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Nama : Achmad Ali Yafi K

Nim : 07040420019

Kelas : 1 U

The word vaccine is very familiar to hear, because all over the world are working hard to
develop a vaccine to protect us from this Corona virus. Vaccines are small pieces of the Corona
virus genetic code, which are injected into the patient's body.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO) vaccination is one of the most
effective ways to prevent disease. How come? Because it helps the immune system to recognize
and fight pathogens such as viruses or bacteria, which then keeps the body safe from the diseases
they cause.

The role of vaccines in human life is not playing games. Vaccines can protect us against
more than 25 debilitating or life-threatening diseases. Starting from measles, polio, tetanus,
diphtheria, meningitis, influenza, tetanus, typhus, and cervical cancer. Returning to the headline,
how does the corona virus vaccine work in the body? Actually, the way the COVID-19 vaccine
is not much different from vaccines in general. Vaccine itself is a substance or product that is
used to produce the immune system from various diseases.

In vaccines, there are various biological products, and parts of viruses or bacteria, as well
as viruses or bacteria that have been weakened. Well, this product is useful for stimulating the
appearance of antibodies or immunity. In other words, the corona virus vaccine works the same
as any other vaccine. The COVID-19 vaccine will stimulate the immune system to make immune
substances (antibodies) that last long enough. Well, this substance will later fight the antigen
from the pathogen (corona virus) COVID-19 entering the body.

Now, if the COVID-19 disease antigen strikes again, a strong immune reaction will
emerge from the body. The goal is to destroy the antigen. Dozens of Months, Maybe Fail.
According to Anthony Fauci, Director of NIH's - National Institute of Allergy and Infectious
Diseases, the journey for the corona virus vaccine is still long. In fact, even if the initial safety
test went well. At least it will still take one to one and a half years for this vaccine to be available
to the public.
On February 11, 2020, WHO said the coronavirus vaccine for the COVID-19 type would be
ready in the next 18 months. WHO together with various countries make various efforts by using
the tools and resources available to fight this deadly virus.

The problem, according to WHO, is that the search for a vaccine for a new virus usually
takes several years. It also sometimes leads to failure. However, with current technological
developments, the corona virus vaccine can be found more quickly, around the next 18 months.

Developing a vaccine is not easy. There are many stages in the process which are
generally unknown to the layman. Starting from understanding the characteristics and behavior
of the virus, assessing its safety for the body, pre-clinical animal testing, to preclinical testing. In
addition, no single institution has the capacity or facilities to develop a vaccine independently.
So, on this basis, countries in the world are working together to find a vaccine for COVID-19.

And from the conclusion, that the role of vaccines in human life is very helpful. This
vaccine can produce a strong immune system in the human body for body thickness. And
actually the way the Corona virus vaccine works is the same as other vaccines.

In my opinion, I agree that vaccines can help / protect humans from the Corona virus.
And vaccines also not only protect us from the Corona virus, but also can protect against various
diseases. Such as measles, polio, tetanus, diphtheria, meningitis, influenza, typhus, cervical
cancer, etc.

Besides that, we also have to balance with a healthy lifestyle and eat, exercise regularly
in the morning so that we can avoid viruses.

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