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DIK choices will be highlited using red color

CHICK choices will be highlited using blue color

Josy relationship points will be highlited with brown color
Maya relationship points will be highlited with pink color
Sage relationship points will be highlited with orange color
Jocks relationship points will be highlited with purple color
Derek relationship points will be highlited with navy blue color
Jill relationship points will be highlited with green color
Isabella relationship points will be highlited with dark green color
Dicks relationship points will be highlited with fuchsia color
Preps relationship points will be highlited with yellow color
comments will be highlited with grey color
choices with black color and no other indication have no effect on the stats

(some options in the game will only be available if Dik points are above ore under a certain level,
Dik points score gets updated by the game before the free roam sections, you can check your score
at any time by using the dev console and typing: dtype)

Get mad / Shrug ot off

Think a bad thought / Ignore it
Nasty joke (RPJosy +1) / Corny joke
Draw dicks (+2) (RPJosy +1) / Draw a funny face (RPJosy +1) / Don't draw (-2)
(picking <Don't draw> will give you the chance to gain +2 money later on)
I really like it (RPJosy +1)
Check out her ass / Check out her boobs / Leave
Get annoyed / Humor him
Accept money / Ask for more money / Reject Money
Push him for more / Accept less (to maximize the money you should pick <Accept less> if you
drew a face in the previous choice, <Push him for more> if you didn't)
Yes, sorry / I can stay if you want
Ok / It's a date (RPJosy +1)
< if you didn't pick 'Don't draw' >
Trigger him / What do you mean
Retort / Ignore him

-- 1st free roam --

click on Dad character and talk to him
click on the magazine on the table to get the 1st special render
(special renders are set as persistent variables, that means you will only find them in your first
playthrough through this scene, if you play the scene again the item won't be there anymore)
click on the phone, choose the chat app, click on Josy, pick the 2nd choice all the time
(if you don't see the phone, move the mouse top left)
go to the bathroom
click on the magazine close to the plant to get the 2nd special render
click on the shower
go to the MC room
click on the guitar
click on the magazine on the table to get the 3rd special render
play the Brawler game in the phone
pick the opponent and chose the one that gives special renders as reward for winning a game
Get dressed

I like it (RPJosy +1) / It's better than wearing nothing (RPJosy +1) (you only get this option if your
dtype is below 1) / Let's go
Flirt with her (RPJosy +1 if dtype < 1, RPJosy -1 otherwise)/ Don't push your luck
Check her out (you won't get your options if you have 0 dtype) / Don't push oyur luck
I feel excited / I'm nervous
Thank her / Just leave
Be confident / Be friendly
Be rude / Be friendly
Check her panties (RPMaya -1) / Chek her out (RPMaya +1) / Don't push your luck
Really / Tell a joke (RPMaya +1)
Cool / Compliment her (RPMaya +1)
Hug her (RPMaya +1) (only available if dtype < 0) / Bye
Introduce yourself / Say Nothing
Intervene (RPJocks -1) (RPSage +1) / Keep quiet
<if you picked Intervene>
Shove him / Call security
Joke about her name / Pretty name
Maybe he did / That's bullshit
Tell a joke (picking this choice will result in a RPSage +1 if you are on the red path, otherwise you
will set the variable ep1_insulted_cafeteria_worker) / Don't push it
Why do you date him (picking this choice will result in a RPSage +1 if you are on the red path,
otherwise RPSage -1) / Don't inquire
That's superficial (RPSage -1) / I haven't made any friends yet
Check her out / Don't push your luck
Banter (picking this choice will also make Derek address the MC as 'assman')/ Defend her
Just my type / I'm more into milfs like Cathy (this choice will decide what content you'll get in the
dream scenes, titjobs with Jade if you pick the 1st option, femdom with Cathy with the 2nd)
Get mad (RPDerek -1) / Ignore him
Check her out (RPMaya -1) / Say hi

--English class minigame--

3 letter words: Git, His, Hit, Its, Lit, Sit
4 letter words: Gilt, Gist, Gits, Hilt, Hits, List, Shit, Sigh, Silt, Slit, This
5 letter words: Sight, Light, Gilts, Hilts
6 letter words: Slight, Lights
(you get a +1 DIK point if you use the cheat, -1 otherwise, if you want to use the cheat do it as the
1st move)

Ask about boyfriend / Leave it alone

Mock him (RPJocks -1) / Calm him down
Mock him (RPJocks -1) / Calm him down
Compliment her (this will result in a RPJill +1 if dtype < 0, otherwise RPJill -1) / Introduce yourself

--Nerds options--------------
(the game will give you the chance of buying items from the nerd, the only one that makes sense is
<Take notes for the nerds>, that will earn you money every time you follow a lesson)
Tell a joke (this choice will result in a RPIsabella -1 if dtype > 1) / Ask about library card
Say hey / Ignore him

<if you picked Say hey>

Think a bad thought / Ignore him

-- 2nd free roam --------------

call Josy
Why are you calling / I was about to call you
<if you picked I was about to call you>
I miss you (RPJosy +1) / Just checking in
What about your boyfriend? / What about me?
play the Brawler game in the phone
pick the opponent and chose the one that gives special rendrs as reward for winning a game
go to the corridor
click on the guy at the vending machine
Buy him a soda / Leave
Go to the bathroom
Enter the stall
Click on the magazine on the floor to unlock the 6th special render
Click on the gloryhole
Go back and talk to Derek
High Five (RPDerek +1) / Low Five
Joke around (RPDerek +1) / Ignore him
(no need to buy anything from him, you can save money and cheat using the dev console)
Go back to your room and study Math
click on the table close to the lamp to unlock the 5th special render
End the day

(different dream depending on the MILF choice: if you get Jade you'll chose between Tits and
Asses, no stat changing there)
Fine / Don't you
Sage, was it? / I'm blanking on your name
Yes (RPSage +1 if dtype > 0) / No
Let me check (RPSage +1) (you only get this otion if dtype > 1) / If you say so
What's in it for me? / No way

--Math minigame---------------
correct answers: c, b, d, a, d, c
use cheats if you want an additional DIK point

Indoors / Outdoors (the choices in the Maya's dialogue are setting variables in the script, that will be
used in chapter 6 for the gender studies minigame, make sure to keep track of what you pick here or
you won't be able to get that minigame right)
Cuddling with a blanket / Bubble bath / Neither
At a party / At home
Pay for her meal (RPMaya +1) / Dont pay for her meal
Beat him up / Storm out (AFFINITY DECISION: the 1st choice will subtract one cell fom the
CHICK side, the 2nd one from the DIK side)
(if you chose to beat up Troy, you don't need to waste any time going through the minigame if you
don't want to, you can instead open the dev console and type:

$ sports_victory = True
jump sports_fight1_done)
I don't hate them (RPDicks -1) / I hate them (RPDicks +1)
Play along (RPDicks +1) / Deny

--3rd free roam------------------

click on the center of the table to unlock a special render
click right
examine door on the right
examine door on the center
pick up money on top shelf
click on the left of the cardbox to unlock a special render
enter the bathroom
click near the WC to unlock a special render
click on the panties

Stay quiet / Act like a girl

Agree / Try to leave
Get involved (you need at least 2 dtype to watch the entire scene) / Leave
Joke around (RPDicks +1 if DIK point > 0) / Get angry
Tease her (RPIsabella -1) / Don't tease her (RPIsabella +1)
Stop calling me boy / Don't call her out
Laugh (RPMaya +1) / Get annoyed

--4th free roam--------------------

click on the table
study gender studies
click up
click the top-right book to unlock a special render
click on the right
click the left side of the closet
pick up money
click left 2 times
examine the drawer
click in the middle to unlock a special render
talk to Maya
Joke (RPMaya +1) / Really
Go to bed
End the day

Sure / Together (this choice will either give you a DIK or a CHICK point depending if your dtype is
above or below 0)
Sneak a peek (you won't get this option if your dtype is < 1) / Wait until she's done
<if you are on the red path and chose Sneak a peak>
Closer look at ass / Closer look at tits
Compliment her (RPMaya +1 if dtype < 0) / Dont compliment her
Ask her to turn around / Undress while she looks (RPMaya +1 if dtype < 0)
<if you picked Ask her to turn around>
Check her out
(2nd dream scene)
Hostile approach / Calm approach
Hostile approach / Calm approach
Look closer / Don't risk it
No harsh feelings / Don't accept apology
Yes / No / None of your business
Accept her offer / Reject her offer (AFFINITY DECISION: the 1st choice will subtract one cell fom
the CHICK side, the 2nd one from the DIK side, accepting the offer will also made the glory
hole scenes available)
Say hey / Retort
Joke / Say hey
(during the dialogue with Jill you'll get a RPJill +1 if dtype < 0)
Whisper again / Sit down closer to her
<if you chose Sit down closer to her>
Thanks (RPJill -1) / It wasn't a move

--5th free roam---------------

play browler on the phone and pick the opponent that gives special renders
chat with Derek, you can pick whatever choices
chat with Josy and pick: 'You look very pretty in that, Josy' (RPJosy +1)
Talk to Maya

Sneak a peek (you only get this option if dtype > 0) / Ask her what she's doing
Look closer / Don't look closer
Smell her hair (RPMaya -1 if dtype > 0) / Don't risk it
Push her leg down (RPMaya +1) / Linger longer
Too late for that (RPMaya +1) (this choices also sets the variable ep1_maya_attracted) / Ok. I'll try
I liked it (RPMaya +1 if dtype < 0) / It wasn't for me
Thanks for the movie / Was that an offer?
Easy credits and vaginas (RPMaya -1) (RPDerek +1) (you won't get this option if you have fewer
than 2 dtype) / Learn more about women (RPMaya +1)/ Nothing special

--gender studies minigame-----------------

correct answers: Danielle, 2 years old brown, Franz, You never told me, $12, Glasses, Linda 240lbs,
2 months, Your boyfriend Jaime, 13

--6th free roam-------------------------------

click right
click right side of the closet
click down to unlock a special render
you can use the chat app to chat with Derek, Sage, you can pick whatever choice
chat with Josy, pick the 1st, then 2nd then 1st answers
play browler on the phone and pick the opponent that gives special renders
click on the table and study English
if you accepted Quinn's offer, you can call her with the phone and set up a gloryhole scene. the free
from charge choice one has no sex but a funny feminist reaction.
Go to bed
End the day
(different renders depending on the path, flicking the clit for the red, kissing for the blue)
<end of version 0.1>

Yes (RPDicks +1) / No?

Defend Maya / Say nothing
< if you accepted Quinn's proposal and played Camila's gloryhole scene >
Tell her the truth (this choice also sets the variable quinnknows_about_camila) / Say nothing
Make her stop (this choice will have the MC lose the competition) / Let her continue
< if you picked 'Let her continue' >
Ask her to stop / Tease her
Positive response / Negative response (this choice sets a variable that, up to the current version,
only brings some slightly diferent dialogues)
I like Maya (sets a variable) / Nice
< if you picked 'I like Maya' >
Nothing / Nothing.. yet

--7th free roam-------------------------------

Click investigate
Talk to the 2 guys at the couch and to the one at the door
Click right and investigate the fridge
Click on the magazine left of the fridge to unlock a special render
Click right and talk to Derek
Yes (RPDerek +1) / No
< if you picked 'Yes' and your Dik points are at least -1 >
Friendly greeting / Flirty greeting
Walk off / Be a smart ass
< if you picked 'Be a smart ass' >
Agree / Disagree
Defend Maya (RPDerek +1) / Agree with the HOTs
Click on stairs
Click investigate and talk to all the girls
Click investigate and enter the janitor room, click the book at the top behind the chait to unlock a
special render
Click on the right and talk to the 2 guys, that will end the free roam

To make out with you / To help you (RPMaya +1)

Yes / No (if you don't want to help Maya)
Stop it (RPMaya +1) / Let Quinn continue
Joke (RPJocks -1) (RPDicks +1) / Keep quiet
Joke (RPDerek -1) / Me neither
Joke (RPMaya -1 if dtype > 0, RPMaya +1 otherwise) / Ask why
Tell her what you know / Don't tell her about Quinn
Yes / No, father (RPDicks +1)
Agree / Focus

--8th free roam-------------------------------

Click right 2 times then investigate, move to the left to watch the 2 scenes, then click down
Click investigate near the rope
Climb up
Go first / Let Derek go first
Click investigate on the right and take a look at Jill
Watch her / Don't watch her
Click on the bed, then the drawer on the right, click the magazine to unlock a special render
Click investigate on the chair, click on the right to pick up the money
Click on the fireplace, click under the logs to unlock a special render
Click on the other side of the bed, click on the drawer on the left, click the book to unlock a special
Click on the bookshelf, 2nd row from the bottom, far right to unlock a special render
Investigate near the vase, click right under it to collect money
Click on Derek
Click left, then investigate on the drawer, click under the pile of 3 books to collect money
Click right, then the moose to end the free roam

I'll do it / You'll do it (no repercussions to this choice in the current version)

--English class minigame--

3 letter words: Her, Pee, Per, Rep, See, She
4 letter words: Here, Hers, Peer, Reps, Seep, Seer
5 letter words: Peers, Sheep, Sheer, Spree
6 letter words: Herpes, Sphere
(you get a +1 DIK point if you use the cheat, -1 otherwise, if you want to use the cheat do it as the
1st move)

Love you, too / Bye

--9th free roam-------------------------------

Click on the phone and chat with dad
I'll send the money back to you / I already bought it (money +1) / Thanks dad (money +1)
If you agreed to Quinn's proposal you can call her and order the special item, it'l cost you 3 money
Play the brawler minigame on the phone to unlock a special render
(as usual if you don't want to play the minigame, right after you start it by clicking fight, open
the dev console and type
$ sports_victory = True
jump sports_fight1_done)
Click on the right, then on the left side of the drawer, you'll find money in the same spot as you did
in the previous version
Click on the table and study english
Click on the guitar (RPMaya +1)
Talk to Maya to end free roam

Stay with Maya (RPMaya +1) / Go to the party

I intend to (RPDicks +1) / No

--Mouse minigame----------
you need to follow a path with your mouse making sure the cursor always stays within the borders
of the path, you need to succeed al 3 times to unlock a special render, just save right before the start
and try again if you fail
Do it (RPDicks +1) / Pass
Go home to Maya (RPDerek +1) / Stay and party

< if you picked 'Stay and party' and you won all stages of the minigame >
Find Sage / Find Sarah (you only get this option if you bought the special item from Quinn)
< if you picked 'Find Sage' >
Kiss her / Leave
< if you picked 'Kiss her' >
Yes (RPSage +1 if dtype > 0) / No
< if you picked 'Find Sarah' >
*sex scene*
< if you picked 'Go home to Maya' >
Tell her about the HOTs / Don't tell her about the HOTs (this choice sets a variable not used
in this version)
Kiss her / Don't kiss her (better scenes later on picking the 1st option)
Why shouldn't we kiss / Don't you want to kiss
(you will only get the sex scene if -3 < dtype < 2 and you picked Kiss her at the branching)
Tell the truth / Dodge the question (RPMaya -1)
< if you picked 'Tell the truth' >
Kiss her cheek (RPMaya +1) / Don't kiss her
Buy chocolate / Buy flowers / Don't buy her anything
Talk to him / Walk away (AFFINITY DECISION: the 1st choice will subtract one cell fom the DIK
side, the 2nd one from the CHICK side)
Hug / Kiss on cheek (RPJosy +1)
(if you bought Josy a flower and you asked her about flowers during the 3rd phone chat in v0.1, you
get RPJosy +2, if you didn't ask her or you bought her chocolate you get RPJosy +1)
Compliment food / Compliment effort (RPJosy +1)
Ask about mom
Ask about dad
Yes / No
Accept / Not like this
< if you picked 'Accept' >
Compliment her (RPJosy +1 if dtype < 1) / Don't push your luck
(3rd dream scene)
Yeah, it does / Not really
Joke / Ask why
Check her cleavage / Dont check her cleavage
Calm approach / Hostile approach
(as usual if you don't want to play the minigame, right after you start it by clicking fight, open
the dev console and type
$ ep2_dawe_fight_won = True
jump ep2_after_dawe_fight_label)
Stay and fight / Run away (AFFINITY DECISION: the 1st choice will subtract one cell fom the
CHICK side, the 2nd one from the DIK side)
Alphas / Cute outfit
Check her out (you only get this option if dtype > 0) / Don't risk it
Mock Dawe (RPSage +1) / Don't mock Dawe
Stop / Kiss her back
Talk her out of it / Sympathize
Yes (this will give you the chance to gain a Sage point in v0.8) / No
Be mad with Chad / Ask more about Sage
(during the dialogue you'll get RPSage +1 if dtype > 0)
Yes (RPSage +1)(pick this choice to see the guitar tutoring scene with Sage) / No
Look closer / Don't risk it
Hi Bella (RPIsabella -1) / Hi Isabella
Compliment them (RPJill +1) / Don't push it
Look closer / Don't risk it
Yes / No
Say hey / Ignore him
Joke / Let Jill answer
Me neither (RPIsabella +1) / Who do you like?
Compliment her (RPIsabella +1) / Thank her

--10th free roam-------------------------------

Click on the phone and chat with dad, Josy and Maya, pick whatever
Play brawler to unlock a special render
Click the vault app on the phone, insert 4-4-1-3 to unlock 5 special renders
Click on the table and investigate
Click right, click at the right of the kettle to collect money
Click investigate till you reach the bookshelf, click center-bottom the red book to unlock a special
Click the center door
Peek (RPIsabella -1) / Don't peek
Click on the door on the right to end free roam

Look closer / Don't look closer

I remember / It's foggy
Ask for a ride (RPIsabella -1 if dtype > 0) / Walk
Learn about women's issues (RPIsabella +1) / Easy credits
Thank her / Kiss her (it'll give a point during v0.3 in the Isabella relation counter)
Yes / No

--Math minigame---------------
correct answers: c, a, a, a, c, c, d, d, d, b, d
use cheats if you want an additional DIK point

Sympathize / It's his choice

< if you chose to tutor Sage >
Correct her / Wait until she's done
Correct her / Wait until she's done
< if you picked 'Correct her' >
Flirt (RPSage +1) / Stay focused
Kiss her / Don't take it further
(picking 'Kiss her' you won't get to see the titjob scene unless you kissed Sage at the party)

--gender studies minigame-----------------

correct answers: Chocolate, 5, 3, Diet orange, Fries, Whiskers, Lemons, 0, 5 years, Blue shirt with
white dots

Positive response / Negative response

Flirt / Don't flirt (no repercussions to this choice in the current version)
Ask her about the song / Apologize and leave

<end of version 0.2>

Agree / Disagree
Yes / No (pick 'Yes' if don't want Derek to hook up with Camila, still not clear in this version how
this choice will impact a possible relation between the MC and Camila)
I do / Not me (you will only get a choice if you have neutral affinity)
I'll try / No way (pick the former to have the MC try to bang Jade, it's not happening in v0.3 though)

--New Brawler Minigame-----

if you aren't playing from the start but continuing from older saves or you didn't play brawler
enough to gain stat points, winning the game could become a challenge even in normal mode, but
since this game is al about being a DIK... you can alway CHEAT.
open the dev console right before Chad anbushes the MC and type:
$ sports_hp = 4
$ sports_mov = 4
$ sports_dex = 4
$ sports_pow = 4
this will also make the minigame last way less since your strikes will be more effective.

