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Unit 1

1 Look and say True or False.

1 The boy wi h spiky hair is s anding.

2 There is a pos er on he wall wi h flowers.
3 The girl wi h he ha is very exci ed.
4 The woman wi h a ray looks unfriendly.
5 There is a lazy whi e ca on he floor.
6 There is impor an news on TV.
7 The boy on he floor is playing wi h a rain.

2 Look and read.

This af ernoon, William is bored a home. He decides o invi e a group of friends o wa ch a music
programme on TV. Today heir favouri e group is singing and hey wan o be oge her. The TV
presen er is a bald man wi h a beard and a mous ache. His name is Bill Will and he is in elligen
and friendly. They all love him! William and his friends are very exci ed when Bill in roduces he
Drumms! The children s ar shou ing.
Sarah loves he alles member of he group, he has go dark brown hair and is very good-looking.
‘He is very bossy and unfriendly wi h he fans!’ says Michael. ‘I like he shor girl because she
is beau iful and shy and very friendly wi h he fans!’ ‘You are righ , Michael. Bu I really like he
gui aris . She isn’ very good-looking bu she looks spor y and very s rong.” said Sam. ‘You are all
wrong!’ William says. ‘The singer is he mos beau iful, kind and friendly of all. She is jus he bes !’

3 Read and choose he bes answer.

1 William decides o invi e his friends because...

a i ’s Sunday b he’s bored. c he likes his friends.
2 The TV presen er is...
a very clever. b very handsome. c unfriendly.
3 Sam likes he gui aris because...
a she’s s rong. b she likes music. c she’s beau iful.
4 Michael doesn’ like he alles member because...
a he’s all. b he’s handsome. c he’s unfriendly.

4 Choose he bes i le for he s ory.

a A Sunday par y. b William’s friends! c An af ernoon wa ching TV.

5 Find hese words or phrases in he ex . Explain heir meaning.

1 Bill in roduces he Drumms! 2 She is jus he bes !

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Proof stage: 5th Title: Island PB5 Date: 13/1/12
Unit 2
1 Look and say True or False.

1 The alien usually ge s up early.

2 The alien never brushes i s ee h.
3 The alien always makes i s bed before school.
4 The alien’s room is always very idy.
5 The alien akes ou he rubbish on Mondays.
6 The alien mee s his friends on Friday.
7 The aliens usually wa ch TV o enjoy hemselves.
2 Look and read.

Lucy: Hello! I’m Lucy, I’m from Manches er. Wha ’s your name?
Alien: Hi Lucy! I haven’ go a name. On my plane we haven’ go a name because we are all
differen physically and we are recognized by our physical differences.
Lucy: I see! Then, I’m sure you are he one wi h he hree eyes, aren’ you?
Alien: Tha ’s righ ! You are very clever.
Lucy: How of en do you brush your ee h?
Alien: Oh, I never brush my ee h because I haven’ go any ee h.
Lucy: Wha ? And do you usually wash your face?
Alien: Of course, I wash my face every nigh .
Lucy: Do you usually make your bed and idy your room before you go o school?
Alien: I don’ go o school, so I don’ need o make my bed or idy my room...
Lucy: Then, don’ you do any homework or revise for a es ?
Alien: Of course no .
Lucy: So, wha do you usually do on your plane ?
Alien: I of en mee my friends and I’m always on ime. I am very punc ual.

3 Read and choose he bes answer.

1 The alien has no name because...

a aliens are physically differen . b i is an alien. c i has go hree eyes.
2 The alien washes i s face...
a in he morning. b every morning. c a nigh .
3 The alien brushes i s ee h...
a some imes. b always. c never.
4 The alien doesn’ do any homework because...
a i is lazy. b i has go no ime. c i never goes o school.
4 Choose he bes i le for he s ory.
a One day on Mars. b My four-eyed friend! c An alien’s daily rou ine.
5 Find hese words or phrases in he ex . Explain heir meaning.

1 I am very punc ual. 2 Wha ?

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Unit 3
1 Look and say Yes or No.

1 The girl playing chess is wearing rousers.

2 There are hree boys rollerblading.
3 There is one girl wi h a microphone wearing sunglasses.
4 The girl on he diving board is scared.
5 Diving lessons are af er lunch.
6 Children play golf in he morning.
7 The boy wi h he microphone is no very good a singing.

2 Look and read.

Dear Mum and Dad,

This Spor s Camp is grea ! I’ve made a lo of new friends because everybody here
loves doing spor s. I like running races and rollerblading because we can do hem on
our own. We have also go swimming and diving lessons in he morning bu I’m no
very good a diving ye . Af er lunch we have free ime and I love reading magazines or
playing chess wi h my new friends. Some of hem are really good.
In he af ernoon we usually play volleyball or golf. I’m very good a hi ing he ball! You
know... Bu wha I really like in his camp is elling jokes and singing karaoke a nigh .

