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Alfred Marshall Reasons why Prices reduce the Qd

responsible for the development of

microeconomics in the modern times Substitution Effect
a situation wherein the price increase of
developed & popularized the use of a good leads to an increase in the
supply & demand curves through a consumption of another good
graphical analysis in determining the
market price & quantity of a particular Income Effect
good. change in the quantity demanded of a
good due to a change in the consumer’s
Consumption purchasing power, which can be
responsible for the development of brought about by price changes or
mspending of individuals on goods and change in income.

creation of goods and services called

outputs. (products)

is defined as a venue where people
meet to conduct transactions like
buying and selling

is a mechanism that facilitates the
overall transactions between buyers
and sellers to determine prices and
quantities in a market-driven economy

1. Goods market
market for outputs, whether goods or

2. Labor market (factor market)

human physical effort is bought and

3.Financial market (money market)

people basically purchase or sell
financial assets

Normal good
a good whose demand increase as
income increases.

Inferior good
good whose demand decreases as
income increases

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