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Environ Geochem Health (2020) 42:3507–3527,-volV)


Bacteriostatic and bactericidal clays: an overview

Celso Figueiredo Gomes . Jorge Hamilton Gomes . Eduardo Ferreira da Silva

Received: 2 July 2019 / Accepted: 16 June 2020 / Published online: 30 June 2020
Ó Springer Nature B.V. 2020

Abstract This article aims to draw an overview on pelotherapy to the preparation of sanitary safe peloids
the actual knowledge on bacteriostatic and bacterici- addressed, for instance, to the treatment of rheumatic
dal natural clays. Particular emphasis is given to the disabilities, as well as to the preparation of antimi-
role of clay itself, the action of reduced metals located crobial peloids and, in particular, of dermatological
either in the structure of clay minerals or external to ointments, all able to fight infectious skin disorders.
them as constituents of associate minerals, and the
definition of the mechanisms of action based on the Keywords Clay  Bacteriostatic  Bactericidal 
achievements found in all available studies being Action mechanisms  Antimicrobial peloids 
carried out so far. The term bactericidal is herein used Ointments
when a clay or a clay mineral kill the bacteria, whereas
the term bacteriostatic is used when those minerals
stop bacteria growth and replication. The second part
of this article deals with experimental studies on Introduction
bactericidal natural clay, experience and perspective
for the preparation of bactericidal natural clays, Since the beginning of the present century, experience
interesting on the authors perspective and experience has shown that some types of clay can exhibit either
for the preparation of pathogens safe both therapeutic bacteriostatic or bactericidal activity. Such action had
and cosmetic natural mud/natural peloid, and better rise high expectations when both public health and
yet of both therapeutic 87oooand cosmetic peloid itself science are becoming more and more apprehensive
and designed and engineered peloid. The authors also and engaged relatively to the increasing resistance of
show how to convert non-antimicrobial clay into bacteria to antibiotics, which are traditionally organic
antimicrobial one, opening the way in the field of molecules, such as tetracycline and minocycline,
which can inhibit the replication of bacteria DNA, of
both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria.
C. F. Gomes  J. H. Gomes  E. F. da Silva (&)
GeoBioTec, Research Unit of FCT (Foundation for
Clay is one of the oldest natural earth materials used
Science and Technology), University of Aveiro, by man for healing purposes in traditional medicine.
3800-193 Aveiro, Portugal Clays continues to be applied in modern life for the
e-mail: treatment of various topical and internal ailments
E. F. da Silva
(Carretero 2002; Carretero et al. 2006, 2013; Carretero
Geosciences Department, University of Aveiro, and Pozo 2007; Veniale et al. 2007; Gomes and Silva
3800-193 Aveiro, Portugal

3508 Environ Geochem Health (2020) 42:3507–3527

2007; Ferrell 2008; Rautureau et al. 2010, 2017; Also, besides reduced Fe, other reduced species of
Young 2011; Gomes et al. 2013; Williams and Hillier certain metals/ions, such as Ag, Cu, Zn and Au, when
2014; Ghadiri et al. 2015; Moraes et al. 2017; Awad associated with certain clays or clay minerals, can act
et al. 2017; Williams 2017; Gomes 2018; Viseras et al. as bacteriostatic/bactericidal agents (Kostyniak et al.
2019). 2003; Sawai 2003; Top and Ulku 2004).
Brunet de Courssou (2002), Wilson (2003), Wil- The clay-based natural or synthetic bactericidal
liams et al. (2004), Hu et al. (2005) and Tong et al. compositions are used to the treatment of bacterially
(2005) had published the first reports describing the caused skin infections and skin diseases. According to
antibacterial activity of some natural clays. McInnes (2012), chronic wound infections are a
Microbial infection has been a constant presence current and emerging clinical concern, particularly
throughout human history. Former human societies with the escalation in cases of diabetes and associated
have used some natural compounds (e.g., garlic vascular impairment to extremities. Post-surgery
extracts) to heal health conditions actually recognized wounds and ulcers acquired in Hospitals are also
as being microbial infections. Within other natural matter of concern. In addition, James et al. (2008),
antimicrobial agents, essential oils derived from state that around 60% of chronic skin infections harbor
plants, enzymes obtained from animal sources, and bacterial biofilms that impede healing due to their
organic acids (e.g., sorbic, propionic and citric) intrinsic resistance to immune responses, antibiotics
deserve to be enhanced. In the case of essential oils, and disinfectants. The elimination of such bacterial
their activity could be attributed to the presence of biofilms must occur to make effective the application
hydrophilic functional groups, such as hydroxyl of antibiotics, and the previously mentioned bacteri-
groups of phenolic components and/or the lipophilic- cidal compositions clay-based, under the form of
ity of some components. Usually, the compounds with consistent pastes consisting of clay/water/reducing
phenolic groups as oils of clove, oregano, rosemary agent, could fight bacteria growth. Other suitable liq-
and vanillin are the most effective (Lucera et al. 2012). uid or reducing agent could replace water, either enters
Clay bactericidal character does not exist if clay is in the clay composition as a chemical element of a
in the dry state. In fact the bactericidal action only fundamental clay mineral, or as a natural mineral
exist in hydrated clay, for instance, in a suitable paste component associated with the clay. The reducing
or poultice state. In addition, not every clay can exhibit agent could be a constituent, for instance, Fe2? of the
bactericidal activity; in fact, only few clays can show synthetic salt FeSO4.
such activity, although being only effective against Antimicrobial materials have the ability of inhibit-
specific bacteria. ing the growth or even killing certain types of
The increasing resistance of bacteria to antibiotics microorganisms. The search for products having
is due to the worldwide misuse of them. A recent UK antimicrobial properties has gained particular impor-
government report predicted that antimicrobial resis- tance in various applications, such as in raw materials
tance is likely to overtake cancer as the leading cause for cosmetics and pharmaceuticals, hospital and
of death over the next 30 years (O’Neill 2016). veterinary products, and food manufacture and animal
As aforesaid, only few and certain specific clays feeding, among others. One of these most interesting
exhibit bacteriostatic and bactericidal properties, for products is clay, either in natural state or after
instance, clays showing in their compositions the clay undergoing appropriate modifications, because expe-
minerals illite and smectite that bear ferrous iron in the rience points out for its effective role.
respective structures, and clays bearing one or more The clay antimicrobial activity does not exist if clay
than one of the following ferrous iron-rich associated is in the dry state. In fact, only when clay is in the
phases, such as pyrite (FeS2), marcasite (FeS2) mag- hydrated state, microbicidal action could exist. Such is
netite (FeFe2O4), pyrrhotite (Fe1-x S where x = 0–0.2) an evidence of the fundamental role of the liquid phase
and goethite (FeO(OH)). These substances can inhibit associated with natural clay or to manipulated clay
microorganism’s growth acting as bacteriostatic performed either in industry or in laboratory. Experi-
agents or can disrupt bacteria cell membrane acting ence shows that in antimicrobial clay it is the liquid
as bactericidal agents. phase associated with the solid phase, either as it
occurs in nature, or after undergoing appropriate

