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Practice Teacher MICHELLE ANN J.

CRUZ Grade Level & Section 10

DAILY LESSON PLAN Time allotment 1 hr Quarter 3


A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate an understanding of:

 the information stored in DNA as being used to make proteins
 how changes in a DNA molecule may cause changes in its product
 mutations that occur in sex cells as being heritable
B. Performance Standards

C. Learning Competencies Explain how protein is made using the information from DNA. (S10LT-IIId-37)

The learners shall be able to:

 Define protein synthesis

 Describe transcription and translation
 State the importance of protein in human body.
D. GAD Integration/  Cooperation
Values Integration/  Collaboration
Comprehensive Sexuality
Education Integration



A. References

1. Teachers Guide pages Acosta, (2015).Science Teacher’s Guide Unit III First Edition 199-209

2. Learner’s Material pages Acosta, (2015).Science Learner’s material Unit III First Edition 271-281

B. Other Resources Powerpoint Presentation , Video, Laptop, LED TV, Pictures

IV. PROCEDURES Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
A. Preliminaries 1. Prayer
(Daily ______ kindly lead the prayer. In the name of the father, of the son and of the holy spirit….Amen.
2. Greetings Good Morning Ma’am Michelle. It’s nice to see you again.
Good morning class!

3. Checking of attendance. Yes Ma’am, everybody is present today.

Mayor, is everybody present today ?
B. Reviewing ELICIT Okay class, before we formally start our new lesson, let us review our
previous previous topic.
lesson or
presenting What is our topic last time? It is all about DNA Replication.
the new
lesson Did you already understand DNA Replication? Yes , Ma’am.

Okay let see. I have here six statements and you will guess if it’s true or
false. With your ‘’GANDA NI MA'AM flag and ‘’EME LANG’’ flag, raise
GANDA NI MAAM flag if the statement is true and ‘’EME LANG’’ if it is false.

Okay, are we clear?

Do you have any questions? Yes , Ma'am.
None, Ma'am.
Okay, lets start.

1. DNA Replication is a process by which the DNA molecules duplicates to GANDA NI MAAM
produce two new identical DNA molecule.
2. DNA Replication happen inside the nucleus before the division of the cell. GANDA NI MAAM
3. Primase unzip the DNA strands by breaking the hydrogen bond. EME LANG
4. Helicase initiates where the replication begins. EME LANG
5. DNA polymerase build the new DNA strand. GANDA NI MAAM

Okay, all of you got the correct answers. I'm happy that you already Yehey!
understand DNA replication. You may give yourself a LAMOK CLAP. Isang lamok (Clap!), dalawang lamok (Clap! 2x), Maraming Lamok! (Clap
C. Establishing For our next activity, we will be having a game entitled ARRANGE ME !
a purpose for
the lesson Are you excited class? Yes Ma'am .

Okay, I have here 5 jumbled letters for you to arrange and guess the magic
word of each jumbled letters. Please raise your hand if you know the answer.
Do you understand? Yes , Ma'am.

Okay, let’s start.


All of these words are related to our new lesson that we will be discussing
later on.
D. Presenting
So what do you think is our new topic for today ? We don’t have any idea Ma’am.
tances of the
To know our new topic, I have here 2 sets of four pictures and guess the
new lesson
word that best describes each set pictures. Please raise your hand to


So on the first four pictures, what is the magic word ? Anyone? Student 1 : Protein Ma'am.
Yes, very good.
How about the 2nd set of four pictures? Student 2: Ma'am Synthesis.
Yes very good. It is synthesis.

Based on the given activity a while ago, our topic for today, it is all about
E. Discussing Now, I have here a short video clip about Protein Synthesis for you to watch.
new Please watch attentively and do take notes. Because later on, I will be
concepts asking questions related to it.
practicing Are we clear class? Yes Ma'am.
new skills #1 Okay, so let us start.
(after watching the video )

Based on the video that you have watch, what is protein synthesis? Student 3: Protein Synthesis is the process of creating protein molecules.
Yes, very good. It is a process of creating protein molecule.

How about the two process in making proteins? What are these? Students 4: Ma'am transcription and translation.
Yes, very good.

