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= en LAUGH : | Ja Blea ] , CO oOo Oooo oo Coe ooo ooo ero oo eee Love the experience. Join the crowds at the Fringe on the Royal Mile CUS R a CM ore Rec ice Ne a Roe ii CnC Sa od toy Make it happen Le Opera FUTURE FANTASTIC THE SIXTY YEAR TRIP 6-28 AUGUST 2006 The 60th Edinburgh Festival Fringe Contents Fringe Steff eur Ml bo dka Where, when and how to buy all your Fringe tickets ol ? mSewvaee Pevoatanis Nese Peer ert a ee tere ey ai Perris dE itoctunsatsieskssntvanshvassomestedansaseeaessts Seat ea Re A ae rcs Eee ered cnr tie a ete aa veaesnanesnoses aceabedhcotancasesst paren er Coat Royal Bank on the Royal Mile and Bank of Scotland pairing nr cs So) oad 7 Listings Hh et iB The Official Daily Guide to the Edinburgh Festivals and Lastest ye eat ie cad Chee en, eae Listings of oll Fringe events, divided into the Petes following categories: ECCT Breen autos pt ann pares cae meet ar hc hl ise by th ce ees Peete ihe ny eee gent or betes ihe ey lores anaes Reap ocala sh 188 Ue 0) i} iaorae eee peepee eg A Se ay ec cadet tee ATOR Dt ane t ole peat pinier es ‘ ear Opening times, food a pens hr airearcite tt Beeccmreatied Credi Book any Fringe show on 0131 226 0000 or ; INTRODUCTION BOOKING INFORMATION EET) Bie occ The Times Fr Box Office sells tickets for every Fringe show. You can book online, on the phone, by post or over the counter. Booking ‘opens 12 June. Deily opening times during the Fringe aeseseateaennesenseenassasssuneenaeenseennasaasannaes Phone 0131 226 0000 9am-9pm eseatenebesavgenes Web 24 hours a day eave nresnessnescursenseeseeenanennensagerneeses Counter 180 High Street, Edinburgh 10am-9pm. RL Book online at from 12 June Ne a ee eC ed 12 Juno-15 July [Mon-Sai) 12pm-3pm 17 July-30 July (Daily), 10am-Spm 31 July-28 Aug (Daily) 10am-9pm Ca Log CC este) 12 June-15 July (Mon-Sat) 10am—6pm 17 July-30 July (Daily) 10am—6pm 31 July-28 Aug (Daily) Sam-9pm oad Use the booking form on p253 eT Nearer the Fringe, many venues run their own box offices. ‘Check out the venue guide on p216 for more details. bE eed Reasonable adjustments will be made at venues to give the best possible access for disabled people, but given the temporary nature of some Fringe venues, facilities may vary. For further details on access ot individual venues, or for contact delails so that you can get in touch with them direclly, check out the venue guide on p26. If you have special access requirements or need fo book wheelchair spaces, please call 0131 226 0002, BU COC eda rR] TCE N acd During the Fringe, « number of shows provide these services, but information was not available for all of these at time of going to print. For a full list, contact 0131 226 0026 fr go to Large print extracts from this Programme are available on request. Please call 0131 226 0026 Booking advice *+ No booking fee applies to tickets purchased by post ‘or in person. A booking fee of £1.50 per transaction ‘applies to telephone end web bookings * Tickets cannot be exchanged or refunded except in he event of a show cancellation * Latecomers may not be admitted * IF you have asked to collect your tickets, you must do so from The Times Fringe Box Office, 180 High Street, during the opening hours listed © Concession prices are applicable fo students, the unemployed, disabled visitors (and one helper), senior ciizens and children under the age of 16 * You will need to be able to present proof of your status af the venue '* For most performances, a 10% discount for groups of 10 or more is available '* Details on accessibility at each venue are available in the venue guide on p216 Book any Fringe show on 0131 226 0000 or INTRODUCTION BOOKING INFORMATION Half-Price Hut The Half-Price Hut offers you 50% off a huge selection of tickels for shows on the day. If the show that you wanted fo see is no! selling discount tickets, you can visit the Fringe ticket ten! nex! door and order normal priced licke!s online. Located on the corner of Waverley Bridge and Princes Street by Princes Mall, the Half-Price Hut is open daily from 8 Aug-28 Aug Ilam-9pm. The Times Fringe massive 2 for 1 emg Fringe shows are giving away tickets on @ 2 for 1 basis for virtually avery performance on 6 and 7 August. Participating shows are listed with a 2 for | symbol in the Programme. You mist book o minimum of wo Hikes. The ofr only applies 0 ful price seat. Concesion prices oro rot avalcbe on these dots. Partcpoting shows corre of re af going lo prin. fe. ‘THE*2@2 TIMES THE SUNDAY TIMES Prt eC) Ds Book tickets and check reviews on on one of 40 free-ofcharge computers ot the Fringe erick tent. Open daily from 3 Aug-28 Aug 10am-9pm, the e-ticket tent is next to the Half-Price Hut on Princes Mall. Microsoft Book all your Fringe tickets securely online on our award.winning website, read reviews from erties and audiences, buy Fringe foshion, post comments on the message boards and keep up-to-date with all the latest Fringe news and gossip. Book any Fringe show on 0131 226 0000 or INTRODUCTION FRIENDS OF THE FRINGE Become a Friend of the Fringe gt ee ee Le Leroy PC Rel ube Rha RCS Fringe membership programme was launched with the aim of providing continuing support for what Is now the largest CLR ‘We here at the Fringe Office strive consistently to maintain Ce seed ace ese ed in the festival without being subject fo artistic vetting or selection. This policy is key to the overall success of the Fringe and in its 60 years has meant that we can proudly Ce eee nee ee writing and the hottest new talent from all over the world. Que mission is to provide a variety of services for performers eet ee ee ee ea eed ly the performers find venues, provide ¢entral listings vic the Fringe Programme and our website, sell an allocation of tickets for all shows and monage the free events on the Cee ne ed Every year the Fringe generates £75 million for the economy ec ee oie ey Cee as kee Cc a the support of our Friends. "Why not show your support Ce Lue te nee ecko Se aa eee ed es ot the back of the Programme, go to ED 2 L200 by JET AE elon Der Haak Kanal Cee ni ene ened _ Book any Fringe show on 0131 226 0000 or Cena ea ers team would like to thank our Best Friends for their cengoing support of the world’s largest arts festival. f Roger Allen, Jone Anios, Groeme Battie, "%. David Baldvwirk | Marion Barlow, Ralph Bernard, Alan Brodie, Alan Brodie Representation ltd, Gillian Brown, Ann Caldwell, Chris Carter, lesley Clemenson, Verena Cornwall, Mark Cuthbert Elissa J. Da Costo, Jonathan Davies, Gerald DelloPorta, Eller Dickie, leeona Derrian, Simon Fanshawe, Amanda Forsyth, lisa Foster, Lord Foulkes of Cumnock, Kenneth F Gill, Mr & | ‘Mrs Raymond Green, Helen Heggie VN, Mrs A. Hinchelife, Peter Hinchcliffe, Teruhisa Irie, Barry Jacobs, Barbora & Paul Krieger, Geoffrey Littman, David long, lesley-Anne Lumsden, Angus Maclennan, Heather Marshall, Nion McEvoy, Paul ‘Meisck, Pat Morrison, David Morrison, Jan Moyes, Helios Fountain, Mc Bastiaensen, J. Owen, Georgios Papaquorgiou, Graham M. Riley, Sir Thomas Risk, Geraint Rogers, Joan Ross, Andrew Rowley, Pete Show, Bridget M Stevens, Jan Stevenson, Marion Teggin, Samantha Terry, Keith Torrie, ‘Mart Townsend, Alison Warden ee eee ead ee Leis, The National Ge USA), Tm Photogranty cra Cour 1 | \ {60 years at the Fringe 1947... Fringe One The first Edinburgh International Festival, @ post-war initiative Pe een ete oe erence || would be a good crowd and focused press interest, six ‘Scotish and two English companies decided to gatecrash, | seting up independently ond fir ees et meet teste Peay Se CR CCRT first Fringe — none of the performers were invited fo toke part, they used smoll and unconventional theatre spaces ‘and were obliged to take all of their own financial risks, aa eee eee cuca | 2006... Fringe Sixty uN a largest festival on the planet, uniting the arts world and See eden ecieiuce ia SCR eRe mn Un mT eee Rar CRC re oy ete a ee eel |t0 Cem oe Me AU Ry lesoaed eR ao | em Rms Racca hea eke ued Here’s to the next 60. Want to perform at Fringe 2007? | Anyone can perform at the Fringe. If you are interested “in bringing @ show to the Fringe in 2007, come and see De et ee a RL ee Ck beeen ee] “to know about bringing a show to the world’s largest arts, cone Eu A See a ee ete ay » or give us a call on 0131 226 0026 _jond we wll be hoppy t help Reco Rony Director's talk called 'So You Want to Do a Show on the remo ROMA ee Ut MLC but ticketed, and tickets are available from The Times Geet te INTRODUCTION 60 YEARS ON The Fringe: 60 Years, 60 Photos ee a ee ee eee ee hee ee From 3-28 August at Princes Mall, you'll have the unique opportunity to explore some of the treasures of eee ee a eT ae ny SRC eRe a oe ee ae eee P. McMurphy in the role made infamous by Jack Nicholson. ee cee nee ac THE SCOTSMAN Book any Fringe show on 0131 226 0000 or — INTRODUCTION _ SPECIAL | Be Leelee Pn ane vd aes ey 4 code eesees y a eee es eres eu es aie Gils : ‘A — ae Te na ra nud fae IMCnaa MN Un ad ae ey a camry ee ic ia) a fi ; ‘ae nae Edinburgh Military Tatloo ay Sunday isc huge 12-28 August 2006 i Cece ae eta s ™ ‘of Fringe shows, B45 373 5888 ; : de hate Edinburgh International Festival ye eee ee . Edinburgh Interactive Entertainment Festival es) 5 Book ‘any Fringe show | ‘en 0131 226 0000 or The Edinburgh summer festival calendar _ a Ecioea Fesivel Finge is part ofthe wider Edinburgh | een ey Cro j jmeenayory pee et ‘provide you with a spectacular variety of events to choose CLC Tee ee aca ue ce ee a) ce _ Edinburgh Art Festival bd es rod * Re eee) : "Starbucks Edinburgh Jozz rallies Festal PLE ee ees t; 4 Saal kom 0131 4732000 a ea) BU) ae re eee Uae ‘ Edinburgh Intemational Book Fa " pape ea Pad Deg Festival of Politics Beer ee) PA cla since Rd Een Edinburgh Mela ¢ Peete ty For information on arts festivals across the UK, go to the eee ce co Ra eas INTRODUCTION “HSTINGS: Ce a i tyra : a. bs ae rs i ore. eee ee) paina : oie Pe ete ‘8 i oo oe hae ale m at to choose a show _ Listin, ess _ Me ial Daily Guide to the Edinburgh festivals Produced every day during the fesival, in association