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Annual Plan Sample for Grade 6

Knowledge and skills that a student should acquire at the end of the 6 th grade
1 Kiçikhəcmli sadə mətnlərin məzmununu başa düşdüyünü nümayiş etdirir;
2 Düzgün tələffüz vərdişlərinə yiyələndiyini nümayiş etdirir;
3 Nitq nümunələrindən və nitq etiketlərindən istifadə edərək ünsiyyət qurmaq bacarıqlarını nümayiş etdirir;
4 Oxu bacarıqlarını nümayiş etdirir;
5 Sadə yazı bacarıqlarını nümayiş etdirir.
Weekly- 3 hours – Annual- 102 hours

İntegration Assessment
№ Standard Topic Hour Lesson Focus Resource Date
1 - Diagnostic assessment 1 -
2 Introduction 1 Grammar
3 Lesson 1. Your summer 1 Vocublary
1.1.1. 1.1.2.
4 Lesson 1. Your summer 1 Grammar
2.1.3. 3.1.1.
5 Lesson 2. Last Summer 1 Vocabulary/
1.1.1. 2.1.2
6 3.1.4. 3.1.1 Lesson 2. Last Summer 1 Vocabulary
7 1.1.2.; 2.1.1 Lesson 3. In the museum 1 Grammar
8 3.1.2. 4.1.2 Lesson 3. In the museum 1 Vocabulary
9 Lesson 4. My best day 1 Grammar
1.1.2. 2.1.1
10 Lesson 4. My best day 1 Vocabulary
3.1.1. 3.1.4.
11 - Sub summative 1 1
12 Lesson 1. I am good at 1 Vocabulary/Grammar
1.1.1. 1.1.2
13 Lesson 1. I am good at 1 Vocabulary
2.1.3. 3.1.4.
14 Lesson 2. What books do 1 Vocabulary
1.1.2. 2.1.2
you like?
15 Lesson 2. What books do 1 Functions/-
2.1.3 3.1.1
you like? Vocabulary
16 Lesson 2. What books do 1 Grammar
3.1.2. 3.1.4.
you like?
17 Lesson 3. Have a nice 1 Vocabulary
1.1.2. 2.1.1.
18 Lesson 3. Have a nice 1 Grammar
2.1.2. 3.1.1.
19 Lesson 4. Children’s 1 Vocabulary
1.1.1. 2.1.1.
parties in Great Britain
20 Lesson 4. Children’s 1 Grammar/
3.1.1. 3.1.2.
parties in Great Britain Vocabulary
21 - Sub summative 2 1 -
22 Lesson 1. How can you 1 Vocabulary
1.1.1. 1.1.2.
learn English?
23 Lesson 1. How can you 1 Vocabulary
2.1.3. 3.1.4.
learn English?
24 1.1.2. 2.1.2 Lesson 2. You should … 1 Vocabulary
25 Lesson 2. You should … 1 Grammar/
1.1.2. 2.1.1.
26 Lesson 3. Your language 1 Vocabulary
2.1.3. 3.1.2
27 Lesson 3. Your language 1 Vocabulary
1.1.1. 2.1.2
28 Lesson 4. Who travels far 1 Grammar/
3.1.1. 3.1.2
- knows much! Vocabulary
29 Lesson 4. Who travels far 1 Grammar
1.1.2. 2.1.1.
- knows much!
30 - Sub summative 3 1
31 Lesson 1. Do you like 1 Vocabulary/Grammar
2.1.3. 3.1.1
watching TV?
32 Lesson 1. Do you like 1 Grammar
1.1.1. 1.1.2
watching TV?
33 Lesson 2. What’s on TV 1 Vocabulary
2.1.2. 3.1.4..
34 Lesson 2. What’s on TV 1 Vocabulary/Grammar
4.1.1. 4.1.3
35 Lesson 3. A friend or an 1 Vocabulary/Grammar
1.1.2. 2.1.1.
36 Lesson 3. A friend or an 1 Vocabulary/Grammar
2.1.3. 3.1.1.
37 Lesson 4. New Year 1 Grammar
3.1.2. 4.1.2.
Celebrations on TV
38 Lesson 4. New Year 1 Vocabulary/Grammar
1.1.1. 2.1.3
Celebrations on TV