So what is transcription? Anyone? Student 5: Transcription is the first step in protein synthesis during which
Absolutely right. the DNA sequence of a gene copied into RNA. It happens inside the
nucleus of the cell.

How about translation? Student 6 : Ma'am translation is the second step in protein synthesis, it
Excellent. You are right. is the process in which the RNA sequence is used to produce a protein
molecule. It happens in the cytoplasm of the cell.

Okay, in order for all of you to understand deeply the protein synthesis , let’s
have an example.

DNA mRNA tRNA Amino Acid


We already know that in DNA, Adenine is always paired with Thymine and Yes ma'am.
Cytosine is always paired with Guanine and vise versa, right ?

But in RNA, what are the nitrogenous base pairs? Student 7: Adenine is always paired with Uracil instead of Thymine and
Yes, very good. Cytosine is always paired with Guanine.

EXPLORE Now, let’s apply it to answer the example.

First step, we have to copy the DNA using mRNA.

Adenine is paired with? Thymine.
Thymine is paired with? Uracil.
But why Uracil ? Because we are copying the DNA into RNA not DNA to DNA.
Yes, very good. Take note that DNA only have Thymine.
Next, what will be the partner of guanine? Cytosine.
Yes, very good.

DNA mRNA tRNA Amino Acid


We already copied the DNA into mRNA , for the second step, we have to
transfer the mRNA into tRNA using the same procedure.

What is the partner of Uracil? Adenine.

How about Adenine? Uracil .
And lastly, Cytosine is paired with ? Guanine.
Very good.

DNA mRNA tRNA Amino Acid


Now we already have tRNA. On the last step , we have to find out the
corresponding amino acid of this tRNA using the Genetic Code Table.

What is the amino acid of AUG ? Anyone? Student 8: Methionine or START CODON ma'am.
Absolutely right.

DNA mRNA tRNA Amino Acid

ATG UAC AUG Methionine/
Start Codon

That is how protein synthesis is.

Did you get it class ? Yes ma'am.
Do you have questions/clarifications? No ma'am

Now that you already know what is Protein Synthesis.

F. Discussing
new Let’s do an activity entitled TRACE THE CODE.
concepts Yesterday, I already grouped you into 5 groups, am I correct? Yes ma'am.
and Please go to your respective group.
practicing Leaders, please come in front and take up your materials kits.
new skills #2 Please form a circle, so you will work as team.

Here are the procedures.

 In your materials’ kit, you have activity sheet, glue, pen and small
pieces of paper.
 On your Activity sheet, DNA codons are already given.
 Next, you have to find out the mRNA, tRNA and Amino acid of each
 Find the answer using the small cut-outs of paper.
 Paste the small cut-outs of paper to their corresponding codons.
 Use the Genetic Code Table to identify the formed amino acid.
 I will only give you 8 minutes to finish your activity.
Yes ma'am.
Are we clear?
No ma'am.
Do you have questions ?

Okay, you may now start.

Time is Up.
Please exchange your output to the other group.
Check their output and write their score on the upper right part of paper.
Take note : one point per item.
Okay let us check.

(Answers are presented through powerpoint presentation).

Okay, please write their score and return back the paper to the owner.
Answer may vary.
Who got a perfect score?
You may now pass your papers in front.

G. Developing After the activity, we will be play a fun game. Do you want it class? Yes ma'am.
This game is entitled PASS THE MESSAGE!

Before we start, with the same group, please arrange your chairs into a row.
One row per group.

EXPLAIN You may now take your sits. I will read the procedures and please listen

 I have here several sets of codons. I will give these codons to the
student at the back.
 Students at the back should answer the problems, and pass the answer
forward until it reaches the last student who is in front of row. Then the
last student in front will going to write the answer on the illiustration
 The group who will get the correct answer first will be given 1 point.
This game is only about 10 points.
 After the first set, student shall move forward so that the other students
can also answer. These will continue up to the last problem.
 The group who earns the highest points shall receive a reward.
Yes ma'am.
Are we clear ? Yes ma'am.
Do you understand the procedures?

Let’s start.