Environ Geochem Health (2020) 42:3507–3527 3509

modification and control in the laboratory, that is the Portugal, the study estimates, in 2015, 24,021 infec-
major factor responsible for the bacteriostatic/bacte- tions and 1158 deaths. According to OCDE, up to
ricidal activity. The liquid phase bearing in solution de 2050 the number of infections attributed to ‘‘super-
active agent (for instance, a reduced metal), and pH bug’’ could kill 2.4 millions of individuals in Europe,
and Eh, are the determinant factors of the microbicidal North America and Australia. In Portugal, 49,443
action. deaths are estimated.
Many types of natural clay are unable to reduce The infections attributed to ‘‘superbug’’ are a real
bacterial populations, and they may either be innocu- menace to modern Health Systems. However, such
ous or actually enhance bacterial growth. Otherwise, menace is not limited to Hospitals. The livestock
very few natural clays exhibit antimicrobial activity, industry has a central responsibility for the fact that
and in some specific cases, they have to undergo antibiotics are becoming ineffective. Data show that
laboratory treatments in order to get free and into 70% of animal farming in the European Union uses
solution the reducing agents that may contain. antibiotics (EU). For this reason, it is necessary to
Also, it has been found out that clay bactericidal restrict the administration of antibiotics in the sector.
character just is effective if it is in a reducing state and Animals treated with antibiotics may end up being
contains reducing agents, for example, reduced iron. carriers of bacteria resistant to them. These antibiotics
Such microbicidal action has created high expecta- are transmitted to the plants through the manure used
tions when both public health and science are becom- as fertilizer, and the produced foods—meat and
ing more and more apprehensive and engaged vegetables—can pass to the humans.
relatively the increasing resistance of bacteria to The EU wants all antibiotics to be exclusively for
antibiotics. human use, and there may be legislation preventing
A significant number of scientific papers exist the use of antibiotics in a preventive way in animals
describing and investigating the mechanisms of action for human consumption. Since 2006, the EU has
of the so-called ‘‘killer clays,’’ which can be a possible banned the use of antibiotics to stimulate the growth of
new answer to ‘‘superbug’’ infections. ‘‘Superbugs’’ food industry animals.
are pathogens or disease caused by resistant microor- In November 2018, the scientific journal ‘‘The
ganisms to multiple antibiotics, and such antibiotic Lancet Infectious Diseases’’ published the results of a
resistance is presently a matter of major Public Health study involving the twenty-eight EU countries plus
concern, since the resistance of the ‘‘superbug’’ to the Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein, reporting the
action of multiple antibiotics has very negative deaths and damage caused in people that make use
consequences in Public Health (Diekema et al. 2004; of the Public Health Services of those countries due to
Arias and Murray 2009). One example of ‘‘superbug’’ ‘‘superbug.’’
is the methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus Data provided by the European Antimicrobian
(MRSA). ‘‘This serious threat is no longer a predic- Resistance Surveillance-Net (EARS-Net), in 2015,
tion for the future’’ states a World Health Organization assessed the contribution of infection types (blood-
(WHO) report. ‘‘It’s happening right now in every stream; urinary tract; respiratory tract; surgery sites;
region of the world and has the potential to affect and other infections). The obtained results indicate
anyone, of any age, in any country.’’ 672,000 infections/year, which end in 33,110 deaths
According to a very recent report of WHO and in the loss of 875,000 days of healthy life due to
published in April 2019, the indiscriminate use of incapacities.
antibiotics and the diseases resistant to them are Mortality and incapacity affect more babies less
responsible for at least the death of 700,000 people than 1 year old and people older than sixty-five. The
each year, worldwide. worse situations occur in Italy, Greece, Romania and
In Europe, a recent study carried out by the Portugal. In Portugal, the bacteria MRSA (Staphylo-
‘‘European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control coccus aureus) resistant to methicillin, Klebsiella
(ECDC)’’ report that every year 33,000 people die due pneumonia and Escherichia coli, the last two being
to antibiotic-resistant bacteria, most of the deaths resistant to various antibiotics of broad spectrum, such
happening in Hospitals (the worst scenarios occurring as quinolones, cefalosporins and carbapenems, are the
in Italy, Greece, Romania, and Portugal). In the case of most resistant to antibiotics.

3510 Environ Geochem Health (2020) 42:3507–3527

The real menace of pathogens associated with Cook first described the disease, endemic in countries
human infection justifies the recent research being of Central and West Africa, in Burulis patients
carried out with great expectation and apparent (Uganda). This disease causes skin loss, deformities
success of the ‘‘predatory therapy’’ that involves the and disabilities.
use ‘‘in vivo’’ of innocuous ‘‘good bacteria,’’ specif- Earlier in France, Brunet de Courssou had the
ically strains of Micavibrio aeruginosavorus and experience of the successful use of green clay (in paste
Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus to kill ‘‘bad bacteria’’ of form after being mixed with water) applied topically in
the Gram-negative group (Dashiff et al. 2011; Harini the treatment of wounds and insect bites. Hence,
et al. 2013). Brunet de Courssou had imported the same type of
clay for use in the Ivory Coast clinic.
In 2002, Brunet de Courssou used two clays, ‘‘iron-
Background on bacteriostatic and bactericidal rich illite/smectite clays’’ known as ‘‘French Green
clays Clays’’ mixed with water and margarine. The paste
was applied topically to fifty patients, and the
Clay minerals as efficient bactericides observed benefits were documented. The clay paste
applied onto the ulcerated sites was removed, the
Specific clays and clay minerals have proved to be wound cleansed, and the application renewed at least
valuable in the treatment of bacterial diseases, once daily.
including infections for which there are no effective The achieved results, presented in 2002 to a panel
antibiotics, such as Buruli ulcer disease caused by of Buruli ulcer specialists at the WHO, in the
Mycobacterium ulcerans and multi-drug resistant Geneva’s headquarters, impressed the experts that
infections. decided to require additional research in order to
The first indications of the bactericidal character of justify the curative effects before funding for further
certain clays arose when the French humanitarian and research.
philanthropist Line Brunet de Courssou who ran a In the meantime, Brunet Courssou dies, but his son
Clinic in the Ivory Coast found that a certain type of Thierry continued the interest on this topic of research.
clay of the so-called ‘‘French Green Clay’’ type Thierry and the geochemist Lynda Williams of
imported from his native country was an efficient Arizona State University applied for research support
bactericide. Such type of clay being supplied by the to the Clay Mineral Society. For this purpose, Lynda
French enterprises Argicur and Argiletz was very Williams counted with the collaboration of the
effective in combating Buruli ulcer that is a very microbiologist Shelley Haydel of the same Institution.
common infectious disease in tropical regions— The bactericidal abilities of the above two clays
caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium ulcerans were tested against five bacterial species, Mycobac-
expressed by the so-called ‘‘flesh eating,’’ i.e., the terium marinum (very similar to Mycobacterium
necrosis of the skin tissues of both arms and legs. ulcerans) and antibiotic-resistant Staphylococcus aur-
Mycobacterium ulcerans produces a lipid toxin, eus strains). The behavior of the two clays was
mycolactone, which destroys the fatty tissues under different: one showed no effect on the bacteria, and in
the skin (George et al. 1998, 2002). some trials even promoted its growth; the other
The healing capacities of two apparently similar inhibited completely the growth of bacteria and, to a
‘‘French Green Clay’’ (Ref. CsAr02 and CsAg02) significant extent, reduced the number of bacterial
were assessed, but only the extended application of the cells in cultural tests, behaving like the action of a
clay CsAg02 caused tissue regeneration and wound broad-spectrum antibiotic. The investigations carried
healing. Williams et al. (2004) and Haydel et al. out by Lynda Williams and Shelley Haydel involving
(2008) validated after the Brunet de Courssou other scientists besides were published.
observations. Williams et al. (2008) reported the results of
Mycobacterium ulcerans is the third most common detailed mineralogical and geochemical studies of
mycobacterial infection after tuberculosis and leprosy the two previously mentioned clays in order to
(Sizaire et al. 2006). MacCallum has isolated this determine the factors justifying their curative abilities
bacterium in the Bairnsdale region (Australia). Albert when applied topically as poultices to patients infected

