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Which problem did we choose?

The problem we have chosen is the disorder caused by the irregular entry of asylum seekers
in the world and the uneven distribution and the security problems that had risen

The number of asylum seekers in the world is large and it is difficult to control it. An asylum
seeker who will benefit the country cannot show himself as a result of falling below these
numbers. So, it's hard to understand what situation he is in his country. The fact that an
individual who is an education officer in his country works in jobs without experience in the
world to earn living makes it impossible to identify asylum seekers. Also, the work givers are
benefiting from these issues and they are trying to employ unregistered workers and the
economic balances takes harm from these actions because the unregistered workers are
working like slaves and we do not even know that they are qualified or not, at the mean time
the qualified workers cannot find jobs because of the cheap work force. This increase racism
and the adaptation is becoming impossible even without this situation it is impossible, this
causes polarization and increased violence and security problems for the state. The
communities are becoming more unconnected and polarize and adapted themselves to protect
their own and these unconnected dots is becoming huge problems especially for the countries
that cannot stop migration because every country has a limited resources for particular
amount for population and it is impossible to take everyone as a refugee. Also because of not
knowing the background we cannot know the entered person is a criminal or not, in these
chaotic environments are a paradise for intelligence services also, they make engagements to
the persons that who are in the situation that trying to live and this is a huge security problem
for the states.

We make adaptation more comfortable for the migrants accepted by using transmedia tools
effectively for the people that can be adapted to the communities. Yes, it is almost impossible
to know these people, but we want to work like a reliable database program for the countries
that will take refugees. The more registered data can make these persons more acceptable for
the states, but still we cannot take most of them because of the states limited resources but at
least we can make them find the adaptable ones for the community. This will be a win-win
for everybody. Also, there is a prejudice for the migrants by the local people because of the
ghettos, their high crime rates, not respecting the hosting culture, because of that the extreme
right and the right wing rising across the globe. We want to reduce racism by eliminating
criminals and problematic ones. The media will adaptation of the ones more easily by making
propaganda in the media and the shows for them. When you start the eliminate the
problematic ones and the end unregistered workers, we can use the transmedia tools more
effectively because these people won’t be a subject for the local people anymore. In some
countries the economic difficulties and the unregistered migrant workers and historical
problems between migrants and local people this causes sceptism against the migrants. Think
that these are reduced and these people are living with the local people instead of ghettos and
they are taking an adaptation program.

Detailed explanation of the problem

It is very difficult to even identify the identities, areas of expertise, and ages of asylum
seekers entering the country. There are refugees who work in small-scale jobs to eliminate
the need for a place to stay when they first enter the country, but not all of them are in the
same situation. An academic can study at universities instead of doing construction or
collecting paper, but this cannot be defined. Or it cannot be defined whether this problem
exists because an asylum seeker with health problems cannot go to the hospital. We don't
even know if an asylum seeker has a criminal record. We cannot define what the individual
needs, what achievements he has achieved in his country, whether the rights of the asylum
seeker have really been granted, to ensure the trust of the society. There is a terrible mess
caused by these indeterminacies, and it is getting worse every day. The increased terrorism
and crime in the areas they enter is increasing unstoppably because of the uncontrolled
migration and the states resources are not enough for them. The persons really in need are
suffering so much because of these issues and the states are not wanting to take them
anymore, but what about the ones who really in need? And the people sometimes are stuck
with the bureaucracy because of the human factor but what about if they follow a protocol
and the selection is made in a more exclusive but decisive way thanks to this system and also
reducing the threat of security with the constant track of these migrants by the countries who
accepted them.

High-level description of the proposed solution

We want to design a system for refugee data. The already collected data such as the refugee
and migrant origins, their routes, main directions, countries that attract them most, countries
host them most, main refugee camps, their crime rate by; "origin, sex, education level, age
and country”. With this data and the data provided from the forms that will be on our
platform, we want to make classification and make things easier for both UNHCR and

In this project, we plan to create a digital platform. This platform will be a platform where the
data of refugees, immigrants and asylum seekers can be found. However, this data will
remain open for the only for the member states of the UN to track them and will only be used
to transfer these people to countries. In the light of this data, these people will be divided into
groups. Later, on this platform, the number of refugees, immigrants and asylum seekers
accepted by countries, as well as the categories of countries will be included. And those who
are divided into groups will be placed according to the number and categories of countries.
Later, content such as interview, visuals, stories of these refugees will be featured on this
platform. The platform will provide the countries of the people more individually and the
with the needs of the taking country the acceptation process will start. The human factor will
stop making barriers in front of the people who need help. Of course, we cannot also help for
all in need, but we can make sure that accepted ones will take no difficulties in those
countries. How, with the help of the categorization the countries will reach the persons types
they are taking, after that they will make and design adaptation program for them and will
replace them inside the communities instead of ghettos to stop creating new polarization.
These particularly selected people will take courses from the governments UN backed
prepared programs to adaptation these people. In this way instead of not helping them we will
start a continuable environment for the refugees, because most countries are trying to send
them back. The ones are selected will be a part of these communities. More little numbers but
much more effective way and will be a channel for these persons who in need.

