(Checked) Pros and Cons

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Nowadays, there are a variety of advertisements that have children as their target
audiences. In my opinion, this trend tends to have more disadvantages than
This orientation surely has many benefits to people’s advantage. Firstly, it helps
advertising company approach more customers easily, (không phẩy) as well as,
(không phẩy) makes a large sum of money for the product’s company. And the
reasons why children are considered as potential customers This is because
children are naive creatures (creature mang nghĩa kiểu sinh vật nên để chỗ này hơi
kì) and have no idea about material value. Therefore, they are easily accessible and
have an urge to ask their parents for what they want. In a case like this, if their
parents find those products useful or practical, they will instantly buy those for
their beloved children. Moreover, from an educational aspect, there are numerous
advertisements, especially those are aiming at to (aim to là intend to do sth)
children which , could contain (câu này nếu ghi như cũ thì có 2 verbs là are và
contain -> đem ý phụ vào mệnh đề quan hệ vì 1 câu ko có 2 verbs) many little
warm-hearted messages. Parental love, friendship, dreams, ... or some things which
(câu này cũng có 2 verbs là are) are more serious, such as the conservation status
of the environment,(không phẩy) are all the popular topics that can often be used.
Additionally, these messages can encourage children’s creative mind, strengthen
their mental health and provide them basic knowledge about their surroundings as
However, this tendency action still has some drawbacks that should not be
overlooked. Its first weakness is that there may be some unsuitable advertisements
accidentally get to the sight of children. This is because a majority of company use
pop-up ads, which will appear almost everywhere although we do not need it,
despite (despite + noun/noun phrase còn although + S+V) their commercials have
age-restricted content. And (không nên để and đầu câu) this circumstance may lead
to unexpected negative consequences, which can negatively affect children, such
as making children absorb inaccurate information or, more severely, developing
some anti-social behaviors. This is also the reason why modern electronic devices
have parental supervision (mình chỉ nên nói về disadvantage thôi, câu này thì hơi
giống solution rồi á em, có vài bài vẫn ghi solution chỗ này được nhưng do bài
mình 423 chữ (nhưng mà tối đa mình chỉ nên ghi 320 chữ thôi á) nên mình bỏ khúc
này hen, với lại bài theo hướng disad nhiều hơn nên nếu disad dễ solve thì ko
thuyết phục lắm á). Furthermore, slick advertisements can make a deceptive
impression on children. To compete with rival’s product, it is necessary to have a
distinctive product with many new features. However, But(nên dùng however,
nevertheless đầu câu hơn là but) instead of improving the products, there are
various companiesy which choose to exaggerate the benefits as well as the
significance of the product when it comes to promotion. This results in the fact that
simple-minded children will be tempted and pester their parents to make
unnecessary purchases afterwards they see those misleading advertisements
(afterwards là sau đó nên ko đi kèm theo câu nào nữa).
In conclusion, my firm conviction is that advantages are eclipsed by disadvantages,
if advertisements keep on aiming to children, since the pop-up ads is too risky due
to the risks of pop-up ads and how advertising make use of children’s innocence
(noun) innocent (how S+V+O là cụm danh từ mà since thì đi với 1 câu). In my
opinion, every advertising strategy have both strengths and limitations, but in this
case, the drawbacks have obviously outweighed the benefits. (Câu này cũng giống
giống câu trên nên mình ko cần ghi hen)

6. A. iv
B. iii -> ii

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