with The Guordian, the Guide contains hourbyhour listings of every show eo. eee rg a Es © eer ri ea ear ee pe reg Performer perering company re a oes Mote information about all venues ond the shows Seite ll ele teie Re eetentet are iar ee Ret hues ee aed The Scotéman and Melto print reviews, news, Interv Cee Rca ee a ee ee em cca pes are listed: ‘on the previous day's date. So ee a uC ys Sen Rae ac Bole et eae en ee fan ig: ye ae TO coae uc aci d sc nL wee Gulerisior SA RN LO A bold indica thot tee Cee a eal lies isa ce My See ee ae ae ee Fe aia — im pl ich are not ee oh Sas Loe eed ne ene Le! petra ia, Sa ce ate cee AGe reek ee Brads vane Dee cucu dt ta ante a . Se ee ec ree Sst a ae me ‘i | fed one Eo Peer ey Re re Bee bicsiiiece v aah Denes ly ears will orn ee) f ee fella te that the Fringe Office works on dee cot e : eg) sles eon Cee ee fa ed ws ere te Coe ree er et Ns 7. Premieres 4 ess mL eat ae ie Age Si ity. Br are ee amme, o.quide to eee a) Laces ee ae i a et ak Th 5 Frin 2 for oes z CULT oe ea Soa | For mare details see p3. Tienes Pe oe ere Book any Fringe show on 0131 226 0000 or CHILDREN’S SHOWS ABRACADABRA Albert & F Royal Botanic Garden Edurgh 200 vereth Row +0191 $52 7171 Grid Ret AZ ADVENTURES OF NELLIE NETTLE Kids 'R’ Us enue 4, Old St Paut's Church Hal Jefrey St 0131 556 0476» Grid Rot DS [Alber and hs fends ae preparing to perform thir epacaculr new show However al noe wal. Are dare goblin indie Garden or i Albert the Koc? Mun mage ad mayhem by che masters of chidreis entertainment ‘Aug 1320 [300 Sn) free Non dete) Ecropean premiere + Suahlefor ager 315 0131 5564850 Grid Ret Es (Our heroan aan poral worker lin hit dreams of advenure, struggles to Tere home. On his magi journey he encouners an army ofrecer payers.2dancng suia myserous clown and he orange princess Preview ug 25: 1130(t) 500 ‘Aug 6105151721428 1130(le) £750 (6600) ‘ag V-13482028.27 |130(iy 806700) Europa premre Suitable forages EA) Joes6 789 1010 12 19 | 15 16 17 18 19:20 24 22 23 2425 26-27 28 ap Wait} cleuch Place feed see page 15 for show information Far erusical full Follow Nelle and frends in pursul of Mayor Roger Radish, ‘gancrapped by el keyVine and TheVine Twine. worrkidartcoule ‘ag 2 2 143 Ss) £380 6400 ‘er priors Sable frag 5 15/678 D20 22 m3 m4 26 oT ALICETHROUGH THE LOOKING-GLASS Inside Out Theatre Company Plcasance Dome, | Brsto Square 0131 554 6550 Grid Ret FS ‘A agi landscape avait you beyond te lokinglass. Flowers alk word run backwards ana git called Ale becomes Queen. Wh a spectacular background brane gapic ages hs sno ordary cieren's show, Preview rg 120) (00 ‘Aig S46815,15-2022-28: (210) 700 134167891011 1213 Word pri Suitable frag 7 16 16 17 18 19202) 22 23 2425 26 2728 ALL HUMAN ONE MAN MAGIC SHOW r Mario Morris Alive on Stoge 00 Soutnide, 117 Nicokion Street +0131 6526892» Grd Re F6 Sideshow. street deste poured ito a amily comedy magi show. Outstanding ‘nog nd reading wooden duc and an eseapologst. The cre wil lave Cheering and guardians wil lane docked. A non-patronsg fly mage show Preview ug 5: 1205 (Si) 5001000) ‘Aig 19- 1205S) #600 0) Sua or ages 4 167891011 12 13 14 15 16 17 18:19, 3 ALL THE MILKMAN'S CHILDREN BBC Radio Seotland “Te Spingel Garden, George Square Gardern 0121 667 8940+ Grid Raf PS {esa serch show writen and performed by new comedy talent aged fourteen tO severeen, This sek show gives the leds a comedy vole so be prepared. They aren't aaid to tl ke fe! ‘Ain 17 1500(te) Frosted) WSGw BEA STAR INA JUGGLING SHOW! Comedy on the Squar “The Zoo, 140 The Plestance 0121662 6872+ Grid Reb Fs ‘ete Zoo esx youl AO nas how. den kane vi a cel Fringe veteran cmc jugs Why us see a show, when you can be the show ‘Aug 16000) 00 Stable forages SEI 4167891011 12 13 16 15 16 17 18197 oe 7: BILL'S NEW FROCK | {C,Chambers Street +0870 701 $105 Grid Reb ES I Surable forage 0 Bl Sipson wakes up one morrng t fr els a gi. Forced off to school in a ily pik dress Bil covers one of the Worst, moe bing cays cf his Me above ‘A224; 1015 Sin) £650(655) C4500) 17416789 1011 12 13 14 15 1617 Stable for ges $+ (2021 22-29 24 25 26 27 28 CATCH ME IF YOU CAN! : jcealreatiey oop AON Ny e o ‘Carne vatch and then join! An energie dince perorrance and crew | rover tendon Gres es ceaed by rns A pest hour ore Melo D ands ree gree athe ise) FreeNeviend CELTS AND KILTS:THE FORGOTTEN HISTORY OF =f SCOTLAND Gordonstoun ‘Stage by Stage Edoburgh Acadar42 Henderson Row » 07816671 450 = Grd Ret 8 Fic bates piers carnal huge sword and buckets of blood We action picked tag ts funy. X's oral the frm. curdoors i's ony shiey mainutes long and ws roa! [ug M18: 1250 (Sri) (re Noni) SON D618 16 17 18 ee PE aes Soi Pcie ney CIRCUS FOR SUCCESS Bonaly Ovesoor Cente, 71 Sonal Road*07950 701281 "Grid Ret FI Lam fablous ccus sll wth Londo ead youth dus walig van. Sade “Trapaze. Seles Globe, Uncle and much more. An exciting opportiniy to ke partina chaleng acheabe and revarding experience. Informacion 020 8257 1170 or O131 441 1878. ‘ug 13-20 1000 rs) S00 Suita forages + © 29 01 118 W818 16 17 18 19 29.2 DH ® CLUMSY FINGERS ‘enue 45, Old St Pas Church Hal, fry St 131 556 0476 Grid ReDS CCunsy Fingers hs wie ad a band of robbers rake the Ingredients for three ‘Boris fr the price of ane, Welcome to the muskal ayn of Clumsy Firgers the Barber (we use the term loose). ‘Aig -26 (2005) 5001250) Wer premire Suitable for ager 36 P 7690) 2045 60 89040 m2 28 24 26 26 a THE COMEDY CLUB 4 KIDS Smirnot Uncerboly, 56 Cowrgats (entrances on Comgate andVictora Stree) + 470'745 3083 Grd ReRES Now ints second jear In London. Soe the best comedars do thi cf without ‘secaring-a afar, top quay show every day fer cldren 6+ and anyone who Hes sande without the rude words Premow Aug 3179 I) £800(¢400) 18: 2028-27 170th) €700(C600 TU 740 lt) £600 00) Sy nas67O9 1011 1213 4151617 CUTLERY WARS Suitable for ages 6+ 19 2021-22 23 24 25 26 27 Sermo Baby Belly The Caves, Niddry St South, off Comgate +0870 745 3083+ Gr Ret ES Inge you al eave school und yale pasted our eam Nera oral children’s pay. There ae no song pring in or happy ending ‘xpermencal sari blak comedy for fs over seven and anyone whe wane wo schocl Preven Aug 3 1430 (SSewu) 500 C40 gS 14318202527. 1430 S50) £7.00 2500) ‘ig lQhS17.21-24 1430 (SSoun) £400 C50) ‘Wor premiere + Suable or ages 7 920 21 22 23 28 25 25 27 678910 THE DREAM DEALER ne 151617 ‘Augustine's 41 George IV Bridge + 08452 26 2721+ Grid Reb ES ‘Gang aly. ten romance, eo- NICOLE & MARTIN -THE FISHERMAN AND HIS WIFE ‘The Who Tone, George Square Gardens 0131 6628740 + Gri Ret FS ‘A masterpiece of chord theatre the sort of Grau found on ISthconaary vibge igeens! The mage of true performance a profoundly skilled artsy. Furry enchanting imaginative and tocly breathtaking Ora £400 '530(Th rs) e400) (C200) Seb DHHS Ke vDD DM ASI Te JARTIN - HANSEL AND GRETEL ‘The White Ten, George Square Garden» 0131 662 8740 + Grid Ref FS Theyre back! 20058 Word-ofmouh Fe with ter delghy okt-shioned clldron's theare' Saraman. Misi, song dares words, Neng Awesnepnng acrobatics and wid wragaton for die whole far, gets Lt. “Selon Fest 92427-28130 1 For all your Fringe tickets Pane seneee NICOLE & MARTIN -THE MUSICIANS OF BREMEN | ‘The White Tent, George Square Gardens» 131642 8740+ Grid Re FS ‘Arotous adventure. One of three diferent ras from this delghtl radional ‘uaveling theatre. 'A magi exprience. Humour; musi and eye-popping acrobat Lees the audience wide-eyed with wander Truly enriching and nourishing su ODYSSEUS ANDTHE REALLY FREAKY MONSTERS, . ChariersStrewt +0870 701 $105 + Grid RES ‘Magealjounsy with Odyseus and chums bat sea-ronsters and oneaye3 In their queso gec home inte for wea. Big swords, crazy puppets and hing anco-yle mayhem for al te famiy!_wwontdemarkouk 1 ‘Aum-19 15h Ones) 50 (450) (500) 2141678910 11 1213 18 15 16 17 ONCE UPON ATIME ‘€.Chambers Street “0870 71 S10 “Storyelors weave dir magic nthe garden ofthe Brothers Given Tales of Rapunzel, Hansel and Gretel ad the Frog Ponce Muse, puppets and mage combi bn this sunning any show. ‘Aag6I2 13h) 75012550 (850) Wer premiere Suitable rage 51 S6789101 12 0M 7 PAINT WITH LYNN {© too, St Colum bythe Castle JohnstonTerace +0870 701 $105 + Grd Ret Ed ‘Create brllnepnengs. Professional ares and comedienne Lynn Rah Miler wll shld you through he easy techniques that promise prfesiral rents Discover the arts within you. fr-fcall experience forall ages ae stages. (Accompanying cuts free) worm ‘Bing 95 72.41 9,21-25 28: 11305 0) ‘ig 357-1214 19.21.2626: 125 Ei} 0) ‘Aig 357-121419321-2628: 130 Emi 600 Sule for ages 34 GRUFFALO'SAp Kae Pde tt Pics Paes ris Tuite) bg trees : AvVVWy Peery rene) 10,14 for show information 3417 891011 2 21 22 23 28 25 25 7 8 v< The world renowned puppetecrs bring, their highly enticipeted comedic fmprovisation end live puppet performance to Edinburgh. FOR, Inspired siliness for the whole family! 3pm 4-20 August ‘What's sure to be one of the Fringe’s most ‘talked about shows, an hour of irreverent puppetry that's definitely not for children! 8.40pm 4-20 August POR ADULTS ONLY assembly @ASSEMBLY HALL sa wo suppetingrox ce eee fi eee eee ee Tem ole CHILDREN’S SHOWS PANDORA'S BOX Asery © George Stroct Assembly looms 54 George Street Gia Rees (Chigre's dare att finest Magia myths Pastoral famous bom Fghng learus and heroic Theseus - cass tals [od with tuning theatres. From [he wear with rciy deserved raonalrapustion fr the quay of thar show! Bimingho Pes, Pree Aug 45: | 120 (Sore 500 Aug (130202427 1 0(Sri) £900(C700 fag 710 Stale or ages 46 ey e679 1010 12 13 515 16 17 18 19201) 2223 2425 262728 |, PERSEUS THE GORGON SLAYER I) Total Arts Community Theatre (- Beclar Theatre, Hk Beato Place + 131225 9899 + Grid Ro FS 262408 This exch 5 star pick ofthe chickeris Fringe adventure recurs to Edibargh, 4 Hep cot havo Perse to remerber a he Ete wh monsters rescue mans ‘THE RAINBOW FISH UNDERWATER ACTIVITY AFTERNOON ompany Venue 260 Jury Inn, 43 Jory Street» 0191 56 0476» Grid Re D6 ‘Wether youve seen the show or nt. wy nt come ad jinn our underwater acivdies, with noryeling dhe octopus cve drama fn and puppesraking, Bring an due too! wothandertus couk ‘Aug V12,1419.21-6 1390(Ihr] £450 PL L4A9 26 1430{0N) E50 Sutable forage 7a9 1012 16 17 10 19 21 22.23 24 25 26 RANDOM ASPEKTS PRESENT ROCK A BYE B-BOY Dance Bese Dance Base - National entre for Dance, 4-16 Grassmarket *O131 225 5525+ Gr Ref Ea Rock A Bye B-Boy on a eetop. Ear a seapy nd of footwork reenes ind top eck. Jin hip-hop crew Random Asal 35 they cream of bedtime Breakdance and searches for the mead ofthe ovl Gorgon, Modus, Preview Aug 10 1030(25ni) 600 ug 12 lods(ie 500150) Suleableorages HEM Aug 1116-20: 1030053) 700 Sustable or ages + F 7890 z 5 710 11 12.13 415 16 17 18 19.20 PHIL KAY - GIMME YOUR LEFT SHOE Gilded Balloon Productions | id BaloonTevos. 