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Worst Feeling of My Life

Marcel stepped outside, already feeling the scorching sun beat down on her
face as she took a deep breath. She had just finished another long day of
school and felt her eyes drooping from exhaustion. Suddenly, Marcel felt a
vibration from her phone coming from his pants, and she stopped
automatically to pick it up. To her surprise, it was her mother. She explained,"
Sorry, I won't able to pick you up from school today because I have to work

Marcel wasn't like she had never travelled alone before, but she usually
travelled with her mother, so this was her first time on her own. She was quite
understandably nervous, but she took to comfort in the fact that she had her
phone with her, even if it was on a low-percentage of battery. Hoping she
would make it home before her phone died.

After walking for what felt like ages, Marcel was just a few blocks away from
home. As she strolled down the street, she noticed something peculiar; it was
familiar, yet completely different. It had been some time since she had been in
the area, yet it felt like a ghost town. The houses were all rundown, looking
like they hadn't been occupied in years. She quickened her pace as she felt a
negative energy surrounding the place.

Suddenly, the sky darkened and for a moment she thought her mind was
playing tricks on her. But the darkness was real and it seemed to be getting
darker by the minute. It was then that Marcel realized that she was in a very
dangerous situation. Strange noises began to overpower the street as if some
sort of alert had sounded. Almost immediately, the residents of the street
emerged from their homes, armed with a variety of sharp weapons. They
began ran out unto the street like if a mysterious imposter had descended
upon their street. As she ran, she stumbled, falling into the arms of the mad
people. Instinctively, she squirmed and tried to break free, but only tightening
the grip of their arms. She could feel the sweat dripping down her forehead,
her body shaking uncontrollably in fear.
Subsequently, a ray of hope pierced through the darkness, a figure of some
sort appeared in the distance, and it seemed to be coming closer saying,
“Wake up! Wake up!” To her dismay, it was only a dream and she awoke to
her mother yelling for her to get ready for school.

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