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For the items 1 to 5, fill the missing ingormation.

Follow the example


Job: example: scientist

What she studies: 1.

Year of her first job expirience: 2.

Tecnology she uses to work at home: 3.

who she plans her expeditions with 4.

reason why she liked the Orkney Islands 5.

For the item 6, choose the correct option

Only one option is correct.

In your answer, write only the letter ( A,B, C or D )

6. From the interview, we learn that Marcy Peterson's life is

A. busy and full os adventure

B. busy and lonely

C. mysterious and full os adventure

D. lucky and mysterious


For items 7 and 8, choose the correct options.

For each item, you may choose more than one option

In your answers, write only the letters ( A, B, C, D and/or E )

7. The weather on the west coast of Ireland will be...

a. b. c. d. e.


8. The teacher advises students to bring

a. b. c. d. e.


For items 9 to 11, choose the correct options.

For eache item, only one option is correct.

In your answers, write only the letters ( A, B, C or D )

9. Students need plastic bags to

A. pack their food

B. put their wet clothes in

C. keep their money in

D. collect their supplies


10. For the schlool trip, students

A. must have their moblie phones

B. may not bring their mobile phones

C. can take their mobile phones

D. must not forget their mobile phones


11. Students who leave clothes on the bus may

A. lose some of them to the charity shops

B. lose all of them to the charity shops

C. give them over to the charity shops

D. get them back from the charity shops


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