Intro-to-Human Growth-Development-Exchange Ideas

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SOCSCI 61: Personal Development

Introduction to Human Growth & Development

A.Y. 2023-2024, 1st Semester



Name of Student: Nelle Ann P. Soldevilla Class/Yr. Section: AHS 12 - D

School Email: Date of Submission: September 30,


A. Watch the video presentation of Alexander Tsiaras that shows a fascinating visualization of
human development from conception to birth.
( ). This video was filmed on December
2012 during the INK Conference, TED Talk. Answer each question in 2-3 sentences.

1. What do you think are the key differences between growth, maturation, and development?
- Growth is the term used to describe physical changes in an organism's size or
mass whether it is their height, weight, or body proportions. The biological and
physiological processes that guide an organism's natural development toward
a matured brain and fully developed state which becomes more complex and
capable are referred to as maturation. Growth and maturity are included in the
broader, more all-encompassing phrase of "development." It describes the
gradual, ongoing process of development and advancement in a person's
physiological, psychological, social, and emotional functioning.

2. Identify any examples in the video that illustrate physical growth and evidence of
maturation in individuals?
- It is a unique process that encompasses both physical growth and evidence of
maturation as a person grows inside the womb from conception (sperm-egg
fertilization) through birth. It is clear from this process of conception through
birth that human development is extremely complex, involving not just
physical growth but also the maturation of cells, tissues, and organs. It is
evidence of the complex procedures that turn a solitary fertilized cell into a
fully formed human being.

3. How does the environment, including nutrition and upbringing, impact growth, maturation,
and development?
- The environment, which includes nutrition, upbringing, and exposure to
various stressors, has a variety of effects on how they grow, mature, and
develop. While unfavorable or detrimental effects might hinder healthy
growth, supportive and loving environmental elements can aid it. In order to
promote optimal development and solve difficulties that people may

encounter during their growth and maturation processes, it is crucial to
recognize the significance of various environmental influences.

4. After watching the video, how has your understanding of growth, maturation, and
development evolved or deepened?
- It takes a lifetime to fully comprehend development, maturation, and growth.
It frequently takes a mix of academic research, real-world experience, self-
reflection, and a genuine interest to investigate these intricate and numerous
facets of human life and growth to gain a deeper understanding. But after that
video I was able to see the stages of development, growth, and maturation
that I have experienced already. With that, I believe that in the next few years I
will also bear my own child and witness his/her own growth, maturation, and

5. What aspects of these concepts can you relate to your own life experiences or
- The video that was shown was part of my own journey in life. These are just a
few examples of how growth, maturation, and development can be observed
and experienced in everyday life. These concepts provide a framework for
understanding and making sense of the various changes and transitions that
individuals go through from infancy to old age. And with the age of 18, I expect
that I would be able to experience even more changes not just to my body but
also to my mental state of maturity and to my development as an adult.

(Note: Kindly delete the lines when you input your answer.)

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