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Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León

Preparatoria 15 Florida

Etapa 4. Semana 2.

Fenomenos Quimicos en el Entorno

Equipo 4 Grupo 66

2005210 Rangel Guerra Fabiola

2019312 Rodríguez Enríquez Angie Araceli

1994936 Pérez González Naomi Samara

1996893 Pérez Gutiérrez Magaly Azeneth

2009645 Pintor García Oscar Aarón

1999606 Ortiz Cervantes Esmeralda Yoselin

2004276 Ruiz Flores Daniel Alejandro

Monterrey, Nuevo León, 21 de Noviembre del 2020

Biological importance of organic compounds.
Organic compounds are important because they serve as the foundation for all
carbon-based life on Earth, an element that all living organisms contain. Organic
compounds also create energy production in biological life, atmospheric depletion,
and release energy from hydrocarbons, for example:

 In nucleic acids: Nucleic acids are the most important of all biomolecules.
They are found in abundance in all living things, where their function is to
create and encode, and then store information in the nucleus of all living
cells of all living organisms on Earth.
 In carbohydrates: Carbohydrates play an important role in living
organisms. Polysaccharides serve to store energy and as structural
components in plants and arthropods, for example. One type of saccharide
is important in the molecules that make up DNA.
 In lipids: The main functions of lipids include storing energy, lipid signaling,
and acting as a structural component of cell membranes.
 In metabolism: Metabolism is usually divided into two categories:
catabolism, which is the breakdown of organic matter and the breakdown of
glucose by cellular respiration; and in anabolism, which is the construction
of cell components such as proteins and nucleic acids.

Main Industrial Applications of Organic Compounds

 Pharmaceutical and food industry: the pharmaceutical industry has
developed systems to extract organic compounds from plants to take
advantage of their relaxing and healing properties, such as nopal or
chamomile. Also, organic compounds such as vitamins and proteins with the
aim of enriching foods such as: milk, cereals or cookies.

 Petroleum: formed in a natural way by the remains of animals and plants

found in the subsoil layers. From this valuable compound, it is possible to
obtain fuel (gasoline, diesel), lubricating oils, paraffin, asphalt, etc.

 Personal use: it is used to season food, preserve meat and fish; in the
manufacture of materials for massive use in different areas, among which
plastic, soap, detergents, cleaning products and cosmetics stand out; in
medicine, as a hydrating serum. Organic compounds can also be used to
feed an organic garden.
 Medications: are all those substances that are used in the treatment
against diseases; they are also known as drugs or medicines. Most of the
drugs are of organic, plant or animal origin.

Environmental impact of the use of hydrocarbons as fuels.

The petrochemical industry generates a great impact on the environment as a
result of harmful substances coming from petroleum and the processes of refining
involved in its subsequent use, which directly affects soil, water, air, fauna and

The contamination of soils by hydrocarbons seriously damage the microbiological,

physical and chemical, properties of the soil, causing a slow growth of the
vegetation on contaminated areas, or prevents the vegetation from growing. When
oil contaminate a surface waters, the oxygen contribution of solids and organic and
inorganic substances reduces, which interfere with the growth and development of
aquatic flora and fauna.

Polluted air affects the quality of life of all humans’ beings and with it the climate
balance of the planet, creating different negative weather events that cause
permanent terrestrial damage.

The hydrocarbons emitted come from the combustion of gasoil and diesel in the
engines of cars and trucks. Polluting gases can be stored in liquids or solids, or
incinerated to produce harmless substances. This also affects plants, as it
drastically hinders the process of photosynthesis, so they are more likely to
decrease oxygen production and die.

Write and describe the chemical equation that represents the aspirin
synthesis, remember to represent it in the correct way as studied in stage 1?

C7H6O3 + C4H6O3 ----> C9H8O4 + C2H4O2

Which is the catalyst of the reaction and its function?

A small amount of a strong acid-

Research the formula to determine the percentage yield of the chemical

reaction and calculate it.

Percent yield = (actual yield/ theoretical yield) ×100

What are the uses and applications of the product obtained?

ACETYLSALICYLIC ACID is indicated as an antipyretic, anti-inflammatory and as
an antiplatelet agent. It is also useful for rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis,
ankylosing spondylitis, and acute rheumatic fever

Consulting the bibliography, make a list of the physicochemical properties,

and the use and precautions that must be taken with the reagents that were
used in practice.

It has a molar weight of 180.16 g/mole is little soluble in water, easily soluble in 96º
ethanol. Acetyl Salic acid is used for its elaboration which is toxic when ingesting


 Morales, María Guadalupe et al., Chemical Phenomena in the Environment,

Primera edición, México, 2019.

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