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Tumbaco, Humberto Salvador S3-169 y Rita Lecumberry
2372-649 / 2372-329

Match the vocabulary words with their correct definitions. Then, use the words to complete
the sentences below.


1. look down on
2. look forward to Definitions:
3. look after A. To admire or respect someone greatly.
4. look up to B. To anticipate with pleasure or excitement.
5. casual C. To take care of or be responsible for
6. formal someone or something.
7. sloppy D. Showing little care or attention; messy.
8. conservative E. Informal and relaxed; not formal.
9. trendy F. Neat and well-organized.
10. waistcoat G. To regard or treat with haughty disdain.
11. baggy H. To think or believe that someone is inferior
12. trainers or less worthy.
13. suits I. Having or showing a tendency to be easily
14. do up annoyed or angered.
15. match J. Having a positive outlook on life; expecting
16. try on the best.
17. moody K. Having a tendency to lie or deceive.
18. optimistic L. Having an excessively high opinion of
19. modest oneself; egocentric.
20. truthful M. Lacking interest or excitement; boring.
21. dull N. Giving or showing affection and concern.
22. rude O. Having a positive attitude towards the truth.
23. pessimistic P. Showing consideration for the needs of
24. deceitful others.
25. selfish Q. Having a preference for traditional and
26. disorganized established practices.
27. caring R. Having a preference for the latest fashion
28. hardworking and style.
29. indifferent S. Loose-fitting and not well-fitted.
T. A sleeveless garment, typically worn over a
shirt and under a jacket.
U. Shoes designed for sports or other forms of
physical exercise.
V. A pair of pants or trousers that are too large
and baggy.
W. A state of being neither good nor bad;
X. A set of clothes made up of a jacket and
trousers or a skirt.
Tumbaco, Humberto Salvador S3-169 y Rita Lecumberry
2372-649 / 2372-329
Y. To fasten or secure something. 20. The lecture was so _____________ that
Z. Put on clothes to see if they fit or suit. many people started dozing off.
21. It's considered _____________ to
interrupt someone while they're
Sentence Completion: Using the same words speaking.
22. His _____________ comments offended
from above fill in the blanks.
many at the party.
23. He tends to be _____________ about the
1. She tends to _____________ people who outcome of most situations.
don't share her values. 24. He's known for being _____________ and
2. I always _____________ our weekly often manipulates situations to his
meetings because they're so
25. His _____________ behavior often puts
3. After school, she has to _____________
his needs above others.
her younger brother until their parents
26. Her desk is always so _____________; it's
get home.
hard to find anything.
4. He has always _____________ his older
27. She's very _____________ towards her
brother for his accomplishments.
students, always offering support.
5. Fridays at the office are _____________,
28. Despite the long hours, he's incredibly
so you can dress more casually.
_____________ in his job.
6. The gala requires _____________ attire,
29. He's rather _____________ to the
so be sure to wear a suit or formal
suffering of others.
7. His handwriting is so _____________; it's
hard to read.
8. In this traditional town, people tend to
have _____________ values.
9. She always knows what's _____________
in fashion.
10. He wore a _____________ to the
wedding, adding a touch of elegance.
11. Those _____________ jeans don't fit you
well; you should try a smaller size.
12. She prefers _____________ for her
morning jog.
13. Business meetings often require
_____________ to make a professional
14. Be sure to _____________ your coat
before going outside; it's chilly.
15. Her shoes perfectly _____________ her
16. Before you buy it, you should
_____________ to see if it fits properly.
17. His _____________ swings can be hard
to predict.
18. Despite the challenges, she remains
_____________ about the future.
19. She's very _____________ about her
achievements; she doesn't boast.

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