3 Read and choose he bes answer.

1 Henry likes he Spor s Camp because...

a i is in eres ing. b he can play ennis. c he can do spor s and make friends.
2 Henry likes running races because...
a he is good a running. b i ’s fun. c he can do i on his own.
3 In he morning, he lessons are...
a swimming. b swimming and diving. c diving and chess.
4 Volleyball and golf are usually...
a in he morning. b a nigh c in he af ernoon.
4 Choose he bes i le for he s ory.

a Playing chess. b Old friends. c Spor s Camp.

5 Find hese words or phrases in he ex . Explain heir meaning.

1 I’m no very good a diving ye . 2 Some of hem.

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Unit 4
1 Look and say True or False.

1 There are hree pyramids.

2 There is a dog in he cave.
3 There are snakes in he rainfores .
4 There are wo ca s in he ruins.
5 The children are wearing shor s and sunglasses.
6 There are ducks in he rainfores .
7 The family looks happy.

2 Look and read.

There is no hing more exci ing han exploring our world. Visi ing differen coun ries,
discovering new cul ures and experiencing differen ways of life wi h our families!
Pyramids in Egyp , deser s in Aus ralia, lakes in Canada or rainfores s in Brazil... No
ma er where you go, ravelling is grea !
Children love ravelling and exploring new places. Imagine your children rying delicious
food in I aly, en ering mys erious caves in Spain or visi ing ancien ruins in Greece.
There is no be er way o educa e your kids.
This week we are offering our “Discovering China” holiday for only £200 per person for
one week, every hing included! Phone now...

3 Read and choose he bes answer.

1 Exploring our world is...

a dangerous. b exci ing. c difficul .
2 Children...
a like ravelling. b are oo small for ravelling. c don’ ravel.
3 A good way of educa ing children is...
a drinking wa er. b s udying. c exploring new hings.
4 ‘Discovering China’ cos s ...
a £200 in o al. b £200 per person. c I ’s free!

4 Choose he bes i le for he s ory.

a Travel he world. b Explore China! c Kids’ ravel offer.

5 Find hese words or phrases in he ex . Explain heir meaning.

1 differen ways of life 2 £200 per person 3 no ma er

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Unit 5
1 Look and say True or False.

1 The bel s are nex o he gloves.

2 There are four black s riped jacke s.
3 There is a shelf wi h walle s and sunglasses on i .
4 The umbrella is open.
5 The gloves haven’ go a label.
6 The shop assis an is kind and friendly.
7 I is 12.20pm.
2 Look and read.

Assis an : Good morning, can I help you?

Be y: Umm, yes. I’m looking for a swimsui .
Assis an : Follow me, please. Here we’ve go all our swimsui s.
Be y: Oh, hank you! How lovely! Have you go his one in my size, please?
Assis an : Le me see. Yes, we’ve go his size in blue and red. Which do you like?
Be y: The blue one. I love blue. May I ry i on?
Assis an : Of course. The changing rooms are s raigh ahead a he end of he corridor. The
door on he righ is for ladies.
Be y: Thank you. I ’s oo igh .
Assis an : Try his one in red. I ’s one size bigger.
Be y: This fi s me perfec ly. I hink I’ll ake his one. How much is i ?
Assis an : I is £54 bu wi h he offer... £49.
Be y: Oh, no. I haven’ go enough money. I ’s oo expensive!

3 Read and choose he bes answer.

1 The girl wan s o buy...

a a red swimsui . b a racksui . c a blue swimsui .
2 The blue swimsui is...
a oo small. b oo big. c oo cheap.
3 The price of he swimsui is...
a £54 b £45 c £49
4 The girl doesn’ buy he swimsui because...
a i ’s oo igh . b i ’s oo young. c i ’s oo expensive.

4 Choose he bes i le for he s ory.

a Too igh for me b The red swimsui c No cash!
5 Find hese words or phrases in he ex . Explain heir meaning.

1 May I ry i on? 2 wi h he offer... £49. 3 The changing rooms...

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Unit 6
1 Look and say True or False.

1 The family is around he bonfire.

2 There is a boy holding an umbrella.
3 The fa her is old and ired.
4 The family is happy and hey are celebra ing oge her.
5 There is a girl wearing gloves and a scarf.
6 The fireworks are colourful.
7 The boys are wearing jacke s.