Environ Geochem Health (2020) 42:3507–3527 3511

with Mycobacterium ulcerans. Although the authors smegmatis. However, it has also been demonstrated
suggest additional research, they favor a chemical that other clay with reference CsAr02 having chemical
mechanism for the bactericidal action of one of the and physical properties similar to those exhibited by
clays (the pH and the oxidation state of the solution CsAg02 is characterized by, either less antibacterial
surrounding the nanometric clay particles would activity, or just bacteriostatic activity, relatively to the
generate conditions that inhibit the viability of same strains. The authors had also showed that
pathogenic bacteria) relatively to a physical mecha- relevant changes in clay mineral structures due to
nism (because the clay did not penetrate the cells of the dehydration, and at least partial dehydroxylation
bacteria). caused by heating at 550 °C, do not affect both
Recent advances in clay research point out that antibacterial and bacteriostatic activities.
some specific clays have microbicidal activity in Zeev et al. (2006) studied a black mud from Dead
particular for several species of pathogenic bacteria. Sea (sulfide-rich, low pH, hypersaline) and found mud
However, the identification of their active components antimicrobial properties against E. coli, S. aureus, C.
and action mechanisms still is an endeavor in progress albicans, and P. acnes. These worldwide-marketed
(Williams et al. 2004; Ma’or et al. 2006; Haydel et al. mud packs are used for therapeutic (rheumatic disor-
2008; Williams et al. 2008, 2009; Cunningham et al. ders) and cosmetic purposes (mud masks to treat skin
2010; Masurat et al. 2010; Williams and Haydel 2010; affections, particularly acne). For the authors, the
Williams et al. 2011; Otto and Haydel 2013a, b; antimicrobial activity may be owing to mud high salt
Williams and Hillier 2014; Londono and Williams concentration combined with its special ionic
2015; Behroozian et al. 2016; Morrison et al. 2016; composition.
Kalinowski et al. 2016; Panko et al. 2016; Williams Bacteria communities are common in soils, and
2017; Londono and Williams 2015; Londono et al. naturally in clays, and the bacterial diversity is higher
2017; Svensson et al. 2017 and Wang et al. 2017). for neutral pH than for acid or basic pH values (Flerer
For example, Williams et al. (2008) reported the and Jackson 2006).
results of detailed studies on the mineralogy and Mineralogical-identical clays can exhibit chemical
geochemistry of two clays in order to define the factors variability, which correlates with variability in
justifying their curative abilities when applied topi- antibacterial activity. Actually, clay chemical compo-
cally as poultices to patients infected with Mycobac- sition appears to be more bactericidal effective than
terium ulcerans. Although more research was clay mineralogical composition. The bioavailability of
considered necessary, for the authors, the mechanism metals to bacteria depends on the aqueous metal
of bactericidal action of one of the clays would not be speciation in the clay poultice. The pH and oxidation
physical (because the clay did not penetrate the cells of state of the water added to the clay to make a poultice
the bacteria) but rather chemical (the pH and the are important factors of the bactericidal action.
oxidation state of the solution surrounding the mano- Williams et al. (2011) studied clays from deposits
metric clay particles would generate conditions that in other countries and established the link between
inhibit the viability of pathogenic bacteria). bactericidal character and clays derived from the
Also, Haydel et al. (2008) reported the results of hydrothermal alteration of volcaniclastic materials, or
tests performed on the evaluation of the bactericidal rather pyroclastic ones. The ‘‘Oregon blue clay’’ from
action of two iron-rich French clays used by Brunet Grants Pass (Oregon) shows that illite–smectite
Courssou in the treatment of Buruli ulcer patients on (49.6% wt) and chlorite 3.1% are the dominant clay
various Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria minerals and pyrite (8.2%) is the main non-clay
and, of course, on mycobacteria. The results demon- mineral present. The study shows also that the
strate that the clay with reference CsAg02 had bactericidal effect never occurs when the clay is in
bactericidal activity against pathogenic E. coli, the dry state.
extended-spectrum b-lactamase (ESBL) E. coli, Pseu- Geochemical and microbiological studies carried
domonas aeruginosa, Mycobacterium marinum, and a out on the ‘‘Oregon blue clay’’ showed their bacteri-
combined bacteriostatic/bactericidal effect against S. cidal effectiveness when hydrated and incubated with
aureus, penicillin-resistant S. aureus (PRSA), methi- bacteria providing the total elimination of Escherichia
cillin-resistant S. aureus and Mycobacterium coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas

3512 Environ Geochem Health (2020) 42:3507–3527

aeruginosa, Salmonella typhimurium and also antibi- leachate result, either from the solubility of the
otic-resistant extended-spectrum beta lactamase clay, or from the solubility of minerals associ-
(ESBL) within 24 h for E. coli and Methicillin ated therewith (for example, iron sulfides, as in
Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). the case of pyrite, FeS2);
Williams et al. (2011) link this effectiveness to 9. Clay serves to keep the system moist; the water
chemical reactions enabling the disruption of a certain is essential to keep in solution the potentially
physiological function of the bacteria. According to active reducing agent in order to provide its
the same authors, the clays considered bactericidal bioavailability and bio-reactivity;
have in common the following properties, to which 10. Previous clay autoclaving, even clay minerals
supplementary data provided by other authors are dehydroxylation at high temperature happens by
added: heating at 550 °C, does not affect antibacterial
activity (Haydel et al. 2008), indicating that
1. Green or blue color is common to all bacteri-
organic matter and hydroxyls are not associated
cidal natural clays;
with antibacterial activity.
2. Bacterial natural clays are, as a rule, of
volcanogenic hydrothermal origin, but the bac- Smectitic clays rich in montmorillonite are the most
tericidal character of blue/green clays of other used in the preparation of antibacterial materials. This
origins had also been identified (Londono and use is due to the unique and relevant properties of this
Williams 2016; Londono et al. 2017); clay mineral: (a) nanometric particle size; (b) high
3. Bactericidal natural clays contain nanocrystals specific surface area (both external and internal);
(\ 200 nm) of illite and smectite able to provide (c) high sorption capacity; (d) negative surface electric
high surface area and availability of reactive charge; (e) high cation exchange capacity of both
surfaces for biogeochemical interactions; inorganic and organic cations; (f) high catalytic
4. Ferrous iron (Fe2?) and other transition metals, activity; and (g) low or null toxicity.
such as Co2?, Cu2?, Ni2? and Zn2? are present Also it was recognized that certain metallic
in all bactericidal natural clays; elements, such as Ag, Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb, Sn and Zn,
5. Bactericidal clays are soluble under extreme and also the alkylammonium cations, especially those
conditions of pH (\ 4 or [ 10) so that in low of quaternary amines, used as both skin antiseptics and
oxidation environments many metals are sol- disinfectants have antibacterial properties. Metal-
uble; the oxidation of the transition metals montmorillonite and alkylammonium-montmoril-
increases the Eh of the suspension or pulp to lonite complexes can easily be prepared. In the
values [ 400 mV leading to the oxidation of literature, it is possible to find some examples of the
bacteria; for pH values close to neutrality, antibacterial properties in such compositions. Some
ferrous iron and PTE’s are not soluble (Wil- authors tested with success the antibacterial effects of
liams et al. 2008, 2011; Morrison et al. 2016); the Cu(II)-exchanged montmorillonite on Escherichia
however, for Wang et al. (2017), clay bacteri- coli K88 and Salmonella choleraesuis (Ye et al. 2003;
cidal activity could be achieved at near pH = 6; Tong et al. 2005; Hu and Xia 2006). Also, Morones
6. Soluble Fe2? is a critical antibacterial agent in et al. (2005) showed the bactericidal effect of Ag
natural bactericidal clays (Williams et al. 2011; nanoparticles.
Morrison et al. 2016); Within the inorganic bacteriostatic and bactericidal
7. In dry environment, the bactericidal clays do not agents, some of them deserve particular emphasis:
show antibacterial effect; the bactericidal mech- (a) metals/ions (Ag, Au, Cu and Zn); (b) metal oxides
anism involves always the presence of solutions (CuO, FeO, MgO, TiO2 and ZnO); (c) certain clays.
and chemical reactions that affect cell mem- These substances can inhibit microorganism’s growth
branes or metabolic functions; acting as bacteriostatic agents or by disrupting
8. Clay leachate is more antibacterial effective bacteria, cell membranes can act as bactericidal
than moist clay; clay leachate is initially agents.
antibacterial but lose its effect as oxidation Magana and Quintana (2008) demonstrated the
affects the solution; the transition metals in antibacterial activity of montmorillonite modified or