39 Lesson 4. New Year 1 Vocabulary
3.1.2. 3.1.3
Celebrations on TV
40 4.1.3. 4.1.4. Revision of the I half year 1 -
41 - Big Summative I half 1 -
42 Lesson 1. World around 1 Grammar
1.1.2. 2.1.3
43 Lesson 1. World around 1 Grammar
3.1.1. 4.1.1.
44 Lesson 2. There is a 1 Vocabulary
1.1.1. 2.1.2
45 Lesson 2. There is a 1 Vocabulary
2.1.3. 3.1.1
46 Lesson 2. There is a 1 Grammar
1.1.2. 2.1.2
47 Lesson 3. Different 1 Vocabulary/Grammar
3.1.1 4.1.2. countries – different
48 Lesson 3. Different 1 Vocabulary/Grammar
1.1.2. 2.1.2. countries – different
49 Lesson 4. British way of 1 Vocabulary/Grammar
2.1.3. 3.1.4
50 Lesson 4. British way of 1 Vocabulary/Grammar
1.1.2. 2.1.2.
51 - Sub summative 4 1 Vocabulary/Grammar
52 Lesson 1. An important 1 Vocabulary
2.1.3. 3.1.3
53 Lesson 1. An important 1 Vocabulary
1.1.1. 2.1.3
54 Lesson 2. What is 1 Vocabulary
3.1.1. 3.1.3
55 Lesson 2. What is 1 Vocabulary
1.1.2. 2.1.1.
56 Lesson 3. Heroes never 1 Grammar
2.1.3. 3.1.1
57 Lesson 3. Heroes never 1 Grammar
3.1.2. 4.1.3
58 Lesson 4. Help hungry 1 Vocabulary
1.1.1. 2.1.3.
59 Lesson 4. Help hungry 1 Vocabulary/Grammar
3.1.3. 4.1.3.
60 - Sub summative 5 1 -
61 Lesson 1. The food you 1 Vocabulary
1.1.2. 2.1.2
62 Lesson 1. The food you 1 Vocabulary
2.1.3. 3.1.3
63 4.1.2. 4.1.4 Lesson 2. Food Pyramid 1 Grammar
64 1.1.1. 2.1.1. Lesson 2. Food Pyramid 1 Vocabulary
65 2.1.3. 3.1.1. Lesson 2. Food Pyramid 1 Vocabulary/Grammar
66 Lesson 3. Eat well, stay 1 Grammar
4.1.1. 4.1.4
67 Lesson 3. Eat well, stay 1 Vocabulary
1.1.1. 2.1.1
68 3.1.1. 3.1.3. Lesson 4. Can you cook? 1 Vocabulary/Grammar
69 3.1.1. 4.1.2 Lesson 4. Can you cook? 1 Vocabulary/Grammar
70 - Sub summative 6 1 -
71 Lesson 1. The weather 1 Vocabulary
2.1.1. 2.1.3.
72 Lesson 1. The weather 1 Grammar
3.1.3. 4.1.2.
73 Lesson 2. The weather in 1 Vocabulary
2.1.3. 3.1.1
74 Lesson 2. The weather in 1 Vocabulary
4.1.1. 4.1.1
75 1.1.2. 2.1.1 Lesson 3. Environment 1 Vocabulary/Grammar
76 2.1.3. 3.1.1. Lesson 3. Environment 1 Vocabulary/Grammar
78 4.1.1. Lesson 3. Environment 1 Vocabulary/Grammar
79 Lesson 4. What can we 1 Vocabulary/Grammar
1.1.1. 2.1.3.
80 Lesson 4. What can we 1 Grammar
3.1.1. 4.1.4
81 - Sub summative 7 1 -
82 Lesson 1. Do you know 1 Vocabulary
1.1.2. 2.1.1.
83 Lesson 1. Do you know 1 Grammar
3.1.1. 3.1.2
84 1.1.2. 2.1.1. Lesson 2. Space flights 1 Grammar
85 2.1.2. 3.1.4 Lesson 2. Space flights 1 Grammar
86 Lesson 3. Are you fond of 1 Vocabulary
1.1.2. 2.1.1.
87 Lesson 3. Are you fond of 1 Vocabulary/Grammar
2.1.2. 3.1.1.
88 Lesson 3. Are you fond of 1 Vocabulary/Grammar
4.1.2. 4.1.4
89 Lesson 4. How can you 1 Vocabulary/Grammar
1.1.1. 1.1.2.
90 Lesson 4. How can you 1 Vocabulary/Grammar
2.1.3. 3.1.4.
91 - Sub summative 8 1 -

