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OGL 481 Pro-Seminar I:

PCA-Human Resource Frame Worksheet

Worksheet Objectives:
1. Describe the human resource frame
2. Apply the human resource frame to your personal case situation

Complete the following making sure to support your ideas and cite from the textbook and other
course materials per APA guidelines. After the peer review, you have a chance to update this and
format for your Electronic Portfolio due in Module 6.
1) Briefly restate your situation from Module 1 and your role.
Verséa Health is a healthcare startup that found recent success in distributing
COVID-19 testing during the pandemic. The new influx of income was extremely
exciting for the company and was able to fund multiple new ventures. These included the
launch of new divisions, including diagnostics, ophthalmics, and biologics, all within the
span of a year. Though these have great protentional for core streams of income, they
require great amounts of infrastructure, strategy, and onboarding. Unfortunately, Verséa’s
leadership team is not in the mindset to perform such tasks because they are leading a
startup. So we went with the classic “build the plane as we fly it” and that plane made
multiple, expensive crashes because of this startup mentality. Verséa is fortunate to have
built a robust business development team to replace new streams of revenue and fund the
next launch attempts. But this frantic, demanding, unstructured, and unorganized
approach to business continues to negatively affect company morale and trust in
leadership. The start-up level compensation for employees does not help either.
I currently hold the position of Creative Director within the Discovery division,
where I am also the lead creative for our upcoming functional medicine product,
scheduled for release in the fourth quarter. My tenure with the company spans more than
two years, dating back to its early days when it consisted of just four team members.
2) Describe how the human resources of the organization influenced the situation.
Verséa Health is still considered a small start-up organization with less than 40
employees across all divisions and departments. This has been an inspirational factor for
the organization because it highlights the fact that all major successes for Verséa have
come from the hard work of the individuals in this office. We have become a family
mentality who put in their all equally to reach our goals. But this “family” mentality does
lead to many negative aspects that have fueled this situation.
The leading issue with this dynamic is the imbalance of the organization's needs
and the employee's needs. Due to the lack of staff and pressure from upper management
to dedicate their all to the cause, all employees are being silently hired for more roles
than what their titles present. This blatant misuse of employees is evident to all involved

and lowers employee morale. By forcing people to overwork for a goal that lacks
strategy, direction, and objectives, the rate of mistakes to occur is exponentially higher.
This type of Human Resources (HR) frame forces employees to default to following
commands, instead of promoting critical thinking that could benefit the project.
3) Recommend how you would use the human resources for an alternative course of
action regarding your case.
After understanding the importance of the organization's needs and the employee
needs to create a healthy Human Resources Frame, I would work to create a balance
between the two. The leading issue that employees face at Verséa Health is the misuse of
employees to fulfill multiple roles that they are not hired or compensated for. I would like
to promote a restructuring of compensation for a small number of employees that will be
representative of the work they perform. While also requesting a solution for the roles
that are not filled, but placed on other employees.
One course of action for this need would be to allocate a large portion of the
corporate budget to employing more specialties for those roles. Another approach would
be to allocate more educational resources for the current employees to better equip them
for the other tasks they are given while increasing their salary to be more appropriate.
Lastly, if we are not able to hire more employees, we will need to reapproach the
expectations of performance. Continuing to push the limits of current employees’
performance capacity to receive the most out of less will only lead to long-term negative
outcomes like a mass exodus.
4) Reflect on what you would do or not do differently given what you have learned
about this frame.
After learning about the Human Resources Frame in this module, I would do
many things differently. While working at Verséa Health I have always had a passion for
the work that we do. We are providing patients with products that better their lives. This
is an incredible driver that positives morale within the organization. But this passion
paired with the family mentality of a start-up can easily be manipulated by executive
leadership, and it is. By slowly putting pressure on employees to perform more with less
time and resources the Human Resources Frame quietly became extremely imbalanced.
Many employees did not notice this shift until it was too late and they were physically
unwell from the stress of their role(s).
Over time I have noticed this HR issue and have respectfully pushed back on the
pressure to overperform for no extra compensation or role promotion. Though this does
give a negative impression to executive leadership, I have been open about my reasoning
and asked for the opportunity to discuss this issue further to find a positive solution for all
parties. They have yet to accept the invitation. Unfortunately, I do believe it will take a
dramatic event like a mass exodus to occur to force upper management to restructure
their Human Resources Frame. But I continue to perform the best I can in the role I was
given and paid for. This is to build the necessary boundaries to respect myself over what
other’s unrealistic expectations are for me.

Reference or References
Bolman, L. G., & Deal, T. E. (2021). Reframing organizations: Artistry, choice, and
leadership (7th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Jossey-Bass
Verséa Health, Inc. About us.

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