Environ Geochem Health (2020) 42:3507–3527 3513

loaded with Ag? by ion exchange against E. coli. Otto and Haydel (2013a, b) in a research paper
Metallic ion exchange montmorillonite, as is the case entitled ‘‘Exchangeable ions are responsible for the
of Ag?-montmorillonite dispersed in water that can in vitro antibacterial properties of natural clay mix-
attract and adsorb the negatively charged bacteria, tures’’ presented the results of four natural clay
hence facilitating and promoting the antibacterial samples collected at the same geologic site. These
activity. samples exhibit in vitro antibacterial activity against a
Williams et al. (2011) performed experiments broad spectrum of bacterial pathogens, in particular
involving the addition to E. coli cultures to aqueous Escherichia coli and methicillin-resistant Staphylo-
leachate of the bactericidal clay (EDTA-oxalate coccus aureus (MRSA). Irregularly interstratified
solution extracted the surface fixed metals). The illite-montmorillonite, montmorillonite and kaolinite
comparison between the results of chemical analyses were the clay mineral species identified. The raw clay
of the E. coli population killed with aqueous leachate and the clay/water leachates present some metals such
and the results of chemical analyses of E. coli from the as Co, Cu, Fe, Ni and Zn. In the leachates, the metals
control population showed that both Fe and P intra- fixed on clay mineral surfaces would be released and
cellular concentrations are lower in the control acting as microbicides. In addition, these leachates
population. The P incorporation by the bacterium could be supplemented with chloride salts of Co, Cu,
cells supports the idea of the regulatory role of Fe, Ni and Zn. The authors have analyzed the leachates
polyphosphate or phospholipids in the control of Fe2?. or extracts of clay/water mixtures obtained in acidic
The Fenton reaction can cause degradation of conditions and concluded that: (a) Cu2?, Fe2? and
critical cell components, but it shown that extracellu- Zn2? concentrations in solution were favored by low
lar processes do not cause the death of cells. On the pH (3–4.5) and responsible for the bactericidal
contrary, Fe2? overcome the regulatory proteins on the activity; and (b) the killing activity could not be
outside of the membranes and oxidized as soon as it solely attributed to pH.
enters the cells it precipitates as Fe3? producing lethal Morrison et al. (2013) studied the mineralogical
OH- radicals. This interpretation explains the bacte- variables that control the antibacterial activity of
ricidal action of the Fe2? bearing clay. ‘‘Oregon blue clay’’ in the case of pathogens
Several authors demonstrated that the primary Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus epidermidis after
in vitro antibacterial mechanism of action of clays is incubated with clays collected either in both reduced
much dependent upon soluble metal ions, which are and oxidized zones of the hydrothermal deposit. Based
desorbed from the surfaces of clay mineral particles on XRD and elemental analyses, the authors con-
when hydrated (Cunningham et al. 2010; Otto and cluded that only the clay samples from the reduced
Haydel 2013a, b; Otto et al. 2014). Cunningham et al. zones (blue zones), particularly in sites where mixed-
(2010) consider that the effectiveness of the antibac- layered illite–smectite (sometimes called rectorite in
terial activity depends much on the low pH environ- case of regular inter-stratification) and pyrite are
ment required for metal ions speciation and present could exhibit bactericidal character. Clay
bioavailability. Therefore, the antibacterial activity samples from the oxidized zones (red or yellow zones)
of the used clay-based products may be infeasible in do not show bactericidal activity. However, the clay
topical applications because they can cause damage to samples from white zones, i.e., without pyrite, show
tissues, since the pH of the treated tissues is signif- bactericidal activity, but not so effective when com-
icantly higher than the pH of the clay-based paste or pared with samples from the blue zones. Using
clay-based suspension. Such conditions justify the transmission electron microscopy (TEM), the authors
reason why the authors propose in vivo studies. could follow the behavior of the bacteria cell along the
Parolo et al. (2011) showed that Ag? and quater- incubation process, and they could found that no cell
nary ammonium surfactant-modified montmorillonite lysis did occur. The experimental work indicates that
samples used as skin antiseptics and disinfectants antibacterial effectiveness correlates with high Fe2?,
exhibit suitable inhibition properties over E. coli Fe3? and Al3? concentrations in the clay aqueous
growth, whereas samples of natural montmorillonite leachates. All antibacterial clay samples contain Fe2?,
do not exhibit antibacterial activity. buffered solutions to pH (2.5–3.1), and oxidizing Eh
(630–706 mV) conditions.

3514 Environ Geochem Health (2020) 42:3507–3527

Gaskell and Hamilton (2014) elaborated an inter- activity was only associated with pyrite-bearing clays
esting overview showing the manipulation clay min- characterized by low pH (\ 4.2) and Eh [ 600 mV.
erals properties to facilitate the treatment of infected These factors determine, after clay rehydration in de-
wounds. The authors present evidences of the antimi- ionized water, the driving of mineral dissolution and
crobial and healing effects of some natural clay metal hydrolysis to produce Fe2? and Al3? and
minerals as well as a range of modifications including hydroxyl radicals, which are essential to kill bacteria.
metal-ion exchange, the formation of clay-drug com- Both pH and Eh values of hydrated clay are important
posites and the development of various polymer–clay for stabilizing the aqueous reactants. However, pyrite-
systems. bearing clays with pH values within 4.2–4.7 and Eh
Londono and Williams (2015) evaluated the values [ 400 mV, only promotes bacteria growth
antibacterial action of the lacustrine clay from the inhibition.
Colombian Amazon (AMZ) enriched in smectite and Caflisch et al. (2018) demonstrated that the OMT
halloysite clay minerals. In this study, the authors blue clay exhibited bactericidal activity against a
compared the chemical composition of both Escher- significant range of human pathogens in both biofilm
ichia coli and AMZ clay after their inter-reaction and and planktonic states.
concluded that E. coli had adsorbed and increased the Wang et al. (2017) made an attempt to understand
contents of the metals Al, Cu, Fe, Ni, P and Zn, mainly and explain the action mechanism of antibacterial
Al3?, extracted from clay dissolution under acidic clays bearing reduced agents (particularly Fe2?) in
(pH = 4.5) conditions. The authors considered that illite and smectite groups of clay minerals including
Al3? whose ionic radius is significantly smaller than illite, montmorillonite, nontronite and rectorite, the
that of Fe2? could replace Ca2? and Mg2? in the so-called reduced iron-containing clays (RIC). The
bacteria membrane. Also, due to Al3? chemical authors have discussed the bactericidal activity against
affinity with phosphate ligands it could modify Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Escherichia coli and
lipid–protein interactions when it is bound to phos- RIC. Soluble Fe2? was been considered as a critical
pholipids (Garcidueñas-Pina and Cervantes 1995). antibacterial agent in natural antibacterial clay miner-
Al3? could also interfere with the membrane electrical als. The structural Fe2?, which produces lethal
potential inhibiting membrane transport proteins (Xu hydroxyl radicals (OH), at near neutral pH and other
et al. 2012). In acidic conditions, the displacement of reactive oxygen species (ROS) upon its oxidation in
membrane cations by H? could compromise mem- air, are critical too. The importance of ROS in
brane integrity leading to cytoplasm leakage. attacking cell membrane, intercellular penetration of
Morrison et al. (2016) showed that in the clay soluble Fe2? and its subsequent oxidation to produce
deposit located in Oregon Cascade Mountains, near OH that damage intracellular proteins was found.
Crater Lake (USA), marketed by OMT (Oregon Londono and Williams (2015), Londono et al.
Mineral Technologies), the deposit presents along (2017) had find out an association between antibac-
the fault zone several clay blue zones derived from terial action against Escherichia coli of AMZ clay and
volcanogenic hydrothermal alteration of andesite free Al, since only Al derived from the clay exceeded
porphyry and volcaniclastic rocks. This clay is able the minimum inhibitory concentrations for E. coli
to destroy a broad range of human bacterial pathogens, under acidic conditions. Besides Al, the clay chemical
including antibiotic-resistant strains, through the syn- analysis has identified P, Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn. Ion
ergistic actions of Fe and Al. Aluminum appears to imaging tests showed elevated Al levels in the
enhance Fe toxicity promoting changes and damage bacterial membrane and high intracellular Fe levels,
on the structure of bacterial membranes increasing comparatively to those found on untreated controls.
their permeability and oxidation (Zatta et al. 2002). Williams (2017) presented a very interesting
Morrison et al. (2017) disclosed detailed geologi- review that updates all available information on
cal, mineralogical, geochemical and microbiological antibacterial clays, aiming to understand the factors
data of OMT clay deposit. The authors studied and and mechanisms of action involved in the elimination
discussed the correlations between mineralogy and of human pathogenic microorganisms. It has recog-
chemistry and the antibacterial activity of specific nized that pH and Eh, i.e., the clay/water paste
clays from the studied deposit. The bactericidal