BUT... if some small cheating isn't enough for you, you need the REAL CHEATING. Open dev
console and type:
$ ep3_chad_fight_won = True
jump ep3_after_chad_fight_pov_label

Joke / Just tell her

Yes / No
That's nice / That's creepy
<if you're on the CHICK path or on the NEUTRAL while chosing not to have the MC wear the
dildo helmet>
Turn your head / Don't move (better scene picking the former)
Remove your hand / Move your hand a bit
Compliment her outfit (RPJill +1 if dtype < 0) / Good morning
Tease him (RPPreps -1) / Great him
Agree / Disagree
Yes / No (RPJill -1)
Peek / Don't risk it
Defend Chad (pick the 1st if you plan to be on Jill path) / Stay quiet
Discuss / leave
< if you picked 'Discuss' >
Go easy on her / Be harsh (RPJill -1)
Peek / Don't risk it
Offer to help her / Don't offer your help (pick the 1st to have a hot scene with Maya at the end of

--11th free roam-----------------

- open phone
- you can chat with Derek (pick 2nd answer both times), Josy, Sage (2nd answer), you can only chat
with Sage if you agreed on teaching her guitar
- open the new rooster app:
- click on the pic with 'Rusty' in the title, you can choose between 2 comment lines:
picking the one at the top gives (RPDerek +1), the other (RPDicks +1) (+1)
- click on the pic with 'Maya' in the title, you can choose between 2 comment lines:
picking the one at the top gives (+1), the other (RPMaya +1) (-1)
- click on the pic with 'Jill' in the title, you can choose between 2 comment lines:
picking the one at the top gives (RPJill +1) (-1) , the other (RPPreps -1) (+1)
(picking the latter will get your post flagged as harassment)
- click on the pic with 'Riona' in the title, no choice there
- play the Brawler to win a speial render, you can only do it once for every free roam
- play the Shuffle to win money, you can only do it once for every free roam
- close the phone and click the desk, study math
- click up and then the book on the left of the pens to unlock a special render
- click on the right, as usual you'll find some money clicking on the notes panel over the closet
- click down and then left, click on the beers, a hovering minigame will start, win 5 times to unlock
a special render
- click on Maya to end the fee roam.

Wear the dilso helmet / Let Derek keep it

Pay for her meal / Don't pay
(the scene with Isabella has a lot of variables that will determine if the MC will be able to have a
relation with her:
- if you tried to kiss Isabella in v0.2 you get a +1
- if you tried to peek on Isabella in v0.2 you get a -1
- choosing 'Pay for her meal' gives a +1
- if you insulted the cafeteria worker in v0.1 you get a -1
- if you beat up Troy in v0.1 you get a -2
- if you succeeded in both the english and math test you get a +2
- if you're wearing the helmet you get a -1
at the end of the scene the total points you totaled will be calculated, if the total is < 0 you get a
RPIsabella -1, otherwise you get a RPIsabella +2 and set the variable ep3_bella_come_around, that
will be important if you want the MC to spend the night with Isabella at the start of v0.4)
< if you picked 'Wear the dilso helmet' >
Joke / Just tell her
Place a hand on her thigh / Do nothing

--Math minigame---------------
correct answers: b, a, a, b, c, d, b, d, a, d
use cheats if you want an additional DIK point

Don't worry (RPDerek +1)/ That was stupid

< if you picked 'That was stupid' >
It was hot (RPDerek +1) / Fuck you
Do it / Let Derek do it
Yes / No
Pry / Leave it alone
(if you have used Quinn's girl service before you will unlock here a threesome scene)
< if you chose to give guitar lessons to Sage >
Focus on the fight / Focus on Sage (RPSage +1)
I'm here for you / Forget about him
< if you didn't pick 'Kiss her' during the tutoring Sage scene in v0.2 >
Yes / No (the former rejects Sage)
It's just me being horny (RPSage +1) / We'll see what happens (RPSage -1)
To give up control / To have control (different scene depending on the choice, footjob and
pussy play if you pick the former, face fucking for the latter)
Party without limits / Let Derek do the DIK stuff (AFFINITY DECISION: the 1st choice will
subtract one cell fom the CHICK side, the 2nd one from the DIK side, it will also give
access to a sex scene with Rose in v0.4)

--12th free roam-----------------

- click right 2 times, click on the floor between the table and the sofa to unlock a special render
- click the left arrow 3 times
- click at the foot of the left blue sofa to pick up money
- click right, then click the sofa at the center of the scene, click at the right of the bottle to
unlock a special render
- click on Jacob (it makes no differenc what girl you chose in the dialog with him, Jacob will
give you money at the end)
- click on Nick
Cheer him up / Buy him a lap dance
-click on Brandi
Watch her dance / Lap dance / Leave
< if you picked 'Watch her dance' >
Grab her tits / Suck on her toes / Just watch her dance
- click on Envy
Laugh at Derek's joke (RPDerek +1) / Get rid of Derek
< if you picked 'Get rid of Derek' >
Ask to get cock signed / Ask for a private dance (pick the latter only if you have at
least money = 4)
< if you picked 'Ask for a private dance' >
Blowjob / Anal
- click on Jamie
Watch her dance / Lap dance / I can't afford it (RPDerek +1) / Leave
< if you picked 'Watch her dance' >
Put a finger in her (+2)/ Squeeze her ass / Just watch her dance
< if you picked 'Put a finger in her' >
Ass / Pussy (the former will make Lily hate you)
- click on Rusty, he will offer you money
- click on Rose
Watch her dance / Lap dance / Leave
< ifyou picked 'Watch her dance' >
Squeeze her tit / Just watch her dance
< ifyou picked 'Lap dance' >
Suck on her tit / Feel her pussy
- click on Tommy, if your RPDicks is at least 5 he will buy you a lap dance
- click on Tommy again to end the free roam

Envy (calling her 'Old Boobs' gives a (+1))
(for the 'guess the boobs' game, each stripper has 2 sets of 4 attributes that can be given to her tits:
- Lily -> ["small", "perky", "tiny", "cute"] and ["firm", "they have an edge", "pretty tight", "very
- Rose -> ["big", "amazing", "almost too big for my hands", "great"] and ["firm", "so tight",
"muscular", "heavy"]
- Brandi -> ["large", "enormous", "really heavy", "gigantic"] and ["soft", "a bit saggy", "smooth",
"perfect for a titjob"]
- Envy -> ["of medium size", "not too big or too small", "pretty standard", "perfect for my hands"]
and ["not that smooth", "a bit saggy", "just delightful", "probably fake"]
those attributes will be coupled randomly by the game)
Tell her about Maya / Find some place else to stay (RPJosy -1)
Study english
Study gender studies
Check her out / Don't check her out
Flirt with your feet (RPJill +1) / Keep studying
Greet the party / I spank Sally / Flirt with Jill
I attack / I protect the elf / I spank Sally
Sure / Nope (picking the first will open the chance for the MC to have help from Mona and Camila
in executing one of the Hell Week tasks)
< if you picked 'Sure' >
Give them the underwear / Call Camila out
< if you picked 'Call Camila out' >
Tell her off / Show me yours (you need high dtype to be allowed to choose the latter)
< if you picked 'Show me yours' >
Stop / Continue
< if you picked 'Continue' >
Fuck Camila / Fuck Mona

--English minigame------------
3 letters words: act, ant, can, cat, gin, git, nag, nit, tag, tic, tan, tin
4 letters words: agin, anti, cant, inca, gain, gait, gnat, tang, ting
5 letters words: acing, actin, antic, giant
6 letters words: acting
use cheats if you want an additional DIK point

Agree / Disagree
Whose were they / Clown's lips
The shaven one / The hairy one / No preferences
Take it Further / Stop her (AFFINITY DECISION: the 1st choice will subtract one cell fom the
CHICK side, the 2nd one from the DIK side)
Male / Female
Wear helmet / Don't wear it

--13th free roam----------------

- go up, enter the villa through the open window
- while you're in the kitchen look at the left of the sink near the coffee cups to collect a special
- click right 2 times then left, look at the bookshelf on the right and there the row of books with
light brown cover, you'll find a special render right in the middle of them
- click on the door
- cick right 2 times and go out from the window
- go left 2 times and go back in from the kitchen window
- click the door on the left to end the free roam

Be honest / Hide the truth

Check her out / Don't risk it
Check her out / Don't check her out
Because of Jill / Because of Tybalt (pick the former if you want the MC to hook up with Jill)
(if you gained the RPIsabella +2 in the previous scene so that Isabella came to like the MC you will
get the branching)
Go see Bella / Ignore Bella (pick the former to get the Bella scene)

--14th free roam----------------

- open the phone
- chat with Jill, pick the 2nd answer when 2 choices appear
- you can chat with Sage if the MC agreed to be her fuck buddy
- open the rooster app
- click on the item with Sage in the title
- click on the item with Cathy in the title
- click on the item with Maya in the title
picking the one at the top gives (RPMaya +1) (+1) , the other (RPMaya +1) (-1)
- play the Brawler to earn money
- play the Shuffle to earn money
- open the vault: insert the code 3985 to unlock the special renders
- close the phone
- study math
- close the phone
- click on Maya to end the free roam

Stay with Maya / Go to Quinn's dorm (you only get the latter option if Quinn has proposed a
threesome to the MC at the start of v0.3)
< if you picked 'Go to Quinn's dorm' >
Yes / No (pick 'Yes' if you want Quinn to call the MC with a per name)
Yes / No (pick 'Yes' if you want to give Quinn a pet name)
Vaginal sex / Anal sex (more options picking the latter)
Just how i like them / Too small
Put it in her pussy / Put it in her ass
< if you picked 'Stay with Maya' >
(you will get a hot scene with Maya if you picked 'Offer your help' at the start of v0.3, you
might want to keep around a playthrough where you didn't offer her help while being on
Josy&Maya path, that because you won't be able to achieve 100% completion in the gallery
scene of the phone for the Josy & Maya sex scene later in this version if you play the current
scene with Maya)
(during the sex scene you will only get to play with Maya's pussy if RPMaya is at least 15)

< end of version v0.3 >

(at the start of v0.4 you can choose where the MC is going to spend the night after moving out from
Maya's room, this is not a free choice but some of the 3 options might be locked depending on your
previous choices:
- Sage will only be an open path if the MC has agreed to give her guitar lessons
- Isabella will only be an open path if the variable ep3_bella_come_around is set and you
picked 'Go see Bella' before the 14th free roam section
- Derek is always open)
< if you picked Derek >
Agree / Fuck you / Punch him
Insult / Really mean insult (funnier choice) / Don't insult him
I overreacted / I didn't overreact (not clear how much influenxe this choice is going to have,
maybe both this one and the next choice will impact the friendship between the MC
and Derek)
Yeah / Not really

< if you picked Sage >

That's nice / And you like that?
Tall girl blond hair / Short gorl red hair (RPSage +1)
The pink rose (RPSage -1) / The DIKs know her (RPSage +1) / I don't know her
Yes / No / How do you mean?
< if you picked 'How do you mean?' >
Yes / No (not clear at this point if this choice is important to open a Quinn path)
I'll think about it / Decline / I'm more interested in you
< if you picked 'I'm more interested in you' >
We almost fucked (RPSage -1) / I was just saying
Sage / No one / You interested? (the latter choice changes the dialogue with John Boy in the
last free roam section of this version)
Eat shit (RPSage -1) / That joke is getting old / Say nothing
< if you picked 'That joke is getting old' >
Mock her / Recite the HOT code
Leave me out of this / He deserved it
Call out / Don't call out
Warn them / Don't warn them (first option gives better dialogues)
< if you picked 'Warn them' >
Ask for privacy / Be confident (latter choice only available if you're not on the
CHICK path)
< if you picked 'Ask for privacy' >
I teach her to play guitar / None of your business
< if you picked 'Be confident' >
Leave (-2) / Go for it (pick the latter for Melanie's sex scene) (+2)
< if you picked 'Go for it' >
I teach her to play guitar / None of your business
(during the sec scene you can pick whatever option, obviously better
to try em all)

< if you picked Isabella >

Yes / No (not clear at this point if this choice is important to open a Quinn path)
She didn't / Thanks
Look at her tits / Don't risk it
Stroke her cheek / Say good morning

< if you didn't pick Derek >

Hug him (RPDerek +1) / Maybe it's you who needs a hug (RPDerek +1) /
Leave him hanging

Nothing / None of your business

(if you helped Mona and Camila in v0.3 picking 'Sure' at the branching point, you get the options)
Sex outdoors / Slap me / Continue (you can try both the first two options, the girlswill only
agree to slap the MC)

--English minigame------------
3 letters words: leo, eon, one, son, sos,
4 letters words: eons, lens, less, lone, lose, loss, noel, nose, ones, sole, sons,
5 letters words: loses, noels, noses, soles
6 letters words: lesson
using cheats will give you a DIK point

Pay for it / Don't pay for it (choosing to pay loses you 2 $$, picking the other option gives you a
RPNerds +1 if you're not on the DIK path. The MC will complete the task anyway, if you
don't want to use the SS now Derek will do the wedgie to his roommate Bert)
< if you picked Isabella >
Compliment her (you get a RPIsabella -1 if you are on the DIK path) / Don't compliment her

--15th free roam----------------

(the 15th free roam is different depending on which option you picked at the start of the episode for
the place where the MC would spend the night, the phone part is roughly the same)
- open the phone
- chat with Jill, you can pick the 2nd answer all the time
- chat with Josy, you can pick whatever
- open the rooster app
- click on the item with Dawe in the title, you can reply picking whatever option, 1st one is
- click on the item with Tybalt in the title
- click on the item with Sage in the title
- play the Brawler to unlock a special render
- play the Shuffle to earn money
- check the new Swiper app, you can swipe up 5 girls, one of them is the English teacher, after that
you can chat with them:
- if you chat with Catrin, pick the options 1, 3, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, Catrin will send you a hot
pics at the end, you can try diferent routes too, be careful that some of them will end
up with Catrin rejecting you.
- if you chat with C, pick the options 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 2, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1, C will send you a
hot pic at the end, as for the other girls you can try diferent routes too, be careful that
some of them will end up with C rejecting you.
- if you chat with Ellie, pick the options 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, you will get 2 hot pics from Ellie
- if you chat with Nicole, pick the options 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, you will get a hot pic from
- if you really want to chat up the fatty Ida, pick the options 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 2
- close the phone

(the rest of the feeroam is different)

if you picked Sage:

- click on the desk and study gender studies, clicking on the desk again, you need to click the
yellow spot on the top left right under a book to unlock a special render
- click the left arrow then the guitar
- click on the left then the beers, play the minigame to unlock a special render
- click down, left, left and then the magazine on the chair to unlock a special render
- click right, then the door up top then the door to the left to enter the bathtoom, click on Mona:
- after the dialogue you get to choice Sure / Ask someone else
- you should definitely pick 'Sure' here cause it wil unlock a special render
- then pick 'Arch your back more', the other option ends early the scene
- finally you get the options Look closer / Take picture
- you can then check the Rooster app on the phone to see the pic
- go out of the bathroom and back to the screen with 3 doors, click the door on the right to get a
scene with Quinn, where you get the dialogue options
- Wanted to talk / Just looking around (pick whatever)
- Release / Move hips
- < if you picked 'Move hips' >
Give me something / Fine (you can only pick the first if you're on the DIK path)
< if you picked 'Give me something' >
Kiss her / Be still (better outcome for the sex scene picking the latter)
- go to the kitchen, click on Elena to watch a small scene
- go up top, last room going straight ahead is the living room, click under the sofa on the right
where you see a small white part to unlock a specil render, then click up, at the right of the
plant there's a key, click on it and confirm, then go to the left, click the magazine down to
unlock another special render, finally click on Heather to start the scene
(play Heather scene only if you are on the DIK path, it won't amount to anything otherwise)
- if you play the scene you get the options
Look closer / Put blanket on her / Leave
< if you picked 'Look closer' >
Put blanket on her / Leave
- go down to the basement, click at the feet of the white drawer on the left to unlock a special render
- enter the sauna, click on the girls to start the scene, you'll get the options
Nope / Leave
< if you picked Nope' >
Remove towel / Tease her / Leave
< if you picked 'Tease her' >
Remove towel / Deny her (pick the 1st to get the sex scene with Lily)
< if you picked 'Tease her' >
It feels good / You're just gonna grind me
She wouldn't / Stay silent (pick the latter for the rest of the scene)
- go to the pool and click on Sage to start the scene, you'll get the options
Above surface turn / Underwater flip turn (pick the latter to unlock a special render)
- go back to the screen with the 3 doors on a line, click the door in the middle, at the bottom right of
the dummy there's a small clickable area, click that to unlock a special render
- go back to the initial room, click the bed to end the free roam

if you picked Derek:

(you obviously won't be able to get any special renders here if you are playing Derek's freeroam
route after playing Sage's, special renders are persistent across saves and can be unlocked only
- click the desk on the left, click the up arrow then the horizontal 'Spike', you will unlock a special
- click on the desk, study gender studies
- click on the beers, play the minigame to unlock a special render
- click on the drawer to the left, here there's a small minigame, you will have to click the drawers in
a certain order to unlock a special render: start with the drawer up top, you will get notified
that something is stuck behind it, then click the 3rd from the top, then the 2nd, then the 4th,
then the 3rd, finally the 4th, click on the magazine to unlock the special render (you get the
right order by clicking on a post it note on the desk)
- click Bert's bed, click the pillow area then the zone between the sheets and the blanket to unlock a
special render
- click the desk on the right, then the up arrow, click above the shelves up left to unlock a special
- go up top in the room then click the drawer on the left, open the 1st drawer and click the black line
on the right to unlock a special render
- go out in the corridor, clickon Derek for a small scene
- click on the vending machine, click the button down on it to get $
- go up in the corridor, click the backpack close to the plant on the right, then click the magazine to
unlock a special render
- click on the student with the yellow shirt on the left, you can tell him to join the chess club if you
want too, if you had bought him soda in v0.2 he will give you $$
- go down 2 times, click on the left to get to the magazine shelf, click on the magazine that is right
behind the one named Amorette' to unlock a special render
- Click on Bert and Eugene to start the scene, you get the options
Tell them off (RPNerds -1) / Be careful / Whatever
- after the Bert and Eugene scene click on Ron, you get the options
Push him / Leave (pick the 1st to cockblock Arieth's lover)
- if you have offered guitar's lessons to Sage yu have a chance to call her for a short dialogue
- click on Derek's bed to end free roam.

if you picked Isabella:

(i won't go after the special renders for this path too, takes just too much time, you can get them by
playing one of the other 2 paths)
- if you have offered guitar's lessons to Sage yu have a chance to call her for a short dialogue
- go to the kitchen, take the watering can
- go out to the pool and speak with Bella, ask her for tips on watering plants
- click the beer can if you want to play the minigame and get a special render
- go back to the kitchen and fill the can with room temperature water
- go around the house and look for plants, touch the soil first, the MC will tell you what kind of
plant that is, in case of orchids and bonsai leave it alone, for all the other plants, if the MC
tells you the soil is already moist then don't water it, if he tells you it's a little bit dry then
water ir a little, if he tells you it's very dry then water it a lot. there's a total of 17 plants, you
gain 1 point for each right action you perform, lose 2 points for each mistake. you will need
to collect at least 8 watering points to access some content with Isabella after the free roam
is over.
- when you're done with the plants go up to the room where Isabela has put your stuff, you have to
change to your swimming trunks, play with the guitar and click on the desk to study gender
- go back down to the screen with 3 doors on a line, click the door on the left and the table at the
center of the room, do the dishes
- go back to the pool again and click the chair next to Isabella to end the free roam.

