Atividade - Bernardo

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Atividade - Bernardo

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1 Match the columns.

talkative a person that likes making you smile

friendly a person that behaves in a kind way, and

likes to be with other people
a person that is nervous in the company of
lazy other people

shy a person that doesn’t want to make any

effort to do anything
a person that acts carefully to avoid
serious possible danger

cautious a person that makes small amount of noise

energetic a person that doesn’t laugh very often

quiet a person that talks a lot

a person that has a lot of enthusiasm

a person that doesn’t tell lies and obeys the


Score: / 10

2 Read the def initions and write the words. Use the words in the box.

sofa bed bookcase mirror wardrobe stove

1 You cook on it.

2 You put your clothes in it.

3 You look at yourself in it.

4 You sleep in it.

5 You sit on it. It’s usually for three people.

6 You put books on it.

Score: /6


3 Choose the correct words.

1 Jane does/is doing a martial arts class now.

2 Martin usually goes/is going to a youth group in the evening.

3 I sometimes hang out/am hanging out with my friends on the weekend.

4 My brother is chatting/chats online at the moment.

5 T hey never do /are doing volunteer work.

6 We are playing/play the guitar now.

Score: /6

4 Choose the correct verb f orm.

1 T he Persians cooked/cook the first cookies with sugar a long time ago.

2 T he first car come/came from Germany.

3 Joe took/take photos of Mount Everest the first time he visited it.

4 Samantha went/go to the Greek Islands on her last vacation.

5 Jack left/leave for Rome to learn about its rich history.

6 T here was/were a terrible earthquake in China in 1556.

7 Europeans first discovered/discover potatoes in Chile.

Score: /7

5 Order the words to make af f irmative or negative sentences in the simple past. Put the verbs in the correct f orm.

1 T he Italians / ice cream / invent (affirmative) .

2 pasta / T he Greeks / eat (negative) / in the first century .

3 potatoes / take (affirmative) / Sailors / from Chile to Europe .

4 travel (negative) / Christopher Columbus / to T hailand .

5 map (affirmative) / around Canada / David T hompson / travel routes .

6 Marco Polo / to South America / come (negative) .

Score: /6
6 Complete the sentences with could or couldn’t.

1 T he 1666 London fire was terrible, but the population eventually rebuild their destroyed city.

2 T he American Revolution took many ideas from early civilizations, so you say those civilizations influenced
the modern concept of equality around the globe.

3 World War II involved most of the world but bring real peace to the world.

4 It take years to copy out a single book, so when Gutenberg invented the printing press, things changed a

Score: /4


7 Read the text and choose the correct answers.

T homas Edison was an American inventor. He was the youngest child in his family. His father was a political activist
and his mother was a schoolteacher.

One of Edison’s first jobs was sending messages by telegraph. T elegraphy was the only way to send messages quickly
in those days because there weren’t any telephones. When Alexander Graham Bell invented the first telephone in
1876, Edison improved it by inventing an early microphone.

In 1877, Edison made the first phonograph, a machine that recorded and reproduced sound. A year later, he invented
the light bulb. In 1889, he invented the kinetoscope, a machine to show moving pictures.

Edison invented more than 1,000 things during his life. When he died in 1931, many Americans turned off their lights
for one minute in his honor.

1 Edison’s father was a .

A political activist B schoolteacher

2 People used the telegraph to to people.

A send message B talk

3 Edison the inventor of the telephone.

A was B wasn’t

4 Edison also invented .

A the light bulb B the telephone

5 Edison invented than 1,000 things during his life.

A more B less

Score: /5
8 Read the text and choose T (true) or F (f alse).

Last month I traveled to Canada to stay with my aunt and uncle, but something funny happened the day I left. My
flight was at six in the evening, so I wasn’t in a hurry. After breakfast, I walked into town to buy some sunscreen from
the drugstore and get some Canadian dollars from the bank. T hen I hurried back home to pack my bags.

Nina, my cat, was on my bed and watched me put all my things in my bag. T hen I talked a little bit with my parents.
I wanted to go to my friend’s house to say goodbye, but there wasn’t time so I talked to her on the phone. T hen it was
time to leave.

At the airport, the woman at the check-in counter weighed my bag. It was heavy and then, suddenly, my bag moved!
When I opened it, Nina jumped out. I thought it was funny, but the woman was angry!

Sophie, 13

1 Sophie was in a hurry on the day of her flight. T / F

2 She walked into town to buy some snacks. T / F

3 Sophie doesn’t have a pet. T / F

4 Sophie visited her friend on the day of her trip. T / F

5 T he woman at the check-in counter was angry. T / F

Score: /5

9 Read the text and choose the correct answers.

Last month I traveled to Canada to stay with my aunt and uncle, but something funny happened the day I left. My
flight was at six in the evening, so I wasn’t in a hurry. After breakfast, I walked into town to buy some sunscreen from
the drugstore and get some Canadian dollars from the bank. T hen I hurried back home to pack my bags.

Nina, my cat, was on my bed and watched me put all my things in my bag. T hen I talked a little bit with my parents.
I wanted to go to my friend’s house to say goodbye, but there wasn’t time so I talked to her on the phone. T hen it was
time to leave.

At the airport, the woman at the check-in counter weighed my bag. It was heavy and then, suddenly, my bag moved!
When I opened it, Nina jumped out. I thought it was funny, but the woman was angry!

Sophie, 13

1 Sophie has in Canada.

A relatives B friends

2 She planned to visit Canada by .

A plane B train

3 Sophie packed her bag going to town.

A before B after
4 Sophie her friend.

A called B visited

5 Sophie’s cat was .

A in her bag B at home

Score: /5

10 Read the text and choose the correct answers.

T he Australian Adventurer

Australia is a very big continent. It is about 4,000 kilometers from east to west. But, in 1912, one man decided to
travel across the continent... by bicycle! T he man’s name was Francis Birtles. When he was young, he bought a bicycle
and started cycling. He rode around Australia twice and became the first person to ride a bike across the continent
from west to east.

Francis became very popular and a lot of newspapers wrote stories about him. As a result, in 1926 a car
manufacturing company gave him a car and asked him to drive it across Australia. He completed this amazing journey
in eight days and 13 hours, and the car company sold a lot of cars because of the publicity!

Later in his life, Francis continued to have adventures. He explored the north of Australia and discovered gold, and he
made two movies about his adventures. When he died in 1941, Francis Birtles was a very rich man.

1 Francis rode across Australia from .

A east to west B west to east

2 Francis the car that he drove across Australia.

A didn’t buy B bought

3 T he car company was with the publicity from Francis’s journey across Australia.

A unhappy B happy

4 When he was older, Francis more adventures.

A had B didn’t have

5 In later life, Francis was still an .

A explorer B actor

Score: /5

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