2 Look and read.

In he XVII cen ury, in England, when a king called James I was ruling, Ca holics had o
prac ise heir religion in secre because he official religion was Pro es an ism. A group of
ca holic men plo ed o kill he king and blow up he Houses of Parliamen in London. A
man called Guy Fawkes was given he job of ligh ing he fuse of he barrels of gunpowder.
On he morning of 5 h November in 1605, Guy was discovered and arres ed by he king’s
soldiers. Since hen, he people of England have celebra ed his even by having bonfires
and fireworks and burning a dummy of Guy Fawkes on he nigh of 5 h of November.
Nowadays, his fes ival is celebra ed all over he Uni ed Kingdom.

3 Read and choose he bes answer.

1 Bonfire nigh is celebra ed...

a in England. b in he Uni ed Kingdom c all over he world.
2 Some Ca holics decided on he plo because...
a hey were bored. b he official religion was pro es an . c hey had a secre .
3 The man given he job of ligh ing he fuse was...
a James I. b Willy Fox. c Guy Fawkes.
4 Guy was discovered...
a on 5 h December. b on 15 h November. c on 5 h November.
5 This fes ival is celebra ed by having...
a sandwiches. b bonfires and fireworks. c fun oge her.

4 Choose he bes i le for he s ory.

a Fireworks b The gunpowder plo ! c King James I

5 Find hese words or phrases in he ex . Explain heir meaning.

1 blow up 2 Since hen… 3 all over he Uni ed Kingdom

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Unit 7
1 Look and say True or False.

1 The girl who is opposi e he school en rance is

reading a book.
2 This is a very modern school.
3 The wo boys on he righ are playing foo ball.
4 There are children inside he school.
5 The school is small and a bi old.
6 The school has go a very big playground.
7 There is a whi e ca playing in he garden area.

2 Look and read.

Skyline Experimen al School is a s a e-funded primary school in London. We are a special school
wi h only 25 pupils par icipa ing in an experimen al programme abou schools of he fu ure. We
have a small school hall bu excellen recrea ion facili ies and a big playground. Each of our pupils
comes from a differen coun ry af er aking par in a complica ed selec ion process.
The school opened in 2010 so i is very modern. Our pupils wear a special uniform ha incorpora es an
elec ronic device connec ed o a cen ral ne work ha organises and con rols school life. This is how
hey know wha hey have o do a every momen , e.g. lessons, breaks, lunch ime, e c. They are also
provided wi h personal able s which con ain all of he books and ma erials hey need for lessons.
The official school language is English bu our pupils can all speak English, Spanish, Chinese and
heir mo her ongue. We offer an in eres ing Compu er Science programme and we also include
Drama and Design in our ime able. There are five more experimen al schools in he world. Look for
he neares one and join us in his exci ing programme!

3 Read and choose he bes answer.

1 Skyline Experimen al School is...

a a secondary school. b a school in London. c a priva e primary school.
2 The school has go ...
a a big playground. b a small hall and gym. c a large hall and recrea ion facili ies.
3 Pupils can speak...
a hree languages. b four languages. c hree or four languages.
4 The school is involved in
a a language programme. b an experimen al programme.
c a Drama and Design programme.
5 Pupils have lessons using...
a personal able s. b elec ronic devices. c school books

4 Choose he bes i le for he s ory.

a A modern priva e school in London. b Schools of he fu ure.
c Le ’s go o school.
5 Find hese words or phrases in he ex . Explain heir meaning.

1 he ou skir s of London 2 i s excellen facili ies and loca ion

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Unit 8
1 Look and say True or False.

1 The as ronau , who is repairing he shu le, is wearing

a helme .
2 There is someone inside he shu le.
3 The as ronau in fron of he door is holding an umbrella.
4 I is a foggy day.
5 On he ladder behind he as ronau here is a bird.
6 The shu le is flying behind a cloud.
7 The ladder has go five s eps.

2 Look and read.

S ephanie Wilson is an as ronau who is a mission specialis wi h NASA. She was he

second African American woman o go in o space. She was selec ed by NASA as an
as ronau in 1996 and flew on several shu le missions.
As ronau s work in space. They do science experimen s, repair or fix hings and ake
pic ures. The majori y of as ronau s firs s udy o be an engineer and hen become as
ronau s. S ephanie has par icipa ed in many in eres ing missions and has a grea deal
of spacefligh experience.

3 Read and choose he bes answer.

1 S ephanie Wilson works...

a on space missions. b in Africa. c in America.
2 She was selec ed...
a in 1996. b for space missions. c o fly planes.
3 To be an as ronau ...
a you should s udy a lo . b you mus be in elligen . c you s udy engineering.
4 As ronau s...
a work in space. b work a lo . c ake pic ures.
5 S ephanie Wilson has...
a an in eres ing career. b a li le spacefligh experience.
c an incredible mission.

4 Choose he bes i le for he s ory.

a S ephanie Wilson, as ronau b NASA c Space missions

5 Find hese words or phrases in he ex . Explain heir meaning.

1 par icipa ed in 2 second African American woman

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