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Atividades – Present Perfect

Read the text: 2. Escreva as frases abaixo, trocando o verbo principal

entre parênteses pela forma dele no past participle:
Hey! My vacation was intense. I’ve visited many
beaches, I’ve played soccer with my friends every day, a. I have ________ (drink) this orange juice.
I’ve eaten all my favorite foods, I’ve watched many b. She has _________(see) the lion.
movies, I’ve driven my father’s car, my family has c. Tyler has _________(talk) to you.
traveled to my grandmother’s house. It was really d. Dianna hasn’t __________ (look) at me.
cool! I’ve bought many ice creams, I’ve danced and
I’ve sung my favorite songs. I’ve loved all these 3. Descubra o past participle dos verbos abaixo e
experiences. See you later! coloque nas cruzadinhas abaixo:

1. Observe que há várias palavras sublinhadas no

texto. Elas são chamadas past participle. Quando
construímos uma frase no PRESENT PERFECT,
precisamos colocar o verbo principal sempre no past
participle. Coloque os verbos acima na 1ª forma deles, 1. CONTINUE 3. LOVE
usando a folha de verbos que você ganhou. Observe o 2. SPEAK 5. WALK
exemplo: 4. ANSWER 6. HIDE
Visited = visit
a. played = ___________ 9. ACCEPT 12 COMPLAIN
b. eaten = ____________ 11. JUMP 13. LIKE
c. watched = ____________ 14. DESTROY
d. driven = ____________
e. traveled = ____________ 4. Pesquise todos os significados dos verbos que estão
f. bought = ____________ no past participle e coloque-os no verso da folha.
g. danced = ____________
h. sung = ____________
i. loved = ____________

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