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Bibloraxi, Eater of Words // The dragon Bibloraxi dwells upon a hoard of books and scrolls in the great library of a ruined city. Papery sepia scales cover her slender form. She reeks of ink, her foreclaws and lips stained black. AC 15, HP 50, ATK 2 rend +5 (2d6) or 1 scroll breath MV double near (fly), AL N, LV 11 $+3,D+3,C+3,1+6,W +4, Ch+3 Scroll Breath: Bibloraxi eats a random magic scroll and gains its effects as a breath weapon. All breath weapons extend from the dragon. Roll 1D6: 1. Knock- A deafening knock fills a near-sized cube. DC 14 CON or 2d6 damage. Any windows/doors in the area fly open, as well as any containers held or worn by creatures. 2.Teleport- Targets within a near-sized cube randomly swap positions. 3.Floating Disk- A force disc blasts forward in a line (far). DC 14 DEX or 2d6 damage and knocked down. 4.Web- Fills a near sized cube with webs. Creatures inside are stuck and can’t move until they make a DC 13 STR check. 5.Fireball- Near sized cube of flames. DC 14 DEX or 3d6 Damage. 6. Lightning Bolt- Line (far) of electricity. DC 14 DEX or 2d6 Damage. Disadvantage if wearing metal armor.

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