< if you picked Isabella >

You missed a spot / I asked for me
Lecture her / Of course (1st option brings a better dialogue)
Help her with sunblock / Don't help her
< if you picked 'Help her with sunblock' >
(there's only one correct sequence of actions that lets you se all the content without
losing Isabella points)
Back -> Arms -> Ass (RPIsabella +1)
Splash her (RPIsabella +1) / Don't splash her
Take it further / Stop (ends the scene before the sex part)
< if you picked 'Take it further' >
(during the sex scene you can check all the content freely and make sure you do
cause the animations are great)
(after the sex scene, during the kitchen dialogue with Isabella you get RPIsabella +2 if you
collected at least 8 points in the watering plants minigame and another RPIsabella +1 if you
washed the dishes, those 2 actions will also award you a special render,. if the points
collected with the watering minigames are between 4 and 8 you get a RPIsabella +1 , less
than 4 points will get you a RPIsabella -1)
She's nice to me / Do you like her? (better dialogue with the latter)
Make a move on her (RPIsabella +1)/ If you say so
(after that you get 2 study sessions, you can really pick whatever, with the new cheating
system of the minigames the bonus is not that relevant)
(during the dialogue that follows the 2 study sessions you will get a RPIsabella +1 if you
played the guitar during the previous free roam)
(next scene differs whether you're playing both Isabella and Sage routes or Isabella only, in
the 1st case you'll get next the movie night scene, otherwise you'll go straight to the next
day, there is no way to tell right now if romancing both Isabella and Sage will have
consequences later in the story)

< if you picked Sage >

Right call (RPSage +1) / Should have shaken me
Drink / Don't drink (the latter will have you skip a lot of good content)
< if you picked 'Drink' >
Look at their asses / Ready to decide
(after you look at the asses you can pick one of those as the ugliest or say that you lie
em all, the latter choice will get you a -1)
(same thing for the best ass, picking the last option and saying you don't wanna play
will get you a -1)
Hold her hand / Don't hold her hand (RPSage -1)
< if you picked 'Hold her hand' >
Put hand inside panties / Just hold her hand (the latter ends the scene with
Sage and brings you to the next day)
< if you picked 'Put hand inside panties' >
Do it (RPSage +1) / Don't do it
Grab her ass / Don't grab her ass
Yes / No (the 1st sets a variable about the MC liking daring sex that
most likely will come to fruition in the next versions)
(as usual make sure to check all the sex scenes, it's worth yout time)

< if you picked Derek >

(you get an additional free roam section)

--16th free roam----------------

- talk to Envy, this will play differently whether you chatted with her through the Swiper app
and whether she liked you or rejected you there:
- if you didn't swipe her up the scene will be cut short
- if she rejected you, you get the options:
Hey Envy / Hey Nicole (scene will end right after that)
- if she like you, you'll get the lap dance scene
Ask about sexting / Ask about dating
- after the lap dance you'll find some money near the cage
- talk to Brandi and watch her dance
- talk to Derek
- go right, you'll find some money on the floor under the white table (and that's how you
know you're playing a game.... you go to a strip club and your money increases...)
- go up to the screen with the girl talking to a dude, right under the purple chair you'l find a
special render
- go left and talk to Rusty
Lap dance / No thanks (-2)
- go down and talk to Tommy, pick whatever dialogue choice
- after talking to Tommy look at the bar screen and click the menu at the far left to unlock a
special render
- click on Rose to end the free roam
(if you are not on the CHICK path and you picked 'Party without limits' before the
12th free roam section, you'll get the options)
Pay / Short on cash / No thanks (pickng Pay results in losing $$$, if you got lewd
with Envy in v0.3 you can pick 'Short on cash' and Rose will offer her services for
just $. you get no acesss to Rose sex scene if you are on the CHICK path or if you
didn't pick 'Party without limits')
< if you chose to pay >
Not a lot / It's not my first time
Vaginal / Anal

Tell him about Cathy / Don't tell him (can't guess the impact of this decision)
< if you picked 'Tell him about Cathy' >
Agree / Disagree / Joke

--Math minigame---------------
correct answers: b, d, a, d, b, a, c, b, d, a
use cheats if you want an additional DIK point

--Gender studies minigame-----------------

correct answers: Karen Rebeca Johnson, conflicts or dogs, 7 years, cows, librarian, your mom, 19
years and 2 months, 2 years, 44dB, history and latin
scoring the maximum will unlock a special render
use cheats if you want an additional DIK point

(after the gender study class you will have a scene with Jade if in v0.3 you picked 'Take it further'
instead of 'Stop her')
< if you picked 'Take it further' >
She kept things from me / I Don't want to talk about it
Make a move on her (this will most likely start a Jade path) / Leave

Say hi / Compliment her (RPJill +1 if not on DIK path)

Positive response (RPJill +1) / Negative response
(after that you play the tennis minigame, you need to click the ball with the sign HIT, you ave about
3 seconds to do so, failure will lose you the point. the system is heavily tilted to the player serving
the ball, so if you are playing the hard mode, 2 out of 3 games, Jill will always end up wining her
serving game. winning the minigame will award you a special render)
(after the minigame the shower scene has different outcomes depending on your path, the scene will
end early if you're on the DIK or neutral path, if you're on the CHICK path you'll get the options)
Let her shower first / Joke (RPJill +1)
< if you picked 'Let her shower first' >
Yes (RPJill -1) / No (RPJill +1)
Shower with Jill / Don't shower with Jill (the latter ends the scene early)
< if you're playing the shower scene >
Reach in / You win (better content with the 1st option)
Kiss her / Don't kiss her

(the next scene will play a bit different depending on whether the variable ep3_bella_come_around
is set, if it isn't you'll get the options)
I'm a nice guy / I'm probably not good for you (the latter will end the date and most likely
close any further Jill's content from your playthrough)
Know what? / Have sex?
Go in for a kiss / Say goodbye
Make fun of Tommy (RPDicks +1) / Join him for a wooo (RPDicks +1) / Stay silent

--17th free roam----------------

- open the phone
- chat with Jill, you can pick whatever, the dialogue will be a bit different whether you kissed her or
not during the date
- you can call Sage for a short scene if you have Sage unlocked on your phone, picking 'I miss you'
during the dialogue with her will grant you a RPSage +1
- play the Brawler to unlock a special render
- play the Shuffle to earn money
- click on the vault app: enter the code 0421 to unlock 6 special renders
- close the phone
- go up to the janitor closet, click right under the first can from the top to unlock a special render
- go to the theater room, the one with the black sofas, click the up arrow, right under the foot of the
sofa there you'll find a special render
- go to the library, room with all the books on the floor, look for a brown book right in the middle of
the scene that is inclined about 45°, click slightly to its right to unlock a special render (good
luck with that)
- talk to Nick
- talk to John Boy, if you picked 'You interested' in the Sage path you wil get the options
She's hot (RPDicks +1) / I'm not into her
- talk to Riona
Discuss it (this option will give you a better scene with Riona in v0.5) / Diks only
Stop her / Kiss her back
- talk to Jamie and Leon
- talk to Sarah and Melanie, just like for Riona you can choose to discuss the matter with those two,
if you choose so you'l get the options
Good one / Eat shit / Leave
- talk to Tommy
- talk to Rusty
- talk to Jacob, you can check all the dialogue options
- talk to Heather, you can discuss the matter with her
Put head against door / Leave
< if you picked 'Put head against door' >
Peek / Leave (pick the 1st to unlock a scene in the phone gallery app)
- talk to Mona, pick whatever dialogue option
- go down to the chilled beverages screen and grab a beer for Mona
- go up to her again
- go back to where Tommy was, click on Quinn to end the free roam section

Smoke weed / Don't smoke weed (AFFINITY DECISION: the 1st choice will subtract one cell fom
the CHICK side, the 2nd one from the DIK side)
< if you picked 'Smoke weed' >
Lick her / Rest your eyes (the latter ends the scene before sex with Quinn)
< if you picked 'Lick her' >
Hell yeah / Taste me instead (you can check both scenes)
Try for something more / Stay friends (the 1st choice will only come to fruition if you're playing
either the neutral or the CHICK route, otherwise Maya and Josy wil reject the MC, the MC
will also get rejected if he either didn't have sex with Josy or he didn't get lewd with Maya)
< if you didn't reject or get rejected by Maya and Josy >
Sleep with Josy (RPJosy +1) / Sleep with Maya (RPMaya +1) / Sleep on the floor
(RPJosy +1)(RPMaya +1) (you only get the 3rd option if you both had sex with Josy
in v0.2 and got lewd with Maya in v0.3)

(if you picked 'Make a move on her', next you'll get a scene with Jade, otherwise you'll go straight
to the next day)
< if you picked 'Make a move on her' >
Go in for a kiss / Don't kiss her
Where are we going? / You look great
Roleplay / Continue (the 1st will have the MC playing the son part)
Just stay hidden / Tease her (the latter has a better render)
First door on the right
You look so hot / Turn around for me

(play the beer minigame and unlock a special render)

Yes / No (can't guess if this choice will be important)
< if you picked 'Make a move on her' >
Tell him about Jade / Keep a secret (can't guess if this choice will be important, but keeping
a secret will get Derek to bang a granny, worth it for the laughs)

< end of v0.4 >

Fight Caleb / Walk away (AFFINITY DECISION: the 1st choice will subtract one cell fom the
CHICK side, the 2nd one from the DIK side)
(the brawler minigame has been pretty much nerfed compared to how it was before, you have much
more time to go through the combination of arrows in each step, so cheating this shouldn't be
necessary at all anymore, i did it flawlessly at the 1st try)
(you get a RPDicks +1 if you win the fight)
How is she taking it (RPJill +1) / I'll make it quixk
Get more info / Don't ask for more info (the 2nd option cuts the dialogue short)
Be honest (RPDicks -1)(-1) / Hide the truth
(next scene is flying the drone, you need to click on all the 6 windows to advance the scene)
--18th free roam----------------
- open the Rooster app and comment on the posts:
- you can pick either one of the two options on Camilla's post
- pick the 1st on Lily's, that will start the tequila's quest
- on Anthony's cluck both answers will give you points that will be then added to the DIK
score, 1st option will give you 1 point, the second 2
- on Josy's cluck the 1st option will give you 1 chick point and lose you 1 dik, the 2nd will
give you 1 DIK point and also RPJosy -1, RPMaya -1
- open the Brawler app and play both the 1st and the 2nd opponents, you'll gain 1 $ and a special
- play the Shuffle to win1 $
- check the Swyper app, some of the girls you chatted up in the previous version will have sent you
hot pics
- close the phone
- go left, click on the couch, click at the right of the couch on the floor to unlock a special render
- go right and click on the painting on the floor
- click on the door to get to the Riona's scene
- if you smoked pot in v0.4 you'll be offered the same choice here
- Confront her / Let it slide (pick the 1st for a better scene)
- if you picked 'Discuss it' during the Riona's scene in the 17th free roam section, you'll have a
chance to give money to Riona
- if you chose to give Riona some money and you had previously used Riona's services through
Quinn's restaurant, you'll get the option:
Go for it / Decline
if you picked 'Go for it'
Go for it / Decline (pick the 1st for Riona's sex scene, animations are worthy as usual)
(you'll have the option of re-playing the scenes multiple times)
(you'll also have the option of cumming forever and ever... the orgasm animation is
really good but it loops indefinitely... so after you kept on cumming for 5
minutes straight that will give the 'Phew... Intense' line by the MC right after
that a whole new meaning)
- after the end of Riona's scene click the 1st door on the right
- click on the 2 paintings then click on the 4 books, when you get to the new screen click on the
bottom-right angle of the bottom book to unlock a special render
- click back and then the 1st door to the left, click the globe then to the bottom right of it to get
- click to the left, click the 2 paintings then the black spot on the bottom shelf on the left part of the
empty space between the books to unlock a special render
- go right twice then click under the black chair to unlock a special render
- click the drawer, the door to the right will have the suit you're looking for, during the internal
dialogue the MC will stress the number 42 that will be part of the Vault's password for this
- wearing the suit will automatically start a scene with Josy and Maya
Take a sip / Don't drink
if you picked 'Take a sip'
Tastes good / Tastes bad
if you aren't on Josy&Maya path, you'll get the options:
I'll be there for you / Don't help (pick the 1st if you don't want to skip Josy's scene in
this version)
otherwise, if you're on that path, Maya will ask the MC for a bottle of champagne starting a
new quest
- go ahead, click the door to the left to start a scene with some other HOTs:
Excuse yourself (-2)/ Compliment her (this choice will give you +1 if you're on the Dik
path, -1 otherwise)/ looking at Sarah (+1) / looking at Mel (+1) (the last 2 choices will also
set variables in the script that might come to fruition in the next episodes)
Retort / Let it be
Did you know about this? / Where's Sage? / Leave
- click the sink then click top-left of the 2nd magazine to unlock a special render
- click again the hottub
Leave / Join them (the 2nd option will only be available if your dtype is at least 3, picking it
will get you to a lewd scene)
if you picked 'Join them'
Show her / Joke around
Look at Heather's tits / Don't look
- go upstair, click the book on the right to unlock a special render
- click the 1st door to the left, click the magazine to the left of the big table to unlock a special
- look at the shelves, the section with the bike sculpture, on the far right of it you'll see a with line,
click it to unlock a special render
- go out of that room and click the door to the right
- click the piano, you will have to play the start of For Elisa on it to unlock a special render
- click then at the bottom of the pendulum clock to unlock another special render
- go out of that room and click the big door to get to the 2nd section of the floor
- click the 1st door to the left, click the blue book to unlock a special render
- go out and then to the next door on the left
- look at the library on the right, 2nd row from the bottom, far left, click there to unlock a special
- click on Ashley to start a scene
We tried calling you / Leave
- go down to the lower floor, then ahead then to the door on the right
- click the magazine on the sofa to unlock a special render
- click on Tybalt's phone
Check it / Leave it alone
if you picked 'Check it'
Snap a dick pic (+2) / Leave it alone
- click on the bathroom door
- click at the left of the towels to unlock a special render
- go left twice then click the library
- you'll see a little black spot at the bottom right of the books in the bottom left shelf, click that to
unlock a special render
- then click the drawer, click above the 1st book from the left over the drawer to unlock a special
- go out of the room and click the white door to get to the balcony
Signal the DIKs (RPDicks +1) / Leave
- go down to the 1st floor
- click on Lily to start a scene
I wouldn't have wanted that / Damn i want a personal stripper
- click the door on the right to enter the bathroon, click the top right part of the shortest drawer on
the right to unlock a special render
- go back the to the door on the right to enter the bar
- click the tequila bottle on the top shelf then talk to the bartender, he'll tell you he won't serve you
any alcohol
- talk to Derek, then click Derek again to have him distract the bertender (unfortunately we don't get
to hear the bottom of the joke 'the pope, a wrestler and your mom walk into a bar' … )
- click on the tequila bottle to get it
- click on Camila
Hide your face / Ask Camila for help
if you picked 'Ask Camila for help'
Kiss her again / Leave (pick the 1st option to aceess Camila's sex scene)
(the scene will be cut short if you havan't gone through Camila's scene in the
previous version and you haven't ordered Camila from Quinn's restaurant, if both
conditions are fullfilled you will get the option of paying Camila for sex, you'll need
to have at least 2 $. you will also be able to fuck her for free if you had sex with her
and Mona in v0.3, to do that pick the option 'Fuck Quinn' when prompted)
- after the end of Camila's scene go back down to the 1st floor and talk to Lily again, she will ask the
MC for salt and lemon, so go back to the bar and get those from the bartender
- click on the right to talk with the alumni
A student / An alumnus / A traspasser (pick the 1st option if you clicked on the paintings,
better dialogue)
- click on the rag on top of the shelves
- go back to the bar then right again to start Jade's scene
the scene will be cut short if you didn't have sex with Jade in the previous version, if you did
you'll get the choices:
Sneaking in / Mingling with the guests
Look at tits / Don't look
Grab her ass (+2)/ Don't grab it
- go out of the room then back then left, you can click the room to the left that it's now not locked
- click the white spot right above the fireplace to unlock a special render
- go back to the toilet
- click on the WC
Cause an accident (+2) / Don't do it (causing an accident will give you the chance to enter
the kitchen)
- go to the kitchen (if you caused the accident)
- click the magazine on the left to unlock a special render
- you will only be able to click the champagne if you're on Josy&Maya path
- go to the 1st floor then back and click on Lily to start the scene
Stop her / Make out (pick 'Make out' for the sex scene)
if you pick 'Make out' the scene will play differently depending on if you picked 'Put a
finger in her ass' in v0.3, if that's the case you'll only be able to reach the sex scene if
you can afford to pay Lily 4 $. if you didn't you'll be able to reach the sex scene by
paying 2 $ if you're on a DIK path, even for free if you aren't.
- if you're on Josy&Maya path go up to the 2nd floor then back, Maya and Josy scene will
automatically start as long as you have taken the champagne from the kitchen
Dance with them (RPJosy +1)(RPMaya +1) / Leave
- open the contacts in your phone, call Quinn to end the free roam