3 Brisco Square» 0131 668 1633 ~ Grid Ret FS Ber kid ges up ther lef shoe. Those who want zo ar guded ins the Imlght te perform stand win bad. Be sen inthis show of shoe shows within a show Ags © r6789 101 1$.2025.7 1004S) E7OO(ESIE) (A000) Sua or ages under 12 213 (916 16 17 18 19 20) 2) 25 26 27 d POTTED POTTER -THE UNOFFICIAL HARRY EXPERIENCE Dan and Jeff Nicolson Street: sty minus? Wh Dan and jf ater the uate cerge. Hlarious pacy portrayal of ab your fvource t) characters Enterainment forthe whole family | Preiew ug 45: (40 i) 00|¢400) ‘Aig 619 1400) 500140) Word premiere Suitable forages 6+ © 416789 1011 1213 14 15 16 17 18 19 PROFESSOR BUMM'S STORY MACHINE The Black Sheep - Festival Hightights || Pleasance Coursyar 60 The Pleasnce 0131 $56 4550 + Grd Ref ES Professor Burm an Doctor Whee presen brillarely bonkers improvised comedy gurantee to keep the whote family laughing flowing 2008s secur fun. ‘Absolute rayhem and anarcte fun "Lt ‘Chien snore wih deghe Scaumon. worwstorymachine ba Preow Aug 25130) £500 ag 20 1300) £700 Sita forages +E at a a THE QUEST FOR EXCALIBUR Theatre Alba Disdengnton Kir Manse Garden, Old Church Lane, Dudgeon Vilage + 0131 5369979 - Gnd Robe Encounuer myiol creatures as you vind your way seeking KhgArdurs sword - Exaalbur Song to srg,ctues to solve -anctherexhiratng promenade production | Soe Onsen mage een A yore magreton olin snoe M30Aug 5: 1300) c.on(es0) LB 57-12 10h) C600(6400)__ Werk preiore» Sib frag 40 | SE en ere RE THE RAINBOW FISH Blunderbus Theatre Cor enue 45,044 St Pauts Church rides ‘The mos bait fh in the ocean, bu wl she gve away er ikterng sales! A ‘le of eve fendi cle wih music and puppouy. From the tam who brought las year’s sellout succes, Emer! #7" Three Wels. warwHlonderbus. cove Pree ug 3 1038 Sore) £450 Aug 14.1921-28 |035 Sr) (450(550) Aig 1320 1435 (Sra) 6800550, NAMIE World prefers + Suter ages 3-7 17 1919 2021 22 23 24.25 26.7 16678 ‘THE RECORDER UNLEASHED Hoty Cross Church, Devisons Mains * 131 226 0000+ GridRebCI “The recorder - usa toy? Del he myth wah an entering and enigeenng afternoon of musical fa and surprises rom around de world. For the woe fam “Ang Sher recorde) Mark Oven (arpichordpans). Alo at ere 25. ‘Aug IO(IN) ea00(CC0), ‘uate for acs T+ 2 15 16D SCOTTISH CEILIDH FOR KIDS Dance tae yer Daddy The Bongo Club, 37 Holyrood Road 0121 S$7 2827» Gd Re Dance de es dap to che mus, brig dhe fail, Al dances led sos easy! Fn forall hie high energy partition sho! Fer rr from The Ltn 2005, ‘Ag412-131820,25, 1500 (he) EB0D(E70 (S00) Skater ager +L +6 an Te 1920 25 26-27 2 SaratchBulltProductions £ : wenue 4 3-28 August sr couumss!s 412.00p) ESCALATOR = ORT ead el od CHILDREN’S SHOWS SERIOUS FUN FOR KIDS ENLCA,67 Northumnberiand Street + 07950233 625+ Grid Re C2 ‘A morning of auryfanyales wth a modern ows flowed by iterative ‘worichops and games. Let the wes ones loose with cosuumes and make-up while you goof and pay. New experiences every iy ww johnnnilerpresents om ‘ag 2 10002 £1000(c800) Stable forages JOB) 67910 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 192021 22.28 24.25 26 1 SHOE BABY Gidea Balloon Tel, 13 Briso Square +0131 668 1633+ Grid Ret FS Shoe baby sa mageal puppet show! Jin us forts anastcl sngaong advevare ‘witha baby whe takes tm the senthe ache 200 all ina shoe! Bag 21-20 1000) 600 Eurpean prin» Slee for agen 3¢ qe seS7 0910) DRM Si 7 Baba 22 28 24 28 26 a7 28 SILLY BILLY BUM BREATH Pleasance Courtyard, 60 The Phasance 0131 S56 6550 + Grid Ret £6 isthe naught magrary and ever_and ts festival e's goig co cause Woubl! My caugearlughed more an se had at any other show on the Feng’ Kely ‘Apter st Sold our 2005! Preview Au (2558S) ¢500 ‘Aug 1416202228 [255 S503) O00 ‘Saale for agen 4 KA ‘x6 7.09 10 14 12.13 44 1617 18 19.207) 22 28 24252627 28 SINGALONGA SHOWTUNE WITH SISTER MARY MCARTHUR Gilded Balloon Tevot. 13 Brito Square 8 1633+ Ged Re FS ‘A furflled family sirglong with all our frourte Disney and show tures. Hep ‘Sar Marythe nun wo warts to be 2 star get ready for her Sound of Muse debue ‘wwsermarymearturcouk Prviw Aug 251085 (Sr) £510 ‘Ag 8161517222428 16 ring £700 (500 (2000F) Weld prere Stable forage 44 2425 26 27 28 ver6 7801011 1213 HIS GIT A play for 4-28 August dénldrem apd Rant and thet = fame The Supper Directed by Room Malachi Assembly Bogdanov Rooms ‘You wont see anything wittler or more hysterically hilarious anywhere this year rang ht Pore) the best shows for children award winning companies Cc wenues vibre E box office hotline eee ri] 5105 EM CMON eRe aa Re see page 218 for show information eee cae PoE yearns) SLEEPING BEAUTY ‘Quaker Meeting House,” VitortaTerrace + O131 220 6109 Grd ReEES Zaz. Evenyone knows the story... Wel this te why not get an account For ‘someone who was acualy thre? VWhe betar than the all-sedrg,gttrng ering, § ‘ery? After a, Beary a‘ che only one who had cigs bat ‘Aug 2-250 1230) dSCD|ES0) | Sule forage 5+ | 678901 DI Ta PNM Mw MIT Ba SPARKIE'S WIZARD SCHOOL - THE MAGIC RING adisson SAS Edinburgh Hotel 80 High Stree 0131 228 0000+ Grd Ref ES ‘Wards ererhere are invied wo jln Spark an ers for are fred termat Ward School Exckemere, ruse td ager guaran? Fra ores sold out Fringe 2002, 2003, 200 and 2008. wwewpraesia-magicorg Sauter ‘TALK TOTHE ANIMALS. Eainburgh Zoo, Corstorphine Road 0131 {Kis an jin cur professional company and put ona Fange show = eat Edinburgh Zoo in jst tres hours! Everyone goes part brillant fin! £12 por child includes day ency 2o te Zoo. wwwwedinburgzco ‘aug 1427 (0000) £1200, ‘Aug 1427: 1400) C1200 UK premiere Suitbefor ages 16 ony 9 (0)) 2.018 1 46 17 18 19 20 21 2223 24 25-26 27 THEM WITH TAILS ‘Assembly @ George SeeetAssembly Rooms, 4 George Stret “O13 226 2428 + Grid Ref D4 ‘Tee untaly tales. and one mpossisle one! Anyting an happen th row story-telng show - i never the same ewe. Tham Vth Tal were any more fi ie wead probably be oulnved =" Three Weeks, wovwtalstariesorguk Aug 53-10, 41617ab-2428 |90{S0rI9 7506650) ‘Aug t113i820.5-27 110060) (850050) 4x6 7891011 121 1416171 ‘Setable for ges 41 2021773 2425 26 27 8 #CarteBlanche_f \. venue 34 ADAM House Caaubens STREET 10.15am 2-28 Aug For ages 5 and up { { Yee ee) pene neon TREASURE ISLAND {C.Charnbers Street =0870 701 $105 + Grid Ref ES [ein jm Hnwens ashe fins pirate treasure mp! Interactive Gate for de ‘who don't jak wan co stl and wasch! "An outstanding piece of highly crghal Incracive sts’ Stage. Profesional Eulty approved Forge producer vw spottes caked ig 2 235 lh re) 80450 (2: 1947678910 11 121819 15 1617 VOLCANO HEAD George Square Theatre, George SquareBuccleuch Place +131 642 874 Grid Ret FS Braniac’s mort exrume TV clentst (Dr Bunbead) ivertgats the mow dangerous, foolsh ad responsible experiments ever. 100% pure, ve high-octane since _parmveed Unsuiadle for wimps. Sil czy. cry. dangerous anc magnicené Daly Telgroph.‘Burtead Is a asia’ Tres. ag 47,913 1130( ly) £30 (00) (26007) ‘Word premiars Stable for age + EN e7s9 NAB THE VOYAGE OF THE DAWN TREADER Augustin’ | George IV Bre Ley and Edmond voyage dough Nar ‘Avior resaing of CS Lew’ css ale. ‘Gree visuals and ensemble. Performers are top note == Teo Woks 2005, ig 72.25: 1645 (Sr) C0010) Grid Rot 5 Stiebefor sgn 7+ BDU KT Eo: WATCH THE BIRDY [North Esinburgh Arts Cenire, 1 Peompwe Court - 0131 315 2151~ Ged ReEAL_ Performed by Pack Lynch, wall known fom CBeeBiesRazale Daze. Ths magic Show is about an egy dat docs want to hatch. A fanasie experience with Bing ‘gz, lethery snow anc specal thestre-nys ‘Rigg 1006s) #5001650, ‘Ag 10-1: 1S (S001) Sian or age 3+ poneTee ua TeDInD ws WHOOPEE! LAUGH OUT LOUD WITH SCOTTY & LULU ‘George Square Theatre, Gorge SquareBucleuch Pace +131 662 8140+ Grd Ret FS The avard- wining duo reun wh alo of Whoopes! Musk, comedy and Siglo fun for todders, es and tweeries. Free mix downiceds Yrwscomnuiucom cut shove the usa dy fre’ = Le lg Sle 14 ie) £750(C550 (22007 European promier Suitable forage 10K e780 WHOSE SHOES? Have you ever wondered what hippened to Cinders shoes? How dd hey fendup na lake? Mee: the madcap lala Bagby. She tals he story which has Duppes magle and ste baby ‘Bagg PIP 1 10S) £600(C40(C1600F ‘Ag 712 2154S) £50040 (16007 78 WILD THINGS! mere Chambers Steet = 0670701 5105» Grid Ret ES ‘The le ofa id ile boy with the wildescimagrador! Funky music! Cray comedy! Gigi coseumes! The widest rump and maddert-cp advecare ever “ou think he Fringe i vl. You sin seen nothing yet! wwrthesecolours com Bg 8 F240 ran) £780 655500) Wert promare- Sutate frag Jt 14-15 16 17 10 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 20, CHILDREN’S SHOWS Khe Brodies LLP helps the Edinburgh Festival Fringe find its audience oe) Dye ‘AAA STAND-UP Kevin Dewsbury, Christian Reilly, Zoe Lyons Plaaance Courtyard 60The Plemsance * O13 S56 6550+ Grid Ret ES ABSOLUTE & ALMOST BEGINNERS COMEDY COURSE ‘Stand Up and Deliver Zoo Southside, 117 Nicolson Street + 07970 524 234 Ghd Ret ES Jorn el-our 2005 returns with a brand new line-up. Kevin Dewsbury. & cass stand up depend. Crvstan Rely, Rich Hal, musialcolaborator and Rath 2 regular Zoo Lyons, content raoesharp wirner of Fury Wren competion. Sook ery! Preiow ug 14 (910(h) £500, gS 16141721-2428 1910 (ts) (050(C7 ‘ag 113 16202827 190() (950 CR) Wer premiere EECA 2141678910 11 1213 14 15 1617 18 1920 21 2223 2426 262728 ABOUT AS FUNNY AS IT GETS FREE AT LUNCHTIME Tom Clutterbuck, Karl Edrik and Abi Roberts ! PBH's Free Fringe Laughing Horse @ Lindsay’ 15 Brack