Environ Geochem Health (2020) 42:3507–3527 3515

oxidation potential, are determining factors for the microbiocenosis has the ability for self-purification
identification of clay antibacterial potential. and regeneration of its composition. The high content
The bactericidal character of certain clays was also of nitrifying and iron-oxidizing aerobic bacteria
recognized by Behroozian et al. (2016), after inves- justifies the antimicrobial effect for E. coli incubated
tigating the antibacterial activity of ‘‘Kisameet clay’’ in the mud suspension with an infective dose of
occurring in a glacial clay deposit of Quaternary age, 106 CFU/cm3.
located 450 km to northwest of Vancouver—British Adusumilli and Haydel (2016) evaluated the
Columbia, Canada. This clay shows a dark-greenish- in vitro antibacterial activity of a panel of clay
gray color, which becomes light gray when dried. mixtures and their derivative leachates against M.
The ESKAPE group of pathogenic bacteria (Ente- ulcerans. The authors also assessed the in vivo
rococcus faecium, Staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella efficacy of topically applied hydrated clays on Buruli
pneumoniae, Acinetobacter baumannii, Pseudomonas ulcer progression in mice infected with M. ulcerans.
aeruginosa, Enterobacter species) identified in Kisa- The research had revealed that specific clays exhibit
meet clay is responsible for the majority of hospital in vitro bactericidal activity against Gram-negative
infections caused by bacteria which are becoming and Gram-positive pathogens, and exhibit in vitro
increasingly resistant to antibiotics. Curiously, the bactericidal activity against M. ulcerans. The results
name ESKAPE, composed of the initials of the names point out that hydrated clay poultices may offer a
of the mentioned bacteria, is homophone of the complementary and integrative strategy for topically
English term ‘‘escape’’ that means to escape to the treating Buruli ulcer disease.
activity of all the antimicrobial agents available. For Recently, Zarate-Reyes et al. (2017a, b) reported
hundreds of years and empirically, the excellent the compositional factors associated with the antimi-
‘‘Kisameet clay’’ therapeutic properties were crobial activity of a clayey mineral (Fe2?-saponite)
appointed in the treatment of diseases, such as sampled in Brunnenberg (Germany). The authors
ulcerative colitis, duodenal ulcer, arthritis, phlebitis showed that this clay was active against Gram-
and burns (Hauser 1950, 1952). In vitro experiments negative bacteria Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas
performed by Behroozian et al. (2016) showed that the aeruginosa, Salmonella and Klebsiella pneumonia,
antimicrobial activity of Kisameet clay is clearly but it was not active against Gram-positive bacteria.
significant in the case of the ESKAPE group bacteria. Unlike Gram-positive bacteria, Gram-negative bacte-
Svensson et al. (2017), who previously had shown ria have an external membrane reason why their cell
the effective activity of ‘‘Kisameet clay’’ against a walls are less porous and receptive to solutes, includ-
variety of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, had studied the ing antibiotics.
geochemistry and the microbiome of this clay.
Surprisingly, the authors found in the clay’s micro- Clay minerals as efficient carriers of antibacterial
biome the presence of a great diversity of resident metals and drugs
bacteria that could act as bio-control agents or as
producers of novel bioactive compounds. In the last decades, studies recognized that clay
In fact, ‘‘Kisameet clay’’ being relatively rich in Fe minerals act as efficient carriers of active drug
presents a surprising number of different bacterial molecules, aiming towards applications in the medical
species represented by the following phyla: Proteobac- industry. In fact, clay minerals or modified clay
teria (the most represented), Bacteroidetes, Acti- minerals can be used as carriers of drugs including
nobacteria, Acidobacteria and Firmicutes. Based on antibacterial drugs.
these studies, the possibility that particular bacterial Very recently, Viseras et al. (2019) produced a
species of the resident bacterial communities could review of recent research on the use of clay minerals in
contribute, through the genetic interaction between advanced skin drug delivery systems, which for the
microbes, to their inhibitory properties should not be authors represent an attractive alternative to the drug
discarded. oral pathway. Clay minerals due to their singular
Panko et al. (2016) investigated the physicochem- properties are ideal candidates for the development of
ical and microbiological properties of Black Sea mud/ intelligent skin drug delivery systems. The authors
peloid. The authors found out that the mud/peloid after a brief introduction of skin anatomy and

3516 Environ Geochem Health (2020) 42:3507–3527

physiology and biopharmaceutical features of drug Aguzzi et al. (2014) presented a comprehensive and
penetration through the skin layers present a review detailed study of the structure of montmorillonite–
the use of clay minerals in the skin-addressed phar- chitosan–silver sulfadiazine and the interactions
maceutical field. Clay minerals-bearing medicines involved, and Sandri et al. (2014) developed MMT/
clay may be administered on/into/through the skin. CS loaded with silver sulfadiazine (AgSD) as a
Cerri et al. (2004) showed the use of zeolites in dressing for cutaneous application against Pseu-
biomedical applications, and presented an example of domonas aeruginosa; AgSD loaded nanocomposites
the use of zeolite as carrier for antibiotics in anti-acne improve antimicrobial properties of the drug.
topical therapy. Pourabolghasem et al. (2016) investigated the
Holešová et al. (2016) studied the antimicrobial antibacterial activity of Cu-doped montmorillonite
activity of kaolinite and of kaolinite nanocomposites nanocomposites. The synthesis of Cu-clay nanocom-
against bacteria strains of Staphylococcus aureus, posites was carried at 550 °C using a alkaline ion
Escherichia coli and Candida albicans, and the exchange processes in media containing copper sul-
authors found out that particularly the nanocomposites fate. The antimicrobial effects of Cu-doped montmo-
carrying chlorhexidine dihydrochloride as an antimi- rillonite powders against pathogen bacterial strains of
crobial agent were very effective. Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus were
The development of suitable materials with the tested in broth media. The results were positive with
ability to inhibit the growth of microbes is one of the 99.98% mortality against E. coli, and 100% mortality
current topics of medical research. For instance, against S. aureus. The montmorillonite alone, i.e., not
diseases that affect the oral cavity such as oral Cu-doped, had no antibacterial activity.
candidiasis and periodontal diseases are a significant Syafawani et al. (2016) had used Cu2?-doped
public health problem. A solution might be offered by kaolinite as the antibacterial agent against Gram-
anchoring the drug to a suitable carrier (e.g., the clay positive bacteria (S. aureus and E. faecalis) and Gram-
mineral halloysite) that can provide transport to the negative bacteria (E. coli and P. aeruginosa). The
specific place in the body, gradual release and hence authors found out that Cu2?-kaolinite, prepared by
side-effects suppression. treatment with CuNO33H2O, was active and that
Organoclays are a large group of hybrid materials becomes still more active after the modification of
of various types based on clay minerals, essentially kaolinite with a cationic surfactant.
montmorillonite, modified with organic compounds. Ghorbanpour et al. (2017) made the characteriza-
Most common organoclays contain cationic surfac- tion and evaluation of the bacterial activity of a
tants, usually the alkylammonium type. Quaternary synthetic Ag-nanoclay composite obtained by solid
alkylammonium cations, a group of organic com- ion exchange. The tests showed clearly the antibacte-
pounds, are suitable for modifying the surface prop- rial effects against Gram-negative Escherichia coli
erties of clay minerals. Quaternary ammonium salts and Staphylococcus aureus.
used in the industry as broad-range antimicrobial and Garshabi et al. (2017) used modified clay minerals
disinfection also exhibit activity against resistant to test the antibacterial properties of ZnO/nanoclay
bacteria (Yuen et al. 2015). hybrids (montmorillonite immersed for some time into
Antibacterial activity of clay-ciprofloxacin com- ZnCl at 350 °C and 450 °C) against Gram-negative
posites against the common skin bacteria Staphylo- Escherichia coli and Gram-positive Staphylococcus
coccus epidermis and Propionibacterium acnes was aureus bacteria. The obtained results suggest that this
demonstrated to be a potential delivery system for hybrid had a toxic effect on the bacteria, most
ciprofloxacin molecules aimed at designing novel probably associated with the photocatalytic mecha-
wound dressings (Hamilton et al. 2014). nism of nanosize zincite, ZnO, which generates
Malachová et al. (2011) investigated the antibacte- hydrogen peroxide causing the degradation of the
rial and antifungal activities of nanocomposites based bacteria membrane structure.
on montmorillonite (MMT) doped with the metals, Jiao et al. (2017) produced an interesting article
such as: Ag-MMT, Cu-MMT and Zn-MMT. The tests about preparation, characterization, antimicrobial and
were successfully against Escherichia coli, Pycno- cytoxicity of Cu–Zn loaded montmorillonite.
porus cinnabarinus and Pleurotus ostreatus.