92 Lesson 1. Around the 1 Grammar

4.1.1. 4.1.3.
93 Lesson 1. Around the 1 Grammar
1.1.2. 2.1.3.
94 Lesson 2. What is 1 Grammar
3.1.1. 4.1.2
95 Lesson 2. What is 1 Grammar
1.1.2. 2.1.3
96 3.1.4. 4.1.1. Lesson 3. Animals' planet 1 Vocabulary/Grammar
97 4.1.2 Lesson 3. Animals' planet 1 Vocabulary/Grammar
98 Lesson 4. Nature of my 1 Vocabulary
1.1.2. 2.1.2.
99 Lesson 4. Nature of my 1 Grammar
2.1.3. 3.1.1.
100 - Sub Summative 9 1 -
101 - Revision of the II half year 1 -
102 - Big Summative 2 1 -

Standards of English Language Grade VI

1. Listening
1.1. Demonstrates the understanding of the content of a text
1.1.1. Responds questions following commands.
1.1.2. İdentifies new information in comprehending a text
2. Speaking
2.1. Demonstrates oral speech skills
2.1.1. Uses new words and expressions in accordance with the topic.
2.1.2. Participates in dialogues of different topics.
2.1.3. Expresses his/her opinions on the topic
3. Reading
3.1. Demonstrates reading comprehension skills.
3.1.1. Differs lexic-semantic meaning of words and expressions.
3.1.2. Reads the words in the text with accurate stress.
3.1.3. Divides the text into structures (introduction, main part, conclusion).
3.1.4. Asks questions in accordance with content of the text.
4. Writing
4.1 Demonstrates correct writing skills.
4.1.1. Makes up short stories based on given sentences.
4.1.2. Writes the descriptions of objects and events.
4.1.3. Writes words in accordance with the rules of orthography.
4.1.4. Writes letter and announcement.
Annual Plan sample for Grade 7
Weekly- 3 hours – Annual- 102 hours
Knowledge and skills that a student should acquire at the end of the 7 th grade

1 dinlədiyi və oxuduğu mətnlərdə əsas fikri və məntiqi ardıcıllığı müəyyən edir;

2 nitq etiketlərindən, nitq modellərindən istifadə edir;

3 verilmiş mövzu ilə bağlı fikirlərini şifahi və yazılı ifadə edir;

4 orfoqrafiya işarələrindən düzgün istifadə edir;

5 afişa və dəvətnamə yazır.