Sneak a peek / Don't look

I'm sure / Joke (RPSage -1)
(the Sage's scene will be cut short if you're not on her path, if you are you'll get a hot sex scene)
< if you're on Sage's path >
Make her cum / Make her squirt
Tits / Ass / Both (i shouldn't even need to tell you to pick the latter)
<if you're on Josy&Maya path or if you picked 'I'll be there for you' during the previous free roam>
(scene with Maya)
Follow her / Find Maya (if you're not on Josy&Maya path no matter what you pick here
you'll end up with a short dialogue between the MC and one of the two girls, no lewd
action at all and no change in the stats either, if you're on that path instead, you can
pick what sex scene to watch. as the walkthrough will point out stats with the two
girls will be affected by this choice, so i'd recommend keeping around a save before
this choice)
< if you picked 'Follow her' >
Take it slow (RPJosy +1) / That won't happen
I like it shaven / I prefer a bit of bush (crucial choice right there)
Reassure her (RPJosy +1) / Move on
(make sure to check all the animations of the sex scene, they're worth it)
< if you picked 'Find Maya' >
We'll try (RPJosy +1) / It just happened (RPJosy -1)

(Derek's scene: if you're not on Josy&Maya path you will get the options)
Yeah / Feelings for Maya / Feelings for Josy (picking the 1st option will most likely close
any path to the two girls, still no way to tell if picking one of the other two options
will keep things open with at least one of the girls)

< if you're on Sage's path and not on Josy&Maya's you get the options>
I'm sorry / It's Hell Week

I'm leaving / Mock him (RPPreps -1)

Punch him (+2)/ Walk away (-2) (AFFINITY DECISION: the 1st choice will subtract one cell fom
the CHICK side, the 2nd one from the DIK side)
(the punching animation is both pretty good quality wise and hilarious and you can repeat it to your
heart's content)
Be confident / Be modest
Offer to drive her home / Let her take a cab home (pick the 1st option for a sex scene with Cathy.
you won't be able to reach the sex part anyway if you either are on Josy&Maya path or if
you didn't pick Cathy in your Swyper selection in v0.4. offering a drive to Cathy won't force
you to skip the scene with Bella and Jill)
< if you picked 'Offer to drive her home', you're not on Josy&Maya path and you Swyped Cathy>
No, i want to continue / I want to end it (pick the 1st option to start the Cathy's path, this
choice has consequences later in v0.7 if you are on Isabella path, cause she will know
about Cathy and reject you)
< if you picked 'No, i want to continue' >
Tits / Ass
Fine / Joke

(Bella & Jill scene)

(if you picked 'Punch him' you get a RPJill -2 and a RPIsabella -2)
(if you chose to have the MC staying at Bella's at the start of the previous version, you get the
Play for them / End the night
< if you picked 'Play for them' >
I remember (RPIsabella +1)/ Is it? (RPIsabella -1)

--19th free roam----------------

- open the phone, message Derek, you can pick whatever replies you want, makes no real difference
- message Quinn, here too no real difference, but you get a better dialogue if you had previously sex
with Quinn and you pick 2-2-1-2-1
- if you chose to spend the night with Sage in the previous version, you'll have the chance to call
Sage now, if you didn't she'll just hung up the phone on you:
Did i wake you up? / What are you up to?
< if you picked 'What are you up to?' >
Sleepyhead / Sexy
- open the Brawler app and play both the 1st and the 2nd opponents, you'll gain 1 $ and a special
- play the Shuffle to win1 $
- open the Swyper app, you'll be able to chat with all the girls you swyped in the previous version:
- if you chat with Catrin, the best option is to pick 1-2-2-2-2, most of the other paths will
result in her dumping the MC
- if you chat with Nicole and you don't want to be rejected just avoid picking 2 as the 1st
answer, a possible combination is 1-2-2-1-1-1-2-2
- if you chat with Ellie, pick 1-1-1-2-2-1, with Ellie you don't have a lot of margin for
errors, most combinations will end up with her dumping the MC
- in the Swyper app you can now also look for new contacts, the available girls are Paula, Nora,
- when chatting up Nora, you can pick 1-1-1-1-1-1-2-2-2-2-1-1, you can also try other
combinations of answers, just make sure to pick 1 in the latest answer and to avoid
the reply that mentions the DIKs, those are the only two cases that will have Nora
reject the MC
- when chatting with Arieth, pick 1-1-1-2-2-2-1, here too you can go with other
combinations, mostly just avoid mentioning she might have crabs
- when chatting with Paula, she will end up rejecting the MC anyway, and that's actually a
good thing... you can try different paths with your answers, most of them are funny
- close the phone
- go down, click under the big lamp to unlock a special render
- click the right door
Peek (+3)/ Don't peek
- go back, then right, then towards the shelves, top right shelf has a book laying there on his own,
click on that to unlock a special render
- go up the stairs, look at the shelves, bottom left, click on the book to the farthest left to unlock a
special render
- if you're on Josy&Maya path, you'll be able to call one of them, you get a RPJosy +1 if you call
Josy, a RPMaya +1 if you call Maya
- click the bed to end the free roam section

Check her out / Don't check her out

Sneak a peek / Don't sneak a peek
< if you picked 'I'm a nice guy' in v0.4 >
Take her hand (RPJill +1) / Don't take her hand

He's a nice guy / I don't know

About your family / About dating (RPJill +1)
How was it? / Was it serious?
Can't say i do / Scared of being himself?
< if you picked 'I'm a nice guy' in v0.4 >
Take it further / Don't take it further (pick the 1st for a short scene with Jill)

--20th free roam----------------

- open the phone and go to the contacts section
- message MC's dad, you can pick whatever answers, better dialogue going with 1-1-1-2-1-1-2
- reply to Sage, you can pick whatever
- if you had sex with Josy or Maya you can message one of them, pick whatever answers
- check the Rooster app, you can comment on the 1st two new posts, makes no real difference
which answers you pick
- open the Brawler app and play both the 1st and the 2nd opponents, you'll gain 1 $ and a special
- play the Shuffle to win1 $
- close the phone
- go back then click the left door to get to the hall, click the drawer on the left, the number 6 will be
highlighted to signal it's part of the vault password
- click the white spot at the left of the drawer to unlock a special render
- click on the stairs, then go right, up, then click the middle door to enter the bathroom, click the
shampoo bottles in the shower and the number 2 will be highlighted, as the last nunmber for
the vault password
- click top right of the screen close to the high drawer to unlock a special render
- open the phone and go in the Vault app, enter 4226 to unlock a special render
- go left, click on the door to get to the pool, then the white door to enter the garage, click the book
above the garbage can to unlock a special render
- go out of the garage and click back a bunch of times till you're in the kitchen, talk to Bella
- click left, click the gray spot at the right side of the white drawer to unlock a special render
- go down, down, up, click the magazine over the table to unlock a special render
- go up and click the door on the left to enter Bella's study, click the library, click the blue book far
right in the middle-bottom shelf to unlock a special render
- go back to the kitchen, then left and click the door on the left to enter the dining room, go up and
click at the bottom right of the drawer to unlock a special render
- go back to the pool and click the paint to start a quest with Bella later on
- click Jill to end the free roam

(yoga scene)
Agree / Joke
Why not something new (RPIsabella -1 if you're on a DIK path) / Keep quiet
Peek (+3)/ Don't peek
< if you picked 'Peek' >
Watch Bella / Watch Jill / Leave (-3) (don't leave before you watch both of them, pretty cool

Compliment them (RPJill +1 and RPIsabella +1 if you're not on a DIK path) / Shirt is too short
Joke / Take it seriously
Look at Bella (this will give you a +1 if you're on a DIK path, -1 otherwise) / Don't look at Bella
Peek at Jill/ Don't peek
Joke / Spread your legs
Look closer / Focus
Look at Bella / Look at Jill / Don't look (-2)
< if you picked 'Look at Jill ' >
Look closer / Focus

Look closer / Focus

Joke / Don't joke
Joke / My legs hurt
(during this scene there are 4 times where the MC can joke about the exercise, if you pick 'Joke'
even once you get both a RPJill +1 and a RPIsabella -1)
Look closer / Don't look closer
Try it with Jill / Try it with Bella (RPIsabella +1) / Decline
< if you picked 'Try it with Jill' and you picked 'I'm a nice guy' in v0.4 >
Hold her hand (RPJill +1)/ Put palm against her palm

< if you picked 'Try it with Jill' >

Flirt with her feet (RPJill +1)/ Don't flirt

Sauna with Bella / Yoga with Jill / Shower and Freshen up (you should pick the 2nd option first
cause it allows you to watch both scenes)
< if you picked 'Yoga with Jill' >
Look at her tits / Look at her panties / Warn her (-2) (RPJill +1)
< if you picked 'Look at her tits' >
Look at her panties / Stay silent
< if you picked 'Look at her panties' >
Look at her tits / Stay silent

< if you picked 'I'm a nice guy' in v0.4 >

Kiss her (RPJill +1) / Get up

Me too / Sauna with Bella (1st option ends the scene)

< if you picked Sauna with Bella >

Gonna get sweaty anyway / Joke (RPIsabella -1)
< if you picked 'Go see Bella' in v0.3 >
Make a move on her / Leave
< if you picked ' Make a move on her' >
You're beautiful (RPIsabella +1) / You're so hot

(painting minigame: it's basically a follow the path game, complete 4 courses without failing to
unlock a special render)

I think so / Not a clue

< if you picked 'I think so' >
- select Eggs, Milk, Sugar, Baking powder, Flour, Done to gain RPIsabella +1

Make fluffy pancakes / Over-mix the pancakes

Full heat (RPJill +1) / Medium heat (RPIsabella +1)/ Low heat (RPJill +1)

(pancake minigame: you just need to click at the right time, score at least 500 to unlock a special

A cooking class? / Libraries 101? / What kind of class?

< if you're on Sage's path >

Confide in Sage / Don't tell her why

< if you chose to have the MC staying with Sage in the previous version >
Thanks / Joke (RPSage +1)

< if you're on Josy&Maya path >

Ask about list / Ask about Arieth
(you get next the hangot minigame, you need to click on objects in the screen to get a a
scene: start with the Popsi, then the phone, then the pen, when you click on the pen you get
the options)
Draw on Maya / Draw on Josy
< if you picked 'Draw on Josy' >
Draw a heart / Draw a penis
< if you picked 'Draw on Maya' >
(here you can type a word, the script has a huge list of words divided into
immature, loving and funny. typing a word rated as immature gives a
RPMaya -1 while loving or funny give a RPMaya +1, type CUTIE if you
want the latter, FART for the first)
(click on Maya and Josy, you're free to try all the options, finally click on the MC to end the

< end of v0.5 >

Flirt / Don't flirt (don't pick 'Flirt' if you're on Maya or Josy path, that would cost you in the scores
for those two characters later on)

(task management minigame: just follow the instructions that the game gives you in this phase, you
have nothing else to do for now)

Fight (+2)/ Don't fight (-2) (AFFINITY DECISION: the 1st choice will subtract one cell fom the
CHICK side, the 2nd one from the DIK side)
(the fight with Tommy is standard Brawler stuff, if you nerfed the game like i suggested previously
in this walkthrough, you can win easily)

--21st free roam----------------

- open the phone and go to the Rooster app, you can reply to the last 3 posts there, pick whatever
- play the Brawler app to get a special render, you can play it again and choose the 1st opponent this
time around to win $
- play Shuffle to win $
- close the phone
- the freeroam has now a quick navigation map to access the rooms, you can use it one in your 2nd
playthrough after you get all the special renders, it's easier to navigate with the arrows if you
have to look at all the pixels of the screen anyway, so i will get you through the normal
navigation in this walkthrough
- go left, look at the black shelf on the left, you 'll see 3 books, then 2 books, then click further on
the right to unlock a special render
- go left, click the book on the floor on the bottom left to unlock a special render, then look right at
the middle of the screen: you will notice the tallest pile of books, going down on it there's a
reddish book angled 45°, click right under it to unlock a special render, don't worry if you
struggle with the exact spot, this one is a real bitch
- go right twice then down, click the 2nd door from the left to get to the theater, there's some money
slightly on the left from the middle of the screen
- go back to the hall then down, then down again to get to the main room, click on the stairs, then
right, you'll find some money under the chair at the top, then go back then up, finally the
door on the right to get to the janitor room, there click the magazine on the floor around
mid-screen to unlock a special render. click on Derek to talk to him.
- go back then click the door on the left to get to the 2nd floor bathroom, look at the white shelf on
the left and click at the left of the bottom shelf of it to unlock a special render
- go down twice, then the door, to start the scene with Elena and John Boy
Look closer (+2) / Don't look closer (-2)
- go up, then the 1st door on the right, click on Jacob for his scene
- go back then the 1st door from the left, click the books on the right side under the bed to unlock a
special render
- go back then click the up arrow to get to the dining room, click the spot under the garbage bin to
unlock a special render, then click on Nick to start his scene
- click the 1st door on the left to start the Rusty scene
- you have now access to the laptop, you can first click the customize icon and see the renders, then
click the DK folder, in the Jamie folder you can click the 'To Dany' letter, you'll notice the
'44' is highlited, it's part of the combination for the Vault app. Then click on the Pack Quest:
it gives you hints to find more secret renders, you better keep a screenshot of the hint screen
if you want to try play this on your own
- close the laptop, go back, then click the up arrow then the door then the door on the right to go
back to the library, click on the candle wick, as the 10th hint says, to unlock a render for the
pack quest
- click the door on the right for Jamie's scene
- go back then go down twice, then left, lock at the veins of the dick drawn on the wall, as the 3rd
hint says, look at the 1st vein, the biggest one, and click right at the utmost left of it to
unlock a render for the pack quest
- go right then follow the path you went through earlier to reach the janitor room where Derek is,
click on the top of the little trophy at the left of Derek's legs to unlock another render, related
to the hint 'Employee of the month'
- go back to the laptop room, click the nose of the white bear in the pictures on the wall for another
render, related to the hint 'The white king'
- go back to the hall down from the library, click on the bottom of the axe on the 2nd door from the
left to unlock the render for the hint 'Here's Johnny'
- go down twice, then click the stairs then the door on the right for Leon's scene
- after the scene click the red plug of the keg to unlock the render for the hint 'The intact keg'
- go back to the hall down from the library, click the 1st door from the left to reach the kitchen,
click the small 'Enjoy' sign right between the cans on the floor to unlock the renders for the
'Enjoy' hint
- go back to the room where Jacob is, click the plane on the pillow left from Jacob to unlock the
render for the hint 'The travel pillow'
- go to the main hall, click the up arrow, then the door, then the up arrow on the left to start the
Tommy's scene, after that click the button on the bottom left of the air conditioner to unlock
a render
- click the green curtain if you want to see Heather's scene
Look / Don't look (the latter cuts the scene short)
Flirt / Leave ( you won't be have the 1st option available to you if you're not on a DIK
affinity path)
- go back to the laptop, click the clock on the bottom right to unlock the last render, then click the
'Complete Quest' button to unwrap the pack. those are not the only special renders you will
get from the laptop, clicking on the wallpapers icon will let you unlock more renders by
clicking on them, you will most likely not be able to unlock all the renders from the laptop
in one walkthrough, cause those are connected to some conditions that need to be met and
depend on the paths and the scene you played till this point. here's the list of conditions:
* being on Jill's path
* being on Josy and Maya's path
* being on Sage's path
* being on Bella's path
* sex scene with Cathy in chapter 5
* sex scene with Jade in chapter 4
* sex scene with Camila in chapter 5
* sex scene with the HOTs in chapter 5
* spanked Sally in chapter 3
* sex scene with Quinn in chapter 4
* sex scene with Riona in chapter 5
* sex scene with Lily in chapter 5
* successfully swiped Nicole in chapter 5
obviously if you don't want to cheat the stats you'll need 2 or 3 playthrough to met all of
these conditions to unlock all the renders in the wallpaper, just remember that you have 2
chances to do so, either here or during the next DIK free roam section by going to Rusty's
room and clicking on the safe
- go back from the dining room and click on Tommy to end the free roam.