Environ Geochem Health (2020) 42:3507–3527 3517

Garshabi et al. (2017) used modified clay minerals microorganisms of skin microbiome. The authors
to test the antibacterial properties of ZnO/nanoclay suggest that mud has several properties that may
hybrids (montmorillonite immersed for some time into explain their action on skin microbiome with different
ZnCl at 350 °C and 450 °C) against Gram-negative effects on commensal and pathogenic microorgan-
Escherichia coli and Gram-positive Staphylococcus isms. More information about skin microbiome and of
aureus bacteria. The obtained results suggest that this mud effects can be found in papers produced by the
hybrid had a toxic effect on the bacteria, most following authors: Gao et al. (2008), Grice et al.
probably associated with the photocatalytic mecha- (2009), Cho and Blaser (2012), Belkaide and Segre
nism of nanosize zincite (ZnO), which generates (2014) and Belkaide and Hand (2014).
hydrogen peroxide causing the degradation of the
bacteria membrane structure. Other microbicidal minerals
Bujdáková et al. (2018) tested the antibacterial
properties and physicochemical characteristics of Not only some clays and clay minerals can show
organoclays based on montmorillonite and quaternary microbicidal activity. For instance, some specific Fe-
alkylammonium and phosphonium cations, on the bearing minerals, such as pyrite, FeS2, proved to be
Gram-positive bacteria Staphylococcus aureus, and on highly reactive in water sanitation both in the form of
the Gram-negative bacteria Escherichia coli. The slurries or leachates (Friedlander et al. 2015). How-
antimicrobial effect of montmorillonite alone was ever, the authors have demonstrated that pyrite
negligible, but the organoclay integrating the dode- leachate is more effective than pyrite slurry for the
cyltrimethylammonium cation had reduced the sur- bacteria Escherichia coli.
vival of both S. aureus and E. coli by over 93%. Ferrous iron in solution drives the bacterial elim-
It is possible to provide antibacterial properties to ination and a steady production of ROS (Reactive
inert materials, such as clays, by treating them with Oxygen Species). In addition, pyrite oxidation by acid
metallic ions with bacteriostatic nature (Ag, Cu and (H2SO4) treatment produces OH radicals. For the
Zn). In recent years, there has been much interest on authors, ROS may disrupt the bacteria cell membrane,
the development of materials able to inhibit bacteria while Fe2? in solution infiltrates and overwhelms the
growth in everyday products, like paints, kitchenware, cell. Anyway, the experiments proved the importance
school and hospital tools, etc. The inorganic antibac- of chemical interaction relatively to physical interac-
terial materials, such as modified clays, show clearly tion in bacterial elimination. The chemical drives
advantages relatively to the traditionally used organic resulting from pyrite dissolution are: Fe2? (aq.), ROS
materials, for instance, in terms of chemical stability, and acidity.
thermal resistance, long lasting action and users’
2FeS2 þ 7O2 þ 2H2 O ! 2Fe2þ 2
ðaq:Þ þ 4SO4 ðaq:Þ
Ghezzi et al. (2018) used halloysite nanotubes þ 4Hþ
simply as the carrier of salicylic acid (SA), a Regarding acidic pyrite dissolution at pH = 3, the
crystalline organic acid reckoned as a key ingredient experiments carried out by Friedlander et al. (2015)
in a topical anti-acne product that is characterized by and Cunningham et al. (2010) point out that pH is not
its bactericidal and antiseptic properties. Compared the driving factor of pyrite’s bactericidal properties.
with the activity of free SA, the integrated system Hal/ Worldwide diarrheal diseases are the second most
SA after being into contact with aqueous substrates common cause of death for children under 5 years old.
provides enhanced antibacterial activity. Edraki and These diseases are attributed to pathogenic contami-
Zaarei (2018) have reported the antimicrobial activity nation of drinking water by Rotavirus, Cryptosporid-
of the hybrid composite Na-montmorillonite [Na- ium, Enterotoxigenic, Escherichia coli and Shigella.
MMT/2-mercaptobenzimidazole (MBI)] against Sta- Water disinfection is the removal, deactivation or
phylococcus epidermis and Escherichia coli. For the killing of pathogenic microorganisms existing in
authors in this case, the clay mineral is just the vehicle water. Clays and modified clay minerals are good
in the interlayer spaces of the synthesized compound. adsorbents for bacteria removal in water, reason why
Very recently, Antonelli and Donelli (2018) inves- they are used in wastewater treatment and
tigated the effects of therapeutic mud on

3518 Environ Geochem Health (2020) 42:3507–3527

environmental bioremediation due to their large could occur in clay at concentrations up to a few
surface areas and surface charge (Yuan et al. 2015). thousand mg kg-1. The same authors tested prepara-
The use of modified clay–polymer composites for tions in which cultures of Staphylococcus aureus and
removal of bacteria existing in water has been Pseudomonas aeruginosa were added to the clay and
extensively discussed (Unuabonah and Taubert 2014). concluded that the bactericidal effect identified for the
Unuabonah and Taubert (2014), Unuabonah et al. two pathogenic microorganisms resulted from the
2017a, b) have shown the bacteriostatic character of presence and action of boron (B) in the form of boric
clay composites. acid, B(OH)3, rather than from the nature of the clay.
Very recently in USA, two patents had been The antibacterial activity of metal-zeolite compo-
applied, one entitled ‘‘Synthetic antibacterial clay sitions had been demonstrated by Feng et al. (2000),
compositions and method of using same—Ref. Top and Ulku (2004), Jung et al. (2008), De la Rosa-
US2013/0004544A1,’’ and the other ‘‘Antibacterial Gomez et al. (2008), Ferreira et al. (2012), Lemire
clay compositions for use as a topical ointment—Ref. et al. (2013) and Rossainz-Castro et al. (2016).
US2018/0021374A1.’’ The scope of the first patent by Bui et al. (2016) demonstrated that bentonite from
Metge et al. (2013) considers the use of synthetic the Tam Bo deposit in Vietnam, after modification
bactericidal compositions having clay like properties with Ag (silver) nanoparticles, can effectively inhibit
and the definition of a methodology to use the the growth of opportunistic pathogens, such as Ente-
compositions to topical treatment of bacterial skin rococcus faecalis, Escherichia coli, Proteus mirabilis,
infections and skin diseases. The scope of the second Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Salmonella typhimurium,
invention applied by Tuba (2018) is also the treatment Staphylococcus aureus and Candida albicans.
of bacterially caused skin infections and skin diseases, Morrison et al. (2017) after having studied the
being the pH a determinant factor for rendering the antibacterial activity of several types of clay, (pyrite-
clay bactericidal. When natural clays reveal antibac- bearing, non-sulfide-bearing and red oxidized clays)
terial properties these are attributed to reducing from Cascade Mountains, Oregon (USA), had found
agents, as a rule Fe2? making part, either of clay the greatest antibacterial activity for pyrite bearing-
minerals crystallochemical composition (particularly clays comparatively to non-sulfide-bearing white
of smectite-rich clay minerals), or of external com- clays and had not found antibacterial activity for the
pounds, natural or synthetic. red oxidized clays.
The inventions discuss the preparation of pastes by Milenkovic et al. (2017) demonstrated the antibac-
mixing clay or clay minerals, natural or synthetic, with terial activity on Escherichia coli isolates using two
water and reducing agents, such as pyrite (FeS2) and zeolites, clinoptilolite (natural) and zeolite A (syn-
its polymorph marcasite (FeS2), pyrrhotite (Fe1-x S, thetic), enriched in Cu2?, Zn2? and Ag1? ions, and
where x = 0–0.2), melanterite (FeSO47H2O), as well three distinct water media (peptone water, commercial
as the synthetic salt FeSO4. spring water, lake water). The authors concluded that:
Photo-Jones et al. (2015) studied and confirmed the (a) the antibacterial activity was linked to the metal
antibacterial properties of Samian’s earth (SEGI) type and not to the zeolite type; (b) the order for the
occurring in the Greek island Samos (Aegean Sea), antibacterial activity was Ag [ Cu [ Zn; (c) 100%
whose pharmacological action had already been antibacterial was achieved using Ag–zeolites; and
recognized by Dioscorides (In: ‘‘Matter of Medical (d) the antibacterial activity was not attributed to
Matter,’’ book V, 172), by Galenus (In: De Simplicium cytoplasmic membrane damage.
Medicamentorum) and by Pliny (In: Historia Natu- This powerful antibacterial activity of Ag–zeolites
ralis, book XXXV). Dioscorides stated the existence had been already demonstrated by Hrenovic et al.
of two varieties of SEGI, the variety called collyrion (2012, 2013), and by Demirci et al. (2014). The porous
used as a medicament for eye affections, and the structure of zeolites enables metal cations to move
variety called aster used in the laundry sweep. freely, and this seems to be responsible for their
Geological, mineralogical and chemical studies bactericidal activity (Kwakye-Awuah et al. 2008).
conducted by Photo-Jones et al. (2015) have identified Zarate-Reyes et al. ((2017a, b)) had shown the
that colemanite, Ca2B8O115H2O and ulexite NaCaB5- bacteriostatic character of brucite [Mg (OH)2],
O98H2O, both boron minerals, and the boron element

