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ei G*#Irmf, Cr\":tLTters
Procter Detergent
WitIPayMorefor Premeasured
Bv EunvGuzrn ing can changeat any time and
variesby location
Alex Keith, P&G'svice presi-
Procter & Gamble Co. is bet- Measurefor Measure dent of its North Americanfabric -
ting consumers are ready to PaY pricesperlaundryload
Estimated carebusiness,saysthe companY,
a higher price to do their laun-
for threetypesofTide. expectsto sell $300 million of
dry...if the chore is made easier.
This week, the consumer- Tide Podsin the first year and
expectspodsas a categoryto ac-

products giant is rolling out Tide
Pods-small, dissolvable packets countfor about30%ofthe laun-
of detergent that will be the dry-detergentmarketin the next ,
company's higtrest-price laundry l0 years.
detergent, costing about 25% The companyhasaccelerated
more per load than liquid. The its role on both endsof the con-
move comes after P&G worked sumerspectrumsinceChiefEx-
during the years after the reces- ecutive Robert McDonaldtook
sion to shore up tJre lower end of over in August 2009. To show
its detergent lines to defend its the companycontinuesto aim at
market share, as budget-con- the high end of the market,Mr.
scious consumers switched to McDonaldpointedto launchesof
cheaper rivals. Crest 3-D Whitestrips, DownY
P&G's competitors are making Unstopables in-wash scent
the same bet with similar Prod- boostersand GilletteFusionPro-
ucts, including Arm & Hammer ITDEPODS Glide styler razors, during an
Power Pak from Church & r$l5'ggi*ffi^, eventlast weekin Cincinnati.
The importanceof Tide'for
Dwight Co. and Purex lJltraPacks
from Dial Corp. The aim is to P&Gis hard to overstate."The
move consumers up to a higher- soapsectorwas calledthe 'Ma-
value product in the same way retail prices;pricesmayvary
rine Corps'oJthecompany," says
the companies got U.S. consum- SourceandPhotos:Procter& Gamble TheWall StreetJournal Bill Schultz,an assistantbrand
ers to switch from Iaundry pow- managerwhen liquid Tide was
der to liquid detergent in the launchedin f984 and now presi-
1980s. Even in tough times, con- how well they advertise and children's activities. Based on dent and chief executiveof Coca-
venience can be a huge selling communicate the benefits." Sun Products' research,these ColaBottlersPhilippinesInc. "Al-
point: Witnessthe populariff of The suggested retail price for moms view laundry as a chore most all the top people spent
single-serve coffee pods, for 35 Tide Pods is $9.99. P&G'sdata and would rather spend more their time in soap: It was the
which the coffee is considerably show the new product will cost time with their familiesinstead biggest, most competitive,
more expensive, even before fac- consumers anywhere from 25-32 of doing things like measuring toughestcategory."
toring in the cost of buying a cents per load up from about 22 out detergent. In the secondquarter,fabric
brewing machine. cents per load for Tide Original ' "Consumers'livesare getting and home-care accountedfor
That said, fetching higher Liquid. Many consumers pour a little more busy," Mr. LYons $6.6billion out of P&G'soverall
prices for something as basic as more than the recommended says."They're redly focusingon $?z.Lbillion in sales.
laundry soap could be a hard amount of liquid detergent when spendingtime with their fami- Mr. McDonald,himselfa Tide
sell, especially with gasoline dorng their laundry, manufactur- lies, and there's a value equa- brand manager from 1984 to
prices rising. Last year, P&G ers and analysts say, so they are tion." 1986,calls Tide Pods the first
tried to raise prices for its Cas- actually paylng more than per- evolutionin laundry detergentin
cade dishwasher detergents-in- load figures suggest. the last three decadessinceTide
cluding the tablet form-but was The average American house- liquid was rolled out.
forced to retreat when some ri- hold washes nearly 400loads of Podsare expectedto Tide tried to roll out "Tide
vals like Reckitt Benckiser laundry per year, the U.S. Envi- accountfor about30o/o Tabs"-a single-dose,powder
GroupPLC didn't follow along. ronmental Protection Agency tablet-about a decadeago and
The trick will be selling the says, creatng a$7.2 billion mar- of the laundry failed because consumers
benefits of Tide Pods. ket last year, according to San- detergentmarket in claimed it didn't dissolvewell
"Instead of measuring out the ford C. Bernstein's analysis of and they wantedto havecontrol
cup, filling the cup in there, you Euromonitor data. the next l0 years. over their dose, says a former
just toss it in," says l(ris Burdis, Srur Products Corp, maker of P&Gemployeewho worked on
grocery business manager for All laundry detergent, is rolling Tide at the time. 'It wasn't even
United Supermarkets. The re- out a similar product-All close to hitting the goals," he
gional chain, in Lubbock, Texas, Mighty Pacs-and also charging For buyersof All laundry de- says.
is rearranging. its aisles this a premium. Michael Lyons, se- tergent at Wal-Mart,a suggested Tide spent eight yearsdevel-.
week to make room for the new nior brand manager for All, says price of $4.91garners40loads oping the new Tide Pods and'
pods category. the company's target consumer of powderdetergent,32 loadsof tested them with more than
"I believe our guests will re- is a mom with children under the liquid detergent and just 24 6,000consumers.
'1thfuik consumersare willing
spond to this, but a lot of it will age of 12, whose life is getting loads of. Mighty Pacs.A Wal-
be up to the manufacturers on increasingly complicated by her Mart spokeswoman saidits Pric- t0 pay,"Mr. McDonaldsays.

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