Strot +0191 S56 8974+ Grid Re BS ‘What do you gt fou pat Js an econ anda loose worran in one room CComeay of bibl proportions. and maybe 3 song. wwabiroberscom Ping 18 215 (ie) (eee) 6789101012 121415 61718 ABOUT COMEDY: STAND-UP COMEDY COURSES Laughing Horse Comedy Laughing Hore @ Linda, IS Branwc Street Learn send-up comedy in two das. Kevin McCarron (comedian, write Uniersny (of Surry comedy ator) 2nd jay Sodagar (comedan wre ctor) offer Etersive courses with a plaraneed spot a Fringe show Further iformation worwaboutzonsegy.coidk-07796 171 190 nfo@aboutcomedj.o.e Rng 215,9.2125 000) 2900/7900 (269005) iy Ce 901 22538 KT ABOUT TAM O'SHANTER Bruce Fummey The fest comedian on the Aro Cate comedy crcurt kes a sideways dance at Robert Burs’ greatest narative, topping off this Wario ara with the bet performance of Tam Oran ‘hog2-63-19,152022.26 3 nue7eo RG ss rere 1 16 17 18 1920 2 2223 2425 26 ounce ancragn> > DALY Qecen8 ‘ue maven use Fouad DS CRLEAA Wi. Conon Glided Battoon Taviot, Bristo Sq wox OFtic £12 (Ett conc) Moneta ‘Discover te demate Fringe erence. Develop Fand-p sks over five dys on ‘this accned, respected course ed by comedy Icurer Logan Murry. Showcase sppearace on 28 August (20pm). ec at ww StandUpAndDelvercom or (7970524 234 ‘Ag 1.280930 le Onn) 20000 (Care hn Ba eS) ACCORDING TO JESUS joson Kavan ‘Sweet Gassmarat Apex Clty Hota l Graemarhet + 0670241 0134 + Grd Rf Back ms prophesied: as polvealy correct cating ede and satirical as He was 2000 years ago and leally able to sy ein He onm stand-up show. Ti year the king of fangs becomes ng of comedy, ‘Aug 413,157; 1835 (ori) 700650) ‘Yor premiere a 416789 10 10 12 13 15 16 17 18192021 22 23 26 25 2627 Bom ACTS OF DEPRAVITY Unnecessarily Offensive Theatre ‘CADWEST @ Esinburgn Theosophical Society, 28 Gt King Steet + 07720 285 550+ chy bre encounter between Tennessee Willa, Alan Benet Chekhov Sand an extant! wbrator (brats therore | am) aB combine to bring bas tse ‘comedy to an absokinlyfbulcus ew kom. Harty flere. ‘hog 20.26 220) Wor premio 2021 nw was TS ADAM HILLS: CHARACTERFUL ‘Adam Hills ‘Assembly @ George Street Assembly Rooms, 54 George Stret 0131 2262428 + ‘Characrertul ad) | Markedy expressve of character 2A brand new hour of ‘comedy from Australas tipe Perrier Award nomines, 3, effordesy Gilat’ (Goardar. Sundays with BSL ncrpreter ‘Ag 410,15 1721-2428 2140) £1300 (C120) 24 yso01300) European premio 1516 17 18 1920 21 22 23 2425 26 27 28 ADRENALINE Kate Smurthwaite ‘Roman Eagle Lodge, 2 Johnston Terrace +0131 226 7207+ Gri Ro E4 ‘Adrenaline Fasten your seatbelé Avardawlening comedienne Kate Sarthe introduces her high-voltage stand-up and inpied characters. Expect a resting ction packed show with the Rado Jick presenter and rear BBCTY and rad panell.Spectacular. brillant hunoue wwwednburghgude com, Excelent Proven ug 45 2155 (Ie) 06400) ‘Ag 610,141721-26 255 (hr) e800 C650 ‘Ao U-1218-2025-27 2135 (i) DET 30) 1678910 11 12 1/1615 1617 18192021 2223 24 25 2677 i ee ADRIAN POYNTON - THE NEW ROCK 'N' ROLL Ask Entertainment {Ged Balloon Teviot, 13 Brito Square +13 Grid ROS ‘Comedy the new rock ro Adan rock Wi olin fct he's a Be ibn Hrs ales of rying tobe cool but uate bing human. ‘Astounding moments fgets. stung! Gunnin 24m 900) 500750) 210467991010 12 13 14 51817 SS eee AENEAS FAVERSHAM. Penny Dreadfuls Smimofl Underbelly 58 Cowgate (entrances on ComgateardVictora Street) + (0870745 3082+ Grid Raf ES 1 comedy show of seches occurrences and curio fapperstance fom widin the ‘rk ad foaty heart ofViezoran London. Part Frankie Howerd. pare Sle Mallen: ucery belle url suid! “** Evanng Nowe. wrwpenryereadit.couk ig2- (800(SSars) C500 13.16:29.25-27 1200 (Sra) 900000) Wer premre HE | 1219 14 15 16 17 18 1920 21 2229 24 25 2627.5 Pati ete ees) Reena AFTERHOURS Pleasance 6850+ Grid Rel FS bln son Byres The ngediry Aeris tk ra eur aac yr with be aes comedy. Cond and more! 456 27 8 AGGIE ELSDON FOR FREE IN ‘CRONE ALONE’ Aggie Elsdon, PBH Free Frin 556 4481 “Grid Rot D6 swith guest Spot from some of he best ooking male ats around. ‘Deiciouslybaty Time Ost sworn fresringe com age tt: HAS (ie) Gree Nowe) ALEX LASAREV - ILLEGAL IMPORT ‘Alex Lasar Holyrood Tavern, fa Holyrood Road + O131 556 S044 + Grd Re ES Briain didnt wane anrher Canaan bx Lasrev was determined to sty perience is anarchi deportation from bewderng the pois and evading Inmigration ofits to pcg free plane uke home, ‘Ouerageoushy achingly ferry’ wor. cok Proview Aug 2100{0nas) 20 ‘Aug 13,1527: 2100s) C400 (6500) 4446789 10 14 1213 1516 17 10 19 2021 22 23 24 25 26 27 ALFRED WILLIAMS TELLS A JOKE cnt obege tft Lr Por Lady Loon 5 70 24 0136 Grid Rot FA ‘Ore man. One joke. One hour In this show straigh from the London Frings ‘Ared Wiliams spies a minctiong joke ins an how's demonstrason of the fermen arf hepa rcorms y4r6789 101112 % ALL KENNEDY; FEEL THE LOVE [Noveliton te run explins hazard ofthe wring fe. Pot Node, chars, tera! examinations, las, semi-colon backache, perversion, Microsof par Idecomposiion. Uke watching a mide criss but without the careree sex Preview Aug 16(le) 6001500) Preview Au 1500(Ie) £600(500) Ag 1352022217 130th) £700 Word promire 2416709 2 20) 222324 25 2627 ALLEN AND WRIGGLESWORTH Tom Allen andTe [osed Ratoon Toe 13 Brito Sqeere= 0131-668 1633°GHORERAS “Two of Brah's most tntad young comedare. Tom ln (205 Winner So You ce Funny and BBC New Comedy Award) and Tom Waigglesworth (2003 ) lve an awa wey ad youthAd take on ther worlds. Sl Pre Aug 5.2015 (i) S00 Pag 610, 1617212428: 2015 (0) 650 2025-27, 3015) 75050 1213 18 5 16 17 1919 20.28 2223 26 25 26 27 28 pop obsession search for the ultimate gg, Mi chs be ther great git of ther Fral pnebline? 6: 70H) e800 (00 6789 1011 1213 1615 16 17 19 192021 2 Ma 24 25.26, COMEDY sa eee oe at ee “Like the greats, Re’s able to turn filth mto an artform’ Monreal Garette pa eee) 0 on3-27 August for tech Beye oe ua ‘see poge 71 for show information COMEDY For all your Fringe tickets call 0131 226 0000 Ha Penta “Drop dead funny” svenine Pe cor ere Lee see page 54 for show information Luc Forer Factor ey Ce ea see page 58 for show information Peerage Me eel eve aan es ete ALLTWO GIRLIE ‘Andreya Lynham ond Charlotte Curtis Gilded Balloon Tove 13 Brio Square» 0131 668 1433 + Grd Rot FS ‘Gre. Gri, Great A refreshingly dverse double acc importing cher strange brand of shetch comedy wo Caledon comedy capa. Feeding ugha for inch rca Fry. and ad dey NoteTeos Lady nipped cn request. reve Aug 40h) 500 ‘Aug 68,10,'415,7,21-2428 149 ‘ug 11 3.1620,2827. 140 he or premiere 39467891011 1213 14 15 6 17 18 192021 22.29 2425 2627 28, Le cate aieprauen availa eet AL PITCHER EXPERIENCE Al Pitcher - Einburgh Comedy Room, The Tron, Hunter Square, Royal Mie +131 724 0000+ Grid Rob ES Et for energie, excing ccstac and exrsordnary erterannent. Kiwi ATs Cac and he's stl soperhumniy funny. ‘Can reduce an audience co was of bughte” Scotsman. Experience is rerwied ae spontaneous Kanda hs best. Book ary! if vwrnalptchercem revo Aug 230 £500 ‘Aug ¢71 1-13-2034 ) 5016650) 5075) ‘ALSO, COMEDY AND ME Sabrina George Holyrood Tavern, a Holyrood Rend 131 556 5044+ Grid Re Eb ‘A ust see nerguing third successful comedy show from tis experienced and tengazng cm. Jokes performed brian, Somewhere between Nazale Hynes tnd o Brand Scatman. mmpossiby able nonchalae and deigrfl.haeBved 3 colour exerence” Meo. ‘ang 3-2, 220 Shi) 00 6400) 2 ALUN COCHRANE - INTRODUCING AN INTRODUCTION TO ALUN COCHRANE'S IMAGINATION Goldman King & CKP {Gli Balloon Tevot, 13 Brito Square + O131 668 1633 + Grd Refi FS i (GRiai eiose Were 53 iow Sear OS MES ee Cee No eal if srories ths year it sltpes From hit snpid mid Word youl ear smuttred a8 people leave (probaly 3 the end): AnnoyigPoxtroder Annoying [poremader Career suicide Brant ney Preview Aig 35 200) £500 ‘Aa 6-1 fat 1-2028-2 20|Ie 1000 c850) io) ‘Yor premiere 1819 20 21 22 23 2425 26 27 © ALYSSA KYRIA:A SPARK INTHE DARK ‘Moody Productions Hotyrood Tivern, $a Holyrood Road iL: your spark? Ten characters rom one ael-out comedienne show you thle sparkplug Sarrng Share;uok the chav superstar, and Nacame Bonjour the French ings who cant epésk French. Faust! London Theatre Rev serwrarcberdiprod.corvnyrood ht Preview ug 45 1600 Ss) 00 ‘Bag e2,14202227, 16002) 00(C402) $56 S044 Gri Reb AMAZING ADVENTURES OF HER MAJESTY AT 80 Carole Shaw | ‘Sweet ECA, Edinburgh College af Art enter on Lautston Pl or Lady Lawson St (of ‘West PortGracamarhet) 0870 241 0136 «Grd Ret Fa et fer crsenrinen C000 1 EM are ae GL L ‘Sut afecionare poral ef the words mast (famous ocwgararanes. Re ‘the ride of your life inc che private thoughts and pasion of furdoving fl Wil ‘Crown, county, consort, corgi survive? wiewcarleshaw cou Pree Ag 3 500 ts) C400 ‘Aig 61214202228 1500 (mir) 00070) Word premiere 14 15 16 17 19 1920 0 22.23 26 25 2627 28, PLE to coo Raat lielite Rao) ee] ISD) 4 AMOS PHINEAS KLEIN: THE GROWING PAINS OF AMOS PHINEAS KLEIN AGE 331 - FREE ‘Amos Phineas Klein - PBH Free Fringe Laughing Horse @ Jol & Hyde, 112 Hanover Street 0121 225 2072 «Geld Ret C4 “The vans between adolescence and adulthood & mver easy = pardcurly when youre your 30s Ihated my chldnood that mich tea cn re-vng vwarretringe com (924.26 (35h) (re Nontead) Wor premio 0 | 12 13 14 15 16 17 (219 2021 22.25 24 526 | SIMON AMSTELL SIMON AMSTELL ‘Preasance Dome | rte Squire +0121 S56 6550+ Grid Rf FS ‘Aker 2008's sel-outshow.the hugely mous and humorous TV sar rewrns wth ‘funy ard harious hour ef stnd-up comedy ‘Clever, wash sandaup. His Subversheantshype senebities are 2 Lit of fresh a ening tnd Proview Aug 24 240 SS) £500 ‘ag 1014617.1-2438 240 Sri) £990(075 ‘ag 113, 2240 SS) £10005 Wer premiere “EE | AMUSED MOOSE COMEDY'S HOT STARLETS 2006 AM Entertainments in association with entertain | tm mmoick Stroct +131 $56 8974 = Grit Ref B6 pee herr SA ney Sree eet 0S EN Your ulémae alert spotng ream. free hnchtime smorgasbord of five exctng sers-oftomorrow handpicked daly rom twenty tented comedans discovered ratinride by Londons award-winning comedy venue, in assciaon wth Jemeerin. Sth seleut year. wwrwamusedmoose com ‘19.26 1315 (lh) Crue Narecened Wor rela 2021 23 BA 1s 28 | AMUSED MOOSE LAUGH OFF FINAL AM Entertainments in association with entertain < Underbelly Cow Bam, Rel! HllReld Quad, Bret Square +0870 745 3083 «Grd ReneS ‘Your vo cours I the ral ofthis prestigious len arch presented by award winning ArusedooseCemedy. Outstanding sandupe from across the UK and Ircand fg ic our for fame, forane and 2 shiny Moose trophy. srmamedoose com 4} ing 2: 1700) 900 Wor premiore ‘78 7 apm man 5 AMY LAME'S MAMA CASS FAMILY SINGERS Soho Theatre in association with Gilded Balloon Productions 3] Gi Baloon Teo, 13 Brisco Square 0131 668 1633 + Grd Ref FS INTRODUCING ALUN COCHRANE’S GILDED BALLOON TEVIOT - 8PM 5°-27" AUGUST iS, 0131 668 1633 www Por dou ANDREW MAXWELL - ROUND TWILIGHT Andrew Maxwell ssance Courtyard 0The Plssancs 0121 S56 6550 = Grid Reb E6 eas From appearances at HBO's comedy fs nega. to Monten ist For Laughs, mich begin at dusk. Jon C4s King of Comedy in his musescanted growa, =" Lis. The srongest comedian on the craxt Daly Teegph ProvewAug2-4 2010(Ihe)c600 ‘Ang 519-10,1416-17,21-2428: 20100) £150 (1000 ‘ng 13,162.25. 