Accept / It's a bit too late for that (not clear at the moment what impact this choice will have)
< if you picked 'Fight Caleb' in the previous chapter >
No i don't / Sometimes you have no choice (pick whatever)
Apologize (-2) / Trigger her (+2)
See you / Bye, Jam-Jam

< if you fucked Jade in chapter 4 >

Tease her / Don't risk it (pick the 1st obviously)

(in the gender class you may end up paired either with Maya or Sarah, the only way to get paired
with Sarah is if you're not on Maya or Josy's path, you are on a DIK path and you accepted Quinn
offer in chapter one to use her 'restaurant' services)
< if you're paired with Sarah >
Flirty response / Normal response (pick whatever)
Peek / Don't peek
Make a move on her / Decline (the latter cuts short Sarah's scene)
< if you picked 'Make a move on her' >
Pay her / Get it for free / Don't pay (the 1st option will cost you $$$, you can get it
for free if you picked 'looking at Sarah' during the 18th free roam section and
you picked Sarah in chapter 4 after the ' Look at their asses' choice. no matter
if you pick Pay her or Get it for free, make sure to check all the sex scene
options, it's worth it. fucking Sarah will also unlock a special render)

< if you're paired with Maya >

(you play the Gender Studies minigame)

--gender studies minigame-----------------

correct answers: W&W, Burgers, Paris, Skinny cunt, Social anxiety disorder, Veterinarian, the last 3
answers depend on what you picked during Maya outdoor scene back in chapter 1, get all of them
right to unlock a special render

< if you're on Josy & Maya path >

I like you too / That's not a question (most likely picking the 1st option will advance
further Maya's path, still not clear what consequences this choice
might have on Josy)

(then you have the next step of the mansion minigame, keep on following the tutorial till you end it,
after that it's a basic management game, pretty easy to get it right, just look at DIKs statistics to
guess who to assign to each job. consider using the $ you gained to buy upgrades from the right side
of the screen, Dumpster is the one that makes more sense at this stage)

(if you picked 'Go see Bella' in chapter 3 or 'Make a move on her' in chapter 5 you get a Bella scene
after the mansion minigame)
Agree / Joke (RPIsabella +1)
(if you didn't pick up both 'Make a move on her' and ' Go see Bella' you're not already on her
path, in that case you will get the choice)
Accept / Reject (the 1st puts you on Bella path)

Good riddance (RPSage -1) / You deserve better (RPSage -1) / If you want to talk, i'll listen
(RPSage +1) / Don't say anything
You move on / Get closure (pick whatever)
< if you didn't reject Sage in chapter 3 and you agreed to give her guitar lessons in chapter 2 >
Kiss her / Say good night (pick whatever, she won't let the MC kiss her anyway)

Help her / Let her go (you will have to pick the latter if you're not on a DIK path, if you're on Josy
and Maya path, if you didn't use Quinn's services and if you didn't pick 'lick her' in chapter
4, that's because if those 4 switches are not all set the scene will be cut short anyway. Pick
the 1st for Quinn's sex scene)

Peek / Don't peek

Compliment Josy (RPJosy +1) / Don't compliment Josy

--Math minigame---------------
correct answers: c, b, a, d, b, c, d, a, b, b
use cheats if you want an additional DIK point

Lunch with Maya & Josy / Lunch with Sage & Quinn (if you're not on Sage's path go with the
former, cause in that case the scene with Sage would be cut short anyway)
< if you picked 'Lunch with Sage & Quinn' and you're on Sage's path >
Agree / Joke (pick whatever)

< if you picked 'Lunch with Maya & Josy' >

(you get RPMaya +1 a if you're on Josy & Maya path or if you picked 'Feelings for Maya' in
chapter 5)
Remember her / Pretend you don't (RPMaya +1) (no matter what you pick here you will get
a RPMaya -1 and a RPJosy -1 if you went with 'Flirt' at the start of this chapter)
Mock her / Don't mock her

(next is a scene with Jill, the scene will be cut short if you're not on her path. to be on her path
multiple conditions have to be met: you need to have picked 'I'm a nice guy' back in chapter 4, 'Take
it further' in chapter 5, and either have picked 'Kiss her' in chapter 4 or being on a CHICK path)
< if the conditions explained above are met, you get the options >
Yes / You can do better (pick whatever)
Peek (RPJill -1) / Don't peek
Choose a different song / Both songs sound good (not clear at the moment what impact this
choice might have)

(then you have the next step of the mansion minigame, if you did this right in the 2nd step, and right
here would be collecting scores at least equal to those that you got following the tutorial in the 1st
step, you should have gained at least 3$ and at least another 60 experience points. if you did, you
can keep on playing the 3rd step following the same strategy, if you didn't you can consider going
back to step 2 and follow the strategy explained in the tutorial. with the 3$ or more you have gained
you should buy at least 2 upgrades, getting Dumpster to level 3 makes sense, you can buy
Experience with the other $. you can also spend more money for the upgrades worth 5$, one or 2 of
them, specially to upgrade making money through job stats, so that the DIKs can start taking up
jobs worth more than $1/worker and make money quicker)

(next is a cleaning scene that can play in 3 different ways:

1. with Bella, you will be able to see that scene if you're on her path, the conditions for it were
already explained during the Accept/Reject choice earlier in this chapter
2. with Josy and Maya, the problem here is that you cannot be at the same time on this path and on
Bella's, cause if you're on Bella's you will be automatically directed to her scene, so to see Maya
and Josy cleaning scene you need not to be on Bella's path, to be on Josy and Maya's path and to
have picked Lunch with 'Maya and Josy' during one of the previous scene
3. the MC alone if you're not on either Bella's or Maya and Josy's path)
< if you're on Bella's path >
Sneak a peek / Don't peek

(next is a path minigame to win a special render, the game is a bit buggy, so be slow when moving
the mouse to the starting spot of the path or the game will give you a fail without even letting you

< if you're on Bella's path >

(Bella sex scene, make sure not to miss this one cause it has one of the best boobjob scene i
ever watched in porn games)
Stroke her hand (RPIsabella +1) / Leave

Study math / Study gender studies (not a big difference there)

< if you picked 'Study math' >
(dialogues here will change slightly depending on how you fared in the Math minigame of
this chapter, if you followed this walkthrough and aced the test, pick Left then Right, to
answer the questions here)

--22nd free roam----------------

- open the phone, reply to Dad
- you can reply to the 2 latest Rooster posts, pick whatever
- play the Brawler against the 2nd opponent to get a special render
- play the Shuffle to win $
- open the Swiper app, you can swipe up Micha:
in the end it's the fatttie Ida catfishing again, the funniest dialogues can be had by picking
1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1
- you can also chat with Catrin on Swiper if you weren't rejected by her in the previous chapter, no
matter what answers you choose though she will still go back to her ex-bf
- close the phone
- click on the laptop on the table, the number 6 will be highlighted during the MC's monologue, you
will need that later for the Vault
- you can click on the yellow book bottom left of the table, if you're on Jull's path you will get the
Put a note in it / Leave
< if you picked 'Put a note in it' >
Cute note / Corny note (no matter what you pick here, leaving a note will get
you a RPJill +1)
- click the down arrow to start the free roam
- click on Karen for a short scene, dialogues will vary depending on you being on a DIK or CHICK
- go down to access the shelves area, click the 1st up arrow from the left and Bella to start a scene
Joke (this will give you a +1 and a RPIsabella -1 if you're on a DIK path) / Don't joke
- go back, then left then right and click on the wheeled shelving to start the library minigame
- the library minigame has a different structure from the ones played before, cause there's a total of
11 books but you only need to put 5 on the shelves and the books are randomized in each
playthrough, anyway, no matter what books you need to put in place, you just need to go
through each shelf and hover the mouse mid-way thorugh each row of books till you get a
white dot, the hidden button you need to click, i needed just a few mins to get it right with
no need to check the script, so you can do it too just as quickly. completing the minigame
will get you 2$ and a RPIsabella +1
- go back to the shelbves area, click the 3rd up arrow from the left to talk to the nerd, do this only if
you want to buy cheats, you won't need to if you follow this walkthrough
- go back and click the last up arrow from the left for a short scene with Sally
- go back then 2 times left then click the 2nd up arrow from the left for Maya's scene
< if you're on Josy & Maya's path >
Flirt (RPMaya +1) / Leave
< if you picked 'Flirt' >
Yes / No (not clear if this choice will bring to an outdoor sex scene with Maya
in the future)
Go further up (RPMaya +1) / Remove hand
- go back then click the 1st arrow from the left for Jill and Josy
- go back, then right then click the 1st arrow from the left for Wendy's scene
Yes / No (pick the 1st if you want the MC to help Wendy, not clear at this point what
consequences this choice will have)
< if you picked Yes >
Derek's special / Don't take it personally (pick whatever)
- go back, click the 2nd up arrow from the right for Sage's scene
Peek / Don't peek
- call Derek on the phone for a Bella's scene
You're too harsh (RPIsabella -1) / Im' sorry (RPIsabella +1)
- go back to your seat and click the jacket to end the free roam section

(next is Dungeons and Gremlins scene, if you lose too many points while playing the scene will be
cut short)
Attack with guitar (-1) / Play a song (-1) / Take a cover behind Sally / Charm the goblin
Play a song / Attack with guitar (-1)/ Throw Sally into the bush / Use charm
Play a song / Attack with guitar (-1)/ Use charm
< if you picked 'Use charm' >
(if you're on a DIK path you get the option)
I seduce her / I ask her for secrets (pick the 1st for Quinn's short sex scene, if you do
though you won't be able to solve all the minigames in the scene, you will
need the secrets for the fortress scene later on)
Fruit shop / Pottery / Blacksmith / Tavern / End exploration (you can try all the options one
after another)
< if you picked 'Fruit shop' >
Talk to the merchant / Buy an apple / Talk to Maya / Charm Maya / Charm the
merchant / Leave (you're allowed to perform multiple actions here, so start with
talking to Maya, you can then charm the merchant to watch a short sex scene
with Katie, you will only be successful and get to the sex if you charmed
Quinn in the previous cene, in any case, chaming the merchant will always
have the effect of reducing from 50 to 30 silver the price to get infos from her.
if you charmed Quinn before you won't be able to charm Maya now, so you
better get to both scenes in 2 different playthroughs, one for Quinn and Katie
and another for Maya. also, charming Maya will only work if you're on Josy
and Maya path. after you're done charming, you can pick Talk to the
merchant.finally buy an apple)
< if you picked 'Charm Maya' and you're on Josy and Maya's path >
Stop / Fantasize some more (the latter obviously)
< if you picked 'Talk to the merchant' >
I give her a low five (RPMaya +1)(RPJill +1) / I slip her some money
(this will unlock one of the possible endings) / Go back

< if you picked 'Pottery' >

Talk to the craftswoman / Talk to Josy / Buy something / CHarm the crafstwoman /
Charm Josy / Leave (this works exactly like the previous one, start by talking to Josy,
then you can talk to the craftswoman, then charm the craftswoman and it will
only wotk if you charmed Quinn before, and if you did you won't be able to
charm Josy now, also you will fail with Josy if you're not on Josy and Maya's

< if you picked 'Blacksmith' >

Talk to the blacksmith / Talk to Jill / Buy lockpicks / Charm the blacksmith / Charm
Jill / Leave (this works exactly like the previous one, start by talking to Jill,
then you can talk to the blacksmith, then charm the blacksmith and it will
only wotk if you charmed Quinn before. when you do, you will be offered to
trade the guitar for a weapon, you better keep the guitar cause trading for a
weapon will only cost you game points. after that you can charm Jill, as usual
you will fail if you charmed Quinn beforea, also you will fail if you're not on
Jill's path, finally buy lockpicks)

< if you picked 'Tavern' >

Talk to the bar maiden / Talk to the wenches / Talk to the lowlifes / Leave
< if you picked 'Talk to the bar maiden' >
Ask her about the ice queen / Ask her about lowlifes / Buy a mug of mead /
Charm the bar maiden / Leave (you can try all of the options, as usual you
will only be able to get to the sex scene if you seduced Quinn before)

< if you picked 'Talk to the wenches ' >

Ask them about the ice queen / Ask them about lowlifes / Charm the wenches
/ Leave (the sex scene with the wenches will cost you 70 silver, obviously if
you bought the lockpicks before you won't have enough, if you don't
want to waste time cheating on stats here just go to the tavern as your
1st step, watch the sex scene with the wenches then roll back and save
your silver. make sure to ask all the possible questions to the wenches,
you will need info to guess who among the lowlifes is the one telling
the truth)
< if you picked 'Talk to the lowlifes' >
How do i defeat the ice queen / How much have you had to drink / Who has
the biggest dick / Are you regulars here / Done (ask all the questions from the
1st to the last, then when you click done you will get to the options)
Dawe is telling the truth / Anthony is telling the truth / Alex is telling
the truth (this minigame is randomized, the infos you get from the bar
maiden and the wenches will vary every time you play this, so you
need to check carefully for infos about the lowlifes being regulars,
how much they have been drinking and the biggest dick and confront
those with what you get from the lowlifes, usually the info about how
much they drank is the most usefull, if the bar maiden tells you they
are sober then Dawe is telling the truth, if she tells you they had 2 at
the most then it's Anthony, if she tells you they've been drinking a lot
it's Alex. after you're done with this click Leave then End exploration)

Fortress gate / Sewers (you won't be able to pick 'Fortress gate if you didn't trade the guitar for a
weapon, you won't miss a lot anyway, only risk a game over, anyway it's worth watching
this scene if you like picking on Sally)
< if you picked 'Fortress gate' >
Attack stunned guard / Attack enraged guard (-1) / Sneak around guards (-1) / Hide behind
Attack the lesser guard / Attack the enraged guard / Throw Sally at the guard

< if you picked 'Sewers' >

Sneak by / Throw rock (-1) / Play a song (you need to have the guitare to pick the latter,
doing so lets you jump the scene with the sewers monster taking away the risk of
losing points there, anyway the scene is pretty funny, it's worth checking it)
< if you didn't pick ' Play a song' >
Attack the monster / Charm the monster (-1) / Play a song (pick the latter)
Attack the monster / Run away (the 1st results in a game over)

Go upstairs / Walk around the corridors / Go downstairs (it makes sense to go downstairs first, then
through the corridors to examine the small door, then upstairs and finally to the throne room)
< if you picked 'Go downstairs' >
Ask why she's stuck / Help her get unstuck / Leave (pick the 2nd,you will have a different
scene depending on you being on a DIK path or not, if you are the scene will be more
entertaining. in any case this scene will also give you a special render)

< if you picked 'Go upstairs' >

Pick the lock / Pour acid on lock / Go to ground floor (if you followed this walkthrough
you'll be able to pick the lock)
< if youpicked 'Pick the lock' >
Talk to Nadia / Rescue Nadia / Leave (you can talk to Nadia and try to rescue her but
you will fail no matter if you don't have the wand, the acid pot and the lockpicks, the
best startegy to achieve this is to buy the lockpicks from the blacksmith, solving the
lowlifes minigame to access the small room and getting the pot and the wand there)
< if you picked 'Rescue Nadia' and you fullfilled the 3 conditions above >
(sex scene with Sage, you won't be able to access it if you are not on Sage's
path or of you didn't seduce Quinn. following this route brings to a different
ending, the MC escapes with Nadia but gets eventually killed by Quinn)

< if you picked 'Walk around the corridors' >

Inspect the small door / Inspect the royal door / Leave
< if you picked 'Inspect the small door' >
(you will be able to enter the door if you guessed right in the taver with the lowlifes)
Inspect the buttons / Inspect the pool / Inspect the wand / Leave
< if you picked 'Inspect the buttons' >
(you won't be able to solve this if you seduced Quinn instead of asking her for
secrets, solving this minigame will grant you the opportunity of grabbing one
of the items you didn't buy in the village, lockpick, apple, pot or mead)

< if you picked 'Inspect the pool' >

Put you hand in it (-1) / Fill the pot / Leave (obviously the 2nd won't be
available if you don't have a pot)

< if you picked 'Inspect the wand' >

I take the wand / Use on the apple (depending on what ending you want to
achieve you can go with the 1st or the latter)

< if you picked 'Inspect the royal door' >

Enter the door / Not yet (pick the 1st if you've already done everything else)
< if you picked 'Enter the door' >
I Kneel / I refuse to kneel (the latter will bring to the battle against the ice
queen, you will end up losing the battle and dying unless you either
have the pot with acid in it or the magic wand)
< if you picked 'I refuse to kneel' >
Throw apple/ Use wand / Throw pot / Drink Mead / Sing a song (only
the 2nd and the 3rdchoices can avoid the bad ending. there are
3 possible endings to this, the 1st one is the bad ending where
everybody gets killed by the ice queen, the 2nd is the one
achievable by using the magic wand and that will have the MC
breaking the curse of the ice queen and becoming her king, the
3rd one has the ice queen dying and the MC ending up with
princess Nadia. pick the 2nd option to get the 2nd ending, you
will also need the secret told by the merchant after you slip her
money to succeed. pick the 3rd for the 4rd ending)

< if you picked 'I kneel' >

Princess Nadia / Attack her / Charm her / The glyph (pick the latter)
< if you picked 'The glyph' >
Give her pot / Give her apple / Give her mead / Play a song / I
have nothing more (you can perform 4 actions: give the ice
queen an empty pot, give her an apple after you used
the wand on it, give her mead and play her a song, you
will need to perform all of them in order to reach the
alternative ending to the final battle, in this ending the
MC will join the ice queen becoming the ice king)

Just say something / Take her hand (-2)

(the next scene in the car is funnier if you chose not to tell Derek about Jade and so have him bang
the granny)
(next if you're on Josy and Maya's path you will get to help them with their list,)
< if you are on Josy & Maya path>
Ask Maya to do it / Ask josy to do it (obviously make sure to check both)
(next is a scene with Lily that will be cut short if you either are not on a DIK path or you are on
Josy & Maya's path)
< if above conditions are fullfilled >
Do it / Pass

--English class minigame--

3 letter words: Den, Doe, Dog, Ego, End, Eon, Gel, God, Led, Leg, Log, Nod, Nog, Old, One
4 letter words: Done, Gold, Gone, Lend, Loge, Lone, Long, Node, Noel, Ogle
5 letter words: Lodge, Longe, Ogled, Olden
6 letter words: Dongle, Golden, Longed
(you get a +1 DIK point if you use the cheat, -1 otherwise, if you want to use the cheat do it as the
1st move, winning this minigame unlocks a special render)

(if you fucked Jade in chapter 4 you get the option)

Accept / Reject Jade (pick the 1st for Jade's sex scene)

(during the scene with Dad you will get 2$ if you wished to have money for birthday in the phone
chat with Dad in chapter 5)

(if you had the MC winning the Hell Week contest in chapter 5 you get the option)
Accept the prize / Use money for mansion (the latter will add $10 to the mansion game, and
that will also happen if Derek won the contest)

--23rd free roam----------------

- open the phone, check the contacts
- reply to Bella, you can picj the answers 1, 1, 1
- reply to Josy and Maya
- reply to Quinn, you can pick the 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1
- you can reply to the last entry of the Rooster app
- play Brawler against the 2nd opponent to unlock a special render
- play Shuffle to win $
- call Sage, if you are on her path you will agree to help her by default, if you're not you'll get the
Help her (RPSage +2) / Don't help her (pick the 1st for a scene with Sage)
- if you're on Josy and Maya's path you will have to call them
- close the phone
- if you're on Jill path you can click the guitar
Practice song for Jill / Don't practice (picking the 1st will give you a chance to help Jill in
- go left, click on the black area in the middle, the number 3 will be highlighted, you will use that
for the vault, open the phone and the vault app, insert the code 4463 to unlock special
- go right twice, click the bottom left part of the boxes on the right to unlock a special render
- go down twice, click the magazine on the shelf to unlock a special render
- go left and talk with Rusty
- go left, click the magazine under the couch to unlock a special render
- go down, up on the stairs, up again, click on the wall to clean it
- go up, click on the door on the right to get to the short scene in Derek's room
- go back, down, click on the door, then go up and click on the door on the rigth for Jacob's scene,
here you can ask Jacob to draw some chicks for you, each step will cost you some $, at this
point you can only bring each painting to level 1, in each playthrough you should go for the
women you collected the sex scenes with
- go back, then click the door on the left, click the magazine on the floor on the bottom left to
unlock a special render, then click on Nick for his scene
- go back, up arrow, door on the right for Jamie's scene
- go back to Rusty and click on the board to end the free roam

