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Around the School By Radhe Govind Handa

Wind speed at the astro field, the middle of the teachers parking lot and the
bike entrance at the gate for 3 different days

Hypothesis 1

We think that the wind will be stronger at the astro field than the parking.

We checked the wind speed in the centre of the astro field and in the centre

of the teachers parking lot.


We used an Anemometer to measure the wind speed and it measured the wind

speed in metres per second. We lifted it up as high as we could and let it

measure for 30-40 seconds. We collected the data on our laptops in a table.

Places/Days 20 October 2 November 4 November

2-3pm 10-11am 3-4pm

Astro field 1.6m/s & 5.7k/h 7.3m/s & 26.2k/h 2.2m/s & 7.9k/h

Teachers parking 0.3m/s & 1.03k/h 6.1m/s & 21.9k/h 1.6m/s & 5.7k/h

We can see from the graph and table that the wind speed at the astro field

is faster than the teachers parking. 1.6 in astro field and 0.3 in teachers parking

on 20 October. I expected these numbers because the astro is big without any

buildings around it.


Our hypothesis was correct, the wind was stronger at the astro field than the

teachers parking. This is because there are no buildings around the astro field.

Trees are surrounding both places so they are not a factor. Time is a factor.

On 2 November, the data was collected at noon, and noon is the hottest time of

the day. So the winds were strongest at that time.

I found out that there is always a difference in wind speed between the astro

field and the teachers parking and that the microclimates did vary but not much.

I think that buildings influence wind speed most.

I think that geographers are interested in microclimates because it can tell how

different factors affect the weather, like if in the school the natural field is

cooler than the teacher parking because it has grass and more trees

surrounding it.

I chose the astro field because it is big with more surface area and it doesn’t
have any buildings around.
I chose the teachers parking lot because it is far away from the astro field
and has buildings around. I had wanted to see the effect of buildings on the wind

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