Project Summary
As we mentioned above, our purpose to find correct places for irregular migrant by examine
their needs. For this purpose, we create a kind of platform where we collect immigration data,
to better understand them and to determine what they really need. Also, more reachable data
for the states and effective acceptance of migrants instead of irregularity. Matching the right
refugee with the most effective country is very important and affects their future. On this
platform, we will add the capacity of countries to accept refugee. The data of which refugee
projects are carried out in which country and which country is more specialized in which
field will also be available on this platform. In UNHCR's data system, the number of refugee
and which countries they are currently in, seem we will add them to our system too. In this
way, the data will be together, and it will be easier to access and more categorized with the
protocols. To ensure that refugees reach the right country in a fair and equal way according to
their needs and the country's capacity to receiving them. The challenge part of this platform is
to reach the information of immigrants and understand their needs correctly. To find the right
need, we decided to divide the refugees into 4 groups. These 4 groups will be provided by the
information collected from UNHCR and/or by filling out the forms on our digital platform.
The purpose of dividing them into 4 groups is that when analyzing people's needs, the
analysis method we will apply to them should be different in order to properly examine them.
People with other stories may need other sensitivities. What we do with our project will be
shared on our platform and social media accounts. In this way, the life stories of refugees can
be an example to other refugees, can reduce some people's prejudice against refugees, and
aware the who do not have any knowledge about what happen the refugees. For example, by
sharing interviews, stories, workshops. We aim to get benefit from Transmedia in the selected
groups of refugees.
In this part we explain the 4 groups with more detail. The first group will be who really
need it follow as children, orphans, the elderly, disabled people and those who do not have
the power to work. It will be determined that those in this group will be transferred to the
countries in which they will receive better help or live quality life. However, location criteria
such as proximity, distance or health development will be considered too while determining
the place. We create a team for this group which include volunteer or other refugee teachers
and doctors to examine this group, to understand refugees’ main needs by spending time with
the 1st group for a certain period of time like, treatment and workshop activities. At the end
of this period, if a one child's needs determine as education and it is thought that there are not
enough education projects for refugees in the host country.
We determine the country with good education projects for refugees looking at our platform.
If the Egypt is good at educational projects, it will be detected to be transfer there. In the
second group, high level of educated, advanced language skills, good economic status,
professionals, and young people will be there. A team we created will understand what areas
people are good at and whether the need for job opportunities is the main need or not will
determine. For these people, online interviews with companies will be provided by us. For
example, those who are professionals in the field of medicine will be transferred to developed
countries in the field of medicine or agriculture, and those who have certain competence in
automation will be transferred to the country where that industry is developed. In this way,
countries will gain workforce and refugees who experts in their fields find job. And we will
be an effective channel and supporter but the further activities also will be determined by
states because of the sovereignty and the jurisdiction power of the states. It was aimed to
reduce the unemployment problem, which is an important problem of refugees. Furthermore,
for young adults we will help them improve their skills and take language tests that measure
their level and newspapers and magazines in other languages will provide by us. During this
time, computer programs training can be given too. Those who have a previous criminal
record or disturb the peace in the country where they migrate irregularly or as a migrant those
who make destructive actions and involved in crime in host country will be in the 3rd group.
Here, we will bring together the people in this group with psychologists on our platform via
internet. Voluntary and multilingual psychologists will examine these people's possibility to
return to business life. For example, to the situation of refugees in this group, to reintegrate
them into society, they can work in public interest services in a country. Moreover, if there is
a refugee that threatens everyone, it will be provided with a humanitarian way of removal
from the country and we expect the lowest acceptance rate in this one because of the
difficulties and the security problems and it will be our lowest target group because there are
other groups that in need. In the last group, there will be those whose information cannot be
reached. The first step will be to identify these groups and separate them to give correct
project and use right analysis tactic. To add as a note, these groups can be further multiplied
and detailed in the future.

Project Goals
 We want to reduce racism by eliminating criminals and problems.
 We aim to share refugees, migrants and asylum seekers equally and rightly to all
countries of the world.
 Media and demonstrations will make propaganda for asylum seekers, refugees and
immigrants so that local people can adapt more easily to what is happening.
 It is aimed that refugee immigrants and asylum seekers, who are experts in their
fields, are integrated into the society, both benefiting the country they are in and
creating resources.
 Refugees who are experts in their fields and workforce will be provided to the
countries, and these people will be recruited to the society by finding jobs. Thus, it
was aimed to reduce the unemployment problem, which is an important problem of
 By using transmedia tools such as social media and the platform to be created, we aim
to break the prejudice among local people by reintegrating the refugees, asylum
seekers and immigrants involved in the project into the communities.
 We do not want to increase the refugees we aim the increase effectiveness.

