Gamma Ray Log

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1) Gamma Ray Log- This log is used to identify lithology and can also be used for correlation

2) Spontaneous Potential Log- This is also for lithology identification and correlation.

3) Resistivity log- This is used to identify fluid type

4) Density log, Neutron log, Sonic log - This logs measures porosity


Elements of the Petroleum System are listed below;

1. Source Rocks

2. Reservoir Rocks

3. Seal Rock

Source Rocks

Hydrocarbons were generated from these rocks. Usually, they are impermeable (e.g. shales). They are rich in organic

material. Thin particles are mixed with organic materials.

Reservoir Rocks

Hydrocarbons were accumulated in these rocks during geological times. They are porous and permeable (carbonates or

sandstones).Porosity, permeability and water saturation characterizes them.

Seal Rocks

These rocks prevent hydrocarbons to migrate. They are impermeable (e.g. shales, evaporites). Thickness is a secondary

parameter compared with large, continuous lateral extension.


It is a process of the oil and gas moving away from the source rock. It is a slow process which is caused by burial,

compaction and increase in volume and separation of source rock constituents.


The fault model has been constructed from the input E and J fault surfaces. The faults were modelled by representing

them as pillars which were gridded in a pillar gridding process to build the structural framework.


Gridding begins with the generation of a ‘skeleton’ or ‘2D’ grid between the mid points of the Key Pillars. Top and bottom

grids are then generated from the top and bottom points of the Key Pillars,


The “Make Horizons" process step is the first step in defining the vertical layering of the 3D grid in Petrel.


The Make zones and Layering processes are the two last steps in defining the vertical resolution of the 3D grid. The

Layering process enables the user to define the final vertical resolution of the grid by setting the cell thickness or the

number of desired cell layers.

From the Metering Skid, the crude oil moves to the Export pipeline in the Pigging Manifold. The Pigging Manifold
consists of the Pig Launcher and the Export Pipeline through which the crude oil is transported to the Export Terminal.

A metering skid is an automated system for measuring crude or natural gas comprising several measurement instrument
assembled on a steel frame.

Metering and regulating stations (M&R) track the volume of natural gas as it is transported and distributed.

Pump is a mechanical device that helps to transport liquids by increasing the pressure. The purpose of pumping is to
increase liquid pressure required to cover the flow distance and to overcome pressure drops experienced during
transportation due to pipe frictional forces.
Surge Vessel is designed to store liquid hydrocarbons after separation, also used to measure the liquid flow rates as well as
the combined shrinkage and meter factor.

Flowlines can be referred to as pipelines that carry oil and gas produced from the wells to the production
processing facility and collectively form the field gathering system.

The flow process in an oil and gas industry begins at the wellhead. Once an oil and gas well is drilled and it has been
ascertained that the well is commercially viable, the well is completed and a part of the completion involves the installation
of wellhead and Christmas tree for production.


13.Cement: the material used to permanently seal annular spaces between casing and borehole walls.

14.Casing: large diameter steel pipe lowered into an openhole and cemented in place.

15. Drilling rig: the machine used to drill a wellbore.

• Power system: electrical power is required to drive all the equipment on the drilling rig.

• Rotary system: all the equipment used in bit rotation.

Well Control system: this system prevents the uncontrolled flow of formation fluids from the wellbore.

Wellsite Geologis
This is an operating company geologist who reviews the geologic progress of the well as it is being
drilled. Typical tasks performed by a wellsite geologist include planning and reviewing well logs
during Well Log Operations (well logs are records of geological data versus depth used by geologists
to evaluate a well); reviewing LWD or MWD data if available; and Mud Logging (the analysis of rock
cuttings as they are brought up-hole by the Drilling Fluid or Drilling Mud.

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