29 16h) £1250 (1.0, Word prenre AE ‘Ay Land waka chbby child wat Gr cover band, Jon her albyou-cn-eat i) buf of music, sing rivalry and shocking revelation. TY and rach regular Amy i ‘co-founder of Olivier wining "Duck Preview Aug 246: 1730(le) 00 ‘Ang 10517 2124.28 1730) £20010) A) ng 1310-20,25-2: 130) £1000(60) Wor premiore +E 9031 22 19 2425 2627 28 ANDREW J. LEDERER'S ‘ANTHOLOGY’ (FREE!) PBH's Free Fringe 4) Laughing Horse @ Canon's Gt, 232 Canoniste +0191 S56 A “Thoroughy enarting comedy "= Tee Weeks (200872005), oficial Ferge a) Arars-Woner (2004). 3rdYear! Sand-up storyelirg & ests! Andre Lederer ‘ould tum the dies der party into the social ever ofthe decade? Met, sen myspace cca athologypage ‘Bing 1 10(te (re Noh 6789 1011 12 19 14 15 16 17 18 19 202122 23 24.25 26 ee ee ANDREW LAWRENCE - HOWTO BUTCHER YOUR LOVED ONES Hannah Chambers Management 3) Peasance Courtyard 60 The Pkasance* 0131 S56 6550+ Grid Ret £6 The formidable BBC New Comedy Award winner and Sony Award nominee | performs his hoty-anacpatad deb show "Spabindg and teal mesmerising | BBC. A fuslade oF ne joes. cwisted stores and upreariou: songs. Unmissable I) Previn Ag oe 245 SS) (50D. Aang 10,1617 22.24 2% 2145 (SS) {2501700 Hae 2a (re) £95800) 1318-2053 Wor promre +=} 920 2223 24 25 2627: 394467 69 1011 12 19 [5 16 17 18 19.20 28 22 23 26.25 2627 28 —————— ANDREW STANLEY & DAMIAN CLARK - | DAREYA wwwwedcomé.com - Lisa Richards Agency ‘Andrew (re) and Daman (Aust) ae bored. teed your help They feed you daly dares! cneray 2 reco 13,16-2825.27. 245 (i) SDB Wor premiore 39446789 90 11 FD ED 15 16 47 10 19 20.21 2223 28 25 26.27 ae ANDY PARSONS: INTERNATIONAL INDOOR CHAMPIONSHIP MOANING Andy Parsons Pheasnce Courtyard Eb From BBC 2 ‘Mock The Wes Rado 7 Parsons and Naylor's Pu Out Sections nd The Comedy Store Cuting Ede” Reviews Ednburgh 2005: Seton, Ferd." Thre Weeks Preview Aug: '850(h) (500 ‘Ang 457-10 16-17222430 185) £1.20(C100) ‘Ag 1-1518-2028-27; (850) £1200(€100) 16789 10 11 12 13 9 15 16 17 U0 19 20 | 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Visit COMEDY ANTHONY MENCHETTI - ANTS PANTZ Gilded Balloon Productions Gilde atloon Teviot, 13 Bret Square +0131 668 163 Gr Rot FS ‘A smash tic at de Maboure Inernatioral Comedy Festal An honest look at paren dtr ulkise work. gy-convesion school and & dad wo ins On sang YoU up wth waresses even though he lows youve an ininaion Preview ig 25 1:90 (500 Ag 10 2130) 00 (70, ‘Rog 2130(t)€900(cR0) ‘ig 2131820227 1300 (nd £90080 European premiere I=) AUTOMATED HOUSEWIVES ‘Automated Housew Pleasence Courtyard 60 The Pessance*0121 $56 6550* Grid Ref £6 Forget The rperae Housewives come and mest the uniquely finry “Axorated Housewhes. Jon them in thelr hlarious quest for CGM husbands digtal emarcemert and the parec star sgn for te post miler swan, Unbeleabie Preion ug 241300 re) 500 Bag 1015172126 |300(S0new) 50 C609 ‘ing 11318202827 (209 rn) £850(2720) Pleasance Courtyard, 60 The Peasance +0131 86 6550+ Grid Ret £6 [Nobody kes responsi for thelr actors nowadays. C4 sar Ava Vda Wwondert Se empresa’ wrv/chorde. coc shoud low sha Wed 2 prety reckless fe, Now, at 30 she's aly ‘Aang 58,10 1415,1721-242% 7250 (Ir) €850(6700) Bong Ue1 48202627 250) £950 ERC 274067891010 1213 17 18 19.20 24 2328 24 25 262728 BACK TOTHE FUTON ‘Siena Underbelly, $6 Compe (entrances on Cowgate and Victor Stes + (870 745 308) GHG Ret ES her responsdes- and ks noc prety Scout 21 jgprats of sand-up as de ginger Corishman, BBC wer TV avaréwinning comedian and terol reves HilValey, Hoverbosrde weleorne Bf noe Sal-out 2005. Book cary.or are you. chicken? Ingenious’ Evening Standard Preview Aug 3-4 200i) £50 ‘gS l,1620,25:27 000() 250 e850) ‘ig 11015172124 2000 (I) #8506750) 14167891011 1213 15 1617 18 2021 2223 2425 2627 BACKTRACKING: THE FREE BACKPACKER'S COMEDY SHOW Peter Bi Laughing Horse @ Does Hare Bs ‘of debauchery along and hear the myth separated from the madness of backpacking around the dob. ‘Rog 202% (00 Gori) Fee Nene) ork premiere 20 21 22 73 14 25 26 FICC (anor erator Conerence Cre) Te Es Bl Bay reer to Ee wi theure and ter documanearies His tar has not chargod. He things He wl no dance, nes prenoke ‘Ag 6 230 (ih 34 £10 C1800) ‘Ag 719: 19300 Sore) C1150) ‘ew sandsip show afer dang inthe dark a ve 3 fw more nowswTwD corey aaailllapEumntietiesereeee eeaeeat BARRY CRYER AND RONNIE GOLDEN PRESENTA. CENTURY OF SONGS, Barry Cryer and Ronnie Golden Gide Baioon Tei, 13 Grito Square 0131 668 1633 Grd Ref FS ‘Ther Sth feral and th biggest challenge to dace: 10 glorious decades m 57 bilricusmiruzes. Ben E King to Benny Hil The Olé Schoo proving tha od f cook Exropean premion 2314 45 06 17 8 19 20 21 22 23 26 25 26 27 ee eee Pea org see page 50 for show information SCR an Ry Pot an ALT See Peer ed Pa eet aller pit PLEASANCE COURTYARD. FA) ead Pet oe edd Sac meer a) Lea a Ma An) ee Ro eta) ets ERD ery essembly™ TCP ioas Pi Cee a Uy eng Pete ee eed COMEDY BASKET - AN ORIGINAL HANDLE ON THE ORDINARY Streets & D’Ancona ‘Quaker Meeting House, 7 Vitoria Terrace * 0131 220 6109+ Grid Re E4 Fre atunpes a sudolarsuperioviy compleves peed dang (ory faster) why you should dscard your supermarkac recs carly. ard more. Statches, sd Up snd maybe even a song oF Rag tleee £700 0) e450) UK premore 1) RBM 67 BDA aa a we os 878 BBC RADIO 4'S STARS OF THE FUTURE BBC Radio 4 Pleasanco Courtyard 60The Pieasace +0131 $56 6550+ Geld Rot Es {BBC Rado 4 ples new shows tht could flow in de foosteps of ead Ringe! "The Mighy Boosh’ and ie Seen. Doni miss your chance to be there! ‘ig C15 Ie) (roe Ten) ‘og 125 he) (Powe) BBC STAND UP SHOW LIVE! BBC [BBC Comedy talene experts prosenc a specacular month of inpeceable Ineups, shewetsng the country’ nest comedars. Aunts imouty parantnes you the best ‘ames and biges aughs. Endre run sd cut 2000-2005,bock now! Preview Ag 2-4 13000) £500 ‘Aig 10,141 61721222428: 2300 (te) £950(6100, 1920357; 2300(h 10504900) 2 1011 121314 51617 2 1) 33 24 25 2627 28 A BEGINNER'S GUIDE TO THE FRINGE Beeswax Theatre Ccenaral, Carton Hotel, North Sid 701 5105+ Grid Re OS Cane decide whac @ watch? Fear nod Alpha and Bet are here. "Great surreal observatioral comesy th makes you laugh out loud Three Wess. "Abicute muse see for Fringe rg and veterans lke wwednburghgude com ‘gaurd 1935 (Sri (2500750) ‘Word premiere += 9 10 11 1213 14 5 16 17 16 19 20 21 22.28 2425 26 27 28 BEN ELTON - THE MUSICAL Dan Thomas Glded Balloon Teviot 13 Brizo Square ‘This altainggprt-dincing, one-man apactadeacisr fst entirely to parades Cf songs fom wellknown rusials and cass 8s pop Hits. (Nor endorsed by fesxurig Ben Eon) Preview Ag 25: 1830(0) 00 ‘AngetO.4 16517 21-2422 1830 lv) 25042750 ‘ig 1-5,18:2025.27 1830) £950(2 Wor preniere ESAT 2944678910 1112 19 14 16 17 18 1920 222 23 2425 26 27 28.» eS BENT DOUBLE Komedia Entertainment ‘Assombly @ George Stree, Assembly Rooms, 54 George Street +0131 226 2428+ Gri Re D4 i ‘An reverent hour of fn hosed by Zoe Lyons, A fllowing bier than elds Marcos'shoe colecion. Komeda Brightcn’s zy friend comedy show pads into Edinburgh withthe hottest ne-ps. Preproot quick fr eas delvered wth unling BEST LAID PLANS - FREE Martin Cassidy, Roland Gent, Dave Twentyman Laughing Horse @ Meodow Bor 42-44 Gueceuch Streat* O13! 667 6907+ Grd Ret ES Tiree stand-up comics st down and chat about ote ideas, madcap marketing and dead end jobs including cour sreetighs and readrg tarot cards. An hour of {orrid tes, wor retin com he) ronan) 789101 4 COMEDY BEST NEWCOMER: MICHAEL PIPER Three Bugs Gilded Balloon Tet. 13 sto Square +0131 668 1633 + Grid Ret FS ‘Tm wearing my hood tac w front so dx fTm sk wort Fave to ear up.” "The dat coud only ive gone worse Thich. Unita winner. Come aigh prety Frew Ang 25 12465) C500 ig619c7.21 29.2438: F45(l) £750 (650) ‘Rg iit92025.0 1285 Ih) 8500759 Work premlre + 15656769 1011 1213 1415 16 17 16 19 20 21 223 26 25 26 27 BEST OF EDINBURGH COMEDY 2006 - THE SHOWCASE SHOW wwrwedcomé.com Pleasance Courtyard, 60 The Platance 0131 556 8550+ Grd Ref E6 {ute spl he best ve show onthe Frings! Showing he bes and bight of hs ya's Fringe comics «a diferee esp every iy ps specal quest hosts “ora seu 2004 & 2005, ag 1015-72124 28: F210(1) £450 C50 ug i025. 