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Part 1

Aviation topics

1 – What is the most difficult phase of a flight? Explain it.

In my opinion. The most challenge Phase of a Flight Is the landing. during this phase there are
many situations that's can put the aircraft at risk.
Runway conditions: The condition of the runway can pose risks if it is contaminated
with water, snow, ice, or debris. These factors can affect the aircraft's braking action and
overall control during landing.
Crosswinds: Strong crosswinds can make landing challenging. If the wind is not aligned
with the runway, it can cause the aircraft to drift off course, potentially leading to a
runway excursion or a hard landing.
Windshear: Windshear refers to sudden and significant changes in wind direction or
speed. It can occur near the ground and during the landing phase. Windshear can
affect the aircraft's airspeed and altitude, making it difficult to maintain a stable

2 – How can airlines improve the working conditions of pilots?

I believe that
Airlines can take several steps to improve the working conditions of pilots. Here are
some measures that can contribute to better pilot working conditions:

Career progression and development opportunities: Providing pilots with clear

pathways for career progression, including opportunities for promotions, additional
training, and professional growth, can enhance job satisfaction and engagement.

Adequate rest periods: Airlines should ensure that pilots have sufficient rest periods
between flights to combat fatigue. Implementing effective scheduling practices and
adhering to regulations regarding duty and rest time limits can help in this regard.

3 – What was the first aircraft you have flown? Tell me about it.

Single Engine, maneuver abilities, low wing, piston, retract landing gear, side by side seats

4 – Tell me about your solo flight.

When, which aircraft I have flown at my solo flight, what was the feeling, why was so special?,
what I had accomplished, how goals I had achieved( acrobatic, touching and go, visual
approach, what was the place?

5 – How will avionics technology be improved in the future?

6 – What kind of whether can causes problems to an aircraft?

Ice conditions, volcanic ashes, thunderstorms sand,

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