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Math 201–Final Exam (Spring 19) Prof. F. Abi Khuzam, B. Shayya and T.


• Please write your section number on your booklet.

• Please place your student ID card on the desk in front of you.
• Please answer each problem on the indicated page(s) of the booklet. Any part of your answer
not written on the indicated page(s) will not be graded.
• Unjustified answers will receive little or no credit.

Problem 1 (answer on pages 1 and 2 of the booklet.)

Determine whether
√ the following series converge or diverge. Find the sum of the series if possible.
P∞ ln(n)
(i) (7 pts) n=1 n1.123
P∞ (−1)n2 3n
(ii) (7 pts) n=0 5n

Problem 2 (answer on page 3 of the booklet.)

(7 pts) Estimate the following integral with an error no more than 0.0001:
Z 0.1
e−x dx

Is your answer an over- or an under-estimate?

Problem 3 (answer on pages 4, 5, 6 and 7 of the booklet.)

Consider the function f (x, y) = (x−1)4
+ y 2 . Answer the following questions:
(i) (8 pts) Find the domain and range of the function. Is the domain open? Closed? Bounded?
(ii) (9 pts) Find all the critical points of this function. For each point determine whether it is a
point of local max/min/saddle.
(iii) (15 pts) Find the maximum and minimum values that the function takes in the region inside
2 2
the ellipse x9 + y 2 = 1 (i.e. the region is the set of all point (x, y) for which x9 + y 2 ≤ 1.
(iv) (9 pts) Integrate the function f (x, y) above on the region bounded by the following curves:
x = 1, x = 2, y = 0, y = x2 .

Problem 4 (answer on pages 8, and 9 of the booklet.)

Integrate the function f (x, y, z) = √ 21 2 over the following two domains:
x +y

(i) (9 pts) The set of all (x, y, z) which are in the first octant above the cone z = x2 + y 2 and
below the plane z = 1. √
(ii) (9 pts) The set of all (x, y, z) which are in the first octant above the cone z = x2 + y 2 and
inside the sphere x2 + y 2 + z 2 = 4.

Problems 5 → 6 are on back side of the paper.

Problem 5 (answer on pages 10 and 11 of the booklet.)
2 2
(12 pts) Let R be the region in the uv-plane bounded by the curves u = 0, u = 1, v = eu , v = eu +2.
Use the transformation (
y = v − eu
to rewrite ZZ
ev−e dA(u, v)

as an integral over an appropriate region R in the xy-plane. Then evaluate the uv-integral over R0 .

Problem 6 (answer on page 12 of the booklet.)

Suppose {an }∞ n=1 is a sequence of nonnegative numbers. True or false?

∞ P∞
(i) (4 pts) If n=1 an converges then it follows that n=1 a2n converges.

(ii) (4 pts) If ∞
P 2 P∞
n=1 an converges then it follows that n=1 an converges.
You must justify your answers.

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