(then you have the next step of the mansion minigame, if you did this right in the 3rd step, you
should have gained more than 100 experience points to give the DIKs. if you did, you can keep on
playing the 4th step following the same strategy, you should also have by now at least 2 or 3 DIKs
capable of taking up jobs worth 2 or 3 $ to make money quicker)

(if you are on Jill's path you will get a scene with her here, if you had agreed to visit Sage too, you
will get the option)
Go with Jill (RPJill +2) / Go to Sage (RPJill -2) (picking the 1st option will also give you a
RPSage -2 if you're on Sage's path and will skip Sage's hangout)
< if you picked 'Go with Jill' >
Pay for it (RPJill +1) / Don't pay for it
Peek (RPJill -1) / Don't peek
Compliment her (RPJill +1) / Don't compliment her
(next you have a hangout with Jill)

--25th free roam----------------

- click the jacket for the horse scene
- click the basket
- clikc on Jill, pick 'Caress' to watch the slideshow, then 'Talk', if you left a note for her during the
freeroam in the library of this chapter you get a RPJill +1
- end the hangout

Derek did it / We did it (not clear if this choice has any real consequence)

(if you accepted to help Sage you get another freeroam section with her next)

--25th free roam----------------

- click the drawer
- go down, click under the espresso machine, for the wipes then the stove for the tea, click the
fridge for cold meat and the cabinet at the left of the fridge for medicines
- go back to Sage and give her the 4 things you found for her, when you giver her the medicine you
get the option
Joke (RPSage -1) / Don't joke
- end the hangout

(if you're not on Sage's path the scene will end there, if you are it will continue)

I miss it too (RPDerek +1) / I don't miss it (RPDerek -1)

Take the fake ID (+2) / Stay home (-2) AFFINITY DECISION: (the 1st choice will subtract one cell
fom the CHICK side, the 2nd one from the DIK side)
< if you picked 'Take the fake ID' >
Truth / Lie
(if you swiped Nicole in chapter 5 you get the option)
Sure / No thanks (pick the 1st, notice that if in your playthrough you didn't swipe
Nicole this freeroam section will be cut very short and you will miss some
scenes, also pick 'Sure' here if you want a 3some scene)

--26th free roam----------------

- click the magazine mid-bottom of the screen to unlock a special render
- go up, click the magazine over the white box right side of the bertender to unlock a special render
- go down then left, click on Cathy for her scene
- go right, click the magazines at the right of the beer on the table to unlock a special render
- go back to the bartender to end the free roam

(you need to have successfully swiped Nora in chapter 5 to access the next scene)
Look closer / Don't look
Nova / Nora / Nina (pick Nora)
Go for it / Don't go for it (shouldn't even bother suggesting it.. but yes... pick the 1st)

(next you get a scene with Nicole, the scene will be cut short if you went with Jill in this
< if you didn't go with Jill >
(a paths minigame is next, win it to unlock 4 special renders)
Yes / No (if you really want to miss on the 3some pick the latter, make obviously
sure to check all the options of the sex scene, it's worth it)

<end of v0.6 >

Calm her down (RPMaya +1) / Defend Josy (RPJosy +1)

Polite (RPPatrick +1 only if you are either on a CHICK or a Neutral path) / Rude (RPPatrick -1)
Polite (RPPatrick +1 only if you are either on a CHICK or a Neutral path) / Rude (RPPatrick -1)
Cheep sheets (RPPatrick +1) / Nothing wrong with a color (RPPatrick -1) / Maya's sheets
(RPPatrick -1)
Speak up (RPPatrick -1 if you're on a DIK path or RPPatrick < 2) / Stay quiet
Reply (RPPatrick +1 f you aren't on a DIK and RPPatrick >= 2) / Stay silent (RPPatrick -1)
Hug her (RPMaya +1) / Don't console her (the first option is not available if you're on a DIK path)
(at the end of the scene with Maya you get additional points depending on your score with her
father: you get a RPMaya +1 if your RPPatrick is between 1 and 3, RPMaya +2 if it's 4)

What other options do you have / It's bad if you don't move out (picking the first gives you a
RPJosy +1 only if you are on Josy&Maya path, the latter gives you a RPJosy -1 if you're not
on a CHICK path)
(the scene with Josy ends in two different ways: if you're on Josy&Maya path you get the options)
Seduce her / Go to sleep (pick the first for Josy's sex scene)
(if back in v0.5 during Derek's scene you picked 'Feelings for Josy', you get the options)
Comfort her (-2) / Go to sleep (+2)

--27th free roam----------------

- click on the boxes down on the right, during the MC's monologue a '1' will be highlighted in
- open the phone with his new interface and go to the contacts, your options for who to talk to
depend on what paths you are following:
- if you message Jill pick 1-2-1-1-1-1-1 for the best dialogue
- if you message Maya pick 1-2-2-1-2-1-1 for the best dialogue
- if you message Rusty pick 1-1-2 for the best dialogue
- if you message Riona pick 1-2-1-1 for the best dialogue
- if you message Quinn pick 1-1-2-1 and get Quinn's nude pic
- go to the Rooster app, you can reply to the last 3 posts there, pick whatever
- go to the Vault app and insert 1 as the first number of the code, the app will remember your choice
- open the Rewards and check the new 2D art section: if you played the sex scene with Josy at the
start of this version you have unlocked some of the pics, you will unlock more after you go
through all the scenes of this version
- play the Brawler app to get a special render, you can play it again and choose the 1st opponent this
time around to win $
- play Shuffle to win $
- you can also play the new Three Tiles game: it's pretty straighforward, you can click the tiles on
the bottom and assign them to one of the 9 cells in the grid above, you can overlap tiles in
the same cell of the grid if the new tile you want to put there has an opening in the right spot
to fit. you can get a match horizontally, vertically or in diagonal as long as the 3 cells in the
grid all contain the same color no matter in what position, you can also match by having 3
tiles of the same color in a cell. you can keep on playing till no moves are possible. if you
reach the 15th turn before getting a game over you win $
- close the phone
- click on the guitar for a short scene
- click on Maya to complete the task::
if you are on Josy&Maya path you get the option:
Cuddle (RPJosy +2)/ Don't cuddle
- click the down arrow to end the free roam

(during the scene with the DIKs the MC will be assigned to weekly duties: if you are on a
permanent DIK path you by default get sent to work at the Pink Rose, if on a permanent CHICK
path by default the MC will volunteer for the elderly home and that will gain you RPDiks +2, if you
are on a Neutral path or in one with a slight affinity for either DIK or CHICK, you will get the
Volunteer / Stay silent (AFFINITY DECISION: the 1st choice will subtract one cell fom the
DIK side, the 2nd one from the CHICK side)

--Math minigame---------------
correct answers: b, d, b, c, c, a, d, c, a, d
use cheats if you want an additional DIK point

Apologize / What about it?

(if you are on a CHICK path you get the additional options)
Can i help? / Say nothing
Where will you go? / Is it because of that picture? (picking the latter will get you a +1 if you are on
a DIK path)
Wish her luck / I'm going to miss you (pick whatever)
(if you are on Cathy's path you get the option)
Stay / Leave (pick the first if you want more of Cathy in the future)

(in the next scene if you're not on Jill's path you'll get the options)
Blame Derek / Take part of the blame (not clear if this will have any consequence)
(then you have the next step of the mansion minigame, keep on playing it the same way you've been
doing it, you should by now have brought experience of the DIKs in the various tasks above 50%
and have more than $25 to buy the windows)

Don't worry about it (RPSage +1) / You kinda did

Flirt (RPSage +1) / Not at all
Flirt / Joke (the first will give you a RPSage +1 if you picked 'Help her' during Sage's scene in v0.6
and you didn't pick 'Go with Jill' later on in v0.6)
(next is Sage's training session minigame, it works exactly like Brawler)

(if you chose to work at the Pink Rose, next is the clean up minigame: just click on the stuff the MC
needs to pick up)
(if back in v0.5 you picked 'Accept the prize', you get a scene with Madame Rose, if you didn't the
Pink Rose scene will end up early)
< if you picked 'Accept the prize' >
Greet Madam / Greet Mommy (pick your kink)
Accept / Not interested in Madame Rose (the latter obviously ends the scene early)
< if you picked 'Accept' >
(next is the sexy scene with Madame Rose, most of the options cost $, you
can cheat if you don't have enough, just open the dev console and type:
$ money = 5
before each activity, i'm sure you don't want to miss those anumations.
you need to buy the groping, suck tits and BJ to unlock the 3 scenes in the
phone gallery app)

Stay for a while (RPMaya +1) / Leave

Kiss (RPMaya +1) / Leave

(if you chose to volunteer, next you get the elderly home scene)
Do it (RPDerek +1) / Don't do it

(then you have the next step of the mansion minigame, keep on playing it the same way you've been
doing it, you should by now have brought experience of the DIKs in the various tasks above 65%
and have more than $35 to buy the windows)

--28th free roam----------------

- open the phone and go to the contacts, your options for who to talk to depend on what paths you
are following:
- if you message Josy pick 1-1-1-1 for the best dialogue
- if you message Maya pick 1-1-1-1 for the best dialogue
- if you message Quinn pick 2
- if you message Nick pick 1-1
- you can also call Madame Rose if you want to watch again those scenes, no new content
- go to the Rooster app, you can reply to the last 2 posts there, pick whatever
- play the Brawler app to get a special render, you can play it again and choose the 1st opponent this
time around to win $
- play Shuffle to win $
- play the new Three Tiles to win $
- close the phone
- click the down arrow to end the free roam

Go to Josy / Go to Quinn / Go to Maya / Stay at Home (you'll be able to play only one of the three
scenes, so choose depending on what paths you're following)

< if you picked 'Go to Quinn' >

A hooker? / Of course / Nope (pick whatever)
(this next scene with Quinn plays out as a hangout, you need to hover on the screen, find out
what you can interact with and click on it. here's a list of what you can interact with:
- Quinn's smartphone, make sure you click there you wouldn't want to miss those
- Quinn's book
- the hookah
- Quinn, click on her and try all the options in the menu. when you choose 'Talk', if
in v0.1 you have accepted to use Quinn's services, you will get the options
You / Ryona / Camila / Sarah / Melanie / No one
picking Camila or Riona here will give you the chance of getting service from
one of them for free in the HOT free roam section of this version
- click on the MC to end the hangout)

< if you picked 'Go to Josy' >

She's a bitch (RPJosy +1) / She's challenging
(if during the 21st free roam section in the scene with Heather you picked 'Look' or if in the
18th free roam you picked 'Join them' or in the 15th free roam you picked 'Put blanket on
her', you get the options)
Defend yourself / Let it slide (pick hatever)
Agree (RPJosy +2) / I like you better (RPJosy -2)
(if you're on Josy&Maya path you get the options)
Tell her the truth / Dodge the question (picking the firt will give you a RPJosy +2 if
you're not on Jill path also and a RPJosy -2 if you're on Jill path)
Move in closer / Thanks (if you pick 'Thanks' or if you're not on Josy&Maya path the
scene will end early)

< if you picked 'Go to Maya' >

(if you're not on Josy&Maya path this scene will end up early, if you are you get the option)
Joke (RPMaya +1) / Kiss her
(during the sex scene with Maya the first option is only available if you're on a
CHICK path)

--29th free roam----------------

- open the phone go to the contacts
- message Jamie pick 1-1-1-1 for the best dialogue
- if you're on Josy&Maya path you can message Maya too, pick whatever
- open the Pack Quest app and start the new quest, you need to find 10 buttons using the hints given
by the app
- play the Brawler app to get a special render, you can play it again and choose the 1st opponent this
time around to win $
- play Shuffle to win $
- play the new Three Tiles to win $
- close the phone
- this free roam has only one mandatory task, talking to Sage. if you are on a permanent DIK path
you will also be assigned a second task, making all the Alphas leave the party. this
walkthrough will show you how to fulfill all the possible task, even the secondary ones, and
unlock all content. you are not forced to follow this step by step, specially if you are on a
permanent CHICK path all the tasks regarding the Alphas can be skipped without penalty
- click the door on the right to start Caleb's event:
< if you fough Caleb in v0.5 you get the options >
Retort (+2) / Leave (-2)
- click the up arrow and take the stairs, talk to Jacob
- click the up arrow then the door on the left to enter Elena's room, click on the desk, at the right of
the ragdoll there's a small black bottle, click on it and then pick 'Take the bottle of absinthe',
then click the small blue area right above the last white book on the right in the mid row to
unlock a special render
- click back then left to get to the other side of the room, click the tip of the elephant trunk to
activate the 9th button of the Pack Quest
- go back two times to get out of Elena's room then click the door on the right to enter Arieth's
room, click the tip of the black dildo stuck on the wall at the right side of the bed to activate
the 3rd button of the Pack Quest, then click right under the foot of the couch to unlock a
special render, then click on Arieth to start the event
There's a party out there / I'm better than Anthony (pick whatever)
Arieth will ask the MC for tissues starting a new task, go back twice then click on the door
at the left of Jacob, a voice will tell you the bathroom is occupied
- click the back button and go back to the starting point, then go down twice, click the door to the
top then the one on the left, go left and click right in the middle of the wooden bench to
unlock a special render, go back, click at the feet of the middle stall to unlock a special
- go back twice to the room with the girls on the couch, click the top wing of the butterfly in the
frame to activate the 10th button of the Pack Quest, click on Elena and Sarah, when you start
Sarah's scene you can check all the options in any order, makes no difference
- go down, click on the door the go out to the backyard, at the foot of the three click on the
magazine to unlock a special render
- go down then right, click the door on the left, click the tip of the nose of the tiger in the frame to
activate the 8th button of the Pack Quest, click the space on the left between the bed and the
wall to unlock a special render, click the desk, click the magazine under the desk to unlock a
special render
- go back twice and exite the room, click the door on the right to start Quinn's scene. after the scene
is over click the magazine on the floor on the left to unlock a special render, click the bottle
of rum and take it, click right in the middle of the blue book on the right over the drawer to
activate the 5th button of the Pack Quest
- go out of the room then left, then up twice, click the door on the right to enter Heather's room,
click the desk, then at the right of the green bag to earn $, then click the white magazine on
the right side of the desk to unlock a special render, click the tip of the finger on the cup to
activate the 5th button of the Pack Quest, click on the board and you'll see the number '15'
highlighted in green, you can put that as 2nd and 3rd digits in the Vault app
- go out of the room, click the up arrow on the left to go down to the basement, click the magazine
over the bench to unlock a special render
- click the open door up top to enter the sauna, click the ember right above the fire to activate the
4th button of the Pack Quest, click on Sally to start a scene
Tease her / Leave
- exit the sauna and go back to the basament, click the spot a bit down from the dresses on the floor
to activate the 1st button of the Pack Quest
- click the up arrow to enter the pool, click the magazine on the right under the chair to unlock a
special render
- go down then up to the starting point, then take thestairs and go up twice to get to the furthest area
of floor one, click on Lily to start a scene
My balls / Thanks (pick whatever)
(if you are on a DIK path or at the end of the 18th free roam during the scene with
Lily you picked 'Make out', you get the options)
Join her / Decline (pick the first for Lily's sex scene)
< if you picked 'Join her' >
Kiss her / Leave (the latter ends the scene)
- after the end of the scene go back and click the door on the left to enter Sarah's room, click the key
above the drawer on the right to get access to the closet, click on Melanie to start an event
- go back and click the door on the right to enter Riona's room, click the desk on the right, click the
white magazine at the top on the right to unlock a special render, click the letter 'A' of the
'bad girl' in the card right at the middle of the screen to activate the 2nd button of the Pack
Quest, go back and click on the desk to the left, click the white magazine on the right of the
big black book to unlock a special render
- go back then click the door in the middle to start a short scene with Dawe
- after this scene you will be assigned a task if you're on a permanent DIK path, the task is to make
the Alphas leave the party. if instead you are neutral or on a path with either a DIK or
CHICK affinity but not a permanent one, you will get the options
Make the alphas leave / Ignore the Alphas (AFFINITY DECISION: the 1st choice
will subtract one cell fom the CHICK side, the 2nd one from the DIK side)
- click on Camila to start an event: Camila and Riona will ask the MC for drinks
- click on Ashley and talk to her, you can try all options in any order
- click the cushion of the couch and take a whiskey bottle
- go left, click the 'O' in the HOT sign on the wall to activate the 7th button of the Pack Quest, you
now have activated all buttons, you can open the phone and click complete quest to collect
the rewards, then close the phone and click Sage
Good / I'm not worried (pick whatever)
Sit down and talk to her / Leave (pick the first to start Josy's scene)
< if you picked 'Sit down and talk to her' >
You look good in it / It doesn't suit you (pick whatever)
Let me have a look / I believe you (pick the first)
Flirt (RPJosy +1) / Joke
- go back and down all the way till you are in the room with the girls on the couch, there's Sage
down there too now, click on her to start the scene. this scene will play in different ways
depending if you are on Sage path or not: in the first case you will go right to the sex scene,
otherwise you will get the options
I haven't changed my mind / Pursue Sage (the latter will bring you to the sex scene
and will also put you on Sage path)
if you want to reach 100% completion in the scenes gallery of the phone for this Sage's
scene, you need to play this one before you interact with Lily,. Camila, Riona, Rica and
Becky, if you have sex with one of them before you do Sage, this scene will be cut short and
you'll get 50% completion rate
- after the scene with Sage you can talk with John Boy who's now on the couch with the girls
- go right, click the middle door now that you have the key for it, click the magazine on the top
shelf to unlock a special render, click the money on the middle shelf to gain $
- go back to the starting point, up the stairs, now you can enter the bathroom, door at the left of
where Jacob is, click on the tissues that you need for Arieth's task, click on the red magazine
to unlock a special render
- go back, then up, then click the door on the right and click Arieth to start the scene
- after talking to Arieth you can now go to the kitchen, click the kitchen door to start the scene
- click the table, you can now mix drinks for the girls and for the MC, having the MC drinking more
and more will change the dialogues a bit but won't have anu more consequences, you cannot
give him more than 5 drinks anyway.
- click Sage, she will ask for a drink, go to the kitchen and fix her a whiskey with no ice, when you
bring it to her you'll gain a RPSage +2
- fix now a drink for Camila and Riona, you cannot have both scenes with them in the same
playthrough, if you want Camila fix a tequila shot with lemon for her, bring it to her, you'll
get the options
Sure / Decline (you will not get these options if in your playthrough you haven't
fullfillled at least one of these conditions:
- you picked 'Sex outdoors' in v0.4
- you picked 'Show me yours' and then 'Continue' in v0.3
- you picked 'Pay Camila for sex' in v0.5
- you bought the spicy menu from Quinn's restaurant
- you said you liked Camila during the hangout with Quinn in this version)
(next is the sex scene with Camila, the MC might have to pay for it, depending on
previous choices: if back in v0.1 you didn't accept Quinn's offer, you won't have to
pay now; on the other side, if you accepted but you picked Camila during Quinn's
hangout in this version, you're fine to go without paying too, but if none of this two
conditions is satisfied you will get the options)
Pay her / Get it for free (you won't be able to get it for free if you didn't pick
Camila in v0.4 when Sage asked the MC who among the HOTs had
the best ass)
(after you tried all the options of the sex scene, click Continue, you will then
get the options)
Threesome with Riona and Camila / Stick with Camila only (make
sure to play both scenes obviously, the latter is a pretty short
scene, so you can try that one and then roll back for the other)
if instead you want Riona, fix her a whiskey with cola and bring it to her
Fuck Riona / Decline (the latter ends the scene early)
(next is the sex scene with Riona, the MC might have to pay for it, depending on
previous choices: if back in v0.1 you didn't accept Quinn's offer, you won't have to
pay now; on the other side, if you accepted but you picked Riona during Quinn's
hangout in this version, you're fine to go without paying too, but if none of this two
conditions is satisfied you will get the options)
Pay her / Get it for free (you will only be able to get it for free if you picked Riona
when Sage asked the MC who among the HOTs had the best ass or if you
have already paid Riona at least $$)
Threesome with Riona and Camila / Stick with Camila only (if you have already
played the threesome scene when trying the Camila route you can just check
the latter here)
- go back to the kitchen, you can talk to Heather and try all the options, then talk to Quinn, she will
ask for a drink, fix her a vodka with cranberries, bring it to her and try all the dialogue
options, you an take a picture too
- go back to the room with the girls on the couch, ask Elena if she knows who invited Chad, then go
upstair bottom left in the room where Chad is to start a scene
- go back to the kitchen, fix a daiquiri for Josy, bring it to her, this will grant you a RPJosy +2 , the
scene will play in two different ways dependind if you are on Josy&Maya path or not, in the
first case you get the options
Kiss her / Tell him to leave (the first will give you a if you a RPJosy +2 if you picked
either 'Seduce her' or 'Move in closer' in the two previous Josy's scenes of this
(if you're not on Josy&Maya path you get the options)
Help her / Give her the drink
< if you picked 'Help her' and in v0.5 you picked 'Feelings for Josy' >
Kiss her / Tell him to leave
Wanna dance / I need a break (the latter ends the scene early, picking the first will get
you to Josy's sex scene only if you're on Josy&Maya path)
if you're on Josy&Maya path follow Josy in the backyard to start the scene
Accept / Decline (picking accept will give you a scene with Josy right after the end
of this free roam section)
- go back to the starting point, go down and talk to Becky, you can try all the options, go back to the
kitchen and fix a whiskey and cola for Becky, bring it to her, ask her to hook up then follow
her in the bathroom, click 'Join Becky in the stall' for the sex scene
- go down in the basement, then to the pool, click on Dawe and push him into the pool
- go back to the kitchen and talk to Heather, select 'Talk' and then 'Tell her about the jock in her bed'
- click on Heather again
Tommy cheated on you (+2) / Don't tell her Tommy cheated (-2)
- if you chose to tell rat on Tommy you can now fix a drink for Heather, give her absinthe, she will
start liking you
- pick the phone, call Derek and tell him anout Ashley
- after you talked to Derek go up to the livingroom to watch the scene, the last one of the Alphas
will leave the party, then go talk to Jacob
- go back to the room with the ladies on the couch, click on Penny, click 'Help Derek get laid'
- go back to the starting point and click the front doot to end the free roam

