responsible for lead generation, customer acquisition, and nurturing
customer relationships. They will engage with leads, provide information about the virtual English-speaking
model, address inquiries, and guide potential customers through the enrollment process.

- IT Team: The IT team will be responsible for maintaining and optimizing the virtual platform, ensuring its
functionality, security, and user experience. They will also handle technical support and troubleshooting for


Allocate resources based on the specific needs of each team, including budget for marketing campaigns,
content creation resources, IT infrastructure, and customer support resources.
Resource Allocation:

Allocate resources based on the specific needs of each team, including budget for marketing campaigns,
content creation resources, IT infrastructure, and customer support resources..

Key Performance Measurements:

− Number of new customers acquired

− Conversion rates of leads to customers
− Customer retention rate
− Website traffic and engagement metrics
− Social media metrics
− Online advertising metrics
− Customer satisfaction ratings and feedback

Performance Recording:

Use analytics platforms (Google Analytics), social media analytics, CRM systems, and surveys/feedback to
record and track performance.

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