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Torre Colpatria, Bogotá DC.

This city is one of the most beautiful in Colombia, was the main for the construction of other cities
in its beginnings, has museums and historical moments that keeps the memory of the country, has
different places for all tastes, variety of cultures and main monuments.

It is the capital of Colombia, Bogotá DC, located in the eastern cordillera of the Andes constituted by
20 localities, epicenter of the country in economy, politics, administrative, cultural, tourist and
sports. The weather is totally varied, usually it is cold but it is a perfect climate to dress as you want,
but always carry a warm jacket because it rains at any time.

It is well known for the house of nariño, bolivar square, colpatria tower, monserrate hill, candelaria,
simon bolivar park, amusement parks, calera, shopping centers, important churches, restaurants
recognized worldwide among other things.

I really like this city as it is a meeting of cultures of other cities or parts of the world come mainly to
the capital and you can meet people from different places, know different stories. The architecture
of the city is really beautiful, many compare it to New York, I don’t know it but I believe them, I love

Paola Nicole Monsalve Vanegas

Cod: 20222255104

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