Environ Geochem Health (2020) 42:3507–3527 3519

mineral in which Fe can replace a small part of Mg, on with the skin, the great responsible for peloids
Escherichia coli. therapeutic interest.
As a rule, peloids are applied directly onto the skin,
reason why they should be sanitary safe, both chem-
Experimental studies on bacteriostatic ically and microbiologically. For cosmetic peloids, the
and bactericidal clay EU has fixed the qualitative and quantitative guideli-
nes for their sanitary safety against pathogenic
Authors’ interest on bacteriostatic/bactericidal clays microorganisms (European Standard EN ISO
was rise on the course of their studies and experiences 17516:2014 Cosmetics-Microbiology-Microbiologi-
on peloids. In terms of general composition, there are cal Limit). However, the same do not happen so far
similarities between the clay/water systems used for for therapeutic or medical peloids, which are partic-
bacteriostatic/bactericidal purposes, and the clay/wa- ularly used in balneological treatments of rheumatic
ter systems called peloids used in therapeutic/cosmetic disabilities.
topical applications within the medical field of Naturally, it would be rather important to have
peloidotherapy or pelotherapy, and practiced inside available medical peloids free of pathogens and even,
the balnearies and other facilities of Thermal Centres in particular cases, bactericidal peloids. The authors
and Spas (Gomes et al. 2013; Gomes 2015, 2018). have carried out studies on both natural and modified
In both the aforesaid systems, it is assumed that the clay systems interesting on the authors’ perspective
liquid phase and not the solid phase is the major for the preparation of pathogens safe therapeutic and
responsible factor for the medicinal/cosmetic proper- cosmetic designed and engineered peloid.
ties, justifying the fact of peloids being studied and Extemporaneous peloids based on simple and
applied within the scope of the scientific field Medical chemically/microbiologically controlled composition
Hydrology, particularly in the treatment of rheumatic were prepared mixing clays of well known miner-
diseases, such as osteoarthritis and low back pain. alogical and chemical compositions with distilled and
A quite significant number of articles have been sterilized water or medicinal thermal water. The
produced in recent years on peloids characterization, experimental work being carried out so far by the
function and application (Delfino et al. 2003; Dreno authors has as major objectives the development of
2004; François et al. 2005; Costantino and Lampa bacteriological safe peloids as well as bactericidal
2005; Costantino 2006; Veniale et al. 2007; Bellometti peloids and bactericidal ointments able to treat
et al. 2007; Evcik et al. 2007; Fioravanti et al. 2011; particular infectious skin disorders.
Espejo-Antúnez et al. 2013; Maraver 2013, 2017; Two types of natural clay were assayed: one a very
Gomes et al. 2013; Baschini et al. 2010, 2014; white commercial Portuguese kaolin with reference
Fioravanti et al. 2014; Roques 2015; Gomes 2015; A-130 is essentially composed of structurally disor-
Gomes et al. 2015; Fioravanti and Chelesschi 2015; dered kaolinite and do not bears reduced transition
Centini et al. 2015; Rautureau et al. 2017; Maraver metals as is the case of Fe common in kaolins, the
2017; Gomes 2018). kaolin being used in white ceramics production. Other
Peloids are semisolid systems in which the solid very green Portuguese clay, with reference A-Campos,
component, generally consists of clay, and the liquid similar to the aforementioned ‘‘French green clays’’ in
component consists of mineral water from spring terms of mineral and chemical composition, is essen-
sources, or from deep settled boreholes, seawater or tially composed of illite and montmorillonite, clay
salt-lake water. In the solid component, its particle size minerals which bear reduced Fe in their crystallo-
distribution and particle shape, essentially determine chemical structures; the clay has been used for
peloids relevant physical properties: (a) viscosity; construction ceramics (mainly brick and roof tile)
(b) adhesiveness; (c) abrasiveness; (d) spreading; production.
(e) heat capacity and specific heat; and (f) cooling A-130 kaolin was sampled in the Alvarães kaolin
rate. In the liquid component, its chemical constituents deposit located near to Viana do Castelo, in the
and respective concentration essentially determine northwest of Portugal. A-130 kaolin had been submit-
peloids relevant chemical properties. Experience has ted to industrial processing, refining and beneficiation,
shown that it is the interaction of the liquid component in order to reduce grain size to less than 45 lm and

3520 Environ Geochem Health (2020) 42:3507–3527

concentrate kaolinite; its mineralogical composition In the preparation of both studied compositions, pH
determined by XRD analysis shows that the clay is was controlled in order to be kept within the range 4–5.
mainly composed of kaolinite-D, i.e., disordered Three bacteria strains: Pseudomonas aeruginosa
kaolinite making around 85% of the clay minerals 67p; Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 6538; Escherichia
total content, dioctahedral illite/mica making around coli ATCC 25,922 were used in the tests carried out.
7%, and other minerals (mainly quartz) making about For test control, one disk with com 5 lg of antibiotic
8%. A-130 clay shows a specific surface area (SSA) of (CIP, ciprofloxacin) was used. Test strains (0.5McFar-
30 m2 g-1 and cation exchange capacity (CEC)— land inoculum) were inoculated into 90 mm Petri
18 meq/100 g. dishes with Mueller–Hinton agar and in triplicate.
A-Campos clay was sampled in the Clays of A sample of A-130 kaolin weighing 15 g was
Aveiro-Ílhavo-Vagos geological formation (Upper previously sterilized by heating at 200 °C during 1 h
Cretaceous), from an occurrence located near the was mixed with bi-distilled and sterilized water in a
center of Aveiro city (Portugal). The clay sample 50/50 weight ratio. To the obtained paste, 0.15% of
exhibits very sharp green color and is very finely FeSO4 previously dissolved in water was added to the
grained (75% \ 2 lm), plasticity index (PI) - 29, paste, and the Ref: CAUF was given to the compo-
specific surface area (SSA)—95 m2 g-1, and cation sition. A sample of the paste weighing 50–80 mg and a
exchange capacity (CEC)—60 meq/100 g. The XRD sample of ciprofloxacin antibiotic with Ref: ANTIBIO
results show that A-Campos clay is mainly composed afterwards placed in each of the disks. The plates
of dioctahedral and trioctahedral illite (70%) and wrapped in aluminum foil were incubated at 37 °C
smectite (20%). Kaolinite is a minor constituent during 18 h. Figure 1 shows images relative to the
(\ 10% of the total clay minerals content). evaluation of the antibacterial activity of the 3-com-
Table 1 shows the chemical composition data ponent composition corresponding to Kaolin A-130.
corresponding to A-Campos and A-130 clays. The appearance of a zone without growth around
Two compositions or formulations were prepared the disk/sample is indicative of a positive action, i.e.,
based on each one of the two distinctive types of clay material with antibacterial activity. The diameter of
beforehand referred to and analyzed. the zone of inhibition is related to the ability to inhibit,
The first composition a sample of A-130 kaolin a larger diameter indicates superior antibacterial
without reduced Fe was previously sterilized, and activity. Zones of inhibition were detected in the
afterwards blended with distilled and sterilized water kaolin sample tested for all strains assayed. The
until a consistent paste had been obtained. Then, a diameter of these zones ranged from 19 to 29 mm. For
solution of the synthetic salt, FeSO4, was added to the the control sample (CIP), the obtained results were as
paste in order to incorporate in it Fe2? as the reducing expected, i.e., all strains showed susceptibility to
agent. ciprofloxacin.
In the second composition, a sample of A-Campos Concerning A-Campos clay high bactericidal activ-
clay was properly blended with distilled and sterilized ity is shown for acid-activated samples, the acid
water until a consistent paste had been obtained. Fe2? treatment could turn free and bioavailable the struc-
assumed as being an effective reducing agent is a tural Fe existing in illite and montmorillonite, whereas
constituent of the structural octahedral sheets of both weak activity was shown for non acid-activated
illite and montmorillonite clay minerals, and to get samples.
such Fe free and bioavailable acid activation was Assays were carried out too, and with equivalent
performed. results, substituting the bi-distilled and sterilized water
Very distinctive pH values (controlled along the by sulfurous sodium bicarbonate natural mineral–
compositions processing) were obtained in both medicinal water (pH = 8.5) from the Portuguese São
studied compositions. As aforesaid very low (\ 4) Pedro do Sul thermal spa.
pH values could be by themselves bactericidal factors, As a conclusion of the overall experimental work
acidic pH values being required conditions for the being carried out, bacteriological safe and bacterici-
extraction of Fe2? from the clay mineral structures (in dal peloids able to treat particular infectious skin
the case of A-Campos clay), or from FeSO4 (in the disease can be developed using, either the 2-compo-
case of A-130 clay), in order to make it bioavailable. nents paste of A-Campos clay, or the 3-components