Order of bases in Order of bases in Order of bases in Amino Acid coded

DNA mRNA tRNA into Proteins



Who got the highest points? Answer may vary.

Congratulations to our winner. You may now claim your rewards. Thank you ma'am.
Also, still congratulations to those groups who give their best for this game.
Losing and winning are always parts of a game, What’s important is that you
have learned something.

That’s the end of the game, please arrange your chair and go back to your
proper sits.
H. Finding Okay so let us now move on to the importance of protein.
practical ELABORATE What do you think is the importance of protein in our body? Anyone who Answer may vary.
application of have an idea?
and skills in Protein is very important in our body because it helps us to repair and build
daily living our body’s tissue. It drives metabolic reactions, maintain pH and fluid
balance and keeps our immune system strong.

What foods do you think is are rich in protein? Anyone? Students 9 : Fish, Egg
Yes very good. These are the foods we need to eat everyday to have a Students 10: Meat and yogurt
healthy and strong immune system.

I. Making Those are the importance of protein.

n and Now, I have here a flow chart for you to complete based on what you have
abstractions learned in today’s lesson.
about the

Who wants to answer?

Okay Mr.__________. Student will go in front and write the answer.

And that is Protein Synthesis.

Do you have questions or clarifications? No ma'am.
J. Evaluating For the last part of our today’s lesson, we will be having a short quiz to
learning EVALUATE evaluate if you learned something about the lesson.

Answer the following questions carefully. I will be giving you 15 mins to


You may now start.

 I. TRUE OR FALSE: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and write

FALSE if the statement is incorrect.

______ 1.Protein synthesis is the process of creating a proteins. TRUE

______ 2. Transcription is the first process of protein synthesis by which TRUE
DNA sequence copied into RNA.
______ 3. Messenger RNA (mRNA) transfer the genetic information from TRUE
the DNA in the nucleus to cytoplasm.
______ 4. Transfer RNA (tRNA) transfer the amino acid to the ribosome as FALSE
it is specified by the coded messages in the rRNA.
______ 5. Translation is the second step in protein synthesis, during which TRUE
the RNA sequence is used to produced a protein molecule.

 II. DIRECTION: Complete the table below. Used the Genetic Code
Table to identify the amino acid.

Order of bases Order of bases Order of bases in Amino Acid coded Order of bases Order of bases Order of bases in Amino Acid coded
in DNA in mRNA tRNA into Proteins in DNA in mRNA tRNA into Proteins


AGA Arginine AGA UCA AGA Arginine
CCG Proline CCG GGC CGG Proline

 III. Essay. Answer the question briefly and clearly. 1 - 3 sentence only.
(5 points)

1. What is the importance of protein in human body? Protein is very important in our body because it helps us to repair and
build our body’s tissue. It drives metabolic reactions, maintain pH and
fluid balance and keeps the our immune system strong.
 Ideas are thoroughly explained.
5  Highly coherent writing
 No grammatical errors
 Ideas are explained.
4  Coherent writing
 Almost no grammatical errors.
3  Ideas are partially explained
 Somewhat coherent writing
 Few grammatical errors
2  Ideas are somewhat poorly explained
 Somewhat coherent writing
 Several grammatical errors.
1  Ideas are poorly explained
 Incoherent writing
 Many grammatical errors

Time is up. Please exchange your papers.

Who got a perfect score? Answer may vary.
Please pass your paper.
K. Additional  For your assignment, please search about mutation and different type
activities for of chromosomal mutations and write it on your science notebook.
application or
remediation Did you understand ? Yes ma'am.
Do you have questions related to your assignment? No ma'am.
Okay if none, goodbye class. Goodbye Ma’am Michelle. Thank you for teaching us. God Bless you.


A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation

B. No. of learners who require additional activities for
remediation who scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial lesson work?
No. of learners who have caught up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue t require remediation
E. Which of the teaching strategy worked well? Why did these

Prepared by :
Michelle Ann J. Cruz
Practice Teacher Checked by :
Melisa Q. Viduya, LPT
Cooperating Teacher Noted by:
Alona B. Barlongo
Head Teacher III Approved by:
Glory T. Joven, DA
Principal II

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