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Teacher: Alina Olale

Group Members:
Guadamud Jeres Kristell Alejandra
Herrera Quinde Jordi Julián
Landi Segarra Alberto Gabriel
Medina Morales Amy Pilar
Nombre: Kristell Guadamud

Does technology affect the environment?

Technologies have made it possible to do all kinds of
activities without having to move, such as taking classes,
working, making calls, sending messages or emails,
making videoconferences, etc. All these actions leave a
carbon footprint, that is, they emit CO₂ (greenhouse
gases), so that the use of ICT and technology does have
negative effects on the environment, in addition, the
manufacture of electronic devices also it has a great
impact on nature.
Effects of technology on the environment

 Air pollution from the carbon footprint generated by

each person and the burning of fossil fuels to mass
produce technological products.
 Exploitation of natural resources, mainly oil and the
demand for metals extracted from mines in
countries of extreme poverty or in political conflict.
 Technological waste waste in areas far from the city
that contaminate the flora and fauna of various
 Affectation of soils and seas due to the slow
decomposition of the technological scrap thrown in
those places.

Nombre: Gabriel Landi

Does technology affect the environment?
Activities such as making calls, sending emails or holding
video conferences involve a digital carbon footprint, that
is, they generate CO₂ and greenhouse gas emissions.
The use of technology does have negative effects on the
The manufacture of technological devices also represents
a huge impact on nature.
Consequences of technology on the environment:
 Atmospheric pollution.
 Exploitation of natural resources, such as oil and the
demand for metals extracted from mines.
 Destruction of forests, rivers, lakes and their gradual
deterioration accompanied by the disappearance of
 Sedimentation and waste of large amounts of water.
High energy consumption of machines and material
 Technological residues in areas far from the city that
contaminate the flora or fauna of various región

Nombre: Amy Medina

Does technology affect the environment?
Technological advances make people's lives easier,
however, in recent years it has become a concern to
make technological innovations friendly to the
environment so that natural resources are used without
generating a great environmental impact. COVID-19 made
electronic devices visible as an essential part of human
life, through them people can carry out daily activities,
however, in addition to knowing their usefulness, it is also
essential to know what are the consequences of their use
in environment.

🌱 Does technology affect the environment? 💻

Technologies have made it possible to do all kinds of

activities without having to move, such as taking classes,
working, making calls, sending messages or emails,
making videoconferences, etc. All these actions leave a
carbon footprint, that is, they emit CO₂ (greenhouse
gases), so that the use of ICT and technology does have
negative effects on the environment, in addition, the
manufacture of electronic devices also it has a great
impact on nature.

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