The Handmaid's Tale

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The Handmaid‘s Tale

written by Margaret Atwood

presentation by Asvin and Paul

major classes of women
special roles of “men“ in Gilead
legitimate and Illegitimate classes
Republic of Gilead
main characters
movie scene
dystopian characteristics
current political problem

nuclear war  affected fertility

coup of the “Sons of Jacob“  foundation Gilead
Offred is a handmaid  of a Commander
Offred is a slave  must bear children
Offred starts seeing the Commander privately
Offred begins an affair with the servant, Nick
Nick  Member of Mayday
Offred starts relationship with Nick
Serena forces Offred to become pregnant with Nick’s help
later Offred gets help by Mayday to flee (?)
We never fully find out.
In 2195, a professor studies Offred’s story
Major Classes of Women

Aunts Handmaids Marthas Wives

Special Roles of “Men“ in Gilead

Eyes: an informer for the state; a spy

Guardian: guards Commanders and Wifes in their Homes

Angels: soldiers for the Republic of Gilead (like the SS or Wehrmacht)

Commanders: politicians; military leaders; lawmakers

Legitimate and Illegitimate Classes

Legitimate Illegitimate Legitimate Illegitimate

Men Men Women Women

Eyes Gender Wives Jezebels

Angels Traitors Handmaids Unwomen
Guardians Aunts
Commanders Marthas
Republic of Gilead
First impression of Gilead's political regime ?

slogan: “personal is political“

Main Characters
social class: Handmaid
relatives: Luke (former husband), Nichole (daughter), affair with Nick
perceptive, intelligent, kind
Reason for name Of – fred (belongs to household Fred)

Serena Joy:
social class: wife of Commander
relatives: Fred Waterford (husband)
conservative activist ->Strongly for emergence of Gilead
calculating, envious, severe
Main Characters

Fred Waterford:
occupation: Commander

relatives: Serena Joy (wife)

probably sterile

Household of Offred and other Handmaids, helping hand for “Sons of Jacob" when creating Gilead

lonely, unhappy

doubts the system of Gilead as time passes

Main Characters


Occupation: (unofficial) Eye of Gilead, (official) Driver of Household Fred

Relationship: develops emotional relationship with Offred

daughter with her (Nichole, believed to be Fred´s daughter)

Probably Member of May-Day to rescue Handmaids

analyze chapter sixteen
mention the aspects of the ceremony and of the women stand
what biblical aspects can be found ?

[Genesis: 3:16]
To the woman he said, "I will greatly increase your pangs in
childbearing; in pain you shall bring forth children, yet your
desire shall be for your husband, and he shall rule over you."
aspects of the ceremony
rape by the commander
maid lies in the wifes lap
brutal and humiliatting for the maid
Handmaid  birth machine
wife holds hand of the Handmaid
no emotions just for the pure sake of creating children

Role of the women

birth machines

Biblicals Aspects
before Ceremony  prayer
Genesis  women are slaves of the mens
Task: - describe the atmosphere
- does the film adaptation match your expectation of the dystopia
- Comment on the different people involved. Do they behave the way you
would expect them to?
Dystopian Characteristics ?
Dystopian Characteristics

people are excluded from independent thought and action

government controls life
all people of the same class must wear the same clothes
women have no rights
women are not allowed to consume knowledge
religious belief (regime based upon Christianity)
government views their system as a utopia

 utopian regime for men (?)

 dystopian regime for women
Current Political Problem
Do you think this dystopia
could become reality?

The Handmaid's Tale Wiki | Fandom

The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood
The Handmaid’s Tale Extended – Worth Books
Red color palettes – Coolors
1.682 Reproductive Rights Protest Bilder und Fotos - Getty Images

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