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CKRC API 510 WORKBOOK DEC 2013 _______________________________



Presented by CKRC Training Solutions cc

Module: 3
Subject: General - API RP572, Inspection of Pressure Vessels
Kevin Robert Maley
This courseware is based on the API 510 Body of Knowledge approved for
the API 510 Certification examination scheduled for 4 December 2013.
Unauthorized reproduction, distribution or incorporation of the material
contained in this workbook is a violation of copyright law.

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CKRC API 510 WORKBOOK DEC 2013 _______________________________

Module Objective: The Inspector shall have a sound general knowledge of the entire API
RP572, Inspection of Pressure Vessels.

RA: API RP572, Inspection of Pressure Vessels (Entire document is subject to testing with the
exception of appendices).

Module 3 Test 1A

Number of questions: 30

Recommended Time limit: 75 min (Based on an average of 2.5 min per question)

Test comments:
Test should be attempted after completion of the RA.
Initial Attempt: Test should be attempted as a closed book test (no references required).
Recommended score: >90% (Note: Question marked with ** are open book
questions and should not be counted towards the closed book scoring).
Formal Attempt: Test should be attempted as an open book test (Show all supporting
References and calculations).
Recommended Score: >95%

1) Derating below original design conditions can be used as a means to provide additional
corrosion allowance to a pressure vessel.
a) True.
b) False.

2) In heat exchangers; an impingement baffle or plate is placed below the shell ________nozzle
to prevent impingement of the _________fluid on the tubes.
a) Inlet; incoming
b) Outlet; incoming
c) Outlet; outgoing
d) Inlet; Outgoing

3) Some states and cities and many countries have laws other than the regulations of the ASME
Code (and other codes) that govern the design, construction, testing, installation, inspection,
and repair of pressure vessels used in their localities.
a) True.
b) False.

4) A rough check for uneven settling of foundations can be made with a plumb line and steel
a) True.
b) False.

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CKRC API 510 WORKBOOK DEC 2013 _______________________________

5) Select the method of Principal Strip-lining that represents the following image.

a) Fillet Butt.
b) Butt Strap.
c) Cap or Joggle.
d) Shingle.

6) **When was the publication of the API / ASME Code for Unfìred Pressure Vessels for
Petroleum Liquids and Gases discontinued for use on new equipment?
a) December 31, 1986.
b) December 31, 1956.
c) December 31, 1976.
d) December 31, 1930.

7) Is the Authorized API510 Pressure Vessel Inspector allowed to authorize the application of a
manufacturer’s U stamp to signify the completion of a new vessel?
a) Yes.
b) No.

8) The basic reasons for inspection are to determine the physical condition of the vessel and to
determine the type, rate, and causes of deterioration.
a) True.
b) False.

9) Which of the following are considered to be reasons for inspection?

a) Safety.
b) Continuity.
c) Reliability.
d) All of the above.

10) Distortion of anchor bolts may indicate _______________.

a) S/A interface corrosion.
b) Poor anchor bolt material selection.
c) Serious foundation settlement.
d) None of the above.

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CKRC API 510 WORKBOOK DEC 2013 _______________________________

11) The period between inspections is normally planned so at least _________the current
corrosion allowance should remain at the next scheduled inspection.
a) ½
b) 2/3
c) ¼
d) None of the above.

12) Final inspection reports should include information on metal thickness measurements,
corrosion rates, descriptions of the conditions found, repairs required, and allowable
operating conditions, estimations of remaining life, and any recommendations.
a) True.
b) False.
c) False, estimations on remaining life should not be included in the final inspection report.

13) Which of the following is the most common material used to construct pressure vessels in the
petrochemical industry?
a) Carbon steel.
b) Low alloy steel.
c) 300 Series SS.
d) Inconel.

14) Details of the Safety precautions to be followed when entering vessel for internal inspection
are covered in which API Publication?
a) API Publ 2217A.
b) API Publ 2327B.
c) API Publ 4201A.
d) API Publ 4701C.

15) Temper embrittlement may occur on susceptible material between which of the following
temperature ranges?
a) 700°F to 1070°F.
b) 300°F to 700°F.
c) 965°F to 1159°F.
d) 100°F to 350°F.

16) What is considered to be the proper spacing between guy wire rope clips?
a) At least three rope diameters apart.
b) At least four rope diameters apart.
c) At least six rope diameters apart.
d) None of the above.

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CKRC API 510 WORKBOOK DEC 2013 _______________________________

17) The external inspection of pressure vessels and exchangers should start with ladders,
stairways, platforms, or walkways connected to or bearing on the vessel.
a) True.
b) False.
c) False, these are considered to be structural components and should be checked by the
civil engineer responsible for the civil structure at that site.

18) Vessels subject to external pressure are usually inspected in the same manner as those subject
to internal pressure.
a) True.
b) False.

19) Galvanizing is one of the best methods of protecting steel structures from corrosion.
a) True.
b) False.

20) What is the minimum hydrostatic pressure test temperature that API 510 recommends for
vessels constructed with steels that exhibit severe reduction in impact resistance at low
temperatures and has a wall thickness greater than 2 in. (5 cm) thick?
a) Not less than 5°F below the minimum design metal temperature.
b) Not less than 15°F above the minimum design metal temperature.
c) Not less than 30°F above the minimum design metal temperature.
d) None of the above.

21) The wire rope clips on the guy wire cable at the tower and at the ground anchor point should
be checked for correct installation. The clips should be attached to the cable with ________.
a) The base against the live or long end and the U-bolt against the dead or short end of the
wire rope.
b) The base against the dead or short end and the U-bolt against the live or long end of the
wire rope.
c) Either a or b.
d) None of the above.

22) If there is any evidence of distortion or cracks in the area around the nozzles, all seams and
the shell in this area should be examined for cracks.
a) True.
b) False.

23) _____________ is a useful technique in the early detecting creep embrittlement damage.
a) Replication
b) MPI
c) RT
d) Visual Inspection

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CKRC API 510 WORKBOOK DEC 2013 _______________________________

24) What is the maximum recommended resistance for vessel grounding connections?
a) 25 ohms.
b) 30 ohms.
c) 35 ohms.
d) 40 ohms.

25) Very small openings or cracks in concrete or fireproofing caused by high temperature or by
temperature changes can usually be identified by their hair-like appearance.
a) Such cracks are usually serious.
b) Such cracks are not usually serious unless they expose the steel to corrosion.
c) Should be excavated to reveal the depth of the defects.
d) None of the above.

26) When water is in the tubes of an exchanger (The exchanger is cooling the process liquid), the
outlet side of the channel will be the ______ corroded.
a) Most
b) Least
c) If water is in the tubes of a heat exchanger then it will not pass through a channel.
d) The inlet and outlet of a channel will corrode at the same rate.

27) A hammer can be used to inspect for thin areas of vessel shells, nozzles, and parts, an
experienced inspector can detect thin spots by listening to the resulting sound and by noting
the feel of the hammer as it strikes.
a) True.
b) False.

28) API 510 allows a statistical treatment of ultrasonic thickness data to assess corrosion rates
and current thickness.
a) True.
b) False.

29) During repair activities, the complete removal of the crack is not absolutely essential before
welding is performed as welding will tend to burn the remainder of the crack out of the
a) True.
b) False.

30) Steel-reinforced concrete foundations should be inspected for which of the following
a) Spalling.
b) Cracking.
c) Settling.
d) All of the above.

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