İntegration Assessment
№ Standard Topic Hour Lesson Focus Resource Date
1 - Diagnostic -
2 Introduction Grammar
3 1.1.1.; 2.1.1. Lesson 1 Schools
1 Vocublary
around the world.
4 3.1.4.; 4.1.1. Lesson 1. Schools
1 Grammar
around .
5 1.1.2./2.1.3. Lesson 2. Common Vocabulary/
adjectives. Grammar
6 3.1.4./4.1.1. Lesson 2. Adjectives
ending in –ed and – 1 Grammar
ing. Too vs. enough.
7 2.1.1./2.1.3. Lesson 3. Listen a
person talking about a 1 Listening
8 3.1.4./4.1.1. Lesson 3. Listen a
person talking about a 1 Listening
9 2.1.1./2.1.2. Lesson 4.Revision of
1 Writing
Grade 6
10 2.1.3./4.1.2 Lesson 4.Revision of
1 Reading
11 2.1.1./3.1.1. Lesson 5.Story Time:
Thank you, mr. Falker
1 Reading
by Patricia Polacco
part 1
12 2.1.1./3.1.1. Lesson 5.Story Time:
Thank you, mr. Falker
1 Reading
by Patricia Polacco
part 1
13 3.1.2./4.1.1 Time to watch: Asking
1 Speaking
for permission.
14 2.1.2./3.1.2 Time to watch: Asking
1 Vocabulary
for permission.
15 1.1.2./4.1.3. Review Grammar/-
16 2.1.2./3.1.2. Review 1 Listening
17 Sub summative 1 1
18 2.1.2./4.1.1. Lesson 1.Read an
article about two young 1 Reading
19 1.1.1./2.1.1. Lesson 2.Read an
article about two young 1 Speaking
20 3.1.2./4.1.2. Lesson 3.Common Grammar/
Adjectives. Vocabulary
21 3.1.2./4.1.2 Lesson 3.Common Grammar/
Adjectives. Vocabulary
22 1.1.1./2.1.3. Lesson 4.Adjectives
1 Vocabulary
and Infinitives.
23 3.1.2./4.1.4. Lesson 4. Adjectives
1 Vocabulary
and Infinitives.
24 2.1.3./3.1.4. Lesson 5.Used to 1 Grammar
25 1.1.1./2.1.3 Lesson 5. Used to Grammar/
26 3.1.2 Lesson 6.Listen to a
person talking about a 1 Listening
young scientist
27 2.13./4.1.2 Lesson 6.Listen to a
person talking about a 1 Listening
young scientist
28 2.1.3./3.1.4 Story Time: Thank you,
mr. Falker by Patricia 1 Reading
Polacco part 2
29 3.1.3./4.1.3 Story Time: Thank you,
mr. Falker by Patricia 1 Reading
Polacco part 2
30 3.1.1./4.1.3 Time to watch:
1 Speaking
Expressing anxiety.
31 1.1.1./2.1.1 Time to watch:
1 Speaking
Expressing anxiety.
32 3.1.1./4.1.3. Review 1 Grammar
33 1.1.2./2.1.1. Review 1 Vocabulary
34 Sub summative 2 1
35 1.1.1./2.1.2. Lesson1.Read an
article about talanted 1 Vocabulary/Grammar
36 3.1.1./3.1.2 Lesson.1. Read an
article about talanted 1 Vocabulary/Grammar
37 1.1.2./2.1.3 Lesson 2.Common
1 Grammar
Phrasal Verbs
38 3.1.2 Lesson 2. Common
1 Vocabulary/Grammar
Phrasal Verbs
39 4.1.2./4.1.4 Lesson 3.Past
Continues; Time
1 Grammar
clauses with when and
40 4.1.2./4.1.4 Lesson 3.Past
Continues; Time
1 Grammar
clauses with when and
41 1.1.1./2.1.3. Lesson 4.Listen to a
conversation about a 1 Listening
talanted person.
42 1.1.1./2.1.3. Lesson 4.Listen to a
conversation about a 1 Listening
talanted person.
43 3.1.1./4.1.1 Lesson 5.Writing
1 Writing
process: prewriting
44 1.1.2./2.1.3 Lesson 5.Writing
1 Writing
process: prewriting
45 3.1.4 Story Time: Better
Than You by Trudy 1 Reading
Ludwig Part 1
46 3.1.4 Story Time: Better
Than You by Trudy 1 Reading
Ludwig Part 1
47 2.1.3./3.1.4 Time to watch:Inviting 1 Speaking
48 2.1.3./3.1.4. Time to watch:Inviting 1 Speaking
49 4.1.1 Sub summative 3 1 Vocabulary/Grammar
50 3.1.4./4.1.1 Revision of the I half
1 Vocabulary/Grammar
51 - Big Summative I half
52 1.1..2./2.1.3 Lesson 1. Read an
interview with a young 1 Reading
travel blogger.
53 4.1.1./4.1.2. Lesson 1. Read an
interview with a young 1 Vocabulary
travel blogger.
54 1.1.2./2.1.1 Lesson 2. Vocabulary
1 Vocabulary
for travel
55 4.1.1./4.1.2 Lesson 2. Vocabulary
1 Vocabulary
for travel.
56 1.1.2./2.1.1. Lesson 3. Alternative
1 Grammar
57 3.1.4./4.1.1 Lesson 3. Alternative