1810 Ie 7.501660 6567691011 1218 [15 1617 18 1920 24 2a 23 24 25 26 178 BEST OF IRISH COMEDY The Stand Comedy Club “The Stand Corey Ci, $ York Place +0131 S58 7272+ Grid Re CS ints foes under one rook. Escort vate Cate showeas tring tree top omic oF the price of one, Sellout 1999-200. ‘Wendel inp ey justifies Shows wt Bseng New. A surlre wieer, Dirac ie sworn ‘ge 100 re 20700) ord premiere 46769 1011 1219 1415 1617 1019 2021 22 23 26 2526.27 8 BEST OF SCOTTISH COMEDY The Stand Comedy Club The Stand € Four top Scorn a quality comady showcase, Doss che busines Sipe “Great Yale ina relaxed envionment Seaman. All ew expanded frat with old ‘bvourtes and now rng srs ferent Ine-p every night. wworthestnd cau ‘ig 2022.27 2190(0h A) £1000 (8), ‘Wess premiere 456789 10 11 1213 14 15 16 17 1819 20°) 22 23 24 25 26 27 BEST OF SOYOU THINK YOU'RE FUNNY? Gilded Balloon Productions Giles Baton Tet, 3 Brito Square 131 668 163 «Grd Re FS ‘Not tobe mised! The plek of te bese winners and runners up from the most ‘amous comedy compecton onthe Frings. Shed wars of ghar with the crm of Fringe comedy Pro gt 200) c600 ‘Ag 17232528 23016 Yr) 100010900 “ i 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 4/25 26 2728 SS BEST OF THE FEST 2006 Assembly Theatre Asser @ George Serect,Atsembly Rooms 54 George Strect +0131 2262428 + Grd Ret 4 Bud by the esas comedy ondught? Rak! Best ofthe Fas does te Fara ‘work for you! Eainburgh's Bagese comedy show. The perce way to enjoy the brightest flees ae he Fringe Predew Aug 4S OO¢3|r 30s) £500 ‘Ag 10517202524 0000 (Ie vir) £120 (C100) See ees call 013 1 226 0000: BIGVALUE COMEDY SHOW - EARLY Maverick Comedy | Cale Roya Fringe Theatre, 17 West Register Street +131 556 2549+ Grid Re OS ‘Undoubtedly cabaret comedy at ks best Saxman, Four top comedlns joke competion and cheap bar. Two hours of quay In ts |2th year asthe recogrised launchpad for fre sar. Al his for €750. 1950) 6500 33 24 25 26 27 —— BIGVALUE COMEDY SHOW - LATE Maverick Comedy a Rpt ingest, 17 Wa Reger Sie] $86 354 Gd Re arden connie al aiinaia ce ere ene | Speak ix btn ea ho oe, Pee oy cored Pot Aa 45-009 0 ’ sian ote 0 ae BILL HICKS: SLIGHT RETURN. Festival Highlights Peasance Courtyard 60 The Pleaance + O131 554 6550» Ge . Seout show retus for jus twelve periorances in dence of Ce sokng ban ‘One-ters to veaure at every wr! Teegoph.“Absokuly rust see show "= Independent. "Unsetingy good Goardan. ‘Comedy binder’ =" Scasmar. Terie, rolling reincaraton’ Met PrevwAing 4 1630) 0D. Aung 13: 16300) £950 e800) eee eee 467890 21 HS GT EPDM 2 D102 6D Moe |) THE BIRD FLU DIARIES ‘ Olivia Poulet and Sarah Solemani Fleasance Dome, Beso Square +0131 5566550 Grid ROES Frou fray bids oe view ofthe Gras Bish puis reaction w the andere Writen and performed oy Ova Poet (ar of TVs Whar Love Mears) $d Sarah Semen 'Gret corse ering. eal vir Sen Pree Bog 2 016m {SOD Ag ONC IT RIAA 210i) S070 ug 31890. 2010S) €950 720, 39456780 10 11 1213 14 15 16 47 18 19 2021 2223 24 5027 2890) BITE ME Double Edge Drama Smiroff Underbelly, 56 Cowgate (entrances on Cowate and Victoria Stree) * wn encoun ee Fen, Blinc and Alx he togeter agnor wk. Bunche taches singing co mediocre musical dares Alex ves fr the next poet Fen wo The tO buy some Conran-shop spoons They need to expel ther fatmate-trs00n, Fug 10415,1721-26 225 Sr €75| C85) ‘ug 1113182025: 208) BOTS) Word premiere £789 1011 12.19 14 15 17 16 19 2021 22.23 28 25 26 27 Sv BLACK COMEDY &THE REALINSPECTOR HOUND | Liverpool University Drama Society Greensido by Royal Terrace *O131 5572124 Grid Ref C6 ‘Bick Comedia blickou created chaos wil be ruin 7-12 previews 78-88). ‘See rspector Hour. whodunnit mystery spool rom Lh 15th (oredews the Sch). Guaraeaed hysterics! Prev Aug 7614151850) £0020) ‘gd 835 300600 ‘Ag 161185 00 (€500 ‘Aim 1-1281925:2%, 020 Ihe) 1200200) 4557891011 1213 15 617 181920) D2 24 2S 267 Boy ———— DANNY BHOY. Ask Entertainment ‘Assombly @ George Stect,Assembly Rooms, A George Stret + ‘Comparisons wih the grea masters ofthe ar ach as rr Sef or Bly Conroy are ineiable, and cera nox unfvourable’ Seaton. Retain to Enburgh with a brand rew show this is he hotest ices m town. Book ear 31 226242 C7 891M DHS THE BLACK SHEEP The Block Sheep - Festival Highlights Pleasance Domne! Brsto Square 013] 5566550 + Grid Rot FS ‘Shwches songs and lines rom Rado 4 wricars and creators of Frige His The {py of Wine and Ubersusage "ou buckets’ Dai Mal. “Bein frm ‘# Scasman. "Bloody funy “* st. ‘Great come wring Gordan, ‘worn Hacksbeopcomedyicouk Previow Ag 183) £1000 agg P5123 (he) CAD ‘Raga 517 2.2528 999 125011200 Ang IQ417 172 le) £50600) ‘Aig U346-20,2627 1930 lhe) C0013) European premiere EEA) Aug s131818: 1730 (i 5 27.00) Wor premiere EEE 456789 10 14 1213 15 1617 18 1920.21 2223 24 28 26 27 28 214467691011 12 13 415 1617 18 19H DOMBAV BY Reb COMEDY PapcES USO 31571 eanail THE URBOOKABLES ETO Uae Poy era ig er re Pere ee od Ua Lata TMA ey bitty ace Dar ag ee Pays Wed (erat) Pass COURTYARD . Pet ee oe COMEDY Cc THE LATIN MUSIC COMEDY EXPLOSION Prorat ten ocr eerste seer VRE aU teeta Rea Le) it Sinetron Cece neon see page 60 for show information pubmimony is bigest iene i = adel Per ened Lrelare |e vimeitite afer call 0131 226 0000 BOB DOOLALLY'S WORLD CUP BALLS The Stand Comedy Club “The Stand Comedy Gib, $ York Pace * 0131 559 7272 Grid Ref CS i indie footbaling satire, drink fucked randng and src from Fringe feource. Two. rigs only! “Almost beter than foebalIndepandert "The oie of the terraces, brimming with spontaneous wi Setend on Sinday.Fouemeuthed, pty incorrect Season. THE BOOK CLUB Robin Ince Smirnoff Underbelly 54 Cowgnte (entrances on Comte ane Victoria Steet) + 0670'745 308) = Grd Reb ES j Chere AvaréWinner 2006 A phencmanan Tekguph Rac, Raxdngs fom books. Comediens Unueusl suff Accordion coverversions. Duaing Books. Cf Ricard New show every weak. Concemporary dance? Criceall-acchimed ‘The ‘most important ierary event on the Feige Ober t 1678910 BA BOOTHBY GRAFFOE WITH NICK PYNN: RELEASE U WINTIN The Stand Comedy Club “The Stand Comedy Clb, York Pace +0131 559 7272+ Grid Rok CS Hel Rarely mendon 2 man who’ in gaol in Myanmar ferro reason, He wl, however, question the recycling ethic sng abou bugs and upset a let one ght wing Ameria. Preview Bug 21930) 7.006500) age 81820.22.27 1950( Ih C800 (70 4 1011 1213 1151617 18 ARTURO BRACHETTI ‘Arturo Brachetti ‘The Splgel Garden, George Square Gardens +0131 647 8940+ Gri Re FS Man ofa thousand fice, peeress marr ‘quckechange. In he ink ofan eye he becomes ames Bond, Chae Chapin Snow ‘White and Liza Mina. Leaving aulences mse, breathes, own avay ing 141315417,2022242 2145 (ry £110 re BRAVETARTS Liz Carr and Tanye pees 31 5555044 Grid RoE “The gis rom Abnormally Funry People’ recur wth lide stanc-up.a ile hata loc of aking the ps! They may ake cur whooks bu hey naver take cur food! "No one's se’ Tree Wes. So bra’ puters. warwbravearescomedycon ‘Ange 030 Sr) £5 004405 1d premre “EI 6789000) 7 BREAKFAST BEDLAM, LIVE! Attention Please Productions ‘Smirnoff Underbeky. 54 Cowgnte (entrances on CowgateandVietora Street) * (670745 3083+ Gri Rees ide TV ase shoud be - assess chy and toy hlarious. Only ths tne is or romps, pecking behind the facade of cdr’ slevsicn then ripping kx shreds, ‘Comedy absurdity and = impressive heatraliy Thee Wess ‘Bog 61 113,820,8-7 1530 (Ir) #850(€15) ‘Ag 710,41 51731-24: 1530 (le) £7505) 6 789 10 14 12 13 14 15 1647 1B 19 20:21 2223 24 25 26 27 vx BRENDAN DEMPSEY: ENGLAND EXPECTS The Stand Comedy Club “The Stand Comedy Gb, 5 York Pace +013 England expecs 3 lt. Sporting vcores,go0d weather. delayed war... ech fom anocher ht West End run in Cickoc's Nes dhe Irth conic kes an entertaining look at why sich a smal sland expects so much Preview ug 1215 (Sree) £0 0800) Alg-1318-28 [346 SO) C1040, PL eg rae Kol COMEDY Pesacrdrary sons cf Roya ada Cou Daag how of pyael Berar scoleda in velay tres Amos BRENDON BURNS: SOBER NOT CLEAN Brendon Burns Pemsance Dome, | Bristo Square “0131 556 6550+ Grid Ret FS (kin under forty words? Bollods jut wasted fe. Im concluding my logy dh year. What happened afer part twe? wen mad, The ast awo were sold curso you should shi Pree Aug 2: 2020(0) £500 Aung 40 141721-2428 200i 11.0 1000) 9-20.22: 2030()£1200(41100) he £72011. Wor premiere 213 1415 16 17 919 20 21 2223 24.25 2627 28 BRIDGET CHRISTIE: THE CHEESE ROLL Bridget Christie Holyrood Tavern 9a Holyrood Rond *O131 S58 S044 Grid Ret ES Sex why chasing cheese dow ale better than Nigar Fall in Afca and Ayres Rockin New Zeaind. snot just sboue casing chee thug Charles Is toa Bian leicester Festcd ‘Ag 13.27 (200(sor) 6600 (E50) 51617 ora pr 920 2 22 23 28 25 287 A BRITISH GUIDETO WORLD RELIGIONS Toby Mitchell Ccentral, Carton Hotel North Bede Following 2005 \Guie co Franch Pop'Toby Michel returns wih ales serous subject. Journey from Anglicanism to Zoreastraism inthis imeverent show» and ‘ee on The Three New Commandmens. Urtr ey Mena. Fig 640 50s) £750(065) 105+ Grid Ret DS ‘Aug D728 1535 Coes) 750(E650) ‘Wor prerioe + 6 2728 BROKEBACK BRITAIN Leviathan Entertainment and ESM Productions Smirnoff Baby Bol;The Caves, Ndry St South, of Cowgate +0870 745 3083+ Grid Reb ES ‘A raw powers ep journey of swe men,Ausie Pts Jas and American Erich rive every ie in Brain, Dore mis hs epi ving orcica-pic.Youl ugh. A lot. You might even wee. A iede Prevew Aug 34 2000 snk) £520 1316202527 2020 smn) £900 (800) S172 1020 Sean (2002700), 516 Word prerire EI mm 245 2677 BULLETT AND GUNN'S MASSIVE POP EXPLOSION Bullett and Gunn Laing Hore @ oy 8 Hye 112 Hanover Stet 31225 202» Gi et: Dissioned wid de muni dry and pop aloe around Bue and fet ou to put te word to righ. and get wrong, Orig wy and downright fin Lead: Ge. wirwsutetandgun.corn ‘Aug 2026 6S0(ly) reeNoracen) 7 2 2 2332s 36 BULLY Woo! NUTS {Ccentral, Carton Hotel North Bridge 0870 701 5105 Grid Ret DS ‘Wires te return ofthe nor ares, non-pretentcus serch show tha ety fefiss to cacke any important issues. Buy Woo! Wl leave you fet jst baked cookie. Go on, you know you wane to! ‘Ag 128: 640 Ons) C80(C630) (e021 22 23 24 25 26 27 29 CAESARTWINS Trillion Dollar Company GbR & MZA High-ontane gyremstic stunts Independent. av-dsocating mesnesicaly. sper hunanly presse Sextran | "Mos: vial spectacubr show youl se tis yer’ bearer 2006, Saou 2005! Preview Ag 45 2000 nr) £3.00 ‘Ang 10,1315-17.2022-2428 2000 (Ie es) £1150 £1000 (3900) ‘11216-19252, 200 Ih Sms) €1300(1150). 