(then you have the next step of the mansion minigame, you know the drill already)

Check her out / Focus

(if you're on Jill path you get the options)
No / I care about Jill (pick whatever)
Stay nice / Trigger him
(next is tennis minigame that works like the last time you played it: balls will appear on the screen
and you'll have a couple of seconds to click that with the sign HIT when the arrow reaches the
orange zone. the only difference is that this time around you can also click Tybalt's face and hit him
with the tennis ball intentionally. if you hit him 5 times you'll break his teeth. winning the tennis
game will unlock a special render)
A loss is still a loss / What a shitty excuse (pick whatever)

(during the drive back home, if you're on Isabella path and you picked 'No, i want to continue' to get
the sex scene with Cathy in v0.5, Isabella will reject you here and take you out of her path. if you
are on Isabella path and did nothing with Cathy, next you will get Isabella's hangout: the items you
can interact with are the bookcase, the wine, the food, Isabella. when you're done with that click the
MC to end the hangout and start the sex scene. among the options of the sex scene, the 69 will only
be available if you're on a CHICK path)

(if you're on Jill path you get the options)

Fight for Jill / Don't fight for Jill (pick the first to start Jill's scene)
< if you picked 'Fight for Jill' >
I understand / You can't control that (pick whatever)
(the scene will end early if you didn't hangout with Jill in v0.6 or if you are on a DIK

--30th free roam----------------

- open the phone go to the contacts
- message the MC's dad pick 1 all the way for the best dialogue
- message Jacob
- message Josy, 1 all the way here too
- message Riona, pick 1-1-2-1 for the best dialogue, that also will unlock a task in the 33rd
free roam section where you will have to catch Riona's stalker
- message Sage, pick 1-3-1 for the best dialogue
- if you are on Jill's path, you'll be able to message her too, pick 1 all the way to gain one
additional scene with Jill in this version
- you can comment and like the last 3 posts on the Rooster app, pick whatever comment
- play the Brawler app to get a special render, you can play it again and choose the 1st opponent this
time around to win $
- play Shuffle to win $
- play the new Three Tiles to win $
- close the phone
- go left, click on the desk, you can choose which of the 2D art you want to hang on the wall over
the desk, also if you managed to reach level 100 in the new Three Tiles game you will have
a trophy for it, you just need to click 'Accept gift' in the Three tiles app once you have
ended a game where you went above turn #100. the number of items over the desk will vary
depending on your playthrough, you can click on them and see the MC commenting on it.
you can study gender class now by clicking the book.
- go right then down, click the magazine over the small table to unlock a special render
- go down then right, click on the TV to hang it, click on the panel to hang it
- go down to start a scene, at the end of it click the magazine at the left of the fridge to unlock a
special render
- go right to the corridor then click the 2nd door from the left to enter the theater, go up and click
the magazine on the floor to unlock a special render
- go left, down and click on Nick to start a scene, at the end of the scene click on Leon, the number
'9' will be highlighted in green, you can now insert that as the last digit of the Vault, the
whole code is '1159', use that to unlock the Vault and get the special renders
- click on the board for the next iteration of the mansion minigame, you already know what to do
- take the stairs, go up twice to enter the bathroom, click the white magazine on the shelf to unlock a
special render
- go down then right to enter Derek's room and start a scene
For breakfast / Ass vodka (pick whatever)
- at the end of the scene click the red magazine on the right to unlock a special render
- go down two times, then click the door, go up and click the door on the left, click the white
magazine on the desk at the right side of the black chair to unlock a special render
- go back, click the other door and talk to Jacob
- go back, take the stairs then click the door on the left to enter Rusty's room, talk to him
- go down, click the door, then down, then the door on the left to start Jamie's scene
- at the end of the scene click the white magazine at the right of Jamie to unlock a special render
- go back, click the up arrow on the left, then go right to start Tommy's scene
- go back to the dining room and click the table to end the free roam

Accept praise / Praise other DIKs (-2) (RPDiks +1)

(here you get a running scene with Jill if you are on her path and picked the correct replies to her
messages in the previous free roam section)
Look closer / Don't look too much
Look closer (RPJill +1) / Don't look too much
Look closer / Don't look too much
Kiss her neck / Touch her waist / Touch her ass (pick whatever)

Check her out / Don't check her out

--gender studies minigame-----------------

correct answers: In junior high school, Lisp, 232 lbs before dump, Vegan, Pineapple and lime, 30%,
3 times, 5 inches, 6 minutes, 6 inches

(if you didn't pick 'Reject Jade' in v0.6 and you picked 'Make a move on her' during Jade's scene in
v0.4, you will then get a scene with Jade, open the phone and use the 'Contact' app, you can pick 1
all the way)

(if during the 18th free roam you picked 'Snap a dick pic' and you're either both on Jill path and
Josy&Maya path or you are on Jill path and had sex with Josy in v0.2, during the presentation scene
you will get RPJill_Jelous +1, you will also get another RPJill_Jelous +1 if you're both on Jill path
and Sage path, still too early to tell if those jelousy point for Jill will end up taking you out of her
path. still if you are both on Jill and Josy&Maya paths and you ruined Tybalt's presentation, you'll
get right away a scene with Jill and Josy figuring out they've been dating the same guy)

(if you didn't ruin Tybalt's presentation, you are not on a DIK path, you are on Jill path and picked
'Fight for Jill', you then get to message Jill again, you can pick whatever)

<end of v0.7 >

I listened / My mind is elsewhere (pick whatever)

Confide in Josy / Keep it a secret from Josy (the full consequences of this choice aren't clear yet)
Work out with Josy / Work out alone (picking the first only makes sense if you're on Josy&Maya
path, otherwise the scene gets cut short quite a bit)
< if you picked 'Work out with Josy' >
Sounds smart / Tease (RPJosy +1)
Check her out / Help her
< if you're on Josy&Maya path you will get the options >
Sorry / Take it further (usually to go further on Josy&Maya path you had to pick all
the CHICK options, this time around you are forced to pick the DIK one to
access the sex scene)
< if you picked 'Take it further' >
(Josy sex scene, obviously try all the options in it... 1st big sex scene of v0.8
just 30 seconds in the playthrough... DPC ain't gonna blueball...)
You too / I feel so happy with you (RPJosy +1)

You're wrong / Not looking to fight him

(next you have a scene with Nora, to be able to access it you need to have successfully Swyped her
in v0.5, if you did then you get the options)
Approach her / Leave her alone (if you approach her the dialogue will change depending on
whether you had sex with her during the freeroam of v0.6)
< if you picked 'Approach her' >
Look closer / Focus
Ask her out / Say goodbye (pick the first to see Nora again)

Of course (RPJill +1 if you aren't on a DIK path) / I'll try

(next you get a scene with Derek if you cleared these requirements: you need to be on Josy&Maya
path and you need to have chosen either Josy or Maya at the end of the 28th free roam section, if
you did you'll get the options)
Give him money (RPDerek +1) (-$2) / No

(then you have the next step of the mansion minigame, you know the drill already, you should be
really close to have both the money for the windows and the repair done, make sure you can have
both within this one and the next step of the minigame)

--31st free roam----------------

- open the phone go to the contacts
- message Jacob
- message Tommy, doesn't really matter which dialogue options you pick
- message Sage
- call the MC's dad and watch the short scene
- if you are on Isabella path you can call her and watch the scene
- if you are on Josy&Maya path you can message Maya
- you can comment and like the last 2 posts on the Rooster app, pick whatever comment
- play the Brawler app to get a special render, you can play it again and choose the 1st opponent this
time around to win $
- play Shuffle to win $
- play the new Three Tiles to win $
- you can use the money you won in the 3 games to buy some 2D art in the phone, there are a bunch
- close the phone
- if you are on Jill path you can click the guitar and practice a song
- if you are on Josy&Maya path click the bag with the flowers to prepare the room for them
- go left twice, click on the desk, you can choose which of the 2D art you want to hang on the wall
over the desk, you can click on the wallet and choose to save some of your pocket money,
that option might be not available depending on how much money you have and how much
you have already saved, obviously you can always cheat money by opening the dev console
and typing: $ money = 6. you can study math now by clicking the book. you can click the
blank space at the left of the painting to buy a 2nd frame, that will cost you $8 though.
- go back to the starting point and click down to end the free roam

(if you prepared the room for Josy & Maya during the free roam a small scene with them is next)

To adopt someone / To help someone (RPSage +1)

< if you are on Sage path or if you picked 'Pursue Sage' during the 29th free roam you get >
Kiss her (RPSage +1) / Don't kiss her
Tell her about Chad and Troy / Keep it a secret (the full consequences of this choice might not be
full available yet, still it starts making a difference already but only if you are on Sage path:
if you rat Chad you get a longe dialogue and 1 more Sage point than you would with the
other option, BUT, if you shut your trap you get a BJ......)
< if you picked 'Tell her about Chad and Troy' >
(here you gain a RPSage +1 if you picked 'Yes' during the scene with the MC and Sage back
in v0.2)
< if you are on Sage path or if you picked 'Pursue Sage' during the 29th free roam you get >
Yes (RPSage +1) / Don't stay the night (pick the 1st and don't tell Sage about Chad to get the
BJ scene)
(if you prepared the room for Josy & Maya you get a short scene with them next)
Happy to hear it / Joke (pick whatever)

--Math minigame---------------
correct answers: b, a, c, d, b, c, c, a, b, a
use cheats if you want an additional DIK point

Peek (+2) / Don't peek (-2) (choose depending on your path here... in real life you know you'd peek)
Yeah i do / Flirt (pick whatever)
< if you aren't on a DIK path and you didn't go to the bar in v0.6 you get the options >
Focus on cleaning (-2) / Interact with them
A bit / Just giving you space (pick whatever)
Would you like that / No (pick the 1st for a better dialogue)
Yes / No (no changes in stats but i'm sure there's no way you'd say no)
(if you're on a permanent DIK path, ie. you have already subtracted all the CHICK cells when you
had the choice to do so, you get the options)
Ask for a picture / Don't ask
< if you picked 'Ask for a picture >
Do it / Don't do it (picking the first will get you a RPJosy -2 and a RPMaya -2 if you
are on Josy&Maya path, i'd guess you can safely pick the first since it's not
likely you pursued Josy & Maya in a fully DIK playthrough)
Envy (you won't get this option if you either didn't go to the bar in v0.6 or you didn't successfully
swype Nicole in v0.5) / Lily (you won't get this option if you didn't join Lily during the 29th free
roam section in v0.7) / Sandy / Leave
< if you picked Envy >
For sure / Joke (pick whatever)

< if you picked Lily >

Tell him to relax / Ignore him (pick whatever)
(obviously make sure to check all the anumations of the sex scene)

< if you picked Sandy >

Pay for it / Don't pay (the 1st will cost you $, don't pay if you're not on a DIK path cause in
that case you won't get further in the scene)
< if you picked 'Pay for it' and you're on a DIK path >
Whip it out / I just wanted a dance (pick the 1st for Sandy's sex scene)

(if you told Sage about Chad you get a short scene with those two next)
Sure / No (the consequences of this choice aren't clear right now)

--32nd free roam----------------

- open the phone go to the contacts
- if in v0.7 you told Heather about Tommy, message Heather, you can pick the 1st option all
the way here
- if you Swyped Nicole in v0.5 or you went to the bar in v0.6 you can message Nicole, pick
- if you had the sex scene with Lily before this free roam you can message her now, pick
- if you had sex with Jade in v0.4 and didn't reject her in v0.6 you can call her now and
watch the scene
- if you took the pitcure with the strippers and you are on Josy&Maya path you can message
both, as already pointed out that picture will cost you 2 points with both
- you can comment and like the last 2 posts on the Rooster app, pick whatever comment
- play the Brawler app to get a special render, you can play it again and choose the 1st opponent this
time around to win $
- play Shuffle to win $
- play the new Three Tiles to win $
- you can use the money you won in the 3 games to buy some 2D art in the phone, there are a bunch
- close the phone
- go left twice, click on the desk, you can study gender studies by clicking the book.
- if you're on Bella path you can click the jacket and watch Bella prepare for the date
- go right twice to start the scene with Jamie
- click on Derek, the number 3 is highlighted in green, you'll need it later for the Vault combination
- go back to the starting point and click on Luis to end the free roam
(if you're on Bella's path you get the date with her next)
I feel underdressed / Compliment her (RPIsabella +1)
Peek / Don't peek
The waiter is an idiot / I look young (pick whatever)
Go ahead / Joke (pick whatever)
Reprimand the waiter / Let it slide

(then you have the next step of the mansion minigame, you know the drill already, with the current
step, if you played this as suggested, you should gain enough money for the window and have all
the repairs done)

Peek / Don't peek

study English

(next, if you picked 'Help her' to get Quinn's sex scene in v0.6 and you're not on a CHICK path,
there's a scene with Quinn, be aware that if you're also on Jill path not only this scene will be cut
short but the variable 'Quinn rejected you' will be set, most likely closing any relation with her.
getting this scene with Quinn will unlock a 2D render of her in the phone)
< if the conditions just explained are met you get a scene with Quinn >
You got me / Not really
Noted / Tease her

< if you had sex with Jade in v0.4 and didn't reject her in v0.6 you get her sex scene next >
Stick to vaginal / Prepare to anal (unless you're not into anal sex, try the 1st option to watch
that animation then roll back and do the 2nd)

(next if you are on Josy&Maya path you get a scene with them and Derek)
Somersaults with Derek / Spa with Maya & Josy (you can do both in order)
< if you picked 'Somersaults with Derek' >
Peek / Don't peek
(the Spa scene is a hangout:
- clcik the ball for the 1st scene that contains a beach volley minigame: 4 balls will appear
on the screen, you will have to hover on them and check if the sign that will appear is 'catch'
or 'miss', you will have only a few seconds to click the ball with the 'catch' sign, playing on
hard mode gives you around 3 seconds for the task. you need to score 5 to win the game and
unlock a special render
Tease them / Agree
- click on Maya for the next scene
- click the towel next
Do it / Don't do it
- click on Josy next
- click on the sauna door
Check out Josy / Check out Maya / Continue (try all the options)
- click on the MC to end the hangout, depending on who you had sex with in v0.7 you'll
either get to fuck Josy or Maya here)
Ride the short one with Josy (RPJosy +1) / Ride the tall one with Maya (RPMaya +1)

(if you are on Jill path you get a dinner with her next)
Truth / Lie (pick whatever)
Tell it / Tiptoe around it (pick the 1st for a better dialogue, also if you picked 'Defend Chad'
back in v0.3, choosing the 1st option here will give you a RPJill +1)
I'm fine (RPJill +1) / A bit uncomfortable