1 Grammar
58 1.1.1./1.1.2 Lesson 4.Tag
1 Vocabulary
59 2.1.1./2.1.3. Lesson 4. Tag
1 Vocabulary/Grammar
60 - Sub summative 4 1 -
61 1.1.2./2.1.3 Lesson 5. Grammar
1 Grammar
62 3.1.1./4.1.1 Lesson 5. Grammar
1 Grammar
63 1.1.1./2.1.1 Lesson 6.Listen to a
talk with a travel 1 Listening
64 1.1.1./2.1.1 Lesson 6.Listen to a
talk with a travel 1 Listening
65 4.1.1 Writing Process:
1 Writing
66 2.1.1./3.1.3 Story time: Better than
you by Trudy Ludwig 1 Reading
part 2.
67 4.1.2./4.13 Time to watch: Giving
1 Speaking
68 2.1.3./3.1.1 Sub summative 5 1 Vocabulary/Grammar
69 3.1.4./4.1.1 Lesson 1.Read an
1 Vocabulary/Grammar
article about Friends.
70 3.1.4./4.1.1 Lesson 1.Read an
1 Vocabulary
article about Friends
71 1.1.1/2.1.2 Lesson 2.Vocabulary
1 Vocabulary
for desribing friends.
72 3.1.4./4.1.4 Lesson 2.Vocabulary
1 Vocabulary
for desribing friends.
73 1.1.2./2.1.1 Lesson 3.Zero
1 Grammar
74 2.1.2./2.1.3 Lesson 3. First
1 Grammar
75 2.1.1./3.1.3 Lesson 4.Listen a song
1 Listening
about friendship.
76 1.1.1./2.1.1 Lesson 4. Listen a
1 Listening
song about friendship.
78 4.1.4 Lesson 5. Writing
process: revising and 1 Writing
79 1.1.2./2.1.1. Lesson 5. Writing
process: revising and 1 Writing
80 3.1.2./4.1.4 Story time:Each
kindness by Jacqueline 1 Reading
Woodson Part 1
81 3.1.1./3.1.3 Story time:Each
kindness by Jacqueline 1 Reading
Woodson Part 1
82 2.1.1./2.1.2 Time to watch:Offering Speaking
83 3.1.4./4.1.4 Time to watch:Offering Speaking
84 1.1.1./2.1.3 Review 1 Grammar
85 - Sub summative 6 1
86 3.1.4 Lesson 1.Read an
1 Reading
article about friends.
87 3.1.4 Lesson 1.Read an
1 Reading
article about friends.
88 2.1.2./3.1.4 Lesson 2.Film
1 Vocabulary
89 3.1.4. Lesson 2.Film
1 Vocabulary
90 4.1.1 Lesson 3.Present
Continuous and
1 Grammar
present Simple for
91 4.1.3 Lesson 3.Present
Continuous and
1 Grammar
present Simple for
92 4.1.3 Lesson 4.Future
Possibility and 1 Grammar
93 1.1.2./2.1.2 Lesson 5.Listen to a
conversation about 1 Listening
94 1.1.2./2.1.2 Lesson 5.Listen to a
conversation about 1 Listening
95 4.1.1 Lesson 6. Writing a
1 Writing
96 4.1.1 Lesson 6. Writing a
1 Writing
97 3.1.4 Story time:Each
kindness by Jacqueline 1 Reading
Woodson Part 2
98 1.1.2./2.1.3 Lesson Time to
1 Speaking
watch:asking for advice
99 3.1.4./4.1.3 Review 1 Grammar
100 - Sub Summative 7 1 -
101 - Revision of the II half -
102 - Big Summative 2 1 -

Standards of English Language Grade VII

1. Listening
1.1. Demonstrates consciousness on the context of the text listened
1.1.1. Does exercises,tasks appropriate to the requests
1.1.2. Identifies/defines the main idea in the text listened
2.1. Demonstrates oral speech abilities
2.1.1. Uses the learned speech models appropriately on the topic
2.1.2 Uses speech patterns/ models in dialogues
2.1.3. Expresses ideas on the topic in different ways (changes tense forms/changes person)
3.1. Demonstrates consciousness on the content of the text read
3.1.1 Groups the words/expressions according to the morphological features
3.1.2 Reads the passages with appropriate speed/rhythm
3.1.3. Defines the logical order between the parts of the text
3.1.4. Identifies the main idea on /of the topic
4. Writing
4.1 Demonstrates the correct/appropriate writing abilities
4.1.1. Expresses his/her thoughts in various forms on the given topic: composition,essay,story,etc
4.1.2 Writes the descriptions of the giventhings and situations
4.1.3 Writes different construction sentences using punctuation marks correctly
4.1.4. Makes adverts,posters and invitations.

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