4167890011 129 15 16 17 18 1920 22 2a 2425 26 27 28 Cs COLE U Rel ha One of Canada’s top comedians for over 20 years finally makes eee Tota Cot aed Se eR ed Peet ete ne eran = rear nortan see page 74 for show information aT ‘atin ele WEDNESDAY 9 AUGUST yay UT aa see page 52 for show information 0131 228 1155 SON sD) e CANCER, LET'S TALK BOLLOCKS ‘Mac STAR ‘Arca Bar 48 Cockburn Street 0121 226 000» Grid Ref ES ‘A omouroi lok at the way a comedian Fas deak wth the efecs of estar ‘cancer with comedy. Laugh sche bast medcineaker allso come ad laugh 2t ‘complet bolls ‘gD 1.15-28 (ry 5006800) UK premiere += 24167 Ps 1920 21 22.23 2425 2627 28 ACAN OF WORMS Matlock & Badshelter Gilded Baloon Tero, 13 Bristo Square +013 23 Grd Rot ES ‘Surreal and innovative new skatch show, Two squibblng brothers rummage dough ther atc and uncover a sere of bizarre ans sro fly memories. The fanviet show Ive seen in year’ Chris O'Dowd (TT Crowd, Feira \wwemacictandbacahelescom Proview Ag 45) 445(0) £500 ‘Ag 610,15:721-2428 |445(l) £900 6820 ‘Bg 1e13.18-98.25-27 (4450) 1000 900) For all your Fringe tickets oO Zener RICK CHESTER PrimeTime International mimo Undorbal, 54 Comgate (onerances on Cowgate and Vitoria Street) + (0070 745 3003 Grid Rek ES Star of such epie motion pleures as Bagdad Bandit & Tape rom Big Mount! Fick Chester fers his Five Step vo Stardom co all acuors warn w ie the ese ofthe rich fame in Holywoodand! Prone hug 3 Aug 710,572 18:20... 2350 (ly) eas0(0 ‘er promere HIE 1920212223 2425 16 27 CHIPPING STORTFORD GOES LARGE: THE BID FOR CITY STATUS University of York Comedy Society Sweet Grassmarket, Apex Gity HoteL6! Grasimartet £4 Fee up wth beg Somewhere near Wl we yearn to ge curse onthe mop. Jon our gong rare osopperter ard you could wetes the ith of Bras next metropoe Pree Aig 45: 320( Ih) 30 ‘sg. 125 lb) 700 0 +6709 1011 1219 (15 0617 10 19 2021 2229 24 25 2627 28 CAREY MARX - WHITE NIGHT Carey Marx - Preasance Dome, | Brsto Square 0131 556 6550+ Grid Reb ES 1416709 1010 1212 1815 1617 10 19 2021 2279 2625 2627 CHRIS COX - HE CAN'T READ MINDS? Big Cox Productions Central. Carton Hotel North ridge * 0870701 5105+ Grid Ret DS ‘At wo Sl-ou Edinburgh shows, Carey rewurs with ts far more preposterous ‘ne! "A cry winning hou of entrainment’ "= Mei. ‘Often darting bur ways far this show has tobe seen’ Lit, Bock eaty! wwweareymans com Prove Rg) 7220(ln) 500 ‘Ag 6 10,1615,7 21-2628 250i) 250 2700) ‘avg Wer premere* Ea 29456789 10 11 1213 14 15 £17 48 1920 21 222324 25 262720. CARRIE QUINLAN: FEAR OF A BEIGE PLANET Carrie Quinlan [Gléed Balloon Teviot, 13 Brisco Sau Uke a modern day Gandhi bu wit 2035-27, 230(y C1000 (e850) 131 668 1633+ Grid Rot FS Proview Ang? 200) ‘Aug 671 1-1,162025-27 21 ge 242 23456789 10 1112 13 14 15 17 18 19020 22 29 2425 2627 20. CAUSING A SCENE Fabrication Laughing Horse @ Lindsay Urtan joker Austin Low (Mose crowd plessng ax of che night worw chor Now ere anexon ie bres | Dae scare Sow | Petreretege he Peasance +0131 S56 6550+ Grid Ref E6 MOOVERS mo st —_ a = Zn A dat LTT ATTY EO RN SIU ins 0 1g MST ead SV Ta OT Rea eI Wan 5/6/5/10: aK i ey Pee or ed DAVID O'DOHERTY IS MY NAME www.edeamé.com - Lisa Richards Agency ‘Assamly @ George Street, Assembly Rooms, 54 George Stret 0131 226 2428+ Grd Ret OF ‘Mak sward wineng rsh comedian & min-keyboarcat back, Blowing mind smashing corporaions and cusirg a genera furore. ‘David Doherty i one of the enue champions a ths years festa worchorde couk 2008, "°° La. Preview ug 5 2209 no E500 ‘Aug 610,'5:1721-23,28 2 ist -20242% 29 Wierd premieres B= ©6789 1010 12 13 4 15 16 17 18 192021 2223 24 25 26.27 28 THE DA VINCI BOLLOX Lunchtime Gala Benefit for the Baby Seal Cub Orphanage Ear Comm Rom Ther Hut Squar, Raya i 0131724008 + ad = sed ra ola Nig Sg RIP ETT tty rower Rant CebesTom Grace ats aie ted Sar eset eres ereas Ceres) ae trois 7091018 12131415 161 1192 DS 25262728 DEATHMATCH! FREE! 2headedpipean Productions PBH Free Fringe Leumhng Hore @ J tye 2 Harve Stet 01312252022» Re C4 Se a So Ee frre es om eee ties eee pares ae Gs Sven ae ne ae eee Seger taney reohtaong er pene e7e9 RGF DEBORAH FRANCES-WHITE IS PHONING IT IN- Daboret Fraseer Wied Sart aby Bey The Car ry 5 Sou off Cogs 0707453083 - Sivas We re wre viaear cr rebie toate nbd peat eral {An exploration into cur love of phones exes phoeos ringtones and occasional fern als Hiariows. super Te Out Preview ug 3 1615 ‘Ag 6,118 2025-27, 1915 (I) £950 C800 ‘ug 711415 721-26 1915 07.0 Word premiere “BIZ s678 Tis Wu nD ws 167 ae THE DECLINE OF THE SCUNTHORPE TEXTILE INDUSTRY Entertainment But Ltd. Roches @ Domarco Rony Art Hou, Rony Art House +0871 7500077 «Grid Ref ES Scunthorpe or textes Funey ators + larous script anh to do amzing shows (+ happiness and ulmene) ‘Ag 71a 010 ss) 6501040) Wert premiere BIE 7a 3 ooo DEIRDRE O'KANE ‘STARTLED’ wwrwedcomé - Lisa Richards Agency Assembly @ George Stret, Assembly Rooms 54 George Street +0131 26 2428+ Gra Ree Ds ifelanes top female sanchap comedan,star of hi flrs (Festhak eernision) and fresh ftom her sel-out tour males a elumphare recur. "Unique star quay’ Chardon. ‘Datzles the audience from sare to rsh" Use Pree ng 45 215) C0 Pang 1017-22-28 28 25) £100(1000 ‘amg U113,8 20,36: Bese) £1200(61100). Europeen promiore- ED 467891011 1213 15 1617 18 19 202 22.28 2425 26 27 28 oe ee DEMETRI MARTIN - DR. EARNEST PARROT PRESENTS DEMETRI MARTIN Hannah Chambers Management A Udder BELLY, riso Square +0870 745 3063+ Grid Reb ES “The Perrier Award winner reir with an all-new shows gong beyond the wel of oles and int the thing behind the vel" Use **= Seasman°™* Mew, = Times." Guard, Proview ung 314 21.35) 250 ‘ang 5172-4 215i) £1 50(950) ‘ag 18:2025-28 2:35 i) £12506 peeme eee 12 18 15 16 17 18 19 20 2 22.23 28.25 28 27 28 eM sD) e JOHN OLIVER & ANDY ZALTZMAN Detonate 70 Minutes Of Unbridled Afternoon LIVE, AT THE STAND COMEDY CLUB 2.50pm — 4pm. £7/£6. Sth-28th August (not 14th) RNTURS, WATERS SMS OF AND THE DEPARTMENT mn POUITCAL ANIMAL, “Te attuned sail mine wd pets harmo” EVERING STANDARD “Onc shar" NGEPENGENT “Bostancy gang” TM OUT ironed S.1Spm 3-27 (not 14) aug 2006 “This acidic storyteller is the natural ‘ruccetsor to Kenneth Williams” = Evening Standard oe eed rela Bem mie Mitac 0131 226 0000 DEVLIN'S DAILY The Stand Comedy Club Fro comprehensive weckiay guide wih the eflerresc Lis). Fringe news, celebrity gests gossip and ge-aways. Quire porpoury of ‘eclesie excerps rom fhe or more shows. Dede whit’ hot. who's ne! Great, food and drink oo. Wor premiere! DID PRIYA PATHAK EVER GET HER WALLET BACK? Richard DedomenicilEscalator East To Edinburgh ‘One-mar-subversive tink ark explores complex reladonships Betveon his arowork and te pole m prowocathely topical oneran-show. This he fcure’ Tire (ie ‘Dave Gormon meets Mark Thorss' Heald. Consistent funny Gud 67891011 1213 14 516 17 18 19 2021 22.29 2425 202728 DIE CLATTERSCHENKENFIETERMAUSYS MALCOLM |) AND MIRRIAM Die Clatterschenkenfietermaus ate Roya Fringe Teste, I7 West Regbter Street: 0121 556 2549+ Grid Ref DS Europe's wor pop group, De Catterschenkefevermats, he aries thing revi German an music nee Ord Hasctho "= Sar together veh Mali and Mir he worlds mes ove coupe, Hote ve whch mila? Fags (704m) £500 4167091011 1213 1415 Z ‘Wor premiere ta 19 2021 22 23 2625 26 27 DJ DANNY - MUSIC THERAPY, Dj Danny ‘Preasance Courtyard, 0 The Pleasanc +131 $86 6550 + Grid Roh ES Teacher by dy Dy by nigh. Danny back wit brand new show. Superb chaneter comedy (Guardar) from Danny Robins - sar of Ratko 1-BBC3, Rac 4 THe coes indeed deserve to bea superstar Li wines com Preview Ag oe 230) £500 ‘Aig 790,146 721-2428 2300 (Ie) (9504680) ‘Ag U1-13,820,35-2: 230 he) £10S0(900) Word premier 19446759 1011 1213 14 © 16 17 18 19 2021 22 23 24.25 2627 28 DOGS INTHE SINK (FREE!) Bates and EmersoniPBH Free Fringe Laughing Horse @ Lindsay's 15 Brunswick Stret 0131 556 8 ‘God.he universe. waling onion: ho tpi tackled by ths feral dua. Hectic sketches, verbal trickery downrghe liners. Bur as charactors become wnexpectodly ferengled he show rales on aif of ts ovr... wwnutstosndemersor.couk ‘Ag O11 1219: (215A) Freee Wor pre 67691011 113 415 1617 1819 2567 89 20 20 22 23 24 28 26 DOING NOTHING GREATLY BENEFITS CREATIVITY Paul Lyolls 1 Pleasance Dome; Brito Square “013! 586 6550 + Grid Ref FS | Deirg too muhiios Ke sil noc pouch? Fed you shoud be? Sandhup comedy ‘soe vere tht do lew explore i. very rh tke Pal Lal WV Sal Prewew Aug 45: ISAs (SS) C500 Au 7-10)5-1721-24 (545 (Sms) 00650) ‘Aug 13 “ 2021 2B 425 16.2728 DOKTOR COCACOLAMCDONALDS EXPLAINS ALL! joktor cocacolamedonalds Holrood Tiven $a Holyroad Road 0131 SSé SDAA Grd Reb E6 ‘Genus or sane? Gene Hackman cbsessed protest agar! The end of the world {cid in rusia form! As sean singng in his underpants on jmeny Car's res: DVO!) "Maybe you had wo be there! Joey Sut ‘Aug 13-7. 2024 000 (rt) CSODLA) 13 1415 1617 yor pres 302122 24 hour box office at Rate ieee COMEDY | DOMINIC HOLLAND STANDS UP } Dominic Holland ] vise George Stet Asveny Rooms 54 George Stet 0131226 2428+ Giaineto Paboir ne conpany of ans mana seat cal Sind Tre Hes cere cr corel ky and raat al ror sgyy. Been ser ese gn ott Oe cs Peres hogs ax) 0 Bare 24) coce209 Bogie enh enor Word premiere = bere 78910 IIE 3 z DONALD MACK - CYNICAL OPTIMIST - LIVEAND | FREE Donald MackIPBH Free Fringe {Laughing Morse @ Lindsay's, 1 Brunswick Street 0131 556 8974. Ged Re Sate standup touching on the key and nots key soil and polka sues From parenting to procreation, Mack Dade wil ry (nl fl) to keep tel. Ugeeme! ¢ Yorvfrestoree com Bing 626: 1430) FreeNoriced Word premiere | PION 213 192021223 45 ur: DOOM RIDERS 4 Noels Assernbty @ George Street Assembly Rooms, 54 George Street 0131 226 2428 + | Graner oe | Aaeriss vat wenng io rou wit or vrei yey Pe) gothic horor spool. Expenence physi comedy dlvered at breakneck speed from an awe-inspiring. mul toned tea Sextran. "You be lucky t stop J aging Werevord Cure, Austral reve Ag 45: 1850 rr) 65.20, ‘ing 61113162025. 