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re 3 Sem-I (CHE-GE-2 H(RIB) NC 1022 Full Marks:60 4 ‘Time: 3 Hours Answer all the questions, The figure in the right hand margin indicates marks, PARTA Tete 1G) The study of the Now of heat oF any other form of energy into or out of a system undergoing Physical or chemical change is called | 10 el ge (b) A thermos flask is an example of (©) Areaction goes to completion ifthe equilibrium Constant is (@ When a salt is added to solution of another salt having a common fon, the degree of dissociation (©) The reagent for the Wittig reaction is ‘ (Oxidation of’ _5° alcohol gives ketone. () For an SN1 reaction, the fate of the reaction is jin water compared to cthanol. (h) An equilibrium between dissolved and undissolved solute exists in___—_——_ solution. PART-IL Answer any elght(8) questions [8x15] ‘State the third law. ‘of thermodynamics. molar heat capacity? fiary halide is more susceplible to Syl mechanism compared to primary halide? the product of the following reaction: iydrohalogenation product of 1,2 dibromo cyclohexane? uct of the following reaction: with the mechanism, ty’ and ‘Solubility product. owing reaction: Shot on OnePlus ease i 2 He. Nano, b | oo . je 42) What is standard free energy change? 0 IE y (s) Write the product of the following reaction: Oo aS =O) st is the Henderson equation? you convert alky! halides into Grignard reagent? bare the factors affecting depree of ionization of weak acid? , PART-IV Satteyer and Gattermann's reaction witha suitable example. G cua Gat + OR ature, 0.100 mole of Hz and 0.100 mole of Is were placed in a one-liter lor of iodine vapor was used to monitor the reaction. After a time, the found that the concentration of I, decreased to 0.020 mole/litre, for the reaction at the given temperature. oR cl theory of activity coefficients of strong electrolytes Shae NSAH ION Shot on OnePlus CMC ne 2

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