Environ Geochem Health (2020) 42:3507–3527 3521

Table 1 Chemical composition data (in % and mg kg-1) of clay natural composition, for instance, reduced Fe
A-Campos and A-130 clays bearing minerals, such as pyrite (FeS2), marcasite
Variables Units A Campos A-130 (FeS2), pyrrhotite (Fe1-x S) and arsenopyrite
SiO2 % 55.56 46.23 2. Clay itself is an active bactericidal player in case
Al2O3 % 19.99 37.07 of one or more than one of their constituent clay
TiO2 % 0.79 0.60 minerals bear in their crystallochemical structures
FeO % 4.90 – reduced metals that could become free through
Fe2O3 % 1.67 1.41 acid-activation dissolution, pH control and even-
MgO % 2.28 0.28 tual buffer being required; the pH of the clay
CaO % 0.46 0.02 composition or of the leachate conveniently
MnO % 0.03 0.03 should not be less than 4;
K2O % 6.15 1.23 3. Clay (natural, manipulated and modified, or
Na2O % 0.22 0.07 synthetic), not containing reduced metals in its
P2O5 % 0.04 0.13 composition, therefore not exhibiting antibacterial
SO3 % 0.08 0.04 properties, can acquire bacteriostatic or bacterici-
LOI % 7.59 12.75 dal properties if a reducing agent, natural or
As mg kg-1 5 n.d. synthetic, is added to the clay and is properly
Ba mg kg-1 n.d. 20 blended with it.
Br mg kg-1 3 n.d.
Any one of the three cases referred to the antibac-
Co mg kg-1 9.5 5
terial activity can be exhibited, either by the compo-
Cl mg kg-1 80 n.d.
sitions themselves, or just by their leachates.
Cr mg kg-1 51 35
Clay with reference A-130 is clearly an example of
Cu mg kg-1 16 n.d.
bactericidal activity classified into the type 3 referred
F mg kg-1 65 n.d. to, whereas clay with reference A-Campos is clearly
Pb mg kg-1 27 12 an example of bactericidal activity classified into the
Ni mg kg 22 9 type 2 referred to.
Sb mg kg-1 n.d. 2 The white color of A-130 kaolin and other relevant
Sr mg kg-1 67 13 physical properties are determinant in case of prepa-
Th mg kg-1 16 23 ration of clay-based bacteriological safe and bacteri-
U mg kg-1 3 6 cidal ointments addressed to the healing of wound
V mg kg 60 38 infections of the skin (Gomes et al. 2019).
Zn mg kg-1 34 27 Studies go on considering the effect of different
About 75% of Fe of A-Campos clay is in the Fe 2?
state; all Fe variables such as pH, Eh and reducing agent nature.
of A-130 clay is in the Fe3? state Particularly minerals bearing transition metals other
n.d. not determined, LOI loss on ignition than Fe, for instance: Cu associated with Fe in
chalcopyrite (CuFeS2), Cu in covellite (CuS), and Zn
in sphalerite (ZnS)], incorporated into the composi-
tions, either in solution, or in slurry prepared with clay
paste of A-130 kaolin. The authors consider also that (bentonite and kaolin)/water (distilled and mineral–
clay can play a threefold role in clay-based bacteri- medicinal) mixtures, are considered. The activity of
cidal compositions: the aqueous leachates of the corresponding composi-
1. Clay is simply a vehicle or carrier of the bacte- tions will be studied too. The lifetime of clay-based
ricidal agent (metal), either just fixed in the ion topical ointments, i.e., the time along which the
form at the surfaces of the clay mineral particles ointment being used maintains the bactericidal activ-
taking advantage of the high specific surface area, ity, is another research target.
electric charge and ion exchange capacity of the
clay minerals, or as an associate component of the

3522 Environ Geochem Health (2020) 42:3507–3527



Fig. 1 The images show the results of the evaluation of the antibacterial activity of the CAUF and ANTIBIO samples against the
strains: Pseudomonas aeruginosa (a); Staphylococcus aureus (b) and Escherichia coli (c)

Conclusions 4. clay minerals structural changes induced by

heating, even if dehydration leads do the partial
This work was intended to be an attempt to get an collapse of their structures, do not affect both clay
overview, in a synthetic way, of the short history bactericidal and bacteriostatic activities; such
involving bacteriostatic and bactericidal clays. The could be confirmed with kaolin A-130 that in the
main target was the understanding and explanation of authors experiments had been previously steril-
clay intrinsic or extrinsic crystallochemical endow- ized by heating at 200 °C during 1 h.
ments and limitations, always on the basis of exper-
This work was also intended to be an attempt to
imental work needed to identify and characterize the
develop formulations of designed and engineered
factors or agents determining and conditioning those
peloids (a variety of extemporaneous peloids) based
properties, and to identify the bactericidal mechanisms
on clay of simple, sterile and controllable composi-
of action.
tion, modified to exhibit bactericidal activity, and to
Within the intervening agents and variables it was
which a particular type of mineral–medicinal water
found out significance of the reducing agents, either
had been added, mixed and homogenized. As a paste
naturally co-existing with the clay, or if being absent
or poultice or yet as a mask the obtained peloid
they adequately could be added to the clay.
conveniently exhibiting human skin friendly pH
Clay is an active player in clay-based compositions
(easily buffered if necessary) could be used in Thermal
showing bacteriostatic/bactericidal activity because:
Centres and Spas, for instance, in the treatment of
1. it bears the antibacterial reducing agent (for special cases of infectious skin disorders.
instance, Fe under the form of pyrite (FeS2) as Also, the frequently sanitary suspicious natural
an associate component in the natural clay peloids and peloids themselves currently used in
occurrence; peloidotherapy or pelotherapy could be replaced by
2. it bears the antibacterial reducing agent in the pathogens free bacteriostatic/bactericidal peloids in
structures of their constituent clay minerals (for the treatment, for instance, of musculoskeletal dis-
instance, illite and/or montmorillonite), only abilities, such as osteoarthritis and low back pain.
requiring its previous release by partial
dissolution; Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank Marta
Tacão and Isabel Henriques, staff members of CESAM and
3. is a simple vehicle or carrier of the antibacterial
Department of Biology, University of Aveiro, 3800-193 Aveiro,
reducing agent external to the clay, for instance, Portugal, and of CESAM and Department of Life Sciences,
FeSO4 that has been adequately added in aqueous Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Coimbra,
solution and properly mixed with the clay; Portugal, respectively, for their contribution with regard to the
microbiological studies of two Portuguese clays looking at any
eventual bacteriostatic and bactericidal properties.

Environ Geochem Health (2020) 42:3507–3527 3523

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