1250 ihe Ones) £150 (1090) dng 7.10,1517222428 1850 br Ines) £1080 0956 European perio 22 025262728 10670: 2 718 1920 oe } DUDLEY SUTTON: PANDORA'S LUNCH BOX 4 Dudley Sutton lrg en ror fs 2003 ht show. Kiln Kittens, Duley Suton (Lovoy, Exstanders) opens Pandora's Bex to release a swarm of salneous Yerse and torrid prose. ‘Sunnis verse vals Ut of Ske Milian’ Evening Nove Preview Aig 24 1520(le (500. Aug S10)517,21-2428 1530) B00(C50) ee es 9 10 21S AS 167 19 2031 3435 187 IB SGAcUNRKELIN Ee TE J Gilded Balloon Productions 7 ied Baton Tet. 13 Brito Square 0131668 1633+GAU REEFS 4) Deniers ths chance to see BBC Scotlands star Karen Danae One of Scans fount performers rakes a welcome rtum with a show of mirth musi nd 4 res bing rca coy an ae 446-2 180) €1200(1 160), 2527, i890) 1300 (C2 om i TOSI 11 1213 14 15 16 21 ma 23 24 25 1637 a a DUSTY LIMITS IS HEARTLESS Quick-Noughty Productions [Ecol Carton Hotel North Bridge 270 701 S105 + Grid Ret DS | Master of comic cabaret Mr Dity Lina deers deciounly wicked sare and Hhearestepeing cursors. Mowe ore, Graham Norton, theres anew queen of seemed. Rude. requ recommended. na realm of is own! = Tre Weeks. Prednis com |e 413,520.28 2150(Sni) €850(e75 Word premieres EEE os 456789 1011 1213 (5151617 18 19 207 22.28 2425 26 7 28 APUTCH ELM CONSERVATOIRE IN PRISON uutch Elm Conservatoire | Pleasance Courcard 60The Plea 556 6550+ Gr [Las years Peries Award nominees return with another twentveskech show dis Hime set behind bars Sold out 2005 Eirburgh West End and UK tour. ‘arcu foes Seaman, Faults’ Sundy Ties.’ ct above’ Guardon. "gS 1700(Ih) £500 ig? 0, i 20 NE anki @ ow ANGFORD ste PHAYRE RICHARDSON “COMEDY’S FINEST NEW ADDITIONS” “THE FRINGE’S LEADING STAND-UP SHOWCASE” eee een cad ore Tie KER PRonucri0Ns ABS EVA ee “Stand up for grown-ups that is BS a easy Le AL ee eet) ERS disc BSR uy SO Cree a ce SRC Seton SUSE eeeertrener ASSEMBLY ROOMS MUSIC HALL: 0131 226 2428 ener rN see page 40 for show information COMEDY THE EARLY EDITION Marcus Brigstocke, André Vincent and Steve Furst Plestnce Courtyant 60 The Pleasonce “O13! S56 6550 Grid ReB ES [A bic ike BBC4 Tho Lae Eton, but early, Marais Brigstocka, André Vineart & Seve Furst ake the mering papers funny. Special fesval guests. Free coffee & Stine pstres (exes subject to xb) ‘ig tate I(r) c430(6500), ‘ig 18202526 1130(I) 230200) 14 15 16 17 10 19:20 EASY TARGETS Frantic Redhead Productions & The Burglars of Hamm (central, Catton Hote, Moreh Brie +0870 70! 5105 + Gr Rat DS fe re tse dg freee te beg 0 ray deerve Tie your Chance to ge back’ Legend in Los Angles. “Devasatngy fu LA Wey ‘Rog 191095 SOT 4567891011 121018 15 1617 10 19 ED BYRNE - STANDING UP AND FALLING DOWN Ea Byme Peasance Courtyard 60 The Plessance “O31 56 6550+ Grid Re 6 se drowing ammo provided European premiere BIEL New sand up show abou de adventure ofan ordinary man 2 war wth fe cererydny word, Tora sll ut 1996-20031 ‘Dazzing Times. "Tikes fr his shows fare be go dus Lt. Crerewhg 24 2 Word premiere BERL 1516 17 18 19 2021 22 23 24 25 25 27 28 67091010 1213 EDINBURGH AND BEYOND. Poramount Comedy Presents the Edinburgh and Beyond Comedy Tour 61 Brsto Square +0131 556 6550 ri Re FS y presents the bere sand up bil on the Fringe, rior Auume tour See the our Fest comedans at th fence ina Houme oppareunty (par rom the tou. ‘THE ED WEEKS VARIETY Ed Weeks roar 60The Pessance +0121 S54 6 ifwe me you lugh so much that you died of comedy woud your Dad sue us Will cur Dad might sue hn then and he's got more money, jit syg that’ al Txeclene perormer Met Preview ag 2 (410 ( 0) £500 ‘AugsSI0.517-2.2428 (€\0( I) 2S0\e6e0) Word premire EICA i 3223 28 25 2627 28 — ee THE EGGMAN Unrestricted View ‘Siro Baby Bally The Caves, Nery St Sou Gnd Ret ES ‘Are you bad) Jon PreacharJremioh Mayra Was he aves sou miracles ad rauches Wes You worl caer for 2 ofthe highest caltre. Come and be touched by Preview a 3-4 1545 (SS) £400 ‘gS 1-13,8-2028-25 Comat = 0870745 3083 + perorme eter erator Character comedy Aug 7-10.15 7.2128 a4 16709101 18 192021 22232425 2637 Bo THE ELECTRIC CABARET C presents cubed, Brodie’ Close Lannmarket, Roya Mile + 0870701 S105 + Gd Ref EA The best comedy acs on the Fringe Kick back nthe ost relxed and indmat of gigs Wenderfuly unique chilled ex erative to late night bears. Perfoce comedy. ania way to starclend the nigh’ *=™ Thee kes. worwslcrceabaret (ing 328: 255 (Ihe Ves) 250650) om 4456789 1011 1213 14 15 1617 18 19 9021 2333 24.28 26 27 2B Siaenigg ny FROM THE 4 NO} mirnoff Baby Belly 3, cerned Peete rene) Pee ee Rese re eens : Bookings or 26 2428 see page 79, 3! for show information uninterrupted ‘comic ecstasy’ kkk A seen on TV i Channel THE ESTATE AGENTS and the BACs THE MIGHTY BOOSH Pea Ore elt ao Coreen ere anrrea ANCE 0131 556 6550 Peeeereaceeeets Pe oe mo) 24 hour box office at eee aaron COMEDY Oo PM 3-27 AUG | Pleasance Courtyard | Box Office - 6151 596 6550 RED | TIME OUT “BEST OF THE CROP. FABULOUSLY BOISTEROUS KINI WITH A DEFINITE FUTURE" EVENING STANDARD “REALLY, REALLY | oop" DUNGEONS & DRAGONS Produced by Golaarkane & CKP . FAN SITE Hintorreddhvistaas.con see page 44 for show information RBM presents PVG APLAY ABOUT MEN, pe ND cy eT cr) SHS see page 31, 57, 207, 26 for show information EMOTIONAL MIDGET The Polar Ducks Smirvo Underbelly, 54 Cowgate (eerances on Cowgate and Vitoria Steet) * {,s-com of lve, boone fancy dress and Kndred prt. Smash comedy writer Morgan Loyd Phicalm (13 O'loc’ == Us 2005) cams up with Bul homast, award-winning comedy ale. In 2006 i’ time to touch te midget 4 o0 Gore C420 2527 1340S) R075) UK premiere 18192021 2B MIs EVERYBODY HATES CHRIS (NEILL) Chris Neill Smirnof Underbely, 56 Cowgste (eerances on Compate and Victoria Steet) + 870 745 3083 + Grd Ret ES (Cis wares succes, succes jor dows wane him desperation hs pared (roe itera top show gpes Jodie Marsh, Marene MeCunchean and even Berard Ing fori come soe what he ler. ‘Spit eacord come cing Indpende. Preview ig 3 (715 (0) £800 ‘gS 11318202827 (7150) £850 (700 Aig TlNSt Tle 75 750 (0) Wor promvre SE 26167891018 12 13 415 1617 181920 21 2223 2425 EVERYONE'S A COMEDIAN Rush B Rush Bar} Robertons Close, owsnte 131226 0000+ Gri Rot ES Unies dhe comedan within you at our arateur comedy nights every Thrsdiy with performances rom the words up and comirg comedians. Grab adr and jo the fin. or come to practice your hecking elle! (A FAILURE ON TWO CONTINENTS - PBH FREE FRINGE teven Young - PBH Free Fringe Laughing Horse @ Joly & Hye 12 Hanover Stree + O131 2252022 + Grid Ref CA mi gn. everyone ysteric Seve Walker. owner K Nuts Comedy Ox een 670910 THE FALLEN ANGELS CABARET The Fallen Angels ‘mira Underbelly, 56 Cowgate (ontrancst on Comte an Vizorla Steet) + (870 745 3083 = Grid ReB ES ‘Winners! Best Show Dublin Fringe Festal Spagent. Ararchic rh Troupe aes the rage and gory ofthe gucrs in aright of joyous, tau ertertrment and farthy sensckty, Urban anehems, srches gorgeous gl and ye! vwarlerang Aug 37212 ‘nag 182 UK premiere 1S 18 17 18 19 20 21 222 24 25 26.27 ee FARGO - A MOSTLY TRUE STORY Lone Fargoan (CABWEST @ Edinburgh Theosophical Socleey, 28 Gr King Sewer» 07720 295550 Fun over by rs flay accized of rmadonal terorem tums Ife cn ken smal towm USA. A gy man and straight woman's ourageous frendshp and hlancus pasta cereged gees. rlonarpoan com ‘2b 10) 80 (0) Earopean premiere “ECS 6789 1011 1219 14 15 16 17 18 192021 22.25 1425 26. rr FAST FOOD FORTHOUGHT 999 Theatre Company {C.Chambers Stet +0870 701 5105+ Grid Ref ES unctiee! Se pensioners ehve and er Images sie and dy mins. une rear67 89101112 wise ead meet ho down 1g mit:mods Feed your ge mindess TV gs Irvenene comedy Incr inaligae perform Hungry COMEDY FAT TONGUE Fat Tongue Pleatance Dome; | Brsto Sane +0131 SS 6550 Grid Reh FS ‘An unexpected storm on Lendonis eeu, Fat Tongue sketch chow will have you roolng, Ouragoously funy and ori dey mature your dark side and eae you bez or more. "Wow icependet on Sudo. "Ping fury Nina Coed, Pree ug 22 18s (0) 00 ‘ag 113,162026-7 a5 (0h) 0720) ‘gle t2i-43e 185 () 2.50050). Wr premire Ea 399s67 091011 1213 14151 024 2223 24 252627 FEAR OF IRONING - FREE Mare Lucero/PBH’s Free Fringe Laughing Horse @ Mesdow Ba 42-44 Succcuch Street» O131 647 6907 + Grid ReBF6 Fears an phobia stalk the mend of ths 21st eneury new man. Wateh he Rags Fi diy bundy a dhe unsuspecting adence, hs nostop Kany ofthe house Fband’s worl wl Rave you beg or more. ‘gS 19-28e 190 lh (ree Nerscnd 6709 10 41 121514 15 16 17 18 19 28 22 23 28 25 28 oe FINNISHED BUSINESS: TOMI WALAMIES - FREE PBH Free Laughing Horse @ Undeay's 1S Brunswick Steet Wor praia $56 9974» Grd Rel ‘Aker two blows years, thi popular Ferish comics debuting his fst show. Laconic and warm plays experay wth the Engh langage. wwwteefonge com ‘Unes of pure bnitance. rious’ wwmichorde cous ‘rg24 1500 rt) (re Noni Wot rei +6789 1011 12 19 1415 1617 10192021 2273 24 25-26 FOOL FOOL ‘Smimoff Underbeby 54 Cowaate (entrances on Cowgate and Vitoria Street) + (707452083 = Gad RES 1 tof fy, Foals «sketch show fl of rouse characters drama and shecchs.Poforred by four men degised 2s cwale thousand props. ‘Universaly Iirioue and talented cart" Tres Wess, Fringe Frac Wines 2004 18202527. 1710(Smis) £900 C00) 724 710 (Snee) 2400170) Wer premire 416709 1011 12 13 1415 617 10 192021 22 23 24 25 26.27 FOOTLIGHTS - NICETIES Cambridge Footlights Pessance Dome, | Brist Square +0131 $6 6550 Grid Re FS “The workdamous Cambridge Foodies presee ther rice new sketch show belore embarking ona punishing UK rou Complimene received In 005: Crt Chole Times enuiely rial worwchortecouk, the Faure of Brith comedy Scand cn Since Preview ug 34 2000 (ts) €5.00 ‘Ang 10,146151721-2428 2000) 2250(¢700) ‘Ag 1316202527 2000 (I) £950 (C8) FOR RYAN OUT LOUD, WHA'CHOO TALKIN BOUT WILLIS? ‘Marcus Ryan & Dan Wills!PBH's Free Fringe Laughing Horse @ Meadow Sar, 42-44 Buccleuch Stet * O13! 667 6707 - Grid Re ‘Ausaas Marcus Ryan ad Englands Dan Vista up t dever an hour of ‘ovnonsense croweipleasg comedy Top love enartaere for free. Wonderful performers Time Out ‘ordesaly finn Thee Woks ‘ng 26:2150(te) reeTeac’) Mes, 56789 1011 1213 14 15 16 17 1819 20 28 22 23 24 25 26 a FOUR ONTHE FLOOR Goldman King & CKP Gide BaioonTevot 13 Brsto Square» 0121 668 1533+ Grid Ret ES Featuring winners ad fl fom the Hackney Empire New Act ofthe Yew 7006 “The competion has an unrivaled ably to spot fue sars previous finals nchde ‘Arc O'Hanlon, Onid Dia Darel Kitson and Seno Peg, Proview Aig35 330(ty res) 00 ‘Ag 611-1310202527 2390(e Si) (9500850) ‘eg FIO 1417 21-24 0 rand CLD, 1011 1213 1815 1617 gies Pe KMIPZeR un) ro et Buys Tha Cle eeeai 0131 226 2428 poets ee) a ESP ely Pree earn ere see poge 28 for show information ere rey err tT P| ee RESELL) see page 44 for show information eatrngacom

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