(then you have the last step of the mansion minigame, if you played this as suggested you should
have won the game handily and most likely beat all the achievements of the games, namely the
more than $19 left to spare and the more than 250K points collected during the game)

--33rd free roam----------------

- open the phone and open the Pack Quest app, you can start a new quest and see the hints, as usual
10 secret buttons will need to be found
- play the Brawler app to get a special render, you can play it again and choose the 1st opponent this
time around to win $
- play Shuffle to win $
- play the new Three Tiles to win $
- you can use the money you won in the 3 games to buy some 2D art in the phone, there are a bunch
- close the phone
- click the frame on the left and the 'Metal Men Competition' poster, the number '21' is highlighted
in green, you'll need it later on for the Vault combination, then click the head of Cathy on
the pic on the bottom left to to activate a button for the Pack Quest
- click the down arrow and go outdoor, click the eye of the Illuminati to activate a button for the
Pack Quest
- click on Riona
Flirt / Don't flirt (pick whatever)
talking with Riona will start a new task for the free roam: finding her stalker, that if you
promised to help Riona while messaging her in the previous version, if you didn't you won't
get this task
- at the end of the scene you're back in the corridor, click the card at the right of the pink water air
mattress to unlock a special render
- click the 1st door on the right, talk to Rusty, that will also clear the 1st of the 6 drinks the MC
needs to have before the end of the free roam
- click on Josy and Maya
if you're on Josy&Maya path you get the options
Flirt (RPMaya +1) / Say hi
Caress her / Grope her
completing this scene will add a new optional task: dance with Maya
- click on Sarah: if you accepted Quinn's offer back in v0.1 and you picked Sarah when asked which
HOT you liked the most in the Quinn scene of v0.7, you can now get a sex scene with Sarah
for free, if you didn't pick Sarah she will ask for you to pay
Pay her ($3) / Decline
if you choose to get the scene, after ir you'll be in the restroom, click the last door and then
the pic on the floor to unlock a special render, then open the 3rd stall, click the middle of the
hole under the 'Eat up' sign to activate a button for the Pack Quest, then go back twice to be
back at the corridor
- click the first room on the left and click the center of the disco ball up high to activate a button for
the Pack Quest
- click at the left of the white garbage bin right at the center of the screen to unlock a special render
- click on Sally, pick whatever during the dialogue
- click on Elena
Accept the shot / Drink from the bottle (pick whatever)
- click on Penny (you won't be able to click on Penny if you didn't choose to 'Help Derek get laid' at
the end of the 29th free roam section. this scene will play a bit differently depending on
whether you talk to Penny now or do it after the MC has drunk 6 shots, the difference being
in the 1st case only Derek will make an ass of himself, the MC will join him in the latter.)
- click on Melanie
Flirt / Leave (the latter will end the scene right away)
if you picked 'Flirt' the scene will work exactly like the one with Sarah, you can only
progress if you accepted Quinn's offer in v0.1 and you can get sex for free if you
picked Melanie as the girl you liked in v0.7, if you didn't she will want you to pay
Pay her ($3) / Decline (plenty of good animations here both for vaginal and
anal sex, clearly worth to pay)
- click the down arrow, go back to the corridor then click the 2nd door from the left
- click on Derek and Karen
(AFFINITY DECISION: this time around if you already have a permanent affinity to either
CHICK or DIK you don't get the penalty but your decision is limited to either pick the
choice for your affinity or pick the neutral, if your affinity is not permanent this works
exactly like before: the DIK choice will subtract one cell from the CHICK side and the
CHICK choice one from the DIK side. if you pick the DIK one a new task will be added to
the list, you will have to find water balloons)
- click on Tommy
- click on Christie
Look at tits (+2) / Focus (-2) (the tits animation is pretty cool, you better look)
For now / Not interested (pick whatever)
- go back to the corridor then to the 2nd door from the right to enter the Nerds' room
- click the head of the monster in the poster on the right to activate a button for the Pack Quest
- click the magazine on the table on the right to unlock a special render
- click on Bert
- go back to the corridor then click the up arrow to go ahead, click the magazine on the floor on the
left to unlock a special render
- click on Leon, that will add the 'Find Jamie' task to the list
- click the first door on the left, click on Magnar for a short scene
- click the center of the dartboardt to activate a button for the Pack Quest
- go back then click the 1st door on the right, click the center of the soda can on the bottom left to
activate a button for the Pack Quest
- click on Jacob for the 5th drink
- if you are on Josy&Maya path you can click on Maya for a scene
Make a move on her / Leave (pick the 1st for Maya's sex scene)
- go back and click the 2nd door from the left, click the magazine on the left of the guy with the
unbuttoned white shirt to unlock a special render
- click on Gordon
Call a Truce / Hell no (the consequences of this choice aren't clear at this point)
- click the top of the table in the middle of the screen to activate a button for the Pack Quest
- go back and click the 2nd door from the right
Peep (+2) / Leave (-2)
- go back and click the up arrow to go further down the corridor
- click the white magazine on the magazine rack on the left to unlock a special render
- click on Alvin for a short scene, then click on Wendy for another one
- click on Josy, the scene will be pretty short if you are not on her path
if you're on Josy&Maya path you get the options
Run away with Josy / Let Becky handle Josy (pick the 1st for Josy's scene)
< if you picked 'Run away with Josy' >
A wimp / Too nice (RPJosy +1)
- at the end of Josy's scene, if you are on her path, you are back in the Chill Room, go back then
forward twice to be back at the end of the corridor
- click the 1st door on the left, if you decided to help Derek on his revenge you can click the
comdoms on the floor, that will start a scene with Derek, to continue the scene click the
bathroom door next, go back twice click Magnar's room, that will conclude the quest
- go back to the end of the corridor, click the door on the right, if you started the Riona's stalker
quest you will continue it now, go back twice and click the 2nd door from the left next,
finally go to the bathroom to end it
- go back to the end of the corridor, click the door on the right, click the magazine on the right to
unlock a special render
- click Linda for a short scene
- click the middle of the heart shaped pics zone with lights on the right to activate a button for the
Pack Quest
- go back, click the 2nd door from the left, click the nose of the bunny in the cage to activate the last
button for the Pack Quest, you can now open the app and conclude the quest claiming the
- click Jamie
Side with Leon / Side with Jamie (the consequences of this choice aren't clear at this point)
- go back twice and talk to Leon to end the Jamie's quest
- go back to the end of the corridor, click the door on the left and then the nerd for a short scene, the
scene will change depending on whether you joined the chess club in v0.4
- go back to the top of the corridor, click the door on the right then Derek to end the free roam

What about you? (RPSage +1) / Really

Missed you at the party / I studied before that (pick whatever)
Offer a massage (RPSage +1) / Let her study in peace
< if you picked 'Offer a massage' >
You smell nice / Feels like a knot
< if you picked 'You smell nice' >
Just taking care of you / We'll see (pick whatever)
< if you are on Sage path you get the options >
Kiss her neck (RPSage +1) / Don't do it

--gender studies minigame-----------------

correct answers: Alvin, Gordon 69 and d9, Chicken and cashew 56th street, 6, You didn't tell me, 18
burgers and 6 pizzas, Sugar honey and lard, $2.99 and 10 boxes, Jenny 5 seconds, Gender

Tease her / Let's move on (pick whatever)

It was Quinn / It was Sage (pick whatever)
It was Quinn / It was Sage (pick whatever)
Try to make them do sexy things / Don't do anythging sexy with them (the latter cut the scene short)
< if you picked 'Try to make them do sexy things' >
(the scene will be cut short anyway if you didn't pick 'Help her' to access Quinn's sex scene
in v0.6 or if you got rejected by Quinn in this version)
It was Quinn / It was Sage (pick whatever)
What's wrong with that? / Did they do that? (pick whatever)
Sounds good / Joke (pick whatever)
(if you are on Sage path you get a 3some with the 2 girls, if you're not on Sage path but you
reached the scene with Quinn in this version then you get a short scene with Quinn, if
none of those 2 conditions are met then the scene is over)
< if you are on Sage path >
Yes / No (if you pick 'No' here but you reached Quinn's scene in this chapter you still
get a scene with Quinn next, pick 'Yes' for the 3some)
< if you picked 'Yes' >
(the 3some is pretty hot, make sure to try all the options)
< if you meet the condition for the short Quinn's scene >
Sit closer / Leave (pick whatever)

--Math minigame---------------
correct answers: b, b, b, c, b, a, b, b, b, b
use cheats if you want an additional DIK point

Study the answers / Leave the papers / Flush the papers ( AFFINITY DECISION: if you already
have a permanent affinity to either CHICK or DIK you don't get the penalty but your
decision is limited to either pick the choice for your affinity or pick the neutral, if your
affinity is not permanent this works exactly like before: the DIK choice will subtract one
cell from the CHICK side and the CHICK choice one from the DIK side)

--English class minigame--

(if you picked the DIK choice during the math test the MC will cheat again and the minigame will
be skipped)
3 letter words: Ale, Alt, Ate, Bat, Bet, Eat, Lab, Let, Tab, Tea
4 letter words: Abet, Able, Bale, Beat, Belt, Beta, Late, Tale, Teal, Teat
5 letter words: Betta, Bleat, Latte, Table
6 letter words: Battle, Tablet
(you get a +1 DIK point if you use the cheat, -1 otherwise, if you want to use the cheat do it as the
1st move)

(next is Jill's recital. if you are on Jill path you will help her overcoming her stage fright, if you're
not then Bella will. you can get to have a choice whether to help Jill or not even if you're not on her
path providing at least 2 of these 3 conditions are met:
- the MC played his guitar during the free roam at the start of v0.4
- the MC practiced a song for Jill in v0.6
- the MC practiced with the guitar during the 31st free roam in this version)
Help Jill (RPJill +1) / Let Bella help Jill (letting Bella will have Jill fail)
(even if you choose to help Jill, she will end up failing if at least 2 of the previous conditions
aren't met)

(if Jill fails the recital you get the options)

Console her (RPJill +1) / Don't say anything

Of course / Don't bring me into this / Joke (RPDiks +1)

What if you don't know what you want? / What if you end up hurting someone? / Thanks (pick

(next you have to make a decision on your main LI for your playthrough, 5 are the options and
some of them might not be available to you depending on the choices you previously made: Sage,
Josy & Maya, Jill, Isabella, Others, with Others meaning the MC isn't committing to anybody yet.
this choice will close paths to the other LIs with the MC starting to reject all the others before the
end of this version.
I'm sure most of you won't be happy about being forced to make this choice, but look at the
positive: this time around your LIs aren't dying in a fire, i'd say this is a step in the right direction

For Maya / For you (RPSage +1) / For both of you (RPSage +1)

(next is the 3rd date between Tybalt and Jill, if you picked Jill as your LI the MC will crush the
date, otherwise it'll be Jill the one making Tybalt cry)

(if you picked Isabella as your LI, next is the date with her)
Grab ger ass / Don't grab ger ass
Look closer / Don't look closer
You are so hot / I love your tits / You are so beautiful / I wanna fuck you so bad (pick
Back and head / Breasts / Ass / Pussy (pick whatever)
Cocky response / Humble response (pick whatever)
I can handle you / I can't handle you (not sure if this choice will amount to anything in the
next versions, right now it's a slightly different dialogue)
Ok / No (pick whatever)
I'm not cumming / I might cum (pick whatever)
Lick her pussy / Lick her asshole (your preference)
(obviously make sure to check all the options of the sex scene)

--34th free roam----------------

- open the phone and the contact app. the people you can message or call here depend on the path
you chose in your playthrough and mostly on the choice you've just made on your main LI:
if you picked 'Others' and you used the services of Madame Rose in v0.7, you can both
message and call her now, also if you picked 'Others' and got Nora's number at the start of
this version you can message her, if you fucked Jade in v0.4 and didn't reject her in v0.6 you
can message her too. to message Jill, Isabella, Maya and Josy you need to have picked them
as your main LI
- message Jade (pick whatever. the dialogues will be different whether you picked a LI or not, if you
did you'll be rejecting Jade with these messages)
- message Nora, pick 1-1-1-1-1-1-2-2-1-1 for the best dialogues
- you can message Isabella if you chose her as your main LI, pick whatever dialogue option
- you can message Jill if you chose her as your main LI, pick whatever dialogue option
- you can message Maya and Josy if you chose her as your main LI, pick whatever dialogue option
- if you accepted the pot of flower from Jamie you can message him and have the optional task of
watering the pot
- call Madame Rose: there are 2 new set of animations, the pussy licking and the assjob, costing $3
and $4, you can obviously cheat the money, play both to unlock the scenes in the phone
- call Tommy
- you can comment on the last 5 clucks in the Rooster app, pick whatever comment
- play the Brawler app to get a special render, you can play it again and choose the 1st opponent this
time around to win $
- play Shuffle to win $
- play the new Three Tiles to win $
- you can use the money you won in the 3 games to buy some 2D art in the phone, there are a bunch
- close the phone
- go left, click the jacket, the number '1' is highlighted in green, you can now open the Vault app in
the phone and insert '3211' to unlock the reward
- go right then down, click the magazine on the table to unlock a special render
- go down, right, down, click the basket to play the minigame: click the shoot button when the
arrow is at the middle, winning the game unlocks a special render
- click on Riona for a scene
Our trophies / Hotel stuff (pick whatever)
(this scene will be cut short if you didn't have sex with Riona in v0.7)
- click the 2nd door from the right to get in the bathroom, click the magazine on the sink to unlock a
special render
- go back and click the 1st door from the left to get into the kitchen, click the magazine at the left of
the fruit basket to unlock a special render
- go right then down, click the door then the the door on the left of the stairs to get to Jamie's room,
click the magazine at the left of the yellow chair to unlock a special render
- if you have Jamie's optional task, click the pot in the middle of the screen to water it
- go back to the hall then click the stairs and the door on the left, click on Nick to start his scene
Sure you can show me / I'm good (the 1st sets a variable to have the MC helping Nick in the
- click the up arrow on the right, click the magazine under the table to unlock a special render
- go up and click the magazine close to the wi-fi to unlock a special render
- go back twice and click the up arow on the left, then the door on the right to get in Derek's room,
click on Derek to start the scene
- go back twice, click the door, click the magazine mostly covered under the blanket to unlock a
special render
- click the up arrow to get to the corridor upstairs, click the door on the right and the magazine at
the left of the painting to unlock a special render
- go back, click the door on the left, then the book on the drawer to unlock a special render
- go down the stairs and click on Jacob to start a scene
- click the door on the left to get in Rusty's room and then the magazine under the backpack to
unlock a special render
- go back to the hall, then up the stairs, click the door on the right to get to Leon's room, click the
MC's dad to start the scene
- go back to the MC's room and click the bed to end the free roam
(if you picked Jill as your main LI next is a scene with her)
Check her out / Focus
(as usual check all the options of the sex scene)
I am / Do you want me to be? (pick whatever)

< end of v0.8 >

< interlude >

Encourage him (Zoey dick +1) / Sych a girl! (Zoey dick -1)
What the fuck? (Zoey dick +1) / Is she all right? (Zoey dick -1)
Nana is important (Zoey dick -1) / Fuck school (Zoey dick +1)
Talk back (Zoey dick +1) / Apologize (Zoey dick -1)
Not your business (Zoey dick +1) / Nothiing (Zoey dick -1)
You're right (Zoey dick -1) / What a snitch (Zoey dick +1)
Blowjob / Eat me (check both obviously)
Doggystyle / Let him take control (check both obviously)
Ignore (Zoey dick +1) / Answer (Zoey dick -1)
Don't have to (Zoey dick +1) / Appreciate it (Zoey dick -1)

--Drawing minigame ---------

- click the blue dots and avoid stepping on the red ones while moving the mouse
you don't even need to be that fast to score an A but you'll need an S to unlock a special render

Don't scsre me (Zoey dick -1) / LOL! asshole (Zoey dick +1)
I'm excited (Zoey dick +1) / You ok? (Zoey dick -1)
I am 21 (Zoey dick +1) / Drink in my room (Zoey dick -1)

(during the scene where the owner gives Zoey the red bracelet. click the magazine to unlock a
special render)

Love your tats (Zoey dick -1) / Too many tattoos (Zoey dick +1)
Joke (Zoey dick +1) / Sounds dope (Zoey dick -1)
Um... why? (Zoey dick +1) / Kinda personal (Zoey dick -1)
Yes (Zoey dick -1) / Joke (Zoey dick +1)
It could be better (Zoey dick -1) / It sucks (Zoey dick +1)
Ignore him (Zoey dick -1) / Talk back (Zoey dick +1)
Show concern (Zoey dick -1) / Sure do (Zoey dick +1)

--Drawing minigame ---------

same as before

Good, huh? (Zoey dick +1) / Yeah (Zoey dick -1)

Pay me for it (Zoey dick +1) / Sounds fun (Zoey dick -1)
Had better ones (Zoey dick +1) / Back hurt (Zoey dick -1)
I'm fine (Zoey dick -1) / I'm pissed (Zoey dick +1)
Talk back (Zoey dick +1) / Right (Zoey dick -1)
Not for everyone (Zoey dick +1) / Encourage her (Zoey dick -1)
Help him out (Zoey dick -1) / Don't look at me (Zoey dick +1)
Is that a problem? / Nope (pick whatever)
Which ones? (Zoey dick -1) / I can tell (Zoey dick +1)
Fuck (Zoey dick +1) / Discover our bodies (Zoey dick -1)

(at the start of the scene with Zoey and Bret drinking beers, click on the magazine close to the
whiskey bottle to unlock a special render)

(at the start of the scene with Zoey and Emma at the beach, click top left on Zoey's notebook, scroll
till the last page and enter 2, the green number in the last page, then 5 - 7 - 5, the syllabes of the
haiku, to unlock the vault)

A guy / A girl (you can pick whatever)

< if you picked 'A guy' >
Bret / Jonah (you can pick whatever)

(right after the choice click the magazine close to the yellow surfboard to unlock a special render)

Calm her down (Zoey dick +1) / Take her phone (Zoey dick -1) (pick calm her down if you want
Zoey to end up making up with Emma and you want to watch Bret and Emma sex scene)

< if you picked 'Take her phone' >

Get revenge (Zoey dick +1) / Be a bigger person (Zoey dick -1)

< if you picked 'Calm her down' >

What did Bret say? / I didn't fuck him (pick whatever)
It is too late (Zoey dick +1) / Thank you (Zoey dick -1)

--Drawing minigame ---------

same as before

(during the scene where the MC replies to the phone call, click the magazine on the right to unlock
a special render)

< end interlude >

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