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COMM1267 Technical Writing and Research

Winter 2023
Assignment: Working Outline

Value: 20%

Using the materials discussed in class, the information from your textbook Chapter 2 (Audience /
purpose), Chapter 11 (Organizing for readers), and Chapter 19 (Formal analytic reports, refer to
19.4 specifically), as well as examples and resources in Brightspace, draft a working outline for
your technical report. The working outline will create a logical flow for your report – think of it
as a guide or map for your report.

The working outline will create a logical flow for your report and may change when you start
writing your report. The more work you do NOW for your working outline, the easier it will be
to flesh out your final report.

Due: January 28th, 2023 at 11:59pm. Uploaded in Brightspace Assignment DropBox

NOTE: The submission folder will close 24 hours after the due date. If you really need the
extra time, you can take it without asking me. Any submissions after that date will be
marked as zero unless arrangements are made with me before the due date.

The working outline will take some time to write because it forms a complete blueprint for the
body of the report. A thorough well-conceived outline will dramatically decrease the time
required to compose, revise, and edit your first draft.

1. Start gathering your source material and notes now, thinking about what information you
will be putting into the paper.

2. As you gather your information remember to take notes for citations.

3. After you have evaluated, gathered, and analyzed the material, you are ready to create
your working outline.

4. Your working outline should closely resemble the structure of your final paper
(modifications can be made after outline is completed)

5. The outline will follow your papers layout and should have:
a. Introduction (Explain your main topic)
b. Body with as many sections and subsections as necessary while staying within the
1000-1200 word count for the final report. Each section and subsection should be
included in the working outline.
c. Conclusion (possibly with recommendations if appropriate)
d. Insertion points of figures and quotes
COMM1267 Technical Writing and Research
Winter 2023
6. The title page, table of contents, abstract, references, and appendices are not included in
the outline.

7. Not only should you have the section headings, but you should include a brief description
of each section and what you think you want to include or how you will approach the
topic. This is meant to help you when you write the first draft.

8. Your working outline should include where you intend on including visuals, as well as
where you intend on inserting citations/sources from your research.

9. An example is provided in Brightspace, however, it is not perfect.

10. You should have a clear understanding of what you plan to write and how it will be
presented. A significant amount of the total time to complete the paper should be devoted
to the outline.

11. With your research essentially complete and your working outline in hand, you can begin
to write the body of the report.

12. Refer to Appendix for further instructions on the Working Outline submittal.
COMM1267 Technical Writing and Research
Winter 2023
COMM1267 Technical Writing and Research
Winter 2023
COMM1267 Technical Writing and Research
Winter 2023
COMM1267 Technical Writing and Research
Winter 2023

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