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Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of

Geometry of shapes and sizes, and geometric Standards
Performance Standard The learner is able to create models of plan figures and
formulate and solve accurately authentic problems involving
sides and angles of a polygon
Learning Competency The learners illustrates a circle and the terms related to it:
radius, diameter chord, and center. M7GE-IIIg-1
At the end of the lesson, the learners are expected to:
1. define and name a circle and the terms related to it: radius, diameter, center and
2. draw a circle with its parts correctly labelled; and
3. appreciate the importance of circles in our daily lives.


Topic: Circles And The Terms Related To It: Radius, Diamter, Chord
And Center
Time Frame: 1 hour
Materials: laptop, LCD, manila paper, pentel pen,
masking tape, compass
Teaching Strategy: Exposition and Discussion, Cooperative Learning
References: Learner’s Module, pp. 10-11
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Review The teacher will ask the learners their prior knowledge on

2. New Lesson
a. Motivation The teacher will ask the learners how are wheels important to
your everyday life? Cite situations and instances. Who can
guess the lesson for today?

b. Presentation Circles and the terms related to it: radius, diameter, chord and

c. Setting of The teacher will present the classroom rules to the learners.
Standards The following classroom rules will be observed:
1. Everyone deserves respect, both students and
2. Listen and follow instructions.
3. Raise your hand to talk.
4. Participate in all activities.
5. Work hard and do your best.
6. Maintain classroom cleanliness and orderliness.
The first and second group with correct presentation will
receive a prize.

B. Developmental
1. Activity The class will be divided into five (5) groups. Each group will
do the following:
1. On a clean sheet of manila paper, represent a point
(preferably at the center of the sheet) by a dot. Let us label
this point O.
2. Draw another dot to represent a point which is 5 cm from
O. Label this point B
3. Find some other points different from A which is also 5 cm
from O. Label this point B.
4. Locate at least 3 more points.
Label these points C, D, and E, respectively. The points A, B,
C, D, and E are all points of the geometric figure which we
call a circle. How many such points are there? Notice that the
points of your circle satisfy two conditions.
1. Each point belongs to the same plane and this plane
contains O.
2. Each point is 5 cm from O.
Allotted time: 10 minutes
2. Analysis The class will be tasked to present their outputs in front of
the class. The teacher will process the answer and will
ask the following questions:
1. What did feel about the activity?
2. Where you able to connect the points easily?
3. What figure did you get?
4. How circle formed?

3. Abstraction
4. Application
Direction: Draw your own circle inside the box and illustrate
the following

1) Center A
2) Chord QR
3) Diameter DE
4) Radius AC
5) Name the Circle

C. Culminating Activities
1. Evaluation
For numbers 1-2, refer to the illustration below.

1. Which of the following is the name of the circle?

A. ⨀ C
B. ⨀ Y
C. ⨀ P
D. ⨀ X
E. ⨀ B
2. Which of the following is NOT a radius?
A. ¯PY
B. ¯PB
C. ¯CB
D. ¯PX
E. ¯CP
3. Which of the following are diameters?
A. ¯DE and ¯BC
B. ¯BC and ¯XY
C. ¯DE, ¯XY
4. Which of the following is a chord?
A. ¯DE
B. ¯BC
C. ¯XY
For number 5, (a-g), refer to the illustration below

3. Determine whether each statement is true or false.

a. Two radii always have the same length. True
b. Two chords always have the same length. False
c. All chords are diameters. False
d. All diameters are chords. True
e. All chords intersect at one point. False
f. A radius is not a chord. True
g. All diameters intersect at one point. True

2. Assignment
Direction: On a sheet of paper, draw a circle with the
corresponding measurement.
1. A circle P with a diameter of 3 cm
2. A circle M with a radius 5 cm
3. A circle X with a chord 1 cm




MT II, Assistant Principal

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