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REVIEWER intently at the erring student.

This classroom
management style is commonly as__
1. According to Sigmund Freud, there is a stage
Signal Interference
wherein young boys experience a strong
9. According to Krathwohl’s affective domain of
rivalry with father for their mother’s affection.
objects, ___ is the lowest level of effective
This period is known as
Oedipus Complex.
2. Catherine resilient child with superior
10. To improve comprehension and retention
intelligence. She grew up in a very poor
among students, the teacher’s best option
environment. With this condition, the
would be to use.
probable outcome would be?
SQ3R (survey, question, read, recite, review)
Slight Change of IQ Although She Can
by Francis P. Robinson
Overcome Frustrations and Obstacles or
11. Teacher May would like to compare and
Mental Retardation Since She Is Culturally
contrast plant cell versus animal cell. She
would most likely use?
3. Trishia a 1 and half year-old girl, baby talks
Venn Diagram
and commonly mispronounces words. This is
12. The students of Teacher Corazon feels that
regarded as cute by her parents and relatives.
their teacher has an “eye behind her head.”
They are not aware that this attitudes towards
This characteristic of the teacher is known as
Trishia’s mispronunciation might create a
speech hazard on the part of Trishia. If
13. Edward de Bono is famous for this
parents hear their children mispronounce
instructional innovation___
words, they must: Correct their mistakes or
Six Thinking Hats
ask the child to rephrase that statement.
14. Teachers will likely be able to cater to the
4. Following Piaget’s theory of Cognitive
different needs and abilities of the learners.
Development, Ms. Ramirez provides her
Teacher who loves children and teaching.
students varied activities that enable them to
15. Students who have the ability to work with
classify objects according to more than
the people.
variable, random order items in logical series
Intrapersonal Intelligence
and understand that amount of mass or liquid
16. Refers to the students’ innate talent or gift.
do not change because their shape does.
These developments can be expected to
17. He is the proponent of the Laws of Learning.
performed by.
Edward Lee Thorndike
Elementary School Students.
18. He was the proponent of well-known
5. If we want children to treat each other with
Taxonomy of Learning Objectives.
courtesy and dignity. Then we must do the
Benjamin Bloom
same to them. If we yell at children, they will
19. The proponent of the curriculum design called
soon be shouting at each other. These
“UbD” (Understanding by Design) is__
behaviors are likely to be demonstrated by
Wiggins and McTighe
children because;
20. This view of education promotes that
they learn best by observing a model.
education started from primitive people
6. This is a phenomenon in Psychology wherein
particularly those of the tribe.
students perform better than other students
simply because they were expected to do so
21. Among the following educators, who
John Henry Effect
proposed the placement of children in a
7. Krathwohl is famous for his taxonomy of
“prepared environment”?
Affective Domain, while Anita Harrow is
known for his, ___ domain,
22. Who is advocated that we face a specific
psychosocial dilemma at each stage of life?
8. To show disapproval to the misbehavior of the
Erik Erikson
student, Teacher Charles clears his throat look
23. Why are life stages important?
They represent the outcome of major 41. He/ She is considered as the key participant in
biological changes. the learning process.
24. Paul a 4-year-old baby have a problem of Learner
occasional bedwetting. We can advise his 42. Albert has been an active in sports activities
parents to ever since his elementary years. He has high
Wake him up during the night to use the levels ___ intelligence.
toilet. Bodily – Kinesthetic
25. Clearly describes grief. 43. It includes the physical condition of the
The intense emotional state that follows the classroom.
death of a lover, friend, or relatives. Environment
26. How can parents foster initiative and 44. It is law of learning which states that the
independence in children? things freely learned are best learned.
Encouragement from parents when a child Law of Freedom
plans and carries out a task. 45. It is law of earning which states that what is
27. Stored knowledge like vocabulary taught must be right the first time.
Are examples of crystallized intelligence Law of Primacy
28. He is the proponent of “Multiple Intelligence 46. It is state that the most recently learned is
Theory” best remembered.
Howard Garner Law of Recency
29. According to him, a child mind is a blank 47. It states that learning is best achieved when
“Tabula Rasa” learned have a reason to learn.
John Locke Law of Readiness
30. Famous with his/her experiment about one 48. It is a law of learning which states that what is
group of rats. taught most often is best remembered.
Edward Tolman Law of Exercise
31. He is well known for his work in classical 49. It is a law states that if the stimulus
conditioning or stimulus substitutions. (experience) is real, the more likely to change
Ivan Pavlov in behavior (learning)
32. EBEC means Law of Intensity
Enhanced Basic Education Curriculum 50. Garry a 3-year-old lacks the ability to control
33. RBEC means his bowel. He could be suffering from?
Revised Basic Education Curriculum Encopresis
34. SEC means 51. Mocha a 2 ½ year old unable to control to
Specialized Education Curriculum pee. She could be suffering from?
35. BEC means Enuresis
Basic Education Curriculum 52. When a person fails to develop a consistent
36. NCBTS stands for identity, this usual result to
National Competency – Based Teacher Role Confusion
Standards 53. According to Kubler – Ross, when faced in
37. HOTS stands for death, the most common order of emotional
Higher Order Thinking Skills reaction is.
38. Education develops the personality of the Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression,
individual. Acceptance
Realism 54. According to him, “Learning is incremental.”
39. Knowledge and development of the minds are Edward L. Thorndike
important. 55. According to him, “Learning occurs
Existentialism automatically.”
40. He/She serves as prime mover of the Edward L. Thorndike
educationasl wheel. 56. According to him, “All animals learn the same
Teacher way.”
Edward L. Thorndike

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