1- Greece's HELIOS Project

This article is the HELIOS project implemented in Greece: The aim of the project is to ensure
the social integration of asylum seekers who come to Greece by ensuring that they are
distributed equally with the "Field Research Methodology" and combined with people of
similar culture. In addition, the feeling of “Empathy Against Refugees” is instilled by
answering their questions and conveying information through public speaking engagements
and open sessions. In addition, Greece provides accommodation and a certain fee for a certain
time. In this way, when refugees enter the country, they can focus on the jobs that can live
and work in a comfortable way.
Another project undertaken by Greece is the “Integration Project.” This project is being
carried out to enable the refugees coming to Greece to adapt more quickly and to show that
the things that may be different according to the events in the country or to them are normal.

 Similarities with our Project;

In our own project, we want to distribute the refugees coming to our country equally with the
same strategy, namely field research, and we want to initiate a healthy integration process by
enabling them to empathize with these people.

2- Integra+ Project for refugees and migrants in Portugal

The Integra+ project is an integration test created by the Jesuit Refugee Service of Portugal.
In this test, the Integra+ project was designed based on the diagnosis of labor market needs
and the work developed by JRS-Portugal within the framework of the Refugee Support

The project deals with the socio-professional integration of 22 immigrants divided into two
groups. There are 8 people in the first group and 14 people in the second group. Most of the
participants come from Eritrea, Syria, Guinea-Bissau, São Tome and Principe, and Sri Lanka.

Each group receives a five-month training consisting of certain actions.

- Information and awareness raising action

- Introduction to Portuguese language, intercultural habits and traditions (1 month)
- Training in a particular field of employment, the component of applied training in the
context of work (3 months). for the first group of 8 trainees, applied training focused
on career development as a waiter or a clerk. the second group of 14 participants
focused on shelf product placement in a retail context.
- Actions that promote employability and follow-up (1 month)
- Each group conducted practical training in the context of a study. For the first group,
JRS-Portugal and the 100 Montaditos restaurant chain have formed a partnership for
practical training. For the second group, JRS-Portugal partnered with a supermarket

Participants learn where special knowledge and skills in the workplace that relate to food
safety and hygiene regulations and rules; complaints to the administration, norms, and bar
service table or qualifications in customer service techniques including; appetizers, light
snacks and cafeteria food service preparation and up.

After the training, 19 of the 22 asylum seekers successfully passed the integration test. of the
22 people, 9 were women and 13 were men; they continued their lives as waiters, food and
retail workers.

Who will benefit from this integration?

The target group were migrants and refugees in situations of socio-economic vulnerability, in
particular, who have any of the following characteristics :

- Frequent needs in terms of food, housing and transport (lack of financial autonomy)
- Unemployed or looking for the first regular job in Portugal.
- Those who have a low level of formal education.
- Those who have low or insufficient qualifications to continue a profession in
- Persons without social and family support.
- Single-parent families

 Similarities with Our Project;

In our own project, we have divided the asylum seekers into groups according to their
situation. In these group items that we have allocated, we want to determine the level of
education, qualification status, ability to work and at least work in simple jobs and stand on
your own two feet and live a beautiful life.

3- Refugee integration and social media: a local and experiential

In this project, the importance of digital technologies in improving the lives of refugees and
displaced people at the current US borders in various ways was touched upon. In this article,
the relationships between social media use and refugee integration processes are
Deconstructed by looking at how refugees use these technologies to adapt to the environment.

This view of integration defines it as a two-way process characterized by the participation of

refugees and migrants, as well as host societies, in the adaptation of newcomers. (. It is
claimed that this integration perspective plays a crucial role in ensuring that both refugees
and members of the host community have access to work, education, housing, health, culture
and language for refugees and feel part of the new environment instead of problematizing

It was revealed that all the participants in the study preferred social media platforms more
than other internet applications. Age and gender differences did not play a role in determining
the frequency and types of social media use of participants in the early stages of integration.
Facebook Instagram, WhatsApp, Viber and Google+ were used. In October, the social media
hotline Dec widely used among Syrian refugees. The average time spent on social media was
seven hours a day.

Moreover, the high level of social media and internet use in general may be related to the too
much free time that refugees have to spend on these sites. According to the participants, life
in camps and centers can be very difficult and monotonous for every refugee. There is little
or no special free time or educational activities for them, and it has been established that they
need these tools more and more as a means of dealing with anxiety in the center.

 Similarities with Our Project;

We are aware that new media, especially social media, is a very good research place and we
will announce and actively use topics such as “Empathy for Asylum Seekers” as mentioned
above through social media in our Grouping forms.

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